def test_dataset(dataset_name, filenames=[], is_save=True, nb_samples=32, report_shape=False, is_plot=False, **kwargs): """ test datasets Args: dataset_name filenames nb_sample report_shape """ print_pretty_args(test_dataset, locals()) dsc = getattr(xlearn.datasets, dataset_name) with dsc(filenames=filenames) as dataset: for i in tqdm(range(kwargs['nb_sample']), ascii=True): s = next(dataset) if report_shape: print(len(s)) print(len(s[0])) print(s[0][0].shape) if is_save: imgss = [] for i in range(len(s[0])): imgss.append(dataset.visualize(s[0][i])) subplot_images(imgss, is_save=True, filename='images.png')
def predict(net, dataset, nb_batch=1): imgs = [] for i in tqdm(range(nb_batch)): z = net.gen_latent() p = net.predict('Gen', [z]) imgs += dataset.visualize(p[0]) subplot_images((imgs, ), is_gray=True, size=3.0, tight_c=0.5)
def predict(cfs): dataset = MNIST(filenames=cfs) net = LSGAN(filenames=cfs) net.define_net() print(net.pretty_settings()) net.load('AutoEncoder') x = net.gen_latent() p = net.predict('Decoder', [x]) imgs = dataset.visualize(p[0]) subplot_images((imgs, ), is_gray=True, size=3.0, tight_c=0.5)
def predict_and_show(net, dataset): s = next(dataset) p = net.predict(0, [s[0]]) p = p[0] images = dataset.data_from_sample(s, data_type='data') images = dataset.visualize(images) labels = dataset.data_from_sample(s, data_type='label') labels = dataset.visualize(labels) preds = dataset.visualize(p) subplot_images((images, labels, preds), is_gray=True)
def predict(): dataset = MNIST(**data_settings) if net_name == 'ae': net = AutoEncoder1D(**net_settings) elif net_name == 'vae': net = VAE1D(**net_settings) net.define_net() print(net.pretty_settings()) net.load('AutoEncoder') s = next(dataset) p = net.predict('Decoder', [net.gen_latent()]) imgs = dataset.visualize(p[0]) subplot_images((imgs, ), is_gray=True, size=3.0, tight_c=0.5)
def show_mainfold(cfs): dataset = MNIST(filenames=cfs) nb_axis = int(np.sqrt(dataset._batch_size)) x = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, nb_axis) y = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, nb_axis) pos = np.meshgrid(x, y) xs = pos[0] ys = pos[1] xs = xs.reshape([-1]) ys = ys.reshape([-1]) net = LSGAN(filenames=cfs) net.define_net() net.load('Gen') latents = np.array([xs, ys]).T p = net.predict('Gen', [latents]) imgs = dataset.visualize(p[0]) subplot_images((imgs, ), nb_max_row=nb_axis, is_gray=True, size=1.0, tight_c=0.5)
def show_mainfold(): dataset = MNIST(**data_settings) nb_axis = int(np.sqrt(batch_size)) x = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, nb_axis) y = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, nb_axis) pos = np.meshgrid(x, y) xs = pos[0] ys = pos[1] xs = xs.reshape([-1]) ys = ys.reshape([-1]) if net_name == 'ae': net = AutoEncoder1D(**net_settings) elif net_name == 'vae': net = VAE1D(**net_settings) net.define_net() net.load('AutoEncoder') latents = np.array([xs, ys]).T p = net.predict('Decoder', [latents]) imgs = dataset.visualize(p[0]) subplot_images((imgs, ), nb_max_row=nb_axis, is_gray=True, size=1.0, tight_c=0.5)
def test_dataset(dataset, nb_images=64, data_type='data', settings=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(data_type, (list, tuple)): data_type = [data_type] imgs_all = empty_list(len(data_type)) for i in range(int(np.ceil(nb_images / dataset.batch_size))): s = next(dataset) for i, ctype in enumerate(data_type): img_tensor = dataset.data_from_sample(s, data_type=ctype) imgs = dataset.visualize(img_tensor) if imgs_all[i] is None: imgs_all[i] = imgs else: imgs_all[i].append(imgs) subplot_images(imgs_all, is_gray=True) for imgs in imgs_all: data = np.array(imgs) print(data.shape) print("mean:{0:10f}, max:{1:10f}, min:{2:10f}".format( np.mean(data), np.max(data), np.min(data)))
def show_data_mainfold(cfs): """ show latent main fold for data """ dataset = MNIST(filenames=cfs) # nb_axis = int(np.sqrt(dataset._batch_size)) nb_axis = 32 x = np.linspace(-5.0, 20.0, nb_axis) y = np.linspace(-5.0, 20.0, nb_axis) pos = np.meshgrid(x, y) xs = pos[0] ys = pos[1] xs = xs.reshape([-1]) ys = ys.reshape([-1]) net = AAE1D(filenames=cfs) net.define_net() net.load('Gen') latents = np.array([xs, ys]).T pall = None nb_latents = latents.shape[0] nb_batches = int(np.ceil(nb_latents / net.batch_size)) nb_pad = nb_batches * net.batch_size - nb_latents latents_pad = np.pad(latents, ((0, nb_pad), (0, 0)), mode='constant') for i in tqdm(range(nb_batches)): data_batch = latents_pad[i * net.batch_size:(i + 1) * net.batch_size, :] p = net.predict('Gen', [data_batch]) if pall is None: pall = p[0] else: pall = np.concatenate((pall, p[0])) p = pall[:nb_latents, ...] imgs = dataset.visualize(p) subplot_images((imgs, ), nb_max_row=nb_axis, is_gray=True, size=1.0, tight_c=0.5)
batch_size = 32 with Sinograms( file_data="/home/hongxwing/Workspace/Datas/shepplogan_sinograms.h5", is_gray=False, is_batch=True, batch_size=batch_size, is_down_sample=True, down_sample_ratio=[1, 4], is_padding=True, is_4d=True) as dataset: s = next(dataset) imgs = dataset.data_from_sample(s, data_type='data') imgs = dataset.visualize(imgs) plt.figure(figsize=(8, batch_size // 8)) subplot_images((imgs, ), is_gray=True) s = next(dataset) imgs = dataset.data_from_sample(s, data_type='label') imgs = dataset.visualize(imgs) plt.figure(figsize=(8, batch_size // 8)) subplot_images((imgs, ), is_gray=True) net = SRNetInterp(shape_i=(365, 61, 1), shape_o=(365, 244, 1), down_sample_ratio=(1, 4, 1)) net.define_net() with Sinograms( file_data="/home/hongxwing/Workspace/Datas/shepplogan_sinograms.h5", is_gray=False, is_batch=True, batch_size=batch_size, is_down_sample=True,
def predict_sr(net_name=None, dataset_name=None, path_save='./predict', is_visualize=False, is_save=False, save_filename='predict.png', filenames=[], load_step=None, **kwargs): print_pretty_args(predict_sr, locals()) dsc = getattr(xlearn.datasets, dataset_name) netc = getattr(xlearn.nets, net_name) if load_step is None: files = os.listdir('.') save_re = r'save-.*-([0-9]+)' prog = re.compile(save_re) max_step = -1 for f in files: m = prog.match(f) if m: step = int( if step > max_step: max_step = step load_step = max_step with dsc(filenames=filenames) as dataset: net_settings = {'filenames': filenames} if load_step is not None: net_settings.update({'init_step': load_step}) net = netc(**net_settings) net.define_net() click.echo(net.pretty_settings()) if load_step is not None: net.load(step=load_step) net_interp = xlearn.nets.SRInterp(filenames=filenames) net_interp.define_net() s = next(dataset) p = net.predict('sr', s[0]) p_it = net_interp.predict('sr', s[0]) _, hr_t = net.predict('itp', s[0]) res_sr = net.predict('res_out', s[0]) res_sr = np.abs(res_sr) res_it = net.predict('res_itp', s[0]) res_it = np.abs(res_it) hr = dataset.visualize(hr_t, is_no_change=True) lr = dataset.visualize(s[0][-1], is_no_change=True) sr = dataset.visualize(p, is_no_change=True) it = dataset.visualize(p_it, is_no_change=True) res_sr_l = dataset.visualize(res_sr, is_no_change=True) res_it_l = dataset.visualize(res_it, is_no_change=True) window = [(-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.01, 0.01), (-0.01, 0.01)] subplot_images((hr, lr, sr, it, res_sr_l, res_it_l), size=3.0, tight_c=0.5, is_save=True, filename=save_filename, window=window) #'predict_hr.npy', s[1][0]) #'predict_lr.npy', s[0][1]) #'predict_sr.npy', p) #'predict_res_sr.npy', res_sr) #'predict_res_it.npy', res_it) res_sr_v = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(res_sr))) res_it_v = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(res_it))) print('res_sr: {0:10f}, res_it: {1:10f}'.format(res_sr_v, res_it_v))