예제 #1
    def get_shape_rectangles(self, logit=False):
        #get the list of windows
        l = log
        if logit or envbool("XPRA_SHAPE_DEBUG", False):
            l = shapelog
        taskbar = FindWindowA("Shell_TrayWnd", None)
        l("taskbar window=%#x", taskbar)
        ourpid = os.getpid()
        l("our pid=%i", ourpid)
        rectangles = []

        def enum_windows_cb(hwnd, lparam):
            if not IsWindowVisible(hwnd):
                l("skipped invisible window %#x", hwnd)
                return True
            pid = c_int()
            thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, byref(pid))
            if pid == ourpid:
                l("skipped our own window %#x", hwnd)
                return True
            #skipping IsWindowEnabled check
            length = GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd)
            buf = create_unicode_buffer(length + 1)
            if GetWindowTextW(hwnd, buf, length + 1) > 0:
                window_title = buf.value
                window_title = ''
                "get_shape_rectangles() found window '%s' with pid=%i and thread id=%i",
                window_title, pid, thread_id)
            rect = RECT()
            if GetWindowRect(hwnd, byref(rect)) == 0:
                l("GetWindowRect failure")
                return True
            left, top, right, bottom = rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom
            if right < 0 or bottom < 0:
                l("skipped offscreen window at %ix%i", right, bottom)
                return True
            if hwnd == taskbar:
                l("skipped taskbar")
                return True
            #dirty way:
            if window_title == 'Program Manager':
                return True
            #this should be the proper way using GetTitleBarInfo (but does not seem to work)
            #import ctypes
            #from ctypes.windll.user32 import GetTitleBarInfo        #@UnresolvedImport
            #from ctypes.wintypes import (DWORD, RECT)
            #class TITLEBARINFO(ctypes.Structure):
            #    pass
            #TITLEBARINFO._fields_ = [
            #    ('cbSize', DWORD),
            #    ('rcTitleBar', RECT),
            #    ('rgstate', DWORD * 6),
            #ti = TITLEBARINFO()
            #ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti)
            #GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, byref(ti))
            #if ti.rgstate[0] & win32con.STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE:
            #    log("skipped system invisible window")
            #    return True
            w = right - left
            h = bottom - top
            l("shape(%s - %#x)=%s", window_title, hwnd, (left, top, w, h))
            if w <= 0 and h <= 0:
                l("skipped invalid window size: %ix%i", w, h)
                return True
            if left == -32000 and top == -32000:
                #there must be a better way of skipping those - I haven't found it
                l("skipped special window")
                return True
            #now clip rectangle:
            if left < 0:
                left = 0
                w = right
            if top < 0:
                top = 0
                h = bottom
            rectangles.append((left, top, w, h))
            return True

        l("get_shape_rectangles()=%s", rectangles)
        return sorted(rectangles)
예제 #2
파일: shadow_server.py 프로젝트: chewi/xpra
 def makeDynamicWindowModels(self):
     assert self.window_matches
     ourpid = os.getpid()
     taskbar = FindWindowA("Shell_TrayWnd", None)
     windows = {}
     def enum_windows_cb(hwnd, lparam):
         if not IsWindowVisible(hwnd):
             log("window %#x is not visible", hwnd)
             return True
         pid = c_ulong()
         thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, byref(pid))
         if pid==ourpid:
             log("skipped our own window %#x, thread id=%#x", hwnd, thread_id)
             return True
         rect = RECT()
         if GetWindowRect(hwnd, byref(rect))==0:
             log("GetWindowRect failure")
             return True
         if hwnd==taskbar:
             log("skipped taskbar")
             return True
         #skipping IsWindowEnabled check
         length = GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd)
         buf = create_unicode_buffer(length+1)
         if GetWindowTextW(hwnd, buf, length+1)>0:
             window_title = buf.value
             window_title = ''
         left, top, right, bottom = rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom
         w = right-left
         h = bottom-top
         if left<=-32000 or top<=-32000:
             log("%r is not visible: %s", window_title, (left, top, w, h))
         if w<=0 and h<=0:
             log("skipped invalid window size: %ix%i", w, h)
             return True
         windows[hwnd] = (window_title, (left, top, w, h))
         return True
     EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc(enum_windows_cb), 0)
     log("makeDynamicWindowModels() windows=%s", windows)
     models = []
     def add_model(hwnd, title, geometry):
         model = Win32ShadowModel(self.root, self.capture, title=title, geometry=geometry)
         model.hwnd = hwnd
     for m in self.window_matches:
         window = None
             if m.startswith("0x"):
                 hwnd = int(m, 16)
                 hwnd = int(m)
             if hwnd:
                 window = windows.pop(hwnd, None)
                 if window:
                     add_model(hwnd, *window)
         except ValueError:
             namere = re.compile(m, re.IGNORECASE)
             for hwnd, window in tuple(windows.items()):
                 title, geometry = window
                 if namere.match(title):
                     add_model(hwnd, title, geometry)
     log("makeDynamicWindowModels()=%s", models)
     return models