def search_spots(img_template, n_images, config_mgr): filenames = dataset.template_to_filenames(img_template, 1, n_images) img_files, idxes = [], [] for i, imgf in enumerate(filenames): if os.path.isfile(imgf): img_files.append(imgf) idxes.append(i+1) # Assuming the images are all on the same configuration. detkey = config_mgr.get_key_by_img(img_files[0]) params = config_mgr.get_params_by_key(detkey) file_stats =, params) return [(idx, f, stat) for idx, (f, stat) in zip(idxes, file_stats)]
def search_spots(img_template, n_images, config_mgr): filenames = dataset.template_to_filenames(img_template, 1, n_images) img_files, idxes = [], [] for i, imgf in enumerate(filenames): if os.path.isfile(imgf): img_files.append(imgf) idxes.append(i + 1) # Assuming the images are all on the same configuration. detkey = config_mgr.get_key_by_img(img_files[0]) params = config_mgr.get_params_by_key(detkey) file_stats =, params) return [(idx, f, stat) for idx, (f, stat) in zip(idxes, file_stats)]
def all_image_files_exist(self, nr=None, debug=True): from yamtbx.dataproc import eiger import h5py master_h5 = self.get_master_h5_if_exists() if master_h5: # XXX check only for nr? if nr: frames_requested = set(range(nr[0], nr[1] + 1)) frames_available = set( eiger.get_available_frame_numbers(master_h5)) return frames_requested.issubset(frames_available) else: if debug: print "Checking if related files exist for %s" % master_h5 try: files = eiger.get_masterh5_related_filenames(master_h5) except: if debug: print "Error when reading master h5 (%s)" % master_h5 print traceback.format_exc() return False flag_ng = False for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): try: h5py.File(f, "r") except: if debug: print " file incomplete or broken: %s" % f flag_ng = True else: if debug: print " not exists: %s" % f flag_ng = True return not flag_ng else: if nr: filenames = template_to_filenames(self.filename, nr[0], nr[1]) return all(map(lambda x: os.path.exists(x), filenames)) else: return True # XXX
def run(params): xds_inp = os.path.join(params.xds_dir, "XDS.INP") spot_xds = os.path.join(params.xds_dir, "SPOT.XDS") spots = idxreflp.SpotXds( spot_xds).indexed_and_unindexed_by_frame_on_detector() inputs = get_xdsinp_keyword(xds_inp) filename_template = dict(inputs).get("NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES", "") if filename_template == "": print "Error! Can't find filename from XDS.INP" return # Start adxv adxv = Adxv(params.adxv_bin) adxv.start(params.xds_dir) type_indexed = adxv.define_spot("blue") type_unindexed = adxv.define_spot("red") num = params.image while True: print "Showing image %d" % num img_file = dataset.template_to_filenames(filename_template, num, num)[0] adxv.open_image(img_file) uninds = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1], type_unindexed], spots["unindexed"].get(num, [])) inds = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1], type_indexed], spots["indexed"].get(num, [])) print "Showing %d Indexed spots (blue)" % len(inds) print "Showing %d Unindexed spots (red)" % len(uninds) adxv.load_spots(inds + uninds) time.sleep(1) # wait until adxv finishes process.. num = int(raw_input("Next image number?: "))
def run(params): xds_inp = os.path.join(params.xds_dir, "XDS.INP") spot_xds = os.path.join(params.xds_dir, "SPOT.XDS") spots = idxreflp.SpotXds(spot_xds).indexed_and_unindexed_by_frame_on_detector() inputs = get_xdsinp_keyword(xds_inp) filename_template = dict(inputs).get("NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES", "") if filename_template == "": print "Error! Can't find filename from XDS.INP" return # Start adxv adxv = Adxv(params.adxv_bin) adxv.start(params.xds_dir) type_indexed = adxv.define_spot("blue") type_unindexed = adxv.define_spot("red") num = params.image while True: print "Showing image %d" % num img_file = dataset.template_to_filenames(filename_template, num, num)[0] adxv.open_image(img_file) uninds = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1], type_unindexed], spots["unindexed"].get(num, [])) inds = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1], type_indexed], spots["indexed"].get(num, [])) print "Showing %d Indexed spots (blue)" % len(inds) print "Showing %d Unindexed spots (red)" % len(uninds) adxv.load_spots(inds+uninds) time.sleep(1) # wait until adxv finishes process.. num = int(raw_input("Next image number?: "))
def parse(self): re_scanstart = re.compile("Diffraction scan \(([0-9A-Za-z/:\[\] ]+)\)") re_nums = re.compile("([0-9]+) +([\-0-9\.]+|dummy) +([\-0-9\.]+|dummy) +([\-0-9\.]+|dummy)") re_point_step = re.compile("point: *([0-9]+) *step: *([0-9\.]+)") re_osc = re.compile("Oscillation start: ([-0-9\.]+) \[deg\], step: ([-0-9\.]+) \[deg\]") re_att = re.compile("Attenuator: +([^ ]+) +([0-9]+)um") re_exp = re.compile("Exp\. time: ([\.0-9]+) ") re_beam = re.compile("hor\. beam size: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\], ver\. beamsize: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\]") # old bss, wrong (need to swap h/v) re_beam2 = re.compile("horizontal size: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\], vertical size: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\]") # new bss (2015-Apr), correct re_fixed_spindle = re.compile("Fixed spindle angle: ([-0-9\.]+) \[deg\]") re_frame_rate = re.compile("Frame rate: ([-0-9\.]+) \[frame/s\]") self.scans = [] self.filename_gonio_gc = OrderedDict() for l in open(self.scanlog): r_scanstart = if r_scanstart: datestr = re.sub("\[[A-Za-z]+\] ", "", if datestr.count(":") == 3: datestr = datestr[:datestr.rindex(":")] # from bss jan29-2015, millisec time is recorded; but we discard it here. date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") self.scans.append(ScanInfo()) self.scans[-1].date = date continue r_osc = if r_osc: self.scans[-1].osc_start = float( self.scans[-1].osc_step = float( continue r_exp = if r_exp: self.scans[-1].exp_time = float( continue r_beam = if r_beam: self.scans[-1].beam_hsize = float( self.scans[-1].beam_vsize = float( continue r_beam2 = if r_beam2: self.scans[-1].beam_hsize = float( self.scans[-1].beam_vsize = float( continue r_fspindle = if r_fspindle: self.scans[-1].fixed_spindle = float( continue r_frate = if r_frate: self.scans[-1].frame_rate = float( continue if "No dummy image generated in each scan" in l: # this scan does not have dummy images. self.scans[-1].has_extra_images = False self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers = False continue if "Dummy images generated in each scan!" in l: # this scan actually has dummy images but diffscan.log has "dummy" lines self.scans[-1].has_extra_images = True self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers = False continue if "Scan direction:" in l: self.scans[-1].scan_direction = l[l.index(":")+1:].strip() continue if "Scan path:" in l: self.scans[-1].scan_path = l[l.index(":")+1:].strip() continue if "Wavelength: " in l: self.scans[-1].wavelength = float(l.strip().split()[1]) continue if "Attenuator:" in l: r_att = if r_att: self.scans[-1].attenuator = (, int( continue if "Cameralength: " in l: self.scans[-1].distance = float(l.strip().split()[1]) continue if "FILE_NAME = " in l: self.scans[-1].filename_template = os.path.basename(l[l.index("FILE_NAME = ")+12:].strip()) continue if "Vertical scan" in l: vpoint, vstep = self.scans[-1].vpoints, self.scans[-1].vstep = int(vpoint), float(vstep) continue if "Horizontal scan" in l: hpoint, hstep = self.scans[-1].hpoints, self.scans[-1].hstep = int(hpoint), float(hstep) continue r = if r: if "dummy" in r.groups(): assert not self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers continue else: gonio = tuple(map(lambda x:float(x), r.groups()[1:])) num = int( if self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers and self.scans[-1].is_shutterless() and self.scans[-1].hpoints > 1: # This if section is not needed *if* BSS no longer creates such non-sense files. # this should be an option. num += int(math.ceil(float(num)/self.scans[-1].hpoints)) - 1 filename = template_to_filenames(self.scans[-1].filename_template, num, num)[0] grid_coord = self.get_grid_coord_internal(self.scans[-1].vpoints, self.scans[-1].vstep, self.scans[-1].hpoints, self.scans[-1].hstep, num, self.scans[-1].is_shutterless() and self.scans[-1].has_extra_images, self.scans[-1].scan_direction, self.scans[-1].scan_path) # XXX Need to check if the filename is already registered (file is overwritten!!) self.scans[-1].filename_coords.append((filename, (gonio, grid_coord))) self.filename_gonio_gc[os.path.basename(filename)] = (gonio, grid_coord)
""" from yamtbx.dataproc import XIO from yamtbx.dataproc.dataset import template_to_filenames, find_data_sets def timestamps(img_files): img_date = [] for f in img_files: im = XIO.Image(f) img_date.append((f, im.header["DateSeconds"])) for i in xrange(len(img_files)): print img_files[i], if i == 0: print 0 else: print img_date[i][1] - img_date[i-1][1] if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: wdir = sys.argv[1] else: wdir = os.getcwd() for img_template, min_frame, max_frame in find_data_sets(wdir): img_files = template_to_filenames(img_template, min_frame, max_frame) timestamps(img_files)
def parse(self): re_scanstart = re.compile("Diffraction scan \(([0-9A-Za-z/:\[\] ]+)\)") re_nums = re.compile("([0-9]+) +([\-0-9\.]+|dummy) +([\-0-9\.]+|dummy) +([\-0-9\.]+|dummy)") re_point_step = re.compile("point: *([0-9]+) *step: *([0-9\.]+)") re_osc = re.compile("Oscillation start: ([-0-9\.]+) \[deg\], step: ([-0-9\.]+) \[deg\]") re_att = re.compile("Attenuator: +([^ ]+) +([0-9]+)um") re_att2 = re.compile("Attenuator transmission: +([^ ]+) +\(([^ ]+) attenuator: ([0-9]+)\[um\]\)") re_exp = re.compile("Exp\. time: ([\.0-9]+) ") re_beam = re.compile("hor\. beam size: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\], ver\. beamsize: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\]") # old bss, wrong (need to swap h/v) re_beam2 = re.compile("horizontal size: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\], vertical size: +([\.0-9]+)\[um\]") # new bss (2015-Apr), correct re_fixed_spindle = re.compile("Fixed spindle angle: ([-0-9\.]+) \[deg\]") re_frame_rate = re.compile("Frame rate: ([-0-9\.]+) \[frame/s\]") self.scans = [] self.filename_gonio_gc = OrderedDict() for l in open(self.scanlog): r_scanstart = if r_scanstart: datestr = re.sub("\[[A-Za-z]+\] ", "", if datestr.count(":") == 3: datestr = datestr[:datestr.rindex(":")] # from bss jan29-2015, millisec time is recorded; but we discard it here. date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") self.scans.append(ScanInfo()) self.scans[-1].date = date continue r_osc = if r_osc: self.scans[-1].osc_start = float( self.scans[-1].osc_step = float( continue r_exp = if r_exp: self.scans[-1].exp_time = float( continue r_beam = if r_beam: self.scans[-1].beam_hsize = float( self.scans[-1].beam_vsize = float( continue r_beam2 = if r_beam2: self.scans[-1].beam_hsize = float( self.scans[-1].beam_vsize = float( continue r_fspindle = if r_fspindle: self.scans[-1].fixed_spindle = float( continue r_frate = if r_frate: self.scans[-1].frame_rate = float( continue if "No dummy image generated in each scan" in l: # this scan does not have dummy images. self.scans[-1].has_extra_images = False self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers = False continue if "Dummy images generated in each scan!" in l: # this scan actually has dummy images but diffscan.log has "dummy" lines self.scans[-1].has_extra_images = True self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers = False continue if "Scan direction:" in l: self.scans[-1].scan_direction = l[l.index(":")+1:].strip() continue if "Scan path:" in l: self.scans[-1].scan_path = l[l.index(":")+1:].strip() continue if "Wavelength: " in l: self.scans[-1].wavelength = float(l.strip().split()[1]) continue if "Attenuator:" in l: r_att = r_att2 = if r_att: self.scans[-1].attenuator = (, int( elif r_att2: self.scans[-1].attenuator = (, int( # (1) is transmisttance continue if "Cameralength: " in l: self.scans[-1].distance = float(l.strip().split()[1]) continue if "FILE_NAME = " in l: self.scans[-1].filename_template = os.path.basename(l[l.index("FILE_NAME = ")+12:].strip()) # VERY DIRTY FIX! # Explanation: if diffscan.log contains ".h5", we assume it's Eiger hdf5 and hit-finding is done by streaming mode. if self.scans[-1].filename_template.endswith(".h5"): self.scans[-1].filename_template = self.scans[-1].filename_template[:-3] + ".img" continue if "Vertical scan" in l: vpoint, vstep = self.scans[-1].vpoints, self.scans[-1].vstep = int(vpoint), float(vstep) continue if "Horizontal scan" in l: hpoint, hstep = self.scans[-1].hpoints, self.scans[-1].hstep = int(hpoint), float(hstep) continue r = if r: if "dummy" in r.groups(): assert not self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers continue else: gonio = tuple(map(lambda x:float(x), r.groups()[1:])) num = int( if self.scans[-1].need_treatment_on_image_numbers and self.scans[-1].is_shutterless() and self.scans[-1].hpoints > 1: # This if section is not needed *if* BSS no longer creates such non-sense files. # this should be an option. num += int(math.ceil(float(num)/self.scans[-1].hpoints)) - 1 filename = template_to_filenames(self.scans[-1].filename_template, num, num)[0] grid_coord = self.get_grid_coord_internal(self.scans[-1].vpoints, self.scans[-1].vstep, self.scans[-1].hpoints, self.scans[-1].hstep, num, self.scans[-1].is_shutterless() and self.scans[-1].has_extra_images, self.scans[-1].scan_direction, self.scans[-1].scan_path) # XXX Need to check if the filename is already registered (file is overwritten!!) self.scans[-1].filename_coords.append((filename, (gonio, grid_coord))) self.scans[-1].filename_idxes.append((filename, num)) if len(l.split())==5: # for SACLA self.scans[-1].filename_tags.append((filename, int(l.split()[-1]))) self.filename_gonio_gc[os.path.basename(filename)] = (gonio, grid_coord)
def import_xds_as_still(xdsinp, xparm_in): #from dxtbx.serialize import xds from dxtbx.datablock import DataBlockFactory # Get the sweep from the XDS files #sweep = xds.to_imageset(xds_inp, xds_other) from iotbx.xds import xds_inp from dxtbx.imageset import ImageSetFactory import dxtbx # Read the input filename handle = xds_inp.reader() handle.read_file(xdsinp) # Get the template template = handle.name_template_of_data_frames[0] image_range = handle.data_range detector_name = handle.detector #assert image_range[0] == image_range[1] im_nr = int((image_range[1] - image_range[0] + 1) / 2) from yamtbx.dataproc.dataset import template_to_filenames # Create the imageset #imageset = ImageSetFactory.from_template(template, image_range=image_range, check_format=False)[0] imageset = ImageSetFactory.make_imageset( [os.path.realpath(template_to_filenames(template, im_nr, im_nr)[0])]) models = dxtbx.load(xparm_in) detector = models.get_detector() if detector_name.strip() in ('PILATUS', 'EIGER') or handle.silicon is not None: from dxtbx.model import ParallaxCorrectedPxMmStrategy from cctbx.eltbx import attenuation_coefficient if handle.silicon is None: table = attenuation_coefficient.get_table("Si") wavelength = models.get_beam().get_wavelength() mu = table.mu_at_angstrom(wavelength) / 10.0 else: mu = handle.silicon t0 = handle.sensor_thickness for panel in detector: panel.set_px_mm_strategy(ParallaxCorrectedPxMmStrategy(mu, t0)) panel.set_trusted_range( (handle.minimum_valid_pixel_value, handle.overload)) imageset.set_beam(models.get_beam()) imageset.set_detector(detector) imageset.set_goniometer(None) imageset.set_scan(None) #imageset.set_goniometer(models.get_goniometer()) # take the image range from XDS.INP #scan = models.get_scan() #scan.set_image_range(image_range) #imageset.set_scan(scan) from dxtbx.serialize import xds # Get the crystal from the XDS files crystal = xds.to_crystal(xparm_in) # Create the experiment list experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_imageset_and_crystal( imageset, crystal) # Set the crystal in the experiment list assert (len(experiments) == 1) # Return the experiment list return experiments
from yamtbx.dataproc import XIO from yamtbx.dataproc.dataset import template_to_filenames, find_data_sets def timestamps(img_files): img_date = [] for f in img_files: im = XIO.Image(f) img_date.append((f, im.header["DateSeconds"])) for i in xrange(len(img_files)): print img_files[i], if i == 0: print 0 else: print img_date[i][1] - img_date[i - 1][1] if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: wdir = sys.argv[1] else: wdir = os.getcwd() for img_template, min_frame, max_frame in find_data_sets(wdir): img_files = template_to_filenames(img_template, min_frame, max_frame) timestamps(img_files)