예제 #1
class CurvePlotter(object):
    I do the plotting.
    N = 100
    width = 1400
    height = 1400

    Vgs = [0.0, 10.0]

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a Yampex Plotter object for a figure with two subplots.
        self.mList = []
        # Small MOSFET in an IC
        self.mList.append(MOSFET(2.5e-9, 5e17))
        # High-current Power MOSFET
        self.mList.append(MOSFET(4e-9, 2.7e19))
        # Plotter
        self.N_sp = len(self.mList)
        self.pt = Plotter(self.N_sp, width=self.width, height=self.height)

    def Vdsp_1(self, m, Vgs):
        Vgst = Vgs - m.VT
        return Vgst / m.n(Vgs)

    def Vdsp_2(self, m, Vgs, x=0.1):
        Vgst = Vgs - m.VT
        n = m.n(Vgs)
        Pt = m.Pt
        second = 2 * n * Pt * np.log((1 + np.exp(Vgst /
                                                 (2 * n * Pt)))**np.sqrt(x) -
        return (Vgst - second) / n

    def plot(self):
        with self.pt as sp:
            for m in self.mList:
                sp.set_title("Vdsp vs Vgst, computed both ways, for {}", m)
                Vgs = np.linspace(self.Vgs[0], self.Vgs[1], 100)
                #sp(Vgs, self.Vdsp_1(m, Vgs), self.Vdsp_2(m, Vgs))
                sp(Vgs, self.Vdsp_2(m, Vgs))
예제 #2
class CurvePlotter(object):
    I do the plotting.
    width = 1400
    height = 1200
    N = 200

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a Yampex Plotter object for a figure with one subplot.
        self.pt = Plotter(1, width=self.width, height=self.height)

    def eta(self, Vds, smooth=False):
        if smooth:
            eta = 0.05 * np.log(1 + np.exp(20 * (1 - Vds)))
            eta = np.clip(1 - Vds, 0, None)
        return eta

    def Cdg(self, eta):
        The function for Cdg::
            Cdg = W*L*Cdox*(4+28*eta+22*eta^2+6*eta^3)/(15*(1+eta)^3)

        result = 4 + 28 * eta + 22 * eta**2 + 6 * eta**3
        return result / (15 * (1 + eta)**3)

    def plot(self):
        Plots the curve for Cdg vs Vds, given Vds_prime = 1.
        with self.pt as sp:
            sp.set_title("Cdg vs Vds")
            Vds = np.linspace(0, 2, self.N)
            eta = self.eta(Vds, True)
            Cdg = self.Cdg(eta)
            ax = sp(Vds, eta, Cdg)
예제 #3
파일: mosfet_n.py 프로젝트: edsuom/yampex
class CurvePlotter(object):
    I do the plotting.
    width = 1400
    height = 1400
    N = 100

    gamma = [0.5, 1.0, 2.5]
    Vgs = [0.0, 10.0]

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a Yampex Plotter object for a figure with two subplots.
        self.pt = Plotter(2, width=self.width, height=self.height)

    def n(self, gamma, Vgs, Tj=25):
        The function for n:

        M{n = 1+gamma/(-gamma+2*sqrt(gamma^2/4 + Vgs + 1.10/300*(Tj+273.15)))}
        T = Tj + 273.15
        n = gamma.copy()  # Otherwise we wind up modifying gamma
        n /= -gamma + 2 * np.sqrt(gamma**2 / 4 + Vgs + 1.1 / 300 * T)
        n += 1
        return n

    def subplot(self, sp, X, aVals, bVals, semilog=False):
        Given the subplotting tool I{sp} and the supplied 1-D Numpy array
        of I{X} values, plots the curves for each combination of I{a}
        in I{aVals} and I{b} in I{bVals}.
        Ys = []
        for a, b in zip(aVals, bVals):
            Ys.append(self.func(X, a, b))
            sp.add_legend("a={:.2f}, b={:.2f}", a, b)
        if semilog:
            sp.semilogy(X, *Ys)
            sp(X, *Ys)

    def plot(self):
        Plots the curves for each combination of I{a} in I{aVals} and its
        corresponding I{b} in I{bVals}, from my I{xMin} to my I{xMax}
        and from zero to double my I{xMax}.
        with self.pt as sp:
            sp.set_title("n vs gamma with stepped Vgs")
            ax = sp()
            gamma = np.linspace(self.gamma[0], self.gamma[1], self.N)
            for Vgs in np.linspace(self.Vgs[0], self.Vgs[1], 5):
                with sp.prevOpts():
                    sp.add_legend("Vgs: {:.1f}", Vgs)
                n = self.n(gamma, Vgs)
                ax.plot(gamma, n)
            sp.set_title("n vs Vgs with stepped gamma")
            ax = sp()
            Vgs = np.linspace(self.Vgs[0], self.Vgs[1], self.N)
            for gamma in np.linspace(self.gamma[0], self.gamma[1], 5):
                with sp.prevOpts():
                    sp.add_legend("gamma: {:.1f}", gamma)
                n = self.n(gamma, Vgs)
                ax.plot(Vgs, n)
예제 #4
class CurvePlotter(object):
    I do the plotting.
    width = 1400
    height = 1200
    xMin, xMax = 5.0, 8.0
    N = 100

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a Yampex Plotter object for a figure with two subplots.
        self.pt = Plotter(2, width=self.width, height=self.height)
        self.pt.set_title("Exponentials plotted from {:.1f} to {:.1f}",
                          self.xMin, self.xMax)

    def func(self, X, a, b):
        The exponential function M{a*exp(-b*X)}
        return a * np.exp(-b * X)

    def leastDiff(self, Ys, logspace=False):
        Returns the index of the vectors of I{Ys} where there is the least
        difference between their values.

        Set I{logspace} C{True} to have the difference calculated in
        logspace, for a semilog plot.
        Z = np.row_stack(Ys)
        if logspace: Z = np.log(Z)
        V = np.var(Z, axis=0)
        return np.argmin(V)

    def subplot(self, sp, X, aVals, bVals, semilog=False):
        Given the subplotting tool I{sp} and the supplied 1-D Numpy array
        of I{X} values, plots the curves for each combination of I{a}
        in I{aVals} and I{b} in I{bVals}.

        Returns the value of I{X} where there is the least difference
        between the curves.
        Ys = []
        for a, b in zip(aVals, bVals):
            Ys.append(self.func(X, a, b))
            sp.add_legend("a={:.2f}, b={:.2f}", a, b)
        k = self.leastDiff(Ys, semilog)
        sp.add_annotation(k, X[k])
        if semilog:
            sp.semilogy(X, *Ys)
            sp(X, *Ys)

    def plot(self, aVals, bVals):
        Plots the curves for each combination of I{a} in I{aVals} and its
        corresponding I{b} in I{bVals}, from my I{xMin} to my I{xMax}
        and from zero to double my I{xMax}.
        with self.pt as sp:
            # Top subplot: The range of interest
            X = np.linspace(self.xMin, self.xMax, self.N)
            self.subplot(sp, X, aVals, bVals)
            # Bottom subplot: Positive X surrounding the range of
            # interest
            X = np.linspace(0, 2 * self.xMax, self.N)
            self.subplot(sp, X, aVals, bVals, semilog=True)