def getsavedata(stk): firstday = '2013-01-01' today ='%Y-%m-%d') savename=getsavename(stk,'.p') # TODO: make path for savename # mkdir(dirname(savename)) # load (and update if needed) if os.path.exists(savename): quotes=pickle.load( open(savename, "rb") ) lastquote = sorted(quotes.keys())[-1] # update with new values prevdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(today,'%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=1) prevdate=prevdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if lastquote != prevdate: nextdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastquote,'%Y-%m-%d') + datetime.timedelta(days=1) nextdate=nextdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') pprint([prevdate, lastquote,nextdate,today]) quotes.update( ystockquote.get_historical_prices(stk,nextdate,today) ) savestock(stk,quotes) # get all new else: quotes = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(stk,firstday,today) savestock(stk,quotes) return quotes
def display(self): c = self.db.cursor() now = if now.weekday() == 5: now = now - timedelta(days=1) elif now.weekday() == 6: now = now - timedelta(days=2) now = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") spynow = ystockquote.get_historical_prices('SPY', now, now) spynow = float(spynow[1][4]) for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM stocks ORDER BY tradeDate"): cur = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(row[1], now, now) cur = float(cur[1][4]) orig = row[5] * row[6] spy_orig = row[7] * row[8] if row[5] < 0: continue print "Ticker:", row[1] print " Date:", row[3] print " Unit Price:", row[6] print " SPY Price:", row[8] print " Current Price:", cur print " Current SPY:", spynow print " Return:", 100 * ((cur * row[5]) - orig) / orig print " SPY Return:", 100 * ((spynow * row[7]) - spy_orig) / spy_orig
def get_percent_change(symbol): startdate = str(nicedatestring3.getnicedatetime(one_month_ago)) list_of_percent_changes = [] pdata = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, startdate, enddate) del pdata[0] pdata.reverse() #print pdata # This gets the percent changes for all dates for n in range(len(pdata) - 1): day_before = float(pdata[n][4]) day = float(pdata[(n + 1)][4]) percent_change = ((day - day_before) / day) * 100 #print day, pdata[(n + 1)][0], day_before, pdata[n][0], percent_change list_of_percent_changes.append(percent_change) #print list_of_percent_changes VolCalcSD.stdv(list_of_percent_changes) threshold = VolCalcSD.stdv(list_of_percent_changes) * 2 print "threshold", threshold #This determines the price and date when the breakthrough happened for p in range(len(pdata) - 1): day_before = float(pdata[p][4]) day = float(pdata[(p + 1)][4]) percent_change = ((day - day_before) / day) * 100 if percent_change > threshold: print day, pdata[p + 1][0], day_before, pdata[(p)][0], percent_change date_of_threshold_penetration = pdata[p + 1][0] print print breakthrough = percent_change print "breakthrough", date_of_threshold_penetration, breakthrough break list_of_percent_changes.append(percent_change) #Now I have to figure out how to get the percent change per day since penetration startdate = date_of_threshold_penetration.replace( '-', '') #This takes out the dashes from the date it was penetrated pdata = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, startdate, enddate) del pdata[0] pdata.reverse() print pdata[0][4] print print symbol for n in range(1, len(pdata)): closing_price = float(pdata[n][4]) price_that_penetration_occurred = float(pdata[0][4]) print pdata[n][0], closing_price, ( (closing_price - price_that_penetration_occurred) / price_that_penetration_occurred) * 100
def collect_history(self): if self.end_date: df = pd.DataFrame(ystockquote.get_historical_prices( symbol=self.symbol, start_date=self.start_date, end_date=self.end_date)).T else: df = pd.DataFrame(ystockquote.get_historical_prices( symbol=self.symbol, start_date=self.start_date)).T df = df.apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x), axis=1) self.history = df return df
def getsavedata(stk,firstday='2013-01-01',lastday='today',forceupdate=False): if lastday == 'today': lastday ='%Y-%m-%d') savename=getsavename(stk,'.p') #did we dl anything? do we need to wait dl=0 # TODO: make path for savename # mkdir(dirname(savename)) # load (and update if needed) if os.path.exists(savename): quotes=pickle.load( open(savename, "rb") ) lastquote = sorted(quotes.keys())[-1] # what is the last possible day we could have values for # this is only meaningful of lastday is "today" prevdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastday,'%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=1) prevdate=prevdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # if we dont have yestrdays quotes (and we arn't forcing a different date range) if lastquote != prevdate and not forceupdate: nextdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(lastquote,'%Y-%m-%d') + datetime.timedelta(days=1) nextdate=nextdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # set the first day of data to retrieve to the # next day (first missing day) in the data we have firstday = nextdate forceupdate=True if forceupdate: pprint([prevdate, lastquote,firstday,lastday]) quotes.update( ystockquote.get_historical_prices(stk,firstday,lastday) ) savestock(stk,quotes) dl=1 # get all new else: quotes = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(stk,firstday,lastday) savestock(stk,quotes) dl=1 if dl: time.sleep(10) # did we miss anything? populateMissing(stk,quotes) return quotes
def getQuotes(self, companyLabel): # TODO: if NO CHANGE: # return nothing print 'Fetching Quotes', companyLabel results = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(companyLabel, '20100101', '20130301') div = ystockquote.get_dividend_yield(companyLabel) print 'Fetched Quotes' if str(div) == 'N/A': div = 0 else: div = float(div) * .01 del results[0] # column names quotes = [] for i,entry in enumerate(results): # second column is opening price if i+1 >= len(results) or self.isFirstWorkDay(entry[0], results[i+1][0]): gain = float(entry[1+2]) * (1+div) quotes.append(gain) return quotes
def get_percent_change(self, start_date, end_date): """Pulls data from Yahoo's API and calculates the percent change from the start data to the end date.""" # q = 'select * from where symbol in ("' # q += self.symbol + '")' # Format Query for YQL q = 'select * from where symbol = "%s" and startDate = "%s" and endDate = "%s"' % (self.symbol, start_date, end_date) query = urllib.quote_plus(q) # Format URL for YQL url = "" url += query + "&" # Launch Yahoo Request r = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text) symbols = r.find_all("symbol") # print r.prettify() # If YQL Api is not down, simply calculate percent change if(len(symbols) > 0): p2 = float(symbols[0].close.string) p1 = float(symbols[1].close.string) self.percent_change = (p2 - p1) / (.5 * (p1 + p2)) * 100 # Otherwise call the ystocksymbol gem else: = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(self.symbol, convert_date(start_date), convert_date(end_date)) days = len( - 1 # print p2 = float([1][4]) p1 = float([days][4]) self.percent_change = (p2 - p1) / (.5 * (p1 + p2)) * 100
def fetchQuotes(sym, start=FROM_DATE, end=CURRENT_DATE): his = None data = None try: # print start, end data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(sym, start, end) except Exception: print "Please check the dates. Data might not be available. 404 returned" # 404 due to data yet not available if data: his = DataFrame(collections.OrderedDict(sorted(data.items()))).T his = his.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) his.index = pd.to_datetime(his.index) his.insert(0, 'symbol', sym, allow_duplicates=True) # insert the date as dataframe too his.insert(1, 'date', his.index) # his.columns = getColumns('stock_quote_historical') # Removing as db dependency is removed his.columns = getColumnsNoSql('stock_quote_historical') daily = ystockquote.get_all(sym) # print daily # persist(his, daily, sym, end) return his, daily
def DownLoadStocks(): #StockNameList = 'C:\Users\Makaye\Desktop\Investment\Code\yahoo_stock_symbols_4.csv' StockNameWithExchange = 'C:\Users\Makaye\Desktop\Investment\Code\TickersNamesExhanges_4.csv' fid = open(StockNameWithExchange,'r') Data = fid.readlines() StockTicker = [day.split(',')[0] for day in Data] #StockName = [day.split(',')[1].split('\n')[0] for day in Data] StockExchange = [day.split(',')[2].split('\n')[0] for day in Data] fid.close() # Create the directories if needed BaseDir = 'C:\Users\Makaye\Desktop\Investment\Stocks' start_date = '20100101' end_date = '20111111' for i in range(0,len(StockTicker)): CurExh = StockExchange[i] CurTick = StockTicker[i] CurDir= os.path.join(BaseDir,CurExh) if not os.path.exists(CurDir): os.makedirs(CurDir) # download the data for each exchange OutDir = os.path.join(BaseDir,CurExh,CurTick+".csv") if not os.path.exists(OutDir): try: print "DownLoading: "+CurExh+": "+CurTick+", "+str(i)+"/"+str(len(StockTicker)) fid = open(OutDir,'w') Y=ys.get_historical_prices(StockTicker[i],start_date,end_date) for j in Y: temp=",".join(["%s"% el for el in j])+'\n' fid.write(temp) fid.close() except: print "Problem with: "+CurExh+": "+CurTick
def main(): # ticker_file = "input/tickers.txt" # bucket_name = "edgarsentimentbucket" # conn = S3Connection(argv[1], argv[2]) # path_bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name) # k = Key(path_bucket) # k.key = ticker_file # pathfile = k.get_contents_as_string() # try: # lines = pathfile.split('\n') # except AttributeError: # lines = pathfile try: print "started" # for linie in open(ticker_file, "r"): for linie in sys.stdin: try: print linie ticker_arr = linie.split('\t') curr_ticker = ticker_arr[1] curr_cik = ticker_arr[2] curr_date = ticker_arr[3] if not '-' in curr_date: curr_date = curr_date[0:4] + '-' + curr_date[4:6] + '-' + curr_date[6:8] curr_date = curr_date.strip() curr_date_obj = crteDateObj(curr_date) yest_date_obj = curr_date_obj - timedelta(days=1) yest_date = crteDateStr(yest_date_obj) try: price_dict = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(curr_ticker, yest_date, curr_date) curr_close = price_dict[curr_date]['Close'] curr_adj_close = price_dict[curr_date]['Adj Close'] curr_open = price_dict[curr_date]['Open'] yest_close = price_dict[yest_date]['Close'] yest_adj_close = price_dict[yest_date]['Adj Close'] yest_open = price_dict[yest_date]['Close'] except: curr_close = "NA" curr_adj_close = "NA" curr_open = "NA" yest_close = "NA" yest_adj_close = "NA" yest_open = "NA" try: all_dict = ystockquote.get_all(curr_ticker) curr_mkt_cap = all_dict['market_cap'] except: curr_mkt_cap = "NA" print curr_ticker + '\t' + curr_cik + '\t' + curr_date + '\t' + curr_open + '\t' + \ curr_close + '\t' + curr_adj_close + '\t' + yest_open + '\t' + yest_close + '\t' + \ yest_adj_close + '\t' + curr_mkt_cap except: print "bad" except: print "didn't start"
def get_historical_prices(self): data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(self.symbol, self.start_date, self.end_date) data_headers = data[0] data.pop(0) = data[::-1] self.data_headers = data_headers
def get_stock_year_price(symbol, year_begin, year_end): ''' Get the prices of Stock {symbol} from year_begin (int) to year_end (int) Returns a dictionary like: {"Symbol": symbol, "Prices": {"2015-1-1":..., "2015-2-1":...}} ''' d = datetime.datetime(year_begin, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(year_end, 12, 31) ret = {"Symbol": symbol, "Prices": {}} # iterating over month while d < end_date: next_mon = d + relativedelta(months=1) # fetch this month's all trade days' data try: m = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( symbol, d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), next_mon.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) except urllib2.HTTPError: d = next_mon continue for day, data in m.iteritems(): ret["Prices"][day] = data d = next_mon return ret
def yahoo(symbol, start_date=None, stop_date=None): """ Loads the prices from the start date for the given symbol Only new quotes are downloaded. """ if not stop_date: stop_date ="%Y%m%d") if not start_date: query = db.Query(Quote) query.order('-date') query.filter('symbol = ', symbol) latest_quote = query.get() if latest_quote: start_date = else: start_date = - timedelta(days=120) if start_date == return start_date = start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, start_date, stop_date) headers = prices[0] try: close = Quote.get_idx(headers, 'Close') date_ = Quote.get_idx(headers, 'Date') open = Quote.get_idx(headers, 'Open') high = Quote.get_idx(headers, 'High') low = Quote.get_idx(headers, 'Low') except Exception, e: logging.warning('Could not download %s:%s', symbol, e) return None
def calcOutcome(self, call): #print 'getting outcome' try: nextWeekRes = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(call['ticker'],call['callDate'].strftime("%Y%m%d"),call['weekACall'].strftime("%Y%m%d")) except Exception,e: nextWeekRes = None print 'Exception in next week on ', call['ticker'], 'call date: ', call['callDate']
def main(): error_file = "no_quote.txt" ticker_file = "tickers.txt" quotes_file = "quotes.txt" error_file = open(error_file, 'w') ticker_file = open(ticker_file, 'r') quotes_file = open(quotes_file, 'w') for ticker in ticker_file: try: ticker_arr = ticker.split('\t') curr_ticker = ticker_arr[0] curr_cik = ticker_arr[1] curr_date = ticker_arr[2] if not '-' in curr_date: curr_date = curr_date[0:4] + '-' + curr_date[4:6] + '-' + curr_date[6:8] # crteDateObj(curr_date) price_dict = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(curr_ticker, curr_date, curr_date) if curr_date in price_dict and 'Close' in price_dict[curr_date] and 'Open' in price_dict[curr_date]: curr_close = price_dict[curr_date]['Close'] curr_open = price_dict[curr_date]['Open'] quotes_file.write(curr_ticker + '\t' + curr_cik + '\t' + curr_date + '\t' + curr_open + '\t' + curr_close) except: error_file.write(curr_ticker + ', ' + curr_cik + ', ' + curr_date) error_file.close() ticker_file.close() quotes_file.close()
def get_eod_data(symbol, start_date, end_date): ''' Task used to obtain end of day data ''' try: price_data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, start_date, end_date)'Obtained data for {0} from {1} to {2}'.format( symbol, start_date, end_date)) return {'symbol': symbol, 'data': price_data, 'status': 'success'} except urllib.error.HTTPError as exc: logger.error({ 'status': 'failed', 'symbol': symbol, 'msg': str(exc), 'exception': 'HTTPError' }) return {'status': 'failed', 'symbol': symbol, 'msg': str(exc)} except urllib.error.URLError as exc: logger.error({ 'status': 'failed', 'symbol': symbol, 'msg': str(exc), 'exception': 'URLError' }) return {'status': 'failed', 'symbol': symbol, 'msg': str(exc)} except Exception as exc: logger.error({ 'status': 'failed', 'symbol': symbol, 'msg': str(exc), 'exception': 'Last' }) return {'status': 'failed', 'symbol': symbol, 'msg': str(exc)}
def yahooExtract(ticker, country): # This function uses the built-in python library 'ystockquote', which inquires # historical prices and return them as dictionaries. We then determine the # average prices within each year, storing these averages into a csv file in a # separate folder. rawdata = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(ticker, '1995-01-01', '2011-12-31') prices = {} for date in rawdata.keys(): if date[0:4] in prices.keys(): prices[date[0:4]].append(float(rawdata[date]['Close'])) else: prices[date[0:4]] = [] prices[date[0:4]].append(float(rawdata[date]['Close'])) data = [] for year in sorted(prices.keys()): data.append([year, float(sum(prices[year]))/len(prices[year])]) with open('done/' + country + '.csv', 'w') as file1: file1write = csv.writer(file1, delimiter = ',') file1write.writerows(data) file1.close()
def update_price(): # pull today now = today = ("%s-%02d-%02d" % (now.year, now.month, quotes = ystockquote.get_historical_prices('SPY', '2015-01-15', today) #pull data #writing json with open('www/live-data/price.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(quotes, file) #get current price current_price = ystockquote.get_price('SPY') current_date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') current_time = now.strftime('%H:%M:%S') current_value = str(current_date) + "," + str(current_time) + "," + str( current_price) header = "date,time,price" with open('www/live-data/current.csv', 'wb') as f: fwriter = csv.writer(f, delimiter=" ") fwriter.writerow([header]) fwriter.writerow([current_value]) if app_config.DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: flat.deploy_folder('www/live-data', 'live-data', max_age=app_config.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE)
def import_ofx(self, ofx_file): ofx = OfxParser.parse(file(ofx_file)) idx = {} for s in ofx.security_list: idx[s.uniqueid] = s.ticker c = self.db.cursor() for t in ofx.account.statement.transactions: c.execute("SELECT id FROM stocks WHERE id = ?", []) row = c.fetchone() if row: print "Skipping duplicate transaction:", continue spydate = t.tradeDate # Fidelity transactions can "close" on a weekend?!? if spydate.weekday() == 5: spydate = spydate - timedelta(days=1) elif spydate.weekday() == 6: spydate = spydate - timedelta(days=2) spy = ystockquote.get_historical_prices('SPY', spydate.strftime("%Y%m%d"), spydate.strftime("%Y%m%d")) spy_price = float(spy[1][4]) spy_units = (float(t.units) * float(t.unit_price)) / spy_price c.execute("INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (, idx[],, t.tradeDate, t.settleDate, float(t.units), float(t.unit_price), spy_units, spy_price)) self.db.commit()
def prices(symbol): """ Loads the prices from the start date for the given symbol Only new quotes are downloaded. """ to ="%Y%m%d") c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT DATE_ADD(max(date), INTERVAL 1 DAY) FROM quote where symbol = %s", (symbol)) (_from, ) = c.fetchone() if _from == print "Skipping %s" % symbol return print "Downloading %s" % symbol if _from is None: _from = start_date else: _from = _from.strftime("%Y%m%d") prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, _from, to) headers = prices[0] try: close = get_idx(headers, 'Close') date_ = get_idx(headers, 'Date') open = get_idx(headers, 'Open') high = get_idx(headers, 'High') low = get_idx(headers, 'Low') quotes = prices[1:] for l in quotes: #print "%s %s" % (l[date_], l[close]) insert(symbol, l[date_], l[close], l[high], l[low], l[open]) print "Inserted %s new quotes for %s" % (len(quotes), symbol) except: print "Could not download %s" % symbol
def main(): error_file = "no_quote.txt" ticker_file = "tickers.txt" quotes_file = "quotes.txt" error_file = open(error_file, 'w') ticker_file = open(ticker_file, 'r') quotes_file = open(quotes_file, 'w') for ticker in ticker_file: try: ticker_arr = ticker.split('\t') curr_ticker = ticker_arr[0] curr_cik = ticker_arr[1] curr_date = ticker_arr[2] if not '-' in curr_date: curr_date = curr_date[0:4] + '-' + curr_date[ 4:6] + '-' + curr_date[6:8] # crteDateObj(curr_date) price_dict = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( curr_ticker, curr_date, curr_date) if curr_date in price_dict and 'Close' in price_dict[ curr_date] and 'Open' in price_dict[curr_date]: curr_close = price_dict[curr_date]['Close'] curr_open = price_dict[curr_date]['Open'] quotes_file.write(curr_ticker + '\t' + curr_cik + '\t' + curr_date + '\t' + curr_open + '\t' + curr_close) except: error_file.write(curr_ticker + ', ' + curr_cik + ', ' + curr_date) error_file.close() ticker_file.close() quotes_file.close()
def volatlility_number(symbol, startdate, enddate): pdata = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, startdate, enddate) closing_price_list = [] list_of_logs = [] for p in pdata: closing_price_list.append(p[4]) closing_price_list.remove('Close') nice = [float(i) for i in closing_price_list] #print "this is how nice", nice for n in range(1, (len(pdata) - 1)): day = float(pdata[n][4]) day_before = float(pdata[(n + 1)][4]) #print day #print day_before H = (day / day_before) G = math.log(H) list_of_logs.append(G) #print G #print "" standard_deviation = stdv(list_of_logs) volatility_number = (standard_deviation * math.sqrt(252)) return volatility_number
def downStock(self, symbol, startDate, endDate): #if 600 append .ss 300 and 000 .sz tmpSymbol = self.getYahooSymbol(symbol) try: prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(tmpSymbol, startDate, endDate) data = [] for date in prices.keys(): open = (float(prices[date]['Open'])) high = (float(prices[date]['High'])) low = (float(prices[date]['Low'])) close = (float(prices[date]['Close'])) volume = (float(prices[date]['Volume'])) adj_close = float(prices[date]['Adj Close']) sql = 'insert into tbl_historical(symbol,open,high,low,close,volume,date) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' params = (symbol, open, high, low, close, volume, date) data.append(params) return data except HTTPError as e: logging.warning('yahoo 没有这只股票 %s', e) if (404 == e.getcode()): '标致yahoo没有改股票的数据' self.stockDao.updateSource(symbol, 'wind') except DataError as ex: logging.warning(ex)
def storeStockHistory(conn, code, fromDate, toDate): storeList = [] try: data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(code, fromDate, toDate) except: print ( code + " URL error") return if len(data) == 0: print ( code + " data none") return #pprint(data) for stockDate in data: print (code + ":" + stockDate) storeDic = data[stockDate] storeDic["code"] = code storeDic["s_date"] = stockDate storeDic["adj_close"] = data[stockDate]["Adj Close"] storeDic["s_close"] = data[stockDate]["Close"] storeDic["s_open"] = data[stockDate]["Open"] storeDic["s_high"] = data[stockDate]["High"] storeDic["s_low"] = data[stockDate]["Low"] storeDic["s_volume"] = data[stockDate]["Open"] storeList.append(storeDic) cur = conn.cursor() cur.executemany("INSERT INTO stock.price(code, s_date, adj_close, s_close, s_open, s_high, s_low, s_volume) VALUES (%(code)s, %(s_date)s, %(adj_close)s, %(s_close)s, %(s_open)s, %(s_high)s, %(s_low)s, %(s_volume)s)", storeList) conn.commit() cur.close()
def get_high_prices(self, date): date =, 10, 21) day_before = date - timedelta(1) day_after = date + timedelta(1) price = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(self.symbol, str(day_before), str(day_after)) self.day_before_price = price[str(day_before)]['High'] self.day_after_price = price[str(day_after)]['High']
def stockmine(ticker, dayweek="d", splitsize=60): # splitsize <= 0 will not split, "d" for day, "w" for weeks count = 0 # Keeps count of the number of days currently stored before writing writeCount = 0 # how many file writes have been made dayStat = [] monthStat = [] if ticker != None: header = True today = stock = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( str(ticker), "20000101", today.strftime("%Y%m%d"), dayweek ) # retrieve financial data from Yahoo for data in stock: # go through stock data individually if header == False: dayStat.append([data[0], data[5]]) # appends date and volume count += 1 if count >= splitsize and splitsize > 0: # when splitsize days have been reached monthStat.append( dayStat ) # list containing sublists, where each sublist contains the day, which contains sublist of date/vol dayStat = None dayStat = [] count = 0 writeCount += 1 else: header = False # skips first line if splitsize <= 0: monthStat = dayStat return monthStat
def import_historic_quotes(self, years=15): result = [] today = first_day = - datetime.timedelta(days=int(years * 365)) today_str = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') first_day_str = first_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')'Start import of historic quotes') for sec in Security.objects.all(): logger.debug('Security ' + str(sec)) no_quote = False no_yahoo_id = False if sec.yahoo_id != '' and not sec.yahoo_id.startswith('unknown'): try: quote = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(sec.yahoo_id, first_day_str, today_str) except urllib.error.HTTPError: no_quote = True else: logger.debug('Found quotes') for key in quote: logger.debug('Security ' + str(sec)) self.add(sec, key, quote[key]['Close']) else: no_yahoo_id = True result.append({'stock_id':, 'yahoo_id': sec.yahoo_id, 'name':, 'no_quote': no_quote, 'no_yahoo_id': no_yahoo_id}) return result
def getBench(f_tdelta,bench): sDate = + timedelta(days=-f_tdelta) sDate = sDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") eDate = eDate = eDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") tdate = [] temp = [] print "Getting prices for " + str(bench) temp.append(ystockquote.get_historical_prices(bench, sDate, eDate)) for y in temp[0]: tdate.append(y) tdate = sorted(tdate, reverse=True) ptemp = [[0 for x in xrange(1)] for x in xrange(len(tdate))] for datee in range(len(tdate)): for assetnum in range(1): try: q = temp[assetnum][tdate[datee]]['Close'] ptemp[datee][assetnum] = q except KeyError: print "wiww" ptemp[datee][assetnum] = ptemp[datee-1][assetnum] return ptemp
def __init__(self, name, start_date): = name.upper() try: self.stockDate =[0:4]), int(start_date[5:7]), int(start_date[8:10])) except ValueError: print "Error: bad date" except IndexError: print "Error: dates must be iso format" got_price = 0 attempts = 0 while not got_price and attempts < 5: try: self.price = float( ystock.get_historical_prices(, self.stockDate.isoformat(), self.stockDate.isoformat())[1][ 4 ] ) except: self.stockDate = self.stockDate + self.one_day attempts += 1 else: got_price = 1 if self.price == 0: print "Unable to find stock name"
def ADX(self, stock, date1, date2): data = ys.get_historical_prices(stock, date1, date2) if date1 in data.keys() and date2 in data.keys(): upMove = float(data[date2]['High']) - float(data[date1]['High']) downMove = float(data[date1]['Low']) - float(data[date2]['Low']) if (upMove > downMove) and (upMove > 0): PDM = upMove else: PDM = 0 if (downMove > upMove) and (downMove > 0): NDM = downMove else: NDM = 0 hilo = float(data[date2]['High']) - float(data[date1]['High']) hiclo = abs(float(data[date2]['High']) - float(data[date1]['Close'])) hipreclo = abs(float(data[date2]['Low']) - float(data[date1]['Close'])) TR = max([hilo, hiclo, hipreclo]) length = len(self.MMA[stock]['PDM']) + 1 if length == 1: self.MMA[stock]['PDM'].append(PDM) self.MMA[stock]['NDM'].append(NDM) self.MMA[stock]['ATR'].append(TR) elif length > 1 and length < 14: self.MMA[stock]['PDM'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['PDM'][-1] + PDM)/length) self.MMA[stock]['NDM'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['NDM'][-1] + NDM)/length) self.MMA[stock]['ATR'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['ATR'][-1] + TR)/length) else: self.MMA[stock]['PDM'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['PDM'][-1] + PDM)/length) self.MMA[stock]['NDM'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['NDM'][-1] + NDM)/length) self.MMA[stock]['ATR'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['ATR'][-1] + TR)/length) del self.MMA[stock]['PDM'][0] del self.MMA[stock]['NDM'][0] del self.MMA[stock]['ATR'][0] if self.MMA[stock]['ATR'][-1] != 0: self.MMA[stock]['PDI'].append(100*self.MMA[stock]['PDM'][-1]/self.MMA[stock]['ATR'][-1]) self.MMA[stock]['NDI'].append(100*self.MMA[stock]['NDM'][-1]/self.MMA[stock]['ATR'][-1]) else: self.MMA[stock]['PDI'].append(100*self.MMA[stock]['PDM'][-1]) self.MMA[stock]['NDI'].append(100*self.MMA[stock]['NDM'][-1]) if self.MMA[stock]['PDI'][-1]+self.MMA[stock]['NDI'][-1] != 0: diff = abs((self.MMA[stock]['PDI'][-1]-self.MMA[stock]['NDI'][-1])/(self.MMA[stock]['PDI'][-1]+self.MMA[stock]['NDI'][-1])) else: diff = abs((self.MMA[stock]['PDI'][-1]-self.MMA[stock]['NDI'][-1])) if length == 1: self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'].append(diff) elif length > 1 and length < 14: self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'][-1]+diff)/length) else: self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'].append(((length-1)*self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'][-1]+diff)/length) del self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'][0] self.MMA[stock]['ADX'].append(100*self.MMA[stock]['DIFF'][-1])
def get(self): title = "Rotation Portfolio App" for first_days_of_month_prices in tradedates.first_days_of_months: x = ystockquote.get_historical_prices('GOOGl', first_days_of_month_prices, first_days_of_month_prices) self.render("base.html", title=title, x=x)
def upload_historical_prices(company,backDate=backDate): ticker = company.ticker try: prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(ticker,str(backDate), str(yesterday)) #print prices except Exception, e: #print "Failed to get historical prices for %s" % return
def get_data(self, comp, start_date, end_date): feature_dict = {} results = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(comp, start_date, end_date) feature_dict[FEATURES] = results.pop(0) for quotes in results: key = quotes.pop(0) feature_dict[key] = quotes return feature_dict
def getdata(stock, start, end): data = [] pre_data = ystock.get_historical_prices(stock, start, end) for i in pre_data[1:]: data.append(i[-1]) return data
def get_data(self, comp, start_date, end_date): feature_dict = {} results = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(comp ,start_date, end_date) feature_dict[FEATURES] = results.pop(0) for quotes in results: key = quotes.pop(0) feature_dict[key] = quotes return feature_dict
def getStockHistory(self, start, end): history = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(, start, end) dates = [] data = [] for i in sorted(history): dates.append(dt.datetime.strptime(i, '%Y-%m-%d').date()) data.append(float(history[i]['Close'])) # returns price at close of day return dates, data
def get_hist_data(): l = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(ric, '20150101', '20150916') #print l xd = [float(x[4]) for x in l[1:]] #yd = [datetime.strptime(y[0], '%Y-%m-%d') for y in l[1:]] yd = [y for y in range(len(l[1:]))] xd.reverse() return xd, yd
def get_prices(tickers, start_yyyymmdd, end_yyyymmdd): symbols = dict() for symbol in tickers: all_prices = get_historical_prices(symbol, start_yyyymmdd, end_yyyymmdd) price_dates = sorted(all_prices.keys(), key=lambda k: order_dates(k)) close_prices = [float(all_prices[d]["Adj Close"]) for d in price_dates] symbols[symbol] = close_prices return symbols
def get_latest_remote_date(symbol): # assumes that the most recent remote date will be in the last week try: hist_data = ysq.get_historical_prices(symbol, last_week, today) hist_data.pop(0) return hist_data[0][0] except: return ""
def historic_closing_prices(): ''' pulls historic closing price data from the Yahoo finance API ''' ticker = request.args.get('ticker') start = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=-365)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end ='%Y-%m-%d') prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(ticker, start, end) table = closing_price_table(prices) return callback_wrapper(json.dumps(table))
def getBestCrossover(self): from pprint import pprint #self.tickerSymbol = self.tickerTextBox.get() if self.stockVar.get() == 4: self.tickerSymbol = self.tickerTextBox.get() print(self.pressed) if self.pressed == 0: #Box not checked self.startDate = self.date1TextBox.get() self.endDate = self.date2TextBox.get() #print(startDate, endDate) #print((ystockquote.get_historical_prices(tickerSymbol, startDate, endDate).keys())) #print(str(ystockquote.get_historical_prices(tickerSymbol, startDate, endDate))) entireDictionaryOfData = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( self.tickerSymbol, self.startDate, self.endDate) #entireDictionaryOfData = ystockquote.get_historical_prices('CAS', '2013-11-01', '2013-11-05') #pprint(entireDictionaryOfData.keys()) listOfDates = self.getListOfDatesFromHistoricalData( entireDictionaryOfData) #print(listOfDates) listOfCloses = self.getListOfClosesFromHistoricalData( entireDictionaryOfData, listOfDates) #print(entireStringOfData.find("'Close'")) #print(ystockquote.get_trade_date('GOOG')) #theBestCrossover = PSO.runPSO(listOfCloses) if self.algorithmVar.get() == 0: theBestCrossover = HillClimbing.runHillClimbing(listOfCloses) if self.algorithmVar.get() == 1: theBestCrossover = NelderMeadNew.runNelderMead(listOfCloses) if self.algorithmVar.get() == 2: theBestCrossover = GeneticAlgorithms.runGA(listOfCloses) if self.algorithmVar.get() == 3: theBestCrossover = DifferentialEvolution.runDE(listOfCloses) if self.algorithmVar.get() == 4: theBestCrossover = PSO.runPSO(listOfCloses) if self.algorithmVar.get() == 5: theBestCrossover = SA.runSA(listOfCloses) #theBestCrossover = PSO.figureOutBestConstants(listOfCloses) #theBestCrossover = NelderMeadNew.runNelderMead(listOfCloses) shortLength = theBestCrossover[0] longLength = theBestCrossover[1] if shortLength > longLength: shortLength, longLength = longLength, shortLength #return ('Short Length = '', Long Length = ').format(shortLength, longLength #print(listOfDates) self.bestCrossoverLabel['text'] = 'The Best Crossover is: ' self.answerLabel['text'] = 'Short Length = ' + str( shortLength) + ', Long Length = ' + str(longLength) self.makeGraph(listOfCloses, listOfDates, self.tickerSymbol, shortLength, longLength)
def test_get_historical_prices_1mo(self): symbol = 'GOOG' start_date = '2013-01-02' end_date = '2013-04-01' prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(symbol, start_date, end_date, '1mo') self.assertIsInstance(prices, dict) self.assertEqual(len(prices), 4)
def get_stock_returns(ticker): """ Given args ticker=<symbol>, looks up the Yahoo! historical data for the company. Calculate the daily returns for it.""" return_object = {} if ticker is None or ticker == '': return_object['error'] = 'No symbol given.' return return_object # look at last quarter of data now = before = now - datetime.timedelta(days=90) now_string = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') before_string = before.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') try: # grab quotes from Yahoo! finance historical = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( ticker, before_string, now_string) # use adjusted close for calculating # daiy returns daily_close = [ float(stats['Adj Close']) for date, stats in historical.items()] if len(daily_close) < 3: return_object['error'] = 'Too few data points.' return return_object returns = [] # TODO: Moving average? # Or add a smoothening factor to discard the day-to-day # noise in prices for i in range(len(daily_close)-1): now = daily_close[i] tomorrow = daily_close[i+1] returns.append((tomorrow-now)/now) # want them sorted from latest to earliest # because we later zip them up with similar lists # and some stocks may not have earlier information returns.reverse() return_object['results'] = returns return return_object # Yahoo! doesn't respond, ticker not given/valid except: return_object['error'] = 'Not a valid ticker.' return return_object
def getEvents(security): events = [] data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(security, '2011-06-01', '2013-01-01') for date in data.keys(): timestamp = date value = float(data[date]['Adj Close']) event = MarketUpdate(security, timestamp, value) events.append(event) return events
def getStockHistoryClose(self, start, end): history = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(self.symbol, start, end) dates = [] data = [] for i in sorted(history): dates.append(dt.datetime.strptime(i, '%Y-%m-%d').date()) data.append(float(history[i]['Close'])) # returns price at close of day return dates, data
def GetData(name=False,update=False): """ Pulls down data for quote from startDate to endDate and removes unneeded data (as per Prof. Evans's video 'Download SPY data'). Data is stored in (quote).csv in the same directory as this file""" #Input Checkers dateChecker=re.compile("([1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-1][0-9])-([0-3][0-9])") data = False while data == False: startDate="a" endDate="a" #Inputs if name: quote = name else: quote = raw_input("Ticker: ") while len(startDate)!=10 and == None: startDate = raw_input("Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd): ") while len(endDate)!=10 and == None: endDate = raw_input("End Date (yyyy-mm-dd): ") #Establish Connection and download data try: pricedict = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(quote,startDate,endDate) data = True except Exception: print "Page not found. Check inputs and connection and try again." #Obtain list of days and sort from earliest to latest dayList=[] for day in pricedict: dayList.append(day.split('-')) sortedDays = sorted(dayList) #Populate rows of CSV file csvData=[['Date','Volume','Adj Close']] for n in range(len(sortedDays)): sortedDays[n] = sortedDays[n][0]+'-'+sortedDays[n][1]+'-'+sortedDays[n][2] csvData.append([sortedDays[n],pricedict[sortedDays[n]]['Volume'],pricedict[sortedDays[n]]['Adj Close']]) filename = quote + ".csv" if update: saveQ = raw_input("Type 'Yes' to save as " + filename + " or 'No' to choose your own file name\n Note: Typing Yes will overwrite the previous file!: ") else: saveQ = raw_input("Type 'Yes' to save as " + filename + " or 'No' to \nchoose your own file name: ") if saveQ == 'No' or saveQ == 'no': filename = raw_input("Please choose file name (must end in .csv): ") with open(filename,'w') as outputfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(outputfile,lineterminator='\n') for n in range(len(csvData)): csvwriter.writerow(csvData[n]) print "Data written to ", filename print
def __init__(self, ticker, start_day=None, length=730): self.ticker = ticker if (start_day == None): today = start_day = today - timedelta(days=length) start_str = str(start_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) end_str = str(today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) else: start_str = start_day #start = time.strptime(start_day, "%Y-%m-%d") start = datetime.strptime(start_str, "%Y-%m-%d") end_day = start + timedelta(days=length) end_str = str(end_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) i = y.get_historical_prices(ticker, start_str, end_str) #Lag Pandas DataFrame self.df = pd.DataFrame(i) #Snu Dataframe self.df = self.df.transpose() #endre datatype til float self.df = self.df.astype(float) self.df = self.df.rename( columns={ 'Close': 'close', 'High': 'high', 'Open': 'open', 'Low': 'low', 'Volume': 'volume' }) stoch = abstract.STOCH(self.df, 14, 1, 3) macd = abstract.MACD(self.df) atr = abstract.ATR(self.df) obv = abstract.OBV(self.df) rsi = abstract.RSI(self.df) self.df['atr'] = pd.DataFrame(atr) self.df['obv'] = pd.DataFrame(obv) self.df['rsi'] = pd.DataFrame(rsi) #kombinerer to dataframes self.df = pd.merge(self.df, pd.DataFrame(macd), left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer') self.df = pd.merge(self.df, stoch, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer')
def get_price_history(ticker, start_date, end_date): """ example usage: get_price_history('appl','2014-11-01','2014-11-30') returns a pandas dataframe """ data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(ticker, start_date, end_date) df = pd.DataFrame(collections.OrderedDict(sorted(data.items()))).T df = df.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) return df
def run(self): while True: spec = self.in_queue.get() data = ys.get_historical_prices(spec['symbol'], spec['start'], spec['end']) spec.update({'data': data}) # Emit a new dictionary equivalent to spec but with a new key 'data' # containing the price data. self.out_queue.put(spec) self.in_queue.task_done()
def stock_price(CompanyName): stockrunning = True while stockrunning == True: try: inp = CompanyName[1:] startdate = str(input("Please input a start date for the price check in the form YYYY-MM-DD: ")) enddate = str(input("Please input an end date for the price check in the form YYYY-MM-DD: ")) a=ystockquote.get_historical_prices(inp, startdate, enddate) # prints out stock price between dates. return(a) stockrunning=False except: print("An exception has occured please try again.")
def get_stock(company): start_date = request.args.get("startdate") end_date = request.args.get("enddate") stock_data = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(company, start_date, end_date) stock_return_data = [] for date, score in stock_data.iteritems(): stock_return_data.append([get_timestamp(date), float(score["Close"])]) stock_return_data = sorted(stock_return_data) return json.dumps(stock_return_data)
def get_weekly_data(self): now = prev = now.replace( - 8) week_hist = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( 'P', prev.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) week_data = [] for date, data in week_hist.iteritems(): week_data.append((date, data['Close'])) return week_data
def test_get_historical_prices(self): prices = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(self.symbol, '2013-01-02', '2013-01-15') headers = [ 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Adj Close' ] self.assertEqual(len(prices), 11) self.assertEqual(prices[0], headers) self.assertEqual(prices[1][0], '2013-01-15') self.assertEqual(prices[-1][0], '2013-01-02') self.assertGreater(float(prices[1][6]), 0.0) self.assertGreater(float(prices[-1][6]), 0.0)
def main(argv): ticker_file = "input/tickers.txt" bucket_name = "edgarsentimentbucket" conn = S3Connection(argv[1], argv[2]) path_bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name) k = Key(path_bucket) k.key = ticker_file pathfile = k.get_contents_as_string() try: lines = pathfile.split('\n') except AttributeError: lines = pathfile for linie in lines: try: ticker_arr = linie.split('\t') curr_ticker = ticker_arr[0] curr_cik = ticker_arr[1] curr_date = ticker_arr[2] if not '-' in curr_date: curr_date = curr_date[0:4] + '-' + curr_date[ 4:6] + '-' + curr_date[6:8] curr_date_obj = crteDateObj(curr_date) yest_date_obj = curr_date_obj - timedelta(days=1) yest_date = crteDateStr(yest_date_obj) try: price_dict = ystockquote.get_historical_prices( curr_ticker, yest_date, curr_date) curr_close = price_dict[curr_date]['Close'] curr_adj_close = price_dict[curr_date]['Adj Close'] curr_open = price_dict[curr_date]['Open'] yest_close = price_dict[yest_date]['Close'] yest_adj_close = price_dict[yest_date]['Adj Close'] yest_open = price_dict[yest_date]['Close'] except: curr_close = "NA" curr_adj_close = "NA" curr_open = "NA" yest_close = "NA" yest_adj_close = "NA" yest_open = "NA" try: all_dict = ystockquote.get_all(curr_ticker) curr_mkt_cap = all_dict['market_cap'] except: curr_mkt_cap = "NA" print curr_ticker + '\t' + curr_cik + '\t' + curr_date + '\t' + curr_open + '\t' + \ curr_close + '\t' + curr_adj_close + '\t' + yest_open + '\t' + yest_close + '\t' + \ yest_adj_close + '\t' + curr_mkt_cap except: pass
def getyahoovals(ticker, startdate=datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1), enddate=datetime.datetime(2040, 12, 31)): strp = lambda x: x.strftime('%Y%m%d') vals = ystockquote.get_historical_prices(ticker, strp(startdate), strp(enddate)) dates = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(val[0], '%Y-%m-%d') for val in vals[1:][::-1] ] quotes = [float(val[-1]) for val in vals[1:][::-1]] return streams.BasicStream(dates, scipy.array(quotes))