def get_local_package(asset_id: str, config: YouwolEnvironment) -> Library: """ Not populated with tree items """ data_packages = parse_json(config.pathsBook.local_docdb / "cdn" / "libraries" / "data.json") raw_id = decode_id(asset_id) library_name = decode_id(raw_id) releases = [ d for d in data_packages['documents'] if d['library_name'] == library_name ] if not releases: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f'Local package {library_name} not found') return Library( libraryName=library_name, namespace=releases[0]["namespace"], releases=[ Release(version=r['version'], fingerprint=r['fingerprint'] if 'fingerprint' in r else '') for r in releases ], assetId=asset_id, rawId=raw_id, treeItems=[], )
async def cdn_status(request: Request, project_id: str, config: YouwolEnvironment = Depends(yw_config)): context = ContextFactory.get_instance( request=request, web_socket=WebSocketsStore.userChannel) async with context.start(action="Get local cdn status", with_attributes={ 'event': 'CdnResponsePending', 'projectId': project_id }) as ctx: data = parse_json(config.pathsBook.local_cdn_docdb)['documents'] data = [d for d in data if d["library_name"] == decode_id(project_id)] def format_version(doc): storage_cdn_path = config.pathsBook.local_cdn_storage folder_path = storage_cdn_path / doc['path'] bundle_path = folder_path / doc['bundle'] files_count = sum( [len(files) for r, d, files in os.walk(folder_path)]) bundle_size = bundle_path.stat().st_size return CdnVersionResponse(name=doc['library_name'], version=doc['version'], versionNumber=doc['version_number'], filesCount=files_count, bundleSize=bundle_size, path=folder_path, namespace=doc['namespace']) response = CdnResponse(name=decode_id(project_id), versions=[format_version(d) for d in data]) await ctx.send(response) return response
def get_zip_path(asset_id: str, version, env: YouwolEnvironment): library_name = decode_id(decode_id(asset_id)) base_path = env.pathsBook.local_storage / "cdn" / "youwol-users" / "libraries" namespace = None if '/' not in library_name else library_name.split( '/')[0][1:] library_name = library_name if '/' not in library_name else library_name.split( '/')[1] library_path = base_path / library_name / version \ if not namespace \ else base_path / namespace / library_name / version return library_name, library_path / ""
async def process_download_asset(queue: asyncio.Queue, factories: Dict[str, Any], downloaded_ids: set[str], logger: DownloadLogger): while True: url, context, headers = await queue.get() raw_id = url.split('/api/assets-gateway/raw/')[1].split('/')[1] asset_id = encode_id(raw_id) remote_gtw_client = await RemoteClients.get_assets_gateway_client( context=context) try: asset = await remote_gtw_client.get_asset_metadata( asset_id=asset_id, headers=headers) raw_id = decode_id(asset_id) process_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) await process_id=process_id, title= f"Lookup for eventual download of asset {asset['kind']} of id {raw_id}", url=url, raw_id=raw_id) task = factories[asset['kind']](process_id=process_id, raw_id=raw_id, asset_id=asset_id, url=url, context=context) download_id = task.download_id() if download_id not in downloaded_ids and not await task.is_local_up_to_date( ): downloaded_ids.add(download_id) await task.create_local_asset() except YouWolException as e: print(e) queue.task_done() print("remaining asset to download in the queue:", queue.qsize()) if queue.qsize() == 0: logger.dumps()
async def get_raw(self): env = await self.context.get('env', YouwolEnvironment) local_package = get_local_package(asset_id=self.asset_id, config=env) assets_gateway_client = await RemoteClients.get_assets_gateway_client( context=self.context) to_sync_releases = [v.version for v in local_package.releases] try: raw_metadata = await assets_gateway_client.get_raw_metadata( kind='package', raw_id=decode_id(self.asset_id)) except HTTPException as e: if e.status_code == 404: return to_sync_releases raise e remote_versions = { release['version']: release['fingerprint'] for release in raw_metadata['releases'] } local_versions = { release.version: release.fingerprint for release in local_package.releases } missing = [ v for v in local_versions.keys() if v not in remote_versions ] mismatch = [ v for v, checksum in local_versions.items() if v in remote_versions and checksum != remote_versions[v] ] to_sync_releases = missing + mismatch await"package's versions to sync. resolved", data={ "missing": missing, "mismatch": mismatch }) return to_sync_releases
async def upload_asset(body: JSON, context: Context): upload_factories: Dict[str, any] = { "data": UploadDataTask, "flux-project": UploadFluxProjectTask, "story": UploadStoryTask, "package": UploadPackageTask } asset_id = body['assetId'] async with context.start(action="upload_asset", with_attributes={'asset_id': asset_id}) as ctx: env = await context.get('env', YouwolEnvironment) local_treedb: TreeDbClient = LocalClients.get_treedb_client(env=env) local_assets: AssetsClient = LocalClients.get_assets_client(env=env) raw_id = decode_id(asset_id) asset, tree_item = await asyncio.gather( local_assets.get(asset_id=asset_id), local_treedb.get_item(item_id=asset_id), return_exceptions=True) if isinstance(asset, HTTPException) and asset.status_code == 404: await ctx.error( text="Can not find the asset in the local assets store") raise RuntimeError( "Can not find the asset in the local assets store") if isinstance(tree_item, HTTPException) and tree_item.status_code == 404: await ctx.error( text="Can not find the tree item in the local treedb store") raise RuntimeError( "Can not find the tree item in the local treedb store") if isinstance(asset, Exception) or isinstance(tree_item, Exception): raise RuntimeError( "A problem occurred while fetching the local asset/tree items") asset = cast(Dict, asset) tree_item = cast(Dict, tree_item) factory: UploadTask = upload_factories[asset['kind']]( raw_id=raw_id, asset_id=asset_id, context=ctx) local_data = await factory.get_raw() try: path_item = await local_treedb.get_path(item_id=tree_item['itemId'] ) except HTTPException as e: if e.status_code == 404: await ctx.error( text= f"Can not get path of item with id '{tree_item['itemId']}'", data={ "tree_item": tree_item, "error_detail": e.detail }) raise e await"Data retrieved", data={ "path_item": path_item, "raw data": local_data }) assets_gtw_client = await RemoteClients.get_assets_gateway_client( context=ctx) await ensure_path(path_item=PathResponse(**path_item), assets_gateway_client=assets_gtw_client) try: await assets_gtw_client.get_asset_metadata(asset_id=asset_id) await"Asset already found in deployed environment") await factory.update_raw(data=local_data, folder_id=tree_item['folderId']) except HTTPException as e: if e.status_code != 404: raise e await[Label.RUNNING], text="Project not already found => start creation") await factory.create_raw(data=local_data, folder_id=tree_item['folderId']) await synchronize_permissions_metadata_symlinks( asset_id=asset_id, tree_id=tree_item['itemId'], assets_gtw_client=assets_gtw_client, context=ctx) return {}
def __post_init__(self): super() self.version = self.url.split('/api/assets-gateway/raw/')[1].split( '/')[2] self.package_name = decode_id(self.raw_id)