def cmd_ipython(args): args = defaults.update_check_args(args, "Could not run IPython parallel analysis.") args = install.docker_image_arg(args) parallel = clargs.to_parallel(args, "bcbiovm.docker") parallel["wrapper"] = "runfn" with open(args.sample_config) as in_handle: ready_config, _ = mounts.normalize_config(yaml.safe_load(in_handle), args.fcdir) work_dir = os.getcwd() ready_config_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-ready%s" % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.sample_config)))) with open(ready_config_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(ready_config, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) work_dir = os.getcwd() systemconfig = run.local_system_config(args.systemconfig, args.datadir, work_dir) cur_pack = pack.shared_filesystem(work_dir, args.datadir, args.tmpdir) parallel["wrapper_args"] = [devel.DOCKER, {"sample_config": ready_config_file, "fcdir": args.fcdir, "pack": cur_pack, "systemconfig": systemconfig, "image": args.image}] # For testing, run on a local ipython cluster parallel["run_local"] = parallel.get("queue") == "localrun" from bcbio.pipeline import main main.run_main(work_dir, run_info_yaml=ready_config_file, config_file=systemconfig, fc_dir=args.fcdir, parallel=parallel)
def prep_cwl(samples, workflow_fn, out_dir, out_file, integrations=None): """Output a CWL description with sub-workflows and steps. """ step_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(out_dir, "steps")) sample_json, variables, keyvals = _flatten_samples(samples, out_file) file_estimates = _calc_input_estimates(keyvals, integrations) out = _cwl_workflow_template(variables) parent_wfs = [] steps, wfoutputs = workflow_fn() for cur in workflow.generate(variables, steps, wfoutputs): if cur[0] == "step": _, name, parallel, inputs, outputs, programs, disk = cur step_file = _write_tool(step_dir, name, inputs, outputs, parallel, programs, file_estimates, disk, samples) out["steps"].append(_step_template(name, step_file, inputs, outputs, parallel)) elif cur[0] == "upload": out["outputs"] = cur[1] elif cur[0] == "wf_start": parent_wfs.append(out) out = _cwl_workflow_template(cur[1]) elif cur[0] == "wf_finish": _, name, parallel, inputs, outputs = cur wf_out_file = "wf-%s.cwl" % name with open(os.path.join(out_dir, wf_out_file), "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(out, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) out = parent_wfs.pop(-1) out["steps"].append(_step_template(name, wf_out_file, inputs, outputs, parallel)) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected workflow value %s" % str(cur)) with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(out, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) return out_file, sample_json
def test_load_config_files(self): defaults = { 'cat1': { 'key': 'value' }, 'cat2': { 'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2' }, 'cat3': { 'key': 'value' } } config_file_A = { 'cat1': { 'key': 'valueA' }, 'cat2': { 'key': 'valueA', 'invalid_key': 'ignored' }, 'invalid_category': { 'ignored': 'ignored' }, 'cat3': None } config_file_B = { 'cat1': { 'key': 'valueB' }, 'cat2': { 'key2': 'value2B' } } temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() config_file_A_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "configA.conf") config_file_B_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "configB.conf") with open(config_file_A_path, 'w') as out_file: yaml.safe_dump(config_file_A, out_file) with open(config_file_B_path, 'w') as out_file: yaml.safe_dump(config_file_B, out_file) config = _load_config_files_with_defaults([config_file_B_path, '/invalid/path/ignored.txt', config_file_A_path], defaults) self.assertEqual(config, { 'cat1': { 'key': 'valueB' }, 'cat2': { 'key': 'valueA', 'key2': 'value2B' }, 'cat3': { 'key': 'value' } })
def flocker_deploy(test_case, deployment_config, application_config): """ Run ``flocker-deploy`` with given configuration files. :param test_case: The ``TestCase`` running this unit test. :param dict deployment_config: The desired deployment configuration. :param dict application_config: The desired application configuration. """ # This is duplicate code, see # control_node = environ.get("FLOCKER_ACCEPTANCE_CONTROL_NODE") certificate_path = environ["FLOCKER_ACCEPTANCE_API_CERTIFICATES_PATH"] if control_node is None: raise SkipTest("Set control node address using " "FLOCKER_ACCEPTANCE_CONTROL_NODE environment variable.") temp = FilePath(test_case.mktemp()) temp.makedirs() deployment = temp.child(b"deployment.yml") deployment.setContent(safe_dump(deployment_config)) application = temp.child(b"application.yml") application.setContent(safe_dump(application_config)) check_call([b"flocker-deploy", b"--certificates-directory", certificate_path, control_node, deployment.path, application.path])
def __update_config(self): dir_name = self.get_path() if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) for dir in self.__get_diretories(): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_name, dir)) filename = os.path.join(dir_name, 'node.conf') values = { 'name' :, 'status' : self.status, 'auto_bootstrap' : self.auto_bootstrap, 'interfaces' : self.network_interfaces, 'jmx_port' : self.jmx_port, 'config_options' : self.__config_options, } if values['pid'] = if self.initial_token: values['initial_token'] = self.initial_token if self.__cassandra_dir is not None: values['cassandra_dir'] = self.__cassandra_dir if self.data_center: values['data_center'] = self.data_center if self.remote_debug_port: values['remote_debug_port'] = self.remote_debug_port with open(filename, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(values, f)
def write_project_summary(samples): """Write project summary information on the provided samples. write out dirs, genome resources, """ work_dir = samples[0][0]["dirs"]["work"] out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "project-summary.yaml") upload_dir = (os.path.join(work_dir, samples[0][0]["upload"]["dir"]) if "dir" in samples[0][0]["upload"] else "") test_run = samples[0][0].get("test_run", False) date = str( prev_samples = _other_pipeline_samples(out_file, samples) with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump({"date": date}, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) if test_run: yaml.safe_dump({"test_run": True}, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) yaml.safe_dump({"upload": upload_dir}, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) yaml.safe_dump({"bcbio_system": samples[0][0]["config"].get("bcbio_system", "")}, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) yaml.safe_dump({"samples": prev_samples + [_save_fields(sample[0]) for sample in samples]}, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) return out_file
def _run_gemini_stats(bam_file, data, out_dir): """Retrieve high level variant statistics from Gemini. """ out = {} gemini_db = (data.get("variants", [{}])[0].get("population", {}).get("db") if data.get("variants") else None) if gemini_db: gemini_stat_file = "%s-stats.yaml" % os.path.splitext(gemini_db)[0] if not utils.file_uptodate(gemini_stat_file, gemini_db): gemini = config_utils.get_program("gemini", data["config"]) tstv = subprocess.check_output([gemini, "stats", "--tstv", gemini_db]) gt_counts = subprocess.check_output([gemini, "stats", "--gts-by-sample", gemini_db]) dbsnp_count = subprocess.check_output([gemini, "query", gemini_db, "-q", "SELECT count(*) FROM variants WHERE in_dbsnp==1"]) out["Transition/Transversion"] = tstv.split("\n")[1].split()[-1] for line in gt_counts.split("\n"): parts = line.rstrip().split() if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] == data["name"][-1]: _, hom_ref, het, hom_var, _, total = parts out["Variations (total)"] = int(total) out["Variations (heterozygous)"] = int(het) out["Variations (homozygous)"] = int(hom_var) break out["Variations (in dbSNP)"] = int(dbsnp_count.strip()) if out.get("Variations (total)") > 0: out["Variations (in dbSNP) pct"] = "%.1f%%" % (out["Variations (in dbSNP)"] / float(out["Variations (total)"]) * 100.0) with open(gemini_stat_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(out, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) else: with open(gemini_stat_file) as in_handle: out = yaml.safe_load(in_handle) return out
def test_override_theme_new_style(self, checkout_path, run): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'docs')) yaml_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mkdocs.yml') yaml.safe_dump( { 'theme': { 'name': 'readthedocs', }, 'site_name': 'mkdocs', 'docs_dir': 'docs', }, open(yaml_file, 'w') ) checkout_path.return_value = tmpdir self.searchbuilder = MkdocsHTML( build_env=self.build_env, python_env=None ) self.searchbuilder.append_conf() run.assert_called_with('cat', 'mkdocs.yml', cwd=mock.ANY) config = yaml.safe_load(open(yaml_file)) self.assertEqual( config['theme'], { 'name': 'readthedocs', 'custom_dir': BaseMkdocs.READTHEDOCS_TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_DIR } )
def test_dont_override_theme(self, checkout_path, run): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'docs')) yaml_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mkdocs.yml') yaml.safe_dump( { 'theme': 'not-readthedocs', 'theme_dir': 'not-readthedocs', 'site_name': 'mkdocs', 'docs_dir': 'docs', }, open(yaml_file, 'w') ) checkout_path.return_value = tmpdir self.searchbuilder = MkdocsHTML( build_env=self.build_env, python_env=None ) self.searchbuilder.append_conf() run.assert_called_with('cat', 'mkdocs.yml', cwd=mock.ANY) config = yaml.safe_load(open(yaml_file)) self.assertEqual( config['theme_dir'], 'not-readthedocs' )
def _merge_system_configs(host_config, container_config, out_file=None): """Create a merged system configuration from external and internal specification. """ out = copy.deepcopy(container_config) for k, v in host_config.iteritems(): if k in set(["galaxy_config"]): out[k] = v elif k == "resources": for pname, resources in v.iteritems(): if not isinstance(resources, dict) and pname not in out[k]: out[k][pname] = resources else: for rname, rval in resources.iteritems(): if (rname in set(["cores", "jvm_opts", "memory"]) or pname in set(["gatk", "mutect"])): if pname not in out[k]: out[k][pname] = {} out[k][pname][rname] = rval # Ensure final file is relocatable by mapping back to reference directory if "bcbio_system" in out and ("galaxy_config" not in out or not os.path.isabs(out["galaxy_config"])): out["galaxy_config"] = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out["bcbio_system"]), os.pardir, "galaxy", "universe_wsgi.ini")) if out_file: with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(out, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) return out
def loadResumeFile(): """ Sets the singleton stateDict object to the content of the resume file. If the file is empty then it will create an empty one. Raises: :class:ooni.runner.InvalidResumeFile if the resume file is not valid """ if not config.stateDict: try: with open(config.resume_filename) as f: config.stateDict = yaml.safe_load(f) except: log.err("Error loading YAML file") raise InvalidResumeFile if not config.stateDict: with open(config.resume_filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(dict(), f) config.stateDict = dict() elif isinstance(config.stateDict, dict): return else: log.err("The resume file is of the wrong format") raise InvalidResumeFile
def populate_config_from_appliances(appliance_data): """populates env.local.yaml with the appliances just obtained args: appliance_data: the data of the appliances as taken from sprout """ file_name = conf_path.join('env.local.yaml').strpath if os.path.exists(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: y_data = yaml.load(f) if not y_data: y_data = {} else: y_data = {} if y_data: with open(conf_path.join('env.local.backup').strpath, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(y_data, f, default_flow_style=False) y_data['appliances'] = [] for app in appliance_data: app_config = dict( hostname=app['ip_address'], ui_protocol="https", version=str(app['template_version']), ) y_data['appliances'].append(app_config) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: # Use safe dump to avoid !!python/unicode tags yaml.safe_dump(y_data, f, default_flow_style=False)
def _write_config_file(items, global_vars, template, project_name, out_dir, remotes): """Write configuration file, adding required top level attributes. """ config_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(out_dir, "config")) out_config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, "%s.yaml" % project_name) out = {"fc_date":"%Y-%m-%d"), "fc_name": project_name, "upload": {"dir": "../final"}, "details": items} if remotes.get("base"): r_base = objectstore.parse_remote(remotes.get("base")) out["upload"]["method"] = out["upload"]["bucket"] = r_base.bucket out["upload"]["folder"] = os.path.join(r_base.key, "final") if r_base.key else "final" if r_base.region: out["upload"]["region"] = r_base.region if global_vars: out["globals"] = global_vars for k, v in template.iteritems(): if k not in ["details"]: out[k] = v if os.path.exists(out_config_file): shutil.move(out_config_file, out_config_file + ".bak%s" %"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) with open(out_config_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(out, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) return out_config_file
def write_out_bypass_compile_expansions(patch_file, **expansions): """ Write out the macro expansions to given file. """ with open(patch_file, "w") as out_file: print("Saving compile bypass expansions to {0}: ({1})".format(patch_file, expansions)) yaml.safe_dump(expansions, out_file, default_flow_style=False)
def restore(self): backup_yaml = self.get_backup_dict() current_yaml = self.get_current_dict() not_found_keys = [] for key, subkeys in self.keys_to_restore: if not subkeys and key not in backup_yaml: not_found_keys.append(key) continue if not subkeys: current_yaml[key] = backup_yaml[key] continue backup_values = backup_yaml.get(key, {}) current_yaml[key] = current_yaml.get(key, {}) for subkey in subkeys: if subkey not in backup_values: not_found_keys.append("{0}/{1}".format(key, subkey)) else: current_yaml[key][subkey] = backup_values[subkey] if not_found_keys: raise Exception( "Not found values in backup for keys: {0}".format( ",".join(not_found_keys))) old_path_name = "{0}.old".format(self.path) new_path_name = "{0}.new".format(self.path) shutil.copy2(self.path, old_path_name) with open(new_path_name, "w") as new: yaml.safe_dump(current_yaml, new, default_flow_style=False) shutil.move(new_path_name, self.path) self._post_restore_action()
def save_install_defaults(args): """Save installation information to make future upgrades easier. """ install_config = _get_install_config() if install_config is None: return if utils.file_exists(install_config): with open(install_config) as in_handle: cur_config = yaml.load(in_handle) else: cur_config = {} if args.tooldir: cur_config["tooldir"] = args.tooldir cur_config["sudo"] = args.sudo cur_config["isolate"] = args.isolate for attr in ["genomes", "aligners"]: if not cur_config.get(attr): cur_config[attr] = [] for x in getattr(args, attr): if x not in cur_config[attr]: cur_config[attr].append(x) # toolplus -- save non-filename inputs attr = "toolplus" if not cur_config.get(attr): cur_config[attr] = [] for x in getattr(args, attr): if not x.fname: if not in cur_config[attr]: cur_config[attr].append( with open(install_config, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(cur_config, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False)
def _send_configuration(self, application_config_yaml=COMPLEX_APPLICATION_YAML, deployment_config_yaml=COMPLEX_DEPLOYMENT_YAML): """ Run ``flocker-deploy`` against the API server. :param application_config: Application configuration dictionary. :param deployment_config: Deployment configuration dictionary. :return: ``Deferred`` that fires with a tuple (stdout, stderr, exit code). """ app_config = FilePath(self.mktemp()) app_config.setContent(safe_dump(application_config_yaml)) deployment_config = FilePath(self.mktemp()) deployment_config.setContent(safe_dump(deployment_config_yaml)) # This duplicates some code in the acceptance tests... # return getProcessOutputAndValue( b"flocker-deploy", [ b"--certificates-directory", self.certificate_path.path, b"--port", unicode(self.port_number).encode("ascii"), b"localhost", deployment_config.path, app_config.path ], env=environ)
def write_distro_specific_manifest(manifest_file, package, vcs_type, vcs_url, api_homepage, tags_db): m_yaml = {} if os.path.isfile(manifest_file): with open(manifest_file, 'r') as f: m_yaml = yaml.load(f) m_yaml['api_documentation'] = api_homepage m_yaml['vcs'] = vcs_type m_yaml['vcs_url'] = vcs_url m_yaml['depends_on'] = [] if tags_db.has_reverse_deps(package): m_yaml['depends_on'] = tags_db.get_reverse_deps(package) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(manifest_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(manifest_file)) #Update our dependency list if 'depends' in m_yaml and type(m_yaml['depends']) == list: tags_db.add_forward_deps(package, m_yaml['depends']) #We need to keep track of metapackages separately as they're special kinds #of reverse deps if 'package_type' in m_yaml and m_yaml['package_type'] == 'metapackage': m_yaml['packages'] = m_yaml['depends'] tags_db.set_metapackage_deps(package, m_yaml['depends']) #Check to see if this package is part of any metapackages if tags_db.has_metapackages(package): m_yaml['metapackages'] = tags_db.get_metapackages(package) with open(manifest_file, 'w+') as f: yaml.safe_dump(m_yaml, f, default_flow_style=False)
def _install_container_bcbio_system(datadir): """Install limited bcbio_system.yaml file for setting core and memory usage. Adds any non-specific programs to the exposed bcbio_system.yaml file, only when upgrade happening inside a docker container. """ base_file = os.path.join(datadir, "config", "bcbio_system.yaml") if not os.path.exists(base_file): return expose_file = os.path.join(datadir, "galaxy", "bcbio_system.yaml") expose = set(["memory", "cores", "jvm_opts"]) with open(base_file) as in_handle: config = yaml.load(in_handle) if os.path.exists(expose_file): with open(expose_file) as in_handle: expose_config = yaml.load(in_handle) else: expose_config = {"resources": {}} for pname, vals in config["resources"].iteritems(): expose_vals = {} for k, v in vals.iteritems(): if k in expose: expose_vals[k] = v if len(expose_vals) > 0 and pname not in expose_config["resources"]: expose_config["resources"][pname] = expose_vals with open(expose_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(expose_config, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False) return expose_file
def firewall_disallow(port=None, protocol='TCP', ipv6=False): """ Allow connection port/protocol Keyword argument: port -- Port to open protocol -- Protocol associated with port ipv6 -- ipv6 """ port = int(port) ipv = "ipv4" protocols = [protocol] firewall = firewall_list(raw=True) if ipv6: ipv = "ipv6" if protocol == "Both": protocols = ['UDP', 'TCP'] for protocol in protocols: if port in firewall['uPnP'][protocol]: firewall['uPnP'][protocol].remove(port) if port in firewall[ipv][protocol]: firewall[ipv][protocol].remove(port) else: msignals.display(m18n.n('port_already_closed') % port, 'warning') with open('/etc/yunohost/firewall.yml', 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(firewall, f, default_flow_style=False) return firewall_reload()
def write_stack_manifest(output_dir, stack_name, manifest, vcs_type, vcs_url, api_homepage, packages, tags_db): if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) m_yaml = {} m_yaml['api_documentation'] = api_homepage m_yaml['vcs'] = vcs_type m_yaml['vcs_url'] = vcs_url m_yaml['authors'] = or '' m_yaml['brief'] = manifest.brief or '' m_yaml['depends'] = [ for dep in manifest.depends] or '' m_yaml['packages'] = packages or '' m_yaml['description'] = manifest.description or '' m_yaml['license'] = manifest.license or '' m_yaml['msgs'] = [] m_yaml['srvs'] = [] m_yaml['url'] = manifest.url or '' m_yaml['package_type'] = 'stack' m_yaml['depends_on'] = [] if tags_db.has_reverse_deps(stack_name): m_yaml['depends_on'] = tags_db.get_reverse_deps(stack_name) #Update our dependency list if 'depends' in m_yaml and type(m_yaml['depends']) == list: tags_db.add_forward_deps(stack_name, m_yaml['depends']) #Make sure to write stack dependencies to the tags db tags_db.set_metapackage_deps(stack_name, packages) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'manifest.yaml'), 'w+') as f: yaml.safe_dump(m_yaml, f, default_flow_style=False)
def run(self, connection, args=None): connection = super(TestOverlayAction, self).run(connection, args) runner_path =['test'][self.test_uuid]['overlay_path'][self.parameters['test_name']] # now read the YAML to create a testdef dict to retrieve metadata yaml_file = os.path.join(runner_path, self.parameters['path']) # FIXME: check the existence at the same time as the open. if not os.path.exists(yaml_file): raise JobError("Unable to find test definition YAML: %s" % yaml_file) with open(yaml_file, 'r') as test_file: testdef = yaml.safe_load(test_file) # FIXME: change lava-test-runner to accept a variable instead of duplicating the YAML? with open("%s/testdef.yaml" % runner_path, 'w') as run_file: yaml.safe_dump(testdef, run_file) # write out the UUID of each test definition. # FIXME: is this necessary any longer? with open('%s/uuid' % runner_path, 'w') as uuid: uuid.write(self.test_uuid) # FIXME: does this match old-world test-shell & is it needed? with open('%s/testdef_metadata' % runner_path, 'w') as metadata: metadata.write(yaml.safe_dump(['test'][self.test_uuid]['testdef_metadata'])) # Need actions for the script (calling parameter support in base class) # and install script (also calling parameter support here.) # this run then only does the incidental files. self.results = {'success': self.test_uuid} return connection
def test_configuration_with_binary_strings(): """ Regression test: serialization was failing on binary strings """ import yaml obj = '\xaa\xbb\x00\xff\xff\x00ABC' assert yaml.load(yaml.dump(obj)) == obj assert yaml.safe_load(yaml.safe_dump(obj)) == obj obj = {'blob': '\xaa\xbb\x00\xff\xff\x00ABC'} assert yaml.load(yaml.dump(obj)) == obj assert yaml.safe_load(yaml.safe_dump(obj)) == obj obj = { 'function': 'jobcontrol.utils.testing:job_simple_echo', 'title': None, 'notes': None, # 'args': ('\xaa\xbb\x00\xff\xff\x00ABC',), 'args': '\xaa\xbb\x00\xff\xff\x00ABC', 'dependencies': [], 'kwargs': {}, 'id': 'f974e89f-4ae3-40cc-8316-b78e42bd5cc8', } dump(obj)
def build_manifest_yaml(manifest, msgs, srvs, actions, output_dir): # by default, assume that packages are on wiki m_yaml = {} m_yaml['authors'] = or '' m_yaml['maintainers'] = manifest.maintainer or '' m_yaml['brief'] = manifest.brief or '' m_yaml['depends'] = manifest.depends or '' m_yaml['description'] = manifest.description or '' m_yaml['license'] = manifest.license or '' m_yaml['msgs'] = msgs m_yaml['srvs'] = srvs m_yaml['actions'] = actions m_yaml['url'] = manifest.url or '' m_yaml['bugtracker'] = manifest.bugtracker or '' m_yaml['repo_url'] = manifest.repo_url or '' external_docs = manifest.get_export('doxymaker', 'external') if external_docs: m_yaml['external_docmentation'] = external_docs metapackage = [e for e in manifest.exports if e.tagname == 'metapackage'] if metapackage: m_yaml['package_type'] = 'metapackage' else: m_yaml['package_type'] = 'package' deprecated = [e for e in manifest.exports if e.tagname == 'deprecated'] if deprecated: m_yaml['deprecated'] = deprecated[0].content or "This package is deprecated." with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'manifest.yaml'), 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(m_yaml, f, default_flow_style=False)
def write_transitions(from_trans): """ Update the active transitions file safely. This function takes a parsed input file (which avoids invalid files or files that may be be modified while the function is active) and ensure the transitions file is updated atomically to avoid locks. @attention: This function may run B{within sudo} @type from_trans: dict @param from_trans: transitions dictionary, as returned by L{load_transitions} """ trans_file = Cnf["Dinstall::ReleaseTransitions"] trans_temp = trans_file + ".tmp" trans_lock = lock_file(trans_file) temp_lock = lock_file(trans_temp) destfile = file(trans_temp, 'w') yaml.safe_dump(from_trans, destfile, default_flow_style=False) destfile.close() os.rename(trans_temp, trans_file) os.close(temp_lock) os.close(trans_lock)
def synchronize_workspace_descriptor(workspace, session) -> None: """ Updates both the workspace descriptor on disk and in the database to contain the same essential data :param workspace: the database workspace model :param session: the current database session :return: """ from son_editor.models.repository import Catalogue with open(os.path.join(workspace.path, "workspace.yml"), "r+") as stream: ws_descriptor = yaml.safe_load(stream) if "catalogue_servers" not in ws_descriptor: ws_descriptor["catalogue_servers"] = [] for catalogue_server in ws_descriptor["catalogue_servers"]: if len([x for x in workspace.catalogues if == catalogue_server['id']]) == 0: session.add(Catalogue(name=catalogue_server['id'], url=catalogue_server['url'], publish=catalogue_server['publish'] == 'yes', workspace=workspace) ) for cat in workspace.catalogues: if len([x for x in ws_descriptor["catalogue_servers"] if x['id'] ==]) == 0: catalogue_server = {'id':, 'url': cat.url, 'publish': cat.publish} ws_descriptor['catalogue_servers'].append(catalogue_server) ws_descriptor['name'] = ws_descriptor['ns_schema_index'] = workspace.ns_schema_index ws_descriptor['vnf_schema_index'] = workspace.vnf_schema_index yaml.safe_dump(ws_descriptor, stream)
def createscan(specfile,outputfile): spec = yaml.load(open(specfile)) analysis_info =*spec['pubkey'].split('/')) if not analysis_info: raise click.ClickException('Analysis {} not known, import it first.'.format(spec['pubkey'])) scanrequest = recastapi.request.write.scan_request( analysis_info['id'], spec['title'], spec['description'], spec['reason'], spec['additional_information'] ) parnames = spec['parameters'] points = spec['points'] prlist, brlist = addpoints_to_scan(scanrequest['id'],spec['request_format'],parnames,points) yaml.safe_dump({ 'scan_id': scanrequest['id'], 'point_requests': prlist, 'basic_requests': brlist }, open(outputfile,'w'), default_flow_style = False )
def _setup_config_files(dst_dir,configs,post_process_config_file,fc_dir,sample_name="run",fc_date=None,fc_name=None): # Setup the data structure config_data_structure = {'details': configs} if fc_date is not None: config_data_structure['fc_date'] = fc_date if fc_name is not None: config_data_structure['fc_name'] = fc_name # Dump the config to file config_file = os.path.join(dst_dir,"%s-bcbb-config.yaml" % sample_name) with open(config_file,'w') as fh: fh.write(yaml.safe_dump(config_data_structure, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, width=1000)) # Copy post-process file with open(post_process_config_file) as fh: local_post_process = yaml.load(fh) # Update galaxy config to point to the original location local_post_process['galaxy_config'] = bcbio.utils.add_full_path(local_post_process['galaxy_config'],os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(post_process_config_file))) # Add job name and output paths to the cluster platform arguments if 'distributed' in local_post_process and 'platform_args' in local_post_process['distributed']: slurm_out = "%s-bcbb.log" % sample_name local_post_process['distributed']['platform_args'] = "%s -J %s -o %s -D %s" % (local_post_process['distributed']['platform_args'], sample_name, slurm_out, dst_dir) local_post_process_file = os.path.join(dst_dir,"%s-post_process.yaml" % sample_name) with open(local_post_process_file,'w') as fh: fh.write(yaml.safe_dump(local_post_process, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, width=1000)) # Write the command for running the pipeline with the configuration files run_command_file = os.path.join(dst_dir,"%s-bcbb-command.txt" % sample_name) with open(run_command_file,"w") as fh: fh.write(" ".join([os.path.basename(__file__),"--only-run",os.path.basename(local_post_process_file), os.path.join("..",os.path.basename(dst_dir)), os.path.basename(config_file)])) fh.write("\n") return [os.path.basename(local_post_process_file), dst_dir, fc_dir, os.path.basename(config_file)]
def save(self): with, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(, f) with, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(self.repeat_data, f) if not self.alarm_on: self.schedule()
def main(args): import_data = yaml.safe_load(args.input) groups = {k['group']['name']:k['group'] for k in import_data if 'group' in k} programs = {k['program']['name']:k['program'] for k in import_data if 'program' in k} for group in groups.values(): group_dir = path.join(dirs.user_data_dir, 'groups') if not path.isdir(group_dir): os.makedirs(group_dir) group_path = path.join(group_dir, '%s.yaml' % group['name'])"Writing group %s to %s" % (group['name'], group_path)) with open(group_path, 'w') as gf: yaml.safe_dump(group, gf, default_flow_style=False) for program in programs.values(): program = make_definition(program) program_dir = path.join(dirs.user_data_dir, 'programs') if not path.isdir(program_dir): os.makedirs(program_dir) program_path = path.join(program_dir, '%s.yaml' % program['name'])"Writing program %s to %s" % (program['name'], program_path)) with open(program_path, 'w') as pf: yaml.safe_dump(program, pf, default_flow_style=False)
def do_execute_task(self, code): if not self.is_ansible_alive():"ansible is dead") self.do_shutdown(False) if self.helper is None: output = "No play found. Run a valid play cell" stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'text': str(output)} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content) return { 'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {} } self.registered_variable = None self.current_task = code try: code_data = yaml.load(code) except Exception: code_data = code logger.debug('code_data %s', code_data) logger.debug('code_data type: %s', type(code_data)) if isinstance(code_data, str): if (code_data.endswith("?")): module = code_data[:-1].split()[-1] else: module = code_data.split()[-1] data = self.get_module_doc(module) payload = dict(source='', data=data) logging.debug('payload %s', payload) # content = {'name': 'stdout', 'text': str(payload)} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'display_data', payload) return { 'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {} } elif isinstance(code_data, list): code_data = code_data[0] elif isinstance(code_data, dict): code_data = code_data elif code_data is None: return { 'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {} } else: logger.error('code_data %s unsupported type', type(code_data)) if not isinstance(code_data, dict): try: code_data = yaml.load(code) tb = [] except Exception: tb = traceback.format_exc(1).splitlines() reply = { 'status': 'error', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}, 'traceback': ['Invalid task cell\n'] + tb, 'ename': 'Invalid cell', 'evalue': '' } self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'error', reply, ident=self._topic('error')) return reply if 'include_role' in code_data.keys(): role_name = code_data['include_role'].get('name', '') if '.' in role_name: self.get_galaxy_role(role_name) if 'register' in code_data.keys(): self.registered_variable = code_data['register'] interrupted = False try: tasks = [] current_task_data = yaml.load(self.current_task) current_task_data['ignore_errors'] = True tasks.append(current_task_data) tasks.append({ 'pause_for_kernel': { 'host': '', 'port': self.helper.pause_socket_port, 'task_num': self.tasks_counter } }) self.process_widgets() tasks.append({'include_vars': {'file': 'widget_vars.yml'}}) # Create the include file task to look for the future task tasks.append({ 'include_tasks': 'next_task{0}.yml'.format(self.tasks_counter + 1) }) logger.debug(yaml.safe_dump(tasks, default_flow_style=False)) self.next_task_file = os.path.join( self.temp_dir, 'project', 'next_task{0}.yml'.format(self.tasks_counter)) self.tasks_counter += 1 self.task_files.append(self.next_task_file) with open(self.next_task_file, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.safe_dump(tasks, default_flow_style=False))'Wrote %s', self.next_task_file) self.helper.pause_socket.send_string('Proceed') while True:"getting message %s", self.helper.pause_socket_port) msg = self.queue.get() if isinstance(msg, StatusMessage): if self.process_message(msg.message): break elif isinstance(msg, TaskCompletionMessage):'msg.task_num %s tasks_counter %s', msg.task_num, self.tasks_counter) break except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if interrupted: return {'status': 'abort', 'execution_count': self.execution_count} return { 'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': self.execution_count, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {} }
def write_yaml(file, data): file.write(yaml.safe_dump(data, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True))
def _write_cache(cache, cache_file): with open(cache_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(cache, out_handle, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False)
data['weight'] = pokemon.weight data['learnset'] = [] for pokemon_move in session.query(tables.PokemonMove).filter(tables.PokemonMove.pokemon==pokemon, tables.PokemonMove.version_group==version, tables.PokemonMove.level > 0): data['learnset'].append([pokemon_move.level, pokemon_move.move_id]) data['learnset'].sort() moveset = set() for pokemon_move in session.query(tables.PokemonMove).filter(tables.PokemonMove.pokemon==pokemon).all(): moveset.add(pokemon_move.move_id) data['moveset'] = list(moveset) data['stats'] = [] for i in range(6): data['stats'].append(pokemon.stats[i].base_stat) data['type0'] = pokemon.types[0].identifier data['type1'] = pokemon.types[1].identifier if len(pokemon.types) > 1 else None mons[data['id']] = data #print data['id'], data['name'] print 'Got pokemon' evolution_chains = [] for evolution_chain in session.query(tables.EvolutionChain): s = [ for species in evolution_chain.species] evolution_chains.append(s) print 'Got evolution chains' open('minidex.yaml', 'w').write(yaml.safe_dump( {'pokemon': mons, 'evolution_chains': evolution_chains})) # safe_dump to avoid !!python/unicode
def _yaml(self, sections): self._deriveConfig() dd = {k: v for k, v in self.config.items() if k in sections} return yaml.safe_dump(dd, default_flow_style=False)
def save(self): with open(self.fname, 'w') as yamlFile: yamlFile.write( yaml.safe_dump(self.config, default_flow_style=False)) chmod(self.fname, 0660)
def write_config(params, filepath): with open(filepath, 'w') as outputfile: yaml.safe_dump(params, outputfile, default_flow_style=False)
def rev_train_cls(self): # Get generator from adversarial training self._load_adv(load_disc=False, load_opt_d=False) yaml_path = os.path.join(self.BASE_PATH, 'data.yml') with open(yaml_path, 'r') as yamlfile: cur_yaml = yaml.safe_load(yamlfile) print('Test BNet acc:', cur_yaml['accuracies']['bnet_cls_acc']) print('Test feat vecs acc:', cur_yaml['accuracies']['gen_cls_acc']) self._load_class_feat_vecs(self.CLASS_FEAT_OLD_VECS_PATH) self.gen.eval() self.disc.train() for epoch in range(self.cls_epochs): _loss_cls = 0. for batch_idx, (feat_vec, targets) in enumerate( tqdm(self.train_feat_vecs_loader)): feat_vec, targets =, self.device, dtype=torch.long) self.cls_optimizer.zero_grad() gen_targets_ohe = F.one_hot(targets, num_classes=self.classes_count).to( self.device) gen_feat_maps = self.gen(feat_vec, gen_targets_ohe) feats, logits_cls, _ = self.disc(gen_feat_maps.detach()) # Only train discriminator on classification # No adversarial training here loss_cls = self.cls_criterion(logits_cls, targets.long()) loss_cls.backward() self.cls_optimizer.step() _loss_cls += loss_cls.item() if batch_idx % 100 == 99: # print every 100 mini-batches print( '\n\n[REV CLS TRAINING] EPOCH %d, MINI-BATCH %5d LR: %f loss: %.5f' % (epoch + 1, batch_idx + 1, self._get_lr(self.cls_optimizer), _loss_cls / 100)) _loss_cls = 0.0 # self.cls_optimizer.step() print("BNET FEATURE MAP CLS ACC:", self._get_disc_cls_acc()) print("DISC FEATURE VECTORS CLS ACC:", self._get_disc_cls_acc_gen()) print("*** Finished training discriminator for classification.") # Check and log discriminator classification accuracy bnet_acc = self._get_disc_cls_acc() feat_vec_acc = self._get_disc_cls_acc_gen() print("BASE-NET FEATURE MAPS CLS ACC:", bnet_acc) print("DISC FEATURE VECTORS CLS ACC:", feat_vec_acc) acc_data = { 'rev_train_cls': { 'rev_bnet_cls_acc': bnet_acc, 'rev_gen_cls_acc': feat_vec_acc, 'cls_lr': self.cls_lr, 'disc': self.disc_type } } yaml_path = os.path.join(self.BASE_PATH, 'data.yml') with open(yaml_path, 'r') as yamlfile: cur_yaml = yaml.safe_load(yamlfile) cur_yaml.update(acc_data) if cur_yaml: with open(yaml_path, 'w') as yamlfile: yaml.safe_dump(cur_yaml, yamlfile) # Also note the safe_dump
method_dict[method]['params'][param_name]['description'] = param_description method_dict[method]['params'][param_name]['required'] = required method_dict[method]['params'][param_name]['default'] = default method_dict[method]['params'][param_name]['type'] = param_type time.sleep(1) for method in method_dict: file_name = 'actions/%s.yaml' % method output_dict = { 'name': method, 'runner_type': 'run-python', 'enabled': True, 'entry_point': '', 'description': method_dict[method]['description'], 'parameters': {} } for param in method_dict[method]['params']: if param == 'token': method_dict[method]['params'][param]['required'] = False output_dict['parameters'][param] = {'type': method_dict[method]['params'][param]['type']} if method_dict[method]['params'][param]['default'] is not None: output_dict['parameters'][param]['default'] = method_dict[method]['params'][param]['default'] output_dict['parameters'][param]['required'] = method_dict[method]['params'][param]['required'] output_dict['parameters'][param]['description'] = method_dict[method]['params'][param]['description'] print yaml.safe_dump(output_dict, default_flow_style=False) fh = open(file_name, 'w') fh.write(yaml.safe_dump(output_dict, default_flow_style=False)) fh.close()
def save_model( fastai_learner, path, conda_env=None, mlflow_model=None, signature: ModelSignature = None, input_example: ModelInputExample = None, **kwargs ): """ Save a fastai Learner to a path on the local file system. :param fastai_learner: fastai Learner to be saved. :param path: Local path where the model is to be saved. :param conda_env: Either a dictionary representation of a Conda environment or the path to a Conda environment yaml file. If provided, this describes the environment this model should be run in. At minimum, it should specify the dependencies contained in :func:`get_default_conda_env()`. If ``None``, the default :func:`get_default_conda_env()` environment is added to the model. The following is an *example* dictionary representation of a Conda environment:: { 'name': 'mlflow-env', 'channels': ['defaults'], 'dependencies': [ 'python=3.7.0', 'fastai=1.0.60', ] } :param mlflow_model: MLflow model config this flavor is being added to. :param signature: (Experimental) :py:class:`ModelSignature <mlflow.models.ModelSignature>` describes model input and output :py:class:`Schema <mlflow.types.Schema>`. The model signature can be :py:func:`inferred <mlflow.models.infer_signature>` from datasets with valid model input (e.g. the training dataset with target column omitted) and valid model output (e.g. model predictions generated on the training dataset), for example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.models.signature import infer_signature train = df.drop_column("target_label") predictions = ... # compute model predictions signature = infer_signature(train, predictions) :param input_example: (Experimental) Input example provides one or several instances of valid model input. The example can be used as a hint of what data to feed the model. The given example will be converted to a Pandas DataFrame and then serialized to json using the Pandas split-oriented format. Bytes are base64-encoded. :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to ```` method. """ import fastai from pathlib import Path path = os.path.abspath(path) if os.path.exists(path): raise MlflowException("Path '{}' already exists".format(path)) model_data_subpath = "model.fastai" model_data_path = os.path.join(path, model_data_subpath) model_data_path = Path(model_data_path) os.makedirs(path) if mlflow_model is None: mlflow_model = Model() if signature is not None: mlflow_model.signature = signature if input_example is not None: _save_example(mlflow_model, input_example, path) # Save an Learner fastai_learner.export(model_data_path, **kwargs) conda_env_subpath = "conda.yaml" if conda_env is None: conda_env = get_default_conda_env() elif not isinstance(conda_env, dict): with open(conda_env, "r") as f: conda_env = yaml.safe_load(f) with open(os.path.join(path, conda_env_subpath), "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(conda_env, stream=f, default_flow_style=False) pyfunc.add_to_model( mlflow_model, loader_module="mlflow.fastai", data=model_data_subpath, env=conda_env_subpath ) mlflow_model.add_flavor(FLAVOR_NAME, fastai_version=fastai.__version__, data=model_data_subpath), MLMODEL_FILE_NAME))
def export_datasource_schema(back_references): """Export datasource YAML schema to stdout""" data = dict_import_export.export_schema_to_dict( back_references=back_references) yaml.safe_dump(data, stdout, default_flow_style=False)
def to_yaml(obj): return yaml.safe_dump(obj, default_flow_style=False)
def _merge_target_information(samples): metrics_dir = utils.safe_makedir("metrics") out_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(metrics_dir, "target_info.yaml")) if utils.file_exists(out_file): return samples genomes = set(dd.get_genome_build(data) for data in samples) coverage_beds = set(dd.get_coverage(data) for data in samples) original_variant_regions = set(dd.get_variant_regions_orig(data) for data in samples) data = samples[0] info = {} # Reporting in MultiQC only if the genome is the same across all samples if len(genomes) == 1: info["genome_info"] = { "name": dd.get_genome_build(data), "size": sum([c.size for c in ref.file_contigs(dd.get_ref_file(data), data["config"])]), } # Reporting in MultiQC only if the target is the same across all samples vcr_orig = None if len(original_variant_regions) == 1 and list(original_variant_regions)[0] is not None: vcr_orig = list(original_variant_regions)[0] vcr_clean = bedutils.clean_file(vcr_orig, data) info["variants_regions_info"] = { "bed": vcr_orig, "size": sum(len(x) for x in pybedtools.BedTool(dd.get_variant_regions_merged(data))), "regions": pybedtools.BedTool(vcr_clean).count(), } gene_num = annotate.count_genes(vcr_clean, data) if gene_num is not None: info["variants_regions_info"]["genes"] = gene_num else: info["variants_regions_info"] = { "bed": "callable regions", } # Reporting in MultiQC only if the target is the same across samples if len(coverage_beds) == 1: cov_bed = list(coverage_beds)[0] if cov_bed not in [None, "None"]: if vcr_orig and vcr_orig == cov_bed: info["coverage_bed_info"] = info["variants_regions_info"] else: clean_bed = bedutils.clean_file(cov_bed, data, prefix="cov-", simple=True) info["coverage_bed_info"] = { "bed": cov_bed, "size": pybedtools.BedTool(cov_bed).total_coverage(), "regions": pybedtools.BedTool(clean_bed).count(), } gene_num = annotate.count_genes(clean_bed, data) if gene_num is not None: info["coverage_bed_info"]["genes"] = gene_num else: info["coverage_bed_info"] = info["variants_regions_info"] coverage_intervals = set(data["config"]["algorithm"]["coverage_interval"] for data in samples) if len(coverage_intervals) == 1: info["coverage_interval"] = list(coverage_intervals)[0] if info: with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle: yaml.safe_dump(info, out_handle) return samples
def generate_deployment_yaml( token: str = None, api: str = None, namespace: str = None, image_pull_secrets: str = None, resource_manager_enabled: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Generate and output an installable YAML spec for the agent. Args: - token (str, optional): A `RUNNER` token to give the agent - api (str, optional): A URL pointing to the Prefect API. Defaults to `` - namespace (str, optional): The namespace to create Prefect jobs in. Defaults to `default` - image_pull_secrets (str, optional): The name of an image pull secret to use for Prefect jobs - resource_manager_enabled (bool, optional): Whether to include the resource manager as part of the YAML. Defaults to `False` Returns: - str: A string representation of the generated YAML """ # Use defaults if not provided token = token or "" api = api or "" namespace = namespace or "default" version = prefect.__version__.split("+") image_version = "latest" if len(version) > 1 else version[0] with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "deployment.yaml"), "r") as deployment_file: deployment = yaml.safe_load(deployment_file) agent_env = deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0][ "env"] agent_env[0]["value"] = token agent_env[1]["value"] = api agent_env[2]["value"] = namespace # Use local prefect version for image deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0][ "image"] = "prefecthq/prefect:{}".format(image_version) # Populate resource manager if requested if resource_manager_enabled: resource_manager_env = deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"][ "containers"][1]["env"] resource_manager_env[0]["value"] = token resource_manager_env[1]["value"] = api resource_manager_env[3]["value"] = namespace # Use local prefect version for image deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][1][ "image"] = "prefecthq/prefect:{}".format(image_version) else: del deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][1] # Populate image pull secrets if provided if image_pull_secrets: agent_env = deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"][ "imagePullSecrets"][0]["name"] = image_pull_secrets else: del deployment["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["imagePullSecrets"] return yaml.safe_dump(deployment)
def _dump(self): return yaml.safe_dump(self.inventory, default_flow_style=False)
def yaml_dump_(context, data): return yaml.safe_dump(data, default_flow_style=False)
def DEPLOY(self, request): nodes = request["nodes"] topology = request["topology"] inventory_file = self.deploy_base + "inventory.yml" ansible_become_pass = "******" self.PUBLISH(request, deploy=True) inventory = { 'deploy_routers': { 'vars': { 'topology': topology }, 'hosts': {} } } hosts = inventory['deploy_routers']['hosts'] for node in nodes: if node['cls'] == 'router': host = node['host'] if not host in hosts: hosts[host] = {'nodes': [], 'create_console': False} # if any of the nodes for this host has a console, set create_console for this host to true hosts[host]['create_console'] = (hosts[host]['create_console'] or self.has_console(node)) hosts[host]['nodes'].append(node['name']) # pass in the password for eash host if provided if request.get(ansible_become_pass + "_" + host): hosts[host][ansible_become_pass] = request.get( ansible_become_pass + "_" + host) # local hosts need to be marked as such if host in ('', 'localhost', ''): hosts[host]['ansible_connection'] = 'local' with open(inventory_file, 'w') as n: yaml.safe_dump(inventory, n, default_flow_style=False) # start ansible-playbook in separate thread so we don't have to wait and can still get a callback when done def popenCallback(callback, args): def popen(callback, args): # send all output to deploy.txt so we can send it to the console in DEPLOY_STATUS with open(self.deploy_file, 'w') as fout: proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=fout, stderr=fout) proc.wait() callback(proc.returncode) return thread = threading.Thread(target=popen, args=(callback, args)) thread.start() def ansible_done(returncode): os.remove(inventory_file) if self.verbose: print "-------------- DEPLOYMENT DONE with return code", returncode, "------------" if returncode: self.state = returncode else: self.state = "DONE" self.state = "DEPLOYING" popenCallback(ansible_done, [ 'ansible-playbook', self.deploy_base + 'install_dispatch.yaml', '-i', inventory_file ]) return "deployment started"
def generate(self, sigmaparser): # Take the log source information and figure out which set of mappings to use. ruleConfig = sigmaparser.parsedyaml ls_rule = ruleConfig['logsource'] try: category = ls_rule['category'] except KeyError: category = "" try: product = ls_rule['product'] except KeyError: product = "" # try: # service = ls_rule['service'] # except KeyError: # service = "" # If there is a timeframe component, we do not currently # support it for now. if ruleConfig.get('detection', {}).get('timeframe', None) is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Timeframes are not supported by backend.") # Don't use service for now, most Windows Event Logs # uses a different service with no category, since we # treat all Windows Event Logs together we can ignore # the service. service = "" # See if we have a definition for the source combination. mappingKey = "%s/%s/%s" % (product, category, service) topFilter, preCond, mappings, isAllStringValues, keywordField, postOpMapper = _allFieldMappings.get( self.lc_target, {}).get(mappingKey, tuple([None, None, None, None, None, None])) if mappings is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Log source %s/%s/%s not supported by backend." % (product, category, service)) # Field name conversions. self._fieldMappingInEffect = mappings # LC event type pre-selector for the type of data. self._preCondition = preCond # Are all the values treated as strings? self._isAllStringValues = isAllStringValues # Are we supporting keywords full text search? self._keywordField = keywordField # Call to fixup all operations after the fact. self._postOpMapper = postOpMapper # Call the original generation code. detectComponent = super().generate(sigmaparser) # We expect a string (yaml) as output, so if # we get anything else we assume it's a core # library value and just return it as-is. if not isinstance(detectComponent, str): return detectComponent # This redundant to deserialize it right after # generating the yaml, but we try to use the parent # official class code as much as possible for future # compatibility. detectComponent = yaml.safe_load(detectComponent) # Check that we got a proper node and not just a string # which we don't really know what to do with. if not isinstance(detectComponent, dict): raise NotImplementedError("Selection combination not supported.") # Apply top level filter. detectComponent.update(topFilter) # Now prepare the Response component. respondComponents = [{ "action": "report", "name": ruleConfig["title"], }] # Add a lot of the metadata available to the report. if ruleConfig.get("tags", None) is not None: respondComponents[0].setdefault("metadata", {})["tags"] = ruleConfig["tags"] if ruleConfig.get("description", None) is not None: respondComponents[0].setdefault( "metadata", {})["description"] = ruleConfig["description"] if ruleConfig.get("references", None) is not None: respondComponents[0].setdefault( "metadata", {})["references"] = ruleConfig["references"] if ruleConfig.get("level", None) is not None: respondComponents[0].setdefault("metadata", {})["level"] = ruleConfig["level"] if ruleConfig.get("author", None) is not None: respondComponents[0].setdefault( "metadata", {})["author"] = ruleConfig["author"] if ruleConfig.get("falsepositives", None) is not None: respondComponents[0].setdefault( "metadata", {})["falsepositives"] = ruleConfig["falsepositives"] # Assemble it all as a single, complete D&R rule. return yaml.safe_dump( { "detect": detectComponent, "respond": respondComponents, }, default_flow_style=False)
def create_mes(self, context, mes): """Create MES and corresponding MEAs. :param mes: mes dict which contains mesd_id and attributes This method has 2 steps: step-1: Call MEO API to create MEAs step-2: Call Tacker drivers to create NSs """ mes_info = mes['mes'] name = mes_info['name'] mes_info['mes_mapping'] = dict() if mes_info.get('mesd_template'): mesd_name = utils.generate_resource_name(name, 'inline') mesd = {'mesd': { 'attributes': {'mesd': mes_info['mesd_template']}, 'description': mes_info['description'], 'name': mesd_name, 'template_source': 'inline', 'tenant_id': mes_info['tenant_id']}} mes_info['mesd_id'] = self.create_mesd(context, mesd).get('id') mesd = self.get_mesd(context, mes['mes']['mesd_id']) mesd_dict = yaml.safe_load(mesd['attributes']['mesd']) meo_plugin = manager.ApmecManager.get_service_plugins()['MEO'] region_name = mes.setdefault('placement_attr', {}).get( 'region_name', None) vim_res = self.vim_client.get_vim(context, mes['mes']['vim_id'], region_name) # driver_type = vim_res['vim_type'] if not mes['mes']['vim_id']: mes['mes']['vim_id'] = vim_res['vim_id'] ########################################## # Detect MANO driver here: # Defined in the Tosca template nfv_driver = None if mesd_dict['imports'].get('nsds'): nfv_driver = mesd_dict['imports']['nsds']['nfv_driver'] nfv_driver = nfv_driver.lower() if mesd_dict['imports'].get('vnffgds'): nfv_driver = mesd_dict['imports']['vnffgds']['nfv_driver'] nfv_driver = nfv_driver.lower() ########################################## def _find_vnf_ins(cd_mes): al_ns_id_list = cd_mes['mes_mapping'].get('NS') if not al_ns_id_list: return None, None al_ns_id = al_ns_id_list[0] try: ns_instance = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'ns_get', ns_id=al_ns_id, auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) except Exception: return None, None if ns_instance['status'] != 'ACTIVE': return None, None al_vnf = ns_instance['vnf_ids'] al_vnf_dict = ast.literal_eval(al_vnf) return ns_instance['id'], al_vnf_dict def _run_meso_algorithm(req_vnf_list): is_accepted = False al_mes_list = self.get_mess(context) ns_candidate = dict() for al_mes in al_mes_list: ns_candidate[al_mes['id']] = dict() if al_mes['status'] != "ACTIVE": continue al_ns_id, al_vnf_dict = _find_vnf_ins(al_mes) if not al_ns_id: continue ns_candidate[al_mes['id']][al_ns_id] = dict() for req_vnf_dict in req_vnf_list: for vnf_name, al_vnf_id in al_vnf_dict.items(): if req_vnf_dict['name'] == vnf_name: # Todo: remember to change this with VM capacity len_diff =\ len([lend for lend in al_mes['reused'][vnf_name] if lend > 0]) avail = len_diff - req_vnf_dict['nf_ins'] ns_candidate[al_mes['id']][al_ns_id].\ update({vnf_name: avail}) ns_cds = dict() deep_ns = dict() for mesid, ns_data_dict in ns_candidate.items(): for nsid, resev_dict in ns_data_dict.items(): if len(resev_dict) == len(req_vnf_list): nf_ins_list =\ [nf_ins for nf_name, nf_ins in resev_dict.items() if nf_ins >= 0] if len(nf_ins_list) == len(req_vnf_list): total_ins = sum(nf_ins_list) ns_cds[mesid] = total_ins else: extra_nf_ins_list =\ [-nf_ins for nf_name, nf_ins in resev_dict.items() if nf_ins < 0] total_ins = sum(extra_nf_ins_list) deep_ns[mesid] = total_ins if ns_cds: selected_mes1 = min(ns_cds, key=ns_cds.get) is_accepted = True return is_accepted, selected_mes1, None if deep_ns: selected_mes2 = min(deep_ns, key=deep_ns.get) is_accepted = True return is_accepted, selected_mes2, ns_candidate[selected_mes2] return is_accepted, None, None build_nsd_dict = dict() if mesd_dict['imports'].get('nsds'): # For framework evaluation nsd_template = mesd_dict['imports']['nsds']['nsd_templates'] if isinstance(nsd_template, dict): if nsd_template.get('requirements'): req_nf_dict = nsd_template['requirements'] req_nf_list = list() for vnf_dict in req_nf_dict: # Todo: make the requests more natural req_nf_list.append( {'name': vnf_dict['name'], 'nf_ins': int(vnf_dict['vnfd_template'][5])}) is_accepted, cd_mes_id, cd_vnf_dict =\ _run_meso_algorithm(req_nf_list) if is_accepted: new_mesd_dict = dict() ref_mesd_dict = copy.deepcopy(mesd_dict) ref_mesd_dict['imports']['nsds']['nsd_templates']['requirements'] = \ req_nf_list new_mesd_dict['mes'] = dict() new_mesd_dict['mes'] =\ {'mesd_template': yaml.safe_dump(ref_mesd_dict)} self.update_mes(context, cd_mes_id, new_mesd_dict) return cd_mes_id else: # Create the inline NS with the following template import_list = list() node_dict = dict() for vnfd in req_nf_dict: import_list.append(vnfd['vnfd_template']) node = 'tosca.nodes.nfv.' + vnfd['name'] node_dict[vnfd['name']] = {'type': node} build_nsd_dict['tosca_definitions_version'] =\ 'tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0' build_nsd_dict['description'] = mes_info['description'] build_nsd_dict['imports'] = import_list build_nsd_dict['topology_template'] = dict() build_nsd_dict['topology_template']['node_templates'] =\ node_dict nsds = mesd['attributes'].get('nsds') mes_info['mes_mapping']['NS'] = list() if nsds: nsds_list = nsds.split('-') for nsd in nsds_list: ns_name = nsd + '-' + name + '-' + uuidutils.generate_uuid() # noqa nsd_instance = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, 'nsd_get_by_name', nsd_name=nsd, auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'],) if nsd_instance: ns_arg = {'ns': {'nsd_id': nsd_instance['id'], 'name': ns_name}} ns_id = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'ns_create', ns_dict=ns_arg, auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) mes_info['mes_mapping']['NS'].append(ns_id) if build_nsd_dict: ns_name = 'nsd' + name + '-' + uuidutils.generate_uuid() ns_arg = {'ns': {'nsd_template': build_nsd_dict, 'name': ns_name, 'description': mes_info['description'], 'vim_id': '', 'tenant_id': mes_info['tenant_id'], 'attributes': {}}} ns_id = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'ns_create', ns_dict=ns_arg, auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) mes_info['mes_mapping']['NS'].append(ns_id) vnffgds = mesd['attributes'].get('vnffgds') if mesd_dict['imports'].get('vnffgds'): vnffgds_list = vnffgds.split('-') mes_info['mes_mapping']['VNFFG'] = list() for vnffgd in vnffgds_list: vnffg_name = vnffgds + '-' + name + '-' + uuidutils.generate_uuid() # noqa vnffgd_instance = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'vnffgd_get_by_name', vnffgd_name=vnffgd, auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) if vnffgd_instance: vnffg_arg = {'vnffg': {'vnffgd_id': vnffgd_instance['id'], 'name': vnffg_name}} # noqa vnffg_id = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'vnffg_create', vnffg_dict=vnffg_arg, auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) mes_info['mes_mapping']['VNFFG'].append(vnffg_id) # meca_id = dict() # Create MEAs using MEO APIs try: meca_name = 'meca' + '-' + name + '-' + uuidutils.generate_uuid() # Separate the imports out from template mead_tpl_dict = dict() mead_tpl_dict['imports'] =\ mesd_dict['imports']['meads']['mead_templates'] mecad_dict = copy.deepcopy(mesd_dict) mecad_dict.pop('imports') mecad_dict.update(mead_tpl_dict) LOG.debug('mesd %s', mecad_dict) meca_arg = {'meca': {'mecad_template': mecad_dict, 'name': meca_name, # noqa 'description': mes_info['description'], 'tenant_id': mes_info['tenant_id'], 'vim_id': mes_info['vim_id'], 'attributes': {}}} meca_dict = meo_plugin.create_meca(context, meca_arg) mes_info['mes_mapping']['MECA'] = meca_dict['id'] except Exception as e: LOG.error('Error while creating the MECAs: %s', e) # Call Tacker client driver mes_dict = super(MesoPlugin, self).create_mes(context, mes) def _create_mes_wait(self_obj, mes_id): args = dict() mes_status = "ACTIVE" ns_status = "PENDING_CREATE" vnffg_status = "PENDING_CREATE" mec_status = "PENDING_CREATE" ns_retries = NS_RETRIES mec_retries = MEC_RETRIES vnffg_retries = VNFFG_RETRIES mes_mapping = self.get_mes(context, mes_id)['mes_mapping'] # Check MECA meca_id = mes_mapping['MECA'] while mec_status == "PENDING_CREATE" and mec_retries > 0: time.sleep(MEC_RETRY_WAIT) mec_status = meo_plugin.get_meca(context, meca_id)['status'] LOG.debug('status: %s', mec_status) if mec_status == 'ACTIVE' or mec_status == 'ERROR': break mec_retries = mec_retries - 1 error_reason = None if mec_retries == 0 and mec_status == 'PENDING_CREATE': error_reason = _( "MES creation is not completed within" " {wait} seconds as creation of MECA").format( wait=MEC_RETRIES * MEC_RETRY_WAIT) # Check NS/VNFFG status if mes_mapping.get('NS'): ns_list = mes_mapping['NS'] while ns_status == "PENDING_CREATE" and ns_retries > 0: time.sleep(NS_RETRY_WAIT) # Todo: support multiple NSs ns_instance = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'ns_get', ns_id=ns_list[0], auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) ns_status = ns_instance['status'] LOG.debug('status: %s', ns_status) if ns_status == 'ACTIVE' or ns_status == 'ERROR': break ns_retries = ns_retries - 1 error_reason = None if ns_retries == 0 and ns_status == 'PENDING_CREATE': error_reason = _( "MES creation is not completed within" " {wait} seconds as creation of NS(s)").format( wait=NS_RETRIES * NS_RETRY_WAIT) # Determine args ns_cd = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'ns_get', ns_id=ns_list[0], auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) ns_instance_dict = ns_cd['mgmt_urls'] ns_instance_list = ast.literal_eval(ns_instance_dict) args['NS'] = dict() for vnf_name, mgmt_url_list in ns_instance_list.items(): # Todo: remember to change this with VM capacity vm_capacity = VM_CAPA[vnf_name] orig = [vm_capacity] * len(mgmt_url_list) args['NS'][vnf_name] = [(val - 1) for val in orig] if mes_mapping.get('VNFFG'): while vnffg_status == "PENDING_CREATE" and vnffg_retries > 0: time.sleep(VNFFG_RETRY_WAIT) vnffg_list = mes_mapping['VNFFG'] # Todo: support multiple VNFFGs vnffg_instance = self._nfv_drivers.invoke( nfv_driver, # How to tell it is Tacker 'vnffg_get', vnffg_id=vnffg_list[0], auth_attr=vim_res['vim_auth'], ) vnffg_status = vnffg_instance['status'] LOG.debug('status: %s', vnffg_status) if vnffg_status == 'ACTIVE' or vnffg_status == 'ERROR': break vnffg_retries = vnffg_retries - 1 error_reason = None if vnffg_retries == 0 and vnffg_status == 'PENDING_CREATE': error_reason = _( "MES creation is not completed within" " {wait} seconds as creation of VNFFG(s)").format( wait=VNFFG_RETRIES * VNFFG_RETRY_WAIT) if mec_status == "ERROR" or ns_status == "ERROR" or vnffg_status == "ERROR": # noqa mes_status = "ERROR" if error_reason: mes_status = "PENDING_CREATE" super(MesoPlugin, self).create_mes_post(context, mes_id, mes_status, error_reason, args) # noqa self.spawn_n(_create_mes_wait, self, mes_dict['id']) return mes_dict
def load(self): if not os.path.exists(self.filename): try: # could use Python 3 exclusive creation open(file, 'x'), but.. self.fd = open(self.filename, 'w') fcntl.flock(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError as _e: logger.warning("Race condition hit creating Inventory " "file: {}".format(_e)) else: try: self.fd.write( yaml.safe_dump( AnsibleInventory.inventory_seed, # noqa default_flow_style=False)) fcntl.flock(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) except IOError as _e: raise InventoryWriteError( "Seeding inventory failed: {}".format(_e)) # noqa finally: self.fd.close() try: if self.exclusive_lock: locked = False self.fd = open(self.filename, 'r+') num_retries = 5 for _d in range(num_retries): try: self.lock() except IOError as _e: # Can't obtain an exclusive_lock logger.warning("Unable to lock inventory (attempt " "{}/{}): {}".format( _d + 1, num_retries, _e)) time.sleep(.05) # wait 50ms before retry else: locked = True raw = break if not locked: self.fd.close() return else: raw = fread(self.filename) except Exception as ex: raise InventoryreadError("Unable to read the inventory file at " "{}, error: {}".format(self.filename, ex)) if not raw: # If the inventory is empty for some extrange reason self.inventory = None else: # invalid yaml management try: self.inventory = yaml.safe_load(raw) except yaml.YAMLError as ex: raise InventoryCorruptError( "Unable to understand the inventory" " yaml file at {}, error: {}".format(self.filename, ex))
def _save_model_with_class_artifacts_params( path, python_model, artifacts=None, conda_env=None, code_paths=None, mlflow_model=Model(), protocol=None, ): """ :param path: The path to which to save the Python model. :param python_model: An instance of a subclass of :class:`~PythonModel`. ``python_model`` defines how the model loads artifacts and how it performs inference. :param artifacts: A dictionary containing ``<name, artifact_uri>`` entries. Remote artifact URIs are resolved to absolute filesystem paths, producing a dictionary of ``<name, absolute_path>`` entries. ``python_model`` can reference these resolved entries as the ``artifacts`` property of the ``context`` attribute. If ``None``, no artifacts are added to the model. :param conda_env: Either a dictionary representation of a Conda environment or the path to a Conda environment yaml file. If provided, this decsribes the environment this model should be run in. At minimum, it should specify the dependencies contained in :func:`get_default_conda_env()`. If ``None``, the default :func:`get_default_conda_env()` environment is added to the model. :param code_paths: A list of local filesystem paths to Python file dependencies (or directories containing file dependencies). These files are *prepended* to the system path before the model is loaded. :param mlflow_model: The model configuration to which to add the ``mlflow.pyfunc`` flavor. :param protocol: The pickle protocol version. If ``None``, the default protocol version from cloudpickle will be used. """ custom_model_config_kwargs = { CONFIG_KEY_CLOUDPICKLE_VERSION: cloudpickle.__version__, } if isinstance(python_model, PythonModel): saved_python_model_subpath = "python_model.pkl" with open(os.path.join(path, saved_python_model_subpath), "wb") as out: cloudpickle.dump(python_model, out, protocol) custom_model_config_kwargs[ CONFIG_KEY_PYTHON_MODEL] = saved_python_model_subpath else: raise MlflowException( message= ("`python_model` must be a subclass of `PythonModel`. Instead, found an" " object of type: {python_model_type}".format( python_model_type=type(python_model))), error_code=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) if artifacts: saved_artifacts_config = {} with TempDir() as tmp_artifacts_dir: tmp_artifacts_config = {} saved_artifacts_dir_subpath = "artifacts" for artifact_name, artifact_uri in artifacts.items(): tmp_artifact_path = _download_artifact_from_uri( artifact_uri=artifact_uri, output_path=tmp_artifacts_dir.path()) tmp_artifacts_config[artifact_name] = tmp_artifact_path saved_artifact_subpath = posixpath.join( saved_artifacts_dir_subpath, os.path.relpath(path=tmp_artifact_path, start=tmp_artifacts_dir.path()), ) saved_artifacts_config[artifact_name] = { CONFIG_KEY_ARTIFACT_RELATIVE_PATH: saved_artifact_subpath, CONFIG_KEY_ARTIFACT_URI: artifact_uri, } shutil.move(tmp_artifacts_dir.path(), os.path.join(path, saved_artifacts_dir_subpath)) custom_model_config_kwargs[ CONFIG_KEY_ARTIFACTS] = saved_artifacts_config conda_env_subpath = "conda.yaml" if conda_env is None: conda_env = get_default_conda_env() elif not isinstance(conda_env, dict): with open(conda_env, "r") as f: conda_env = yaml.safe_load(f) with open(os.path.join(path, conda_env_subpath), "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(conda_env, stream=f, default_flow_style=False) saved_code_subpath = None if code_paths is not None: saved_code_subpath = "code" for code_path in code_paths: _copy_file_or_tree(src=code_path, dst=path, dst_dir=saved_code_subpath) mlflow.pyfunc.add_to_model(model=mlflow_model, loader_module=__name__, code=saved_code_subpath, env=conda_env_subpath, **custom_model_config_kwargs), MLMODEL_FILE_NAME))
jujuEnv = sys.argv[3] csarDir = 'csar' charmsDir = 'charms' charmSeries = 'precise' # for now this has to be a valid name for a Ubuntu series # Transform TOSCA service template into a charm-based model transformer = ModelTransformer(csarFile, csarDir, serviceTpl) model = transformer.transform() # Print model print ' ' print '------------------------------------' print ' ' print yaml.safe_dump(model, default_flow_style=False) # Build charms charmGen = CharmGenerator(csarDir, model, charmsDir, charmSeries) charmGen.generate() # Generate commands cmdGen = CommandGenerator(model, charmsDir, charmSeries, jujuEnv) commands = cmdGen.generate() print '------------------------------------' for cmd in commands: # Print command printCmd = '\n' for arg in cmd:
def import_from_dict( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches,too-many-locals cls, session: Session, dict_rep: Dict[Any, Any], parent: Optional[Any] = None, recursive: bool = True, sync: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Any: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches """Import obj from a dictionary""" if sync is None: sync = [] parent_refs = cls.parent_foreign_key_mappings() export_fields = set(cls.export_fields) | set(parent_refs.keys()) new_children = { c: dict_rep[c] for c in cls.export_children if c in dict_rep } unique_constrains = cls._unique_constrains() filters = [] # Using these filters to check if obj already exists # Remove fields that should not get imported for k in list(dict_rep): if k not in export_fields: del dict_rep[k] if not parent: if cls.export_parent: for prnt in parent_refs.keys(): if prnt not in dict_rep: raise RuntimeError("{0}: Missing field {1}".format( cls.__name__, prnt)) else: # Set foreign keys to parent obj for k, v in parent_refs.items(): dict_rep[k] = getattr(parent, v) # Add filter for parent obj filters.extend( [getattr(cls, k) == dict_rep.get(k) for k in parent_refs.keys()]) # Add filter for unique constraints ucs = [ and_(*[ getattr(cls, k) == dict_rep.get(k) for k in cs if dict_rep.get(k) is not None ]) for cs in unique_constrains ] filters.append(or_(*ucs)) # Check if object already exists in DB, break if more than one is found try: obj_query = session.query(cls).filter(and_(*filters)) obj = obj_query.one_or_none() except MultipleResultsFound as ex: logger.error( "Error importing %s \n %s \n %s", cls.__name__, str(obj_query), yaml.safe_dump(dict_rep), ) raise ex if not obj: is_new_obj = True # Create new DB object obj = cls(**dict_rep) # type: ignore"Importing new %s %s", obj.__tablename__, str(obj)) if cls.export_parent and parent: setattr(obj, cls.export_parent, parent) session.add(obj) else: is_new_obj = False"Updating %s %s", obj.__tablename__, str(obj)) # Update columns for k, v in dict_rep.items(): setattr(obj, k, v) # Recursively create children if recursive: for child in cls.export_children: child_class = cls.__mapper__.relationships[ child].argument.class_ added = [] for c_obj in new_children.get(child, []): added.append( child_class.import_from_dict(session=session, dict_rep=c_obj, parent=obj, sync=sync)) # If children should get synced, delete the ones that did not # get updated. if child in sync and not is_new_obj: back_refs = child_class.parent_foreign_key_mappings() delete_filters = [ getattr(child_class, k) == getattr(obj, back_refs.get(k)) for k in back_refs.keys() ] to_delete = set( session.query(child_class).filter( and_(*delete_filters))).difference(set(added)) for o in to_delete:"Deleting %s %s", child, str(obj)) session.delete(o) return obj
def get_yaml(config_obj): return yaml.safe_dump(config_obj, allow_unicode=True)
def _launch_refarch_env(self): with open(self.inventory_file, 'r') as f: print yaml.safe_dump(json.load(f), default_flow_style=False) if not self.args.no_confirm: if not click.confirm('Continue adding nodes with these values?'): sys.exit(0) tags = [] tags.append('setup') if self.byo_nfs == "False": tags.append('nfs') tags.append('prod') if self.byo_lb == "False": tags.append('haproxy') # Add section here to modify inventory file based on input from user check your vmmark scripts for parsing the file and adding the values for line in fileinput.input("inventory/vsphere/vms/vmware_inventory.ini", inplace=True): if line.startswith("server="): print "server=" + self.vcenter_host elif line.startswith("password="******"password="******"username="******"username="******",".join(tags) if self.clean is True: tags = 'clean' if self.tag: tags = self.tag if self.lb_ha_ip != '': self.lb_host = self.lb_ha_ip # grab the default priv key from the user" command='cp -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh_key/ocp-installer' os.system(command) # make sure the ssh keys have the proper permissions command='chmod 600 ssh_key/ocp-installer' os.system(command) for tag in tags.split(','): playbook = "playbooks/" + tag + ".yaml" tags = 'all' devnull='> /dev/null' if self.verbose > 0: devnull='' command='ansible-playbook --extra-vars "@./infrastructure.json" --tags %s -e \'vcenter_host=%s \ vcenter_username=%s \ vcenter_password=%s \ vcenter_template_name=%s \ vcenter_folder=%s \ vcenter_cluster=%s \ vcenter_datacenter=%s \ vcenter_datastore=%s \ vcenter_resource_pool=%s \ dns_zone=%s \ app_dns_prefix=%s \ vm_dns=%s \ vm_gw=%s \ vm_netmask=%s \ vm_network=%s \ wildcard_zone=%s \ console_port=%s \ cluster_id=%s \ deployment_type=%s \ openshift_vers=%s \ rhsm_user=%s \ rhsm_password=%s \ rhsm_satellite=%s \ rhsm_pool="%s" \ rhsm_katello_url="%s" \ rhsm_activation_key="%s" \ rhsm_org_id="%s" \ openshift_sdn=%s \ containerized=%s \ container_storage=%s \ openshift_hosted_metrics_deploy=%s \ lb_host=%s \ lb_ha_ip=%s \ nfs_host=%s \ nfs_registry_mountpoint=%s \' %s' % ( tags, self.vcenter_host, self.vcenter_username, self.vcenter_password, self.vcenter_template_name, self.vcenter_folder, self.vcenter_cluster, self.vcenter_datacenter, self.vcenter_datastore, self.vcenter_resource_pool, self.dns_zone, self.app_dns_prefix, self.vm_dns, self.vm_gw, self.vm_netmask, self.vm_network, self.wildcard_zone, self.console_port, self.cluster_id, self.deployment_type, self.openshift_vers, self.rhel_subscription_user, self.rhel_subscription_pass, self.rhel_subscription_server, self.rhel_subscription_pool, self.rhsm_katello_url, self.rhsm_activation_key, self.rhsm_org_id, self.openshift_sdn, self.containerized, self.container_storage, self.openshift_hosted_metrics_deploy, self.lb_host, self.lb_ha_ip, self.nfs_host, self.nfs_registry_mountpoint, playbook) if self.verbose > 0: command += " -vvvvvv" click.echo('We are running: %s' % command) status = os.system(command) if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0: return os.WEXITSTATUS(status) else: if self.clean is True: self._reset_ocp_vars()
def dump_yaml(cls, path): path1 = os.path.join(cls.Base_Path, path) with open(path1, "r+", encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml.safe_dump(f)
def deepcopy(item): return yaml.safe_load(yaml.safe_dump(item))
#!/usr/bin/python import yaml with open('data.yaml', 'r') as yamlfile: cur_yaml = yaml.safe_load(yamlfile) # Note the safe_load cur_yaml['bugs_tree'].update(new_yaml_data_dict) if cur_yaml: with open('data.yaml', 'w') as yamlfile: yaml.safe_dump(cur_yaml, yamlfile) # Also note the safe_dump
def saveCalibrationFile(ci, filename, cname): """ Save calibration data to a YAML file. This function writes the new calibration information to a YAML file, if possible. :param ci: `sensor_msgs/CameraInfo`_ to save. :param filename: local file to store data. :param cname: Camera name. :returns: True if able to save the data. """ # make sure the directory exists and the file is writable f = None try: f = open(filename, 'w') except IOError as e: if e.errno in set([errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM]): pass elif e.errno in set([errno.ENOENT]): # Find last slash in the name. The URL parser ensures # there is at least one '/', at the beginning. last_slash = filename.rfind('/') if last_slash < 0: rclpy.logging._root_logger.log( "filename [" + filename + "] has no '/'", rclpy.logging.LoggingSeverity.ERROR) #print("filename [" + filename + "] has no '/'") return False # not a valid URL # try to create the directory and all its parents dirname = filename[0:last_slash + 1] try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError: rclpy.logging._root_loggr.log( "unable to create path to directory [" + dirname + "]", rclpy.logging.LoggingSeverity.ERROR) #print("unable to create path to directory [" + dirname + "]") return False # try again to create the file try: f = open(filename, 'w') except IOError: pass if f is None: # something went wrong above? rclpy.logging._root_logger.log( "file [" + filename + "] not accessible", rclpy.logging.LoggingSeverity.ERROR) #print("file [" + filename + "] not accessible") return False # unable to write this file # make calibration dictionary from CameraInfo fields and camera name calib = { 'image_width': ci.width, 'image_height': ci.height, 'camera_name': cname, 'distortion_model': ci.distortion_model, 'distortion_coefficients': { 'data': ci.D, 'rows': 1, 'cols': len(ci.D) }, 'camera_matrix': { 'data': ci.K, 'rows': 3, 'cols': 3 }, 'rectification_matrix': { 'data': ci.R, 'rows': 3, 'cols': 3 }, 'projection_matrix': { 'data': ci.P, 'rows': 3, 'cols': 4 } } try: rc = yaml.safe_dump(calib, f) return True except IOError: return False # fail if unable to write file
def save_results(results): # Print data nicely for the user. if results: rows = results.get('rows') rank = 1 map = {} for row in rows: url = re.sub(r'.*(/distribution/[a-z0-9]+).*', r"\1", row[0]) if url in map: print 'adding for', url map[url] = map[url] + int(row[1]) else: map[url] = int(row[1]) map = OrderedDict(sorted(map.items(), key=itemgetter(0))) map = OrderedDict(sorted(map.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)) with open("../../_data/rank.yaml", "r") as file: final_result = yaml.load( if not final_result: print "No previous record found" final_result = { 'meta': { 'previous_date': None, 'current_date': }, 'distributions': [] } else: final_result['meta']['previous_date'] = final_result['meta'][ 'current_date'] final_result['meta']['current_date'] = ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') for url in map: distribution = None for d in final_result['distributions']: if d['url'] == url: distribution = d break if not distribution: distribution = {'url': url, 'previous': None, 'current': None} final_result['distributions'].append(distribution) distribution['previous'] = distribution['current'] distribution['current'] = {'rank': rank, 'count': map[url]} rank += 1 # ut.sort(key=lambda x: x.count, reverse=True) final_result['distributions'].sort(key=lambda x: x['current']['rank']) with open("../../_data/rank.yaml", "w") as file: file.write(yaml.safe_dump(final_result, default_flow_style=False)) print 'Done' else: print 'No results found'