def read_vars(): """Send read request message to remote device and wait for response, then update values""" global sent_messages serial_port = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE) xbee = DigiMesh(serial_port, escaped=True) # , callback=message_received # Send read request message # TODO: Broadcast? for device in Device.objects.filter(active=True): if sent_messages: sent_messages.sort() message_id = sent_messages[-1] + 1 else: message_id = 1'Sending message to device %s', device.slug) msg_request = struct.pack('HB', message_id, READ_REQUEST) try: xbee.tx(dest_addr=bytearray.fromhex(device.address), data=msg_request) except ValueError as e: logger.error("Message not sent to device %s", device.slug, exc_info=1) else: # Add message id to queue sent_messages.append(message_id) while sent_messages: # TODO: Why using callback function not working packet = xbee.wait_read_frame() message_received(packet) break # TODO: Implement something to clean sent_messages queue and remove this break serial_port.close()
def __init__(self, location): self.serial_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' self.baud_rate = 57600 self.broadcast_addr = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff' # For DigiMesh #self.broadcast_addr = b'\xff\xff' # For ZigBee self.ser = serial.Serial(self.serial_port, self.baud_rate) time.sleep(1) try: self.xbee_device = DigiMesh(self.ser, callback=self.xbeeCallback) #self.xbee_device = ZigBee(self.ser, callback = self.xbeeCallback) except: rospy.logwarn("!!!! ERROR - DigiMesh OBJECT NOT INITIALIZED !!!!") if location == 'AGENT': # Comm node onboard agent rospy.loginfo(" ::: NODE INITIALIZED AS AGENT COMM NODE ::: ") rospy.Subscriber("AgentInformation", AgentInfo, self.agentCallback) self.pubTasks = rospy.Publisher("AgentTasks", TaskMessage, queue_size=10) self.pubInit = rospy.Publisher("AgentInit", InitMessage, queue_size=10) elif location == 'GND': # Comm node on ground station rospy.loginfo(" ::: NODE INITIALIZED AS GCS COMM NODE ::: ") rospy.Subscriber("TaskActions", TaskMessage, self.tasksCallback) rospy.Subscriber("InitInformation", InitMessage, self.initCallback) self.pubEnemy = rospy.Publisher("EnemyInfo", EnemyInfo, queue_size=10) self.pubAgent = rospy.Publisher("AgentInfo", AgentInfo, queue_size=10) self.fConv = FrameConvertor() else: rospy.loginfo( "!!!! ERROR - COMM NODE TYPE NOT RECOGNISED - %s !!!!", location)
def __init__(self): try: self.ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 9600, 5) except serial.SerialException: print "Wrong port, trying with a different one" self.ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600, 5) self.xbee = DigiMesh(self.ser) self.dest_addr = '\x00\x13\xA2\x00\x40\xC1\x65\xCE' self.addr_init_low = '\x00\x00\x00\x00' self.addr_init_high = '\x00\x00\x00\x00' self.chan_init = '\x00' self.pan_init = '\x00\x00' sleep(5) self.load_init()
class PI_XBEE: def __init__(self, com_port): self.ser = serial.Serial(com_port, 9600) self.zb = DigiMesh(self.ser) start_new_thread(self.recv_thread, ()) = "" self.i = 0 def recv_thread(self): #while True: incoming = self.zb.wait_read_frame() = incoming.get('data').decode("utf-8") print( def send_msg(self, message): #sending code self.zb.send("tx", id = b'\x10', frame_id = b'\x00', \ dest_addr = b'\x00\x13\xA2\x00\x41\x54\xF3\xFF', \ reserved = b'\xFF\xFE', broadcast_radius = b'\x00', \ options = b'\x00', data = 'Obstruction Detected')
def main(args=None): """The main routine.""" if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] try: global client client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.connect("", 1883, 5) time.sleep(1) except socket.gaierror as e: # print(sys.exc_info()[:2]) print(str(e)) exit() attached = get_serial_port() if attached is not None: print("Connected to XBee on {}.\n".format(attached)) serial_port = serial.Serial(attached, 9600) xbee = DigiMesh(serial_port, callback=print_data) print("Connected to MQTT Broker.\n") client.loop_start() else: print("Unable to detect XBee.\n") exit() while True: try: time.sleep(0.001) except KeyboardInterrupt: break print("Disconnected from MQTT Broker.\n") client.disconnect() client.loop_stop() print("Disconnected from XBee on {}.\n".format(attached)) xbee.halt() serial_port.close()
class XBEE_PRO: """ Initialize XbeePro instance, it check to which of the USB port it is connected (ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB1), also it sets the baudrate to 9600 (works better with this value you are free to try another baudrates: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600). """ def __init__(self): try: self.ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 9600, 5) except serial.SerialException: print "Wrong port, trying with a different one" self.ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600, 5) self.xbee = DigiMesh(self.ser) self.dest_addr = '\x00\x13\xA2\x00\x40\xC1\x65\xCE' self.addr_init_low = '\x00\x00\x00\x00' self.addr_init_high = '\x00\x00\x00\x00' self.chan_init = '\x00' self.pan_init = '\x00\x00' sleep(5) self.load_init() def load_init(self): self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='A', command='AP', parameter="\x01") response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='A', command='CH') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.chan_init = response['parameter'] self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='B', command='ID') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.pan_init = response['parameter'] self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='C', command='DL') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.addr_init_low = response['parameter'] self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='D', command='DH') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.addr_init_high = response['parameter'] self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='A', command='AP', parameter="\x02") response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.dest_addr = self.addr_init_high + self.addr_init_low """enable encryption""" self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='A', command='EE', parameter="\x01") response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() """This encryption key represents "UQnetkeYUQnetkeY", if you want to change they key simply go to an online converter string->hex and the copy below in parameter, example: * if result string->hex = "58551556", then add the scape character before a byte, 58551556 -> \x58\x55\x15\x56""" self.xbee.send( "at", frame_id='A', command='KY', parameter= "\x55\x51\x6e\x65\x74\x6b\x65\x59\x55\x51\x6e\x65\x74\x6b\x65\x59") response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() """ Set the channel to the DigiMesh antenna to communicate, you will be expecting 2 'OK' responses when you set this, one OK for setting the channel, and another one when writing to volatile memory in the device, if not then try again. """ def set_chan(self): new_chan = raw_input("Enter new channel (from (0C to 17)): ") new_chan_hex = unhexlify(new_chan) #write the channel self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='A', command='CH', parameter=new_chan_hex) response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) #write to volatile memory self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) """ Set the panID to the DigiMesh antenna to communicate, you will be expecting 2 'OK' responses when you set this, one OK for setting the panID, and another one when writing to volatile memory in the device, if not then try again. """ def set_pan_id(self): new_pan = raw_input("Enter new PAN ID (from (0000 to FFFF)): ") new_pan_hex = unhexlify(new_pan) #write the pandID self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='B', command='ID', parameter=new_pan_hex) response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) #write to volatile memory self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) """ Set the destination address of the DigiMesh antenna, the default value for this variable is 0013A20040C165CE, if you are working with a different address then use this function and the variable will change. The variable of the address will be used to create the frame that will be sent to the base. You will be expecting three 'OK's responses one for setting the LSB of the address, another one when setting the MSB of the address and the last one when writting to volatile memory of the device. """ def set_dest_addr(self): lower = raw_input("Enter LSBytes (from (00000000 to FFFFFFFF)): ") lower_hex = unhexlify(lower) #write LSB of the destination address self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='C', command='DL', parameter=lower_hex) response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) #write MSB of the destination address upper = raw_input("Enter MSBytes (from (00000000 to FFFFFFFF)): ") upper_hex = unhexlify(upper) self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='D', command='DH', parameter=upper_hex) response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) #write to volatile memory self.dest_addr = upper_hex + lower_hex self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_at_parsing(response) """ Send the frame to the base, we create a frame because the device is working in API2 mode, it does not matter if the receiver (base) is in transparent mode or API2, the message will be receive accordingly to what it is needed. Example is the base is set to API2 mode, then we receive the entire frame, if the base is set to transparent mode then it will receive only the data needed. """ def send_data(self, message): self.xbee.send("tx", frame_id='G', dest_addr=self.dest_addr, data=message) response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.resp_tx_parsing(response) """ Check status of the AT commands, if you want to be more specific on the responses you could add more of this options in the if statements, ['frame_id'] , ['command'] , ['status'] , ['parameter']. """ def resp_at_parsing(self, response): if response['status'] == '\x00': print "OK" elif response['status'] == '\x01': print "ERROR" elif response['status'] == '\x02': print "Invalid Command" elif response['status'] == '\x03': print "Invalid Parameter" else: print "No Response" """ Check status of the TX command, if you want to be more specific on the responses you could add more of this options in the if statements, ['frame_id'] , ['reserved'] , ['retries'] , ['deliver_status'] , ['discover_status'] """ def resp_tx_parsing(self, response): if response['deliver_status'] == '\x00': print "Success" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x02': print "CCA Failure" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x15': print "Invalid Destination Endpoint" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x21': print "Network ACK Failure" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x22': print "Not Joined to Network" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x23': print "Self-addressed" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x24': print "Address not found" elif response['deliver_status'] == '\x25': print "Route not found" else: print "No Response" def gui_save(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='K', command=key, parameter=unhexlify(value)) response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() self.xbee.send("at", frame_id='F', command='WR') response = self.xbee.wait_read_frame() print response self.dest_addr = unhexlify(kwargs["DH"]) + unhexlify(kwargs["DL"]) """ Close the serial communication of the DigiMesh antenna. """ def close(self): self.xbee.halt() self.ser.close()
# coding=utf-8 # requires python-xbee from [email protected]:thom-nic/python-xbee.git import serial from xbee import DigiMesh import struct def hexify(str): return ':'.join(x.encode('hex') for x in str) serial_port = serial.Serial('/dev/XBEE_SERIAL', 115200) xbee = DigiMesh(serial_port) while True: try: #print serial_port.readline() frame = xbee.wait_read_frame() data = frame['data'] seq_num = struct.unpack('B', data[1])[0] message_part = struct.unpack('B', data[2])[0] message_part_total = struct.unpack('B', data[3])[0] message_data = data[4:] num_sats = 0 if len(message_data) > 2 and (message_data[0] == '\xdd'): ##or message_data[0] == '\xde'): num_sats = struct.unpack('B', message_data[2])[0] print hexify(data) # print seq_num, message_part, message_part_total, num_sats, len(data[4:]), hexify(message_data)
# coding=utf-8 # requires python-xbee from [email protected]:thom-nic/python-xbee.git import serial from xbee import DigiMesh import struct def hexify(str): return ':'.join(x.encode('hex') for x in str) serial_port = serial.Serial('/dev/XBEE_SERIAL', 115200) xbee = DigiMesh(serial_port) while True: try: #print serial_port.readline() frame = xbee.wait_read_frame() data = frame['data'] seq_num = struct.unpack('B', data[1])[0] message_part = struct.unpack('B', data[2])[0] message_part_total = struct.unpack('B', data[3])[0] message_data = data[4:] num_sats = 0 if len(message_data) > 2 and ( message_data[0] == '\xdd'): ##or message_data[0] == '\xde'): num_sats = struct.unpack('B', message_data[2])[0] print hexify(data) # print seq_num, message_part, message_part_total, num_sats, len(data[4:]), hexify(message_data)
import json # Configuration BLE_PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0" BLE_BAUD = 115200 XBEE_PORT = "/dev/ttyAMA0" XBEE_BAUD = 9600 XBEE_MESH_ID = "1234" # Xbee DigiMesh Network ID (0x0000 - 0xFFFF) XBEE_MESH_CH = "0C" # Xbee DigiMesh Channel ## (0x0C - 0x17) XBEE_MESH_DH = "0" # Default destination XBEE_MESH_DL = "FFFF" # Default destination XBEE_MESH_DESC = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF" # Escaped Destination ser_ble = serial.Serial(BLE_PORT, BLE_BAUD, timeout=1) ser_xbee = serial.Serial(XBEE_PORT, XBEE_BAUD, timeout=1) xbee = DigiMesh(ser_xbee) tag_discovered = [] # MAC addresses of identified tags tag_data = [] # data collected from tags # divides packet into Xbee MTU and sends # packet structure {"id", "pn", "dt"} # all packets share an id generated from hashing the data to send # the header packet has the total packets to be sent as data # pn is the packet number (used to join the packets), the header is 0 def packet_send(string): random_id = hash(string) % 768 + randint( 0, 256) # get and ID by hashing the string packet_num = 1 # starting number (from data) for piece in [string[x:x + 32] for x in range(0, len(string), 32)
url = baseurl + '/log_entry/' response =, headers=headers, json=payload) print("Response {0}".format(response.status_code)) ## Handler needed to interpet the responses etc. print("END") ####################################################################### ## Scrip Start ####################################################################### xbee = ZigBee(ser=ser, escaped=True, callback=persist_data) digi = DigiMesh(ser=ser) url = baseurl + '/field_device' all_devices = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()['objects'] while True: try: for device in all_devices: address = device['serial_id'] print("{0} - Requesting data from {1}".format(, address)) digi.tx(frame_id=b'\x01', dest_addr=bytes.fromhex(address), data=b'D') ## digi.tx(frame_id = b'\x01', dest_addr=address.decode('hex'), data=b'D')
from binascii import unhexlify import csv import sys from xbee import DigiMesh from xbee.python2to3 import byteToInt, intToByte import serial from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify, a2b_uu ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600) xbee = DigiMesh(ser) while True: hexAddress = "" x = xbee.wait_read_frame() #if a tx packet and not tx_status try: address = x['source_addr'] except KeyError: continue for y in address: y = (hex(y)) hexAddress = hexAddress + y # print(x) data = x['data'] data = data.split() frameType = data[0].decode('utf-8') #If radio receives update if frameType == '0': #data = 0 TT CC TT:TT:TT test = data[1].decode('utf-8')
# def ByteToHex(byteStr): return ''.join(["%02X" % ord(x) for x in byteStr]).strip() def decodeReceivedFrame(data): source_addr = ByteToHex(data['source_addr']) rf_data = data['data'] options = ByteToHex(data['options']) return [source_addr, rf_data, options] # Open serial port ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE) # Create API object xbee = DigiMesh(ser, escaped=True) import pprint pprint.pprint(xbee.api_commands) while True: try: data = xbee.wait_read_frame() decodedData = decodeReceivedFrame(data) print(decodedData) except KeyboardInterrupt: break xbee.halt() ser.close()
#! /usr/bin/python #import and init an XBee device from xbee import DigiMesh from binascii import unhexlify import csv import serial import array ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600) c=0 # Use an XBee 802.15.4 device xbee = DigiMesh(ser) with open('addresses.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f, dialect='excel-tab') for row in reader: if row['Car'] == '10': print(row['Car'], row['Address']) c=unhexlify(row['Address']) #xbee.tx_long_addr(dest_addr=b'\x13\xA2\x00\x41\x54\x53\xBC\xFE') a=b'\x10' b=b'\x01' #c=b'\x00\x13\xA2\x00\x41\x54\x53\xD0' c=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF' d=b'\x00' t1='15' t2='03' t3='33:33:33' tt= '0:' + t1 + ',' + t2 + ',' + t3 e= bytearray() e.extend(map(ord, tt)) print(c)
import serial import time from xbee import XBee, DigiMesh serial_port = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600) def error_call(e): print e def print_data(data): print data['data'] xbee = DigiMesh(serial_port, callback=print_data, escaped=True, error_callback=error_call) while True: try: time.sleep(0.001) except KeyboardInterrupt: break xbee.halt() serial_port.close()
class CommNode: def __init__(self, location): self.serial_port = '/dev/ttyUSB1' self.baud_rate = 57600 self.broadcast_addr = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff' self.ser = serial.Serial(self.serial_port, self.baud_rate) time.sleep(1) try: self.xbee_device = DigiMesh(self.ser, callback=self.xbeeCallback) except: rospy.logwarn("!!!! ERROR - DigiMesh OBJECT NOT INITIALIZED !!!!") if location == 'AGENT': # Comm node onboard agent rospy.loginfo(" ::: NODE INITIALIZED AS AGENT COMM NODE ::: ") rospy.Subscriber("AgentInformation", AgentInfo, self.agentCallback) self.pubTasks = rospy.Publisher("AgentTasks", TaskMessage, queue_size=10) self.pubInit = rospy.Publisher("AgentInit", InitMessage, queue_size=10) elif location == 'GND': # Comm node on ground station rospy.loginfo(" ::: NODE INITIALIZED AS GCS COMM NODE ::: ") rospy.Subscriber("TaskActions", TaskMessage, self.tasksCallback) rospy.Subscriber("InitInformation", InitMessage, self.initCallback) self.pubEnemy = rospy.Publisher("EnemyInfo", EnemyInfo, queue_size=10) self.pubAgent = rospy.Publisher("AgentInfo", AgentInfo, queue_size=10) else: rospy.logwarn( "!!!! ERROR - COMM NODE TYPE NOT RECOGNISED - %s !!!!", location) self.fConv = FrameConvertor() ''' Python implementation of switch statement to publish to ROS topics ''' # These functions are shared for all comm nodes, only the relevant ones will be used def xbeeCallback(self, data): '''def pubInitMsg(self,msg): self.pubInit(msg) def pubTaskMsg(self,msg): self.pubTasks(msg) def pubAgentMsg(self,msg): # convert frame self.pubAgent(msg) def pubEnemyMsg(self,msg): # convert frame self.pubEnemy(msg) ''' def StringToROSTaskMsg(string): msg = TaskMessage() msgStr = string.split('|') # Split string into array of strings msg.agentId = int(msgStr[1]) msg.taskId = int(msgStr[2]) msg.targetId = int(msgStr[3]) msg.taskLocation[0] = float(msgStr[4]) msg.taskLocation[1] = float(msgStr[5]) msg.taskLocation[2] = float(msgStr[6]) msg.taskDeadline = float(msgStr[7]) msg.timestamp = float(msgStr[8]) return msg def StringToROSInitMsg(string): msg = InitMessage() msgStr = string.split('|') msg.agentId = int(msgStr[1]) msg.homeLocation[0] = float(msgStr[2]) msg.homeLocation[1] = float(msgStr[3]) msg.homeLocation[2] = float(msgStr[4]) msg.nominalHeading = float(msgStr[5]) return msg def StringToROSAgentMsg(string): msg = AgentInfo() msgStr = string.split('|') msg.agentId = int(msgStr[1]) msg.agentPosition[0] = float(msgStr[2]) msg.agentPosition[1] = float(msgStr[3]) msg.agentPosition[2] = float(msgStr[4]) msg.agentHeading = float(msgStr[5]) msg.agentBattery = float(msgStr[6]) if msgStr[7] == 'False': msg.agentPayload = False elif msgStr[7] == 'True': msg.agentPayload = True if msgStr[8] == 'False': msg.agentTaskStatus = False elif msgStr[8] == 'True': msg.agentTaskStatus = True msg.agentTaskId = int(msgStr[9]) if msgStr[10] == 'False': msg.agentWorkingStatus = False elif msgStr[10] == 'True': msg.agentWorkingStatus = True msg.taskDeadline = float(msgStr[11]) return msg def StringToROSEnemyMsg(string): msg = EnemyInfo() msgStr = string.split('|') msg.agentId = int(msgStr[1]) msg.confidence = float(msgStr[2]) msg.agentPosition[0] = float(msgStr[3]) msg.agentPosition[1] = float(msgStr[4]) msg.agentPosition[2] = float(msgStr[5]) return msg def StringDefault(string): rospy.loginfo("Received message type not known: %s", string[0]) string = data.get('data') #def stringToMsg(string,msg_orig): str_type = string[0] rospy.loginfo(" :: RECEIVED MESSAGE TYPE - %s ::", str_type) switcher1 = { "T": StringToROSTaskMsg, "I": StringToROSInitMsg, "A": StringToROSAgentMsg, "E": StringToROSEnemyMsg, } # See comment at top to module for string formats func = switcher1.get(str_type, lambda: StringDefault(string)) # return str_type, func(string) #msg_type, msg = stringToMsg(data.get('data')) msg_type = str_type msg = func(string) #msg_orig = None #stringToMsg(data.get('data')) #print msg_type #print msg_orig rospy.loginfo(" :: RECEIVING STRING - %s ::", msg_type) #print 'cucu1' #print msg if msg_type == 'A': print 'pub agents' self.pubAgent.publish(msg) elif msg_type == 'E': print 'pub enemy' self.pubEnemy.publish(msg) elif msg_type == 'I': print 'pub init' self.pubInit.publish(msg) elif msg_type == 'T': print 'pub tasks' self.pubTasks.publish(msg) else: rospy.loginfo(" : IGNORING MESSAGE :") ''' def pubInitMsg(self,msg): self.pubInit.publish(msg) def pubTaskMsg(self,msg): self.pubTasks.publish(msg) def pubAgentMsg(self,msg): # convert frame self.pubAgent.publish(msg) def pubEnemyMsg(self,msg): # convert frame self.pubEnemy.publish(msg) switcher = { "T": pubTaskMsg, "I": pubInitMsg, "A": pubAgentMsg, "E": pubEnemyMsg, } print 'cucu' if msg_type not in switcher: print " : IGNORING MESSAGE :" else: print "hell2" func = switcher.get(msg_type) #print msg func(msg) print msg''' def txString(self, str_msg): rospy.loginfo(" :: TRANSMITTING STRING ::") bin_str = stringToBinary(str_msg) try: self.xbee_device.tx(frame_id=b'\x10', dest_addr=self.broadcast_addr, data=bin_str) except: rospy.logwarn("!!!! ERROR - FAILURE TO TRANSMIT STRING !!!!") ''' Agent Comm functions ''' def agentCallback(self, data): rospy.loginfo("Recevived agent msg") str_msg = msgToString(data) self.txString(str_msg) ''' GCS Comm functions ''' def initCallback(self, data): ''' Local -> World Frame''' rospy.loginfo(" :: SENDING INITIALIZATION MESSAGE :: ") initInfo = data worldPos, worldHead = self.fConv.localToWorldFrame( data.homeLocation, data.nominalHeading) initInfo.homeLocation = worldPos initInfo.nominalHeading = worldHead # EDIT: send through xbee instead of publishing str_msg = msgToString(initInfo) self.txString(str_msg) #self.pubInit.publish(initInfo) def tasksCallback(self, data): ''' Local -> World Frame ''' rospy.loginfo(" :: SENDING TASK MESSAGE :: ") taskInfo = data worldPos, worldHead = self.fConv.localToWorldFrame( data.taskLocation, 0) taskInfo.taskLocation = worldPos # EDIT: send through xbee instead of publishing str_msg = msgToString(taskInfo) self.txString(str_msg) #self.pubTasks.publish(taskInfo) def enemyCallback(self, data): #str_msg = msgToString(data) #self.txString(str_msg) self.pubEnemy.publish(enemyInfo)
import time from xbee import DigiMesh import serial #PORT = 'COM7' PORT = '/dev/cu.usbserial-A9CNVHXX' BAUD_RATE = 9600 # Open serial port ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE) # Create API object xbee = DigiMesh(ser, escaped=True) import pprint pprint.pprint(xbee.api_commands) # xbee with long address XBEE2_ADDR_LONG = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF" while True: try: print "send data" xbee.tx(frame='0x1', dest_addr=XBEE2_ADDR_LONG, data='Hello XBee 2') time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: break xbee.halt() ser.close()
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time, serial from xbee import DigiMesh GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', 9600) zb = DigiMesh(ser) trig = 23 echo = 24 a = [0, 0, 0] i = 0 feedback = 'Obstruction Detected!' try: #Configure GPIO pins GPIO.setup(trig,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(echo,GPIO.IN) GPIO.output(trig,False) time.sleep(1.5) #Delay between detections GPIO.output(trig,True) time.sleep(0.00001) #Pulse time = 10us GPIO.output(trig,False) while GPIO.input(echo) == 0: pulse_start = time.time() #Records the start time of the pulse while GPIO.input(echo) == 1: pulse_end = time.time() #Records the end time of the pulse pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start #Calculates pulse time
def __init__(self, com_port): self.ser = serial.Serial(com_port, 9600) self.zb = DigiMesh(self.ser) start_new_thread(self.recv_thread, ()) = "" self.i = 0
root = tkinter.Tk() except: sys.exit() numpad = NumPad(root) root.attributes("-fullscreen", True) root.mainloop() btn_list = ['7', '8', '9', '4', '5', '6', '1', '2', '3', 'Back', '0', 'Enter'] state = 0 labelVar = 0 testNum = carNum = carTime = '' ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600) xbee = DigiMesh(ser) class NumPad(ttk.Frame): global labelVar def __init__(self, root): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, root) self.grid() self.labelCreate() self.entryBoxCreate() self.numpadCreate() def labelCreate(self, **options): global labelVar labelVar = StringVar()