def create_ctrl_map(self, dialog, map_file): """ :type dialog: DialogProgress :type map_file: str """ mapping_proc = subprocess.Popen( ['stdbuf', '-oL', self.config_helper.get_binary(), 'map', map_file, '-input', self.plugin.get_setting('input_device', unicode)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines_iterator = iter(mapping_proc.stdout.readline, b"") mapping_thread = threading.Thread(target=loop_lines, args=(dialog, lines_iterator)) mapping_thread.start() success = False # TODO: Make a method or function from this while True: xbmc.sleep(1000) if not mapping_thread.isAlive(): dialog.close() success = True break if dialog.iscanceled(): mapping_proc.kill() dialog.close() success = False break if os.path.isfile(map_file) and success: return True else: return False
def _populate(self): xbmc.sleep(500) # Delay population to let ui settle self.label.setLabel(self.title) for result in self.populator(): self.step() if not result: continue with self.lock: # Remember selected item selectedItem = None if self.insideIndex == -1: selectedIndex = self.list.getSelectedPosition() else: selectedIndex = self.insideIndex if selectedIndex >= 0: selectedItem = self.items[selectedIndex] # Add new item self.items.append(result) self.items.sort() # Retrived new selection-index if selectedItem is not None: selectedIndex = self.items.index(selectedItem) if self.insideIndex != -1: self.insideIndex = selectedIndex # Update only if in root if self.insideIndex == -1: self._inside_root(select=selectedIndex) self.setFocus(self.list) pass
def movies_batch_add_to_library(): """ Batch add movies to library """ movie_batch_file = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_BATCH_ADD_FILE_PATH) if xbmcvfs.exists(movie_batch_file): try: f = open(xbmc.translatePath(movie_batch_file), 'r') r = f.close() ids = r.split('\n') except: return plugin.notify(msg='Movies Batch Add File', title='Not found', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) library_folder = setup_library(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER)) import_tmdb() for id in ids: if "," in id: csvs = id.split(',') for csv in csvs: if not str(csv).startswith("tt") and csv != "": movie = tmdb.Movies(csv).info() id = movie.get('imdb_id') batch_add_movies_to_library(library_folder, id) else: if not str(id).startswith("tt") and id != "": movie = tmdb.Movies(id).info() id = movie.get('imdb_id') batch_add_movies_to_library(library_folder, id) os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movie_batch_file)) if xbmcvfs.exists(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_BATCH_ADD_FILE_PATH)): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunPlugin(plugin://") return True else: xbmc.sleep(1000) plugin.notify(msg='Added movie strm-files', title='Starting library scan', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) scan_library(type="video") return True elif xbmcvfs.exists(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_BATCH_ADD_FILE_PATH)): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunPlugin(plugin://")
def create_ctrl_map(self, dialog, map_file): mapping_proc = subprocess.Popen([ 'stdbuf', '-oL', self.config_helper.get_binary(), 'map', map_file, '-input', self.plugin.get_setting('input_device', unicode) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines_iterator = iter(mapping_proc.stdout.readline, b"") mapping_thread = threading.Thread(target=loop_lines, args=(dialog, lines_iterator)) mapping_thread.start() success = False # TODO: Make a method or function from this while True: xbmc.sleep(1000) if not mapping_thread.isAlive(): dialog.close() success = True break if dialog.iscanceled(): mapping_proc.kill() dialog.close() success = False break if os.path.isfile(map_file) and success: return True else: return False
def scan_library(type="video"): while not xbmc.abortRequested and \ (xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanning') or \ xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(progressdialog)')): xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(video)') xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLibrary(music)')
def movies_batch_add_to_library(): """ Batch add movies to library """ movie_batch_file = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_BATCH_ADD_FILE_PATH, unicode) if xbmcvfs.exists(movie_batch_file): try: f = open(xbmc.translatePath(movie_batch_file), 'r') r = f.close() ids = r.split('\n') except: return dialogs.notify(msg='Movies Batch Add File', title=_("%s not found").replace("%s ",""), delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) library_folder = setup_library(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode)) import_tmdb() for id in ids: if "," in id: csvs = id.split(',') for csv in csvs: if not str(csv).startswith("tt") and csv != "": movie = tmdb.Movies(csv).info() csv = movie.get('imdb_id') batch_add_movies_to_library(library_folder, csv) else: if not str(id).startswith("tt") and id != "": movie = tmdb.Movies(id).info() id = movie.get('imdb_id') batch_add_movies_to_library(library_folder, id) os.remove(xbmc.translatePath(movie_batch_file)) if xbmcvfs.exists(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_BATCH_ADD_FILE_PATH, unicode)): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunPlugin(plugin://") return True else: xbmc.sleep(1000) dialogs.notify(msg='Added movie strm-files', title='Starting library scan', delay=3000, image=get_icon_path("movies")) scan_library(type="video") return True if xbmcvfs.exists(plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_BATCH_ADD_FILE_PATH, unicode)): xbmc.executebuiltin("RunPlugin(plugin://")
def search(): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入关键字 (片名/AV)') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if keyboard.isConfirmed(): keyword = keyboard.getText() return searchResult(page=1, keyword=keyword)
def i1IIi11111i(): o000o0o00o0Oo("Login", "/login") xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialog)') try: oo = requests.get( "").json() IiII1I1i1i1ii = oo["message"] % oo["user_code"].upper() IIIII = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() IIIII.create('Login', IiII1I1i1i1ii) if 26 - 26: O00OoOoo00.iiiI11 / oooOOOOO * IiiIII111ii / i1iIIi1 ii11iIi1I = 0 while ii11iIi1I < 60: iI111I11I1I1 = int((ii11iIi1I / 60.0) * 100) if IIIII.iscanceled(): break IIIII.update(iI111I11I1I1, "") ii11iIi1I = ii11iIi1I + 1 xbmc.sleep(5000) i1I11i = requests.get( "" % urllib.quote_plus(oo["device_code"])) if "token" in i1I11i.text: Oo0Ooo.setSetting("token", i1I11i.json()["token"]) Oo0Ooo.setSetting("email", i1I11i.json()["email"]) break IIIII.close() del IIIII xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % O0O0OO0O0O0) except: OOooO0OOoo = xbmcgui.Dialog() OOooO0OOoo.ok("Oops!", "Có lỗi xảy ra. Xin quý vị vui lòng login vào dịp khác") if 29 - 29: o00o / IiI1I1
def o0o00o0(): i1IIi11111i("Login", "/login") xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialog)') try: iIi1ii1I1 = requests.get( "").json() o0 = iIi1ii1I1["message"] % iIi1ii1I1["user_code"].upper() I11II1i = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() I11II1i.create('Login', o0) if 23 - 23: ooO00oOoo / iiI1i1 + i1iIIII + i1iIIII / Iii1IIIiiI iiI1 = 0 while iiI1 < 60: i11Iiii = int((iiI1 / 60.0) * 100) if I11II1i.iscanceled(): break I11II1i.update(i11Iiii, "") iiI1 = iiI1 + 1 xbmc.sleep(5000) iII1i1I1II = requests.get( "" % urllib.quote_plus(iIi1ii1I1["device_code"])) if "token" in iII1i1I1II.text: o0O.setSetting("token", iII1i1I1II.json()["token"]) o0O.setSetting("email", iII1i1I1II.json()["email"]) break I11II1i.close() del I11II1i xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % iI11I1II1I1I) except: i1 = xbmcgui.Dialog() i1.ok("Oops!", "Có lỗi xảy ra. Xin quý vị vui lòng login vào dịp khác") if 48 - 48: ooO0OO000o + ooO0OO000o - ooO00oOoo.i1iIIIiI1I / I11i11Ii
def input_keyword(): keyboard = Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if (keyboard.isConfirmed()): keyword = keyboard.getText() url = plugin.url_for("search_title", title=keyword) plugin.redirect(url)
def input_keyword(): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if (keyboard.isConfirmed()): keyword = keyboard.getText() url = url_for('search', title=keyword, page=1) plugin.redirect(url)
def action_prerun(link): # xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(10025,addons://user/,return)') if link.startswith("plugin://"): id = link.split("/") xbmc.executebuiltin('RunAddon(%s)' % id[2]) while xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') != id[2] or xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(busydialog)'): xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s")' % link)
def search(): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if (keyboard.isConfirmed()): keyword = keyboard.getText() url = HOST_URL + '/index.php?m=vod-search&wd=' + keyword return category(url)
def show_countdown(self, time_to_wait, title='', text=''): ''' Show a countdown dialog with a progress bar for XBMC while delaying execution. Necessary for some filehosters eg. megaupload The original version of this code came from Anarchintosh. Args: time_to_wait (int): number of seconds to pause for. Kwargs: title (str): Displayed in the title of the countdown dialog. Default is blank. text (str): A line of text to be displayed in the dialog. Default is blank. Returns: ``True`` if countdown is allowed to complete, ``False`` if the user cancelled the countdown. ''' dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() ret = dialog.create(title) self.log_notice('waiting %d secs' % time_to_wait) secs = 0 increment = 100 / time_to_wait cancelled = False while secs <= time_to_wait: if (dialog.iscanceled()): cancelled = True break if secs != 0: xbmc.sleep(1000) secs_left = time_to_wait - secs if secs_left == 0: percent = 100 else: percent = increment * secs remaining_display = ('Wait %d seconds for the ' + 'video stream to activate...') % secs_left dialog.update(percent, text, remaining_display) secs += 1 if cancelled == True: self.log_notice('countdown cancelled') return False else: self.log_debug('countdown finished waiting') return True
def wait_for_dialog(dialog_id, timeout=None, interval=500): start = time.time() while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(%s)" % dialog_id): if xbmc.abortRequested or (timeout and time.time() - start >= timeout): return False xbmc.sleep(interval) return True
def delete_path(userid, path): api = get_api(userid) try: plugin.notify('正在删除文件,请稍候...', delay=2000) api.delete(path) except PCSApiError as e: xbmcutils.show_msg(str(e), '错误') else: xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmcutils.refresh()
def action_prerun(link): # xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(10025,addons://user/,return)') if link.startswith("plugin://"): id = link.split("/") xbmc.executebuiltin('RunAddon(%s)' % id[2]) while xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') != id[ 2] or xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(busydialog)'): xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s")' % link)
def wait_for_dialog(dialog_id, timeout=None, interval=500): start = time.time() while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(%s)" % dialog_id): if xbmc.abortRequested or \ (timeout and time.time() - start >= timeout): return False xbmc.sleep(interval) return True
def search(): plugin.set_content('TVShows') keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if not keyboard.isConfirmed(): return keyword = keyboard.getText() p_url = '' url = p_url + quote_plus(keyword) # construct url based on user selected item page = 1 p_url = url + '&fee=0&whole=1&m=1&box=1&p=%d' % page link = get_html(p_url) ######################################################################### # Video listing for all found related episode title tree = BeautifulSoup(link, 'html.parser') soup = tree.find_all('div', {'class': 'ssItem cfix'}) ######################################################################### items = [] for page in soup[0]: try: p_url = httphead(page.a['href']) except: continue p_name = page.a['title'].encode('utf-8') img = httphead(page.img['src']) infop = page.find('p', {'class': 'des'}) try: info = infop.text except: info = '' items.append({ 'label': p_name, 'path': url_for('episodelist1', url=p_url), 'thumbnail': httphead(page.img['src']), 'info': {'title': p_name, 'plot': info} }) album = page.find_all('a', {'class': 'ts'}) for series in album: items.append({ 'label': series['title'], 'path': url_for('playvideo', name=series['title'], url=httphead(series['href']), image=httphead(page.img['src'])), 'is_playable': True, 'info': {'title': series['title']}, }) return items
def search(): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if not keyboard.isConfirmed(): return keyword = keyboard.getText() url = HOST_URL + '/x/search/?q=' + quote_plus(keyword) url += '&stag=0' link = get_html(url) items = [] if link is None: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('name'), ' 抱歉,没有找到[COLOR FFFF0000] ' + keyword + ' [/COLOR]的相关视频') return items items.append({ 'label': '[COLOR FFFF0000]当前搜索:(' + keyword + ')[/COLOR]', }) # fetch and build the video series episode list content = BeautifulSoup(link, 'html.parser') soup = content.find_all('div', {'class': 'result_item'}) for item in soup: href = httphead(item.a['href']) img = httphead(item.img['src']) title = item.img['alt'] info = item.find('span', {'class': 'desc_text'}) try: info = info.text except: info = '' items.append({ 'label': title, 'path': url_for('episodelist', url=href), 'thumbnail': img, 'info': {'title': title, 'plot': info} }) list = item.find_all('div', {'class': 'item'}) for series in list: subtitle = series.a.text href = httphead(series.a['href']) items.append({ 'label': subtitle, 'path': url_for('playvideo', vid=href), 'is_playable': True, 'info': {'title': subtitle} }) return items
def create_ctrl_map_new(self, dialog, map_file, device): # TODO: Implementation detail which should be hidden? input_queue = Queue.Queue() input_map = InputMap(map_file) input_device = None for handler in device.handlers: if handler[:-1] == 'js': input_device = os.path.join('/dev/input', handler) if not input_device: return False input_wrapper = InputWrapper(input_device,, input_queue, input_map) input_wrapper.build_controller_map() print 'num buttons: %s' % input_wrapper.num_buttons print 'num_axes: %s' % input_wrapper.num_axes expected_input_number = input_wrapper.num_buttons + ( input_wrapper.num_axes * 2) js = StoppableJSHandler(input_wrapper, input_map) it = StoppableInputHandler(input_queue, input_map, dialog, expected_input_number) success = False while True: xbmc.sleep(1000) if not it.isAlive(): js.stop() dialog.close() js.join(timeout=2) if input_map.status == InputMap.STATUS_DONE: success = True if input_map.status == InputMap.STATUS_PENDING or input_map.status == InputMap.STATUS_ERROR: success = False break if dialog.iscanceled(): it.stop() js.stop() success = False it.join(timeout=2) js.join(timeout=2) dialog.close() break if os.path.isfile(map_file) and success: return True else: return False
def keyboard(default='', heading='', hidden=False): if hidden: kb = _xbmc.Keyboard(default, heading, hidden) else: kb = xbmc.Keyboard(default, heading) xbmc.sleep(1000) kb.doModal() if (kb.isConfirmed()): return kb.getText()
def background_task(self): xbmc.sleep(1000) while not xbmc.abortRequested and if self.hide_progress: active_window = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowDialogId() if active_window in [10101,10151]: xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(%d, true)" % active_window) if self.hide_info: if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(infodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(infodialog, true)') xbmc.sleep(100)
def background_task(self): xbmc.sleep(1000) while not xbmc.abortRequested and if self.hide_progress: active_window = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowDialogId() if active_window in [10101, 10151]: xbmc.executebuiltin("Dialog.Close(%d, true)" % active_window) if self.hide_info: if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.IsActive(infodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(infodialog, true)') xbmc.sleep(100)
def list_library(): while not xbmc.abortRequested and \ (xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanning') or \ xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(progressdialog)') or \ xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsActive(extendedprogressdialog)')): xbmc.sleep(100) xbmc.sleep(5000) library = {} medias = ["movies", "tvshows"] # medias = ["movies", "tvshows", "musicvideos", "music", "live"] for m in medias: if m == "movies": lib = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) prite = RPC.videolibrary.get_movies(properties=[ "title", "year", "playcount", "fanart", "originaltitle", "imdbnumber", "thumbnail", "file" ]) if "movies" in prite: ite = prite["movies"] else: ite = [] elif m == "tvshows": lib = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) prite = RPC.videolibrary.get_tvshows(properties=[ "title", "year", "playcount", "fanart", "originaltitle", "imdbnumber", "thumbnail", "file" ]) if "tvshows" in prite: ite = prite["tvshows"] else: ite = [] # elif m == "musicvideos": # lib = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_LIBRARY_FOLDER, unicode) # ite = RPC.videolibrary.get_tvshows(properties=["title","year","playcount","fanart","originaltitle","imdbnumber","thumbnail","file"])["tvshows"] else: continue liq = xbmcvfs.listdir(lib)[0] for i in ite: try: f = xbmcvfs.File( os.path.join(lib, i["imdbnumber"], "")) i["player"] = f.close() except: i["player"] = "na" f = xbmcvfs.File("{0}library.nfo".format(lib), 'w') f.write(str(ite)) f.close() if len(ite) > 0: players = dict(zip(ite[0], zip(*[d.values() for d in ite])))["player"] else: players = "()" f = xbmcvfs.File("{0}players.nfo".format(lib), 'w') f.write(str(players)) f.close()
def search(): plugin.set_content('TVShows') keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') # keyboard.setHiddenInput(hidden) xbmc.sleep(1000) keyboard.doModal() if not keyboard.isConfirmed(): return keyword = keyboard.getText() page = 1 #p_url = '' p_url = '' link = get_html(p_url + quote_plus(keyword)) items = [] lists = loads(link) # fetch and build the video series episode list content = BeautifulSoup(link, 'html.parser') for item in lists['data_list']: try: aid = item['aid'] except: continue title = item['name'].encode('utf-8') cate = item.get('sub_category_name', '') if cate: cate = '({})'.format(cate.encode('utf-8')) eps = item.get('episodes', 0) img = item.get('post_st', '') #if eps == '' or int(eps) < 2: # items.append({ # 'label': title + cate, # 'path': url_for('playvideo', vid=aid), # 'thumbnail': img, # 'is_playable': True, # 'info': {'title': title} # }) #else: items.append({ 'label': title + cate, 'path': url_for('episodelist', aid=aid), 'thumbnail': img, 'info': { 'title': title } }) return items
def pair_host(self, dialog): """ :type dialog: DialogProgress """'[MoonlightHelper] - Attempting to pair host: ' + self.plugin.get_setting('host', unicode)) pairing_proc = subprocess.Popen( ['stdbuf', '-oL', self.config_helper.get_binary(), 'pair', self.plugin.get_setting('host', unicode)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines_iterator = iter(pairing_proc.stdout.readline, b"") pairing_thread = threading.Thread(target=loop_lines, args=(dialog, lines_iterator)) pairing_thread.start() success = False while True: xbmc.sleep(1000) if not pairing_thread.isAlive(): success = True break if dialog.iscanceled(): pairing_proc.kill() dialog.close() success = False break if success: dialog.update(0, 'Checking if pairing has been successful.') xbmc.sleep(1000) pairing_check = subprocess.Popen([self.config_helper.get_binary(), 'list', self.config_helper.get_host()], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) last = '' while True: line = pairing_check.stdout.readline() err = pairing_check.stderr.readline() if not re.match(self.regex_moonlight, line) and not re.match(self.regex_connect, line): if line != '': last = line if err != '': last = err if not line and not err: break dialog.close() if last.lower().strip() != 'You must pair with the PC first'.lower().strip() and not re.match(self.regex_connection_failed, last): return True else: return False
def create_ctrl_map_new(self, dialog, map_file, device): # TODO: Implementation detail which should be hidden? input_queue = Queue.Queue() input_map = InputMap(map_file) input_device = None for handler in device.handlers: if handler[:-1] == 'js': input_device = os.path.join('/dev/input', handler) if not input_device: return False input_wrapper = InputWrapper(input_device,, input_queue, input_map) input_wrapper.build_controller_map() print 'num buttons: %s' % input_wrapper.num_buttons print 'num_axes: %s' % input_wrapper.num_axes expected_input_number = input_wrapper.num_buttons + (input_wrapper.num_axes *2) js = StoppableJSHandler(input_wrapper, input_map) it = StoppableInputHandler(input_queue, input_map, dialog, expected_input_number) success = False while True: xbmc.sleep(1000) if not it.isAlive(): js.stop() dialog.close() js.join(timeout=2) if input_map.status == InputMap.STATUS_DONE: success = True if input_map.status == InputMap.STATUS_PENDING or input_map.status == InputMap.STATUS_ERROR: success = False break if dialog.iscanceled(): it.stop() js.stop() success = False it.join(timeout=2) js.join(timeout=2) dialog.close() break if os.path.isfile(map_file) and success: return True else: return False
def library_tv_remove_strm(show, folder, id, season, episode): enc_season = ('Season %s' % season).translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') enc_name = 'S%02dE%02d' % (season, episode) season_folder = os.path.join(folder, enc_season) stream_file = os.path.join(season_folder, enc_name + "%s" % plugin.get_setting(SETTING_LIBRARY_TAGS, unicode) + '.strm') if xbmcvfs.exists(stream_file): xbmcvfs.delete(stream_file) while not xbmc.abortRequested and xbmcvfs.exists(stream_file): xbmc.sleep(1000) a,b = xbmcvfs.listdir(season_folder) if not a and not b: xbmcvfs.rmdir(season_folder) return True return False
def man_control(): xmod = xbmcaddon.Addon('') sport = xmod.getSetting('serial port') try: serport = serial.Serial(sport, '57600', timeout=2) while True: lvals = utils.getlightvals() plvals = utils.package_bytes(lvals, 32) print 'writing to channels' serport.write(bytearray(plvals)) xbmc.sleep(100) serport.close() except Exception: print "serial port failed"
def keyboard(default='', heading='', hidden=False): if hidden: kb = _xbmc.Keyboard(default, heading, hidden) else: try: import ChineseKeyboard kb = ChineseKeyboard.Keyboard(default, heading) except: kb = xbmc.Keyboard(default, heading) xbmc.sleep(1000) kb.doModal() if (kb.isConfirmed()): return kb.getText()
def search(): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if not keyboard.isConfirmed(): return keyword = keyboard.getText() key = quote_plus(keyword) searchapi = HOST + '/layout/smarttv/showsearch?' req = {'video_type': 1, 'keyword': keyword} req.update(BASEIDS) link = get_html(searchapi + urlencode(req)) results = loads(link)['results'] items = [] for item in results: items.append({ 'label': item['showname'], 'path': url_for('episodelist', tid=item['showid']), 'thumbnail': item['show_vthumburl_hd'] }) searchapi = HOST + '/openapi-wireless/videos/search/{}?' req = {'pz': 500} req.update(BASEIDS) link = get_html(searchapi.format(key) + urlencode(req)) # fetch and build the video series episode list finds = loads(link) for item in finds['results']: duration = 0 for t in item['duration'].split(':'): duration = duration * 60 + int(t) items.append({ 'label': item['title'], 'path': url_for('playvideo', videoid=item['videoid']), 'thumbnail': item['img'], 'is_playable': True, 'info': { 'title': item['title'], 'plot': item['desc'], 'duration': duration } }) return items
def search(): plugin.set_content('video') keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if not keyboard.isConfirmed(): return [] keyword = keyboard.getText() p_url = '' url = p_url + quote_plus(keyword) page = get_html(url) tree = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') soup = tree.find_all('div', {'class': 's_base'}) items = [] for item in soup: title = item.a['_log_title'] href = item.a['href'] info = item.find('div', {'class': 'info-cont'}) info = info.span['data-text'] if info else '' items.append({ 'label': title, 'path': url_for('playvideo', url=href), 'is_playable': True, 'info': { 'title': title, 'plot': info }, }) soup = tree.find_all('ul', {'class': 'clearfix'}) soups = soup[0].find_all('li') for item in soups: try: items.append({ 'label': item.a['_log_title'] + item.span.text, 'path': url_for('playvideo', url=item.a['href']), 'is_playable': True, }) except: continue return items
def _play_video(urls_info, show_comments='1'): playlist = xbmc.PlayList(1) playlist.clear() list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(u'播放') list_item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={"Title": u"播放"}) _print_info(str(len(urls_info[0])) + ' parts found') stack_url = 'stack://' + ' , '.join(urls_info[0]) playlist.add(stack_url, list_item) player = BiliPlayer() if show_comments == '1': _print_info('Play with subtitle') player.setSubtitle(get_tmp_dir() + '/' + urls_info[1]) else: _print_info('Play without subtitle') player.showSubtitles(False) player.show_subtitle = False #while(not xbmc.abortRequested): xbmc.sleep(100)
def playmovie(cid, vid, name): if vid != '0': urls = video_from_vid(vid) else: urls = bilivideo_from_vid(cid) stack_url = 'stack://' + ' , '.join(urls) danmu = plugin.addon.getSetting('danmu') playlist = xbmc.PlayList(1) playlist.clear() list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) if danmu == 'true': bilibili.parse_subtitle(cid) player.setSubtitle(bilibili._get_tmp_dir() + '/tmp.ass') playlist.add(stack_url, list_item) #while(not xbmc.abortRequested): xbmc.sleep(500) else: plugin.set_resolved_url(stack_url)
def _play_video(urls_info, show_comments='1'): playlist = xbmc.PlayList(1) playlist.clear() list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(u'播放') list_item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={"Title": u"播放"}) stack_url = 'stack://' + ' , '.join(urls_info[0]) playlist.add(stack_url, list_item) #i = 1 #for url in urls_info[0]: #list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(u'播放') #list_item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={"Title": "第"+str(i)+"/"+str(len(urls_info[0]))+" 节"}) #i += 1 #playlist.add(url, listitem=list_item) player = BiliPlayer() if show_comments == '1': player.setSubtitle(tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + urls_info[1]) #if show_comments == '1': #xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + urls_info[1]) while(not xbmc.abortRequested): xbmc.sleep(100)
def search(): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', '请输入搜索内容') xbmc.sleep(1500) keyboard.doModal() if not keyboard.isConfirmed(): return keyword = keyboard.getText() key = quote_plus(keyword) searchapi = '{}?pid=0ce22bfd5ef5d2c5&pz=500' link = get_html(searchapi.format(key)) if link is None: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__addonname__, ' 抱歉,没有找到[COLOR FFFF0000] ' + keyword + ' [/COLOR]的相关视频') return [] # fetch and build the video series episode list finds = loads(link) items = [] for item in finds['results']: img = item['img'] videoid = item['videoid'] title = item['title'] info = item['desc'] duration = 0 for t in item['duration'].split(':'): duration = duration*60 + int(t) items.append({ 'label': item['title'], 'path': url_for('playvid', vid=videoid), 'thumbnail': item['img'], 'is_playable': True, 'info': {'title': item['title'], 'plot': item['desc'], 'duration': duration} }) return items
def action_prerun(self, link): # xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(10025,addons://user/,return)') if link.startswith("plugin://"): id = link.split("/") xbmc.executebuiltin('RunAddon(%s)' % id[2]) while xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'Container.PluginName') != id[2] or xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'Window.IsActive(busydialog)'): xbmc.sleep(250) xbmc.sleep(250) while xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'Container.PluginName') == id[2] and xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'Container.FolderPath') != "plugin://%s/" % id[2] and id[ 2] in xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath'): xbmc.sleep(250) if xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'Container.FolderPath') == "plugin://%s/" % id[2] or id[ 2] not in xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderPath'): break xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update("%s", replace)' % self.returnlink)
def sleep(ms): from xbmcswift2 import xbmc if CLI_MODE: time.sleep(ms / 1000.0) else: xbmc.sleep(ms)
def play_basesloaded(): delay_sec = 20 refresh_sec = 10 games_queue = MlbGamesQueue(delay_sec, refresh_sec, plugin) # Need a way of checking if there are any current games, not just # games that are currently *on* # Maybe display to user: "******" games = games_queue.get() if games is None: plugin.notify("No games on") return monitor = xbmc.Monitor() playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) player = mlb_player.MlbPlayer(mlb_playlist=playlist) curr_game = None streams_not_found = set([]) while not monitor.abortRequested(): # TODO encapsulate all this logic in an object if not games: # TODO better UX for this situation xbmc.log("No game found") xbmc.sleep(5000) continue # Update state of curr_game if curr_game is not None: new_curr_game = [game for game in games if game['state'].away_team == curr_game['state'].away_team and game['state'].home_team == curr_game['state'].home_team] if not new_curr_game: curr_game = None else: curr_game = new_curr_game[0] # Iterate through best games in order, choosing first one a stream exists for for game in games: if curr_game == game: xbmc.log("Not switching because current game is still best game") break try: # Only switch games if: # curr_game is None (either no curr_game or it's in commercial break) # The change in leverage is > 1.5 and there's a new batter in curr_game # game has a better leverage than curr_game and curr_game is below average leverage (1.0) and there's a new batter in curr_game curr_game_none = curr_game is None new_batter = curr_game and curr_game['state'].new_batter large_leverage_diff = curr_game and (game['leverage_index'] - curr_game['leverage_index'] > 1.5) game_better = curr_game and game['leverage_index'] > curr_game['leverage_index'] curr_game_below_avg = curr_game and curr_game['leverage_index'] < 1.0 if curr_game_none or (new_batter and (large_leverage_diff or (curr_game_below_avg and game_better))): if (game['state'].home_team, game['state'].away_team) in streams_not_found: xbmc.log("Already know stream doesn't exist for game {0}".format(game)) continue stream = mlbtv_stream_api.get_stream(game['state'].home_team, game['state'].away_team) xbmc.log("Switching from {0} to {1}".format(curr_game, game)) curr_game = game xbmc.log("stream: " + stream) player.play_video(stream) if curr_game == game: xbmc.log("Current game is in commercial break or is over") if curr_game != game and (game['leverage_index'] - curr_game['leverage_index']) <= 1.5: xbmc.log("{0} is better game, but not enough better to switch from {1}".format(game, curr_game)) elif curr_game != game and (game['leverage_index'] - curr_game['leverage_index']) > 1.5: xbmc.log("{0} is a better game, but {1} still has a batter at the plate".format(game, curr_game)) break except mlb_exceptions.StreamNotFoundException: streams_not_found.add((game['state'].home_team, game['state'].away_team),) xbmc.log("Stream not found for {0}. Setting cache to {1}".format(game, streams_not_found)) continue if monitor.waitForAbort(refresh_sec) or not player.isPlayingVideo(): break # Update games games = games_queue.get()
def wait_library_scan(): while XBMCMixin.is_scanning_library() and not xbmc.abortRequested: xbmc.sleep(100)
def go_idle(duration): while not xbmc.abortRequested and duration > 0: if player.isPlayingVideo(): player.currentTime = player.getTime() xbmc.sleep(1000) duration -= 1
def __init__(self, heading): AbstractProgress.__init__(self) self.dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() self.opened = False self.heading = heading xbmc.sleep(500)
def sleep(ms): if CLI_MODE: time.sleep(ms/1000.0) else: xbmc.sleep(ms)