blenderpath = GameLogic.expandPath('//') if init: print(blenderpath) GameLogic.Object = {} print("BLENDER: GameLogic object created") GameLogic.Object['closed'] = False GameLogic.setLogicTicRate(60) mice = xinput.find_mice(model="Mouse") m = [mice[0],mice[1]] for mouse in m: xinput.set_owner(mouse) # Don't need this if using correct udev rule xinput.switch_mode(mouse) if len(mice): s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = \ gu.spawn_process("\0mouse0socket", ['%s/evread/readout' % blenderpath, '%d' % mice[0].evno, '0']) s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = \ gu.spawn_process("\0mouse1socket", ['%s/evread/readout' % blenderpath, '%d' % mice[1].evno, '1']) conn1.send(b'start') conn2.send(b'start') gu.recv_ready(conn1) gu.recv_ready(conn2)
#! /usr/bin/python import sys import xinput as xi if __name__ == "__main__": on = False if len(sys.argv) > 1: on = sys.argv[1] != '0' for mouse in xi.find_mice(model="G500"): xi.switch_mode(mouse, on) # xi.set_owner(mouse) Taken care of by udev rule
def init(): if settings.looming: scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene() scene.replace("Looming") GameLogic.Object = {} print("BLENDER: GameLogic object created") GameLogic.Object['closed'] = False GameLogic.Object['lapCounter'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['frameCounter'] = 0 GameLogic.setLogicTicRate(100) GameLogic.setMaxLogicFrame(100) GameLogic.setMaxPhysicsFrame(100) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Maximum number of logic frames per render frame: %d\n" % GameLogic.getMaxLogicFrame() ) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Logic tic rate: %d\n" % GameLogic.getLogicTicRate() ) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Maximum number of physics frames per render frame: %d\n" % GameLogic.getMaxPhysicsFrame() ) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Physics update frequency: %d Hz\n" % GameLogic.getPhysicsTicRate() ) # open arduino and pump try: arduino = arduino_serial.SerialPort(settings.arduino_port, 19200) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Successfully opened arduino on {0}\n".format(settings.arduino_port)) except OSError: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Failed to open arduino\n") arduino = None GameLogic.Object['arduino'] = arduino if arduino is not None: arduino.write(b'd') # Set all valves to low arduino.write(b'6') arduino.write(b'8') arduino.write(b'0') arduino.write(b'f') try: pumppy = serial.Serial(settings.pump_port, 19200, timeout=1) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Successfully opened pump\n") gc.setPumpVolume(pumppy, settings.reward_volume) except: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Failed to open pump\n") pumppy = None if settings.replay_track is not None: fn_pos = settings.replay_track + '.position' if not os.path.exists(fn_pos): print("BLENDER: Could not find " + fn_pos) settings.replay_track = None else: sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser("~/../cs/py2p/tools")) import training print("BLENDER: Reading replay track from " + fn_pos) GameLogic.Object['replay_pos'] = training.read_pos( fn_pos, 1e9, False, meters=False) posy = GameLogic.Object['replay_pos'][1] evlist, timeev = training.read_events( settings.replay_track + ".events", teleport_times=None) GameLogic.Object['replay_rewards'] = np.array([ ev.time for ev in evlist if ev.evcode == b'RE']) GameLogic.Object['replay_rewards'] = np.sort(GameLogic.Object['replay_rewards']) if settings.replay_rewards_shuffle: intervals = np.diff([0] + GameLogic.Object['replay_rewards'].tolist()) intervals = np.random.permutation(intervals) print(intervals) GameLogic.Object['replay_rewards'] = np.cumsum(intervals) print("Replay reward times: ", GameLogic.Object['replay_rewards']) GameLogic.Object['nreplay'] = 0 if settings.gratings: if not "grating1" in GameLogic.Object.keys(): GameLogic.Object["grating1"] = chooseWalls.grating( ori=settings.verticalGratingAngle, sf=settings.verticalGratingScale) GameLogic.Object["grating2"] = chooseWalls.grating( ori=settings.obliqueGratingAngle, sf=settings.obliqueGratingScale) chooseWalls.initWalls() # for wallkey in ["LW1", "RW1"]: # chooseWalls.set_texture_buffer( # GameLogic.Object["grating1"], wallkey) # for wallkey in ["LW2", "RW2"]: # chooseWalls.set_texture_buffer( # GameLogic.Object["grating2"], wallkey) # if ncl.has_comedi: print("BLENDER: Found comedi library") gOuttrigsubdev = 2 gOuttrigchan = 0 gOutfrchan = 1 gOutleftchan = 2 gOutrightchan = 3 gOutexpchan = 4 gIntrigsubdev = 7 gIntrigchan = 0 gDevrange = 0 # open ni trigger channels devintrigch, fdintrigch, nameintrigch = ncl.open_dev("/dev/comedi0_subd2") devouttrigch, fdouttrigch, nameouttrigch = ncl.open_dev("/dev/comedi0_subd11") intrigch = ncl.nichannel(devintrigch, gIntrigchan, gIntrigsubdev, fdintrigch, gDevrange) outtrigch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOuttrigchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outfrch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutfrchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outleftch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutleftchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outrightch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutrightchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outexpch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutexpchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) #MC2015 ncl.init_comedi_dig(intrigch, outtrigch, outfrch, outleftch, outrightch, outexpch #MC2015 ) else: intrigch = None outtrigch = None outfrch = None outleftch = None outrightch = None outexpch = None #MC2015 GameLogic.Object['intrigch'] = intrigch GameLogic.Object['outtrigch'] = outtrigch GameLogic.Object['outfrch'] = outfrch GameLogic.Object['outleftch'] = outleftch GameLogic.Object['outrightch'] = outrightch GameLogic.Object['outexpch'] = outexpch #MC2015 GameLogic.Object['pumppy'] = pumppy GameLogic.Object['left_on'] = False GameLogic.Object['right_on'] = False GameLogic.Object['file_open'] = False GameLogic.Object['train_open'] = False GameLogic.Object['bcstatus'] = False gio.create_data_dir() GameLogic.Object['time0'] = time.time() GameLogic.Object['prevtime'] = time.time() GameLogic.Object['nframes'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['rewcount'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['rewfail'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['puffcount'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['puffthistrial'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['isloom'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['loomcounter']=0 GameLogic.Object['totalLooms'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['loom_first_trial']=0 GameLogic.Object['rewpos'] = [0.98] # 1.0 # np.zeros((16)) GameLogic.Object['boundx'] = 8.0 GameLogic.Object['boundy'] = 158.0 GameLogic.Object['hysteresis'] = 0.5 GameLogic.Object['speed_tracker'] = np.zeros((100)) GameLogic.Object['lapCounter'] = 0 blenderpath = GameLogic.expandPath('//') if not settings.cpp: s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = gc.spawn_process("\0mouse0socket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath, '0']) s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = gc.spawn_process("\0mouse1socket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath, '1']) else: if settings.readlib=="xinput": mice = xinput.find_mice(model=settings.mouse) for mouse in mice: # xinput.set_owner(mouse) # Don't need this if using correct udev rule xinput.switch_mode(mouse) if settings.usezmq: procname = 'readout_zmq' else: procname = 'readout' if len(mice)>=1: s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = \ gc.spawn_process( "\0mouse0socket", [('%s/cpp/generic-ev/' % blenderpath) + procname, '%d' % mice[0].evno, '0'], usezmq=settings.usezmq) else: s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = None, None, None, None if len(mice)>=3: s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = \ gc.spawn_process( "\0mouse1socket", [('%s/cpp/generic-ev/readout' % blenderpath) + procname, '%d' % mice[2].evno, '1'], usezmq=settings.usezmq) else: s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = None, None, None, None elif settings.readlib=="libusb": s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = \ gc.spawn_process("\0mouse1socket", ['%s/cpp/g500-usb/readout' % blenderpath, '1']) s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = \ gc.spawn_process("\0mouse0socket", ['%s/cpp/g500-usb/readout' % blenderpath, '0']) else: s1, conn1, addr1, p1, s2, conn2, add2, p2 = \ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None if settings.has_fw: if not settings.fw_local: GameLogic.Object['fwip'] = '' #"" sfw, connfw, addrfw = gc.spawn_process_net(GameLogic.Object['fwip']) if connfw is None: settings.has_fw = False else: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Starting fw... ") sys.stdout.flush() sfw, connfw, addrfw, pfw = \ gc.spawn_process("\0fwsocket", ['%s/cpp/dc1394/dc1394' % blenderpath,], #MC2015 system=False, addenv={"SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS":"\"1280,480\""}) print("done") connfw.send(GameLogic.Object['fw_trunk'].encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connfw) connfw.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['fwconn'] = connfw GameLogic.Object['has_fw'] = settings.has_fw if settings.has_usb3: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Starting usb3... ") sys.stdout.flush() susb3, connusb3, addrusb3, pusb3 = \ gc.spawn_process( "\0" + settings.usb3_pupil, ['{0}/cpp/usb3/arv-camera-test'.format(blenderpath), '-n', settings.usb3_pupil], #MC2015 system=False, addenv={"SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS":"\"1280,480\""}) print("done") print("Sending usb3 file name " + GameLogic.Object['fw_trunk']) connusb3.send(GameLogic.Object['fw_trunk'].encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connusb3) connusb3.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['usb3conn'] = connusb3 if settings.usb3_body is not None: s2usb3, conn2usb3, addr2usb3, p2usb3 = \ gc.spawn_process( "\0" + settings.usb3_body, ['{0}/cpp/usb3/arv-camera-test'.format(blenderpath), '-n', settings.usb3_body], #MC2015 system=False, addenv={"SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS":"\"1280,480\""}) print("done") print("Sending usb3 file name " + GameLogic.Object['fw_trunk'] + 'body') conn2usb3.send((GameLogic.Object['fw_trunk'] + 'body').encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(conn2usb3) conn2usb3.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['usb3conn2'] = conn2usb3 GameLogic.Object['has_usb3'] = settings.has_usb3 if settings.has_comedi and ncl.has_comedi: scomedi, conncomedi, addrcomedi, pcomedi = \ gc.spawn_process("\0comedisocket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath,]) conncomedi.send(blenderpath.encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(conncomedi) conncomedi.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['comediconn'] = conncomedi if settings.has_licksensor: slick, connlick, addrlick, plick = \ gc.spawn_process("\0licksocket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath,]) connlick.send(blenderpath.encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connlick) connlick.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['lickconn'] = connlick if settings.has_licksensor_piezo: slickpiezo, connlickpiezo, addrlickpiezo, plickpiezo = \ gc.spawn_process("\0lickpiezosocket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath,]) connlickpiezo.send(blenderpath.encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connlickpiezo) connlickpiezo.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['lickpiezoconn'] = connlickpiezo if settings.cpp: for mconn in [conn1, conn2]: if mconn is not None: mconn.send(b'start') gc.recv_ready(mconn, usezmq=settings.usezmq) if not settings.usezmq: mconn.setblocking(0) if len(mice): GameLogic.Object['m1conn'] = conn1 GameLogic.Object['m2conn'] = conn2 else: GameLogic.Object['m1conn'] = None GameLogic.Object['m2conn'] = None GameLogic.Object['tmprec'] = False GameLogic.Object['trainrec'] = False GameLogic.Object['RewardTicksCounter'] = None GameLogic.Object['RewardChange'] = False GameLogic.Object['WallTouchTicksCounter'] = None GameLogic.Object['OdorTicksCounter'] = None GameLogic.Object['piezolicks'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['piezoframes'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['piezoframepause'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['lapCounter'] = 0 scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene() if == "Scene": playerName = 'MovingCube' legName = 'LeftLeg' elif == "Looming": playerName = 'MovingCube.002' legName = 'LeftLeg.002' else: playerName = 'MovingCube.001' legName = 'LeftLeg.001' rew_sensor = scene.objects[playerName] touch_sensor = scene.objects[legName] rew_sensor.sensors['SReward'].usePosPulseMode = True touch_sensor.sensors['SLeftTouch'].usePosPulseMode = True GameLogic.Object['scene_changed'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['scene_name'] = GameLogic.Object['reset_pulse'] = False #current injection variables #variables for current injection - MC2015 GameLogic.Object['start_pulse_y'] = 50 GameLogic.Object['inj_amp'] = 50 GameLogic.Object['do_tbs1'] = False GameLogic.Object['do_tbs2'] = False gu.zeroPos() gc.zeroPump()
import numpy as np import xinput import gnoomutils as gu if init: GameLogic.Object = {} print("BLENDER: GameLogic object created") GameLogic.Object['closed'] = False GameLogic.setLogicTicRate(100) mice = xinput.find_mice(model="G500") for mouse in mice: # xinput.set_owner(mouse) # Don't need this if using correct udev rule xinput.switch_mode(mouse) blenderpath = GameLogic.expandPath('//') for mouseno in range(0, len(mice), 2): s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = \ gu.spawn_process("\0mouse%dsocket" % int(mouseno/2), ['%s/evread/readout' % blenderpath, '%d' % mice[mouseno].evno, '%d' % (mouseno/2)]) conn1.send(b'start') gu.recv_ready(conn1) conn1.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['m%dconn' % (int(mouseno / 2) + 1)] = conn1
#! /usr/bin/python3 import sys import xinput as xi if __name__ == "__main__": on = False if len(sys.argv) > 1: on = sys.argv[1]!='0' for mouse in xi.find_mice(model="Mouse"): xi.switch_mode(mouse, on)
def init(): if settings.looming: scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene() scene.replace("Looming") GameLogic.Object = {} print("BLENDER: GameLogic object created") GameLogic.Object['closed'] = False GameLogic.setLogicTicRate(100) sys.stdout.write( "BLENDER: Maximum number of logic frames per render frame: %d\n" % GameLogic.getMaxLogicFrame()) sys.stdout.write( "BLENDER: Maximum number of physics frames per render frame: %d\n" % GameLogic.getMaxPhysicsFrame()) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Physics update frequency: %d Hz\n" % GameLogic.getPhysicsTicRate()) # open arduino and pump try: arduino = arduino_serial.SerialPort(settings.arduino_port, 19200) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Successfully opened arduino\n") except OSError: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Failed to open arduino\n") arduino = None GameLogic.Object['arduino'] = arduino if arduino is not None: arduino.write(b'd') # Set all valves to low arduino.write(b'6') arduino.write(b'8') arduino.write(b'0') arduino.write(b'f') try: pumppy = serial.Serial(settings.pump_port, 19200, timeout=1) sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Successfully opened pump\n") gc.setPumpVolume(pumppy, settings.reward_volume) except: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Failed to open pump\n") pumppy = None if ncl.has_comedi: print("BLENDER: Found comedi library") gOuttrigsubdev = 2 gOuttrigchan = 0 gOutfrchan = 1 gOutleftchan = 2 gOutrightchan = 3 gOutexpchan = 4 gIntrigsubdev = 7 gIntrigchan = 0 gDevrange = 0 # open ni trigger channels devintrigch, fdintrigch, nameintrigch = ncl.open_dev( "/dev/comedi0_subd2") devouttrigch, fdouttrigch, nameouttrigch = ncl.open_dev( "/dev/comedi0_subd11") intrigch = ncl.nichannel(devintrigch, gIntrigchan, gIntrigsubdev, fdintrigch, gDevrange) outtrigch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOuttrigchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outfrch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutfrchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outleftch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutleftchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outrightch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutrightchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) outexpch = ncl.nichannel(devouttrigch, gOutexpchan, gOuttrigsubdev, fdouttrigch, gDevrange) #MC2015 ncl.init_comedi_dig( intrigch, outtrigch, outfrch, outleftch, outrightch, outexpch #MC2015 ) else: intrigch = None outtrigch = None outfrch = None outleftch = None outrightch = None outexpch = None #MC2015 GameLogic.Object['intrigch'] = intrigch GameLogic.Object['outtrigch'] = outtrigch GameLogic.Object['outfrch'] = outfrch GameLogic.Object['outleftch'] = outleftch GameLogic.Object['outrightch'] = outrightch GameLogic.Object['outexpch'] = outexpch #MC2015 GameLogic.Object['pumppy'] = pumppy GameLogic.Object['left_on'] = False GameLogic.Object['right_on'] = False GameLogic.Object['file_open'] = False GameLogic.Object['train_open'] = False GameLogic.Object['bcstatus'] = False gio.create_data_dir() GameLogic.Object['time0'] = time.time() GameLogic.Object['prevtime'] = time.time() GameLogic.Object['nframes'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['rewcount'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['rewfail'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['puffcount'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['puffthistrial'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['isloom'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['loomcounter'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['loom_first_trial'] = 0 if settings.linear: GameLogic.Object['rewpos'] = [0.98] # 1.0 # np.zeros((16)) else: GameLogic.Object['rewpos'] = [ -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -1.0 ] # 1.0 # np.zeros((16)) GameLogic.Object['boundx'] = 8.0 GameLogic.Object['boundy'] = 158.0 GameLogic.Object['hysteresis'] = 0.5 GameLogic.Object['speed_tracker'] = np.zeros((100)) blenderpath = GameLogic.expandPath('//') if not settings.cpp: s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = gc.spawn_process( "\0mouse0socket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath, '0']) s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = gc.spawn_process( "\0mouse1socket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath, '1']) else: if settings.readlib == "xinput": mice = xinput.find_mice(model=settings.mouse) for mouse in mice: # xinput.set_owner(mouse) # Don't need this if using correct udev rule xinput.switch_mode(mouse) if settings.usezmq: procname = 'readout_zmq' else: procname = 'readout' if len(mice) >= 1: s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = \ gc.spawn_process( "\0mouse0socket", [('%s/cpp/generic-ev/' % blenderpath) + procname, '%d' % mice[0].evno, '0'], usezmq=settings.usezmq) else: s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = None, None, None, None if len(mice) >= 3: s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = \ gc.spawn_process( "\0mouse1socket", [('%s/cpp/generic-ev/readout' % blenderpath) + procname, '%d' % mice[2].evno, '1'], usezmq=settings.usezmq) else: s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = None, None, None, None elif settings.readlib == "libusb": s1, conn1, addr1, p1 = \ gc.spawn_process("\0mouse1socket", ['%s/cpp/g500-usb/readout' % blenderpath, '1']) s2, conn2, addr2, p2 = \ gc.spawn_process("\0mouse0socket", ['%s/cpp/g500-usb/readout' % blenderpath, '0']) else: s1, conn1, addr1, p1, s2, conn2, add2, p2 = \ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None if settings.has_webcam: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Starting webcam... ") sys.stdout.flush() if not settings.cpp: svid, connvid, addrvid, pvid = gc.spawn_process("\0vidsocket", [ 'python3 %s/py/' % blenderpath, ], shell=True) else: svid, connvid, addrvid, pvid = gc.spawn_process("\0vidsocket", [ '%s/cpp/webcam/webcam' % blenderpath, ], system=False) print("done") connvid.send(GameLogic.Object['day_dir'].encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connvid) connvid.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['vidconn'] = connvid if settings.has_fw: if not settings.fw_local: GameLogic.Object['fwip'] = '' #"" sfw, connfw, addrfw = gc.spawn_process_net( GameLogic.Object['fwip']) if connfw is None: settings.has_fw = False else: sys.stdout.write("BLENDER: Starting fw... ") sys.stdout.flush() sfw, connfw, addrfw, pfw = \ gc.spawn_process("\0fwsocket", ['%s/cpp/dc1394/dc1394' % blenderpath,], #MC2015 system=False, addenv={"SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS":"\"1280,480\""}) print("done") connfw.send(GameLogic.Object['fw_trunk'].encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connfw) connfw.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['fwconn'] = connfw GameLogic.Object['has_fw'] = settings.has_fw if settings.has_comedi and ncl.has_comedi: scomedi, conncomedi, addrcomedi, pcomedi = \ gc.spawn_process("\0comedisocket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath,]) conncomedi.send(blenderpath.encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(conncomedi) conncomedi.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['comediconn'] = conncomedi if settings.has_licksensor: slick, connlick, addrlick, plick = \ gc.spawn_process("\0licksocket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath,]) connlick.send(blenderpath.encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connlick) connlick.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['lickconn'] = connlick if settings.has_licksensor_piezo: slickpiezo, connlickpiezo, addrlickpiezo, plickpiezo = \ gc.spawn_process("\0lickpiezosocket", ['python3', '%s/py/' % blenderpath,]) connlickpiezo.send(blenderpath.encode('latin-1')) gc.recv_ready(connlickpiezo) connlickpiezo.setblocking(0) GameLogic.Object['lickpiezoconn'] = connlickpiezo if settings.cpp: for mconn in [conn1, conn2]: if mconn is not None: mconn.send(b'start') gc.recv_ready(mconn, usezmq=settings.usezmq) if not settings.usezmq: mconn.setblocking(0) if len(mice): GameLogic.Object['m1conn'] = conn1 GameLogic.Object['m2conn'] = conn2 else: GameLogic.Object['m1conn'] = None GameLogic.Object['m2conn'] = None GameLogic.Object['tmprec'] = False GameLogic.Object['trainrec'] = False GameLogic.Object['RewardTicksCounter'] = None GameLogic.Object['RewardChange'] = False GameLogic.Object['WallTouchTicksCounter'] = None GameLogic.Object['OdorTicksCounter'] = None GameLogic.Object['piezolicks'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['piezoframes'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['piezoframepause'] = 0 scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene() if == "Scene": playerName = 'MovingCube' legName = 'LeftLeg' elif == "Looming": playerName = 'MovingCube.002' legName = 'LeftLeg.002' else: playerName = 'MovingCube.001' legName = 'LeftLeg.001' rew_sensor = scene.objects[playerName] touch_sensor = scene.objects[legName] if settings.linear: rew_sensor.sensors['SReward'].usePosPulseMode = True touch_sensor.sensors['SLeftTouch'].usePosPulseMode = True else: rew_sensor.sensors['SReward'].usePosPulseMode = False touch_sensor.sensors['SLeftTouch'].usePosPulseMode = False GameLogic.Object['scene_changed'] = 0 GameLogic.Object['scene_name'] = GameLogic.Object['reset_pulse'] = False #current injection variables #variables for current injection - MC2015 GameLogic.Object['start_pulse_y'] = 50 GameLogic.Object['inj_amp'] = 50 GameLogic.Object['do_tbs1'] = False GameLogic.Object['do_tbs2'] = False zeroPos() gc.zeroPump()