def copy_skeleton(self): options = self.options # TODO we should be able to compute the script script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) zope_home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script)) zope_init = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( software_home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(zope_init)) self.replacements = [ ("<<USERNAME>>", options.username), ("<<USERNAME-XMLATTR>>", xml_quoteattr(options.username)), ("<<PASSWORD>>", options.password), ("<<PASSWORD-XMLATTR>>", xml_quoteattr(options.password)), ("<<PASSWORD_MANAGER>>", options.password_manager), ("<<PYTHON>>", sys.executable), ("<<INSTANCE_HOME>>", options.destination), ("<<ZOPE_HOME>>", zope_home), ("<<SOFTWARE_HOME>>", software_home), ] self.copytree(self.options.skeleton, self.options.destination) if options.zserver: self.copytree( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, 'zopeskel'), self.options.destination, )
def DirAsLessXML(path): result = '<dir name=%s>\n' % xml_quoteattr(os.path.basename(path)) for item in os.listdir(path): itempath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(itempath): result += '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in DirAsLessXML(os.path.join(path, item)).split('\n')) elif os.path.isfile(itempath): result += ' <file name=%s />\n' % xml_quoteattr(item) result += '</dir>' return result
def __init__(self, file, reducer, encoding='utf-8', level=0, append=False): self.__file = file self.reducer = createMinfReducer(reducer) self.encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding) self.level = level self.indentString = ' ' if not append: self._writeLine('<?xml version="1.0" encoding=' + xml_quoteattr(encoding) + ' ?>') self._encodeAndWriteLine('<' + minfTag + ' ' + expanderAttribute + '=' + xml_quoteattr(reducer) + '>')
def DirAsLessXML(path): result = '<dir name=%s>\n' % xml_quoteattr(os.path.basename(path)) for item in os.listdir(path): itempath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(itempath): result += '\n'.join( ' ' + line for line in DirAsLessXML(os.path.join(path, item)).split('\n')) elif os.path.isfile(itempath): result += ' <file name=%s />\n' % xml_quoteattr(item) result += '</dir>' return result
def dir_as_xml(path, blacklist): ''' Code adapted from from: ''' result = '<option name={} value={}>\n'.format(xml_quoteattr(os.path.basename(path)) ,xml_quoteattr(path)) for item in os.listdir(path): itempath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(itempath): result += '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in dir_as_xml(os.path.join(path, item),blacklist).split('\n')) elif os.path.isfile(itempath) and itempath.endswith(".bed.gz") and base_name not in blacklist: result += ' <option name={} value={}/>\n'.format(xml_quoteattr(base_name(item)), xml_quoteattr(os.path.join(path,item))) result += '</option>\n' return result
def _atom_log_index(self, logs): hrefs = [os.path.join((log['path'] or '').lstrip('/'), log['filename']) for log in logs] entries = ['<entry><link rel="alternate" href=%s /><title type="text">%s</title></entry>' % (xml_quoteattr(href), xml_escape(href)) for href in hrefs] atom = '<feed xmlns="">%s</feed>' % ''.join(entries) return Response(status=200, content_type='application/atom+xml', response=atom)
def _html_log_index(self, logs): hrefs = [os.path.join((log['path'] or '').lstrip('/'), log['filename']) for log in logs] lis = ['<li><a href=%s>%s</a></li>' % (xml_quoteattr(href), xml_escape(href)) for href in hrefs] html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><ul>%s</ul></body></html>' % ''.join(lis) return Response(status=200, content_type='text/html', response=html)
def dir_as_xml(path, blacklist): ''' Code adapted from from: ''' result = '<option name={} value={}>\n'.format( xml_quoteattr(os.path.basename(path)), xml_quoteattr(path)) for item in os.listdir(path): itempath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(itempath): result += '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in dir_as_xml( os.path.join(path, item), blacklist).split('\n')) elif os.path.isfile(itempath) and itempath.endswith( ".bed.gz") and base_name not in blacklist: result += ' <option name={} value={}/>\n'.format( xml_quoteattr(base_name(item)), xml_quoteattr(os.path.join(path, item))) result += '</option>\n' return result
def fetchDir(path): print('.') result = '<!--Searching Directory: %s -->\n' % xml_quoteattr( os.path.basename(path)) for item in os.listdir(path): itempath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(itempath): result += '\n'.join( ' ' + line for line in fetchDir(os.path.join(path, item)).split('\n')) #Determines if there is a file present, and if it is a valid picture format elif os.path.isfile(itempath): if os.path.splitext(itempath)[1].lower() in ( '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp'): #Add any valid fromat to this list global sourceId sourceId = sourceId + 1 result += '<Source id = \'%d\'>\n' % sourceId localPath = path + '/' + item parenSwitch = localPath.replace('\\', '/') info_list = find_info(match_file(item)) result += ' <url>%s</url>\n' % (parenSwitch[cleanPath:]) result += '''\ <qrCodeTag></qrCodeTag><!-- Sets and creates the QR Code tag. Can be text or url. If left empty, QR Code Tag is not created. --> <title>%s</title><!-- Sets the image title --> <description>%s</description><!-- Sets the image description--> <author>%s</author><!-- Sets the image author data --> <publish>%s</publish><!-- Sets the copyright information. Note: The code for the copyright symbol is " © " so you will want to leave that in the tag if you wish to use the copyright symbol--> <collection>%s</collection><!-- must match collection buttons. to include multiple collections, separate values with commas --> <year>%s</year> <location>%s</location> <type>Image</type> </Source>\n''' % (info_list[0], info_list[1], info_list[2], info_list[3], info_list[4], info_list[5], info_list[6]) result += '\n' return result
def _write(self, minfNodeIterator, minfNode, level, name): if minfNode is Undefined: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: minfNode = next(minfNodeIterator) else: minfNode = attributes = {} if name is not None: attributes[nameAttribute] = name if isinstance(minfNode, StartStructure): if minfNode.type == listStructure: naming = False stringNaming = False length = minfNode.attributes.get('length') if length: attributes[lengthAttribute] = length tag = listTag elif minfNode.type == dictStructure: naming = True stringNaming = False length = minfNode.attributes.get('length') if length: attributes[lengthAttribute] = length tag = dictionaryTag else: naming = True stringNaming = True tag = factoryTag attributes[objectTypeAttribute] = minfNode.type if attributes: attributes = ' ' + \ ' '.join([n + '=' + xml_quoteattr(unicode(v)) for n, v in six.iteritems(attributes)]) else: attributes = '' self._encodeAndWriteLine('<' + tag + attributes + '>', level) ntype = minfNode.type for minfNode in minfNodeIterator: if isinstance(minfNode, EndStructure): if ntype != minfNode.type: raise MinfError( _('Wrong Minf structure ending, expecting %(exp)s instead of %(rcv)s' ) % { 'exp': ntype, 'rcv': minfNode.type }) self._encodeAndWriteLine('</' + tag + '>', level) break elif naming: if isinstance(minfNode, six.string_types): self._write(minfNodeIterator, Undefined, level + 1, minfNode) elif minfNode is None: if not stringNaming: self._write(minfNodeIterator, minfNode, level + 1, None) self._write(minfNodeIterator, Undefined, level + 1, None) else: self._write(minfNodeIterator, minfNode, level + 1, None) self._write(minfNodeIterator, Undefined, level + 1, None) else: self._write(minfNodeIterator, minfNode, level + 1, None) elif isinstance(minfNode, EndStructure): raise MinfError( _('Unexpected Minf structure ending: %s') % (minfNode.type, )) level -= 1 else: if attributes: attributesXML = ' ' + \ ' '.join([n + '=' + xml_quoteattr(unicode(v)) for n, v in six.iteritems(attributes)]) else: attributesXML = '' if minfNode is None: self._encodeAndWriteLine('<' + noneTag + attributesXML + '/>', level) elif isinstance(minfNode, bool): if minfNode: self._encodeAndWriteLine( '<' + trueTag + attributesXML + '/>', level) else: self._encodeAndWriteLine( '<' + falseTag + attributesXML + '/>', level) elif isinstance(minfNode, (int, float, long)): self._encodeAndWriteLine( '<' + numberTag + attributesXML + '>' + unicode(minfNode) + '</' + numberTag + '>', level) elif isinstance(minfNode, six.string_types): if type(minfNode) is byte_type: try: minfNode = minfNode.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: minfNode = minfNode.decode("iso-8859-1") self._encodeAndWriteLine( '<' + stringTag + attributesXML + '>' + xml_escape(minfNode, xml_replacement) + '</' + stringTag + '>', level) elif hasattr(minfNode, '__minfxml__'): minfNode.__minfxml__(self, attributes, level) else: raise MinfError( _('Cannot save an object of type %s as an XML atom') % (str(type(minfNode)), ))
def DirXML(path): global x # If x<2 there are no nodes higher so this folder is classified as a "drive" if x<2: result = '<item rel="drive" id="%(number)03d"> \n<content><name> %(pathname)s </name></content> \n' %{"number":x, "pathname":xml_quoteattr(os.path.basename(path))} # Anything with nodes below it and above it is then classified as a "folder" else: result = '<item rel="folder" id="%(number)03d"> \n<content><name> %(pathname)s </name></content> \n' %{"number":x, "pathname":xml_quoteattr(os.path.basename(path))} for item in filter(nodot, os.listdir(path)): itempath = os.path.join(path, item) # If the program comes across another subdirectory it restarts the script and continues down the tree if os.path.isdir(itempath): x = x + 1 result += '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in DirXML(os.path.join(path, item)).split('\n')) # If the program comes across a file it uses the file's path to pull out the file name and give it a "file" classification elif os.path.isfile(itempath): x = x + 1 result += '<item rel="file" id="%(number)03d"> \n<content><name>%(pathname)s</name></content>\n</item>\n' %{"number":x, "pathname":xml_quoteattr(item)} #Adds closing markup after the loop result += '</item> \n' output = result return output
def A(x): return xml_quoteattr(unicode(x) if x else '')
def gen_quote_text(text): # convert the <, &, and > characters text = xml_escape(text) text = xml_quoteattr(text) return text