예제 #1
파일: keyring.py 프로젝트: XKNX/xknx
    def startElement(self, name: str, attrs: AttributesImpl) -> None:
        """Start Element."""

        for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(
                attrs.items()):  # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
            if attr_name not in self._attribute_blacklist:
예제 #2
	def startElementNS(self, uri_localname, qname, attrs):
		(uri, localname) = uri_localname
			start_handler = self._startElementHandlers[(uri, localname)]
		except KeyError:
			raise ElementError("unknown element %s for namespace %s" % (localname, uri or NameSpace))
		attrs = AttributesImpl(dict((attrs.getQNameByName(name), value) for name, value in attrs.items()))
			self.current = self.current.appendChild(start_handler(self.current, attrs))
		except Exception as e:
			raise type(e)("line %d: %s" % (self._locator.getLineNumber(), str(e)))
예제 #3
 def startElementNS(self, uri_localname, qname, attrs):
     (uri, localname) = uri_localname
         start_handler = self._startElementHandlers[(uri, localname)]
     except KeyError:
         raise ElementError("unknown element %s for namespace %s" %
                            (localname, uri or NameSpace))
     attrs = AttributesImpl(
         dict((attrs.getQNameByName(name), value)
              for name, value in attrs.items()))
         self.current = self.current.appendChild(
             start_handler(self.current, attrs))
     except Exception as e:
         raise type(e)("line %d: %s" %
                       (self._locator.getLineNumber(), str(e)))
예제 #4
파일: ligolw.py 프로젝트: Solaro/lalsuite
class Element(object):
	Base class for all element types.  This class is inspired by the
	class of the same name in the Python standard library's xml.dom
	package.  One important distinction is that the standard DOM
	element is used to represent the structure of a document at a much
	finer level of detail than here.  For example, in the case of the
	standard DOM element, each XML attribute is its own element being a
	child node of its tag, while here they are simply stored as
	attributes of the tag element itself.

	Despite the differences, the documentation for the xml.dom package,
	particularly that of the Element class and it's parent, the Node
	class, is useful as supplementary material in understanding how to
	use this class.
	# XML tag names are case sensitive:  compare with ==, !=, etc.
	tagName = None
	validattributes = frozenset()
	validchildren = frozenset()

	def __init__(self, attrs = None):
		Construct an element.  The argument is a
		sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl object (see the xml.sax
		documentation, but it's basically a dictionary-like thing)
		used to set the element attributes.
		self.parentNode = None
		if attrs is None:
			self.attributes = AttributesImpl({})
		elif set(attrs.keys()) <= self.validattributes:
			self.attributes = attrs
			raise ElementError("%s element does not have attribute(s) %s" % (self.tagName, ", ".join("'%s'" % key for key in set(attrs.keys()) - self.validattributes)))
		self.childNodes = []
		self.pcdata = None

	def start_tag(self, indent):
		Generate the string for the element's start tag.
		s = indent + u"<" + self.tagName
		for keyvalue in self.attributes.items():
			s += u" %s=\"%s\"" % keyvalue
		s += u">"
		return s

	def end_tag(self, indent):
		Generate the string for the element's end tag.
		return indent + u"</" + self.tagName + u">"

	def appendChild(self, child):
		Add a child to this element.  The child's parentNode
		attribute is updated, too.
		child.parentNode = self
		self._verifyChildren(len(self.childNodes) - 1)
		return child

	def insertBefore(self, newchild, refchild):
		Insert a new child node before an existing child. It must
		be the case that refchild is a child of this node; if not,
		ValueError is raised. newchild is returned.
		for i, childNode in enumerate(self.childNodes):
			if childNode is refchild:
				self.childNodes.insert(i, newchild)
				newchild.parentNode = self
				return newchild
		raise ValueError(refchild)

	def removeChild(self, child):
		Remove a child from this element.  The child element is
		returned, and it's parentNode element is reset.  If the
		child will not be used any more, you should call its
		unlink() method to promote garbage collection.
		for i, childNode in enumerate(self.childNodes):
			if childNode is child:
				del self.childNodes[i]
				child.parentNode = None
				return child
		raise ValueError(child)

	def unlink(self):
		Break internal references within the document tree rooted
		on this element to promote garbage collection.
		self.parentNode = None
		for child in self.childNodes:
		del self.childNodes[:]

	def replaceChild(self, newchild, oldchild):
		Replace an existing node with a new node. It must be the
		case that oldchild is a child of this node; if not,
		ValueError is raised. newchild is returned.
		# .index() would use compare-by-value, we want
		# compare-by-id because we want to find the exact object,
		# not something equivalent to it.
		for i, childNode in enumerate(self.childNodes):
			if childNode is oldchild:
				self.childNodes[i].parentNode = None
				self.childNodes[i] = newchild
				newchild.parentNode = self
				return newchild
		raise ValueError(oldchild)

	def getElements(self, filter):
		Return a list of elements below and including this element
		for which filter(element) returns True.
		l = reduce(lambda l, e: l + e.getElements(filter), self.childNodes, [])
		if filter(self):
		return l

	def getElementsByTagName(self, tagName):
		return self.getElements(lambda e: e.tagName == tagName)

	def getChildrenByAttributes(self, attrs):
		l = []
		for c in self.childNodes:
				if reduce(lambda t, (k, v): t and (c.getAttribute(k) == v), attrs.iteritems(), True):
			except KeyError:
		return l

	def hasAttribute(self, attrname):
		return self.attributes.has_key(attrname)

	def getAttribute(self, attrname):
		return self.attributes[attrname]

	def setAttribute(self, attrname, value):
		# cafeful:  this digs inside an AttributesImpl object and
		# modifies its internal data.  probably not a good idea,
		# but I don't know how else to edit an attribute because
		# the stupid things don't export a method to do it.
		self.attributes._attrs[attrname] = unicode(value)

	def removeAttribute(self, attrname):
		# cafeful:  this digs inside an AttributesImpl object and
		# modifies its internal data.  probably not a good idea,
		# but I don't know how else to edit an attribute because
		# the stupid things don't export a method to do it.
			del self.attributes._attrs[attrname]
		except KeyError:

	def appendData(self, content):
		Add characters to the element's pcdata.
		if self.pcdata is not None:
			self.pcdata += content
			self.pcdata = content

	def _verifyChildren(self, i):
		Method used internally by some elements to verify that
		their children are from the allowed set and in the correct
		order following modifications to their child list.  i is
		the index of the child that has just changed.

	def endElement(self):
		Method invoked by document parser when it encounters the
		end-of-element event.

	def write(self, fileobj = sys.stdout, indent = u""):
		Recursively write an element and it's children to a file.
		fileobj.write(self.start_tag(indent) + u"\n")
		for c in self.childNodes:
			if c.tagName not in self.validchildren:
				raise ElementError("invalid child %s for %s" % (c.tagName, self.tagName))
			c.write(fileobj, indent + Indent)
		if self.pcdata is not None:
		fileobj.write(self.end_tag(indent) + u"\n")
예제 #5
class Element(object):
	Base class for all element types.  This class is inspired by the
	class of the same name in the Python standard library's xml.dom
	package.  One important distinction is that the standard DOM
	element is used to represent the structure of a document at a much
	finer level of detail than here.  For example, in the case of the
	standard DOM element, each XML attribute is its own element being a
	child node of its tag, while here they are simply stored as
	attributes of the tag element itself.

	Despite the differences, the documentation for the xml.dom package,
	particularly that of the Element class and it's parent, the Node
	class, is useful as supplementary material in understanding how to
	use this class.
	# XML tag names are case sensitive:  compare with ==, !=, etc.
	tagName = None
	validchildren = frozenset()

	def validattributes(cls):
		return frozenset(name for name in dir(cls) if isinstance(getattr(cls, name), attributeproxy))

	def __init__(self, attrs = None):
		Construct an element.  The argument is a
		sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl object (see the xml.sax
		documentation, but it's basically a dictionary-like thing)
		used to set the element attributes.
		self.parentNode = None
		if attrs is None:
			self.attributes = AttributesImpl({})
		elif set(attrs.keys()) <= self.validattributes():
			self.attributes = attrs
			raise ElementError("%s element: invalid attribute(s) %s" % (self.tagName, ", ".join("'%s'" % key for key in set(attrs.keys()) - self.validattributes())))
		self.childNodes = []
		self.pcdata = None

	def start_tag(self, indent):
		Generate the string for the element's start tag.
		return u"%s<%s%s>" % (indent, self.tagName, u"".join(u" %s=\"%s\"" % keyvalue for keyvalue in self.attributes.items()))

	def end_tag(self, indent):
		Generate the string for the element's end tag.
		return u"%s</%s>" % (indent, self.tagName)

	def appendChild(self, child):
		Add a child to this element.  The child's parentNode
		attribute is updated, too.
		child.parentNode = self
		self._verifyChildren(len(self.childNodes) - 1)
		return child

	def insertBefore(self, newchild, refchild):
		Insert a new child node before an existing child. It must
		be the case that refchild is a child of this node; if not,
		ValueError is raised. newchild is returned.
		for i, childNode in enumerate(self.childNodes):
			if childNode is refchild:
				self.childNodes.insert(i, newchild)
				newchild.parentNode = self
				return newchild
		raise ValueError(refchild)

	def removeChild(self, child):
		Remove a child from this element.  The child element is
		returned, and it's parentNode element is reset.  If the
		child will not be used any more, you should call its
		unlink() method to promote garbage collection.
		for i, childNode in enumerate(self.childNodes):
			if childNode is child:
				del self.childNodes[i]
				child.parentNode = None
				return child
		raise ValueError(child)

	def unlink(self):
		Break internal references within the document tree rooted
		on this element to promote garbage collection.
		self.parentNode = None
		for child in self.childNodes:
		del self.childNodes[:]

	def replaceChild(self, newchild, oldchild):
		Replace an existing node with a new node. It must be the
		case that oldchild is a child of this node; if not,
		ValueError is raised. newchild is returned.
		# .index() would use compare-by-value, we want
		# compare-by-id because we want to find the exact object,
		# not something equivalent to it.
		for i, childNode in enumerate(self.childNodes):
			if childNode is oldchild:
				self.childNodes[i].parentNode = None
				self.childNodes[i] = newchild
				newchild.parentNode = self
				return newchild
		raise ValueError(oldchild)

	def getElements(self, filter):
		Return a list of elements below and including this element
		for which filter(element) returns True.
		l = reduce(lambda l, e: l + e.getElements(filter), self.childNodes, [])
		if filter(self):
		return l

	def getElementsByTagName(self, tagName):
		return self.getElements(lambda e: e.tagName == tagName)

	def getChildrenByAttributes(self, attrs):
		l = []
		for c in self.childNodes:
				if reduce(lambda t, (k, v): t and (c.getAttribute(k) == v), attrs.iteritems(), True):
			except KeyError:
		return l

	def hasAttribute(self, attrname):
		return self.attributes.has_key(attrname)

	def getAttribute(self, attrname):
		return self.attributes[attrname]

	def setAttribute(self, attrname, value):
		# cafeful:  this digs inside an AttributesImpl object and
		# modifies its internal data.  probably not a good idea,
		# but I don't know how else to edit an attribute because
		# the stupid things don't export a method to do it.
		self.attributes._attrs[attrname] = unicode(value)

	def removeAttribute(self, attrname):
		# cafeful:  this digs inside an AttributesImpl object and
		# modifies its internal data.  probably not a good idea,
		# but I don't know how else to edit an attribute because
		# the stupid things don't export a method to do it.
			del self.attributes._attrs[attrname]
		except KeyError:

	def appendData(self, content):
		Add characters to the element's pcdata.
		if self.pcdata is not None:
			self.pcdata += content
			self.pcdata = content

	def _verifyChildren(self, i):
		Method used internally by some elements to verify that
		their children are from the allowed set and in the correct
		order following modifications to their child list.  i is
		the index of the child that has just changed.

	def endElement(self):
		Method invoked by document parser when it encounters the
		end-of-element event.

	def write(self, fileobj = sys.stdout, indent = u""):
		Recursively write an element and it's children to a file.
		for c in self.childNodes:
			if c.tagName not in self.validchildren:
				raise ElementError("invalid child %s for %s" % (c.tagName, self.tagName))
			c.write(fileobj, indent + Indent)
		if self.pcdata is not None: