예제 #1
    def test_node_kind_function(self):
        document = ElementTree.parse(io.StringIO(u'<A/>'))
        element = ElementTree.Element('schema')
        attribute = AttributeNode('id', '0212349350')
        namespace = NamespaceNode('xs', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema')
        comment = ElementTree.Comment('nothing important')
        pi = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')
        text = TextNode('betelgeuse')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(document), 'document-node')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(element), 'element')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(attribute), 'attribute')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(namespace), 'namespace')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(comment), 'comment')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(pi), 'processing-instruction')
        self.assertEqual(node_kind(text), 'text')

        with patch.multiple(DummyXsdType, is_simple=lambda x: True):
            xsd_type = DummyXsdType()

            typed_attribute = TypedAttribute(attribute, xsd_type, '0212349350')
            self.assertEqual(node_kind(typed_attribute), 'attribute')

            typed_element = TypedElement(element, xsd_type, None)
            self.assertEqual(node_kind(typed_element), 'element')
예제 #2
    def test_node_kind_property(self):
        document = DocumentNode(ElementTree.parse(io.StringIO(u'<A/>')))
        element = ElementNode(ElementTree.Element('schema'))
        attribute = AttributeNode('id', '0212349350')
        namespace = NamespaceNode('xs', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema')
        comment = CommentNode(ElementTree.Comment('nothing important'))
        pi = ProcessingInstructionNode(
            ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do'))
        text = TextNode('betelgeuse')

        self.assertEqual(document.kind, 'document')
        self.assertEqual(element.kind, 'element')
        self.assertEqual(attribute.kind, 'attribute')
        self.assertEqual(namespace.kind, 'namespace')
        self.assertEqual(comment.kind, 'comment')
        self.assertEqual(pi.kind, 'processing-instruction')
        self.assertEqual(text.kind, 'text')

        with patch.multiple(DummyXsdType, is_simple=lambda x: True):
            xsd_type = DummyXsdType()

            attribute = AttributeNode('id', '0212349350', xsd_type=xsd_type)
            self.assertEqual(attribute.kind, 'attribute')

            typed_element = ElementNode(element.elem, xsd_type=xsd_type)
            self.assertEqual(typed_element.kind, 'element')
예제 #3
def generate_wxi(src, output_filename=None, id=None, diskId=None):

    prefix = "analysis_tool_"

    while src[-1] in ('/', '\\'):
        src = src[:-1]
    name = os.path.basename(src)
    id = id or prefix + name.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')
    output_filename = output_filename or _adjacent_file(id + ".wxi")

    import subprocess

    def check_call(args):
        print " ".join(args)

    check_call(['heat', 'dir', _adjacent_file(src), '-template', 'fragment', '-sreg', '-scom',
      '-o', output_filename, '-ag', '-cg', id, '-srd', '-var', 'var.' + id, '-dr', id, '-nologo'])

    tree = ElementTree.parse(output_filename, parser=CommentedTreeBuilder()).getroot()
    tree.insert(0, ElementTree.Comment('generated with gen_analysis_tool_wxi.py %s\n' % src))
    tree.insert(0, ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('define', '%s=%s' % (id, os.path.normpath(src))))
    parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in tree.getiterator() for c in p)
    for file in tree.findall(".//{http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi}Component/{http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi}File"):
        if file.get('Source', '').find('.svn') != -1:
            comp = parent_map[file]
    for dir in tree.findall(".//{http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi}Directory"):
        if dir.get('Name', '') == '.svn':
            for dirref in tree.findall(".//{http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi}DirectoryRef"):
                if dirref.get('Id', '') == dir.get('Id', ''):
                    frag = parent_map[dirref]
    if diskId:
        for component in tree.findall(".//{http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi}Component"):
            component.attrib['DiskId'] = diskId

    # add registry nodes
    componentGroup = tree.findall(".//{http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi}ComponentGroup[@Id='" + id + "']")[0]
    componentRegistry = ElementTree.SubElement(componentGroup, 'ns0:Component', {'Id': id + '_RegistryEntry', 'Directory': id, 'Guid': '*', 'Win64': 'no'})

    manifest = None
    with open(os.path.join(src, 'analysis_tool.manifest.json'), 'r') as f_p:
        manifest = json.load(f_p)

    for tool_name in manifest:

        registryKey = ElementTree.SubElement(componentRegistry, 'ns0:RegistryKey', {'Root': 'HKLM', 'Key': 'Software\\META\\AnalysisTools\\' + tool_name})
        ElementTree.SubElement(registryKey, 'ns0:RegistryValue', {'Name': 'InstallLocation', 'Type': 'string', 'Value': '[INSTALLDIR]\\analysis_tools\\' + name})
        ElementTree.SubElement(registryKey, 'ns0:RegistryValue', {'Name': 'Version', 'Type': 'string', 'Value': manifest[tool_name]['version']})
        ElementTree.SubElement(registryKey, 'ns0:RegistryValue', {'Name': 'OutputDirectory', 'Type': 'string', 'Value': '[INSTALLDIR]\\analysis_tools\\' + name + '\\' + manifest[tool_name]['outputDirectory']})
        ElementTree.SubElement(registryKey, 'ns0:RegistryValue', {'Name': 'RunCommand', 'Type': 'string', 'Value': manifest[tool_name]['runCommand']})
        ElementTree.SubElement(registryKey, 'ns0:RegistryValue', {'Name': 'RequiredInterpreter', 'Type': 'string', 'Value': manifest[tool_name]['requiredInterpreter']})

    ElementTree.ElementTree(tree).write(output_filename, xml_declaration=True)

    return name, id
예제 #4
def generate_dir(src,
    while src[-1] in ('/', '\\'):
        src = src[:-1]
    name = os.path.basename(src)
    id = id or name.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_')
    output_filename = output_filename or (id + ".wxi")

    args = [
        'heat', 'dir', src, '-template', 'fragment', '-sreg', '-scom', '-o',
        output_filename, '-ag', '-cg', id, '-srd', '-var', 'var.' + id, '-dr',
        id, '-nologo'
    print(" ".join(args))

    tree = ElementTree.parse(output_filename).getroot()
        0, ElementTree.Comment('generated with gen_dir_wxi.py %s\n' % src))
            'define', '%s=%s' % (id, os.path.normpath(src))))
    parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in tree.getiterator() for c in p)
    for file in tree.findall(
        file_Source = file.get('Source', '')
        if file_Source.find('.svn') != -1 or os.path.basename(file_Source) in (
                'Thumbs.db', 'desktop.ini',
                '.DS_Store') or file_Source.endswith('.pyc'):
            comp = parent_map[file]
    for dir in tree.findall(
        if dir.get('Name', '') in ('.svn', '__pycache__'):
            for dirref in tree.findall(
                if dirref.get('Id', '') == dir.get('Id', ''):
                    frag = parent_map[dirref]
    if diskId:
        for component in tree.findall(
            component.attrib['DiskId'] = diskId
    if mod_function:
        mod_function(tree, parent_map)

예제 #5
    def test_string_value_function(self):
        token = self.parser.parse('true()')

        document = ElementTree.parse(
        element = ElementTree.Element('schema')
        comment = ElementTree.Comment('nothing important')
        pi = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')

        document_node = XPathContext(document).root

        context = XPathContext(element)
        element_node = context.root
        attribute_node = AttributeNode('id', '0212349350')
        namespace_node = NamespaceNode('xs',
        comment_node = CommentNode(comment)
        pi_node = ProcessingInstructionNode(pi)
        text_node = TextNode('betelgeuse')

        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(document_node), '123456789')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(element_node), '')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(attribute_node), '0212349350')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(comment_node), 'nothing important')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(pi_node), 'action nothing to do')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(text_node), 'betelgeuse')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(None), '')

        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(Decimal(+1999)), '1999')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(Decimal('+1999')), '1999')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(Decimal('+19.0010')), '19.001')

        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(10), '10')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(1e99), '1E99')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(1e-05), '1E-05')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(1.00), '1')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(+19.0010), '19.001')

        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(float('nan')), 'NaN')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(float('inf')), 'INF')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(float('-inf')), '-INF')

        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(()), '()')

        tagged_object = Tagged()

        with patch.multiple(DummyXsdType, is_simple=lambda x: True):
            xsd_type = DummyXsdType()
            element.text = '10'
            typed_elem = ElementNode(elem=element, xsd_type=xsd_type)
            self.assertEqual(token.string_value(typed_elem), '10')
            self.assertEqual(token.data_value(typed_elem), 10)
예제 #6
def argenta_csv_to_ofx(csv_filename):
    with open(csv_filename) as csv_file:
        csv_reader = spamreader = csv.reader(csv_file,

        account_label, account_number, account_descr = next(csv_reader)
        account_number = account_number.replace(' ', '')
        assert account_label == 'Nr v/d rekening :'
        assert len(account_number) == 16
        assert account_number[:4] == 'BE42'

        root = ET.Element('OFX')
        messages = ET.SubElement(root, 'BANKMSGSRSV1')
        statement_transaction = ET.SubElement(messages, 'STMTTRNRS')
        statement = ET.SubElement(statement_transaction, 'STMTRS')
        ET.SubElement(statement, 'CURDEF').text = DEFAULT_CURRENCY

        from_account = ET.SubElement(statement, 'BANKACCTFROM')
        convert_account(from_account, account_number[4:7],
                        account_number[7:14], account_number[14:])

        transfers = ET.SubElement(statement, 'BANKTRANLIST')
        for row in csv_reader:
            (valuta_date, reference, description, amount, currency, date,
             to_account_number, to_name, comment1, comment2) = row
            assert currency == 'EUR'
            amount = amount.replace('.', '').replace(',', '.')
            transaction = ET.SubElement(transfers, 'STMTTRN')
            transaction_type = ET.SubElement(transaction, 'TRNTYPE')
            transaction_type.text = 'DEBIT' if amount[0] == '-' else 'CREDIT'
            ET.SubElement(transaction, 'TRNUID').text = reference
            ET.SubElement(transaction, 'TRNAMT').text = amount
            if currency != DEFAULT_CURRENCY:
                ET.SubElement(transaction, 'CURRENCY').text = currency
            to_account = ET.SubElement(transaction, 'BANKACCTTO')
            convert_account(to_account, *to_account_number.split('-'))
            ET.SubElement(transaction, 'DTPOSTED').text = convert_date(date)
            ET.SubElement(transaction, 'NAME').text = to_name
            ET.SubElement(transaction, 'MEMO').text = comment1 + comment2

        ofx_filename = csv_filename.rsplit('.')[0] + '.ofx'
        with open(ofx_filename, 'wb') as ofx_file:
            pi_text = ' '.join('{}="{}"'.format(key, value)
                               for key, value in OFX_DECLARATION)
            pi = ET.ProcessingInstruction('ofx', pi_text)
            pi_tree = ET.ElementTree(pi)
            pi_tree.write(ofx_file, xml_declaration=True)

            tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
            tree.write(ofx_file, xml_declaration=False)
예제 #7
def format_request(request_type,
    'Format request as QBXML'
    if not request_items:
        request_items = dict()
    section = ET.Element(request_type)
    if hasattr(request_items, 'items'):
        request_items = request_items.items()
    for key, value in request_items:
        section.extend(format_request_part(key, value))
    body = ET.Element('QBXMLMsgsRq', onError=on_error)
    document = ET.Element('QBXML')
    elements = [
        ET.ProcessingInstruction('xml', 'version="1.0"'),
    request = ''.join(ET.tostring(x) for x in elements)
    return minidom.parseString(request).toprettyxml(indent="  ")
예제 #8
 def test_node_kind_function(self):
     document = ElementTree.parse(io.StringIO(u'<A/>'))
     element = ElementTree.Element('schema')
     attribute = AttributeNode('id', '0212349350')
     namespace = NamespaceNode('xs', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema')
     comment = ElementTree.Comment('nothing important')
     pi = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')
     text = u'betelgeuse'
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(document), 'document')
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(element), 'element')
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(attribute), 'attribute')
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(namespace), 'namespace')
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(comment), 'comment')
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(pi), 'processing-instruction')
     self.assertEqual(node_kind(text), 'text')
예제 #9
    def test_data_value_function(self):
        token = self.parser.parse('true()')

        if self.parser.version != '1.0':
            xsd_type = DummyXsdType()
            context = XPathContext(ElementTree.XML('<age>19</age>'))
            context.root.xsd_type = xsd_type
            self.assertEqual(token.data_value(context.root), 19)

        context = XPathContext(ElementTree.XML('<dummy/>'))
        obj = AttributeNode('age', '19')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), UntypedAtomic('19'))

        obj = NamespaceNode('tns', 'http://xpath.test/ns')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), 'http://xpath.test/ns')

        obj = TextNode('19')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), UntypedAtomic('19'))

        obj = ElementTree.XML('<root>a<e1>b</e1>c<e2>d</e2>e</root>')
        element_node = ElementNode(obj)

        obj = ElementTree.parse(
        document_node = DocumentNode(obj)

        obj = ElementTree.Comment("foo bar")
        comment_node = CommentNode(obj)
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(comment_node), 'foo bar')

        obj = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')
        pi_node = ProcessingInstructionNode(obj)
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(pi_node), 'action nothing to do')

        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(19), 19)
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value('19'), '19')

        # Does not check type of non nodes, simply returns the object.
        tagged_object = Tagged()
        self.assertIs(token.data_value(tagged_object), tagged_object)
예제 #10
    def test_string_value_function(self):
        token = self.parser.parse('true()')

        document = ElementTree.parse(io.StringIO(u'<A>123<B1>456</B1><B2>789</B2></A>'))
        element = ElementTree.Element('schema')
        attribute = AttributeNode('id', '0212349350')
        namespace = NamespaceNode('xs', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema')
        comment = ElementTree.Comment('nothing important')
        pi = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')
        text = u'betelgeuse'
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(document), '123456789')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(element), '')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(attribute), '0212349350')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(namespace), 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(comment), 'nothing important')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(pi), 'action nothing to do')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(text), 'betelgeuse')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(None), '')
        self.assertEqual(token.string_value(10), '10')
예제 #11
    def test_data_value_function(self):
        token = self.parser.parse('true()')

        if self.parser.version != '1.0':
            with patch.multiple(DummyXsdType(),
                                is_simple=lambda x: False,
                                has_simple_content=lambda x: True) as xsd_type:
                obj = TypedElement(ElementTree.XML('<age>19</age>'), xsd_type,
                self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), 19)

        obj = AttributeNode('age', '19')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), UntypedAtomic('19'))

        obj = NamespaceNode('tns', 'http://xpath.test/ns')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), 'http://xpath.test/ns')

        obj = TextNode('19')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), UntypedAtomic('19'))

        obj = ElementTree.XML('<root>a<e1>b</e1>c<e2>d</e2>e</root>')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), UntypedAtomic('abcde'))

        obj = ElementTree.parse(
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), UntypedAtomic('abcde'))

        obj = ElementTree.Comment("foo bar")
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), 'foo bar')

        obj = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(obj), 'action nothing to do')

        self.assertEqual(token.data_value(19), 19)
        self.assertEqual(token.data_value('19'), '19')

        tagged_object = Tagged()
def show_xml(document: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as XML

    xml_document = XML.Element("results")
    legs_xml = XML.SubElement(xml_document, "legs")
    for n, leg in enumerate(document["legs"], start=1):
        leg_xml = XML.SubElement(legs_xml, "leg", n=str(n))
        leg_xml.text = leg

    teams_xml = XML.SubElement(xml_document, "teams")
    for team in document["teams"]:
        team_xml = XML.SubElement(teams_xml, "team")
        name_xml = XML.SubElement(team_xml, "name")
        name_xml.text = team["name"]
        position_xml = XML.SubElement(team_xml, "position")
        for n, position in enumerate(team["position"], start=1):
            leg_xml = XML.SubElement(position_xml, "leg", n=str(n))
            leg_xml.text = str(position)

    pi = XML.ProcessingInstruction("xml", 'version="1.0"')
예제 #13
 def onInputFile(self, value: InputFile):
     output = self.path / value.path.with_suffix(".xml")
     # TODO: Should make it relative
     # print ("Processing", value.path, output)
     root = value.value
     # We augment the root with useful meta information
     root.attrib["base"] = str(self.path)
     root.attrib["path"] = str(value.path.with_suffix(".xml"))
     root.attrib["id"] = os.path.splitext(root.attrib["path"])[0]
     #tree  = ElementTree.Element("doc")
     xslpi = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction("xsl-stylesheet")
     output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     # TODO: ElemenTree really sucks at managing proper XML, it's not
     # possible to add the xsl-stylesheet PI at the root
     # level so we need to do it manually.
     res = ElementTree.tostring(root, method="xml")
     xml_header = b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>\n'
     xsl_header = f'<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" media="screen" href="{os.path.relpath(self.xsl,output.parent)}"?>\n'.encode(
     with open(output, "wb") as f:
class OpenPackagingConvention(FileInterface):
    # Some constants related to this format.
    _xml_header = ET.ProcessingInstruction("xml",
                                           "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")  # Header element being put atop every XML file.
    _content_types_file = "/[Content_Types].xml"  # Where the content types file is.
    _global_metadata_file = "/Metadata/OPC_Global.json"  # Where the global metadata file is.
    _opc_metadata_relationship_type = "http://schemas.ultimaker.org/package/2018/relationships/opc_metadata"  # Unique identifier of the relationship type that relates OPC metadata to files.
    _metadata_prefix = "/metadata"
    _aliases = OrderedDict([])  # type: Dict[str, str]  # A standard OPC file doest not have default aliases. These must be implemented in inherited classes.

    mime_type = "application/x-opc"

    ##  Initialises the fields of this class.
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._mode = None  # type: Optional[OpenMode]        # Whether we're in read or write mode.
        self._stream = None  # type: Optional[IO[bytes]]       # The currently open stream.
        self._zipfile = None  # type: Optional[zipfile.ZipFile] # The zip interface to the currently open stream.
        self._metadata = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]            # The metadata in the currently open file.
        self._content_types_element = None  # type: Optional[ET.Element] # An XML element holding all the content types.
        self._relations = {}  # type: Dict[str, ET.Element]     # For each virtual path, a relations XML element (which is left out of the file if empty).
        self._open_bytes_streams = {}  # type: Dict[str, IO[bytes]] # With old Python versions, the currently open BytesIO streams that need to be flushed, by their virtual path.

        # The zipfile module may only have one write stream open at a time. So when you open a new stream, close the previous one.
        self._last_open_path = None  # type: Optional[str]
        self._last_open_stream = None  # type: Optional[IO[bytes]]

    def openStream(self, stream: IO[bytes], mime: str = "application/x-opc",
                   mode: OpenMode = OpenMode.ReadOnly) -> None:
        self._mode = mode
        self._stream = stream  # A copy in case we need to rewind for toByteArray. We should mostly be reading via self._zipfile.
        self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self._stream, self._mode.value, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

        self._readContentTypes()  # Load or create the content types element.
        self._readRels()  # Load or create the relations.
        self._readMetadata()  # Load the metadata, if any.

    def close(self) -> None:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("This file is already closed.")
        if self._zipfile is None:


    def flush(self) -> None:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't flush a closed file.")
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        if self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly:
            return  # No need to flush reading of zip archives as they are blocking calls.

        if self._last_open_stream is not None and self._last_open_path not in self._open_bytes_streams:

        # If using old Python versions (<= 3.5), the write streams were kept in memory to be written all at once when flushing.
        for virtual_path, stream in self._open_bytes_streams.items():
            self._zipfile.writestr(virtual_path, stream.read())

        self._writeMetadata()  # Metadata must be updated first, because that adds rels and a content type.

    def listPaths(self) -> List[str]:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't list the paths in a closed file.")
        paths = [self._zipNameToVirtualPath(zip_name) for zip_name in self._zipfile.namelist()]
        return list(self._metadata.keys()) + paths

    def getData(self, virtual_path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't get data from a closed file.")
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        if self._mode == OpenMode.WriteOnly:
            raise WriteOnlyError(virtual_path)

        result = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        if virtual_path.startswith(self._metadata_prefix):
            result = self.getMetadata(virtual_path[len(self._metadata_prefix):])
            canonical_path = self._processAliases(virtual_path)
            if self._resourceExists(canonical_path):
                result[virtual_path] = self.getStream(
                    canonical_path).read()  # In case of a name clash, the file wins. But that shouldn't be possible.

        return result

    def setData(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't change the data in a closed file.")
        if self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly:
            raise ReadOnlyError()
        for virtual_path, value in data.items():
            if virtual_path.startswith(
                    self._metadata_prefix):  # Detect metadata by virtue of being in the Metadata folder.
                self.setMetadata({virtual_path: value[len(self._metadata_prefix):]})
            else:  # Virtual file resources.

    def getMetadata(self, virtual_path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't get metadata from a closed file.")
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        if self._mode == OpenMode.WriteOnly:
            raise WriteOnlyError(virtual_path)
        canonical_path = self._processAliases(virtual_path)

        # Find all metadata that begins with the specified virtual path!
        result = {}

        if canonical_path in self._metadata:  # The exact match.
            result[self._metadata_prefix + virtual_path] = self._metadata[canonical_path]
        for entry_path, value in self._metadata.items():
            # We only want to match subdirectories of the provided virtual paths.
            # So if you provide "/foo" then we don't want to match on "/foobar"
            # but we do want to match on "/foo/zoo". This is why we check if they
            # start with the provided virtual path plus a slash.
            if entry_path.startswith(canonical_path + "/"):
                # We need to return the originally requested alias, so replace the canonical path with the virtual path.
                result[self._metadata_prefix + virtual_path + "/" + entry_path[len(canonical_path) + 1:]] = value

        # If requesting the size of a file.
        if canonical_path.endswith("/size"):
            requested_resource = canonical_path[:-len("/size")]
            if self._resourceExists(requested_resource):
                result[self._metadata_prefix + virtual_path] = self._zipfile.getinfo(

        return result

    def setMetadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't change metadata in a closed file.")
        if self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly:
            raise ReadOnlyError()
        metadata = {self._processAliases(virtual_path): metadata[virtual_path] for virtual_path in metadata}

    def getStream(self, virtual_path: str) -> IO[bytes]:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't get a stream from a closed file.")
        assert self._zipfile is not None
        assert self._mode is not None

        if virtual_path.startswith("/_rels"):
            raise OPCError("Writing directly to a relationship file is forbidden.")

        if virtual_path.startswith(self._metadata_prefix):
            return BytesIO(json.dumps(self.getMetadata(virtual_path[len(self._metadata_prefix):])).encode("UTF-8"))

        virtual_path = self._processAliases(virtual_path)
        if not self._resourceExists(virtual_path) and self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly:  # In write-only mode, create a new file instead of reading metadata.
            raise FileNotFoundError(virtual_path)

        # The zipfile module may only have one write stream open at a time. So when you open a new stream, close the previous one.
        if self._last_open_stream is not None and self._last_open_path not in self._open_bytes_streams:  # Don't close streams that we still need to flush.

        # If we are requesting a stream of an image resized, resize the image and return that.
        if self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly and ".png/" in virtual_path:
            png_file = virtual_path[:virtual_path.find(".png/") + 4]
            size_spec = virtual_path[virtual_path.find(".png/") + 5:]
            if re.match(r"^\s*\d+\s*x\s*\d+\s*$", size_spec):
                dimensions = []
                for dimension in re.finditer(r"\d+", size_spec):
                return self._resizeImage(png_file, dimensions[0], dimensions[1])

        self._last_open_path = virtual_path
        try:  # If it happens to match some existing PNG file, we have to rescale that file and return the result.
            self._last_open_stream = self._zipfile.open(virtual_path, self._mode.value)
        except RuntimeError:  # Python 3.5 and before couldn't open resources in the archive in write mode.
            self._last_open_stream = BytesIO()
            self._open_bytes_streams[virtual_path] = self._last_open_stream  # Save this for flushing later.
        return self._last_open_stream

    def toByteArray(self, offset: int = 0, count: int = -1) -> bytes:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't get the bytes from a closed file.")
        if self._mode == OpenMode.WriteOnly:
            raise WriteOnlyError()
        assert self._zipfile is not None
        assert self._mode is not None

        self._zipfile.close()  # Close the zipfile first so that we won't be messing with the stream without its consent.

        result = self._stream.read(count)

        self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self._stream, self._mode.value, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        return result

    ##  Adds a new content type to the archive.
    #   \param extension The file extension of the type
    def addContentType(self, extension: str, mime_type: str) -> None:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't add a content type to a closed file.")
        if self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly:
            raise ReadOnlyError()
        assert self._content_types_element is not None

        # First check if it already exists.
        for content_type in self._content_types_element.iterfind("Default"):
            if "Extension" in content_type.attrib and content_type.attrib["Extension"] == extension:
                raise OPCError("Content type for extension {extension} already exists.".format(extension=extension))

        ET.SubElement(self._content_types_element, "Default", Extension=extension, ContentType=mime_type)

    ##  Adds a relation concerning a file type.
    #   \param virtual_path The target file that the relation is about.
    #   \param relation_type The type of the relation. Any reader of OPC should
    #   be able to understand all types that are added via relations.
    #   \param origin The origin of the relation. If the relation concerns a
    #   specific directory or specific file, then you should point to the
    #   virtual path of that file here.
    def addRelation(self, virtual_path: str, relation_type: str, origin: str = "") -> None:
        if not self._stream:
            raise ValueError("Can't add a relation to a closed file.")
        if self._mode == OpenMode.ReadOnly:
            raise ReadOnlyError(virtual_path)
        virtual_path = self._processAliases(virtual_path)

        # First check if it already exists.
        if origin not in self._relations:
            self._relations[origin] = ET.Element("Relationships",
            for relationship in self._relations[origin].iterfind("Relationship"):
                if "Target" in relationship.attrib and relationship.attrib["Target"] == virtual_path:
                    raise OPCError("Relation for virtual path {target} already exists.".format(target=virtual_path))

        # Find a unique name.
        unique_id = 0
        while True:
            for relationship in self._relations[origin].iterfind("Relationship"):
                if "Id" in relationship.attrib and relationship.attrib["Id"] == "rel" + str(unique_id):
            else:  # Unique ID didn't exist yet! It's safe to use
            unique_id += 1
        unique_name = "rel" + str(unique_id)

        # Create the element itself.
        ET.SubElement(self._relations[origin], "Relationship", Target=virtual_path, Type=relation_type, Id=unique_name)

    ##  Figures out if a resource exists in the archive.
    #   This will not match on metadata, only on normal resources.
    #   \param virtual_path: The path to test for.
    #   \return ``True`` if it exists as a normal resource, or ``False`` if it
    #   doesn't.
    def _resourceExists(self, virtual_path: str) -> bool:
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        for zip_name in self._zipfile.namelist():
            zip_virtual_path = self._zipNameToVirtualPath(zip_name)
            if virtual_path == zip_virtual_path:
                return True
            if zip_virtual_path.endswith(".png") and virtual_path.startswith(
                    zip_virtual_path + "/"):  # We can rescale PNG images if you want.
                if re.match(r"^\s*\d+\s*x\s*\d+\s*$", virtual_path[len(
                        zip_virtual_path) + 1:]):  # Matches the form "NxM" with optional whitespace.
                    return True
        return False

    ##  Dereference the aliases for OPC files.
    #   This also adds a slash in front of every virtual path if it has no slash
    #   yet, to allow referencing virtual paths with or without the initial
    #   slash.
    def _processAliases(self, virtual_path: str) -> str:
        if not virtual_path.startswith("/"):
            virtual_path = "/" + virtual_path

        # Replace all aliases.
        for regex, replacement in self._aliases.items():
            if regex.startswith("/"):
                expression = r"^" + regex
                expression = regex
            virtual_path = re.sub(expression, replacement, virtual_path)

        return virtual_path

    ##  Convert the resource name inside the zip to a virtual path as this
    #   library specifies it should be.
    #   \param zip_name The name in the zip file according to zipfile module.
    #   \return The virtual path of that resource.
    def _zipNameToVirtualPath(self, zip_name: str) -> str:
        if not zip_name.startswith("/"):
            return "/" + zip_name
        return zip_name

    ##  Resize an image to the specified dimensions.
    #   For now you may assume that the input image is PNG formatted.
    #   \param virtual_path The virtual path pointing to an image in the
    #   zipfile.
    #   \param width The desired width of the image.
    #   \param height The desired height of the image.
    #   \return A bytes stream representing a new PNG image with the desired
    #   width and height.
    def _resizeImage(self, virtual_path: str, width: int, height: int) -> IO[bytes]:
        input = self.getStream(virtual_path)
            from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage
            from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QBuffer

            image = QImage()
            image = image.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)
            output_buffer = QBuffer()
            image.save(output_buffer, "PNG")
            output_buffer.seek(0)  # Reset that buffer so that the next guy can request it.
            return BytesIO(output_buffer.readAll())
        except ImportError:
            # TODO: Try other image loaders.
            raise  # Raise import error again if we find no other image loaders.

    #### Below follow some methods to read/write components of the archive. ####

    ##  When loading a file, load the relations from the archive.
    #   If the relations are missing, empty elements are created.
    def _readRels(self) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        self._relations[""] = ET.Element("Relationships",
                                         xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships")  # There must always be a global relationships document.

        # Below is some parsing of paths and extensions.
        # Normally you'd use os.path for this. But this is platform-dependent.
        # For instance, the path separator in Windows is a backslash, but zipfile still uses a slash on Windows.
        # So instead we have custom implementations here. Sorry.

        for virtual_path in self._zipfile.namelist():
            virtual_path = self._zipNameToVirtualPath(virtual_path)
            if not virtual_path.endswith(".rels"):  # We only want to read rels files.
            directory = virtual_path[:virtual_path.rfind("/")]  # Before the last slash.
            if directory != "_rels" and not directory.endswith("/_rels"):  # Rels files must be in a directory _rels.

            document = ET.fromstring(self._zipfile.open(virtual_path).read())

            # Find out what file or directory this relation is about.
            origin_filename = virtual_path[virtual_path.rfind("/") + 1:-len(
                ".rels")]  # Just the filename (no path) and without .rels extension.
            origin_directory = directory[
                               :-len("/_rels")]  # The parent path. We already know it's in the _rels directory.
            origin = (origin_directory + "/" if (origin_directory != "") else "") + origin_filename

            self._relations[origin] = document

    ##  At the end of writing a file, write the relations to the archive.
    #   This should be written at the end of writing an archive, when all
    #   relations are known.
    def _writeRels(self) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None
        # Below is some parsing of paths and extensions.
        # Normally you'd use os.path for this. But this is platform-dependent.
        # For instance, the path separator in Windows is a backslash, but zipfile still uses a slash on Windows.
        # So instead we have custom implementations here. Sorry.

        for origin, element in self._relations.items():
            # Find out where to store the rels file.
            if "/" not in origin:  # Is in root.
                origin_directory = ""
                origin_filename = origin
                origin_directory = origin[:origin.rfind("/")]
                origin_filename = origin[origin.rfind("/") + 1:]
            relations_file = origin_directory + "/_rels/" + origin_filename + ".rels"

            self._zipfile.writestr(relations_file, ET.tostring(self._xml_header) + b"\n" + ET.tostring(element))

    ##  When loading a file, load the content types from the archive.
    #   If the content types are missing, an empty element is created.
    def _readContentTypes(self) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        if self._content_types_file in self._zipfile.namelist():
            content_types_element = ET.fromstring(self._zipfile.open(self._content_types_file).read())
            if content_types_element:
                self._content_types_element = content_types_element
        if not self._content_types_element:
            self._content_types_element = ET.Element("Types",
        # If there is no type for the .rels file, create it.
        if self._mode != OpenMode.ReadOnly:
            for type_element in self._content_types_element.iterfind(
                if "Extension" in type_element.attrib and type_element.attrib["Extension"] == "rels":
                ET.SubElement(self._content_types_element, "Default", Extension="rels",

    ##  At the end of writing a file, write the content types to the archive.
    #   This should be written at the end of writing an archive, when all
    #   content types are known.
    def _writeContentTypes(self) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None
        assert self._content_types_element is not None

                               ET.tostring(self._xml_header) + b"\n" + ET.tostring(self._content_types_element))

    ##  When loading a file, read its metadata from the archive.
    #   This depends on the relations! Read the relations first!
    def _readMetadata(self) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        for origin, relations_element in self._relations.items():
            for relationship in relations_element.iterfind(
                if "Target" not in relationship.attrib or "Type" not in relationship.attrib:  # These two are required, and we actually need them here. Better ignore this one.
                if relationship.attrib[
                    "Type"] != self._opc_metadata_relationship_type:  # Not interested in this one. It's not metadata that we recognise.
                metadata_file = relationship.attrib["Target"]
                if metadata_file not in self._zipfile.namelist():  # The metadata file is unknown to us.

                metadata = json.loads(self._zipfile.open(metadata_file).read().decode("utf-8"))
                if metadata_file == self._global_metadata_file:  # Store globals as if coming from root.
                    metadata_file = ""
                elif metadata_file.endswith(
                        ".json"):  # Metadata files should be named <filename.ext>.json, meaning that they are metadata about <filename.ext>.
                    metadata_file = metadata_file[:-len(".json")]
                self._readMetadataElement(metadata, metadata_file)

        if self._mode != OpenMode.WriteOnly and not self.getMetadata("/3D/model.gcode"):
                # Check if the G-code file actually exists in the package.
            except KeyError:

            gcode_stream = self._zipfile.open("/3D/model.gcode")
            header_data = GCodeFile.parseHeader(gcode_stream, prefix="/3D/model.gcode/")

    ##  Reads a single node of metadata from a JSON document (recursively).
    #   \param element The node in the JSON document to read.
    #   \param current_path The path towards the current document.
    def _readMetadataElement(self, element: Dict[str, Any], current_path: str) -> None:
        for key, value in element.items():
            if isinstance(value, dict):  # json structures stuff in dicts if it is a subtree.
                self._readMetadataElement(value, current_path + "/" + key)
                self._metadata[current_path + "/" + key] = value

    ##  At the end of writing a file, write the metadata to the archive.
    #   This should be written at the end of writing an archive, when all
    #   metadata is known.
    def _writeMetadata(self) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        keys_left = set(
            self._metadata.keys())  # The keys that are not associated with a particular file (global metadata).
        metadata_per_file = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
        for file_name in self._zipfile.namelist():
            metadata_per_file[file_name] = {}
            for metadata_key in self._metadata:
                if metadata_key.startswith(file_name + "/"):
                    # Strip the prefix: "/a/b/c.stl/print_time" becomes just "print_time" about the file "/a/b/c.stl".
                    metadata_per_file[file_name][metadata_key[len(file_name) + 1:]] = self._metadata[metadata_key]
        # keys_left now contains only global metadata keys.

        global_metadata = {key: self._metadata[key] for key in keys_left}
        if len(global_metadata) > 0:
            self._writeMetadataToFile(global_metadata, self._global_metadata_file)
            self.addRelation(self._global_metadata_file, self._opc_metadata_relationship_type)
        for file_name, metadata in metadata_per_file.items():
            if len(metadata) > 0:
                self._writeMetadataToFile(metadata, file_name + ".json")
                self.addRelation(file_name + ".json", self._opc_metadata_relationship_type)
        if len(self._metadata) > 0:  # If we've written any metadata at all, we must include the content type as well.
                self.addContentType(extension="json", mime_type="text/json")
            except OPCError:  # User may already have defined this content type himself.

    ##  Writes one dictionary of metadata to a JSON file.
    #   \param metadata The metadata dictionary to write.
    #   \param file_name The virtual path of the JSON file to write to.
    def _writeMetadataToFile(self, metadata: Dict[str, Any], file_name: str) -> None:
        assert self._zipfile is not None

        # Split the metadata into a hierarchical structure.
        document = {}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        for key, value in metadata.items():
            key = key.strip("/")  # TODO: Should paths ending in a slash give an error?
            path = key.split("/")
            current_element = document
            for element in path:
                if element not in current_element:
                    current_element[element] = {}
                current_element = current_element[element]
            current_element[""] = value

        # We've created some empty-string keys to allow values to occur next to subelements.
        # If this empty-string key is the only key inside a node, fold it in to be just the value.
        for key in metadata:
            key = key.strip("/")
            path = key.split("/")
            current_element = document
            parent = document
            for element in path:
                parent = current_element
                current_element = current_element[element]
            if len(current_element) == 1:  # The empty string is the only element.
                assert "" in current_element
                parent[path[-1]] = current_element[""]  # Fold down the singleton dictionary.

        self._zipfile.writestr(file_name, json.dumps(document, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

    ##  Helper method to write data directly into an aliased path.
    def _writeToAlias(self, path_alias: str, package_filename: str, file_data: bytes) -> None:
        stream = self.getStream("{}/{}".format(path_alias, package_filename))

    ##  Helper method to ensure a relationship exists.
    # Creates the relationship if it does not exists, ignores an OPC error if it already does.
    def _ensureRelationExists(self, virtual_path: str, relation_type: str, origin: str) -> None:
            # We try to add the relation. If this throws an OPCError, we know the relation already exists and ignore it.
            self.addRelation(virtual_path, relation_type, origin)
        except OPCError:

    ##  Helper function for pretty-printing XML because ETree is stupid.
    #   Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/749796/pretty-printing-xml-in-python
    def _indent(self, elem: ET.Element, level: int = 0) -> None:
        i = "\n" + level * "  "
        if len(elem):
            if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
                elem.text = i + "  "
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            for elem in elem:
                self._indent(elem, level + 1)
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
                elem.tail = i
예제 #15
 def test_is_processing_instruction_node_function(self):
     pi = ElementTree.ProcessingInstruction('action', 'nothing to do')