예제 #1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.image_weights:
            index = self.indices[index]

        img_path = self.img_files[index]
        label_path = self.label_files[index]

        hyp = self.hyp
        mosaic = True and self.augment  # load 4 images at a time into a mosaic (only during training)
        if mosaic:
            # Load mosaic
            img, labels = load_mosaic(self, index)
            shapes = None

            # Load image
            img, (h0, w0), (h, w) = load_image(self, index)

            # Letterbox
            shape = self.batch_shapes[self.batch[index]] if self.rect else self.img_size  # final letterboxed shape
            img, ratio, pad = letterbox(img, shape, auto=False, scaleup=self.augment)
            shapes = (h0, w0), ((h / h0, w / w0), pad)  # for COCO mAP rescaling

            # Load labels
            labels = []
            if os.path.isfile(label_path):
                x = self.labels[index]
                if x is None:  # labels not preloaded
                    with open(label_path, 'r') as f:
                        x = np.array([x.split() for x in f.read().splitlines()], dtype=np.float32)

                if x.size > 0:
                    # Normalized xywh to pixel xyxy format
                    labels = x.copy()
                    labels[:, 1] = ratio[0] * w * (x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2) + pad[0]  # pad width
                    labels[:, 2] = ratio[1] * h * (x[:, 2] - x[:, 4] / 2) + pad[1]  # pad height
                    labels[:, 3] = ratio[0] * w * (x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2) + pad[0]
                    labels[:, 4] = ratio[1] * h * (x[:, 2] + x[:, 4] / 2) + pad[1]

        if self.augment:
            # Augment imagespace
            if not mosaic:
                img, labels = random_affine(img, labels,

            # Augment colorspace
            augment_hsv(img, hgain=hyp['hsv_h'], sgain=hyp['hsv_s'], vgain=hyp['hsv_v'])

            # Apply cutouts
            # if random.random() < 0.9:
            #     labels = cutout(img, labels)

        nL = len(labels)  # number of labels
        if nL:
            # convert xyxy to xywh
            labels[:, 1:5] = xyxy2xywh(labels[:, 1:5])

            # Normalize coordinates 0 - 1
            labels[:, [2, 4]] /= img.shape[0]  # height
            labels[:, [1, 3]] /= img.shape[1]  # width

        if self.augment:
            # random left-right flip
            lr_flip = True
            if lr_flip and random.random() < 0.5:
                img = np.fliplr(img)
                if nL:
                    labels[:, 1] = 1 - labels[:, 1]

            # random up-down flip
            ud_flip = False
            if ud_flip and random.random() < 0.5:
                img = np.flipud(img)
                if nL:
                    labels[:, 2] = 1 - labels[:, 2]

        labels_out = torch.zeros((nL, 6))
        if nL:
            labels_out[:, 1:] = torch.from_numpy(labels)

        # Convert
        img = img[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1)  # BGR to RGB, to 3x416x416
        img = np.ascontiguousarray(img)

        return torch.from_numpy(img), labels_out, img_path, shapes
예제 #2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.image_weights:
            index = self.indices[index]

        img_path = self.img_files[index]
        label_path = self.label_files[index]

        # Load image
        img = self.imgs[index]
        if img is None:
            img = cv2.imread(img_path)  # BGR
            assert img is not None, 'File Not Found ' + img_path
            if self.n < 1001:
                self.imgs[index] = img  # cache image into memory

        # Augment colorspace
        augment_hsv = True
        if self.augment and augment_hsv:
            # SV augmentation by 50%
            fraction = 0.50  # must be < 1.0
            img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # hue, sat, val
            S = img_hsv[:, :, 1].astype(np.float32)  # saturation
            V = img_hsv[:, :, 2].astype(np.float32)  # value

            a = (random.random() * 2 - 1) * fraction + 1
            b = (random.random() * 2 - 1) * fraction + 1
            S *= a
            V *= b

            img_hsv[:, :, 1] = S if a < 1 else S.clip(None, 255)
            img_hsv[:, :, 2] = V if b < 1 else V.clip(None, 255)
            cv2.cvtColor(img_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR, dst=img)

        # Letterbox
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        if self.rect:
            shape = self.batch_shapes[self.batch[index]]
            img, ratiow, ratioh, padw, padh = letterbox(img, new_shape=shape, mode='rect')
            shape = self.img_size
            img, ratiow, ratioh, padw, padh = letterbox(img, new_shape=shape, mode='square')

        # Load labels
        labels = []
        if os.path.isfile(label_path):
            x = self.labels[index]
            if x is None:  # labels not preloaded
                with open(label_path, 'r') as f:
                    x = np.array([x.split() for x in f.read().splitlines()], dtype=np.float32)
                    self.labels[index] = x  # save for next time

            if x.size > 0:
                # Normalized xywh to pixel xyxy format
                labels = x.copy()
                labels[:, 1] = ratiow * w * (x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2) + padw
                labels[:, 2] = ratioh * h * (x[:, 2] - x[:, 4] / 2) + padh
                labels[:, 3] = ratiow * w * (x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2) + padw
                labels[:, 4] = ratioh * h * (x[:, 2] + x[:, 4] / 2) + padh

        # Augment image and labels
        if self.augment:
            img, labels = random_affine(img, labels, degrees=(-5, 5), translate=(0.10, 0.10), scale=(0.90, 1.10))

        nL = len(labels)  # number of labels
        if nL:
            # convert xyxy to xywh
            labels[:, 1:5] = xyxy2xywh(labels[:, 1:5])

            # Normalize coordinates 0 - 1
            labels[:, [2, 4]] /= img.shape[0]  # height
            labels[:, [1, 3]] /= img.shape[1]  # width

        if self.augment:
            # random left-right flip
            lr_flip = True
            if lr_flip and random.random() > 0.5:
                img = np.fliplr(img)
                if nL:
                    labels[:, 1] = 1 - labels[:, 1]

            # random up-down flip
            ud_flip = False
            if ud_flip and random.random() > 0.5:
                img = np.flipud(img)
                if nL:
                    labels[:, 2] = 1 - labels[:, 2]

        labels_out = torch.zeros((nL, 6))
        if nL:
            labels_out[:, 1:] = torch.from_numpy(labels)

        # Normalize
        img = img[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1)  # BGR to RGB, to 3x416x416
        img = np.ascontiguousarray(img, dtype=np.float32)  # uint8 to float32
        img /= 255.0  # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0

        return torch.from_numpy(img), labels_out, img_path, (h, w)
예제 #3
파일: datasets.py 프로젝트: adegenna/yolov3
    def __next__(self):
        self.count += 1
        if self.count == self.nB:
            raise StopIteration

        ia = self.count * self.batch_size
        ib = min((self.count + 1) * self.batch_size, self.nF)

        height = self.height

        img_all = []
        labels_all = []
        for index, files_index in enumerate(range(ia, ib)):
            img_path = self.__inputs.traindir + str(
                self.shuffled_vector[files_index]) + '.bmp'

            img0 = cv2.imread(img_path)
            if img0 is None:

            augment_hsv = False
            if augment_hsv:

            # Load labels
            chip = img_path.rsplit('/')[-1]
            chip = chip.rsplit('_')[-1]
            i = (self.targetIDs == float(
                chip.replace('.tif', '').replace('.bmp', ''))).nonzero()[0]
            labels1 = self.targets[i]
            img1, labels1, M = random_affine(img0,
                                             degrees=(-20, 20),
                                             translate=(0.01, 0.01),
                                             scale=(0.70, 1.30))  # RGB

            self.labels1 = labels1
            self.r = pickRandomPoints(100, img0, height, M, img1)
            self.nL1 = len(labels1)

            if self.nL1 > 0:

            h, w, _ = img1.shape
            for j in range(8):
                self.labels = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
                pad_x, pad_y = self.eliminateBadLabels(j)
                img = img1[pad_y:pad_y + self.height,
                           pad_x:pad_x + self.height]

                self.nL = len(self.labels)
                if self.nL > 0:
                    # convert labels to xywh
                    self.labels[:, 1:5] = xyxy2xywh(
                        self.labels[:, 1:5].copy()) / self.height

                # random lr flip
                if random.random() > 0.5:
                    img = np.fliplr(img)
                    if self.nL > 0:
                        self.labels[:, 1] = 1 - self.labels[:, 1]

                # random ud flip
                if random.random() > 0.5:
                    img = np.flipud(img)
                    if self.nL > 0:
                        self.labels[:, 2] = 1 - self.labels[:, 2]


        # Randomize
        i = np.random.permutation(len(labels_all))
        img_all = [img_all[j] for j in i]
        labels_all = [labels_all[j] for j in i]

        # Normalize
        img_all = np.stack(img_all)[:, :, :, ::-1].transpose(
            0, 3, 1, 2)  # BGR to RGB and cv2 to pytorch
        img_all = np.ascontiguousarray(img_all, dtype=np.float32)
        img_all -= self.rgb_mean
        img_all /= self.rgb_std

        return torch.from_numpy(img_all), labels_all
예제 #4
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.image_weights:
            index = self.indices[index]

        img_path = self.img_files[index]
        label_path = self.label_files[index]
        hyp = self.hyp

        # Load image
        img = self.imgs[index]
        if img is None:
            img = cv2.imread(img_path)  # BGR
            assert img is not None, 'Image Not Found ' + img_path
            r = self.img_size / max(img.shape)  # size ratio
            if self.augment and r < 1:  # if training (NOT testing), downsize to inference shape
                h, w, _ = img.shape
                img = cv2.resize(img, (int(w * r), int(h * r)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)  # INTER_LINEAR fastest

        # Augment colorspace
        augment_hsv = True
        if self.augment and augment_hsv:
            # SV augmentation by 50%
            img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # hue, sat, val
            S = img_hsv[:, :, 1].astype(np.float32)  # saturation
            V = img_hsv[:, :, 2].astype(np.float32)  # value

            a = random.uniform(-1, 1) * hyp['hsv_s'] + 1
            b = random.uniform(-1, 1) * hyp['hsv_v'] + 1
            S *= a
            V *= b

            img_hsv[:, :, 1] = S if a < 1 else S.clip(None, 255)
            img_hsv[:, :, 2] = V if b < 1 else V.clip(None, 255)
            cv2.cvtColor(img_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR, dst=img)

        # Letterbox
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        if self.rect:
            shape = self.batch_shapes[self.batch[index]]
            img, ratiow, ratioh, padw, padh = letterbox(img, new_shape=shape, mode='rect')
            shape = self.img_size
            img, ratiow, ratioh, padw, padh = letterbox(img, new_shape=shape, mode='square')

        # Load labels
        labels = []
        if os.path.isfile(label_path):
            x = self.labels[index]
            if x is None:  # labels not preloaded
                boxes = []
                root = ET.parse(label_path).getroot()
                im_w = int(root.find('size/width').text)
                im_h = int(root.find('size/height').text)
                for obj in root.findall('object'):
                    c = obj.find('name').text
                    if c not in self.id2idx:
                    cls = self.id2idx[c]
                    x1 = int(obj.find('bndbox/xmin').text)
                    y1 = int(obj.find('bndbox/ymin').text)
                    x2 = int(obj.find('bndbox/xmax').text)
                    y2 = int(obj.find('bndbox/ymax').text)
                    x = 0.5 * (x1 + x2) / im_w
                    y = 0.5 * (y1 + y2) / im_h
                    ww = (x2 - x1) / im_w
                    hh = (y2 - y1) / im_h
                    boxes.append([cls, x, y, ww, hh])
                x = np.array(boxes, dtype=np.float32)

            if x.size > 0:
                # Normalized xywh to pixel xyxy format
                labels = x.copy()
                labels[:, 1] = ratiow * w * (x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2) + padw
                labels[:, 2] = ratioh * h * (x[:, 2] - x[:, 4] / 2) + padh
                labels[:, 3] = ratiow * w * (x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2) + padw
                labels[:, 4] = ratioh * h * (x[:, 2] + x[:, 4] / 2) + padh

        # Augment image and labels
        if self.augment:
            img, labels = random_affine(img, labels,

        nL = len(labels)  # number of labels
        if nL:
            # convert xyxy to xywh
            labels[:, 1:5] = xyxy2xywh(labels[:, 1:5])

            # Normalize coordinates 0 - 1
            labels[:, [2, 4]] /= img.shape[0]  # height
            labels[:, [1, 3]] /= img.shape[1]  # width

        if self.augment:
            # random left-right flip
            lr_flip = True
            if lr_flip and random.random() > 0.5:
                img = np.fliplr(img)
                if nL:
                    labels[:, 1] = 1 - labels[:, 1]

            # random up-down flip
            ud_flip = False
            if ud_flip and random.random() > 0.5:
                img = np.flipud(img)
                if nL:
                    labels[:, 2] = 1 - labels[:, 2]

        labels_out = torch.zeros((nL, 6))
        if nL:
            labels_out[:, 1:] = torch.from_numpy(labels)

        # Normalize
        img = img[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1)  # BGR to RGB, to 3x416x416
        img = np.ascontiguousarray(img, dtype=np.float32)  # uint8 to float32
        img /= 255.0  # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0

        return torch.from_numpy(img), labels_out, img_path, (h, w)