예제 #1
파일: scene.py 프로젝트: tpaviot/occray
    def startRender(self, renderCoords, frameNumber=None):
        yi = self.yi

        # sizeX/Y is the actual size of the image, b* is bordered stuff
        [sizeX, sizeY, bStartX, bStartY, bsizeX, bsizeY] = renderCoords

        autoSave = self.renderer.autoSave

        doAnimation = (frameNumber != None)

        ##        saveToMem = renderprops["imageToBlender"]
        saveToMem = False
        closeAfterFinish = False
        ret = 0

        if self.useXML:
            saveToMem = False
            co = yafrayinterface.outTga_t(0, 0, "")
            outputFile = self.getOutputFilename(None, False)
            outputFile += '.xml'
            print "INFO: Writing XML:", outputFile
        # single frame output without GUI
        elif not self.haveQt:
            outputFile = self.getOutputFilename(frameNumber)
            outputFile += '.tga'
            print "INFO: Rendering to file:", outputFile
            co = yafrayinterface.outTga_t(sizeX, sizeY, outputFile)
            import yafqt
            outputFile = self.getOutputFilename(frameNumber)
            outputFile += '.png'
            guiSettings = yafqt.Settings()
            guiSettings.autoSave = autoSave
            guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = closeAfterFinish
            guiSettings.mem = None
            guiSettings.fileName = outputFile
            ##            guiSettings.autoSaveAlpha = renderprops["autoalpha"]
            guiSettings.autoSaveAlpha = False

            if doAnimation:
                guiSettings.autoSave = True
                guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = True

            # will return > 0 if user canceled the rendering using ESC
            ret = yafqt.createRenderWidget(self.yi, sizeX, sizeY, bStartX,
                                           bStartY, guiSettings)

        if saveToMem and not doAnimation:
            imageMem = yafrayinterface.new_floatArray(sizeX * sizeY * 4)
            memIO = yafrayinterface.memoryIO_t(sizeX, sizeY, imageMem)
            self.memoryioToImage(imageMem, "yafRender", sizeX, sizeY, bStartX,
                                 bStartY, bsizeX, bsizeY)

        return ret
예제 #2
    def startRender(self, renderCoords, output, frameNumber=None):
        yi = self.yi
        scene = self.scene

        render = scene.getRenderingContext()
        renderprops = scene.properties["YafRay"]["Renderer"]

        # sizeX/Y is the actual size of the image, b* is bordered stuff
        [sizeX, sizeY, bStartX, bStartY, bsizeX, bsizeY] = renderCoords
        [co, outputFile] = output

        autoSave = renderprops["autoSave"]
        doAnimation = (frameNumber != None)

        ret = 0

        if self.scene.properties["YafRay"]["Renderer"][
                "output_method"] == "XML":
        # single frame output without GUI
        elif self.scene.properties["YafRay"]["Renderer"][
                "output_method"] == "GUI" and haveQt:
            import yafqt
            guiSettings = yafqt.Settings()
            guiSettings.autoSave = autoSave
            guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = False
            guiSettings.mem = None
            guiSettings.fileName = outputFile
            guiSettings.autoSaveAlpha = renderprops["autoalpha"]

            if doAnimation:
                guiSettings.autoSave = True
                guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = True

            # will return > 0 if user canceled the rendering using ESC
            ret = yafqt.createRenderWidget(self.yi, sizeX, sizeY, bStartX,
                                           bStartY, guiSettings)

        return ret
	def startRender(self, renderCoords, output, frameNumber = None):
		yi = self.yi
		scene = self.scene
		render = scene.getRenderingContext()
		renderprops = scene.properties["YafRay"]["Renderer"]
		# sizeX/Y is the actual size of the image, b* is bordered stuff
		[sizeX, sizeY, bStartX, bStartY, bsizeX, bsizeY] = renderCoords
		[co, outputFile] = output
		autoSave = renderprops["autoSave"]
		doAnimation = (frameNumber != None)
		ret = 0

		if self.scene.properties["YafRay"]["Renderer"]["output_method"] == "XML":
		# single frame output without GUI
		elif self.scene.properties["YafRay"]["Renderer"]["output_method"] == "GUI" and haveQt:
			import yafqt
			guiSettings = yafqt.Settings()
			guiSettings.autoSave = autoSave
			guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = False
			guiSettings.mem = None
			guiSettings.fileName = outputFile
			guiSettings.autoSaveAlpha = renderprops["autoalpha"]

			if doAnimation:
				guiSettings.autoSave = True
				guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = True

			# will return > 0 if user canceled the rendering using ESC
			ret = yafqt.createRenderWidget(self.yi, sizeX, sizeY, bStartX, bStartY, guiSettings)

		return ret
def yafarayRenderer(obj, app, settings):
  This function exports data in a format that can be used to reconstruct the humanoid 
  object in YafaRay. It supports a range of options that can be specified in the Python 
  script file mh2yafaray_ini.py, which is reloaded each time this function is run. This 
  enables these options to be changed while the MakeHuman application is still running.
      *3D object*. The object to export. This should be the humanoid object with
      uv-mapping data and Face Groups defined.

      *Camera object*. The camera to render from 

    print 'YafaRay Export of object: ', obj.name

    # Read settings from an ini file. This reload enables the settings to be
    # changed dynamically without forcing the user to restart the MH
    # application for the changes to take effect.
    camera = app.modelCamera
    resolution = (app.settings.get('rendering_width', 800), app.settings.get('rendering_height', 600))

    path = os.path.join(mh.getPath('render'), mh2yafaray_ini.outputpath)
    source = mh2yafaray_ini.source if settings['source'] == 'gui' else settings['source']
    action = mh2yafaray_ini.action 
    lighting = mh2yafaray_ini.lighting if settings['lighting'] == 'dl' else settings['lighting']
    world = mh2yafaray_ini.world if settings['world'] == 'texture' else settings['world']
    image_path = mh2yafaray_ini.yafaray_path 
    if action == 'render':
        if source == 'xml':
            yi = yafrayinterface.xmlInterface_t()
            yi = yafrayinterface.yafrayInterface_t()
        #-- texture ----
        yafarayTexture(yi, image_path)
        #-- create material ----
        #-- lights ----
        #-- geometry ----
        yafarayGeometry(yi, obj)

        #-- create cam ----
        yafarayCameraData(yi, camera, resolution)
        #-- background ----
        yafarayBackground(yi, world)
        #-- integrator ----
        yafarayIntegrators(yi, lighting)
        #-- output ----
        if source == 'console':
            path_net = str(path).replace("\"","/") # use / for campatibility by Unix systems ?
            file_type = 'tga' # To do; create option in GUI ?
            yi.paramsSetString("type", file_type)
            yi.paramsSetBool("alpha_channel", False)
            yi.paramsSetBool("z_channel", False)
            yi.paramsSetInt("width", resolution[0])
            yi.paramsSetInt("height", resolution[1])
            ih = yi.createImageHandler("outFile")
            output = yafrayinterface.imageOutput_t(ih, path_net + 'test.tga', 0, 0) # Todo; revised for Unix systems
        if source == 'xml':
            output = yafrayinterface.imageOutput_t()
        #-- render options ----
        yafarayRender(yi, resolution)
        #-- QT interface ----
        if source == 'gui':
            import yafqt
            guiSettings = yafqt.Settings()
            guiSettings.autoSave = False
            guiSettings.closeAfterFinish = False
            guiSettings.mem = None
            #guiSettings.fileName = 'test.png'
            guiSettings.autoSaveAlpha = False
            #-- create render window
            yafqt.createRenderWidget(yi, resolution[0], resolution[1], 0, 0, guiSettings)