예제 #1
def add_plugmap_info(plate_info, plugmap_keys):
    import yanny
    plate = plate_info['plate']
    mjd = plate_info['mjd']

    plan_name = os.path.join(plate_info['bossdir'], str(plate), 'spPlancomb-%s-%s.par' % (plate, mjd))
    plan = yanny.yanny(plan_name)

    # look up plugmap filename
    unique_mapnames = set(zip(plan['SPEXP']['mjd'], plan['SPEXP']['mapname']))
    (mapmjd, mapname) = unique_mapnames.pop()
    plugmap_name = os.path.join(plate_info['speclog'], str(mapmjd), 'plPlugMapM-%s.par' % mapname)
    plugmap = yanny.yanny(plugmap_name)

    plate_info['mapmjd'] = mapmjd
    plate_info['mapname'] = mapname

    # Process plugmap header keywords
    for keyword in plugmap_keys:
        plate_info[keyword] = plugmap[keyword]

    design_ra = Angle(float(plugmap['raCen']), unit=u.degree)
    design_dec = Angle(float(plugmap['decCen']), unit=u.degree)
    design_ha = Angle(float(plugmap['haMin']), unit=u.degree)
    design_alt, design_az = equatorial_to_horizontal(design_ra, design_dec, apolat, design_ha)

    plate_info['design_ra'] = design_ra.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_dec'] = design_dec.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_ha'] = design_ha.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_alt'] = design_alt.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_az'] = design_az.to(u.degree).value
예제 #2
def add_plugmap_info(plate_info, plugmap_keys):
    import yanny
    plate = plate_info['plate']
    mjd = plate_info['mjd']

    plan_name = os.path.join(plate_info['bossdir'], str(plate),
                             'spPlancomb-%s-%s.par' % (plate, mjd))
    plan = yanny.yanny(plan_name)

    # look up plugmap filename
    unique_mapnames = set(zip(plan['SPEXP']['mjd'], plan['SPEXP']['mapname']))
    (mapmjd, mapname) = unique_mapnames.pop()
    plugmap_name = os.path.join(plate_info['speclog'], str(mapmjd),
                                'plPlugMapM-%s.par' % mapname)
    plugmap = yanny.yanny(plugmap_name)

    plate_info['mapmjd'] = mapmjd
    plate_info['mapname'] = mapname

    # Process plugmap header keywords
    for keyword in plugmap_keys:
        plate_info[keyword] = plugmap[keyword]

    design_ra = Angle(float(plugmap['raCen']), unit=u.degree)
    design_dec = Angle(float(plugmap['decCen']), unit=u.degree)
    design_ha = Angle(float(plugmap['haMin']), unit=u.degree)
    design_alt, design_az = equatorial_to_horizontal(design_ra, design_dec,
                                                     apolat, design_ha)

    plate_info['design_ra'] = design_ra.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_dec'] = design_dec.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_ha'] = design_ha.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_alt'] = design_alt.to(u.degree).value
    plate_info['design_az'] = design_az.to(u.degree).value
예제 #3
def write_gbu(parfile):

    backupfile = re.sub(r"\.drp\.par", r".gbu_backup", parfile)
    par = yanny(parfile, np=True)

    with open(backupfile, "w") as f:
        f.write("#{:2}{:>4}{:>4}\n".format("ap", "ur", "az"))
        for ap in par["APINFO"]:
            f.write("{:3n}{:4n}{:4n}\n".format(ap["ap"], ap["ur_gbu"], ap["az_gbu"]))
예제 #4
def plot_yanny_on_grid(parfile, ax, band1, band2):

    par = yanny(parfile,np=True)
    scat = ax.scatter(par['APINFO'][band1], par['APINFO'][band2],
                      c=np.abs(par['APINFO']['z']), s=40, linewidths=0,
                      alpha=0.7, cmap=plt.cm.gnuplot2)
    return scat
예제 #5
def makeHeaderFixFile(mjd, exp, status, hdrdir):
    ''' Write or add to a header fix file in mangacore'''

    # Make full file path name
    hdrfile = os.path.join(hdrdir, 'sdHdrFix-{0}.par'.format(mjd))
    # Create header directory if it doesn't exist
    dir_exists = os.path.isdir(hdrdir)
    if dir_exists:
        print('Header fix directory exists.')
        print('Header fix does not directory exist. Creating it.')
    # Make new data
    newdata = {'fileroot':[],'keyword':[],'value':[]}
    newtable = Table(newdata,dtype=['S15','S15','S15'])
    newtable = newtable[order]
    # Append or write to file
    file_exists = os.path.isfile(hdrfile)
    if file_exists:
        print('Header fix file exists.  Updating file and overwriting.')

        # Read header fix file
        hdrfix = yanny.yanny(filename=hdrfile, np=True)
        oldtable = Table(hdrfix['OPHDRFIX'],dtype=['S15','S15','S15'])
        oldtable = oldtable[order]
        # Check if new entry inside old
        newinold = newtable['fileroot'] == oldtable['fileroot']
        # Update rows
        if not any(newinold):
            # add new row if it doesn't exist
            [oldtable.add_row(row) for row in newtable]
            # update the row
            fileindex = np.where(newinold)[0]
            for row in newtable:
                if row['value'] in ['GOOD','OVERRIDE GOOD']:
                    oldtable[fileindex] = row
        print('No header fix file found.  Creating it')

    return hdrfile, dir_exists, file_exists
예제 #6
def swap_plugmap_stds(speclog_from, speclog_to, plate, night, mapname,
                      fiberids, dry_run, clobber, verbose):
    # build path to plPlugMagM for unique mapname
    plugmap_name = os.path.join(speclog_from, night,
                                'plPlugMapM-%s.par' % mapname)
    new_plugmap_name = os.path.join(speclog_to, night,
                                    'plPlugMapM-%s.par' % mapname)

    # Check to see if file exists already
    # yanny will not overwrite files so remove this by hand, in case we are running
    if os.path.isfile(new_plugmap_name):
        if clobber:
            print 'Modified plugmap file already exists: %s' % new_plugmap_name
            print ' use --clobber option to overwrite...'
            return -1

    # read the plugmap file
        plugmap = yanny.yanny(plugmap_name)
        print 'Could not open plugmap file: %s' % plugmap_name
        return -1
    plugmap_objs = plugmap['PLUGMAPOBJ']
    # hide the 'standard' boss spectrophoto standards
    boss_stds = np.where(
        np.array(plugmap_objs['objType']) == 'SPECTROPHOTO_STD')[0]
    if verbose and len(boss_stds) != 20:
        print 'Found %d boss standards on plate %s (expected 20)' % (
            len(boss_stds), plate)
    for i in boss_stds:
        plugmap_objs['objType'][i] = 'NA'
    # set the ancillary targets' objType as "SPECTROPHOTO_STD" by iterating
    # over plugmap objects and matching fiberids to ancillary target fiberids
    # also make sure to check holetype is correct (guide stars and light traps have
    # overlapping fiberids with the boss 'science' targets)
    nblue_stds = 0
    for i in range(len(plugmap_objs['objType'])):
        if str(plugmap_objs['fiberId'][i]) in set(
                fiberids) and plugmap_objs['holeType'][i] == 'OBJECT':
            # We found a blue standard, change its OBJTYPE
            plugmap_objs['objType'][i] = 'SPECTROPHOTO_STD'
            nblue_stds += 1
    if verbose and nblue_stds != len(fiberids):
        print 'Found %d blue standards on plate %s (expected %d)' % (
            nblue_stds, plate, len(fiberids))
    # save the plug map for this night's observation
    if verbose:
        print 'Saving modified plugmap file: %s' % new_plugmap_name
    if not dry_run:
예제 #7
def getExposureIDs(plate,mjd,fiber='',camera='',verbose=False):
	plan2dFilename = os.path.join(BSR,redVersion,plate,'spPlan2d-%s-%s.par'%(plate,mjd))
	plan2d = yanny.yanny(plan2dFilename)
	spexp = plan2d['SPEXP']
	exposureIDs = []
	for i in range(len(spexp['flavor'])):
		if spexp['flavor'][i] == 'science':
			if camera == '' and fiber == '':
				for c in range(4):
	return exposureIDs
예제 #8
def getExposureIDs(plate, mjd, fiber='', camera='', verbose=False):
    plan2dFilename = os.path.join(BSR, redVersion, plate,
                                  'spPlan2d-%s-%s.par' % (plate, mjd))
    plan2d = yanny.yanny(plan2dFilename)
    spexp = plan2d['SPEXP']
    exposureIDs = []
    for i in range(len(spexp['flavor'])):
        if spexp['flavor'][i] == 'science':
            if camera == '' and fiber == '':
                for c in range(4):
    return exposureIDs
예제 #9
def swap_plugmap_stds(speclog_from, speclog_to, plate, night, mapname, fiberids, dry_run, clobber, verbose):
    # build path to plPlugMagM for unique mapname
    plugmap_name = os.path.join(speclog_from, night, 'plPlugMapM-%s.par' % mapname)
    new_plugmap_name = os.path.join(speclog_to, night, 'plPlugMapM-%s.par' % mapname)

    # Check to see if file exists already
    # yanny will not overwrite files so remove this by hand, in case we are running
    if os.path.isfile(new_plugmap_name):
        if clobber:
            print 'Modified plugmap file already exists: %s'% new_plugmap_name
            print ' use --clobber option to overwrite...' 
            return -1

    # read the plugmap file
        plugmap = yanny.yanny(plugmap_name)
        print 'Could not open plugmap file: %s' % plugmap_name
        return -1
    plugmap_objs = plugmap['PLUGMAPOBJ']
    # hide the 'standard' boss spectrophoto standards
    boss_stds = np.where(np.array(plugmap_objs['objType']) == 'SPECTROPHOTO_STD')[0]
    if verbose and len(boss_stds) != 20:
        print 'Found %d boss standards on plate %s (expected 20)' % (len(boss_stds), plate)
    for i in boss_stds:
        plugmap_objs['objType'][i] = 'NA'
    # set the ancillary targets' objType as "SPECTROPHOTO_STD" by iterating 
    # over plugmap objects and matching fiberids to ancillary target fiberids
    # also make sure to check holetype is correct (guide stars and light traps have 
    # overlapping fiberids with the boss 'science' targets)
    nblue_stds = 0
    for i in range(len(plugmap_objs['objType'])):
        if str(plugmap_objs['fiberId'][i]) in set(fiberids) and plugmap_objs['holeType'][i] == 'OBJECT':
            # We found a blue standard, change its OBJTYPE
            plugmap_objs['objType'][i] = 'SPECTROPHOTO_STD'
            nblue_stds += 1
    if verbose and nblue_stds != len(fiberids):
        print 'Found %d blue standards on plate %s (expected %d)' % (nblue_stds, plate, len(fiberids))
    # save the plug map for this night's observation
    if verbose:
        print 'Saving modified plugmap file: %s' % new_plugmap_name
    if not dry_run:
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, fscan, verbose=False):

        assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
        self.verbose = verbose

        if isinstance(fscan, str):
            self.data = yanny.yanny(fscan, np=True)
            self.filename = os.path.basename(fscan)
            self.dirname = os.path.dirname(fscan)
        elif isinstance(fscan, yanny.yanny):
            self.data = fscan
            self.filename = os.path.basename(fscan.filename)
            self.dirname = os.path.dirname(fscan.filename)
            raise TypeError('fscan of type {0} must be a string or a '
                            'yanny object'.format(type(fscan)))

예제 #11
def load_filters(**kwargs):
    Load filter information from a list of files.

    Filter files should contain one structure with columns 'lambda' &
    'pass'.  The name of the table can be arbitrary though.
    if 'filterlist' not in kwargs:
        raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments passed to load_filters')
    if 'filterpath' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['filterpath'] = os.getenv('KCORRECT_DIR')+'/data/filters'
    filterdata = {'lambda':[], 'pass':[]}
    for fil in kwargs['filterlist']:
        f = yanny.yanny(kwargs['filterpath']+'/'+fil)
        if str(f) == '':
            raise IOError("Could not read %s" % (kwargs['filterpath']+'/'+fil))
        t = f.tables()
    return filterdata
예제 #12
    def fromDatabase(cls, pk):
        """Returns a `PlPlugMapMFile` from the DB.

        Returns the fscan corresponging to the plPlugMapM entry with primary
        key `pk`.


        plPlugMapM = getPlPlugMapM(pk)

            yy = yanny.yanny(string=str(plPlugMapM.file), np=True)
            raise PlPlugMapMFileException(
                'problem found converting blob to Yanny file '
                'for PlPlugMapM.pk={0}'.format(pk))
        plFile = PlPlugMapMFile.__new__(cls)
        plFile.filename = plPlugMapM.filename

        return plFile
예제 #13
def load_filters(**kwargs):
    Load filter information from a list of files.

    Filter files should contain one structure with columns 'lambda' &
    'pass'.  The name of the table can be arbitrary though.
    if 'filterlist' not in kwargs:
        raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments passed to load_filters')
    if 'filterpath' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['filterpath'] = os.getenv('KCORRECT_DIR') + '/data/filters'
    filterdata = {'lambda': [], 'pass': []}
    for fil in kwargs['filterlist']:
        f = yanny.yanny(kwargs['filterpath'] + '/' + fil)
        if str(f) == '':
            raise IOError("Could not read %s" %
                          (kwargs['filterpath'] + '/' + fil))
        t = f.tables()
    return filterdata
예제 #14
def update_gbu(parfile, method, ap, gbu):

    if method not in ["ur", "at", "az"]:
        print "WARNING: Method not recognized.\nValid methods are ur, az, at"

    par = yanny(parfile, np=True)
    with open(parfile, "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        header = [l for l in lines if l[0] == "#"]

        par["APINFO"]["{}_gbu".format(method)][ap - 1] = gbu
    except IndexError:
        print "WARNING: Could not find ap {} in {}".format(ap, parfile)

    with open(parfile, "w") as p:

예제 #15
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument("-v","--verbose", action = "store_true",
        help="provide more verbose output")
    parser.add_argument("-i","--input", type=str, default="",
        help="input plate, mjd list")
    parser.add_argument("--clobber", action="store_true",
        help="overwrite existing files")
    parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true",
        help="dry run, no copies")
    parser.add_argument("--speclog-from", type=str, default="/home/boss/products/NULL/speclog/trunk",
        help="source speclog directory")
    parser.add_argument("--bsr-run2d", type=str, default="/clusterfs/riemann/raid008/bosswork/boss/spectro/redux/v5_7_0",
        help="path to reduction to mirror")
    parser.add_argument("--speclog-to", type=str, default="/clusterfs/riemann/raid008/bosswork/boss/spectro/redux/test/dmargala/speclog",
        help="destination speclog directory to write modified plugmap files to")
    parser.add_argument("--work-dir", type=str, default="",
        help="Working directory")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Read list of plate, mjd pairs to process
    plate_mjd_file = open(args.input, 'r')
    plate_mjd_list = []
    for line in plate_mjd_file:
        plate, mjd = line.split()
        plate_mjd_list.append((plate, mjd))

    if args.verbose:
        print 'Read %d plate-mjd pairs from file: %s' % (len(plate_mjd_list), args.input)
        print 'Mirroring reduction at: %s' % args.bsr_run2d
        print 'Creating modified speclog with with blue standards and spectrophoto standards swapped...'
        print ' source speclog: %s' % args.speclog_from
        print ' new speclog: %s' % args.speclog_to
        print ''

    def copy_speclog_file(name):
        from_name = os.path.join(args.speclog_from, name)
        to_name = os.path.join(args.speclog_to, name)
        if os.path.isfile(from_name):
            if not args.clobber and os.path.isfile(to_name) and not args.dry_run:
                raise ValueError('Destination file already exists: %s' % to_name)
            if args.verbose:
                print os.path.join(to_name)
            if not args.dry_run:
                shutil.copy(from_name, to_name)
            print 'Warning: Source file does not exist: %s' % from_name


    # copy opfiles
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, 'opfiles')):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, 'opfiles'))
    opfiles = ['spPlateMinSN2.par', 'spPlateZrange.par', 'spPlateList.par']
    for opfile in opfiles:
        copy_speclog_file(os.path.join('opfiles', opfile))

    for plate_mjd_pair in plate_mjd_list:
        (plate, mjd) = plate_mjd_pair
        # read blue standards list
        target_file = os.path.join(args.work_dir, plate, 'blue-stds-%s-%s.txt' % plate_mjd_pair)
        if args.verbose:
            print ''
            print 'Reading targets list: %s' % target_file
        fiberids = []
        with open(target_file,'r') as targetlist:
            for line in targetlist:
                plate_mjd_fiber = line.strip().split('-')
        # build path to spPlan for current plate-mjd
        plan_name = os.path.join(args.bsr_run2d, plate, 'spPlancomb-%s-%s.par' % plate_mjd_pair)
        # read spPlan file
        plan = yanny.yanny(plan_name)
        # get mjd list of observations for this plate-mjd
        unique_mapnames = set(zip(plan['SPEXP']['mjd'], plan['SPEXP']['mapname']))

        # The plugmaps are saved in files corresponding to the actual 
        # observation nights, not necessarily the last night (which is part of the target identifier)
        for night, mapname in unique_mapnames:
            night = str(night)
            if args.verbose:
                print '... processing night, mapname: %s, %s' % (night, mapname)
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, night)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, night))
            # copy sdHdrFix file over
            copy_speclog_file(os.path.join(night, 'sdHdrFix-%s.par' % night))
            # copy guiderMon file over
            copy_speclog_file(os.path.join(night, 'guiderMon-%s.par' % night))
            # copy plPlugMapM file and swap standards' OBJTYPE
            swap_plugmap_stds(args.speclog_from, args.speclog_to, plate, night, mapname, fiberids, args.dry_run, args.clobber, args.verbose)
예제 #16
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
                        help="provide more verbose output")
                        help="input plate, mjd list")
                        help="overwrite existing files")
                        help="dry run, no copies")
                        help="source speclog directory")
        help="path to reduction to mirror")
        help="destination speclog directory to write modified plugmap files to"
                        help="Working directory")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Read list of plate, mjd pairs to process
    plate_mjd_file = open(args.input, 'r')
    plate_mjd_list = []
    for line in plate_mjd_file:
        plate, mjd = line.split()
        plate_mjd_list.append((plate, mjd))

    if args.verbose:
        print 'Read %d plate-mjd pairs from file: %s' % (len(plate_mjd_list),
        print 'Mirroring reduction at: %s' % args.bsr_run2d
        print 'Creating modified speclog with with blue standards and spectrophoto standards swapped...'
        print ' source speclog: %s' % args.speclog_from
        print ' new speclog: %s' % args.speclog_to
        print ''

    def copy_speclog_file(name):
        from_name = os.path.join(args.speclog_from, name)
        to_name = os.path.join(args.speclog_to, name)
        if os.path.isfile(from_name):
            if not args.clobber and os.path.isfile(
                    to_name) and not args.dry_run:
                raise ValueError('Destination file already exists: %s' %
            if args.verbose:
                print os.path.join(to_name)
            if not args.dry_run:
                shutil.copy(from_name, to_name)
            print 'Warning: Source file does not exist: %s' % from_name


    # copy opfiles
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, 'opfiles')):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, 'opfiles'))
    opfiles = ['spPlateMinSN2.par', 'spPlateZrange.par', 'spPlateList.par']
    for opfile in opfiles:
        copy_speclog_file(os.path.join('opfiles', opfile))

    for plate_mjd_pair in plate_mjd_list:
        (plate, mjd) = plate_mjd_pair
        # read blue standards list
        target_file = os.path.join(args.work_dir, plate,
                                   'blue-stds-%s-%s.txt' % plate_mjd_pair)
        if args.verbose:
            print ''
            print 'Reading targets list: %s' % target_file
        fiberids = []
        with open(target_file, 'r') as targetlist:
            for line in targetlist:
                plate_mjd_fiber = line.strip().split('-')
        # build path to spPlan for current plate-mjd
        plan_name = os.path.join(args.bsr_run2d, plate,
                                 'spPlancomb-%s-%s.par' % plate_mjd_pair)
        # read spPlan file
        plan = yanny.yanny(plan_name)
        # get mjd list of observations for this plate-mjd
        unique_mapnames = set(
            zip(plan['SPEXP']['mjd'], plan['SPEXP']['mapname']))

        # The plugmaps are saved in files corresponding to the actual
        # observation nights, not necessarily the last night (which is part of the target identifier)
        for night, mapname in unique_mapnames:
            night = str(night)
            if args.verbose:
                print '... processing night, mapname: %s, %s' % (night,
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, night)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.speclog_to, night))
            # copy sdHdrFix file over
            copy_speclog_file(os.path.join(night, 'sdHdrFix-%s.par' % night))
            # copy guiderMon file over
            copy_speclog_file(os.path.join(night, 'guiderMon-%s.par' % night))
            # copy plPlugMapM file and swap standards' OBJTYPE
            swap_plugmap_stds(args.speclog_from, args.speclog_to, plate, night,
                              mapname, fiberids, args.dry_run, args.clobber,
예제 #17
def create_yanny(pointing, output, indexfile=None):

    numaps = get_numaps_loc(pointing)

    data = np.zeros(
            ("ap", "i"),
            ("apsize", "f4"),
            ("vdisp", "f4"),
            ("r", "f4"),
            ("z", "f4"),
            ("SN", "f4"),
            ("Hb", "f4"),
            ("HdA", "f4"),
            ("HgA", "f4"),
            ("HdF", "f4"),
            ("HgF", "f4"),
            ("Fe", "f4"),
            ("MgFe", "f4"),
            ("ur_gbu", "i"),
            ("ur_age", "f4"),
            ("ur_Av", "f4"),
            ("ur_Z", "f4"),
            ("ur_chisq", "f4"),
            ("ur_redchi", "f4"),
            ("ur_bluechi", "f4"),
            ("at_gbu", "i"),
            ("at_age", "f4"),
            ("at_Av", "f4"),
            ("at_Z", "f4"),
            ("at_chisq", "f4"),
            ("at_redchi", "f4"),
            ("at_bluechi", "f4"),
            ("az_gbu", "i"),
            ("az_age", "f4"),
            ("az_Av", "f4"),
            ("az_Z", "f4"),
            ("az_chisq", "f4"),
            ("az_redchi", "f4"),
            ("az_bluechi", "f4"),

    data = get_basics_loc(pointing, data)
    data = get_index(pointing, data, datfile=indexfile)
    #    data = get_unreg(pointing, data)
    #    data = get_alltau(pointing, data)
    #    data = get_allz(pointing, data)

    par = yanny(filename=None, np=True, debug=False)
    struct = par.dtype_to_struct(data.dtype, structname="APINFO", enums=dict())
    par["symbols"]["struct"] = struct["struct"]
    par["symbols"]["enum"] = struct["enum"]
    par["symbols"]["APINFO".upper()] = struct["APINFO".upper()]
    par["APINFO"] = data

    par["pointing"] = pointing
    par["numaps"] = numaps

    with open(output, "w") as f:
            """# NGC 891 aperture file for pointing {}
# File generated on {}
# Uses SDSS-style Yanny .par formatting
# This file contains a collection of all of the important parameters derived 
# from full spectrum fitting of our NGC 891 data. The various fitting methods
# are described below:
# unreg: 
#    The OG. Each age is forced to have a single metallicity (found as a
#    separate step) and there is a single extinction value for all the SSPs 
#    in an aperture.
# all_tau:
#     Each age is forced to have a single metallicity (found as a
#     separate step), but each age is allowed to have a different A_V value
#     (limited by 0 < A_V < 20).
# all_Z2:
#    Each age can have an arbitrary number of metallicities with
#    arbitrary weights. There is a single extinction value for all the SSPs 
#    in an aperture.
# The data structure is as follows:
# Header keywords:
# pointing: Which pointing's data is contained in this file
# numaps: The number of binned apertures contained in this pointing
# Data table entries:
#  1) ap: The aperture number.
#  2) apsize: The size of the fibers combined into the aperture, in arcsec.
#             Note that this is NOT the size of the final aperture.
#  3) vdisp: The resolution (in km/s) of the aperture. Different fiber sizes
#            produce different resolutions.
#  4) r: Radius (in kpc) of aperture from the center of the galaxy
#  5) z: Height (in kpc) of aperture above the midplane of the galaxy
#  6) SN: Final signal to noise ratio of the binned aperture
#  7) ID_age: Age from LICK index matching with BC03 models
#  8) ID_Z: Metallicity from LICK index matching with BC03 models
#  9) ur_gbu: Unreg quality flag. 0=good, 1=bad fit, 2=ugly for other reason
# 10) ur_age: MLWA from unreg fit, in Gyr
# 11) ur_Av: Av from unreg fit
# 12) ur_Z: Best metallicity (in chisq sense) of unreg fit
# 13) ur_chisq: Full, reduced chisq value from best unreg fit
# 14) ur_redchi: Reduced chisq for 5250 <= lambda <= 6800 from unreg
# 15) ur_bluechi: Reduced chisq for 3750 <= lambda < 5250 from unreg
# 16) at_gbu: all_tau quality flag. 0=good, 1=bad fit, 2=ugly for other reason
# 17) at_age: MLWA from all_tau fit, in Gyr
# 18) at_Av: MLWAv all_tau from  fit
# 19) at_Z: Best metallicity (in chisq sense) of all_tau fit
# 20) at_chisq: Full, reduced chisq value from best all_tau fit
# 21) at_redchi: Reduced chisq for 5250 <= lambda <= 6800 from all_tau fit
# 22) at_bluechi: Reduced chisq for 3750 <= lambda < 5250 from all_tau fit
# 23) az_gbu: all_Z2 quality flag. 0=good, 1=bad fit, 2=ugly for other reason
# 24) az_age: MLWA from all_Z2 fit, in Gyr
# 25) az_Av: Av from all_Z2 fit
# 26) az_Z: MLWZ from all_Z2 fit
# 27) az_chisq: Full, reduced chisq value from best all_Z2 fit
# 28) az_redchi: Reduced chisq for 5250 <= lambda <= 6800 from all_Z2 fit
# 29) az_bluechi: Reduced chisq for 3750 <= lambda < 5250 from all_Z2 fit
                pointing, time.asctime()


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager
from matplotlib import rc
import scipy.optimize as optimize
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pylab as py
import yanny as yan
import sys

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('font', family='serif')
sdss_run = int(sys.argv[1])
nran = int(sys.argv[2])
nrsk = int(sys.argv[3])
par = yan.yanny(

rad = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylrad'][sdss_run - 1])
height = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylheight'][sdss_run - 1])
thresh = str(par['PARAMETERS']['thresh'][sdss_run - 1])
nbin = str(par['PARAMETERS']['nbin'][sdss_run - 1])

vmax_avail_dir = '/global/data/scr/chh327/primus/data/vmax_avail/'
ransack_dir = '/global/data/scr/chh327/primus/data/ransack/'
envcount_dir = '/global/data/scr/chh327/primus/data/envcount/'

random_vmax_name = 'vmax_avail_cylr' + rad + 'h' + height + '_thresh' + thresh + '_nbin' + nbin + '_sdss_ran' + str(
    nran) + '_rsk' + str(nrsk) + '.fits'
random_vmax_data = fits.open(vmax_avail_dir + random_vmax_name)
random_vmax_z = random_vmax_data[1].data.field('z')
#redshift = ["$0.6<z<0.8$","$0.4<z<0.6$","$0.2<z<0.4$"]
#color = ['b','m','r']

sfq = ['active', 'quiescent']
sfqtitle = ['Star Forming', 'Quiescent','Quiescent Fraction']
markers = ['o', 's', '^']
smf_mass = []
sf = []
q = []
sferr = []
qerr = []

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('font', family='serif')
primus_run = int(sys.argv[1])
par = yan.yanny('/home/users/hahn/qf_environment/zerod_environment_parameters.par',np=True)

rad = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylrad'][primus_run-1])
height = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylheight'][primus_run-1])
thresh = str(par['PARAMETERS']['thresh'][primus_run-1])
nbin = str(par['PARAMETERS']['nbin'][primus_run-1])

sdss_run = int(sys.argv[2])
par = yan.yanny('/home/users/hahn/qf_environment/zerod_environment_parameters.par',np=True)

sdss_rad = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylrad'][sdss_run-1])
sdss_height = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylheight'][sdss_run-1])
sdss_thresh = str(par['PARAMETERS']['thresh'][sdss_run-1])
sdss_nbin = str(par['PARAMETERS']['nbin'][sdss_run-1])

if (sys.argv[3]=='2envbin'): 
markers = ['o', 's', '^']
redshift = ["$0.8<z<1.0$","$0.6<z<0.8$","$0.4<z<0.6$","$0.2<z<0.4$"]
mass = []
sf = []
q = []
hist_sf = []
hist_q = []
hist_sferr = []
hist_qerr = []
sferr = []
qerr = []

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('font', family='serif')

par = yan.yanny('/home/users/hahn/primus/pro/spec0d/envcount/zerod_environment_parameters.par',np=True)
run = int(raw_input('Run: '))

rad = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylrad'][run-1])
height = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylheight'][run-1])
thresh = str(par['PARAMETERS']['thresh'][run-1])
nbin = str(par['PARAMETERS']['nbin'][run-1])

for i in range(len(sfq)):
    for ii in range(len(ebin)):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 3*i + ii + 1)
        for iii in range(len(zbin)):
            fname = 'smf_primus_cylr'+rad+'h'+height+'_thresh'+thresh+'_nbin'+nbin+'_lit_'+sfq[i]+'_'+ebin[ii]+'_'+zbin[iii]+'.dat'
            print fname
예제 #21
plateListHDUList = pyfits.open(bossPlatelistFile)
done_boss_plates = []
for ind in range(len(plateListHDUList[1].data.field('STATUS1D'))):
	run1dst = plateListHDUList[1].data.field('STATUS1D')[ind].lower() == 'done'
	run2dst = plateListHDUList[1].data.field('STATUS2D')[ind].lower() == 'done'
	combinest = plateListHDUList[1].data.field('STATUSCOMBINE')[ind].lower() == 'done'
	is_boss = plateListHDUList[1].data.field('SURVEY')[ind].lower() == 'boss'
	if run1dst and run2dst and combinest and is_boss:
		print "Plate: %i not done" % plateListHDUList[1].data.field('PLATE')[ind]

# Read plateplans from file.
platePlansYanny = yanny.yanny(platePlansFile)
platePlans = platePlansYanny.list_of_dicts('PLATEPLANS') # returns an array of dictionary objects

boss_plates = []
boss_not_done = []
sdss_plates = []

for pp in platePlans:
	if pp['survey'].lower() == "sdss" or "segue" in pp['survey'].lower():
		sdss_plates.append(((pp['raCen']+75)%360, pp['decCen']))
	elif pp['survey'].lower() == 'boss':
		if pp['plateid'] in done_boss_plates:
			boss_plates.append(((pp['raCen']+75)%360, pp['decCen']))
			boss_not_done.append(((pp['raCen']+75)%360, pp['decCen']))
예제 #22
    if os.path.isfile(plateHoleFilename) == False:
        print "plateHole file for plate {0} does not exist, downloading...".format(
        url = "https://svn.sdss.org/public/data/sdss/platelist/trunk/plates/00{id}XX/{plate:06d}/plateHoles-{plate:06d}.par".format(
            id=str(plate)[0:2], plate=plate)
        #print url
        plateHoleURL = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        plateHoleFile = open(plateHoleFilename, "w")
        data = plateHoleURL.read(40)
        HAData = data.split('\n')[1]
        HADes = n.float(HAData[3:8])
    elif os.path.isfile(plateHoleFilename) == True:
        print "plateHole file for plate {0} exists, opening...".format(plate)
        plateHoleFile = y.yanny(plateHoleFilename, np=True)
        # read the designed hourangle (in degrees)
        HADes = n.float(plateHoleFile["ha"][0:5])
# change HA to be in range [-180,180] if needed:
    if HADes > 180:
        HADes = HADes - 360.
    elif HADes < -180:
        HADes = HAdes + 360.
# calculate design altitude
    AltDes = RadToDeg(
            n.sin(DegToRad(h0["PLUG_DEC"])) * n.sin(DegToRad(lat)) +
            n.cos(DegToRad(h0["PLUG_DEC"])) * n.cos(DegToRad(lat)) *
    print "Des hourangle: {0:-10.2f}   Des altitude: {1:-10.2f}".format(
        HADes, AltDes)
예제 #23
def height_summary(output, field, label='', title='', log=False):
    # Designed to work with drpall files, not fits

    meanbase = output.split('.pdf')[0].split('_height')[0]
    drpdir = '/d/monk/eigenbrot/WIYN/14B-0456/anal/drpall'
    ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111)

    symblist = ["o","^","v","s","*","x"]
    colorlist = ['b','c','g','y','m','r']
    plist = [6,3,4,2,1,5]
    rlist = [-10.0, -6.4, -2.3, 0.8, 4.4, 8.1]
    binidxs = [[0,1,2,3,4,5],

    bigd = np.zeros((6,3,11))
    for i, p in enumerate(plist):
        parfile = glob('{}/NGC_891_P{}.drp.par'.format(drpdir,p))[0]
        print parfile
        par = yanny(parfile,np=True,debug=False)
        zs = par['APINFO']['z']
        zs= np.abs(zs)
            value = par['APINFO'][field]
        except ValueError:
            print 'WARNING: Could not find {} field in {}'.format(field,parfile)

        if log:
            value = np.log10(value)

        unqz = np.unique(zs) #also sorts. Nice!
        abcissa = np.zeros(unqz.size)
        ordinate = np.zeros(unqz.size)
        err = np.zeros(unqz.size)
        for j, z in enumerate(unqz):
            idx = np.where(zs == unqz[j])[0]
            abcissa[j] = unqz[j]
            ordinate[j] = np.mean(value[idx])
            #err[j] = ordinate[j]*np.sqrt(1./idx.size)
            err[j] = np.std(value[zs == unqz[j]])/np.sqrt(idx.size)


        bigd[i,0,:] = abcissa
        bigd[i,1,:] = ordinate
        bigd[i,2,:] = err

    # num, z_edge = np.histogram(bigd[:,0,:].flatten(),11,normed=False)
    # total, z_edge2 = np.histogram(bigd[:,0,:].flatten(),11,normed=False,
    #                               weights=bigd[:,1,:].flatten())
    # print z_edge - z_edge2
    # bigz = (z_edge[1:] + z_edge[:-1])*0.5

    bigz2 = np.linspace(np.min(bigd[:,0,:]),np.max(bigd[:,0,:]),13)
    bigI = np.zeros((6,2,13))
    for k in range(len(plist)):
        print np.all(np.diff(bigd[k,0,:]) > 0)
        bigI[k,0,:] = np.interp(bigz2,bigd[k,0,:],bigd[k,1,:])
        bigI[k,1,:] = np.interp(bigz2,bigd[k,0,:],bigd[k,2,:])
    bigval = np.mean(bigI[:,0,:],axis=0)
    bigerr = np.sqrt(
        np.nansum(bigI[:,1,:]*(bigI[:,0,:] - bigval)**2,axis=0)/
    for l, b in enumerate(binidxs):
        binmean = np.mean(bigI[b,0,:],axis=0)
        binerr = np.sqrt(
            np.nansum(bigI[b,1,:]*(bigI[b,0,:] - binmean)**2,axis=0)/
            ((len(b)-1.0)/len(b) * np.nansum(bigI[b,1,:],axis=0)))
        with open('{}_bin{}_means.dat'.format(meanbase,l),'w') as f:
            f.write('# Bin {}: r = {} kpc\n'.\
                           '{} err'.format(field)))
            for Z, V, E in zip(bigz2,binmean,binerr):

    # ax.plot(bigz,total/num,'k-')
    ax.set_xlabel('z [kpc]')
    ax.legend(loc=0,numpoints=1,title='radius [kpc]',fontsize=10)

    pp = PDF(output)

import numpy as np
import pylab as py
import pyfits as fits
from matplotlib import rc
import yanny as yan
import sys

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('font', family='serif')

run = int(sys.argv[1])
par = yan.yanny('/home/users/hahn/research/pro/blanton/qf_environment/zerod_environment_parameters.par',np=True)

rad             = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylrad'][run-1])
height          = str(par['PARAMETERS']['cylheight'][run-1])
thresh          = str(par['PARAMETERS']['thresh'][run-1])
highenvthresh   = par['PARAMETERS']['highenvthresh'][run-1] 
lowenvthresh    = par['PARAMETERS']['lowenvthresh'][run-1]

sdss_run = int(sys.argv[2])

sdss_envfile = 'EDP-sdss-z00375_0145-numden.fits'
envfile = 'EDP-primus-z0210-numden.fits'
if (sys.argv[3] == 'lit'): 
    litsuffix = '_lit'
    litsuffix = ''
zbin = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
zbin_labels = ['SDSS $0.0375 - 0.145$','PRIMUS $0.2 - 0.4$', 'PRIMUS $0.4 - 0.6$', 'PRIMUS $0.6 - 0.8$', 'PRIMUS $0.8 - 1.0$']
sf_q = ['active', 'quiescent']