예제 #1
def main():
    args = utils.get_args('generates .html diffs with deep clues for all puzzles in similar.tsv')
    outf = utils.open_output()

    similars = utils.parse_tsv('gxd/similar.tsv', 'Similar')
    xdids_todo = [ parse_pathname(fn).base for fn in args.inputs ]
    if not xdids_todo:
        xdids_todo = [ xdid for xdid, matches in metadb.get_similar_grids().items() if matches ]

    for mainxdid in xdids_todo:

        mainxd = xdfile.get_xd(mainxdid)
        if not mainxd:

        matches = metadb.get_similar_grids().get(mainxdid, [])

        xddates = {}
        xddates[mainxdid] = mainxd.date() # Dict to store XD dates for further sort
        html_grids = {}
        html_clues = {}

        # these are added directly to similar.tsv
        nstaleclues = 0
        nstaleanswers = 0
        ntotalclues = 0

        poss_answers = [] # TODO:
        pub_uses = {}  # [pubid] -> set(ClueAnswer)

        dcl_html = ''
        deepcl_html = [] # keep deep clues to parse later - per row
        for pos, mainclue, mainanswer in mainxd.iterclues():
            deepcl_html = [] # Temporary to be replaced late
            mainca = ClueAnswer(mainxdid, mainxd.date(), mainanswer, mainclue)

            # 'grid position' column
            deepcl_html.append('<td class="pos">%s.</td>' % pos)

            # find other uses of this clue, and other answers, in a single pass
            for clueans in find_clue_variants(mainclue):
                if clueans.answer != mainanswer:

                if clueans.answer == mainanswer:
                    if clueans.pubid in pub_uses:
                        otherpubs = pub_uses[clueans.pubid]
                        otherpubs = set()  # set of ClueAnswer
                        pub_uses[clueans.pubid] = otherpubs

            # add 'other uses' to clues_html
            stale = False
            deepcl_html.append('<td class="other-uses">')

            if len(pub_uses) > 0:
                sortable_uses = []
                for pubid, uses in pub_uses.items():
                    # show the earliest unboiled clue
                    for u in sorted(uses, key=lambda x: x.date or ""):
                        # only show those published earlier
                        if u.date and u.date <= mainxd.date():
                            if pubid == mainxdid and u.date == mainxd.date():
                                stale = True
                                sortable_uses.append((u.date, u, 1))

                deepcl_html.append(html_select([ (clue, nuses) for dt, clue, nuses in sorted(sortable_uses, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) ], top_option=mainclue))

                deepcl_html.append('<div class="original">%s</div>' % esc(mainclue))


            # add 'other answers' to clues_html

            deepcl_html.append('<td class="other-answers">')
            deepcl_html.append(html_select_options(poss_answers, strmaker=lambda ca: ca.answer, force_top=mainca))

            # add 'other clues' to clues_html
            deepcl_html.append('<td class="other-clues">')

            # bclues is all boiled clues for this particular answer: { [bc] -> #uses }
            bclues = load_answers().get(mainanswer, [])
            stale_answer = False

            if bclues:
                uses = []
                for bc, nuses in bclues.items():
                    # then find all clues besides this one
                    clue_usages = [ ca for ca in load_clues().get(bc, []) if ca.answer == mainanswer and ca.date < mainxd.date() ]

                    if clue_usages:
                        stale_answer = True
                        if nuses > 1:
                            # only use one (the most recent) ClueAnswer per boiled clue
                            # but use the clue only (no xdid)
                            ca = sorted(clue_usages, key=lambda ca: ca.date or "z")[-1].clue
                            ca = sorted(clue_usages, key=lambda ca: ca.date or "z")[-1]
                            uses.append((ca, nuses))

                if uses:

            deepcl_html.append('</td>')  # end 'other-clues'

            if stale_answer:
                nstaleanswers += 1
            if stale:
                nstaleclues += 1
            ntotalclues += 1
            # Quick and dirty - to be replaced
            dcl_html += '<tr>' + ' '.join(deepcl_html) + '</tr>'

        # Store in list to make further formatting as html table easier
        mainxd = xdfile.get_xd(mainxdid)
        if mainxd:
            html_grids[mainxdid] = grid_diff_html(mainxd)

        # Add for main XD
        diff_l = []
        for pos, mainclue, mainanswer in mainxd.iterclues():
            diff_h = mktag('div','fullgrid main') + '%s.&nbsp;' %pos
            diff_h += mainclue
            diff_h += mktag('span', tagclass='main', inner='&nbsp;~&nbsp;' + mainanswer.upper())
        html_clues[mainxdid] = diff_l
        # Process for all matches
        for xdid in matches:
            xd = xdfile.get_xd(xdid)
            if not xd:
            xddates[xdid] = xd.date()
            # output each grid
            html_grids[xdid] = grid_diff_html(xd, compare_with=mainxd)
            diff_l = []
            # output comparison of each set of clues
            for pos, clue, answer in xd.iterclues():
                diff_h = mktag('div','fullgrid') + '%s.&nbsp;' %pos
                # Sometimes can return clue == None
                sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == ' ', mainxd.get_clue(pos) or '', clue)
                if sm.ratio() < 0.50:
                    diff_h += clue
                    # Compare based on op codes
                    for opcode in sm.get_opcodes():
                        c, a1, a2, b1, b2 = opcode
                        if c == 'equal':
                            diff_h += '<span class="match">%s</span>' % clue[b1:b2]
                            diff_h += '<span class="diff">%s</span>' % clue[b1:b2]
                diff_h += mktag('span', tagclass=(answer == mainxd.get_answer(pos)) and 'match' or 'diff', inner='&nbsp;~&nbsp;' + answer.upper())
                diff_h += mktag('/div')
            html_clues[xdid] = diff_l

        # Wrap into table
        diff_h = mktag('table') + mktag('tr')
        # Sort by date
        sortedkeys = sorted(xddates.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        for w, dt in sortedkeys:
            # Wrap into table
            diff_h += mktag('td') + html_grids[w] + mktag('/td')
        diff_h += mktag('/tr')
        for i, clue in enumerate(html_clues[sortedkeys[0][0]]):
            diff_h += mktag('tr')
            for w, dt in sortedkeys:
                if i < len(html_clues[w]):
                    diff_h += mktag('td') + html_clues[w][i] + mktag('/td')
            diff_h += mktag('/tr')
        # Process deepclues
        diff_h += mktag('table') + dcl_html + mktag('/table')

        diff_h += mktag('/table')
        outf.write_html('pub/deep/%s/index.html' % mainxdid, diff_h,
                    title='Deep clue comparison for ' + mainxdid)
예제 #2
def main():
    args = utils.get_args("generates .html diffs for all puzzles in similar.tsv")
    outf = utils.open_output()

    similars = utils.parse_tsv("gxd/similar.tsv", "Similar")
    xdids_todo = args.inputs or [xdid for xdid, matches in metadb.get_similar_grids().items() if matches]
    for mainxdid in xdids_todo:

        mainxd = xdfile.get_xd(mainxdid)
        if not mainxd:

        matches = metadb.get_similar_grids().get(mainxdid, [])

        xddates = {}
        xddates[mainxdid] = mainxd.date()  # Dict to store XD dates for further sort
        html_grids = {}
        html_clues = {}
        # Store in list to make further formatting as html table easier
        html_grids[mainxdid] = grid_diff_html(xdfile.get_xd(mainxdid))

        # Add for main XD
        diff_l = []
        for pos, mainclue, mainanswer in mainxd.iterclues():
            diff_h = mktag("div", "fullgrid main") + "%s.&nbsp;" % pos
            diff_h += mainclue
            diff_h += mktag("span", tagclass="main", inner="&nbsp;~&nbsp;" + mainanswer.upper())
        html_clues[mainxdid] = diff_l
        # Process for all matches
        for xdid in matches:
            xd = xdfile.get_xd(xdid)
            # Continue if can't load xdid
            if not xd:
            xddates[xdid] = xd.date()
            # output each grid
            html_grids[xdid] = grid_diff_html(xd, compare_with=mainxd)
            diff_l = []
            # output comparison of each set of clues
            for pos, clue, answer in xd.iterclues():
                diff_h = mktag("div", "fullgrid") + "%s.&nbsp;" % pos
                # Sometimes can return clue == None
                mainclue = mainxd.get_clue_for_answer(answer)
                sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", mainclue or "", clue)
                debug("MCLUE: %s [%s]" % (mainclue, sm.ratio()))
                if mainclue is None or sm.ratio() < 0.40:
                    diff_h += clue
                    # Compare based on op codes
                    for opcode in sm.get_opcodes():
                        c, a1, a2, b1, b2 = opcode
                        if c == "equal":
                            diff_h += '<span class="match">%s</span>' % clue[b1:b2]
                            diff_h += '<span class="diff">%s</span>' % clue[b1:b2]

                tagclass = "match" if mainclue or answer == mainxd.get_answer(pos) else "diff"
                diff_h += mktag("span", tagclass=tagclass, inner="&nbsp;~&nbsp;" + answer.upper())
                diff_h += mktag("/div")
            html_clues[xdid] = diff_l

        # Wrap into table
        diff_h = mktag("table") + mktag("tr")
        # Sort by date
        sortedkeys = sorted(xddates.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        for w, dt in sortedkeys:
            # Wrap into table
            diff_h += mktag("td") + html_grids[w] + mktag("/td")
        diff_h += mktag("/tr")
        for i, clue in enumerate(html_clues[sortedkeys[0][0]]):
            diff_h += mktag("tr")
            for w, dt in sortedkeys:
                if i < len(html_clues[w]):
                    diff_h += mktag("td") + html_clues[w][i] + mktag("/td")
            diff_h += mktag("/tr")
        diff_h += mktag("/table")
        outf.write_html("pub/%s/index.html" % mainxdid, diff_h, title="Comparison for " + mainxdid)