예제 #1
파일: yaafefeatures.py 프로젝트: EQ4/Yaafe
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     nboct = decimal.Decimal(params["CQTNbOctaves"])
     original_fs = samplerate
     original_step = int(params["stepSize"])
     samplerate = decimal.Decimal(samplerate)
     minFreq = decimal.Decimal(params["CQTMinFreq"]) * (2 ** (nboct - 1))
     bandwidth = decimal.Decimal("0.95")
     # create dataflow
     df = DataFlow()
     signal_node = None
     # decimate until first octave to analyse
     nbdecim = 0
     while (bandwidth * samplerate / 8) > minFreq:
         s = df.createNode("Decimate2", {})
         if signal_node:
             df.link(signal_node, "", s, "")
         signal_node = s
         samplerate = samplerate / 2
         nbdecim = nbdecim + 1
     # check stepsize is OK with decimation
     #        stepSize = int(params['stepSize'])
     #        if (stepSize % (2**(nbdecim+nboct-1)))!=0:
     #            stepSize = stepSize - stepSize % (2**(nbdecim+nboct-1))
     #            print 'WARNING: adjust stepSize to %i to make it compatible with successive decimation'%stepSize
     # compute octave CQT parameters
     Q = 2 / (2 ** (1.0 / int(params["CQTBinsPerOctave"])) - 1)
     fftLen = Q * float(samplerate / minFreq)
     fftLen = pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(fftLen) / math.log(2)))
     #        current_stepSize = stepSize / (2**nbdecim)
     oct_params = {
         "CQTBinsPerOctave": params["CQTBinsPerOctave"],
         "CQTAlign": params["CQTAlign"],
         "CQTMinFreq": "%s" % str(minFreq / samplerate),
         "CQTMaxFreq": "%s" % str(2 * minFreq / samplerate - decimal.Decimal("1e-14")),
     # for each octave, analysis, concatenate and decimation
     concat_node = df.createNode("Concatenate", {})
     for oct in range(nboct, 0, -1):
         frames = df.createNode(
             {"blockSize": "%i" % fftLen, "outStepSize": "%i" % original_step, "outSampleRate": "%f" % original_fs},
         if signal_node:
             df.link(signal_node, "", frames, "")
         cspec = df.createNode("FFT", {"FFTLength": "%i" % fftLen, "FFTWindow": "None"})
         df.link(frames, "", cspec, "")
         oct_cq = df.createNode("CQT", oct_params)
         df.link(cspec, "", oct_cq, "")
         df.link(oct_cq, "", concat_node, "%i" % (oct - 1))
         if oct == 1:
             # no more octave to analyze, no need to decimate any more
         # decimation for next actave analysis
         s = df.createNode("Decimate2", {})
         if signal_node:
             df.link(signal_node, "", s, "")
         signal_node = s
         #            current_stepSize = current_stepSize / 2
         minFreq = minFreq / 2
     return df
예제 #2
    def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
        nboct = decimal.Decimal(params['CQTNbOctaves'])
        original_fs = samplerate
        original_step = int(params['stepSize'])
        samplerate = decimal.Decimal(samplerate)
        minFreq = decimal.Decimal(params['CQTMinFreq']) * (2 ** (nboct - 1))
        bandwidth = decimal.Decimal('0.95')
        # create dataflow
        df = DataFlow()
        signal_node = None
        # decimate until first octave to analyse
        nbdecim = 0
        while ((bandwidth * samplerate / 8) > minFreq):
            s = df.createNode('Decimate2', {})
            if signal_node:
                df.link(signal_node, '', s, '')
            signal_node = s
            samplerate = samplerate / 2
            nbdecim = nbdecim + 1
        # check stepsize is OK with decimation
#        stepSize = int(params['stepSize'])
#        if (stepSize % (2**(nbdecim+nboct-1)))!=0:
#            stepSize = stepSize - stepSize % (2**(nbdecim+nboct-1))
#            print 'WARNING: adjust stepSize to %i to make it compatible with successive decimation'%stepSize
        # compute octave CQT parameters
        Q = 2 / (2 ** (1.0 / int(params['CQTBinsPerOctave'])) - 1)
        fftLen = Q * float(samplerate / minFreq)
        fftLen = pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(fftLen) / math.log(2)))
#        current_stepSize = stepSize / (2**nbdecim)
        oct_params = {'CQTBinsPerOctave': params['CQTBinsPerOctave'],
                      'CQTAlign': params['CQTAlign'],
                      'CQTMinFreq': '%s' % str(minFreq / samplerate),
                      'CQTMaxFreq': '%s' % str(2 * minFreq / samplerate - decimal.Decimal('1e-14'))}
        # for each octave, analysis, concatenate and decimation
        concat_node = df.createNode('Concatenate', {})
        for oct in range(nboct, 0, -1):
            frames = df.createNode('AdvancedFrameTokenizer',
                                   {'blockSize': '%i' % fftLen,
                                    'outStepSize': '%i' % original_step,
                                    'outSampleRate': '%f' % original_fs})
            if signal_node:
                df.link(signal_node, '', frames, '')
            cspec = df.createNode(
                'FFT', {'FFTLength': '%i' % fftLen, 'FFTWindow': 'None'})
            df.link(frames, '', cspec, '')
            oct_cq = df.createNode('CQT', oct_params)
            df.link(cspec, '', oct_cq, '')
            df.link(oct_cq, '', concat_node, '%i' % (oct - 1))
            if (oct == 1):
                # no more octave to analyze, no need to decimate any more
            # decimation for next actave analysis
            s = df.createNode('Decimate2', {})
            if signal_node:
                df.link(signal_node, '', s, '')
            signal_node = s
#            current_stepSize = current_stepSize / 2
            minFreq = minFreq / 2
        return df
예제 #3
    def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
        nboct = decimal.Decimal(params['CQTNbOctaves'])
        original_fs = samplerate
        original_step = int(params['stepSize'])
        samplerate = decimal.Decimal(samplerate)
        minFreq = decimal.Decimal(params['CQTMinFreq']) * (2 ** (nboct - 1))
        bandwidth = decimal.Decimal('0.95')
        # create dataflow
        df = DataFlow()
        signal_node = None
        # decimate until first octave to analyse
        nbdecim = 0
        while ((bandwidth * samplerate / 8) > minFreq):
            s = df.createNode('Decimate2', {})
            if signal_node:
                df.link(signal_node, '', s, '')
            signal_node = s
            samplerate = samplerate / 2
            nbdecim = nbdecim + 1
        # check stepsize is OK with decimation
#        stepSize = int(params['stepSize'])
#        if (stepSize % (2**(nbdecim+nboct-1)))!=0:
#            stepSize = stepSize - stepSize % (2**(nbdecim+nboct-1))
#            print('WARNING: adjust stepSize to %i to make it compatible with successive decimation'%stepSize)
        # compute octave CQT parameters
        Q = 2 / (2 ** (1.0 / int(params['CQTBinsPerOctave'])) - 1)
        fftLen = Q * float(samplerate / minFreq)
        fftLen = pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(fftLen) / math.log(2)))
#        current_stepSize = stepSize / (2**nbdecim)
        oct_params = {'CQTBinsPerOctave': params['CQTBinsPerOctave'],
                      'CQTAlign': params['CQTAlign'],
                      'CQTMinFreq': '%s' % str(minFreq / samplerate),
                      'CQTMaxFreq': '%s' % str(2 * minFreq / samplerate - decimal.Decimal('1e-14'))}
        # for each octave, analysis, concatenate and decimation
        concat_node = df.createNode('Concatenate', {})
        for oct in range(int(nboct), 0, -1):
            frames = df.createNode('AdvancedFrameTokenizer',
                                   {'blockSize': '%i' % fftLen,
                                    'outStepSize': '%i' % original_step,
                                    'outSampleRate': '%f' % original_fs})
            if signal_node:
                df.link(signal_node, '', frames, '')
            cspec = df.createNode(
                'FFT', {'FFTLength': '%i' % fftLen, 'FFTWindow': 'None'})
            df.link(frames, '', cspec, '')
            oct_cq = df.createNode('CQT', oct_params)
            df.link(cspec, '', oct_cq, '')
            df.link(oct_cq, '', concat_node, '%i' % (oct - 1))
            if (oct == 1):
                # no more octave to analyze, no need to decimate any more
            # decimation for next actave analysis
            s = df.createNode('Decimate2', {})
            if signal_node:
                df.link(signal_node, '', s, '')
            signal_node = s
#            current_stepSize = current_stepSize / 2
            minFreq = minFreq / 2
        return df
예제 #4
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('SlopeIntegrator', params)
     return df
예제 #5
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('Derivate', params)
     return df
예제 #6
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('FrameTokenizer', params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode("SimpleThresholdClassification", params)
     return df
예제 #8
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('SlopeIntegrator', params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode("DilationFilter", params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode("SimpleNoiseGate", params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('SimpleThresholdClassification', params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('AccumulateSameValues', params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('WindowConvolution', params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('DilationFilter', params)
     return df
예제 #15
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('FrameTokenizer', params)
     return df
예제 #16
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode('Derivate', params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode("WindowConvolution", params)
     return df
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode("AccumulateSameValues", params)
     return df
예제 #19
파일: yaafefeatures.py 프로젝트: EQ4/Yaafe
 def get_dataflow(cls, params, samplerate):
     df = DataFlow()
     df.createNode("HistogramIntegrator", params)
     return df