def loadSettings(self): settingsfd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() ftp = ftplib.FTP(self.getBoardIp()) ftp.login('dt100', 'dt100') ftp.retrlines("RETR /tmp/settings.xml", lambda s, w=settingsfd.write: w(s+"\n")),0) if self.debugging(): print "got the settings\n" try : settings = load(settingsfd) except Exception,e: settingsfd.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings\n%s" %(e,)
def load_config(self, win): self.configdatei = file(os.environ.get("HOME")+"/.pyflphoto", 'a+') try: self.configuration = generic.load(self.configdatei) #for i in self.configuration["alben"]: # if self.configuration["alben"].count(i) > 1: # self.configuration["alben"].remove(i) except: self.configuration["alben"] = [] self.configuration["options"] = {} generic.dump(self.configuration, self.configdatei) self.configdatei.flush() self.configdatei.close() self.alben = self.configuration["alben"]
def loadSettings(self): settingsfd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() ftp = ftplib.FTP(self.getBoardIp()) ftp.login('dt100', 'dt100') ftp.retrlines("RETR /tmp/settings.xml", lambda s, w=settingsfd.write: w(s + "\n")), 0) if self.debugging(): print "got the settings\n" try: settings = load(settingsfd) except Exception, e: settingsfd.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings\n%s" % (e, )
def pyxml_marshal(): try: from xml.marshal import generic except ImportError: # Skip comparison with PyXML's xml.marshal if unavailable print("Skipping PyXML xml.marshal") return f = mk_foo() print("CREATE XML (xml.marshal style)") t1 = time() fh = open('bbb.xml','w') x = generic.dump(f,fh) fh.close() print("TIME = %f"%(time()-t1)) print("Pickle len = ",os.stat('bbb.xml')[ST_SIZE]) print("xml.marshal load") t1 = time() fh = open('bbb.xml','r') m = generic.load(fh) fh.close() print("TIME = %f"%(time()-t1)) del m
def pyxml_marshal(): try: from xml.marshal import generic except ImportError: # Skip comparison with PyXML's xml.marshal if unavailable print "Skipping PyXML xml.marshal" return f = mk_foo(6) print "CREATE XML (xml.marshal style)" t1 = time() fh = open('bbb.xml','w') x = generic.dump(f,fh) fh.close() print "TIME = %f"%(time()-t1) print "Pickle len = ",os.stat('bbb.xml')[ST_SIZE] print "xml.marshal load" t1 = time() fh = open('bbb.xml','r') m = generic.load(fh) fh.close() print "TIME = %f"%(time()-t1) del m
def storeftp(self, arg): try: from xml.marshal.generic import dumps, loads, load except: print "you must install PyXML to use this deprecated device. Please switch to acq216 device type" debug = os.getenv("DEBUG_DEVICES") path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % ( CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path, ) try: settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml" % (dataDir, ), "r") except: raise Exception, "Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml" % ( dataDir, ) try: settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings" settingsf.close() if debug: print "xml is loaded\n" status = [] cmds = self.status_cmds.record for cmd in cmds: cmd = cmd.strip() if debug: print "about to append answer for /%s/\n" % (cmd, ) print " which is /%s/\n" % (settings[cmd], ) status.append(settings[cmd]) if debug: print "%s returned %s\n" % ( cmd, settings[cmd], ) if debug: print "about to write board_status signal" self.board_status.record = Signal(cmds, None, status) numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) vins = makeArray( numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) self.ranges.record = vins chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if self.clock_src.record.lower( ) == 'int' or self.clock_src.record.lower() == 'master': #intClkStr=settings['getInternalClock'].split()[0].split('=')[1] #intClock=int(intClikStr) intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta = 1. / float(intClock) else: delta = 0 trig_src = self.__getattr__(str(self.trig_src.record).lower()) # # now store each channel # for chan in range(16): if debug: print "working on channel %d" % chan #chan_node = eval('self.input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan + 1, )) if chan_node.on: if debug: print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan + 1] == '1': try: start = max( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx' % (chan + 1, ))), -preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: end = min( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx' % (chan + 1, ))), postTrig - 1) except: end = postTrig - 1 try: inc = max( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc' % (chan + 1, ))), 1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName = "%s/%2.2d" % ( dataDir, chan + 1, ) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) if delta != 0: axis = Range(None, None, delta / inc) else: #clockExpr = 'self.%s'% str(self.clock_src.record) #clock_src = eval(clockExpr.lower()) clock_src = self.__getattr__( str(self.clock_src.record).lower()) axis = clock_src if inc == 1: dim = Dimension(Window(start, end, trig_src), axis) else: dim = Data.compile( 'Map($,$)', Dimension(Window(start / inc, end / inc, trig_src), axis), Range(start, end, inc)) # dat = Data.compile('build_signal(build_with_units( $*(0. + $value), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', coefficent, buf,dim) dat = Data.compile( '_v0=$, _v1=$, build_signal(build_with_units(( _v0+ (_v1-_v0)*($value - -32768)/(32767 - -32768 )), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', vins[chan * 2], vins[chan * 2 + 1], buf, dim) exec('c=self.input_' + '%02d' % (chan + 1, ) + '.record=dat') return 1
def storeftp(self, arg): try: from xml.marshal.generic import dumps, loads, load except: print( "you must install PyXML to use this deprecated device. Please switch to acq216 device type" ) debug = self.debug path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % ( CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path, ) try: settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml" % (dataDir, ), "r") except: raise Exception("Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml" % (dataDir, )) try: settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception("Could not parse XML settings") settingsf.close() numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) # vins = makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) range_strs = settings['getVoltsRange'].split()[1].split('=')[1].split( ',') range_strs[0] = range_strs[0][:-1] range_strs[1] = range_strs[1][:-1] vins = makeArray(numpy.array(range_strs).astype('float32')) coefficent = (vins[1] - vins[0]) / (2**16 - 1) chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if not 'ACTIVE' in settings['get.ext_clk']: #intClkStr=settings['getInternalClock'].split()[0].split('=')[1] #intClock=int(intClikStr) intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta = 1. / float(intClock) else: delta = 0 #trigExpr = 'self.%s'% str(self.trig_src.record) #trig_src = eval(trigExpr.lower()) trig_src = self.__getattr__(str(self.trig_src.record).lower()) # # now store each channel # for chan in range(16): if debug: print("working on channel %d" % chan) #chan_node = eval('self.input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan + 1, )) if chan_node.on: if debug: print("it is on so ...") if chanMask[chan:chan + 1] == '1': try: #start = max(eval('int(self.input_%2.2d:start_idx)'%(chan+1,)), preTrig) start = max( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx' % (chan + 1, ))), -preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: #end = min(eval('int(self.input_%2.2d:end_idx)'%(chan+1,)), postTrig) end = min( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx' % (chan + 1, ))), postTrig - 1) except: end = postTrig - 1 try: #inc = max(eval('int(self.input_%2.2d:inc)'%(chan+1,)), 1) inc = max( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc' % (chan + 1, ))), 1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName = "%s/%2.2d" % ( dataDir, chan + 1, ) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) # try: # buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, start, end, inc) # except: # print "Error Reading Channel %d"%(chan+1,) if delta != 0: axis = Range(None, None, delta / inc) else: #clockExpr = 'self.%s'% str(self.clock_src.record) #clock_src = eval(clockExpr.lower()) clock_src = self.__getattr__( str(self.clock_src.record).lower()) axis = clock_src if inc == 1: dim = Dimension(Window(start, end, trig_src), axis) else: dim = Data.compile( 'Map($,$)', Dimension(Window(start / inc, end / inc, trig_src), axis), Range(start, end, inc)) dat = Data.compile( 'build_signal(build_with_units( $*(0. + $value), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', coefficent, buf, dim) exec('c=self.input_' + '%02d' % (chan + 1, ) + '.record=dat') return 1
def storeftp(self, arg): try: from xml.marshal.generic import load except: print "you must install PyXML to use this deprecated device. Please switch to acq216 device type" path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir="%s/%s/%s/%s"%(CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path,) try : settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,), "r") except : raise Exception,"Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,) try : settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings" settingsf.close() if self.debugging() : print "xml is loaded\n" status = [] cmds = self.status_cmds.record for cmd in cmds: cmd = cmd.strip() if self.debugging(): print "about to append answer for /%s/\n" % (cmd,) print " which is /%s/\n" %(settings[cmd],) status.append(settings[cmd]) if self.debugging(): print "%s returned %s\n" % (cmd, settings[cmd],) if self.debugging(): print "about to write board_status signal" self.board_status.record = MDSplus.Signal(cmds, None, status) numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) if self.debugging(): print "got preTrig %d and postTrig %d\n" % (preTrig, postTrig,) vins = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) if self.debugging: print "got the vins " print vins self.ranges.record = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if self.debugging(): print "chan_mask = %s\n" % (chanMask,) clock_src=str(self.clock_src.record.getOriginalPartName())[1:] if self.debugging(): print "clock_src = %s\n" % (clock_src,) if clock_src == 'INT_CLOCK' : intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta=1./float(intClock) self.clock.record = MDSplus.Range(None, None, delta) else: self.clock.record = self.clock_src clock = self.clock.record # # now store each channel # for chan in range(16): if self.debugging(): print "working on channel %d" % chan chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) if chan_node.on : if self.debugging(): print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan+1] == '1' : try: start = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx'%(chan+1,))),-preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: end = min(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx'%(chan+1,))),postTrig-1) except: end = postTrig-1 try: inc = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc'%(chan+1,))),1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName="%s/%2.2d"%(dataDir, chan+1,) if self.debugging(): print "about to readRawData(%s, preTrig=%d, start=%d, end=%d, inc=%d)" % (chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) if inc == 1: dim = MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start, end, self.trig_src ), clock) else: dim = MDSplus.Data.compile('Map($,$)', MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start/inc, end/inc, self.trig_src), clock), MDSplus.Range(start, end, inc)) dat = MDSplus.Data.compile( '_v0=$, _v1=$, build_signal(build_with_units(( _v0+ (_v1-_v0)*($value - -32768)/(32767 - -32768 )), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', vins[chan*2], vins[chan*2+1], buf,dim) exec('c=self.input_'+'%02d'%(chan+1,)+'.record=dat') return 1
def storeftp(self, arg): debug=os.getenv("DEBUG_DEVICES") path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir="%s/%s/%s/%s"%(CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path,) try : settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,), "r") except : raise Exception,"Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,) try : settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings" settingsf.close() if debug : print "xml is loaded\n" status = [] cmds = self.status_cmds.record for cmd in cmds: cmd = cmd.strip() if debug: print "about to append answer for /%s/\n" % (cmd,) print " which is /%s/\n" %(settings[cmd],) status.append(settings[cmd]) if debug: print "%s returned %s\n" % (cmd, settings[cmd],) if debug: print "about to write board_status signal" self.board_status.record = Signal(cmds, None, status) numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) vins = makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) self.ranges.record = vins chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if self.clock_src.record.lower() == 'int' or self.clock_src.record.lower() == 'master': #intClkStr=settings['getInternalClock'].split()[0].split('=')[1] #intClock=int(intClikStr) intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta=1./float(intClock) else: delta = 0 trig_src = self.__getattr__(str(self.trig_src.record).lower()) # # now store each channel # for chan in range(96): if debug: print "working on channel %d" % chan #chan_node = eval('self.input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) if chan_node.on : if debug: print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan+1] == '1' : try: start = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx'%(chan+1,))),-preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: end = min(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx'%(chan+1,))),postTrig-1) except: end = postTrig-1 try: inc = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc'%(chan+1,))),1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName="%s/%2.2d"%(dataDir, chan+1,) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) if delta != 0 : axis = Range(None, None, delta/inc) else: #clockExpr = 'self.%s'% str(self.clock_src.record) #clock_src = eval(clockExpr.lower()) clock_src = self.__getattr__(str(self.clock_src.record).lower()) axis = clock_src if inc == 1: dim = Dimension(Window(start, end, trig_src ), axis) else: dim = Data.compile('Map($,$)', Dimension(Window(start/inc, end/inc, trig_src), axis), Range(start, end, inc)) # dat = Data.compile('build_signal(build_with_units( $*(0. + $value), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', coefficent, buf,dim) dat = Data.compile('_v0=$, _v1=$, build_signal(build_with_units(( _v0+ (_v1-_v0)*($value - -32768)/(32767 - -32768 )), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', vins[chan*2], vins[chan*2+1], buf,dim) exec('c=self.input_'+'%02d'%(chan+1,)+'.record=dat') return 1
def storeftp(self, arg): debug=os.getenv("DEBUG_DEVICES") path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir="%s/%s/%s/%s"%(CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path,) try : settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,), "r") except : raise Exception,"Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,) try : settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings" settingsf.close() numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) # vins = makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) range_strs = settings['getVoltsRange'].split()[1].split('=')[1].split(',') range_strs[0] = range_strs[0][:-1] range_strs[1] = range_strs[1][:-1] vins = makeArray(numpy.array(range_strs).astype('float32')) coefficent = (vins[1]-vins[0])/(2**16-1) chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if not 'ACTIVE' in settings['get.ext_clk'] : #intClkStr=settings['getInternalClock'].split()[0].split('=')[1] #intClock=int(intClikStr) intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta=1./float(intClock) else: delta = 0 #trigExpr = 'self.%s'% str(self.trig_src.record) #trig_src = eval(trigExpr.lower()) trig_src = self.__getattr__(str(self.trig_src.record).lower()) # # now store each channel # for chan in range(16): if debug: print "working on channel %d" % chan #chan_node = eval('self.input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) if chan_node.on : if debug: print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan+1] == '1' : try: #start = max(eval('int(self.input_%2.2d:start_idx)'%(chan+1,)), preTrig) start = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx'%(chan+1,))),-preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: #end = min(eval('int(self.input_%2.2d:end_idx)'%(chan+1,)), postTrig) end = min(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx'%(chan+1,))),postTrig-1) except: end = postTrig-1 try: #inc = max(eval('int(self.input_%2.2d:inc)'%(chan+1,)), 1) inc = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc'%(chan+1,))),1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName="%s/%2.2d"%(dataDir, chan+1,) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) # try: # buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, start, end, inc) # except: # print "Error Reading Channel %d"%(chan+1,) if delta != 0 : axis = Range(None, None, delta/inc) else: #clockExpr = 'self.%s'% str(self.clock_src.record) #clock_src = eval(clockExpr.lower()) clock_src = self.__getattr__(str(self.clock_src.record).lower()) axis = clock_src if inc == 1: dim = Dimension(Window(start, end, trig_src ), axis) else: dim = Data.compile('Map($,$)', Dimension(Window(start/inc, end/inc, trig_src), axis), Range(start, end, inc)) dat = Data.compile('build_signal(build_with_units( $*(0. + $value), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', coefficent, buf,dim) exec('c=self.input_'+'%02d'%(chan+1,)+'.record=dat') return 1
def storeftp(self, arg): path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir="%s/%s/%s/%s"%(CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path,) try : settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,), "r") except : raise Exception,"Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,) try : settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings" settingsf.close() if self.debugging() : print "xml is loaded\n" status = [] cmds = self.status_cmds.record for cmd in cmds: cmd = cmd.strip() if self.debugging(): print "about to append answer for /%s/\n" % (cmd,) print " which is /%s/\n" %(settings[cmd],) status.append(settings[cmd]) if self.debugging(): print "%s returned %s\n" % (cmd, settings[cmd],) if self.debugging(): print "about to write board_status signal" self.board_status.record = MDSplus.Signal(cmds, None, status) numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) if self.debugging(): print "got preTrig %d and postTrig %d\n" % (preTrig, postTrig,) vins = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) if self.debugging: print "got the vins " print vins self.ranges.record = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if self.debugging(): print "chan_mask = %s\n" % (chanMask,) clock_src=self.clock_src.record.getOriginalPartName().getString()[1:] if self.debugging(): print "clock_src = %s\n" % (clock_src,) if clock_src == 'INT_CLOCK' : intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta=1./float(intClock) self.clock.record = MDSplus.Range(None, None, delta) else: self.clock.record = self.clock_src clock = self.clock.record # # now store each channel # for chan in range(16): if self.debugging(): print "working on channel %d" % chan chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) if chan_node.on : if self.debugging(): print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan+1] == '1' : try: start = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx'%(chan+1,))),-preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: end = min(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx'%(chan+1,))),postTrig-1) except: end = postTrig-1 try: inc = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc'%(chan+1,))),1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName="%s/%2.2d"%(dataDir, chan+1,) if self.debugging(): print "about to readRawData(%s, preTrig=%d, start=%d, end=%d, inc=%d)" % (chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) if inc == 1: dim = MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start, end, self.trig_src ), clock) else: dim = MDSplus.Data.compile('Map($,$)', MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start/inc, end/inc, self.trig_src), clock), MDSplus.Range(start, end, inc)) dat = MDSplus.Data.compile( '_v0=$, _v1=$, build_signal(build_with_units(( _v0+ (_v1-_v0)*($value - -32768)/(32767 - -32768 )), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', vins[chan*2], vins[chan*2+1], buf,dim) exec('c=self.input_'+'%02d'%(chan+1,)+'.record=dat') return 1