예제 #1
파일: psf.py 프로젝트: lucabaldini/ximpol
 def __init__(self, psf_file_path):
     logger.info("Reading PSF data from %s..." % psf_file_path)
     self.hdu_list = fits.open(psf_file_path)
     _data = self.hdu_list["PSF"].data
     W = _data["W"]
     sigma = _data["SIGMA"]
     N = _data["N"]
     r_c = _data["R_C"]
     eta = _data["ETA"]
     self.__params = (W, sigma, N, r_c, eta)
     # Tabulate the actual PSF values.
     _r = numpy.linspace(0, self.MAX_RADIUS, 250)
     _y = gauss_king(_r, *self.__params)
     fmt = dict(xname="r", xunits="arcsec", yname="PSF", yunits="sr$^{-1}$")
     xInterpolatedUnivariateSpline.__init__(self, _r, _y, k=2, **fmt)
     # Include the solid angle for the actual underlying random generator.
     _y *= 2 * numpy.pi * _r
     fmt = dict(rvname="r", rvunits="arcsec", pdfname="$2 \\pi r \\times$ PSF", pdfunits="")
     self.generator = xUnivariateGenerator(_r, _y, k=1, **fmt)
     # Finally, calculate the
     self.eef, self.hew = self.build_eef()
예제 #2
    def build_energy_integral(self, emin=None, emax=None):
        """Build the energy-integrated count spectrum, i.e.

        .. math::
           \\int_{E_{\\rm min}}^{E_{\\rm max}} \\mathcal{C}(E, t) dE \\quad

        The output is stored in the form of a xUnivariateGenerator, featuring
        all the spline facilities, along with the capability of extracting
        random numbers.
        if emin is None:
            emin = self.ymin()
        if emax is None:
            emax = self.ymax()
        _x = self.x
        _y = numpy.array([self.vslice(_t).integral(emin, emax) for _t in _x])
        fmt = dict(rvname=self.xname, rvunits=self.xunits,
                   pdfname='Energy-integrated (%.2f--%.2f keV) spectrum' %\
                   (emin, emax), pdfunits='Hz')
        return xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y, **fmt)
예제 #3
    def build_time_integral(self, tmin=None, tmax=None):
        """Build the time-integrated count spectrum, i.e.

        .. math::
           \\int_{t_{\\rm min}}^{t_{\\rm max}} \\mathcal{C}(E, t) dt \\quad

        The output is stored in the form of a xUnivariateGenerator, featuring
        all the spline facilities, along with the capability of extracting
        random numbers.
        if tmin is None:
            tmin = self.xmin()
        if tmax is None:
            tmax = self.xmax()
        _x = self.y
        _y = numpy.array([self.hslice(_E).integral(tmin, tmax) for _E in _x])
        fmt = dict(rvname=self.yname, rvunits=self.yunits,
                   pdfname='Time-integrated (%d--%d s) spectrum' %\
                   (tmin, tmax), pdfunits='keV$^{-1}$')
        return xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y, **fmt)
예제 #4
 def test_power_law(self, size=1000000, phase=0., index=2.):
     _x = numpy.linspace(self.emin, self.emax, 100)
     _y = _x**(-index)
     generator = xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y)
     energy = generator.rvs(size)
     visibility = self.modf(energy)*self.polarization_degree(energy)
     phi = self.generator.rvs_phi(visibility, phase)
     binning = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, 100)
     hist = plt.hist(phi, bins=binning)
     fit_results = self.generator.fit_histogram(hist)
     mean_energy = numpy.mean(energy)
     mu_effective = self.modf.weighted_average(energy)
     fit_degree = fit_results.polarization_degree
     exp_degree = (self.polarization_degree(energy)*self.modf(energy))\
     delta = abs(fit_degree - exp_degree)/exp_degree
     msg = 'delta = %.3f' % delta
     self.assertTrue(delta < 0.05, msg)
예제 #5
    def build_time_integral(self, tmin=None, tmax=None):
        """Build the time-integrated count spectrum, i.e.

        .. math::
           \\int_{t_{\\rm min}}^{t_{\\rm max}} \\mathcal{C}(E, t) dt \\quad

        The output is stored in the form of a xUnivariateGenerator, featuring
        all the spline facilities, along with the capability of extracting
        random numbers.
        if tmin is None:
            tmin = self.xmin()
        if tmax is None:
            tmax = self.xmax()
        _x = self.y
        _y = numpy.array([self.hslice(_E).integral(tmin, tmax) for _E in _x])
        fmt = dict(rvname=self.yname, rvunits=self.yunits,
                   pdfname='Time-integrated (%d--%d s) spectrum' %\
                   (tmin, tmax), pdfunits='keV$^{-1}$')
        return xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y, **fmt)
예제 #6
    def build_energy_integral(self, emin=None, emax=None):
        """Build the energy-integrated count spectrum, i.e.

        .. math::
           \\int_{E_{\\rm min}}^{E_{\\rm max}} \\mathcal{C}(E, t) dE \\quad

        The output is stored in the form of a xUnivariateGenerator, featuring
        all the spline facilities, along with the capability of extracting
        random numbers.
        if emin is None:
            emin = self.ymin()
        if emax is None:
            emax = self.ymax()
        _x = self.x
        _y = numpy.array([self.vslice(_t).integral(emin, emax) for _t in _x])
        fmt = dict(rvname=self.xname, rvunits=self.xunits,
                   pdfname='Energy-integrated (%.2f--%.2f keV) spectrum' %\
                   (emin, emax), pdfunits='Hz')
        return xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y, **fmt)
예제 #7
import os
import numpy

from ximpol import XIMPOL_DOC_FIGURES
from ximpol.irf import load_irfs
from ximpol.utils.matplotlib_ import save_current_figure
from ximpol.utils.matplotlib_ import pyplot as plt
from ximpol.core.rand import xUnivariateGenerator
from ximpol.core.spline import xInterpolatedUnivariateSplineLinear
from ximpol.core.spline import xInterpolatedBivariateSplineLinear
from ximpol.srcmodel.spectrum import power_law, xCountSpectrum


_x = numpy.linspace(-5., 5., 100)
_y = (1./numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.pi))*numpy.exp(-_x**2/2.)
pdf = xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y)
print pdf.norm()



print numpy.random.sample(10)

예제 #8
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import numpy

from ximpol import XIMPOL_DOC_FIGURES
from ximpol.irf import load_irfs
from ximpol.utils.matplotlib_ import save_current_figure
from ximpol.utils.matplotlib_ import pyplot as plt
from ximpol.core.rand import xUnivariateGenerator
from ximpol.core.spline import xInterpolatedUnivariateSplineLinear
from ximpol.core.spline import xInterpolatedBivariateSplineLinear
from ximpol.srcmodel.spectrum import power_law, xCountSpectrum


_x = numpy.linspace(-5., 5., 100)
_y = (1. / numpy.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi)) * numpy.exp(-_x**2 / 2.)
pdf = xUnivariateGenerator(_x, _y)
print pdf.norm()



print numpy.random.sample(10)
