예제 #1
def conf_thresholding(data_dir, save_dir, score_threshold):

    # collect all trajectories
    tracker_id_score = dict()
    eval_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'data')
    seq_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(eval_dir)
    for seq_file in seq_list:
        seq_data, num_line = load_txt_file(seq_file)
        for data_line in seq_data:
            data_split = data_line.split(' ')
            score_tmp = float(data_split[-1])
            id_tmp = int(data_split[1])
            if id_tmp not in tracker_id_score.keys():
                tracker_id_score[id_tmp] = list()

    # collect the ID to remove based on the confidence
    to_delete_id = list()
    for track_id, score_list in tracker_id_score.items():
        average_score = sum(score_list) / float(len(score_list))
        if average_score < score_threshold:

    # remove the ID in the data folder for tracking evaluation
    save_dir_tmp = os.path.join(save_dir, 'data')
    for seq_file in seq_list:
        seq_name = fileparts(seq_file)[1]
        seq_file_save = os.path.join(save_dir_tmp, seq_name + '.txt')
        seq_file_save = open(seq_file_save, 'w')

        seq_data, num_line = load_txt_file(seq_file)
        for data_line in seq_data:
            data_split = data_line.split(' ')
            id_tmp = int(float(data_split[1]))
            if id_tmp not in to_delete_id:
                seq_file_save.write(data_line + '\n')

    # remove the ID in the trk with id folder for detection evaluation and tracking visualization
    trk_id_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'trk_withid')
    seq_dir_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(trk_id_dir)
    save_dir_tmp = os.path.join(save_dir, 'trk_withid')
    for seq_dir in seq_dir_list:
        frame_list, num_frame = load_list_from_folder(seq_dir)
        seq_name = fileparts(seq_dir)[1]
        save_frame_dir = os.path.join(save_dir_tmp, seq_name)
        for frame in frame_list:
            frame_index = fileparts(frame)[1]
            frame_file_save = os.path.join(save_frame_dir,
                                           frame_index + '.txt')
            frame_file_save = open(frame_file_save, 'w')
            frame_data, num_line = load_txt_file(frame)
            for data_line in frame_data:
                data_split = data_line.split(' ')
                id_tmp = int(data_split[-1])
                if id_tmp not in to_delete_id:
                    frame_file_save.write(data_line + '\n')
예제 #2
    def sweep_data(self):
        sweep the data and return the dictionary of ground truth infomation for every images

            images_dict:        a dictionary of info, keys are the image ids, values are a dictionary {'width':, 'height':, 'ids': a list of object ids contained}
        print('loading annotations into memory from %s...' % self.anno_dir)
        anno_list, num_anno = load_list_from_folder(self.anno_dir,
        print('number of annotations has been loaded: %d' % num_anno)
        images_dict = {}
        for anno_tmp in anno_list:
            _, filename, _ = fileparts(anno_tmp)
            image_id = filename.split('_gt')[0]
            img_shape, class_ids = self.anno2mask(anno_tmp, run_fast=True)

            class_ids = list(set(class_ids))
            image_data = {
                'width': img_shape[0],
                'height': img_shape[1],
                'ids': class_ids
            images_dict[image_id] = image_data

        return images_dict
예제 #3
def vis(result_sha, data_root, result_root):
	def show_image_with_boxes(img, objects_res, object_gt, calib, save_path, height_threshold=0):
		img2 = np.copy(img) 

		for obj in objects_res:
			box3d_pts_2d, _ = compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P)
			color_tmp = tuple([int(tmp * 255) for tmp in colors[obj.id % max_color]])
			img2 = draw_projected_box3d(img2, box3d_pts_2d, color=color_tmp)
			text = 'ID: %d' % obj.id
			if box3d_pts_2d is not None:
				img2 = cv2.putText(img2, text, (int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 0]), int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 1]) - 8), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.5, color=color_tmp) 

		img = Image.fromarray(img2)
		img = img.resize((width, height))
	for seq in seq_list:
		image_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'image_02/%s' % seq)
		calib_file = os.path.join(data_root, 'calib/%s.txt' % seq)
		result_dir = os.path.join(result_root, '%s/trk_withid/%s' % (result_sha, seq))
		save_3d_bbox_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, '../../trk_image_vis/%s' % seq); mkdir_if_missing(save_3d_bbox_dir)

		# load the list
		images_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(image_dir)
		print('number of images to visualize is %d' % num_images)
		start_count = 0
		for count in range(start_count, num_images):
			image_tmp = images_list[count]
			if not is_path_exists(image_tmp): 
				count += 1
			image_index = int(fileparts(image_tmp)[1])
			image_tmp = np.array(Image.open(image_tmp))
			img_height, img_width, img_channel = image_tmp.shape

			result_tmp = os.path.join(result_dir, '%06d.txt'%image_index)		# load the result
			if not is_path_exists(result_tmp): object_res = []
			else: object_res = read_label(result_tmp)
			print('processing index: %d, %d/%d, results from %s' % (image_index, count+1, num_images, result_tmp))
			calib_tmp = Calibration(calib_file)			# load the calibration

			object_res_filtered = []
			for object_tmp in object_res:
				if object_tmp.type not in type_whitelist: continue
				if hasattr(object_tmp, 'score'):
					if object_tmp.score < score_threshold: continue
				center = object_tmp.t

			num_instances = len(object_res_filtered)
			save_image_with_3dbbox_gt_path = os.path.join(save_3d_bbox_dir, '%06d.jpg' % (image_index))
			show_image_with_boxes(image_tmp, object_res_filtered, [], calib_tmp, save_path=save_image_with_3dbbox_gt_path)
			print('number of objects to plot is %d' % (num_instances))
			count += 1
def test_simple(params):
    """Test function."""

    left = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                          [2, args.input_height, args.input_width, 3])
    model = MonodepthModel(params, "test", left, None)

    config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)

    # SAVER
    train_saver = tf.train.Saver()

    # INIT
    coordinator = tf.train.Coordinator()
    threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coordinator)

    restore_path = checkpoint_path.split(".")[0]
    train_saver.restore(sess, restore_path)

    image_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(images_dir)
    print('number of images loaded is %d' % num_images)
    for image_file_tmp in image_list:
        input_image = scipy.misc.imread(image_file_tmp, mode="RGB")
        original_height, original_width, num_channels = input_image.shape
        input_image = scipy.misc.imresize(
            input_image, [args.input_height, args.input_width],
        input_image = input_image.astype(np.float32) / 255
        input_images = np.stack((input_image, np.fliplr(input_image)), 0)

        _, filename, ext = fileparts(image_file_tmp)
        print('processing frame %s' % filename)

        disp = sess.run(model.disp_left_est[0], feed_dict={left: input_images})
        disp_pp = post_process_disparity(disp.squeeze()).astype(np.float32)

        # output_directory = os.path.dirname(args.image_path)
        # output_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.image_path))[0]

        data_file_tmp = os.path.join(depth_save_dir, filename + '.npy')
        np.save(data_file_tmp, disp_pp)

        # np.save(os.path.join(output_directory, "{}_disp.npy".format(output_name)), disp_pp)
        disp_to_img = scipy.misc.imresize(disp_pp.squeeze(),
                                          [original_height, original_width])
        save_file_tmp = os.path.join(depth_img_save_dir, filename + '.png')
        plt.imsave(save_file_tmp, disp_to_img, cmap='plasma')

예제 #5
def generate_video_from_folder(images_dir,
    image_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(
        images_dir, ext_filter=['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg'], debug=debug)
    print('%d images loaded' % num_images)
예제 #6
def rand_load_hdf5_from_folder(hdf5_src, dataname, debug=True):
    randomly load a single hdf5 file from a hdf5 folder
    if debug:
        assert is_path_exists(hdf5_src) and isfolder(
            hdf5_src), 'input hdf5 path does not exist: %s' % hdf5_src
        assert islist(dataname), 'dataset queried is not correct'
        assert all(
            for dataset_tmp in dataname), 'dataset queried is not correct'

    hdf5list, num_hdf5_files = load_list_from_folder(folder_path=hdf5_src,
    check_index = random.randrange(0, num_hdf5_files)
    hdf5_path_sample = hdf5list[check_index]
    hdf5_file = h5py.File(hdf5_path_sample, 'r')
    datadict = dict()
    for dataset in dataname:
        datadict[dataset] = np.array(hdf5_file[dataset])
    return datadict
예제 #7
from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('Agg')
import os, numpy as np, time, sys
from AB3DMOT_libs.model import AB3DMOT
from xinshuo_io import load_list_from_folder, fileparts, mkdir_if_missing

if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
		print('Usage: python main.py result_sha(e.g., pointrcnn_Car_test)')

	result_sha = sys.argv[1]
	save_root = './results'
	det_id2str = {1:'Pedestrian', 2:'Car', 3:'Cyclist'}

	seq_file_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(os.path.join('data/KITTI', result_sha))
	total_time, total_frames = 0.0, 0
	save_dir = os.path.join(save_root, result_sha); mkdir_if_missing(save_dir)
	eval_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'data'); mkdir_if_missing(eval_dir)
	seq_count = 0
	for seq_file in seq_file_list:
		_, seq_name, _ = fileparts(seq_file)
		eval_file = os.path.join(eval_dir, seq_name + '.txt'); eval_file = open(eval_file, 'w')
		save_trk_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'trk_withid', seq_name); mkdir_if_missing(save_trk_dir)

		mot_tracker = AB3DMOT() 
		seq_dets = np.loadtxt(seq_file, delimiter=',')          # load detections, N x 15
		# print(seq_file)
		# print(seq_dets)
		# print(len(seq_dets.shape))
예제 #8
def generate_hdf5(data_src,
    # this function creates data in hdf5 format from a image path 

    # input parameter
    #   data_src:       source of image data, which can be a list of image path, a txt file contains a list of image path, a folder contains a set of images, a list of numpy array image data
    #   label_src:      source of label data, which can be none, a file contains a set of labels, a dictionary of labels, a 1-d numpy array data, a list of label data
    #   save_dir:       where to store the hdf5 data
    #   batch_size:     how many image to store in a single hdf file
    #   ext_filder:     what format of data to use for generating hdf5 data 

    # parse input
    assert is_path_exists_or_creatable(
        save_dir), 'save path should be a folder to save all hdf5 files'
    assert isstring(
        data_name), 'dataset name is not correct'  # name for hdf5 data

    # convert data source to a list of numpy array image data
    if isfolder(data_src):
        print 'data is loading from %s with extension .%s' % (data_src,
        filelist, num_data = load_list_from_folder(data_src,
        datalist = None
    elif isfile(data_src):
        print 'data is loading from %s with extension .%s' % (data_src,
        filelist, num_data = load_list_from_file(data_src)
        datalist = None
    elif islist(data_src):
        if debug:
            assert all(
                isimage(data_tmp) for data_tmp in data_src
            ), 'input data source is not a list of numpy array image data'
        datalist = data_src
        num_data = len(datalist)
        filelist = None
        assert False, 'data source format is not correct.'
    if debug:
        assert (datalist is None and filelist is not None) or (
            filelist is None and datalist is not None), 'data is not correct'
        if datalist is not None:
            assert len(datalist) == num_data, 'number of data is not equal'
        if filelist is not None:
            assert len(filelist) == num_data, 'number of data is not equal'

    # convert label source to a list of numpy array label
    if label_src1 is None:
        labeldict1 = None
        labellist1 = None
    elif isfile(label_src1):
        assert is_path_exists(label_src1), 'file not found'
        _, _, ext = fileparts(label_src1)
        assert ext == '.json', 'only json extension is supported'
        labeldict1 = json.load(label_src1)
        num_label1 = len(labeldict1)
        assert num_data == num_label1, 'number of data and label is not equal.'
        labellist1 = None
    elif isdict(label_src1):
        labeldict1 = label_src1
        labellist1 = None
    elif isnparray(label_src1):
        if debug:
            assert label_src1.ndim == 1, 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labeldict1 = None
        labellist1 = label_src1
    elif islist(label_src1):
        if debug:
            assert all(
                np.array(label_tmp).size == 1
                for label_tmp in label_src1), 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labellist1 = label_src1
        labeldict1 = None
        assert False, 'label source format is not correct.'
    assert isfunction(label_preprocess_function1
                      ), 'label preprocess function is not correct.'

    # convert label source to a list of numpy array label
    if label_src2 is None:
        labeldict2 = None
        labellist2 = None
    elif isfile(label_src2):
        assert is_path_exists(label_src2), 'file not found'
        _, _, ext = fileparts(label_src2)
        assert ext == '.json', 'only json extension is supported'
        labeldict2 = json.load(label_src2)
        num_label2 = len(labeldict2)
        assert num_data == num_label2, 'number of data and label is not equal.'
        labellist2 = None
    elif isdict(label_src2):
        labeldict2 = label_src2
        labellist2 = None
    elif isnparray(label_src2):
        if debug:
            assert label_src2.ndim == 1, 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labeldict2 = None
        labellist2 = label_src2
    elif islist(label_src2):
        if debug:
            assert all(
                np.array(label_tmp).size == 1
                for label_tmp in label_src2), 'only 1-d label is supported'
        labellist2 = label_src2
        labeldict2 = None
        assert False, 'label source format is not correct.'
    assert isfunction(label_preprocess_function2
                      ), 'label preprocess function is not correct.'

    # warm up
    if datalist is not None:
        size_data = datalist[0].shape
        size_data = imread(filelist[0]).shape

    if labeldict1 is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isstring(label_name1), 'label name is not correct'
        labels1 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_value1 = [float(label_tmp_char) for label_tmp_char in labeldict1.values()]
        # label_range1 = np.array([min(label_value1), max(label_value1)])
    if labellist1 is not None:
        labels1 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_range1 = [np.min(labellist1), np.max(labellist1)]
    if label_src1 is not None and debug:
        assert label_range1 is not None, 'label range is not correct'
        assert (labeldict1 is not None and labellist1 is None) or (
            labellist1 is not None
            and labeldict1 is None), 'label is not correct'

    if labeldict2 is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isstring(label_name2), 'label name is not correct'
        labels2 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_value2 = [float(label_tmp_char) for label_tmp_char in labeldict2.values()]
        # label_range2 = np.array([min(label_value2), max(label_value2)])
    if labellist2 is not None:
        labels2 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')
        # label_range2 = [np.min(labellist2), np.max(labellist2)]
    if label_src2 is not None and debug:
        assert label_range2 is not None, 'label range is not correct'
        assert (labeldict2 is not None and labellist2 is None) or (
            labellist2 is not None
            and labeldict2 is None), 'label is not correct'

    # start generating
    count_hdf = 1  # count number of hdf5 file
    clock = Timer()
    datalist_batch = list()
    for i in xrange(num_data):
        if filelist is not None:
            imagefile = filelist[i]
            _, name, _ = fileparts(imagefile)
            img = imread(imagefile).astype('float32')
            max_value = np.max(img)
            if max_value > 1 and max_value <= 255:
                img = img / 255.0  # [rows,col,channel,numbers], scale the image data to (0, 1)
            if debug:
                min_value = np.min(img)
                assert min_value >= 0 and min_value <= 1, 'data is not in [0, 1]'
        if datalist is not None:
            img = datalist[i]
        if debug:
            assert size_data == img.shape

        # process label
        if labeldict1 is not None:
            if debug:
                assert len(filelist) == len(
                    labeldict1), 'file list is not equal to label dictionary'

            labels1[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labeldict1[name])
        if labellist1 is not None:
            labels1[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labellist1[i])
        if labeldict2 is not None:
            if debug:
                assert len(filelist) == len(
                    labeldict2), 'file list is not equal to label dictionary'
            labels2[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labeldict2[name])
        if labellist2 is not None:
            labels2[i % batch_size, 0] = float(labellist2[i])

        # save to hdf5
        if i % batch_size == 0:
            data = preprocess_image_caffe(
                datalist_batch, debug=debug, vis=vis
            )  # swap channel, transfer from list of HxWxC to NxCxHxW

            # write to hdf5 format
            if filelist is not None:
                save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, '%s.hdf5' % name)
                save_path = os.path.join(save_dir,
                                         'image_%010d.hdf5' % count_hdf)
            h5f = h5py.File(save_path, 'w')
            h5f.create_dataset(data_name, data=data, dtype='float32')
            if (labeldict1 is not None) or (labellist1 is not None):
                # print(labels1)
                labels1 = label_preprocess_function1(data=labels1,
                # print(labels1)
                h5f.create_dataset(label_name1, data=labels1, dtype='float32')
                labels1 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')

            if (labeldict2 is not None) or (labellist2 is not None):
                labels2 = label_preprocess_function2(data=labels2,
                h5f.create_dataset(label_name2, data=labels2, dtype='float32')
                labels2 = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='float32')

            count_hdf = count_hdf + 1
            del datalist_batch[:]
            if debug:
                assert len(datalist_batch) == 0, 'list has not been cleared'
        average_time = clock.toc()
            'saving to %s: %d/%d, average time:%.3f, elapsed time:%s, estimated time remaining:%s'
            % (save_path, i + 1, num_data, average_time,
               convert_secs2time(average_time * i),
               convert_secs2time(average_time * (num_data - i))))

    return count_hdf - 1, num_data
예제 #9
def generate_video_from_folder(images_dir, save_path, framerate=30, downsample=1, depth=1, reverse=False, display=True, warning=True, debug=True):
	image_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(images_dir, ext_filter=['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg'], depth=depth, debug=debug)
	if reverse: image_list = reverse_list(image_list, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	if display:
		print('%d images loaded' % num_images)
	generate_video_from_list(image_list, save_path, framerate=framerate, downsample=downsample, display=display, warning=warning, debug=debug)
import cv2, numpy as np, os
from xinshuo_io import mkdir_if_missing, load_image, load_list_from_folder, save_image, fileparts
from xinshuo_images import rgb2gray
from flow_vis import flow_to_color

data_dir = '/media/xinshuo/Data/Datasets/LRD/LRW/'
images_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'centered122_rgb_images/ABOUT/train/ABOUT_00001')

save_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'centered122_flow/ABOUT/train/ABOUT_00001'); mkdir_if_missing(save_dir)

image_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(images_dir)
print('number of images loaded is %d' % num_images)

test = cv2.imread(image_list[0])
# print(test.dtype)
test = cv2.cvtColor(test, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# print(test.dtype)
# print(test)
# zxc

frame1 = load_image(image_list[0])
prvs = rgb2gray(frame1)         # uint8

# print(prvs)

hsv = np.zeros_like(frame1)
hsv[..., 1] = 255

image_index = 1
예제 #11
##--------------------------------- Model Directory ----------------------------------##
# model_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'resnet50_imagenet.pth')    # Path to trained weights file
if train_dataset == 'coco':
    model_path = os.path.join(
        root_dir, 'models/mask_rcnn_coco.pth')  # Path to trained weights file
    assert False, 'error'

model = MaskRCNN(model_dir=save_dir, config=config)  # Create model object.
if config.GPU_COUNT: model = model.cuda()
model.load_weights(model_path)  # Load weights

##--------------------------------- Testing ----------------------------------##
image_list, num_list = load_list_from_folder(images_dir,
                                             ext_filter=['.png', '.jpg'],
print_log('testing results on %d images' % num_list, log=log_file)
count = 1
timer = Timer()
for image_file_tmp in image_list:
    parent_dir, filename, _ = fileparts(image_file_tmp)
    video_dir = parent_dir.split('/')[-1]
    # print(video_dir)
    # zxc

    image = load_image(image_file_tmp)
    results = model.detect([image])  # inference, results is a dictionary
    if len(results) == 0:
        count += 1
예제 #12
def vis(cam_transform, data_root, result_root):
    def show_image_with_boxes(img,
        img2 = np.copy(img)

        for obj in objects_res:
            box3d_pts_2d, _ = compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P)
            color_tmp = tuple(
                [int(tmp * 255) for tmp in colors[obj.id % max_color]])
            img2 = draw_projected_box3d(img2, box3d_pts_2d, color=color_tmp)
            text = 'ID: %d' % obj.id
            if box3d_pts_2d is not None:
                img2 = cv2.putText(
                    (int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 0]), int(box3d_pts_2d[4, 1]) - 8),

        img = Image.fromarray(img2)
        img = img.resize((width, height))
        img = img.convert('RGB')

    for seq in seq_list:
        #image_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'image_02/%s' % seq)
        #calib_file = os.path.join(data_root, 'calib/%s.txt' % seq)
        #result_dir = os.path.join(result_root, '%s/trk_withid/%s' % (result_sha, seq))
        #save_3d_bbox_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, '../../trk_image_vis/%s' % seq); mkdir_if_missing(save_3d_bbox_dir)
        image_dir = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/cam_sample/image_2'
        result_dir = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/fuse_test/cam9+cam21/tracking_results/trk_withid/0000'
        calib_file = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/346/calib/000000.txt'
        save_3d_bbox_dir = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/fuse_test/cam9+cam21/trk_image_vis'

        # load the list
        images_list, num_images = load_list_from_folder(image_dir)
        print('number of images to visualize is %d' % num_images)
        cam_id = 'cam9'
        start_count = 8945
        end_count = 8950
        min_index = 8900
        for count in range(start_count, end_count):
            image_tmp = images_list[count]
            if not is_path_exists(image_tmp):
                count += 1
            image_index = int(fileparts(image_tmp)[1])
            image_tmp = np.array(Image.open(image_tmp))
            img_height, img_width, img_channel = image_tmp.shape

            result_tmp = os.path.join(
                '%06d.txt' % (image_index - min_index))  # load the result
            if not is_path_exists(result_tmp): object_res = []
            else: object_res = read_label(result_tmp)
            print('processing index: %d, %d/%d, results from %s' %
                  (image_index, count + 1, num_images, result_tmp))
            calib_tmp = Calibration(calib_file)  # load the calibration

            object_res_filtered = []
            cam_trans = cam_transform[cam_id]
            for object_tmp in object_res:
                if object_tmp.type not in type_whitelist: continue
                if hasattr(object_tmp, 'score'):
                    if object_tmp.score < score_threshold: continue
                center = object_tmp.t
                cord_p = np.zeros((1, 4))
                cord_p[0][0] = object_tmp.t[2]
                cord_p[0][1] = object_tmp.t[0]
                cord_p[0][2] = -object_tmp.t[1]
                cord_p[0][3] = 1
                rotation_y = object_tmp.ry * 180 / np.pi
                cam_matrix = cu.ClientSideBoundingBoxes.get_matrix(cam_trans)
                cam_to_world = np.dot(cam_matrix, np.transpose(cord_p))
                ry_cam2world = cu.ry_filter_a(
                    rotation_y - 90 + cam_trans.rotation.yaw) * np.pi / 180
                object_tmp.t = [
                    cam_to_world[1][0], -cam_to_world[2][0], cam_to_world[0][0]
                object_tmp.ry = cu.ry_filter(ry_cam2world)

            num_instances = len(object_res_filtered)
            save_image_with_3dbbox_gt_path = os.path.join(
                save_3d_bbox_dir, '%06d.jpg' % (image_index))
                                  object_res_filtered, [],
            print('number of objects to plot is %d' % (num_instances))
            count += 1
예제 #13
파일: main.py 프로젝트: goodxue/CenterNet
from AB3DMOT_libs.model import AB3DMOT
from xinshuo_io import load_list_from_folder, fileparts, mkdir_if_missing

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    # 	print('Usage: python main.py result_sha(e.g., pointrcnn_Car_test)')
    # 	sys.exit(1)

    #result_sha = sys.argv[1]
    save_root = '/home/ubuntu/xwp/datasets/multi_view_dataset/new/fuse_test/cam9+cam21'
    det_id2str = {1: 'Pedestrian', 2: 'Car', 3: 'Cyclist'}

    # seq_file_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(os.path.join('data/KITTI', result_sha))
    seq_file_list, num_seq = load_list_from_folder(
    total_time, total_frames = 0.0, 0
    save_dir = os.path.join(save_root, 'tracking_results')
    eval_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'data')
    seq_count = 0
    for seq_file in seq_file_list:
        _, seq_name, _ = fileparts(seq_file)
        eval_file = os.path.join(eval_dir, seq_name + '.txt')
        eval_file = open(eval_file, 'w')
        save_trk_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'trk_withid', seq_name)

        mot_tracker = AB3DMOT()
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, data_dir, obs_len=8, pred_len=12, skip=1, threshold=0.002, min_ped=0, delim='\t', \
        phase='training', split='test'):
        - data_dir: Directory containing dataset files in the format
        <frame_id> <ped_id> <x> <y>
        - obs_len: Number of time-steps in input trajectories
        - pred_len: Number of time-steps in output trajectories
        - skip: Number of frames to skip while making the dataset
        - threshold: Minimum error to be considered for non linear traj
        when using a linear predictor
        - min_ped: Minimum number of pedestrians that should be in a seqeunce
        - delim: Delimiter in the dataset files
        super(TrajectoryDataset, self).__init__()
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.obs_len, self.pred_len = obs_len, pred_len
        self.seq_len = self.obs_len + self.pred_len
        self.delim, self.skip = delim, skip
        all_files, _ = load_list_from_folder(self.data_dir)
        num_peds_in_seq = []
        seq_list = []
        seq_list_rel = []
        loss_mask_list = []
        non_linear_ped = []
        seq_id_list = []
        for path in all_files:
            print_str = 'load %s\r' % path
            _, seq_name, _ = fileparts(path)
            data = read_file(path, delim)

            # as testing files only contains past, so add more windows
            if split == 'test':
                min_frame, max_frame = 0, 999
                num_windows = int(max_frame - min_frame + 1 - skip *
                                  (self.seq_len - 1))
                num_windows += (self.pred_len - 1) * skip + 1
                frames = np.unique(data[:, 0]).tolist()
                min_frame, max_frame = frames[0], frames[-1]
                num_windows = int(max_frame - min_frame + 1 - skip *
                                  (self.seq_len - 1)
                                  )  # include all frames for past and future

            # loop through every windows
            for window_index in range(num_windows):
                start_frame = int(window_index + min_frame)
                end_frame = int(start_frame + self.seq_len *
                                skip)  # right-open, not including this frame

                # reduce window during testing, only evaluate every N windows
                if phase == 'testing':
                    check_pass = check_eval_windows(start_frame +
                                                    self.obs_len * skip,
                                                    self.obs_len * skip,
                                                    self.pred_len * skip,
                    if not check_pass: continue

                # get data in current window
                curr_seq_data = []
                for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame, skip):
                    curr_seq_data.append(data[frame == data[:, 0], :])
                curr_seq_data = np.concatenate(curr_seq_data, axis=0)

                # initialize data
                peds_in_curr_seq = np.unique(curr_seq_data[:, 1])
                curr_seq_rel = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), 2,
                     self.seq_len))  # objects x 2 x seq_len
                curr_seq = np.zeros((len(peds_in_curr_seq), 2, self.seq_len))
                curr_loss_mask = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), self.seq_len))  # objects x seq_len
                id_frame_list = np.zeros(
                    (len(peds_in_curr_seq), 3,
                     self.seq_len))  # objects x 2 x seq_len
                num_peds_considered = 0
                _non_linear_ped = []

                # loop through every object in this window
                for _, ped_id in enumerate(peds_in_curr_seq):
                    curr_ped_seq = curr_seq_data[
                        curr_seq_data[:, 1] ==
                        ped_id, :]  # frames x 4 (frames can less than seqlen)
                    pad_front = int(curr_ped_seq[0, 0]) - start_frame
                    pad_end = int(curr_ped_seq[-1, 0]) - start_frame + skip
                    assert pad_end % skip == 0, 'error'
                    frame_existing = curr_ped_seq[:, 0].tolist()

                    # pad front and back data to make the trajectory complete
                    if pad_end - pad_front != self.seq_len * skip:

                        # pad end
                        to_be_paded_end = int(self.seq_len - pad_end / skip)
                        pad_end_seq = np.expand_dims(curr_ped_seq[-1, :],
                        pad_end_seq = np.repeat(pad_end_seq,
                        frame_offset = np.zeros((to_be_paded_end, 4),
                        frame_offset[:, 0] = np.array(
                            range(1, to_be_paded_end + 1))
                        pad_end_seq += frame_offset * skip  # shift first columns for frame
                        curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate(
                            (curr_ped_seq, pad_end_seq), axis=0)

                        # pad front
                        to_be_paded_front = int(pad_front / skip)
                        pad_front_seq = np.expand_dims(curr_ped_seq[0, :],
                        pad_front_seq = np.repeat(pad_front_seq,
                        frame_offset = np.zeros((to_be_paded_front, 4),
                        frame_offset[:, 0] = np.array(
                            range(-to_be_paded_front, 0))
                        pad_front_seq += frame_offset * skip
                        curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate(
                            (pad_front_seq, curr_ped_seq), axis=0)

                        # set pad front and end to correct values
                        pad_front = 0
                        pad_end = self.seq_len * skip

                    # add edge case when the object reappears at a bad frame
                    # in other words, missing intermediate frame
                    if curr_ped_seq.shape[0] != (pad_end - pad_front) / skip:
                        frame_all = list(
                            range(int(curr_ped_seq[0, 0]),
                                  int(curr_ped_seq[-1, 0]) + skip, skip))
                        frame_missing, _ = remove_list_from_list(
                            frame_all, curr_ped_seq[:, 0].tolist())

                        # pad all missing frames with zeros
                        pad_seq = np.expand_dims(curr_ped_seq[-1, :], axis=0)
                        pad_seq = np.repeat(pad_seq,
                        pad_seq[:, 0] = np.array(frame_missing)
                        pad_seq[:, 1] = ped_id  # fill ID
                        curr_ped_seq = np.concatenate((curr_ped_seq, pad_seq),
                        curr_ped_seq = curr_ped_seq[np.argsort(
                            curr_ped_seq[:, 0])]

                    assert pad_front == 0, 'error'
                    assert pad_end == self.seq_len * skip, 'error'

                    # make sure the seq_len frames are continuous, no jumping frames
                    start_frame_now = int(curr_ped_seq[0, 0])
                    if curr_ped_seq[-1, 0] != start_frame_now + (self.seq_len -
                                                                 1) * skip:

                    # make sure that past data has at least one frame
                    past_frame_list = [
                               start_frame_now + self.obs_len * skip, skip)
                    common = find_unique_common_from_lists(past_frame_list,
                    if len(common) == 0: continue

                    # make sure that future GT data has at least one frame
                    if phase != 'testing':
                        gt_frame_list = [
                            *range(start_frame_now + self.obs_len * skip,
                                   start_frame_now + self.seq_len * skip, skip)
                        common = find_unique_common_from_lists(gt_frame_list,
                        if len(common) == 0: continue

                    # only keep the state
                    cache_tmp = np.transpose(curr_ped_seq[:, :2])
                    curr_ped_seq = np.transpose(
                        curr_ped_seq[:, 2:])  # 2 x seq_len

                    # Make coordinates relative
                    rel_curr_ped_seq = np.zeros(curr_ped_seq.shape)
                                     1:] = curr_ped_seq[:,
                                                        1:] - curr_ped_seq[:, :
                    _idx = num_peds_considered
                    curr_seq[_idx, :, :] = curr_ped_seq
                    curr_seq_rel[_idx, :, :] = rel_curr_ped_seq

                    # record seqname, frame and ID information
                    id_frame_list[_idx, :2, :] = cache_tmp
                    id_frame_list[_idx, 2, :] = seqname2int(seq_name)

                    # Linear vs Non-Linear Trajectory, only fit for the future part not past part
                        poly_fit(curr_ped_seq, pred_len, threshold))

                    # add mask onto padded dummay data
                    frame_exist_index = np.array([
                        frame_tmp - start_frame_now
                        for frame_tmp in frame_existing
                    frame_exist_index = (frame_exist_index /
                    curr_loss_mask[_idx, frame_exist_index] = 1
                    num_peds_considered += 1

                if num_peds_considered > min_ped:
                    non_linear_ped += _non_linear_ped

        self.num_seq = len(seq_list)
        seq_list = np.concatenate(seq_list, axis=0)  # objects x 2 x seq_len
        seq_list_rel = np.concatenate(seq_list_rel, axis=0)
        loss_mask_list = np.concatenate(loss_mask_list, axis=0)
        non_linear_ped = np.asarray(non_linear_ped)
        seq_id_list = np.concatenate(seq_id_list, axis=0)

        # Convert numpy -> Torch Tensor
        self.obs_traj = torch.from_numpy(seq_list[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(
        self.pred_traj = torch.from_numpy(seq_list[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(
        self.obs_traj_rel = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list_rel[:, :, :self.obs_len]).type(torch.float)
        self.pred_traj_rel = torch.from_numpy(
            seq_list_rel[:, :, self.obs_len:]).type(torch.float)
        self.loss_mask = torch.from_numpy(loss_mask_list).type(torch.float)
        self.non_linear_ped = torch.from_numpy(non_linear_ped).type(
        cum_start_idx = [0] + np.cumsum(num_peds_in_seq).tolist()
        self.seq_start_end = [
            (start, end)
            for start, end in zip(cum_start_idx, cum_start_idx[1:])
        self.seq_id_list = torch.from_numpy(seq_id_list).type(torch.float)