def fileparts(input_path, warning=True, debug=True): ''' this function return a tuple, which contains (directory, filename, extension) if the file has multiple extension, only last one will be displayed parameters: input_path: a string path outputs: directory: the parent directory filename: the file name without extension ext: the extension ''' good_path = safe_path(input_path, debug=debug) if len(good_path) == 0: return ('', '', '') if good_path[-1] == '/': if len(good_path) > 1: return (good_path[:-1], '', '') # ignore the final '/' else: return (good_path, '', '') # ignore the final '/' directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(good_path)) filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(good_path))[0] ext = os.path.splitext(good_path)[1] return (directory, filename, ext)
def generate_list_from_data(save_path, src_data, debug=True): ''' generate a file which contains a 1-d numpy array data parameter: src_data: a list of 1 element data, or a 1-d numpy array data ''' save_path = safe_path(save_path) if debug: if isnparray(src_data): assert src_data.ndim == 1, 'source data is incorrect' elif islist(src_data): assert all(np.array(data_tmp).size == 1 for data_tmp in src_data), 'source data is in correct' assert isfolder(save_path) or isfile( save_path), 'save path is not correct' if isfolder(save_path): save_path = os.path.join(save_path, 'datalist.txt') if debug: assert is_path_exists_or_creatable( save_path), 'the file cannot be created' with open(save_path, 'w') as file: for item in src_data: file.write('%f\n' % item) file.close()
def load_image(src_path, resize_factor=None, target_size=None, input_angle=0, gray=False, warning=True, debug=True): ''' load an image from given path, with preprocessing of resizing and rotating, output a rgb image parameters: resize_factor: a scalar target_size: a list or tuple or numpy array with 2 elements, representing height and width input_angle: a scalar, counterclockwise rotation in degree output: np_image: an uint8 rgb numpy image ''' src_path = safe_path(src_path, warning=warning, debug=debug) if debug: assert is_path_exists(src_path), 'image path is not correct at %s' % src_path if resize_factor is None and target_size is None: resize_factor = 1.0 # default not to have resizing with open(src_path, 'rb') as f: with as img: if gray: img = img.convert('L') else: try: img = img.convert('RGB') except IOError: print(src_path) zxc np_image = image_rotate(img, input_angle=input_angle, warning=warning, debug=debug) np_image = image_resize(np_image, resize_factor=resize_factor, target_size=target_size, warning=warning, debug=debug) return np_image
def save_2dmatrix_to_file(data, save_path, formatting='%.1f', debug=True): save_path = safe_path(save_path) if debug: assert isnparray(data) and len( data.shape) == 2, 'input data is not 2d numpy array' assert is_path_exists_or_creatable( save_path), 'save path is not correct' mkdir_if_missing(save_path) # assert isnparray(data) and len(data.shape) <= 2, 'the data is not correct' np.savetxt(save_path, data, delimiter=' ', fmt=formatting)
def load_2dmatrix_from_file(src_path, delimiter=' ', dtype='float32', debug=True): src_path = safe_path(src_path) if debug: assert is_path_exists( src_path), 'txt path is not correct at %s' % src_path data = np.loadtxt(src_path, delimiter=delimiter, dtype=dtype) nrows = data.shape[0] return data, nrows
def load_txt_file(file_path, debug=True): ''' load data or string from text file ''' file_path = safe_path(file_path) if debug: assert is_path_exists( file_path), 'text file is not existing at path: %s!' % file_path with open(file_path, 'r') as file: data = num_lines = len(data) file.close() return data, num_lines
def mkdir_if_missing(input_path, warning=True, debug=True): ''' create a directory if not existing: 1. if the input is a path of file, then create the parent directory of this file 2. if the root directory does not exists for the input, then create all the root directories recursively until the parent directory of input exists parameters: input_path: a string path ''' good_path = safe_path(input_path, warning=warning, debug=debug) if debug: assert is_path_exists_or_creatable( good_path), 'input path is not valid or creatable: %s' % good_path dirname, _, _ = fileparts(good_path) if not is_path_exists(dirname): mkdir_if_missing(dirname) if isfolder(good_path) and not is_path_exists(good_path): os.mkdir(good_path)
def load_list_from_file(file_path, debug=True): ''' this function reads list from a txt file ''' file_path = safe_path(file_path) _, _, extension = fileparts(file_path) if debug: assert extension == '.txt' or '.lst', 'File doesn' 't have valid extension.' file = open(file_path, 'r') if debug: assert file != -1, 'datalist not found' fulllist = fulllist = [os.path.normpath(path_tmp) for path_tmp in fulllist] num_elem = len(fulllist) file.close() return fulllist, num_elem
def save_txt_file(data_list, save_path, debug=True): ''' save a list of string to a file ''' save_path = safe_path(save_path) if debug: assert is_path_exists_or_creatable( save_path ), 'text file is not able to be created at path: %s!' % save_path first_line = True with open(save_path, 'w') as file: for item in data_list: if first_line: file.write('%s' % item) first_line = False else: file.write('\n%s' % item) file.close()
def save_image(input_image, save_path, resize_factor=None, target_size=None, input_angle=0, warning=True, debug=True): ''' load an image to a given path, with preprocessing of resizing and rotating parameters: resize_factor: a scalar target_size: a list of tuple or numpy array with 2 elements, representing height and width input_angle: a scalar, counterclockwise rotation in degree ''' save_path = safe_path(save_path, warning=warning, debug=debug); mkdir_if_missing(save_path) if debug: is_path_exists_or_creatable(save_path), 'the path is not good to save' np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug) if resize_factor is None and target_size is None: resize_factor = 1.0 # default not to have resizing # preprocessing the image before saving np_image = image_rotate(np_image, input_angle=input_angle, warning=warning, debug=debug) np_image = image_resize(np_image, resize_factor=resize_factor, target_size=target_size, warning=warning, debug=debug) # saving pil_image = Image.fromarray(np_image)
def load_list_from_folders(folder_path_list, ext_filter=None, depth=1, recursive=False, save_path=None, debug=True): ''' load a list of files or folders from a list of system path ''' if debug: assert islist(folder_path_list) or isstring( folder_path_list), 'input path list is not correct' if isstring(folder_path_list): folder_path_list = [folder_path_list] fulllist = list() num_elem = 0 for folder_path_tmp in folder_path_list: fulllist_tmp, num_elem_tmp = load_list_from_folder( folder_path_tmp, ext_filter=ext_filter, depth=depth, recursive=recursive) fulllist += fulllist_tmp num_elem += num_elem_tmp # save list to a path if save_path is not None: save_path = safe_path(save_path) if debug: assert is_path_exists_or_creatable( save_path), 'the file cannot be created' with open(save_path, 'w') as file: for item in fulllist: file.write('%s\n' % item) file.close() return fulllist, num_elem
def load_list_from_folder(folder_path, ext_filter=None, depth=1, recursive=False, sort=True, save_path=None, debug=True): ''' load a list of files or folders from a system path parameters: folder_path: root to search ext_filter: a string to represent the extension of files interested depth: maximum depth of folder to search, when it's None, all levels of folders will be searched recursive: False: only return current level True: return all levels till to the input depth outputs: fulllist: a list of elements num_elem: number of the elements ''' folder_path = safe_path(folder_path) if debug: assert isfolder( folder_path), 'input folder path is not correct: %s' % folder_path if not is_path_exists(folder_path): print('the input folder does not exist %s\n' % folder_path) return [], 0 if debug: assert islogical( recursive), 'recursive should be a logical variable: {}'.format( recursive) assert depth is None or ( isinteger(depth) and depth >= 1), 'input depth is not correct {}'.format(depth) assert ext_filter is None or (islist(ext_filter) and all( isstring(ext_tmp) for ext_tmp in ext_filter)) or isstring( ext_filter), 'extension filter is not correct' if isstring(ext_filter): ext_filter = [ext_filter] # convert to a list # zxc fulllist = list() if depth is None: # find all files recursively recursive = True wildcard_prefix = '**' if ext_filter is not None: for ext_tmp in ext_filter: # wildcard = os.path.join(wildcard_prefix, '*' + string2ext_filter(ext_tmp)) wildcard = os.path.join(wildcard_prefix, '*' + ext_tmp) curlist = glob2.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, wildcard)) if sort: curlist = sorted(curlist) fulllist += curlist else: wildcard = wildcard_prefix curlist = glob2.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, wildcard)) if sort: curlist = sorted(curlist) fulllist += curlist else: # find files based on depth and recursive flag wildcard_prefix = '*' for index in range(depth - 1): wildcard_prefix = os.path.join(wildcard_prefix, '*') if ext_filter is not None: for ext_tmp in ext_filter: # wildcard = wildcard_prefix + string2ext_filter(ext_tmp) wildcard = wildcard_prefix + ext_tmp curlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, wildcard)) if sort: curlist = sorted(curlist) fulllist += curlist # zxc else: wildcard = wildcard_prefix curlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, wildcard)) # print(curlist) if sort: curlist = sorted(curlist) fulllist += curlist if recursive and depth > 1: newlist, _ = load_list_from_folder(folder_path=folder_path, ext_filter=ext_filter, depth=depth - 1, recursive=True) fulllist += newlist fulllist = [os.path.normpath(path_tmp) for path_tmp in fulllist] num_elem = len(fulllist) # save list to a path if save_path is not None: save_path = safe_path(save_path) if debug: assert is_path_exists_or_creatable( save_path), 'the file cannot be created' with open(save_path, 'w') as file: for item in fulllist: file.write('%s\n' % item) file.close() return fulllist, num_elem