def getCorrThreshStep(self): corrVector = [] fnCorr = self._getExtraPath("correlations.xmd") mdCorr = xmipp.MetaData() for n in range(self.nRansac.get()): fnRoot = "ransac%05d" % n fnAngles = self._getTmpPath("angles_" + fnRoot + ".xmd") md = xmipp.MetaData(fnAngles) for objId in md: corr = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, objId) corrVector.append(corr) objIdCorr = mdCorr.addObject() mdCorr.setValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, float(corr), objIdCorr) mdCorr.write("correlations@" + fnCorr, xmipp.MD_APPEND) mdCorr = xmipp.MetaData() sortedCorrVector = sorted(corrVector) indx = int(floor(self.corrThresh.get() * (len(sortedCorrVector) - 1))) #With the line below commented the percentil is not used for the threshold and is used the value introduced in the form #CorrThresh = sortedCorrVector[indx]# objId = mdCorr.addObject() mdCorr.setValue(xmipp.MDL_WEIGHT, self.corrThresh.get(), objId) mdCorr.write("corrThreshold@" + fnCorr, xmipp.MD_APPEND) print "Correlation threshold: " + str(self.corrThresh.get())
def createOutputStep(self): self.mdClasses = xmipp.MetaData(self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) self.mdImages = xmipp.MetaData(self._getDirectionalImagesFn()) inputParticles = self.inputParticles.get() classes2D = self._createSetOfClasses2D(inputParticles) self.averageSet = self._createSetOfAverages() self.averageSet.copyInfo(inputParticles) self.averageSet.setAlignmentProj() # Let's use a SetMdIterator because it could be less particles # in the metadata produced than in the input set iterator = md.SetMdIterator(self.mdImages, sortByLabel=md.MDL_ITEM_ID, updateItemCallback=self._updateParticle, skipDisabled=True) classes2D.classifyItems(updateItemCallback=iterator.updateItem, updateClassCallback=self._updateClass) self._defineOutputs(outputClasses=classes2D) self._defineOutputs(outputAverages=self.averageSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, classes2D) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, self.averageSet)
def runInitAngularReferenceFileStep(self): '''Create Initial angular file. Either fill it with zeros or copy input''' #NOTE: if using angles, self.selFileName file should contain angles info md = xmipp.MetaData(self.selFileName) # Ensure this labels are always md.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT) md.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT) md.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI) expImages = self._getFileName('inputParticlesDoc') ctfImages = self._getFileName('imageCTFpairs') md.write(self._getExpImagesFileName(expImages)) blocklist = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(ctfImages) mdCtf = xmipp.MetaData() mdAux = xmipp.MetaData() readLabels = [xmipp.MDL_ITEM_ID, xmipp.MDL_IMAGE] for block in blocklist: #read ctf block from ctf file + '@' + ctfImages, readLabels) #add ctf columns to images file mdAux.joinNatural(md, mdCtf) # write block in images file with ctf info mdCtf.write(block + '@' + expImages, xmipp.MD_APPEND) return [expImages]
def scoreFinalVolumes(self): threshold = self.getCCThreshold() mdOut = xmipp.MetaData() for n in range(self.numVolumes.get()): fnRoot = self._getPath('proposedVolume%05d' % n) fnAssignment = fnRoot + ".xmd" if os.path.exists(fnAssignment): self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities", "-i %s --fill weight constant 1" % fnAssignment) MDassignment = xmipp.MetaData(fnAssignment) sum = 0 thresholdedSum = 0 N = 0 minCC = 2 for id in MDassignment: cc = MDassignment.getValue(xmipp.MDL_MAXCC, id) sum += cc thresholdedSum += cc - threshold if cc < minCC: minCC = cc N += 1 if N > 0: avg = sum / N else: avg = 0.0 id = mdOut.addObject() mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, str(fnRoot + ".vol"), id) mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_VOLUME_SCORE_SUM, float(sum), id) mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_VOLUME_SCORE_SUM_TH, float(thresholdedSum), id) mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_VOLUME_SCORE_MEAN, float(avg), id) mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_VOLUME_SCORE_MIN, float(minCC), id) mdOut.write(self._getPath("proposedVolumes.xmd"))
def writeSetOfClassesVol(classesVolSet, filename, classesBlock='classes'): """ This function will write a SetOfClassesVol as Xmipp metadata. Params: classesVolSet: the SetOfClassesVol instance. filename: the filename where to write the metadata. """ classFn = '%s@%s' % (classesBlock, filename) classMd = xmipp.MetaData() classMd.write(classFn) # Empty write to ensure the classes is the first block classRow = XmippMdRow() for classVol in classesVolSet: classVolToRow(classVol, classRow) classRow.writeToMd(classMd, classMd.addObject()) ref = class3D.getObjId() imagesFn = 'class%06d_images@%s' % (ref, filename) imagesMd = xmipp.MetaData() imgRow = XmippMdRow() for vol in classVol: volumeToRow(vol, imgRow) imgRow.writeToMd(imagesMd, imagesMd.addObject()) imagesMd.write(imagesFn, xmipp.MD_APPEND) classMd.write(classFn, xmipp.MD_APPEND) # Empty write to ensure the classes is the first block
def computeAtomShiftsStep(self, numberOfModes): fnOutDir = self._getExtraPath("distanceProfiles") makePath(fnOutDir) maxShift = [] maxShiftMode = [] for n in range(7, numberOfModes + 1): fnVec = self._getPath("modes", "vec.%d" % n) if exists(fnVec): fhIn = open(fnVec) md = xmipp.MetaData() atomCounter = 0 for line in fhIn: x, y, z = map(float, line.split()) d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) if n == 7: maxShift.append(d) maxShiftMode.append(7) else: if d > maxShift[atomCounter]: maxShift[atomCounter] = d maxShiftMode[atomCounter] = n atomCounter += 1 md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_NMA_ATOMSHIFT, d, md.addObject()) md.write(join(fnOutDir, "vec%d.xmd" % n)) fhIn.close() md = xmipp.MetaData() for i, _ in enumerate(maxShift): fnVec = self._getPath("modes", "vec.%d" % (maxShiftMode[i] + 1)) if exists(fnVec): objId = md.addObject() md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_NMA_ATOMSHIFT, maxShift[i], objId) md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_NMA_MODEFILE, fnVec, objId) md.write(self._getExtraPath('maxAtomShifts.xmd'))
def _storeSummaryInfo(self, numVolumes): """ Store some information when the protocol finishes. """ msg1 = '' msg2 = '' for n in range(numVolumes): fnBase = 'proposedVolume%05d' % n fnRoot = self._getPath(fnBase + ".xmd") if os.path.isfile(fnRoot): md = xmipp.MetaData(fnRoot) size = md.size() if (size < 5): msg1 = "Num of inliers for model %d too small and equal to %d \n" % ( n, size) msg1 += "Decrease the value of Inlier Threshold parameter and run again \n" fnRoot = self._getTmpPath("ransac00000.xmd") if os.path.isfile(fnRoot): md = xmipp.MetaData(fnRoot) size = md.size() if (size < 5): msg2 = "Num of random samples too small and equal to %d.\n" % size msg2 += "If the option Dimensionality reduction is on, increase the number of grids per dimension (In this case we recommend to put Dimensionality reduction off).\n" msg2 += "If the option Dimensionality reduction is off, increase the number of random samples.\n" msg = msg1 + msg2 self.summaryVar.set(msg)
def writeSetOfClasses2D(classes2DSet, filename, classesBlock='classes', writeParticles=True): """ This function will write a SetOfClasses2D as Xmipp metadata. Params: classes2DSet: the SetOfClasses2D instance. filename: the filename where to write the metadata. """ classFn = '%s@%s' % (classesBlock, filename) classMd = xmipp.MetaData() classMd.write(classFn) # Empty write to ensure the classes is the first block classRow = XmippMdRow() for class2D in classes2DSet: class2DToRow(class2D, classRow) classRow.writeToMd(classMd, classMd.addObject()) if writeParticles: ref = class2D.getObjId() imagesFn = 'class%06d_images@%s' % (ref, filename) imagesMd = xmipp.MetaData() imgRow = XmippMdRow() if class2D.getSize() > 0: for img in class2D: particleToRow(img, imgRow) imgRow.writeToMd(imagesMd, imagesMd.addObject()) imagesMd.write(imagesFn, xmipp.MD_APPEND) classMd.write(classFn, xmipp.MD_APPEND) # Empty write to ensure the classes is the first block
def runStoreResolutionStep(self, resolIterMd, resolIterMaxMd, sampling):"compute resolution 1") #compute resolution mdRsol = xmipp.MetaData(resolIterMd) mdResolOut = xmipp.MetaData() mdResolOut.importObjects(mdRsol, xmipp.MDValueLT(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FRC, 0.5))"compute resolution 2") if mdResolOut.size()==0: mdResolOut.clear() mdResolOut.addObject() id=mdResolOut.firstObject() mdResolOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FREQREAL, sampling*2., id) mdResolOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FRC, 0.5, id) else: mdResolOut.sort() id = mdResolOut.firstObject() filterFrequence = mdResolOut.getValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FREQREAL, id) frc = mdResolOut.getValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FRC, id) md = xmipp.MetaData() id = md.addObject() md.setColumnFormat(False) md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FREQREAL, filterFrequence, id) md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FRC, frc, id) md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE, sampling, id) md.write(resolIterMaxMd, xmipp.MD_APPEND)
def runExecuteCtfGroupsStep(self, **kwargs): makePath(self.ctfGroupDirectory)"Created CTF directory: '%s'" % self.ctfGroupDirectory) # printLog("executeCtfGroups01"+ CTFDatName, _log) FIXME: print in log this line if not self.doCTFCorrection: md = xmipp.MetaData(self.selFileName) block_name = self._getBlockFileName(ctfBlockName, 1, self._getFileName('imageCTFpairs')) md.write(block_name)"Written a single CTF group to file: '%s'" % block_name) self.numberOfCtfGroups.set(1) else: '*********************************************************************' )'* Make CTF groups') # remove all entries not present in sel file by # join between selfile and metadatafile mdCtfData = xmipp.MetaData() mdSel = xmipp.MetaData() mdCtfData.intersection(mdSel, xmipp.MDL_IMAGE) tmpCtfDat = self.ctfDatName mdCtfData.write(tmpCtfDat) args = ' --ctfdat %(tmpCtfDat)s -o %(ctffile)s --wiener --wc %(wiener)s --pad %(pad)s' args += ' --sampling_rate %(sampling)s' params = { 'tmpCtfDat': tmpCtfDat, 'ctffile': self._getFileName('ctfGroupBase') + ':stk', 'wiener': self.wienerConstant.get(), 'pad': self.paddingFactor.get(), 'sampling': self.resolSam } if self.inputParticles.get().isPhaseFlipped(): args += ' --phase_flipped ' if self.doAutoCTFGroup: args += ' --error %(ctfGroupMaxDiff)s --resol %(ctfGroupMaxResol)s' params['ctfGroupMaxDiff'] = self.ctfGroupMaxDiff.get() params['ctfGroupMaxResol'] = self.ctfGroupMaxResol.get() else: if exists(self.setOfDefocus.get()): args += ' --split %(setOfDefocus)s' params['setOfDefocus'] = self.setOfDefocus.get() self.runJob("xmipp_ctf_group", args % params, numberOfMpi=1, **kwargs) auxMD = xmipp.MetaData("numberGroups@" + self._getFileName('cTFGroupSummary')) self.numberOfCtfGroups.set( auxMD.getValue(xmipp.MDL_COUNT, auxMD.firstObject())) self._store(self.numberOfCtfGroups)
def calculateDeviationsStep(self, it): """ Calculate both angles and shifts devitations for all iterations """ SL = xmipp.SymList() mdIter = xmipp.MetaData() #for it in self.allIters(): mdIter.clear() SL.readSymmetryFile(self._symmetry[it]) md1 = xmipp.MetaData(self.docFileInputAngles[it]) md2 = xmipp.MetaData(self.docFileInputAngles[it-1]) #ignore disabled, md1.removeDisabled() md2.removeDisabled() #first metadata file may not have shiftx and shifty if not md2.containsLabel(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X): md2.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X) md2.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y) md2.fillConstant(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X,0.) md2.fillConstant(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y,0.) oldLabels=[xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X, xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y] newLabels=[xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_ROT2, xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT2, xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_PSI2, xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X2, xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y2] md2.renameColumn(oldLabels,newLabels) md2.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X_DIFF) md2.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y_DIFF) md2.addLabel(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_DIFF) mdIter.join1(md1, md2, xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, xmipp.INNER_JOIN) SL.computeDistance(mdIter,False,False,False) xmipp.activateMathExtensions() #operate in sqlite shiftXLabel = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X) shiftX2Label = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X2) shiftXDiff = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_X_DIFF) shiftYLabel = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y) shiftY2Label = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y2) shiftYDiff = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_Y_DIFF) shiftDiff = xmipp.label2Str(xmipp.MDL_SHIFT_DIFF) #timeStr = str(dtBegin) operateString = shiftXDiff+"="+shiftXLabel+"-"+shiftX2Label operateString += "," + shiftYDiff+"="+shiftYLabel+"-"+shiftY2Label mdIter.operate(operateString) operateString = shiftDiff+"=sqrt(" \ +shiftXDiff+"*"+shiftXDiff+"+" \ +shiftYDiff+"*"+shiftYDiff+");" mdIter.operate(operateString) iterFile = self._mdDevitationsFn(it) mdIter.write(iterFile,xmipp.MD_APPEND) self._setLastIter(it)
def _showProjMatchLibAndClasses(self, paramName=None): #map stack position with ref number list = [] mdIn = xmipp.MetaData() mdOut = xmipp.MetaData() for ref3d in self._refsList: for it in self._iterations: convert_refno_to_stack_position = {} file_name = self.protocol._getFileName( 'projectLibrarySampling', iter=it, ref=ref3d) file_nameReferences = 'projectionDirections@' + file_name if exists(file_name): mdReferences = xmipp.MetaData(file_nameReferences) mdReferencesSize = mdReferences.size() for id in mdReferences: convert_refno_to_stack_position[mdReferences.getValue( xmipp.MDL_NEIGHBOR, id)] = id file_nameAverages = self.protocol._getFileName( 'outClassesXmd', iter=it, ref=ref3d) file_references = self.protocol._getFileName( 'projectLibraryStk', iter=it, ref=ref3d) if exists(file_nameAverages): mdOut.clear() for i in mdIn: ref2D = mdIn.getValue(xmipp.MDL_REF, i) file_reference = xmipp.FileName() file_reference.compose( convert_refno_to_stack_position[ref2D], file_references) id1 = mdOut.addObject() mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, mdIn.getValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, i), id1) mdOut.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE2, file_reference, id1) if mdOut.size() == 0: print "Empty metadata: ", file_nameReferences else: file_nameReferences = self.protocol._getFileName( 'projectLibrarySampling', iter=it, ref=ref3d) sfn = createUniqueFileName(file_nameReferences) file_nameReferences = 'projectionDirections@' + sfn mdOut.merge(mdIn) mdOut.write(file_nameReferences) # ToDo: show the metadata in "metadata" form. list.append( self.createDataView(file_nameReferences)) else: print "File %s does not exist" % file_name return list
def _createPlot(self, title, xTitle, yTitle, fnOutput, mdLabelX, mdLabelY, color='g', figure=None): xplotter = XmippPlotter(figure=figure) xplotter.plot_title_fontsize = 11 ax = xplotter.createSubPlot(title, xTitle, yTitle, 1, 1) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') #plot noise and related errorbar fnOutputN = self.protocol._defineResultsNoiseName() md = xmipp.MetaData(fnOutputN) xValueN = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_COUNT) yValueN = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_AVG) plt.plot(xValueN, yValueN, '--', color='r', label='Aligned gaussian noise') # putting error bar md = xmipp.MetaData(fnOutputN) yErrN = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_STDDEV) xValueNe = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_COUNT) yValueNe = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_AVG) plt.errorbar(xValueNe, yValueNe, yErrN, fmt='o', color='k') #plot real data-set fnOutput = self.protocol._defineResultsName() md = xmipp.MetaData(fnOutput) xValue = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_COUNT) yValue = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_AVG) plt.plot(xValue, yValue, color='g', label='Aligned particles') # putting error bar md = xmipp.MetaData(fnOutput) yErr = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_STDDEV) xValue = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_COUNT) yValue = md.getColumnValues(xmipp.MDL_AVG) plt.errorbar(xValue, yValue, yErr, fmt='o') plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=11) return xplotter
def createMetaDataFromPattern(pattern, isStack=False, label="image"): ''' Create a metadata from files matching pattern''' import glob files = glob.glob(pattern) files.sort() label = xmipp.str2Label(label) #Check for label value mD = xmipp.MetaData() inFile = xmipp.FileName() nSize = 1 for file in files: fileAux = file if isStack: if file.endswith(".mrc"): fileAux = file + ":mrcs" x, x, x, nSize = xmipp.getImageSize(fileAux) if nSize != 1: counter = 1 for jj in range(nSize): inFile.compose(counter, fileAux) objId = mD.addObject() mD.setValue(label, inFile, objId) mD.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ENABLED, 1, objId) counter += 1 else: objId = mD.addObject() mD.setValue(label, fileAux, objId) mD.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ENABLED, 1, objId) return mD
def _loadTable(self, tableName): if tableName: mdFn = tableName + "@" + self._filename else: mdFn = self._filename md = xmipp.MetaData(mdFn) return self._convertMdToTable(md)
def findRow(md, label, value): """ Query the metadata for a row with label=value. Params: md: metadata to query. label: label to check value value: value for equal condition Returns: XmippMdRow object of the row found. None if no row is found with label=value """ mdQuery = xmipp.MetaData() # store result mdQuery.importObjects(md, xmipp.MDValueEQ(label, value)) n = mdQuery.size() if n == 0: row = None elif n == 1: row = XmippMdRow() row.readFromMd(mdQuery, mdQuery.firstObject()) else: raise Exception( "findRow: more than one row found matching the query %s = %s" % (xmipp.label2Str(label), value)) return row
def __init__(self, filename=None): self._md = xmipp.MetaData() self._md.setColumnFormat(False) self._id = self._md.addObject() if filename:
def _getTmpSummary(self): summary = [] configfile = join(self._getExtraPath(), 'config.xmd') existsConfig = exists(configfile) if existsConfig: md = xmipp.MetaData('properties@' + configfile) configobj = md.firstObject() pickingState = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_STATE, configobj) particleSize = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE, configobj) activeMic = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_MICROGRAPH, configobj) isAutopick = pickingState != "Manual" manualParticlesSize = md.getValue( xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MANUALPARTICLES_SIZE, configobj) autoParticlesSize = md.getValue( xmipp.MDL_PICKING_AUTOPARTICLES_SIZE, configobj) summary.append("Manual particles picked: %d" % manualParticlesSize) summary.append("Particle size:%d" % (particleSize)) autopick = "Yes" if isAutopick else "No" summary.append("Autopick: " + autopick) if isAutopick: summary.append("Automatic particles picked: %d" % autoParticlesSize) summary.append("Last micrograph: " + activeMic) return "\n".join(summary)
def _getTmpMethods(self): """ Return the message when there is not output generated yet. We will read the Xmipp .pos files and other configuration files. """ configfile = join(self._getExtraPath(), 'config.xmd') existsConfig = exists(configfile) msg = '' if existsConfig: md = xmipp.MetaData('properties@' + configfile) configobj = md.firstObject() pickingState = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_STATE, configobj) particleSize = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE, configobj) isAutopick = pickingState != "Manual" manualParts = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MANUALPARTICLES_SIZE, configobj) autoParts = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_AUTOPARTICLES_SIZE, configobj) if manualParts is None: manualParts = 0 if autoParts is None: autoParts = 0 msg = 'User picked %d particles ' % (autoParts + manualParts) msg += 'with a particle size of %d.' % particleSize if isAutopick: msg += "Automatic picking was used ([Abrishami2013]). " msg += "%d particles were picked automatically " % autoParts msg += "and %d manually." % manualParts return msg
def _getFourierMaxFrequencyOfInterest(self, iterN, refN): """ Read the corresponding resolution metadata and return the desired resolution. """ md = xmipp.MetaData( self._getFileName('resolutionXmdMax', iter=iterN, ref=refN)) return md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FREQREAL, md.firstObject())
def getSummary(self, coordSet): summary = [] summary.append("Previous run: %s" % self.xmippParticlePicking.get().getNameId()) configfile = join(self._getExtraPath(), 'config.xmd') existsConfig = exists(configfile) if existsConfig: md = xmipp.MetaData('properties@' + configfile) configobj = md.firstObject() def _get(label): return md.getValue(label, configobj) pickingState = _get(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_STATE) particleSize = _get(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE) activeMic = _get(xmipp.MDL_MICROGRAPH) isAutopick = pickingState != "Manual" manualParticlesSize = _get(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MANUALPARTICLES_SIZE) autoParticlesSize = _get(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_AUTOPARTICLES_SIZE) summary.append("Manual particles picked: %s" % manualParticlesSize) summary.append("Particle size:%d" % (particleSize)) autopick = "Yes" if isAutopick else "No" summary.append("Autopick: " + autopick) if isAutopick: summary.append("Automatic particles picked: %s" % autoParticlesSize) summary.append("Last micrograph: " + activeMic) return "\n".join(summary)
def _pickMicrograph(self, mic, *args): micPath = mic.getFileName() # Get particle picking boxsize from the previous run boxSize = self.particlePickingRun.outputCoordinates.getBoxSize() modelRoot = self._getExtraPath('model') micName = removeBaseExt(micPath) proceed = True if self.micsToPick == MICS_SAMEASPICKING: basePos = replaceBaseExt(micPath, "pos") fnPos = self.particlePickingRun._getExtraPath(basePos) if exists(fnPos): blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnPos) copy = True if 'header' in blocks: mdheader = xmipp.MetaData("header@" + fnPos) state = mdheader.getValue( xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_STATE, mdheader.firstObject()) if state == "Available": copy = False if copy: # Copy manual .pos file of this micrograph copyFile(fnPos, self._getExtraPath(basename(fnPos))) proceed = False if proceed: args = "-i %s " % micPath args += "--particleSize %d " % boxSize args += "--model %s " % modelRoot args += "--outputRoot %s " % self._getExtraPath(micName) args += "--mode autoselect --thr %d" % self.numberOfThreads self.runJob("xmipp_micrograph_automatic_picking", args)
def test(self): subset = self.newProtocol( ProtSubSet, inputFullSet=self.protImportParts.outputParticles, chooseAtRandom=True, nElements=400) self.launchProtocol(subset) highres = self.newProtocol( XmippProtReconstructHighRes, inputParticles=subset.outputParticles, inputVolumes=self.protImportVol.outputVolume, particleRadius=180, symmetryGroup="i1", alignmentMethod=XmippProtReconstructHighRes.AUTOMATIC_ALIGNMENT, maximumTargetResolution="15 10 7", numberOfMpi=8) self.launchProtocol(highres) self.assertIsNotNone(highres.outputParticles, "There was a problem with Highres") fnResolution = highres._getExtraPath("Iter005/iterInfo.xmd") if not exists(fnResolution): self.assertTrue(False, fnResolution + " does not exist") else: md = xmipp.MetaData("resolution@" + fnResolution) R = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_RESOLUTION_FREQREAL, md.firstObject()) self.assertTrue(R < 8, "Resolution is not below 8A")
def autopickMicrographStep(self, micPath): # Get particle picking boxsize from the previous run boxSize = self.particlePickingRun.outputCoordinates.getBoxSize() modelRoot = self._getExtraPath('model') micName = removeBaseExt(micPath) proceed = True if self.micsToPick == MICS_SAMEASPICKING: fnPos = self.particlePickingRun._getExtraPath(replaceBaseExt(micPath, "pos")) if exists(fnPos): blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnPos) copy = True if 'header' in blocks: mdheader = xmipp.MetaData("header@" + fnPos) state = mdheader.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_STATE, mdheader.firstObject()) if state == "Available": copy = False if copy: # Copy manual .pos file of this micrograph copyFile(fnPos, self._getExtraPath(basename(fnPos))) proceed = False if proceed: oroot = self._getExtraPath(micName) thr = self.numberOfThreads.get() args = "-i %(micPath)s --particleSize %(boxSize)d --model %(modelRoot)s " % locals() args += " --outputRoot %(oroot)s --mode autoselect --thr %(thr)d" % locals() # TODO: What is this? # if self.Fast: # args += " --fast " self.runJob("xmipp_micrograph_automatic_picking", args)
def _writeFreqsMetaData(self, pattern, outputFn): """ Glob and read frequencies either from reconstruction or noise and write the proper metadata file. """ fnFreqs = sorted(glob.glob(self._getExtraPath(pattern))) subset = 0 numberOfParticles = getFloatListFromValues( self.numberOfParticles.get()) validationMd = xmipp.MetaData() for fnFreq in fnFreqs: print fnFreq data = [] fnFreqOpen = open(fnFreq, "r") for line in fnFreqOpen: fields = line.split() rowdata = map(float, fields) data.extend(rowdata) meanRes = (sum(data) / len(data)) data[:] = [(x - meanRes)**2 for x in data] varRes = (sum(data) / (len(data) - 1)) stdRes = sqrt(varRes) objId = validationMd.addObject() validationMd.setValue(xmipp.MDL_COUNT, long(numberOfParticles[subset]), objId) validationMd.setValue(xmipp.MDL_AVG, meanRes, objId) validationMd.setValue(xmipp.MDL_STDDEV, stdRes, objId) subset += 1 validationMd.write(outputFn)
def readSetOfImages(filename, imgSet, rowToFunc, **kwargs): """read from Xmipp image metadata. filename: The metadata filename where the image are. imgSet: the SetOfParticles that will be populated. rowToFunc: this function will be used to convert the row to Object """ imgMd = xmipp.MetaData(filename) # By default remove disabled items from metadata # be careful if you need to preserve the original number of items if kwargs.get('removeDisabled', True): imgMd.removeDisabled() # If the type of alignment is not sent through the kwargs # try to deduced from the metadata labels if 'alignType' not in kwargs: imgRow = rowFromMd(imgMd, imgMd.firstObject()) if _containsAny(imgRow, ALIGNMENT_DICT): if imgRow.containsLabel(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT): kwargs['alignType'] = ALIGN_PROJ else: kwargs['alignType'] = ALIGN_2D else: kwargs['alignType'] = ALIGN_NONE if imgMd.size()>0: for objId in imgMd: imgRow = rowFromMd(imgMd, objId) img = rowToFunc(imgRow, **kwargs) imgSet.append(img) imgSet.setHasCTF(img.hasCTF()) imgSet.setAlignment(kwargs['alignType'])
def movieCreatePlot(mic, saveFig): import xmipp meanX = [] meanY = [] figureSize = (8, 6) #alignedMovie = mic.alignMetaData md = xmipp.MetaData(mic.alignMetaData) plotter = Plotter(*figureSize) figure = plotter.getFigure() preX = 0.0 preY = 0.0 meanX.append(0.0) meanY.append(0.0) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) ax.grid() ax.set_title('Cartesian representation') ax.set_xlabel('Drift x (pixels)') ax.set_ylabel('Drift y (pixels)') ax.plot(0, 0, 'yo-') for objId in md: preX += md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_OPTICALFLOW_MEANX, objId) preY += md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_OPTICALFLOW_MEANY, objId) meanX.append(preX) meanY.append(preY) ax.plot(preX, preY, 'yo-') ax.text(preX - 0.02, preY + 0.01, str(objId + 1)) ax.plot(np.asarray(meanX), np.asarray(meanY)) if saveFig: plotter.savefig(mic.plotCart) return plotter
def getDefaultBoxSize(self): """ This function is used by the wizard to estimate the box size. """ boxSize = None ci = self.getImportClass() if hasattr(ci, 'getBoxSize'): boxSize = ci.getBoxSize([f for f, _ in self.iterFiles()][0]) if boxSize is not None and self.scale != 1.: boxSize = int(boxSize * self.scale.get()) return boxSize boxSize = 100 importFrom = self.getImportFrom() scale = self.scale.get() if importFrom == ProtImportCoordinates.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP: configfile = join(self.filesPath.get(), 'config.xmd') existsConfig = exists(configfile) if existsConfig: md = xmipp.MetaData('properties@' + configfile) configobj = md.firstObject() boxSize = md.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE, configobj) if importFrom == ProtImportCoordinates.IMPORT_FROM_EMAN: # Read the boxSize from the e2boxercache/base.json jsonFnbase = join(self.filesPath.get(), 'e2boxercache', 'base.json') from pyworkflow.em.packages.eman2 import loadJson jsonBoxDict = loadJson(jsonFnbase) boxSize = int(jsonBoxDict["box_size"]) boxSize = (int)(boxSize * scale) return boxSize
def _appendRctImages(self, particles): blockMd = "class%06d_images@%s" % (particles.getObjId(), self.rctClassesFn) classMd = xmipp.MetaData() uImages = self.inputParticlesTiltPair.get().getUntilted() tImages = self.inputParticlesTiltPair.get().getTilted() sangles = self.inputParticlesTiltPair.get().getCoordsPair().getAngles() uMics = self.inputParticlesTiltPair.get().getCoordsPair().getMicsPair( ).getUntilted() tMics = tImages.getCoordinates().getMicrographs() scaleFactor = uImages.getSamplingRate() / particles.getSamplingRate() for img in particles: imgId = img.getObjId() uImg = uImages[imgId] tImg = tImages[imgId] if uImg is None or tImg is None: print ">>> Warning, for id %d, tilted or untilted particle was not found. Ignored." % imgId else: objId = classMd.addObject() pairRow = XmippMdRow() pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE, getImageLocation(uImg)) uCoord = uImg.getCoordinate() micId = uCoord.getMicId() uMic = uMics[micId] angles = sangles[micId] pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_MICROGRAPH, uMic.getFileName()) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_XCOOR, uCoord.getX()) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_YCOOR, uCoord.getY()) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ENABLED, 1) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ITEM_ID, long(imgId)) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_REF, 1) alignment = img.getTransform() # Scale alignment by scaleFactor alignment.scale(scaleFactor) alignmentToRow(alignment, pairRow, alignType=ALIGN_2D) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_IMAGE_TILTED, getImageLocation(tImg)) tMic = tMics[micId] pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_MICROGRAPH_TILTED, tMic.getFileName()) (angleY, angleY2, angleTilt) = angles.getAngles() pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_Y, float(angleY)) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_Y2, float(angleY2)) pairRow.setValue(xmipp.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, float(angleTilt)) pairRow.writeToMd(classMd, objId) classMd.write(blockMd, xmipp.MD_APPEND)
def centerFirstHarmonicStep(self, imagesFn, outputCenter): dims = xmipp.MetaDataInfo(str(imagesFn)) md = xmipp.MetaData() objId = md.addObject() md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_X, float(dims[0] / 2), objId) md.setValue(xmipp.MDL_Y, float(dims[1] / 2), objId) md.write(outputCenter) return [outputCenter] # this file should exists after the step