예제 #1
    def preprocess_occ_mdal(self):
        Returns the required dataframe for the occupancy predictions
        Pandas DataFrame

        hod = HodClient(
            "xbos/hod", self.c

        occ_query = """SELECT ?sensor ?uuid ?zone FROM %s WHERE {

                      ?sensor rdf:type brick:Occupancy_Sensor .
                      ?sensor bf:isPointOf/bf:isPartOf ?zone .
                      ?sensor bf:uuid ?uuid .
                      ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone
                    """ % self.controller_cfg[
            "Building"]  # get all the occupancy sensors uuids

        results = hod.do_query(occ_query)  # run the query
        uuids = [[x['?zone'], x['?uuid']] for x in results['Rows']]  # unpack

        # only choose the sensors for the zone specified in cfg
        query_list = []
        for i in uuids:
            if i[0] == self.zone:

        # get the sensor data
        c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.c)
        dfs = c.do_query({
            'Composition': query_list,
            'Selectors': [mdal.MAX] * len(query_list),
            'Time': {
                (self.now - timedelta(days=25)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') +
                ' UTC',
                self.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                str(self.interval) + 'min',

        dfs = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)

        df = dfs[[query_list[0]]]
        df.columns.values[0] = 'occ'
        df.is_copy = False
        df.columns = ['occ']
        # perform OR on the data, if one sensor is activated, the whole zone is considered occupied
        for i in range(1, len(query_list)):
            df.loc[:, 'occ'] += dfs[query_list[i]]
        df.loc[:, 'occ'] = 1 * (df['occ'] > 0)

        return df.tz_localize(None)
예제 #2
    def thermostat_setpoints(self):

        uuids = [

        c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.c)
        dfs = c.do_query({
            'Composition': uuids,
            'Selectors': [mdal.MEAN, mdal.MEAN, mdal.MEAN],
            'Time': {
                (self.now -
                 timedelta(minutes=10)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                self.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',

        df = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)
        df = df.rename(columns={
            uuids[0]: 'T_High',
            uuids[1]: 'T_Low',
            uuids[2]: 'T_Mode'

        return df['T_High'][-1], df['T_Low'][-1], df['T_Mode'][-1]
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, start=None, end=None, timezone='US/Pacific'):
        """        params:
            start: (string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") When should the data start.
            end:  (string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") when should the data end.
            timezone: (string) As used by pytz. Used for both start and end
        # data clients
        self.client = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal")
        self.hod = HodClient("xbos/hod")
        self.SITE = "ciee"
        tz = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')

        temp_end = dati.datetime.today() if end is None else datetime.strptime(
            end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")
        temp_start = (
            temp_end -
            dati.timedelta(10)) if start is None else datetime.strptime(
                start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")

        self.end = tz.localize(temp_end)
        self.start = tz.localize(temp_start)

        self.zone_sensor_df = self.get_occupancy()
        self.building_df = self.get_building_occupancy()
        self.zone_df = self.get_zone_occupancy()
예제 #4
    def preprocess_therm(self):

        uuids = [

        c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.c)
        dfs = c.do_query({
            'Composition': uuids,
            'Selectors': [mdal.MEAN, mdal.MAX, mdal.MEAN],
            'Time': {
                'T0': '2017-07-21 00:00:00 UTC',
                'T1': self.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'WindowSize': '1min',
                'Aligned': True

        df = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)
        df = df.rename(columns={
            uuids[0]: 'tin',
            uuids[1]: 'a',
            uuids[2]: 't_out'

        df = df.fillna(method='pad')
        df['a'] = df.apply(f3, axis=1)
        df['tin'] = df['tin'].replace(to_replace=0, method='pad')
        df['t_out'] = df['t_out'].replace(to_replace=0, method='pad')

        df['change_of_action'] = (df['a'].diff(1) != 0).astype('int').cumsum()

        listerino = []
        for j in df.change_of_action.unique():
            for dfs in [
                    df[df['change_of_action'] == j][i:i + self.interval]
                    for i in range(0, df[df['change_of_action'] == j].shape[0],
                    'time': dfs.index[0],
                    'tin': dfs['tin'][0],
                    't_next': dfs['tin'][-1],
                    'dt': dfs.shape[0],
                    'tout': dfs['t_out'][0],
                    'action': dfs['a'][0]
        df = pd.DataFrame(listerino).set_index('time')
        df['a1'] = df.apply(f1, axis=1)
        df['a2'] = df.apply(f2, axis=1)
        return df.tz_localize(None)
예제 #5
    def preprocess_occ(self):

        #this only works for ciee, check how it should be writen properly:
        hod = HodClient("ciee/hod", self.c)

        occ_query = """SELECT ?sensor ?uuid ?zone WHERE {
		  ?sensor rdf:type brick:Occupancy_Sensor .
		  ?sensor bf:isLocatedIn/bf:isPartOf ?zone .
		  ?sensor bf:uuid ?uuid .
		  ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone

        results = hod.do_query(occ_query)
        uuids = [[x['?zone'], x['?uuid']] for x in results['Rows']]

        query_list = []
        for i in uuids:
            if i[0] == self.zone:

        c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal")
        dfs = c.do_query({
            'Composition': query_list,
            'Selectors': [mdal.MAX] * len(query_list),
            'Time': {
                (self.now - timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') +
                ' UTC',
                self.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                str(self.interval) + 'min',

        dfs = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)

        df = dfs[[query_list[0]]]
        df.columns.values[0] = 'occ'
        df.is_copy = False
        df.columns = ['occ']
        for i in range(1, len(query_list)):
            df.loc[:, 'occ'] += dfs[query_list[i]]
        df.loc[:, 'occ'] = 1 * (df['occ'] > 0)

        return df.tz_localize(None)
예제 #6
def preprocess_data(UUID, c, startime, endtime):

	c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=c)
	dfs = c.do_query({'Composition': [UUID],
					  'Selectors': [mdal.MAX],
					  'Time': {'T0': startime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
							   'T1': endtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
							   'WindowSize': '1min',
							   'Aligned': True}})

	df = [dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()][0]
	df = df.rename(columns={UUID: 'State'})
	df = df.loc[df['State'] != 0.0]
	return df.dropna()
예제 #7
    def _get_outside_data(self, start=None, end=None):
        # TODO update docstring
        """Get outside temperature for thermal model.
        :param start: (datetime) time to start. relative to datamanager instance timezone.
        :param end: (datetime) time to end. relative to datamanager instance timezone.
        :return outside temperature has freq of 15 min and
        pd.df columns["tin", "a"] has freq of self.window_size. """

        if end is None:
            end = self.now
        if start is None:
            start = end - timedelta(hours=10)

        # Converting start and end from datamanger timezone to UTC timezone.
        start = start.astimezone(pytz.timezone("UTC"))
        end = end.astimezone(pytz.timezone("UTC"))

        outside_temperature_query = """SELECT ?weather_station ?uuid FROM %s WHERE {
                                    ?weather_station rdf:type brick:Weather_Temperature_Sensor.
                                    ?weather_station bf:uuid ?uuid.

        # get outside temperature data
        # TODO for now taking all weather stations and preprocessing it. Should be determined based on metadata.
        outside_temperature_query_data = self.hod_client.do_query(
            outside_temperature_query % self.building)["Rows"][0]

        # Get data from MDAL
        mdal_client = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.client)
        outside_temperature_data = mdal_client.do_query({
            'Composition': [outside_temperature_query_data["?uuid"]],
            # uuid from Mr.Plotter. should use outside_temperature_query_data["?uuid"],
            'Selectors': [mdal.MEAN],
            'Time': {
                'T0': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'T1': end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'WindowSize': str(15) + 'min',
                # TODO document that we are getting 15 min intervals because then we get less nan values.
                'Aligned': True

        outside_temperature_data = outside_temperature_data["df"]
        outside_temperature_data.columns = ["t_out"]

        return outside_temperature_data
예제 #8
    def _get_outside_data(self, start=None, end=None, inclusive=False):
        # TODO update docstring
        """Get outside temperature for thermal model.
        :param start: (datetime) time to start. in UTC time.
        :param end: (datetime) time to end. in UTC time.
        :param inclusive: (bool) whether the end time should be inclusive. 
                        which means that we get the time for the end, plus 15 min.
        :return ({uuid: (pd.df) (col: "t_out) outside_data})  outside temperature has freq of 15 min and
        pd.df columns["tin", "action"] has freq of self.window_size. """

        # add an interval, to make the end inclusive, which means that we get the time for the end, plus 15 min.
        if inclusive:
            end += datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)

        outside_temperature_query = """SELECT ?weather_station ?uuid FROM %s WHERE {
                                    ?weather_station rdf:type brick:Weather_Temperature_Sensor.
                                    ?weather_station bf:uuid ?uuid.

        # get outside temperature data
        # TODO for now taking all weather stations and preprocessing it. Should be determined based on metadata.
        outside_temperature_query_data = self.hod_client.do_query(outside_temperature_query % self.building)["Rows"]

        outside_temperature_data = {}
        for weather_station in outside_temperature_query_data:
            # Get data from MDAL
            mdal_client = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.client)
            mdal_query = {
                'Composition': [weather_station["?uuid"]],
                # uuid from Mr.Plotter. should use outside_temperature_query_data["?uuid"],
                'Selectors': [mdal.MEAN]
                , 'Time': {'T0': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                           'T1': end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                           'WindowSize': str(15) + 'min',
                           # TODO document that we are getting 15 min intervals because then we get fewer nan values.
                           'Aligned': True}}

            mdal_outside_data = utils.get_mdal_data(mdal_client, mdal_query)

            mdal_outside_data.columns = ["t_out"]
            outside_temperature_data[weather_station["?uuid"]] = mdal_outside_data

        return outside_temperature_data
예제 #9

res3=hod.do_query(type_query % SITE)

byrooms_type = defaultdict(list)
for item in res3['Rows']:

print byrooms_type
print "Room types loaded!"

Actuated = ""
################################################ Controls

c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal")

for room in all_rooms:
	Type = byrooms_type[room][0]

	if Type=="Hallway":
		for light in byrooms[room]:
			if ACTUATE:
				brightness =20
				Actuated += "Lights in room"+str(room)+" was set to"+str(brightness)+"\n"

	elif Type=="Toilet":
		for light in byrooms[room]:
			print "c"#print light.brightness
			if ACTUATE:
예제 #10
    def _get_inside_data(self, start, end):
        """Get thermostat status and temperature and outside temperature for thermal model.
        :param start: (datetime) time to start. relative to datamanager instance timezone.
        :param end: (datetime) time to end. relative to datamanager instance timezone.
        :return outside temperature has freq of 15 min and
                    pd.df columns["tin", "a"] has freq of self.window_size. """

        # Converting start and end from datamanger timezone to UTC timezone.
        start = start.astimezone(pytz.timezone("UTC"))
        end = end.astimezone(pytz.timezone("UTC"))

        # following queries are for the whole building.
        thermostat_status_query = """SELECT ?zone ?uuid FROM %s WHERE { 
			  ?tstat rdf:type brick:Thermostat .
			  ?tstat bf:hasLocation/bf:isPartOf ?location_zone .
			  ?location_zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone .
			  ?tstat bf:controls ?RTU .
			  ?RTU rdf:type brick:RTU . 
			  ?RTU bf:feeds ?zone. 
			  ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone . 
			  ?tstat bf:hasPoint ?status_point .
			  ?status_point rdf:type brick:Thermostat_Status .
			  ?status_point bf:uuid ?uuid.

        # Start of FIX for missing Brick query
        thermostat_status_query = """SELECT ?zone ?uuid FROM  %s WHERE {
                                 ?tstat rdf:type brick:Thermostat .
                                 ?tstat bf:controls ?RTU .
                                 ?RTU rdf:type brick:RTU .
                                 ?RTU bf:feeds ?zone. 
                                 ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone .
                                 ?tstat bf:hasPoint ?status_point .
                                  ?status_point rdf:type brick:Thermostat_Status .
                                  ?status_point bf:uuid ?uuid.
        # End of FIX - delete when Brick is fixed

        thermostat_temperature_query = """SELECT ?zone ?uuid FROM %s WHERE { 
			  ?tstat rdf:type brick:Thermostat .
			  ?tstat bf:hasLocation/bf:isPartOf ?location_zone .
			  ?location_zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone .
			  ?tstat bf:controls ?RTU .
			  ?RTU rdf:type brick:RTU . 
			  ?RTU bf:feeds ?zone. 
			  ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone . 
			  ?tstat bf:hasPoint ?thermostat_point .
			  ?thermostat_point rdf:type brick:Temperature_Sensor .
			  ?thermostat_point bf:uuid ?uuid.

        # Start of FIX for missing Brick query
        thermostat_temperature_query = """SELECT ?zone ?uuid FROM  %s WHERE {
                          ?tstat rdf:type brick:Thermostat .
                          ?tstat bf:controls ?RTU .
                          ?RTU rdf:type brick:RTU .
                          ?RTU bf:feeds ?zone. 
                          ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone .
                          ?tstat bf:hasPoint ?thermostat_point  .
                          ?thermostat_point rdf:type brick:Temperature_Sensor .
                          ?thermostat_point bf:uuid ?uuid.
        # End of FIX - delete when Brick is fixed

        temp_thermostat_query_data = {
            self.hod_client.do_query(thermostat_temperature_query %
            self.hod_client.do_query(thermostat_status_query %

        # give the thermostat query data better structure for later loop. Can index by zone and then get uuids for each
        # thermostat attribute.
        thermostat_query_data = {}
        for tstat_attr, attr_dicts in temp_thermostat_query_data.items():
            for dict in attr_dicts:
                if dict["?zone"] not in thermostat_query_data:
                    thermostat_query_data[dict["?zone"]] = {}
                    dict["?zone"]][tstat_attr] = dict["?uuid"]

        # get the data for the thermostats for each zone.
        mdal_client = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.client)
        zone_thermal_data = {}
        for zone, dict in thermostat_query_data.items():
            # get the thermostat data
            dfs = mdal_client.do_query({
                [dict["tstat_temperature"], dict["tstat_action"]],
                'Selectors': [mdal.MEAN, mdal.MAX],
                'Time': {
                    'T0': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                    'T1': end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                    'WindowSize': str(self.window_size) + 'min',
                    'Aligned': True
            df = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)

            zone_thermal_data[zone] = df.rename(columns={
                dict["tstat_temperature"]: 't_in',
                dict["tstat_action"]: 'a'

        # TODO Note: The timezone for the data relies to be converted by MDAL to the local timezone.
        return zone_thermal_data
예제 #11
import os
import pytz
import yaml
from xbos.services import hod, mdal

cfg = yaml.load(open('config.yml'))
AGENT = cfg.get('agent', '')
if AGENT.startswith('$'):
    AGENT = os.environ[AGENT]

ENTITY = cfg.get('entity', '')
if ENTITY.startswith('$'):
    ENTITY = os.environ[ENTITY[1:]]

SITE = cfg.get('site', 'ciee')

HOD = hod.HodClient(cfg.get('hod', 'xbos/hod'))

MDAL = mdal.MDALClient(cfg.get('mdal', 'xbos/mdal'))

TZ = pytz.timezone(cfg.get('tz', 'US/Pacific'))
예제 #12
def lights(building, client, actuate=False):
    ACTUATE = actuate
    SITE = building  # Cahnge this according to the site

    # print RoomsType.RoomsType[df['column_name'] == some_value]
    c = client
    hod = HodClient("xbos/hod")

    skipped = ""

    ####### occ query

    occ_query = """SELECT * FROM %s WHERE {
	?l rdf:type brick:Lighting_System .
	?l bf:feeds ?room .
	?room rdf:type brick:Room .
	?l bf:uri ?luri .
	?l bf:hasPoint ?p .
	?p rdf:type brick:Occupancy_Sensor .
	?p bf:uri ?puri .
	?p bf:uuid ?puuid

    res2 = hod.do_query(occ_query % SITE)

    byrooms_o = defaultdict(list)
    for item in res2['Rows']:

    print "Occupancy uuids loaded!"

    ####### light query

    light_query = """
	SELECT ?light ?room ?light_uri FROM %s WHERE {
	  ?light rdf:type brick:Lighting_System .
	  ?light bf:feeds ?room .
	  ?room rdf:type brick:Room .
	  ?light bf:uri ?light_uri

    res = hod.do_query(light_query % SITE)

    byrooms = defaultdict(list)
    all_rooms = set()
    for item in res['Rows']:
            l = Light(c, item['?light_uri'])
            skipped += str(item['?light']) + "in room" + str(
                item['?room']) + " skipped! \n"

    print "Lighting systems loaded!"

    ####### room type query

    type_query = """SELECT * FROM %s WHERE {
	    ?room rdf:type brick:Room.
	    ?room rdf:label ?label

    res3 = hod.do_query(type_query % SITE)

    byrooms_type = defaultdict(list)
    for item in res3['Rows']:

    print byrooms_type
    print "Room types loaded!"

    Actuated = ""
    ################################################ Controls

    c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal")

    for room in all_rooms:
        Type = byrooms_type[room][0]

        if Type == "Hallway":
            for light in byrooms[room]:
                if ACTUATE:
                    brightness = 20
                    Actuated += "Lights in room" + str(
                        room) + " was set to" + str(brightness) + "\n"
                    light.set_brightness(min(light.brightness, brightness))

        elif Type == "Toilet":
            for light in byrooms[room]:
                print "c"  # print light.brightness
                if ACTUATE:
                    brightness = 10
                    Actuated += "Lights in room" + str(
                        room) + " was set to" + str(brightness) + "\n"
                    light.set_brightness(min(light.brightness, brightness))
            query_list = []
            for i in byrooms_o[room]:

            # get the sensor data
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
            dfs = c.do_query({
                'Composition': query_list,
                'Selectors': [mdal.MAX] * len(query_list),
                'Time': {
                    (now - timedelta(hours=0.5)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                    + ' UTC',
                    now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                    str(30) + 'min',

            dfs = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)

            df = dfs[[query_list[0]]]
            df.columns.values[0] = 'occ'
            df.is_copy = False
            df.columns = ['occ']
            # perform OR on the data, if one sensor is activated, the whole room is considered occupied
            for i in range(1, len(query_list)):
                df.loc[:, 'occ'] += dfs[query_list[i]]
            df.loc[:, 'occ'] = 1 * (df['occ'] > 0)

            if df["occ"][0] != 1:
                for light in byrooms[room]:
                    if ACTUATE:
                        brightness = 0
                        Actuated += "Lights in room" + str(
                            room) + " was set to " + str(brightness) + "\n"
                        light.set_brightness(min(light.brightness, brightness))
                for light in byrooms[room]:
                    print light.brightness
                    if ACTUATE:
                        brightness = 10
                        Actuated += "Lights in room" + str(
                            room) + " was set to " + str(brightness) + "\n"
                        light.set_brightness(min(light.brightness, brightness))

    print "Done!"
    print "================================"
    print "We skipped the following lights:"
    print skipped
    print "We actuated the following lights:"
    print Actuated
예제 #13
    def thermostat_setpoints(self, start, end, window_size=1):
        Gets the thermostat setpoints from archiver from start to end. Does not preprocess the data.
        :param start: datetime in utc time.
        :param end: datetime in utc time.
        :param window_size: The frequency with which to get the data.
        :return: pd.df columns="t_high", "t_low" with timeseries in utc time with freq=window_size. 

        cooling_setpoint_query = """SELECT ?zone ?uuid FROM %s WHERE {
                    ?tstat rdf:type brick:Thermostat .
                    ?tstat bf:controls ?RTU .
                    ?RTU rdf:type brick:RTU .
                    ?RTU bf:feeds ?zone. 
                    ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone .
                    ?tstat bf:hasPoint ?setpoint .
                    ?setpoint rdf:type brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Cooling_Setpoint .
                    ?setpoint bf:uuid ?uuid.

        heating_setpoint_query = """SELECT ?zone ?uuid FROM %s WHERE {
                    ?tstat rdf:type brick:Thermostat .
                    ?tstat bf:controls ?RTU .
                    ?RTU rdf:type brick:RTU .
                    ?RTU bf:feeds ?zone. 
                    ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone .
                    ?tstat bf:hasPoint ?setpoint .
                    ?setpoint rdf:type brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Heating_Setpoint .
                    ?setpoint bf:uuid ?uuid.

        hod_client = HodClient("xbos/hod", self.c)

        # get query data
        temp_thermostat_query_data = {
            hod_client.do_query(cooling_setpoint_query %
            hod_client.do_query(heating_setpoint_query %

        # give the thermostat query data better structure for later loop. Can index by zone and then get uuids for each
        # thermostat attribute.
        thermostat_query_data = {}
        for tstat_attr, attr_dicts in temp_thermostat_query_data.items():
            for dict in attr_dicts:
                if dict["?zone"] not in thermostat_query_data:
                    thermostat_query_data[dict["?zone"]] = {}
                    dict["?zone"]][tstat_attr] = dict["?uuid"]

        # get the data for the thermostats for each zone.
        mdal_client = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=self.c)
        zone_setpoint_data = {}
        for zone, dict in thermostat_query_data.items():

            mdal_query = {
                [dict["heating_setpoint"], dict["cooling_setpoint"]],
                'Selectors': [mdal.MEAN, mdal.MEAN],
                'Time': {
                    'T0': start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                    'T1': end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                    'WindowSize': str(window_size) + 'min',
                    'Aligned': True

            # get the thermostat data
            df = utils.get_mdal_data(mdal_client, mdal_query)
            zone_setpoint_data[zone] = df.rename(
                    dict["heating_setpoint"]: 't_low',
                    dict["cooling_setpoint"]: 't_high'

        return zone_setpoint_data
예제 #14
def data_fetch(cfg, cli, zones):
    # state, tin, tout, setp_high, setp_low
    UUIDS = {
        "SouthZone": [
        "NorthZone": [
        "CentralZone": [
        "EastZone": [

    uspac = pytz.timezone(cfg["Pytz_Timezone"])
    startime = uspac.localize(
            cfg["Start_Date"], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')).astimezone(tz=pytz.utc)
    endtime = startime + timedelta(hours=24)

    hod = HodClient(cfg["Building"] + "/hod", cli)

    occ_query = """SELECT ?sensor ?uuid ?zone WHERE {
				  ?sensor rdf:type brick:Occupancy_Sensor .
				  ?sensor bf:isLocatedIn/bf:isPartOf ?zone .
				  ?sensor bf:uuid ?uuid .
				  ?zone rdf:type brick:HVAC_Zone
				"""  # get all the occupancy sensors uuids

    results = hod.do_query(occ_query)  # run the query
    occ_uuids = [[x['?zone'], x['?uuid']] for x in results['Rows']]  # unpack

    dataframes = {}

    for zone in zones:

        query_list = []
        for i in occ_uuids:
            if i[0] == zone:

        c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=cli)
        dfs = c.do_query({
            [mdal.MAX, mdal.MEAN, mdal.MEAN, mdal.MEAN, mdal.MEAN],
            'Time': {
                'T0': startime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'T1': endtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'WindowSize': '1min',
                'Aligned': True

        df = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)
        df_th = df.rename(
                UUIDS[zone][0]: 'State',
                UUIDS[zone][1]: 'Tin',
                UUIDS[zone][2]: 'Tout',
                UUIDS[zone][3]: "STPH",
                UUIDS[zone][4]: "STPL"
        df_th['change_of_action'] = (df_th['State'].diff(1) !=

        c = mdal.MDALClient("xbos/mdal", client=cli)
        dfs = c.do_query({
            'Composition': query_list,
            'Selectors': [mdal.MAX] * len(query_list),
            'Time': {
                'T0': startime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'T1': endtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC',
                'WindowSize': '1min',
                'Aligned': True

        dfs = pd.concat([dframe for uid, dframe in dfs.items()], axis=1)

        df = dfs[[query_list[0]]]
        df.columns.values[0] = 'Occ'
        df.is_copy = False
        df.columns = ['Occ']
        # perform OR on the data, if one sensor is activated, the whole zone is considered occupied
        for i in range(1, len(query_list)):
            df.loc[:, 'Occ'] += dfs[query_list[i]]
        df.loc[:, 'Occ'] = 1 * (df['Occ'] > 0)
        df_occ = df

        dataframes[zone] = pd.concat([df_th, df_occ], axis=1)
    return dataframes