예제 #1
    def predict_all(self, user):
        Predict ratings for all items.

        user : int
            The user to make predictions for.

        out : XFrame
            Each row of the frame consists of a user id, an item id, and a predicted rating.

        # build rdd to pass to predictAll
        user_item = XFrame()
        user_item[self.item_col] = self.items
        user_item[self.user_col] = user
        user_item.swap_columns(self.item_col, self.user_col)
        rdd = user_item.to_rdd()
        res = self.model.predictAll(rdd)
        res = res.map(lambda rating: (rating.user, rating.product, rating.rating))
        col_names = [self.user_col, self.item_col, self.rating_col]
        user_type = self.users.dtype()
        item_type = self.items.dtype()
        col_types = [user_type, item_type, float]
        return XFrame.from_rdd(res, column_names=col_names, column_types=col_types)