예제 #1
파일: Sweep.py 프로젝트: hainm/xia2
  def update(self):
    '''Check to see if any more frames have appeared - if they
    have update myself and reset.'''

    images = find_matching_images(self._template,

    if len(images) > len(self._images):

      self._images = images

      from xia2.Schema import load_imagesets
      imagesets = load_imagesets(
        self._template, self._directory, id_image=self._id_image,
        use_cache=False, reversephi=Flags.get_reversephi())

      max_images = 0
      best_sweep = None
      for imageset in imagesets:
        scan = imageset.get_scan()
        if scan is None: continue
        if imageset.get_scan().get_num_images() > max_images:
          best_sweep = imageset

      self._imageset = best_sweep

예제 #2
파일: Sweep.py 프로젝트: hainm/xia2
def SweepFactory(template, directory, beam = None):
  '''A factory which will return a list of sweep objects which match
  the input template and directory.'''

  sweeps = []

  from xia2.Schema import load_imagesets
  imagesets = load_imagesets(
    template, directory, reversephi=Flags.get_reversephi())

  for imageset in imagesets:
    scan = imageset.get_scan()
    if scan is not None:
        Sweep(template, directory,

  return sweeps
예제 #3
파일: XSweep.py 프로젝트: hainm/xia2
  def __init__(self, name,
               directory = None,
               image = None,
               beam = None,
               reversephi = False,
               distance = None,
               gain = 0.0,
               dmin = 0.0,
               dmax = 0.0,
               polarization = 0.0,
               frames_to_process = None,
               user_lattice = None,
               user_cell = None,
               epoch = 0,
               ice = False,
               excluded_regions = []):
    '''Create a new sweep named name, belonging to XWavelength object
    wavelength, representing the images in directory starting with image,
    with beam centre optionally defined.'''

    # + check the wavelength is an XWavelength object
    #   raise an exception if not... or not...

    if not wavelength.__class__.__name__ == 'XWavelength':

    # FIXME bug 2221 if DIRECTORY starts with ~/ or ~graeme (say) need to
    # interpret this properly - e.g. map it to a full PATH.

    directory = expand_path(directory)

    # bug # 2274 - maybe migrate the data to a local disk (this
    # will depend if the user has added -migrate_data to the cl)

    directory = FileHandler.migrate(directory)

    self._name = name
    self._wavelength = wavelength
    self._sample = sample
    self._directory = directory
    self._image = image
    self._reversephi = reversephi
    self._epoch = epoch
    self._user_lattice = user_lattice
    self._user_cell = user_cell
    self._header = { }
    self._resolution_high = dmin
    self._resolution_low = dmax
    self._ice = ice
    self._excluded_regions = excluded_regions
    self._imageset = None

    # FIXME in here also need to be able to accumulate the total
    # dose from all experimental measurements (complex) and provide
    # a _epoch_to_dose dictionary or some such... may be fiddly as
    # this will need to parse across multiple templates. c/f Bug # 2798

    self._epoch_to_image = { }
    self._image_to_epoch = { }

    # to allow first, last image for processing to be
    # set... c/f integrater interface
    self._frames_to_process = frames_to_process

    # + derive template, list of images

    if directory and image:
      self._template, self._directory = \

      from xia2.Schema import load_imagesets
      imagesets = load_imagesets(
        self._template, self._directory, image_range=self._frames_to_process,
        reversephi=(Flags.get_reversephi() or self._reversephi))

      assert len(imagesets) == 1, "one imageset expected, %d found" % \
      self._imageset = copy.deepcopy(imagesets[0])
      start, end = self._imageset.get_array_range()
      self._images = list(range(start+1, end+1))

      # FIXME in here check that (1) the list of images is continuous
      # and (2) that all of the images are readable. This should also
      # take into account frames_to_process if set.

      if self._frames_to_process is None:
        self._frames_to_process = min(self._images), max(self._images)

      start, end = self._frames_to_process

      error = False

      from xia2.Handlers.Phil import PhilIndex
      params = PhilIndex.get_python_object()
      if params.general.check_image_files_readable:
        for j in range(start, end + 1):
          if not j in self._images:
            Debug.write('image %s missing' % \
            error = True
          if not os.access(self.get_image_name(j), os.R_OK):
            Debug.write('image %s unreadable' % \
            error = True

        if error:
          raise RuntimeError, 'problem with sweep %s' % self._name

      # + read the image header information into here?
      #   or don't I need it? it would be useful for checking
      #   against wavelength.getWavelength() I guess to make
      #   sure that the plumbing is all sound.

      # check that they match by closer than 0.0001A, if wavelength
      # is not None

      beam_ = self._imageset.get_beam()
      scan = self._imageset.get_scan()
      if not wavelength == None:

        # FIXME 29/NOV/06 if the wavelength wavelength value
        # is 0.0 then first set it to the header value - note
        # that this assumes that the header value is correct
        # (a reasonable assumption)

        if wavelength.get_wavelength() == 0.0:

        # FIXME 08/DEC/06 in here need to allow for the fact
        # that the wavelength in the image header could be wrong and
        # in fact it should be replaced with the input value -
        # through the user will need to be warned of this and
        # also everything using the FrameProcessor interface
        # will also have to respect this!

        if math.fabs(beam_.get_wavelength() -
                     wavelength.get_wavelength()) > 0.0001:
          # format = 'wavelength for sweep %s does not ' + \
          # 'match wavelength %s'
          # raise RuntimeError, format  % \
          # (name, wavelength.get_name())

          format = 'Header wavelength for sweep %s different' + \
                   ' to assigned value (%4.2f vs. %4.2f)'

          Chatter.write(format % (name, beam_.get_wavelength(),

      # also in here look at the image headers to see if we can
      # construct a mapping between exposure epoch and image ...

      images = []

      if self._frames_to_process:
        start, end = self._frames_to_process
        for j in self._images:
          if j >= start and j <= end:
        images = self._images

      for j in images:
        epoch = scan.get_image_epoch(j)
        if epoch == 0.0:
          epoch = float(os.stat(self._imageset.get_path(j-images[0])).st_mtime)
        self._epoch_to_image[epoch] = j
        self._image_to_epoch[j] = epoch

      epochs = self._epoch_to_image.keys()

      Debug.write('Exposure epoch for sweep %s: %d %d' % \
                  (self._template, min(epochs), max(epochs)))

    self._input_imageset = copy.deepcopy(self._imageset)

    # + get the lattice - can this be a pointer, so that when
    #   this object updates lattice it is globally-for-this-crystal
    #   updated? The lattice included directly in here includes an
    #   exact unit cell for data reduction, the crystal lattice
    #   contains an approximate unit cell which should be
    #   from the unit cells from all sweeps contained in the
    #   XCrystal. FIXME should I be using a LatticeInfo object
    #   in here? See what the Indexer interface produces. ALT:
    #   just provide an Indexer implementation "hook".
    #   See Headnote 001 above. See also _get_indexer,
    #   _get_integrater below.

    self._indexer = None
    self._refiner = None
    self._integrater = None

    # I don't need this - it is equivalent to self.getWavelength(
    # ).getCrystal().getLattice()
    # self._crystal_lattice = None

    # this means that this module will have to present largely the
    # same interface as Indexer and Integrater so that the calls
    # can be appropriately forwarded.

    # finally configure the beam if set

    if beam is not None:
      from dxtbx.model.detector_helpers import set_mosflm_beam_centre
      except AssertionError, e:
        Debug.write('Error setting mosflm beam centre: %s' % e)