예제 #1
 def _wrap(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         raise exception.DBInvalidUnicodeParameter()
     except sqla_exc.OperationalError as e:
         _raise_if_db_connection_lost(e, self.bind)
         _raise_if_deadlock_error(e, self.bind.dialect.name)
         # NOTE(comstud): A lot of code is checking for OperationalError
         # so let's not wrap it for now.
     # note(boris-42): We should catch unique constraint violation and
     # wrap it by our own DBDuplicateEntry exception. Unique constraint
     # violation is wrapped by IntegrityError.
     except sqla_exc.IntegrityError as e:
         # note(boris-42): SqlAlchemy doesn't unify errors from different
         # DBs so we must do this. Also in some tables (for example
         # instance_types) there are more than one unique constraint. This
         # means we should get names of columns, which values violate
         # unique constraint, from error message.
         _raise_if_duplicate_entry_error(e, self.bind.dialect.name)
         raise exception.DBError(e)
     except Exception as e:
         LOG.exception(_LE('DB exception wrapped.'))
         raise exception.DBError(e)
예제 #2
 def _wrap(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         raise exception.DBInvalidUnicodeParameter()
     except sqla_exc.OperationalError as e:
         _raise_if_db_connection_lost(e, self.bind)
         _raise_if_deadlock_error(e, self.bind.dialect.name)
         # NOTE(comstud): A lot of code is checking for OperationalError
         # so let's not wrap it for now.
     # note(boris-42): We should catch unique constraint violation and
     # wrap it by our own DBDuplicateEntry exception. Unique constraint
     # violation is wrapped by IntegrityError.
     except sqla_exc.IntegrityError as e:
         # note(boris-42): SqlAlchemy doesn't unify errors from different
         # DBs so we must do this. Also in some tables (for example
         # instance_types) there are more than one unique constraint. This
         # means we should get names of columns, which values violate
         # unique constraint, from error message.
         _raise_if_duplicate_entry_error(e, self.bind.dialect.name)
         raise exception.DBError(e)
     except Exception as e:
         LOG.exception(_LE('DB exception wrapped.'))
         raise exception.DBError(e)
예제 #3
    def _migrate_up(self, engine, version, with_data=False):
        """migrate up to a new version of the db.

        We allow for data insertion and post checks at every
        migration version with special _pre_upgrade_### and
        _check_### functions in the main test.
        # NOTE(sdague): try block is here because it's impossible to debug
        # where a failed data migration happens otherwise
            if with_data:
                data = None
                pre_upgrade = getattr(
                    self, "_pre_upgrade_%03d" % version, None)
                if pre_upgrade:
                    data = pre_upgrade(engine)

            self.migration_api.upgrade(engine, self.REPOSITORY, version)
            if with_data:
                check = getattr(self, "_check_%03d" % version, None)
                if check:
                    check(engine, data)
        except Exception:
            LOG.error(_LE("Failed to migrate to version %s on engine %s") %
                      (version, engine))
예제 #4
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            next_interval = self.retry_interval
            remaining = self.max_retries

            while True:
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                except exception.DBConnectionError as e:
                    if remaining == 0:
                        LOG.exception(_LE('DB exceeded retry limit.'))
                        raise exception.DBError(e)
                    if remaining != -1:
                        remaining -= 1
                        LOG.exception(_LE('DB connection error.'))
                    # NOTE(vsergeyev): We are using patched time module, so
                    #                  this effectively yields the execution
                    #                  context to another green thread.
                    if self.inc_retry_interval:
                        next_interval = min(next_interval * 2,