예제 #1
def writeResultDecl(f, member, varname):
    type = member.realtype

    if isVoidType(type):
        return  # nothing to declare

    t = xpidl.unaliasType(type)
    if t.kind == 'builtin':
        if not t.nativename.endswith('*'):
            if type.kind == 'typedef':
                typeName = type.name  # use it
                typeName = t.nativename
            f.write("    %s %s;\n" % (typeName, varname))
    elif t.kind == 'native':
        name = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(t)
        if name in ('[domstring]', '[astring]'):
            f.write("    nsString %s;\n" % varname)
        elif name == '[jsval]':
            return  # nothing to declare; see special case in outParamForm
    elif t.kind in ('interface', 'forward'):
        if member.kind == 'method' and member.notxpcom:
            f.write("    %s *%s;\n" % (type.name, varname))
            f.write("    nsCOMPtr<%s> %s;\n" % (type.name, varname))

    warn("Unable to declare result of type %s" % type.name)
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Declare out parameter `%s`.\n" % varname)
예제 #2
def writeResultConv(f, type, interfaceResultTemplate, jsvalPtr, jsvalRef):
    """ Emit code to convert the C++ variable `result` to a jsval.

    The emitted code contains a return statement; it returns JS_TRUE on
    success, JS_FALSE on error.
    # From NativeData2JS.
    typeName = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(type)
    if typeName is not None:
        template = resultConvTemplates.get(typeName)
    elif isInterfaceType(type):
        if isVariantType(type):
            template = "    return xpc_qsVariantToJsval(lccx, result, ${jsvalPtr});\n"
            template = ("    if (!result) {\n"
                        "      *${jsvalPtr} = JSVAL_NULL;\n"
                        "      return JS_TRUE;\n"
                        "    }\n")
            template += interfaceResultTemplate

    if template is not None:
        values = {'jsvalRef': jsvalRef,
                  'jsvalPtr': jsvalPtr,
                  'typeName': type.name}
    # else fall through; this type isn't supported yet

    warn("Unable to convert result of type %s" % type.name)
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Convert `result` to jsval, store in `%s`.\n"
            % jsvalRef)
    f.write("    return xpc_qsThrow(cx, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // FIXME\n")
예제 #3
def writeResultConv(f, type, interfaceResultTemplate, jsvalPtr, jsvalRef):
    """ Emit code to convert the C++ variable `result` to a jsval.

    The emitted code contains a return statement; it returns JS_TRUE on
    success, JS_FALSE on error.
    # From NativeData2JS.
    typeName = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(type)
    if typeName is not None:
        template = resultConvTemplates.get(typeName)
    elif isInterfaceType(type):
        if isVariantType(type):
            template = "    return xpc_qsVariantToJsval(lccx, result, ${jsvalPtr});\n"
            template = ("    if (!result) {\n"
                        "      *${jsvalPtr} = JSVAL_NULL;\n"
                        "      return JS_TRUE;\n"
                        "    }\n")
            template += interfaceResultTemplate

    if template is not None:
        values = {
            'jsvalRef': jsvalRef,
            'jsvalPtr': jsvalPtr,
            'typeName': type.name
    # else fall through; this type isn't supported yet

    warn("Unable to convert result of type %s" % type.name)
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Convert `result` to jsval, store in `%s`.\n" %
    f.write("    return xpc_qsThrow(cx, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // FIXME\n")
예제 #4
def writeResultDecl(f, member, varname):
    type = member.realtype

    if isVoidType(type):
        return  # nothing to declare

    t = xpidl.unaliasType(type)
    if t.kind == 'builtin':
        if not t.nativename.endswith('*'):
            if type.kind == 'typedef':
                typeName = type.name  # use it
                typeName = t.nativename
            f.write("    %s %s;\n" % (typeName, varname))
    elif t.kind == 'native':
        name = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(t)
        if name in ('[domstring]', '[astring]'):
            f.write("    nsString %s;\n" % varname)
        elif name == '[jsval]':
            return  # nothing to declare; see special case in outParamForm
    elif t.kind in ('interface', 'forward'):
        if member.kind == 'method' and member.notxpcom:
            f.write("    %s *%s;\n" % (type.name, varname))
            f.write("    nsCOMPtr<%s> %s;\n" % (type.name, varname))

    warn("Unable to declare result of type %s" % type.name)
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Declare out parameter `%s`.\n" % varname)
예제 #5
def writeResultDecl(f, member, varname):
    type = member.realtype

    if isVoidType(type):
        return  # nothing to declare

    t = xpidl.unaliasType(type)
    if t.kind == "builtin":
        if not t.nativename.endswith("*"):
            if type.kind == "typedef":
                typeName = type.name  # use it
                typeName = t.nativename
            f.write("    %s %s;\n" % (typeName, varname))
    elif t.kind == "native":
        name = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(t)
        if name in ("[domstring]", "[astring]"):
            f.write("    nsString %s;\n" % varname)
        elif name == "[jsval]":
            return  # nothing to declare; see special case in outParamForm
    elif t.kind in ("interface", "forward"):
        if member.kind == "method" and member.notxpcom:
            f.write("    %s *%s;\n" % (type.name, varname))
            f.write("    nsCOMPtr<%s> %s;\n" % (type.name, varname))

    warn("Unable to declare result of type %s" % type.name)
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Declare out parameter `%s`.\n" % varname)
예제 #6
def writeArgumentUnboxing(f, i, name, type, haveCcx, optional, rvdeclared,
                          nullBehavior, undefinedBehavior):
    # f - file to write to
    # i - int or None - Indicates the source jsval.  If i is an int, the source
    #     jsval is argv[i]; otherwise it is *vp.  But if Python i >= C++ argc,
    #     which can only happen if optional is True, the argument is missing;
    #     use JSVAL_NULL as the source jsval instead.
    # name - str - name of the native C++ variable to create.
    # type - xpidl.{Interface,Native,Builtin} - IDL type of argument
    # optional - bool - True if the parameter is optional.
    # rvdeclared - bool - False if no |nsresult rv| has been declared earlier.

    typeName = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(type)

    isSetter = (i is None)

    if isSetter:
        argPtr = "vp"
        argVal = "*vp"
    elif optional:
        if typeName == "[jsval]":
            val = "JSVAL_VOID"
            val = "JSVAL_NULL"
        argVal = "(%d < argc ? argv[%d] : %s)" % (i, i, val)
        argPtr = "(%d < argc ? &argv[%d] : NULL)" % (i, i)
        argVal = "argv[%d]" % i
        argPtr = "&" + argVal

    params = {
        'name': name,
        'argVal': argVal,
        'argPtr': argPtr,
        'nullBehavior': nullBehavior or 'DefaultNullBehavior',
        'undefinedBehavior': undefinedBehavior or 'DefaultUndefinedBehavior'

    if typeName is not None:
        template = argumentUnboxingTemplates.get(typeName)
        if template is not None:
            return rvdeclared
        # else fall through; the type isn't supported yet.
    elif isInterfaceType(type):
        if type.name == 'nsIVariant':
            # Totally custom.
            assert haveCcx
            template = (
                "    nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> ${name}(already_AddRefed<nsIVariant>("
                "XPCVariant::newVariant(ccx, ${argVal})));\n"
                "    if (!${name}) {\n"
                "        xpc_qsThrowBadArgWithCcx(ccx, NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, %d);\n"
                "        return JS_FALSE;\n"
                "    }\n") % i
            return rvdeclared
        elif type.name == 'nsIAtom':
            # Should have special atomizing behavior.  Fall through.
            if not rvdeclared:
                f.write("    nsresult rv;\n");
            f.write("    %s *%s;\n" % (type.name, name))
            f.write("    xpc_qsSelfRef %sref;\n" % name)
            f.write("    rv = xpc_qsUnwrapArg<%s>("
                    "cx, %s, &%s, &%sref.ptr, %s);\n"
                    % (type.name, argVal, name, name, argPtr))
            f.write("    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {\n")
            if isSetter:
                f.write("        xpc_qsThrowBadSetterValue("
                        "cx, rv, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*tvr.jsval_addr()), id);\n")
            elif haveCcx:
                f.write("        xpc_qsThrowBadArgWithCcx(ccx, rv, %d);\n" % i)
                f.write("        xpc_qsThrowBadArgWithDetails(cx, rv, %d, %s, %s);\n" % (i, "\"\"", "\"\""))
            f.write("        return JS_FALSE;\n"
                    "    }\n")
            return True

    warn("Unable to unbox argument of type %s (native type %s)" % (type.name, typeName))
    if i is None:
        src = '*vp'
        src = 'argv[%d]' % i
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Unbox argument %s = %s\n" % (name, src))
    return rvdeclared
예제 #7
def writeArgumentUnboxing(f, i, name, type, haveCcx, optional, rvdeclared,
                          nullBehavior, undefinedBehavior):
    # f - file to write to
    # i - int or None - Indicates the source jsval.  If i is an int, the source
    #     jsval is argv[i]; otherwise it is *vp.  But if Python i >= C++ argc,
    #     which can only happen if optional is True, the argument is missing;
    #     use JSVAL_NULL as the source jsval instead.
    # name - str - name of the native C++ variable to create.
    # type - xpidl.{Interface,Native,Builtin} - IDL type of argument
    # optional - bool - True if the parameter is optional.
    # rvdeclared - bool - False if no |nsresult rv| has been declared earlier.

    typeName = xpidl.getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(type)

    isSetter = (i is None)

    if isSetter:
        argPtr = "vp"
        argVal = "*vp"
    elif optional:
        if typeName == "[jsval]":
            val = "JSVAL_VOID"
            val = "JSVAL_NULL"
        argVal = "(%d < argc ? argv[%d] : %s)" % (i, i, val)
        argPtr = "(%d < argc ? &argv[%d] : NULL)" % (i, i)
        argVal = "argv[%d]" % i
        argPtr = "&" + argVal

    params = {
        'name': name,
        'argVal': argVal,
        'argPtr': argPtr,
        'nullBehavior': nullBehavior or 'DefaultNullBehavior',
        'undefinedBehavior': undefinedBehavior or 'DefaultUndefinedBehavior'

    if typeName is not None:
        template = argumentUnboxingTemplates.get(typeName)
        if template is not None:
            return rvdeclared
        # else fall through; the type isn't supported yet.
    elif isInterfaceType(type):
        if type.name == 'nsIVariant':
            # Totally custom.
            assert haveCcx
            template = (
                "    nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> ${name}(already_AddRefed<nsIVariant>("
                "XPCVariant::newVariant(ccx, ${argVal})));\n"
                "    if (!${name}) {\n"
                "        xpc_qsThrowBadArgWithCcx(ccx, NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS, %d);\n"
                "        return JS_FALSE;\n"
                "    }\n") % i
            return rvdeclared
        elif type.name == 'nsIAtom':
            # Should have special atomizing behavior.  Fall through.
            if not rvdeclared:
                f.write("    nsresult rv;\n")
            f.write("    %s *%s;\n" % (type.name, name))
            f.write("    xpc_qsSelfRef %sref;\n" % name)
            f.write("    rv = xpc_qsUnwrapArg<%s>("
                    "cx, %s, &%s, &%sref.ptr, %s);\n" %
                    (type.name, argVal, name, name, argPtr))
            f.write("    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {\n")
            if isSetter:
                f.write("        xpc_qsThrowBadSetterValue("
                        "cx, rv, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*tvr.jsval_addr()), id);\n")
            elif haveCcx:
                f.write("        xpc_qsThrowBadArgWithCcx(ccx, rv, %d);\n" % i)
                f.write("        xpc_qsThrowBadArg(cx, rv, vp, %d);\n" % i)
            f.write("        return JS_FALSE;\n" "    }\n")
            return True

    warn("Unable to unbox argument of type %s (native type %s)" %
         (type.name, typeName))
    if i is None:
        src = '*vp'
        src = 'argv[%d]' % i
    f.write("    !; // TODO - Unbox argument %s = %s\n" % (name, src))
    return rvdeclared