class XprDbSetup: """ Class that provides tools to setup mongodb on a node """ def __init__(self, executor=None): if not executor: self.executor = LocalShellExecutor() self.logger = XprLogger() self.service_path = '/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service' def install_mongo(self): """ installs mongodb on the system """'entering install_mongo method') if not linux_utils.check_root(): self.logger.fatal("Please run this as root") import_key = 'sudo apt-key adv --keyserver ' \ 'hkp:// --recv ' \ '9DA31620334BD75D9DCB49F368818C72E52529D4' self.executor.execute(import_key) create_list = 'echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ]' \ 'apt/ubuntu bionic/mongodb-org/4.0 multiverse" | ' \ 'sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.0.list' self.executor.execute(create_list) reload_packages = 'sudo apt-get update' self.executor.execute(reload_packages) self.logger.debug('installing mongo') install_mongo = 'sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org' self.executor.execute(install_mongo) hold = """echo "mongodb-org hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-server hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-shell hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-mongos hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-tools hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections""" self.executor.execute(hold)'exiting install_mongo') def initial_setup(self, db): """ sets up the initial users and collections in the db :param db: database against which the setup is to be done :return: nothing """'entering initial_setup method') # initiate users collection users = db.users self.insert_default_users(users) db.users.create_index([('uid', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for users collection') # initiate nodes collection nodes = db.nodes self.logger.debug('setting up initial node') initial_node = { "name": "initial_node", "address": "" } nodes.insert_one(initial_node) nodes.create_index([('address', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for nodes collection') nodes.delete_one({"name": "initial_node"}) # initiate clusters collection clusters = db.clusters self.logger.debug('setting up initial cluster') initial_cluster = { "name": "initial_cluster", "activationStatus": True, "master_nodes": [], "worker_nodes": [] } clusters.insert_one(initial_cluster) clusters.create_index([('name', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for clusters collection') clusters.delete_one({"name": "initial_cluster"}) # initiate projects collection projects = db.projects self.logger.debug('setting up initial project') initial_project = { "name": "initial_project", "projectDescription": "Initiates the collection", "owner": {}, "developers": [], "components": [] } projects.insert_one(initial_project) projects.create_index([('name', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for projects collection') projects.delete_one({"name": "initial_project"}) # create xprdb_admin user in mongo self.logger.debug('creating xprdb user in mongo') db.command("createUser", "xprdb_admin", pwd="xprdb@Abz00ba", roles=[{"role": "root", "db": "admin"}])'exiting initial_setup method') def insert_default_users(self, users): self.logger.debug('setting up default users') admin_user = { "uid": "xprdb_admin", "firstName": "Xpresso", "lastName": "Admin", "pwd": sha512_crypt.hash('xprdb@Abz00ba'), "email": "*****@*****.**", "primaryRole": "Admin", "activationStatus": True, "loginStatus": False } users.insert_one(admin_user) superuser = { "uid": "superuser1", "firstName": "superuser1", "lastName": "superuser1", "pwd": sha512_crypt.hash('superuser1'), "email": "*****@*****.**", "primaryRole": "Su", "activationStatus": True, "loginStatus": False } users.insert_one(superuser) admin1_user = { "uid": "admin1", "firstName": "admin1", "lastName": "admin1", "pwd": sha512_crypt.hash('admin1'), "email": "*****@*****.**", "primaryRole": "Admin", "activationStatus": True, "loginStatus": False } users.insert_one(admin1_user) def enable_replication(self): """ installs replica set for the database :return: nothing """'entering enable_replication method') path = '/srv/mongodb/rs0-0' linux_utils.create_directory(path, 0o777) self.logger.debug('created directory for replica set') ip = linux_utils.get_ip_address() start = 'mongod --replSet rs0 --port 27017 --bind_ip localhost,' \ '{} --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 --fork ' \ '--logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log'.format(ip) self.executor.execute(start) self.logger.debug('mongo daemon started') client = MongoClient('localhost', replicaset='rs0') db = client.xprdb client.admin.command("replSetInitiate") self.logger.debug('Replica set initiated') time.sleep(5) self.initial_setup(db) # stop mongo to restart with auth stop_mongod = 'pgrep mongod | xargs kill' self.executor.execute(stop_mongod) self.logger.debug('stopping mongo daemon to restart with auth') time.sleep(10) restart = 'mongod --replSet rs0 --port 27017 --bind_ip localhost,{} ' \ '--dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 --auth --fork --logpath ' \ '/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log'.format(ip) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['Service']['ExecStart'] = restart with open(self.service_path, 'w') as f: config.write(f) restart_mongod = 'systemctl restart mongod' self.executor.execute(restart_mongod) self.logger.debug('db setup complete, exiting enable_replication')
class DeclarativePipelineBuilder: # all the pipeline reference variables will be stored in this array as # they are discovered by the code so that we can check for any faulty # reference made which is not present in the reference array reference_array = [] def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.kubeflow_utils = KubeflowUtils(persistence_manager) self.logger = XprLogger() self.executor = LocalShellExecutor() config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path) self.declarative_pipeline_folder = self.config[PROJECTS_SECTION][ DECLARATIVE_PIPELINE_FOLDER] self.content = self.declarative_pipeline_folder_check() def declarative_pipeline_folder_check(self): """ checks whether declarative pipeline folder is present Returns: contents of template """ if not os.path.isdir(self.declarative_pipeline_folder): os.makedirs(self.declarative_pipeline_folder, permission_755) kubeflow_template = self.config[PROJECTS_SECTION][KUBEFLOW_TEMPLATE] try: with open(kubeflow_template, 'r') as f: template_content = return template_content except FileNotFoundException: self.logger.error('kubeflow template file not found') def prevalidate_declarative_json(self, pipeline_info): """ Validates (with dummy data) if the pipeline yaml file is being created properly before adding pipeline as a part of project. Args: pipeline_info: declarative JSON file Returns: nothing """'entering prevalidate_declarative_json') temp_component_images = {}'creating dict with temporary component images') for component in pipeline_info['components']: self.validate_component_keys(component.keys()) temp_component_images[ component['xpresso_reference']] = "temp_image" self.generate_pipeline_file(pipeline_info, temp_component_images, 0)'Pipeline validated.') def check_for_reference(self, value): """ Checks if the provided value has any faulty reference. Args: value: value to be checked Returns: raises exception if reference is not found """'entering check_for_reference to ' f'validate {value}') if '.output' in value: reference = value.split('.')[0] self.check_for_reference(reference) if open_parenthesis in reference: # in case of typecasting reference = reference.split(open_parenthesis)[1] if reference not in self.reference_array: self.logger.error(f'Reference "{reference}" not found.') raise ReferenceNotFoundException( f'Reference "{reference}" not ' f'found in declarative JSON')'Reference validated. Exiting.') def modify_for_function_parameters(self, func_params): """ modifies a string (json key-value pair) to be used as a function's parameters Args: func_params: json key-value pair string (in xpresso defined format) Returns: modified string, fit for using as a function's parameters """'entering modify_for_function_parameters') param_list = [] for key, value in func_params.items(): modified_key = key.replace(variable_indicator, "") if variable_indicator not in str(value): if double_quote in value: value = value.replace(double_quote, escape_quote) modified_value = f'"{value}"' else: modified_value = value.replace(variable_indicator, "") # check for any faulty reference self.check_for_reference(modified_value) param_list.append(f'{modified_key}={modified_value}') self.reference_array.append(modified_key) result = ', '.join(param_list)'exiting modify_for_function_parameters with ' f'output {result}') return result def modify_for_function_variables(self, func_vars): """ modifies a string (json key-value pair) to be used as a function's variables Args: func_vars: json key-value pair string (in xpresso defined format) Returns: modified string, fit for use as a function's variables """'entering modify_for_function_variables') result = """""" for key, value in func_vars.items(): modified_key = key.replace(variable_indicator, "") if variable_indicator not in value: if double_quote in value: value = value.replace(double_quote, escape_quote) modified_value = f'"{value}"' else: modified_value = value.replace(variable_indicator, "") # check for any faulty reference self.check_for_reference(modified_value) self.reference_array.append(modified_key) result = result + f'{modified_key} = {modified_value}\n\t''exiting modify_for_function_variables with ' f'output {result}') return result def validate_declarative_json(self, pipeline_info): """ validates the mandatory fields in the provided declarative json Args: pipeline_info: contents of the json file Returns: Raises exception in case of inconsistency """'entering validate_declarative_json method') if not pipeline_info: self.logger.error('Declarative JSON empty.') raise IncorrectDeclarativeJSONDefinitionException( 'Declarative JSON empty.') pipeline_fields = [ 'name', 'description', 'pvc_name', 'components', 'main_func_params' ] for field in pipeline_fields: if field not in pipeline_info.keys(): self.logger.error(f'Field "{field}" not present in ' f'declarative JSON') raise IncorrectDeclarativeJSONDefinitionException( f'Field "{field}" not present in declarative JSON') def validate_component_keys(self, component_keys): """ Validates if the component has all default keys present Args: component_keys: keys present in the component Returns: nothing """ default_keys = [ 'name', 'xpresso_reference', 'description', 'inputs', 'input_values', 'implementation' ] for key in default_keys: if key not in component_keys: self.logger.error(f'Key "{key}" is missing from one or more ' f'components in pipeline JSON') raise ComponentsSpecifiedIncorrectlyException( f'Key "{key}" is missing from one or more components ' f'in pipeline JSON') def generate_pipeline_file(self, pipeline_info, component_images, pipeline_deploy_id): """ generates a python dsl pipeline file using the provided declarative json, executes it and uploads the pipeline to kubeflow. Args: component_images: dict of pipeline components and their corresponding docker images pipeline_info: declarative json file containing info about pipeline pipeline_deploy_id : deploy version id of pipeline fetched from database Returns: ambassador port to view the pipeline on dashboard """'entering generate_python_file method') self.logger.debug('reading declarative json') # check for mandatory fields self.validate_declarative_json(pipeline_info) # generate code to load pipeline component objects components_info = self.generate_pipeline_component_objects( pipeline_info) # populate the pipeline name and description self.populate_name_and_description(pipeline_info) # populate main function's parameters self.populate_main_func_parameters(pipeline_info) # populate main function's variables, if any self.populate_main_func_variables(pipeline_info) # populate container op, if present self.populate_container_op(pipeline_info) # generate and populate component definitions with inputs self.populate_component_definitions(pipeline_info, components_info) # update pipeline yaml location pipeline_yaml_location = self.update_pipeline_yaml_location( pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info) # finally, populate and generate the python file self.generate_pipeline_python_file(pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info) # create yaml file for the generated python file to read components from self.create_pipeline_yaml(component_images, pipeline_info, pipeline_yaml_location) # run the generated python file to generate the zip file self.logger.debug('running generated python file') pipeline_file = f'{self.declarative_pipeline_folder}' \ f'/{pipeline_info["name"]}--declarative_pipeline' \ f'_{pipeline_deploy_id}.py' run_pipeline_python = f'python {pipeline_file}' status = self.executor.execute(run_pipeline_python) if status: raise IncorrectDeclarativeJSONDefinitionException( "Failed to run pipeline dsl file. " "Please re-check the declarative JSON file.") pipeline_zip = f'{pipeline_file}.zip' return pipeline_zip def create_pipeline_yaml(self, component_images, pipeline_info, pipeline_yaml_location): """ creates yaml file for dsl code to read components from Args: component_images: dict of pipeline components and their corresponding docker images pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json pipeline_yaml_location: location where the file is to be generated Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('creating yaml for generated python file') temp_pipeline = deepcopy(pipeline_info) modified_components = temp_pipeline['components'] for component in modified_components: component['implementation']['container']['image'] \ = component_images[component['xpresso_reference']] del component['xpresso_reference'] del component['input_values'] data_to_insert = {"components": modified_components} with open(pipeline_yaml_location, 'w+') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(data_to_insert)) def generate_pipeline_python_file(self, pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info): """ generates pipeline python file Args: pipeline_deploy_id: deploy version id of pipeline fetched from database pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('generating python file') with open( f'{self.declarative_pipeline_folder}/{pipeline_info["name"]}' f'--declarative_pipeline_{pipeline_deploy_id}.py', 'w+') as f: f.write(self.content) def update_pipeline_yaml_location(self, pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info): """ updates location where pipeline yaml will be generated Args: pipeline_deploy_id: deploy version id of pipeline fetched from database pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: yaml location """ pipeline_yaml_location = f"{self.declarative_pipeline_folder}" \ f"/{pipeline_info['name']}--pipeline_components_file_" \ f"{pipeline_deploy_id}.yaml" self.content = self.content.replace('%pipeline_yaml_location%', f"'{pipeline_yaml_location}'") return pipeline_yaml_location def populate_container_op(self, pipeline_info): """ populates container op Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ if 'container_op' not in pipeline_info.keys(): self.logger.debug('container op not present') self.content = self.content.replace('%container_op%', '') else: self.logger.debug('populating container op') checkout = f"""\t{str(pipeline_info['container_op'][ '$$name$$'])} = dsl.ContainerOp({self.modify_for_function_parameters( pipeline_info['container_op'])})""" if 'checkout' in pipeline_info['after_dependencies'].keys(): checkout = checkout + f"""\n\n\tcheckout.after({ pipeline_info['after_dependencies']['checkout']})""" self.reference_array.append('checkout') self.content = self.content.replace('%container_op%', checkout) def populate_main_func_variables(self, pipeline_info): """ populates main function variables Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ if 'main_func_variables' in pipeline_info.keys(): self.logger.debug("populating main function's variables") main_variables = "\t" + self.modify_for_function_variables( pipeline_info['main_func_variables']) self.content = self.content.replace('%main_function_variables%', main_variables) else: self.logger.debug('No variables found for main function') self.content = self.content.replace('%main_function_variables%', '') def generate_pipeline_component_objects(self, pipeline_info): """ generates code to load pipeline component objects Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: components info """'generating code to load pipeline component objects') pipeline_comps = """""" components_info = pipeline_info['components'] self.reference_array.extend([comp['name'] for comp in components_info]) for index, component in enumerate(components_info): self.validate_component_keys(component.keys()) pipeline_comps = pipeline_comps + f"{component['name']}_ = " \ f"components.load_component_from_text(str(" \ f"component_info[{index}]))\n" self.content = self.content.replace('%load_components%', pipeline_comps) return components_info def populate_name_and_description(self, pipeline_info): """ populates the pipeline name and description Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('populating the pipeline name and description') self.content = self.content.replace("%pipeline_name%", f"'{pipeline_info['name']}'") self.content = self.content.replace( '%pipeline_description%', f"'{pipeline_info['description']}'") def populate_main_func_parameters(self, pipeline_info): """ populates main function parameters Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug("populate main function's parameters") main_params = self.modify_for_function_parameters( pipeline_info['main_func_params']) self.content = self.content.replace('%main_function_params%', main_params) def populate_component_definitions(self, pipeline_info, components_info): """ populates component definitions Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json components_info: components info in declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('populating component definitions with inputs') component_definitions = """""" for index, component in enumerate(components_info): if index == 0: add_pvc = \ f"add_volume(k8s_client.V1Volume(name='pipeline-nfs', " \ f"persistent_volume_claim=k8s_client." \ f"V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource(claim_name=" \ f"'{pipeline_info['pvc_name']}'))).add_volume_mount(" \ f"k8s_client.V1VolumeMount(" \ f"mount_path='/data', name='pipeline-nfs'))" else: add_pvc = "add_volume_mount(k8s_client.V1VolumeMount(" \ "mount_path='/data', name='pipeline-nfs'))" component_definitions = \ component_definitions + \ f"\t{component['name']} = {component['name']}_(" \ f"{self.modify_for_function_parameters(component['input_values'])}).{add_pvc}\n\n" if 'after_dependencies' in pipeline_info.keys(): if component['name'] in pipeline_info[ 'after_dependencies'].keys(): component_definitions = \ component_definitions + \ f"\t{component['name']}.after({pipeline_info['after_dependencies'][component['name']]})\n\n" self.content = self.content.replace('%component_definitions%', component_definitions)