예제 #1
def gen_gamma_params(path, save_path):
    """ Generate dataset of basic features (1D) of cosmic events"""
    path = os.path.join(path, 'gamma/*.xcd')
    files = glob(path)
    total_data = []
    for xcdf_file in files:
        xf = XCDFFile(xcdf_file)
        data = []
        # Normal 1D (no conditional)
        # params = "rec.logNPE, rec.nHit, rec.nTankHit, rec.zenithAngle, rec.azimuthAngle, rec.coreX, rec.coreY, rec.CxPE40"
        # For conditional
        params = "rec.logNPE, rec.nHit, rec.nTankHit, rec.zenithAngle, rec.azimuthAngle, rec.coreX, rec.coreY, rec.CxPE40, \
        SimEvent.energyTrue, SimEvent.thetaTrue, SimEvent.phiTrue"

        for param in xf.fields(params):
            if abs(param[3] - np.pi) > .01:
    total_data = np.array(total_data, dtype=np.float32)
    # Simple data augmentation
    total_data[:, 1] = np.log(total_data[:, 1])  # Take the log of rec.nHit
    total_data[:, 7] = np.log(total_data[:, 7] +
                              .01)  # Take the log of rec.rec.CxPE40
    total_data[:, 8] = np.log(
        total_data[:, 8])  # For conditional only (Very important to have)
    assert total_data.shape == (
        total_data.shape[0], 11
    )  # 8 expected for no condition, 11 expected for conditional
    print(total_data[:15, :])
    np.save(osp.join(save_path, "gamma_data"), total_data)
예제 #2
def get_layout(path, save_path='data/', sub='gamma/'):
    Get the x, y, and z coordinates of every PMT to visualize data later
    files = glob(os.path.join(path, sub, '*.xcd'))
    pmt_locs = np.zeros((1200, 3))
    params = "event.hit.xPMT, event.hit.yPMT, event.hit.zPMT, event.hit.gridId"
    for xcdf_file in files:
        xf = XCDFFile(xcdf_file)
        for xs, ys, zs, ids in list(xf.fields(params)):
            for x, y, z, id in zip(xs, ys, zs, ids):
                id -= 1  # change id to be 0 indexed
                # make sure all pmts with the same ID have the same coords
                if not np.isclose(pmt_locs[id][0], 0):
                    assert pmt_locs[id][0] == x
                if not np.isclose(pmt_locs[id][1], 0):
                    assert pmt_locs[id][1] == y
                if not np.isclose(pmt_locs[id][2], 0):
                    assert pmt_locs[id][2] == z
                # save coord locations
                pmt_locs[id][0] = x
                pmt_locs[id][1] = y
                pmt_locs[id][2] = z
        zeros = np.count_nonzero(pmt_locs)
        print("{0} out of {1} pixels have data".format(zeros, 1200 * 3))
        # assuming 3378 PMTs have value for early termination
        if zeros == 3378:
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):
    np.save(osp.join(save_path, "layout"), pmt_locs)
예제 #3
label2 = label2_w = 0
label3 = label3_w = 0
true_label_0 = true_label_0_w = 0
true_label_1 = true_label_1_w = 0
true_label_2 = true_label_2_w = 0
true_label_3 = true_label_3_w = 0
true01_label0 = 0
true23_label0 = 0
true123_label0 = 0

# delAngle threshold (in radian) for separating good and bad events for 6 fHit bins
delAngle_threshold_g = np.array(
    [0.0341, 0.0237, 0.0182, 0.0131, 0.0091, 0.0072])
delAngle_threshold_h = np.array([0.0536, 0.0376, 0.032, 0.0273, 0.0226, 0.016])

xcdf = XCDFFile(args.input)
# event loop -----------------------------------
for record in xcdf.fields(
        "rec.eventID, rec.nChTot, rec.nChAvail, rec.nTankHit, rec.nHit, rec.nHitSP10, rec.nHitSP20, rec.zenithAngle, rec.azimuthAngle, rec.dec, rec.ra, rec.CxPE20, rec.CxPE30, rec.CxPE40, rec.CxPE50, rec.CxPE40SPTime, rec.PINC, rec.angleFitStatus, rec.coreFitStatus, rec.coreFiduScale, rec.coreX, rec.coreY, rec.coreFitUnc, rec.SFCFChi2, rec.planeChi2, rec.fAnnulusCharge0, rec.fAnnulusCharge1, rec.fAnnulusCharge2, rec.fAnnulusCharge3, rec.GamCoreAge, rec.GamCoreAmp, rec.GamCoreChi2, rec.GamCorePackInt, rec.mPFnHits, rec.mPFnPlanes, rec.mPFp0nAssign, rec.mPFp0Weight, rec.mPFp0toangleFit, rec.mPFp1nAssign, rec.mPFp1Weight, rec.mPFp1toangleFit, rec.disMax, mc.zenithAngle, mc.azimuthAngle, mc.corsikaParticleId, mc.delAngle, mc.delCore, mc.logEnergy, mc.coreX, mc.coreY, sweets.IWgt, sweets.TWgt, rec.logNNEnergy, mc.coreFiduScale, rec.classLabel"
    eventID, nChTot, nChAvail, nTankHit, nHit, nHitSP10, nHitSP20, zenithAngle, azimuthAngle, dec, ra, CxPE20, CxPE30, CxPE40, CxPE50, CxPE40SPTime, PINC, angleFitStatus, coreFitStatus, coreFiduScale, coreX, coreY, coreFitUnc, SFCFChi2, planeChi2, fAnnulusCharge0, fAnnulusCharge1, fAnnulusCharge2, fAnnulusCharge3, GamCoreAge, GamCoreAmp, GamCoreChi2, GamCorePackInt, mPFnHits, mPFnPlanes, mPFp0nAssign, mPFp0Weight, mPFp0toangleFit, mPFp1nAssign, mPFp1Weight, mPFp1toangleFit, disMax, zenithAngle_true, azimuthAngle_true, corsikaParticleId, delAngle, delCore, logEnergy, coreX_true, coreY_true, IWgt, TWgt, logNNEnergy, true_coreFiduScale, classLabel = record

    nChAvail = float(nChAvail)
    nChTot = float(nChTot)
    angleFitStatus = float(angleFitStatus)
    coreFitStatus = float(coreFitStatus)
    coreFiduScale = float(coreFiduScale)
    zenithAngle = float(zenithAngle)
    nHit = float(nHit)
    nHitSP20 = float(nHitSP20)
    classLabel = int(classLabel)
예제 #4

from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from xcdf import XCDFFile
import ntpath
def path_leaf(path):
    head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
    return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
#deg = np.pi/180.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('file', nargs='+', help='path to the file')
parser.add_argument('out', nargs='+', help='path to the outfile')
args_namespace = parser.parse_args()
args = vars(args_namespace)['file'][0]
outdir= vars(args_namespace)['out'][0]
xf = XCDFFile(args)
#xf = XCDFFile("reco_run006657_00001.xcd")
print args[0]
allset = []
#for record in xf.fields("rec.nHit,rec.CxPE40,rec.PINC,rec.logNNEnergy,rec.disMax,rec.LDFAge,rec.LDFAmp,rec.LDFChi2,rec.nChAvail,rec.nHitSP20"):
for record in xf.fields("rec.nHit,rec.CxPE40,rec.PINC,rec.disMax,rec.LDFAge,rec.LDFAmp,rec.LDFChi2"):

allset[:,0]= np.log10(np.divide(allset[:,1], allset[:,0],out=np.zeros_like(allset[:,0]), where=allset[:,0]!=0))

예제 #5
def gen_images_mapping(path="./HAWC/",
    generate 40x40 images, each pixel is either 0 or mapped to a PMT
    using mapping of tanks to pixels
    Note that some pixels do not have a corresponding tank so they are always 0
    pixel_range corresponds to normalizing the images from 0-255

    :param path: path to data directory
    :param sub: subdirectory / type of event (currently only tried gamma)
    :param display: whether to show matplotlib visualizations of parsed data
    :param log: take log of charge data
    :param train_split: ratio of train to test data
    :param two_dims: whether to include a second channel (time)
    :param small: only use one XCDF file to run sanity check
    :param normalize: normalize data between (-1, 1)
    :param pixel_range: normalize data between (0, 256), the valid range of pixel values
    from squaremapping import sqmap  # sqmap is a mapping of {PMT Grid ID: index into 40x40 image}
    files = glob(os.path.join(path, sub, '*.xcd'))
    total_data = []
    labels = []
    params = "event.hit.charge, event.hit.time, event.hit.gridId, " \
             "rec.zenithAngle, rec.azimuthAngle"
    if small: files = files[0:1]
    for xcdf_file in files:
        xf = XCDFFile(xcdf_file)
        for charge, time, gridid, zen, azi in list(xf.fields(params)):
            # first dim = charge, second dim = time
            # We generate a 40x40 grid for each event, from a mapping of gid -> x, y positions on grid
            if two_dims:
                grid = np.zeros((40, 40, 2))
                # fill the grid with the smallest possible value, -500
                grid[:, :, 1] = np.full((40, 40), -500.)
                grid = np.zeros((40, 40, 1))

            # load in data to the created array
            for c, gid, t in zip(charge, gridid, time):
                # sqmap is currently only defined for PMTs with ID > 8
                if gid > 8:
                    coorsq = sqmap[int(gid)]
                    # smallest charge is 0.1, so we set 0.1 and smaller to 0 to avoid log(0) issues
                    if log:
                        c = max(np.log(c + 1e-8) - np.log(0.1), 0.)
                    grid[coorsq[0], coorsq[1], 0] = c
                    if two_dims:
                        grid[coorsq[0], coorsq[1],
                             1] = t if not np.isclose(c, 0) else 500.

            labels.append([zen, azi])
    total_data = np.array(total_data, dtype=np.float32)
    labels = np.array(labels)
    print('data shape', total_data.shape, 'labels shape',
          labels.shape)  # shape should be (N, 40, 40, 2)
    # We can normalize values to [0, 255] to put data in same domain as images, or [-1, 1]
    if normalize:
        min_vals, max_vals = [], []
        # normalize each channel independently
        for i in range(total_data.shape[3]):
            min_val, max_val = np.amin(total_data[:, :, :, i]), np.amax(
                total_data[:, :, :, i])
            min_vals.append(min_val), max_vals.append(max_val)
            print('Dimension %i, min: %f, max: %f' % (i, min_val, max_val))
        # Math to normalize channels to between [-1, 1]
        # Forward: -1. + 2. * (x - min) / (max - min)
        # inverse: (y + 1) / 2 * (max - min) + min
        dims = []
        if pixel_range:
            dims.append(255. * (total_data[:, :, :, 0] - min_vals[0]) /
                        (max_vals[0] - min_vals[0]))
            if two_dims:
                dims.append(255. * (total_data[:, :, :, 1] - min_vals[1]) /
                            (max_vals[1] - min_vals[1]))
            dims.append(-1. + 2. * (total_data[:, :, :, 0] - min_vals[0]) /
                        (max_vals[0] - min_vals[0]))
            if two_dims:
                dims.append(-1. + 2. * (total_data[:, :, :, 1] - min_vals[1]) /
                            (max_vals[1] - min_vals[1]))

        # sanity check for normalization
        for d in dims:
            assert np.amax(d) <= 255.01 if two_dims else 1.01, np.amax(d)
            assert np.amin(d) >= 0.0 if two_dims else -1.01, np.amin(d)
        total_data = np.stack(dims, axis=3)

    # shuffle data and fix seed
    p = np.random.permutation(len(total_data))
    total_data, labels = total_data[p], labels[p]
    if display:
                        'ground truth - gamma - log - 40x40 grid')
                       'ground truth - gamma - log - pmts',
        for i in range(5, 8):
                           'ground truth - gamma - log - pmts - single',

    # make the train / test split
    split = int(train_split * len(total_data))
    print("split size:", split)
    train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels = \
        total_data[:split], total_data[split:], labels[:split], labels[split:]

    # save data according to save_path
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):
    # create both training and testing data
    suffix = "_2" if two_dims else ""
    np.save(osp.join(save_path, "gamma_image_mapping_data" + suffix),
    np.save(osp.join(save_path, "gamma_labels" + suffix), train_labels)
    np.save(osp.join(save_path, "gamma_test_image_mapping_data" + suffix),
    np.save(osp.join(save_path, "gamma_test_labels" + suffix), test_labels)
예제 #6
def path_leaf(path):
    head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
    return tail or ntpath.basename(head)

import os
for prefix in ('OMP', 'MKL', 'NUMEXPR'):
    os.environ['%s_NUM_THREADS' % prefix] = '1'
#deg = np.pi/180.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('file', nargs='+', help='path to the file')
parser.add_argument('out', nargs='+', help='path to the outfile')
args_namespace = parser.parse_args()
args = vars(args_namespace)['file'][0]
outdir = vars(args_namespace)['out'][0]
xf = XCDFFile(args)
name = path_leaf(args)
#xf = XCDFFile("reco_run006657_00001.xcd")
print args[0]
allset = []
#for record in xf.fields("rec.nHit,rec.CxPE40,rec.PINC,rec.logNNEnergy,rec.disMax,rec.LDFAge,rec.LDFAmp,rec.LDFChi2,rec.nChAvail,rec.nHitSP20"):
#for record in xf.fields("rec.nHit,rec.CxPE40,rec.PINC,rec.disMax,rec.LDFAge,rec.LDFAmp,rec.LDFChi2"):
for record in xf.fields(

allset = np.array(allset)
allset[:, 0] = np.log10(
    np.divide(allset[:, 1],