def __init__(self, input_port_name, output_port_name, display_port_name): yarp.RFModule.__init__(self) # Prepare ports self._input_port = yarp.Port() self._input_port_name = input_port_name self._output_port = yarp.BufferedPortBottle() self._output_port_name = output_port_name self._display_port = yarp.Port() self._display_port_name = display_port_name # Prepare image buffers # Input self._input_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self._input_buf_image.resize(320, 240) self._input_buf_array = np.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self._input_buf_image.setExternal(self._input_buf_array, self._input_buf_array.shape[1], self._input_buf_array.shape[0]) # Output self._display_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self._display_buf_image.resize(320, 240) self._display_buf_array = np.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self._display_buf_image.setExternal(self._display_buf_array, self._display_buf_array.shape[1], self._display_buf_array.shape[0]) self._logger = yarp.Log()
def createImageArrays(self): self.imageArray = numpy.zeros((self.imgHeight, self.imgWidth, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) self.newImage = yarp.ImageRgb() self.yarpImage = yarp.ImageRgb() self.yarpImage.resize(self.imgWidthNew, self.imgWidthNew) self.yarpImage.setExternal(self.imageArray, self.imageArray.shape[1], self.imageArray.shape[0])
def processLiveData(self, dataList, thisModel, verbose, additionalData=dict()): """ Method which receives a list of data frames and outputs a classification if available or 'no_classification' if it is not Args: dataList: List of dataFrames collected. Length of list is variable. thisModel: List of models required for testing. verbose : Boolean turning logging to stdout on or off. additionalData : Dictionary containing additional data required for classification to occur. Returns: String with result of classification, likelihood of the classification, and list of frames with the latest x number of frames popped where x is the window length of the model. Classification result can be string `'None'` if the classification is unknown or message is invalid or `None` if a different error occurs. """'process live data') imgH = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgH'] imgW = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgW'] imgHNew = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgHNew'] imgWNew = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgWNew'] numFaces = len(dataList) imageArray = numpy.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) yarpImage = yarp.ImageRgb() yarpImage.resize(imgH, imgW) yarpImage.setExternal(imageArray, imageArray.shape[1], imageArray.shape[0]) # images = numpy.zeros((numFaces, imgHNew * imgWNew), dtype=numpy.uint8) labels = [None] * numFaces likelihoods = [None] * numFaces if numFaces > 0: # average all faces for i in range(numFaces):'iterating' + str(i)) yarpImage.copy(dataList[i]) imageArrayOld = cv2.resize(imageArray, (imgHNew, imgWNew)) imageArrayGray = cv2.cvtColor(imageArrayOld, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) instance = imageArrayGray.flatten()[None, :]"Collected face: " + str(i))'testing enter') [labels[i], likelihoods[i] ] = SAMTesting.testSegment(thisModel, instance, verbose, None)'testing leave')'combine enter') finalClassLabel, finalClassProb = SAMTesting.combineClassifications( thisModel, labels, likelihoods)'combine ready')'finalClassLabels ' + str(finalClassLabel))'finalClassProbs ' + str(finalClassProb)) return finalClassLabel, finalClassProb, [] else: return [None, 0, None]
def __init__(self): yarp.RFModule.__init__(self) # handle port for the RFModule self.handle_port = yarp.Port() self.attach(self.handle_port) # Define vars to receive an image self.input_port = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb() # Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it self.input_img_array = None # Define vars for outputing image self.output_objects_port = yarp.Port() self.output_raw_port = yarp.Port() self.output_img_port = yarp.Port() self.display_buf_array = None self.display_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self.module_name = None self.width_img = None self.height_img = None self.label_path = None self.category_index = None self.detection_graph = None self.model_path = None self.cap = None self.session = None
def __init__(self, width=640, height=480): # Initialise YARP yarp.Network.init() # create ros node rospy.init_node('icub_images_driver', anonymous=True) # create the publishers self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher('/icubRos/sensors/camera_left', Image, queue_size=10) # Create a port and connect it to the iCub simulator virtual camera self.input_port_cam = yarp.Port()"/icubRos/camera_left") yarp.Network.connect("/icubSim/cam/left", "/icubRos/camera_left") # prepare image self.yarp_img_in = yarp.ImageRgb() self.yarp_img_in.resize(width,height) self.img_array = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # yarp image will be available in self.img_array self.yarp_img_in.setExternal(self.img_array, width, height) # create time variable for calculating reading time self.current_time = time.time() print ("Starting reading") rate = rospy.Rate(10) rate = 10.0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #while True: self.read_and_publish_in_ros() #rate.sleep() time.sleep(1/rate)
def readFrame(self): """ Logic to read an available data frame. Description: This function first checks the required data type of the frame to be received and instantiates the required yarp data object. This function then subsequently reads in the latest frame from the __dataIn__ port which it returns. Return is `None` if the data type is not recognised. This is currently a limitation because `ImageRgb`, `ImageMono` and `Bottle` are so far the only supported bottle types. This can be easily extended in this section by adding more cases. Returns: Boolean indicating success of logic or not. """ if self.inputType == 'imagergb': frame = yarp.ImageRgb() elif self.inputType == 'imagemono': frame = yarp.ImageMono() elif self.inputType == 'bottle': frame = yarp.Bottle() else: return None frameRead = self.portsList[self.labelPort].read(True) if self.inputType == 'bottle': frame.fromString(frameRead.toString()) elif 'image' in self.inputType: frame.copy(frameRead) return frame
def write_yarp_image(outport, img_array): # Create the yarp image and wrap it around the array # img_array = img_array[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] yarp_img = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_img.resize(320, 240) yarp_img.setExternal(img_array, img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) outport.write(yarp_img)
def createImageBuffer(width=320, height=240, channels=3): """ This method creates image buffers with the specified \a width, \a height and number of color channels \a channels. @param width - integer specifying the width of the image (default: 320) @param height - integer specifying the height of the image (default: 240) @param channels - integer specifying number of color channels (default: 3) @return image, buffer array """ if channels == 1: buf_image = yarp.ImageFloat() buf_image.resize(width, height) buf_array = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.float32) else: buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() buf_image.resize(width, height) buf_array = np.zeros((height, width, channels), dtype=np.uint8) buf_image.setExternal(buf_array, buf_array.shape[1], buf_array.shape[0]) return buf_image, buf_array
def __init__(self, input_port_name, output_port_name): # Prepare ports self._input_port = yarp.Port() self._input_port_name = input_port_name self._output_port = yarp.Port() self._output_port_name = output_port_name # Prepare image buffers # Input self._input_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self._input_buf_image.resize(320, 240) self._input_buf_array = numpy.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) self._input_buf_image.setExternal( self._input_buf_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], self._input_buf_array.shape[1], self._input_buf_array.shape[0]) # Output self._output_buf_image = yarp.ImageFloat() self._output_buf_image.resize(320, 240) self._output_buf_array = numpy.zeros((240, 320), dtype=numpy.float32) self._output_buf_image.setExternal( self._output_buf_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], self._output_buf_array.shape[1], self._output_buf_array.shape[0])
def __init_scene_camera(self) -> Tuple: """ @returns the img array and yarp image""" scene_img_array: np.ndarray = np.ones((240, 320, 3), np.uint8) scene_yarp_image: yarp.ImageRgb = yarp.ImageRgb() scene_yarp_image.resize(320, 240) # YARP image will wrap the arr scene_yarp_image.setExternal(, scene_img_array.shape[1], scene_img_array.shape[0]) return scene_img_array, scene_yarp_image
def write_yarp_image(self, frame): """ Handle function to stream the recognize faces with their bounding rectangles :param img_array: :return: """ self.display_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self.display_buf_image.resize(self.width_img, self.height_img) self.display_buf_image.setExternal(frame.tobytes(), self.width_img, self.height_img) self.output_img_port.write(self.display_buf_image)
def read_yarp_image(inport): # Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it img_array = np.ones((240, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8) yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_image.resize(320, 240) yarp_image.setExternal(img_array, img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Read the data from the port into the image return img_array, yarp_image
def readFrame(self): if self.inputType == 'imagergb': frame = yarp.ImageRgb() elif self.inputType == 'imagemono': frame = yarp.ImageMono() elif self.inputType == 'bottle': frame = yarp.Bottle() frame = self.portsList[self.labelPort].read(True) return frame
def __init__(self, options): self.options = options # Set requested GPU os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(options.gpu_id) # Initialize YARP network yarp.Network.init() # Initialize RF module yarp.RFModule.__init__(self) # Initialize inference self.inference = Inference(self.options.model, self.options.refine_model, self.options.width, self.options.height, self.options.cam_fx, self.options.cam_fy, self.options.cam_cx, self.options.cam_cy) # Initialize YARP ports self.rgb_in = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb()"/dense-fusion/camera/rgb:i") self.depth_in = yarp.BufferedPortImageFloat()"/dense-fusion/camera/depth:i") self.mask_in = yarp.BufferedPortImageMono()"/dense-fusion/camera/mask:i") self.camera_pose_in = yarp.BufferedPortVector()"/dense-fusion/camera/pose:i") self.prediction_out = yarp.Port()"/dense-fusion/pose:o") # Input buffers initialization self.rgb_buffer = bytearray(numpy.zeros((self.options.height, self.options.width, 3), dtype = numpy.uint8)) self.rgb_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self.rgb_image.resize(self.options.width, self.options.height) self.rgb_image.setExternal(self.rgb_buffer, self.options.width, self.options.height) self.depth_buffer = bytearray(numpy.zeros((self.options.height, self.options.width, 1), dtype = numpy.float32)) self.depth_image = yarp.ImageFloat() self.depth_image.resize(self.options.width, self.options.height) self.depth_image.setExternal(self.depth_buffer, self.options.width, self.options.height) self.mask_buffer = bytearray(numpy.zeros((self.options.height, self.options.width, 1), dtype = numpy.uint8)) self.mask_image = yarp.ImageMono() self.mask_image.resize(self.options.width, self.options.height) self.mask_image.setExternal(self.mask_buffer, self.options.width, self.options.height) # Stamp initialization for finite differences self.last_stamp = -1 self.last_total_position = None
def write_template_face(self, template_img): """ Handle function to stream the tempalte of the recognize face :param img_array: :return: """ self.display_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self.display_buf_image.resize(template_img.shape[1], template_img.shape[0]) self.display_buf_image.setExternal(template_img.tobytes(), template_img.shape[1], template_img.shape[0]) self.face_template.write(self.display_buf_image)
def __initilizeBinocularImages( self ) -> Tuple[yarp.ImageRgb, np.ndarray, yarp.ImageRgb, np.ndarray]: """ Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it """ # print('------------- Init image-array structures -----------------') # YARP images for both eyes and the arr left_eye_img_array: np.ndarray = np.ones((240, 320, 3), np.uint8) left_eye_yarp_image: yarp.ImageRgb = yarp.ImageRgb() left_eye_yarp_image.resize(320, 240) right_eye_img_array: np.ndarray = np.ones((240, 320, 3), np.uint8) right_eye_yarp_image: yarp.ImageRgb = yarp.ImageRgb() right_eye_yarp_image.resize(320, 240) # YARP image will wrap the arr left_eye_yarp_image.setExternal(, left_eye_img_array.shape[1], left_eye_img_array.shape[0]) right_eye_yarp_image.setExternal(, right_eye_img_array.shape[1], right_eye_img_array.shape[0]) return right_eye_yarp_image, right_eye_img_array, left_eye_yarp_image, left_eye_img_array
def processLiveData(self, dataList, thisModel, verbose, additionalData=dict()):'process live data') imgH = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgH'] imgW = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgW'] imgHNew = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgHNew'] imgWNew = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgWNew'] numFaces = len(dataList) imageArray = numpy.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) yarpImage = yarp.ImageRgb() yarpImage.resize(imgH, imgW) yarpImage.setExternal(imageArray, imageArray.shape[1], imageArray.shape[0]) # images = numpy.zeros((numFaces, imgHNew * imgWNew), dtype=numpy.uint8) labels = [None] * numFaces likelihoods = [None] * numFaces if numFaces > 0: # average all faces for i in range(numFaces):'iterating' + str(i)) yarpImage.copy(dataList[i]) imageArrayOld = cv2.resize(imageArray, (imgHNew, imgWNew)) imageArrayGray = cv2.cvtColor(imageArrayOld, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) instance = imageArrayGray.flatten()[None, :]"Collected face: " + str(i))'testing enter') [labels[i], likelihoods[i] ] = SAMTesting.testSegment(thisModel, instance, verbose, None)'testing leave')'combine enter') finalClassLabel, finalClassProb = SAMTesting.combineClassifications( thisModel, labels, likelihoods)'combine ready')'finalClassLabels ' + str(finalClassLabel))'finalClassProbs ' + str(finalClassProb)) return finalClassLabel, finalClassProb, [] else: return [None, 0, None]
def configure(self, rf): yarp.Network.init() self.respondPort = yarp.Port() self.inputPort = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb() self.outputStillPort = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb() self.outputImagePort = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb()'/imageRPC')'/pythonRead')'/imageWrite')'/pictureWrite') self.attach(self.respondPort) yarp.Network.connect('/grabber', '/pythonRead') yarp.Network.connect('/pictureWrite', '/pictureView') yarp.Network.connect('/imageWrite', '/internalView') self.imgArray = numpy.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) self.imgBuffer = numpy.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) self.inputImage = yarp.ImageRgb() self.tempImage = yarp.ImageRgb() self.tempImage.resize(320, 240) self.tempImage.setExternal(self.imgArray, self.imgArray.shape[1], self.imgArray.shape[0]) self.outputImage = yarp.ImageRgb() self.outputStill = yarp.ImageRgb() self.uniCom = 'None' print 'configured' return True
def get_image(self): # Create image placeholder img = np.zeros((self.height, self.width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # Read image with yarp yarp_img = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_img.resize(self.width, self.height) yarp_img.setExternal(img, self.width, self.height) if not raise ValueError("Try to read a closed port") # Check image if not yarp_img.getRawImage().__long__() == img.__array_interface__['data'][0]: raise RuntimeError("read() reallocated my yarp_img") return img
def __init__(self, app_name, port_name): # open recipient port self.port = yarp.Port() + port_name) yarp.delay(0.25) # connect the port to camera yarp.Network.connect(port_name, app_name + port_name) yarp.delay(0.25) # prepare data buffer for reception self.width = 320 self.height = 240 self.yarp_img = yarp.ImageRgb() self.yarp_img.resize(self.width, self.height) self.array_img = bytearray(self.width * self.height * 3) self.yarp_img.setExternal(self.array_img, self.width, self.height) # prepare blank image to be returned when an error appears self.blank = np.zeros(self.shape())
def yarp_to_python(self): # Create a port and connect it to the iCub simulator virtual camera # Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it img_array = numpy.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_image.resize(320, 240) yarp_image.setExternal(img_array, img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Alternatively, if using Python 2.x, try: #yarp_image.setExternal(img_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Read the data from the port into the image # display the image that has been read # matplotlib.pylab.imshow(img_array) cv2.imshow('frame', self.detect_colour(img_array))
def yarp_to_python(input_port): # Create a port and connect it to the iCub simulator virtual camera # input_port = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb() #"/python-image-port") # yarp.Network.connect("/icub/camcalib/left/out", "/python-image-port") # Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it img_array = numpy.ones((240, 320, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_image.resize(320, 240) yarp_image.setExternal(img_array, img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Alternatively, if using Python 2.x, try: # yarp_image.setExternal(img_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Read the data from the port into the image return img_array, yarp_image
def __init__(self, icub_root='/icubSim'): # Global variables self.thread_movement_detection = threading.Thread(target=None) self.acapela_account_login = '' self.acapela_application_login = '' self.acapela_application_password = '' self.acapela_service_url = '' # Deepgaze variables self.object_list = list() self.histogram_classifier = HistogramColorClassifier( channels=[0, 1, 2], hist_size=[128, 128, 128], hist_range=[0, 256, 0, 256, 0, 256], hist_type='BGR') # Init YARP yarp.Network.init() # Camera connection try: cam_w = 320 # 640 cam_h = 240 # 480 # Left camera print("[ICUB] Init: Waiting for " + icub_root + "/cam/left' ...") self.port_left_camera = yarp.Port()"/pyera-left-image-port") yarp.Network.connect(icub_root + "/cam/left", "/pyera-left-image-port") # right camera print("[ICUB] Init: Waiting for " + icub_root + "/cam/right' ...") self.port_right_camera = yarp.Port()"/pyera-right-image-port") yarp.Network.connect(icub_root + "/cam/right", "/pyera-right-image-port") # Set the numpy array to fill with the image self.img_array = np.zeros((cam_h, cam_w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self.yarp_image.resize(cam_w, cam_h) self.yarp_image.setExternal(self.img_array, self.img_array.shape[1], self.img_array.shape[0]) except BaseException, err: print("[ICUB][ERROR] connect To Camera catching error " + str(err)) return
def writeImageYarpPort(self, imgArray, yarpPort): """ Send the image through the yarp port param img_array: image data in the form of numpy array [height, width, 3]. Image to be sent. """ yarpImg = yarpPort.prepare( ) # Get a place to store the image to be sent img = yarp.ImageRgb() img.resize(imgArray.shape[1], imgArray.shape[0]) img.setExternal(, imgArray.shape[1], imgArray.shape[0]) # Wrap yarp image around the numpy array yarpImg.copy(img) yarpPort.write()
def write_image_yarp_port(self, img_array): """ Send the image through the yarp port param img_array: image data in the form of numpy array [height, width, 3]. Image to be sent. """ yarp_img = self.glasses_images_port.prepare( ) # Get a place to store the image to be sent img = yarp.ImageRgb() img.resize(self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight) img.setExternal(, self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight) # Wrap yarp image around the numpy array yarp_img.copy(img) print(yarp_img) self.glasses_images_port.write()
def yarp_get(): img_array = numpy.ones((480, 640, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) source = img_array bitmap = cv.CreateImageHeader((source.shape[1], source.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.SetData(bitmap, source.tostring(), source.dtype.itemsize * 3 * source.shape[1]) img_array = bitmap yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_image.resize(640, 480) yarp_image.setExternal(img_array, img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # print img_array.__array_interface__['data'][0] #yarp_image.setExternal(img_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # print img_array.getIplImage() plt.imshow(img_array) return img_array
def processLiveData(self, dataList, thisModel): print 'process live data' print len(dataList) imgH = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgH'] imgW = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgW'] imgHNew = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgHNew'] imgWNew = thisModel[0].paramsDict['imgWNew'] numFaces = len(dataList) imageArray = numpy.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) yarpImage = yarp.ImageRgb() yarpImage.resize(imgH, imgW) yarpImage.setExternal(imageArray, imageArray.shape[1], imageArray.shape[0]) # images = numpy.zeros((numFaces, imgHNew * imgWNew), dtype=numpy.uint8) labels = [None] * numFaces likelihoods = [None] * numFaces if numFaces > 0: # average all faces for i in range(numFaces): yarpImage.copy(dataList[i]) imageArrayOld = cv2.resize(imageArray, (imgHNew, imgWNew)) imageArrayGray = cv2.cvtColor(imageArrayOld, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) instance = imageArrayGray.flatten()[None, :] print instance.shape print "Collected face: " + str(i) [labels[i], likelihoods[i] ] = SAMTesting.testSegment(thisModel, instance, True, None) return SAMTesting.combineClassifications(thisModel, labels, likelihoods) else: return [None, 0]
def yarp_to_python(): # Create a port and connect it to the iCub simulator virtual camera input_port = yarp.Port()"/python-image-port") yarp.Network.connect("/icubSim/cam", "/python-image-port") # Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it img_array = numpy.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() yarp_image.resize(320, 240) yarp_image.setExternal(img_array, img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Alternatively, if using Python 2.x, try: # yarp_image.setExternal(img_array.__array_interface__['data'][0], img_array.shape[1], img_array.shape[0]) # Read the data from the port into the image # display the image that has been read matplotlib.pylab.imshow(img_array) # Cleanup input_port.close()
# Port for left eye image input_port_left_eye = yarp.Port() if not"/" + CLIENT_PREFIX + "/eyes/left"): print("[ERROR] Could not open left eye port") if not yarp.Network.connect("/" + ROBOT_PREFIX + "/cam/left", "/" + CLIENT_PREFIX + "/eyes/left"): print("[ERROR] Could not connect input_port_left_eye") ###################################################################### ################## Initialization of both eye images ################# print('----- Init image array structures -----') # Create numpy array to receive the image and the YARP image wrapped around it left_eye_img_array = np.ones((240, 320, 3), np.uint8) left_eye_yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() left_eye_yarp_image.resize(320, 240) right_eye_img_array = np.ones((240, 320, 3), np.uint8) right_eye_yarp_image = yarp.ImageRgb() right_eye_yarp_image.resize(320, 240) left_eye_yarp_image.setExternal(, left_eye_img_array.shape[1], left_eye_img_array.shape[0]) right_eye_yarp_image.setExternal(, right_eye_img_array.shape[1], right_eye_img_array.shape[0]) #objects_iCubSim() ######################################################################
def configure(self, rf): ''' Configure the module internal variables and ports according to resource finder ''' self._rf = rf # Input # Image port initialization self._port_in = yarp.BufferedPortImageRgb()'/' + self._module_name + '/RGBimage:i') # Input buffer initialization self._input_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self._input_buf_image.resize(self._input_img_width, self._input_img_height) self._input_buf_array = np.ones( (self._input_img_height, self._input_img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self._input_buf_image.setExternal(self._input_buf_array, self._input_buf_array.shape[1], self._input_buf_array.shape[0]) print('Input image buffer configured') # Output # Output image port initialization self._port_out = yarp.Port()'/' + self._module_name + '/RGBimage:o') # Output blobs port initialization self._port_out_bboxes = yarp.Port()'/' + self._module_name + '/bboxes:o') # Output detection info port initialization self._port_out_info = yarp.Port()'/' + self._module_name + '/detectionInfo:o') # Output buffer initialization self._output_buf_image = yarp.ImageRgb() self._output_buf_image.resize(self._input_img_width, self._input_img_height) self._output_buf_array = np.zeros( (self._input_img_height, self._input_img_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self._output_buf_image.setExternal(self._output_buf_array, self._output_buf_array.shape[1], self._output_buf_array.shape[0]) print('Output image buffer configured') # Output mask port initialization self._port_out_mask = yarp.Port()'/' + self._module_name + '/maskImage:o') # Output mask buffer initialization self._output_mask_buf_image = yarp.ImageMono() self._output_mask_buf_image.resize(self._input_img_width, self._input_img_height) print('Output mask buffer configured') # RPC port initialization self._port_rpc = yarp.RpcServer()'/' + self._module_name + '/rpc') self.attach_rpc_server(self._port_rpc) # Inference model setup # Configure some parameters for inference config = configurations.YCBVideoConfigInference() config.POST_NMS_ROIS_INFERENCE = 300 config.PRE_NMS_LIMIT = 1000 config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES = 10 config.DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.75 config.display() self._model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode='inference', model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config) self._detection_results = None print('Inference model configured') # Load class names dataset_root = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets", "bottles_ycb_video_format") # Automatically discriminate the dataset according to the config file if isinstance(config, configurations.TabletopConfigInference): # Load the validation dataset self._dataset = datasets.TabletopDataset() elif isinstance(config, configurations.YCBVideoConfigInference): self._dataset = datasets.YCBVideoDataset() # No need to load the whole dataset, just the class names will be ok self._dataset.load_class_names(dataset_root) # Create a dict for assigning colors to each class random_class_colors = tabletop_bottles.random_colors( len(self._dataset.class_names)) self._class_colors = { class_id: color for (color, class_id ) in zip(random_class_colors, self._dataset.class_names) } # Load model weights try: assert os.path.exists(self._model_weights_path) except AssertionError as error: print("Model weights path invalid: file does not exist") print(error) return False self._model.load_weights(self._model_weights_path, by_name=True) print("Model weights loaded") return True