def _get_dP(self, i): key = (i, self.theta % 360) if key in self._cache: return self._cache[key] if self.TS is not None: self.F = self.TS[i] th = np.pi / 180 * self.theta N = [np.sin(th), 0, np.cos(th)] print('projecting') Bx = yt.off_axis_projection(self.F, self.C, N, self.W, self.px, 'magnetic_field_x', north_vector=[0, 1, 0], num_threads=4) By = yt.off_axis_projection(self.F, self.C, N, self.W, self.px, 'magnetic_field_y', north_vector=[0, 1, 0], num_threads=4) Bz = yt.off_axis_projection(self.F, self.C, N, self.W, self.px, 'magnetic_field_z', north_vector=[0, 1, 0], num_threads=4) print('done') # S = [ cos(th), 0, -sin(th)] # T = [ 0, 1, 0 ] # U = N Bs = cm * ((Bx * np.cos(th) - Bz * np.sin(th)) / cm ) # .to_equivalent('gauss', 'CGS') Bt = cm * (By / cm) # .to_equivalent('gauss', 'CGS') if self.smoothing > 0: Bs = gaussian_filter(Bs / (gauss * cm), self.smoothing) * gauss * cm Bt = gaussian_filter(Bt / (gauss * cm), self.smoothing) * gauss * cm # The momenta here will be converted to PIC units (P / (m_e c)) dPs = -((q * Bt) / (m * c**2)).to('1').v dPt = +((q * Bs) / (m * c**2)).to('1').v dPs *= self.strength_scale dPt *= self.strength_scale self._cache[key] = (dPs, dPt) return dPs, dPt
def proton_dP(self, theta, resolution_um, energy_MeV): th = np.pi / 180 * theta N = [np.sin(th), 0, np.cos(th)] resolution = Q(resolution_um, 'um') px_s = int(self.Ws / resolution) + 1 px_t = int(self.Wt / resolution) + 1 px = [px_s, px_t] Bx = yt.off_axis_projection(self.F, self.C, N, self.W, px, 'magnetic_field_x', north_vector=[0, 1, 0]) By = yt.off_axis_projection(self.F, self.C, N, self.W, px, 'magnetic_field_y', north_vector=[0, 1, 0]) Bz = yt.off_axis_projection(self.F, self.C, N, self.W, px, 'magnetic_field_z', north_vector=[0, 1, 0]) # S = [ cos(th), 0, -sin(th)] # T = [ 0, 1, 0 ] # U = N Bs = cm * ((Bx * np.cos(th) - Bz * np.sin(th)) / cm).to_equivalent( 'gauss', 'CGS') Bt = cm * (By / cm).to_equivalent('gauss', 'CGS') s0 = np.linspace(-self.Ws, self.Ws, px_s) / 2 t0 = np.linspace(-self.Wt, self.Wt, px_t) / 2 [S0, T0] = np.meshgrid(s0, t0, indexing='ij') # The momenta here will be converted to PIC units (P / (m_e c)) # F ~= N x B = [ dPs = -(q * Bt) / (m * c**2) dPt = +(q * Bs) / (m * c**2) E_normalised = Q(energy_MeV, 'MeV') / (m * c**2) P0 = np.sqrt((E_normalised + M / m)**2 - (M / m)**2) return S0, T0, dPs, dPt, P0
def project_density(self, data_object=None): """ Project density on a plane Input: data_object: a yt data object. Optional. Defalt is all_data """ if data_object is None: ad = self.ds else: ad = data_object if ((self.derive_field()) and (self.window_created)): c = self.window_center L = self.los W = self.window_width N = self.window_resolution if isinstance(self.window_north_vector, str): if self.window_north_vector == "pos_north": north_vector = self.pos_north elif self.window_north_vector == "pos_east": north_vector = self.pos_east else: north_vector = self.window_north_vector self.proj_density = yt.off_axis_projection(ad,c, L, W, N, "density", north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=False, num_threads = 2) else: sys.exit("Error: Projection window is not defined") return True
def project_LOS_b(self, data_object=None): """ Integral LOS magnetic field along LOS Input: data_object: a yt data object. Optional. Defalt is all_data """ if data_object is None: ad = self.ds else: ad = data_object if ((self.add_LOS_bfield()) and (self.window_created)): c = self.window_center L = self.los W = self.window_width N = self.window_resolution if isinstance(self.window_north_vector, str): if self.window_north_vector == "pos_north": north_vector = self.pos_north elif self.window_north_vector == "pos_east": north_vector = self.pos_east else: north_vector = self.window_north_vector self.integral_LOS_b = yt.off_axis_projection(ad,c, L, W, N, "magnetic_field_LOS", #weight="density", north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=False, num_threads = 2) else: sys.exit("Error: Projection window is not defined") return True
def project_stokes(self, data_object=None): """ Project stokes parameter on a plane Input: data_object: a yt data object. Optional. Defalt is all_data """ if data_object is None: ad = self.ds else: ad = data_object if ((self.derive_field()) and (self.window_created)): c = self.window_center L = self.los W = self.window_width N = self.window_resolution if isinstance(self.window_north_vector, str): if self.window_north_vector == "pos_north": north_vector = self.pos_north elif self.window_north_vector == "pos_east": north_vector = self.pos_east else: north_vector = self.window_north_vector self.proj_Q = yt.off_axis_projection(ad,c, L, W, N, "stokes_Q", weight="density", north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=False, num_threads = 2) self.proj_U = yt.off_axis_projection(ad,c, L, W, N, "stokes_U", weight="density", north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=False, num_threads = 2) self.DOP=np.sqrt(self.proj_Q**2+self.proj_U**2) self.offset=.5*np.arctan2(self.proj_U,self.proj_Q) else: sys.exit("Error: Projection window is not defined") return True
def thinnest_edge(ds, r, cen, wid, res): # r is the current radius around which the edge-on galaxy will be searched for rs = np.arange(r - 5, r + 6) rad = [] sig = [] for current_rad in rs: # Defines data sphere at current radius sp = ds.sphere(cen, (current_rad, 'kpc')) # Calculates angular momentum vector and orthogonal vector at the current radius L = sp.quantities.angular_momentum_vector() L /= np.linalg.norm(L) Lx = np.cross(L, [1., 0., 0.]) Lx /= np.linalg.norm(Lx) image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, cen, Lx, wid * kpc, res, 'density', north_vector=L) pix = [range(res)[i] * wid / res - wid / 2 for i in range(res)] # Take average density of each row of pixels avg_rho = [np.mean(image[:, i]) for i in range(len(pix))] # Fits a gaussian to the average density versus column number fit, er = opt.curve_fit(gaus, pix, avg_rho) # adds the current radius and sigma value to a list for comparison sig.append(fit[2]) rad.append(current_rad) return rad[sig.index(min(sig))]
if i > N/2.: cn = 1.*(i - N/2.) x_w = max(W_kpc_initial - cn, W_kpc_final) y_w = max(W_kpc_initial - cn, W_kpc_final) z_w = max(W_kpc_initial - cn, W_kpc_final) else: x_w = W_kpc_initial y_w = W_kpc_initial z_w = W_kpc_initial W = YTArray([x_w, y_w, z_w], 'kpc') print W, L N = 512 image1 = yt.off_axis_projection(ds_1, cen_1, L, W, N, ('gas', 'density'), north_vector = north_vector) image2 = yt.off_axis_projection(ds_2, cen_2, L, W, N, ('gas', 'density'), north_vector = north_vector) fig, axes = subplots(1,2, figsize = (10.8, 5)) image1 = image1.in_units('Msun * kpc**-2') image2 = image2.in_units('Msun * kpc**-2') im1 = axes[0].imshow(np.log10(image1), vmin = 4.5, vmax = 9.5) im2 = axes[1].imshow(np.log10(image2), vmin = 4.5, vmax = 9.5) bar_len_kpc = 10. bar_len_pix = 1.*N/x_w * bar_len_kpc
def generate_ray_image_data(field_list, weight_list, model='P0', output=3195, ray_data_file='', data_loc='.', ion_list='all', redshift=None): # load data set with yt, galaxy center, and the bulk velocity of the halo ds, gcenter, bulk_velocity = ds, gcenter, bv = spg.load_simulation_properties( model) # for annoying reasons... need to convert ray positions to "code units" code_unit_conversion = ds.domain_right_edge.d / ds.domain_right_edge.in_units( 'kpc').d print(ray_data_file) ray_id_list, impact, bvx, bvy, bvz, xi, yi, zi, xf, yf, zf, cx, cy, cz =\ np.loadtxt(ray_data_file, skiprows = 1, unpack = True) bulk_velocity = YTArray([bvx[0], bvy[0], bvz[0]], 'km/s') # set field parameters so that trident knows to subtract off bulk velocity ad = ds.all_data() ad.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity', bulk_velocity) ad.set_field_parameter('center', gcenter) width = ds.arr([300., 20., 10], 'kpc') for i in [5]: # generate the coordinates of the random sightline # write ray id, impact parameter, bulk velocity, and start/end coordinates out to file h5file = h5.File( '%s/ray_image_data_%s_%i_%i.h5' % (data_loc, model, output, ray_id_list[i]), 'w') ray_start = ds.arr([xi[i], yi[i], zi[i]], 'kpc') ray_end = ds.arr([xf[i], yf[i], zf[i]], 'kpc') ray_direction = ray_end - ray_start ray_center = ray_start + 0.5 * ray_direction normal_vector = ds.arr(gcenter, 'kpc') - ray_center normal_vector = np.cross(normal_vector, ray_direction) for field, weight in zip(field_list, weight_list): print(field) sys.stdout.flush() if weight is not None: weight = ('gas', weight) if field not in h5file.keys(): #left_edge = #box = ds.region(ray_center, ) image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, center=ray_center, normal_vector=normal_vector, width=width, resolution=[1200, 80], item=('gas', field), weight=weight) h5file.create_dataset(field, data=image) h5file.flush() h5file.close() print("saved sightline data %i\n" % (i))
def snapshot_to_tfrec(snapshot_file, save_dir, num_of_projections, number_of_virtual_nodes, number_of_neighbours, plotting): """ load snapshot plt file, rotate for different viewing angles, make projections and corresponding graph nets. Save to tfrec files. Args: snapshot: snaphot save_dir: location of tfrecs Returns: """ print('loading particle and plt file {}...'.format(snapshot_file)) t_0 = default_timer() # filename = 'turbsph_hdf5_plt_cnt_{:04d}'.format(snapshot) # only plt file, will automatically find part file # # file_path = folder_path + filename # print(f'file: {file_path}') ds = yt.load( snapshot_file ) # loads in data into data set class. This is what we will use to plot field values ad = ds.all_data( ) # Can call on the data set's property .all_data() to generate a dictionary # containing all data available to be parsed through. # e.g. print ad['mass'] will print the list of all cell masses. # if particles exist, print ad['particle_position'] gives a list of each particle [x,y,z] print('done, time: {}'.format(default_timer() - t_0)) snapshot = int(snapshot_file[-4:]) field = 'density' width = np.max(ad['x'].to_value()) - np.min(ad['x'].to_value()) resolution = 256 print('making property_values...') t_0 = default_timer() property_values = [] # property_transforms = [lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: x, # np.log10, np.log10, np.log10, np.log10] property_names = [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z', 'gravitational_potential', 'density', 'temperature', 'cell_mass', 'cell_volume' ] unit_names = [ 'pc', 'pc', 'pc', '10*km/s', '10*km/s', '10*km/s', 'J/mg', 'Msun/pc**3', 'K', 'Msun', 'pc**3' ] _values = [] for name, unit in zip(property_names, unit_names): if name == 'gravitational_potential': _values.append(-ad[name].in_units(unit).to_value()) else: _values.append(ad[name].in_units(unit).to_value()) # property_values = np.array(property_values) # n f property_values = np.array(_values).T # n f print('done, time: {}'.format(default_timer() - t_0)) print('making projections and rotating coordinates') t_0 = default_timer() positions = [] properties = [] proj_images = [] extra_info = [] projections = 0 while projections < num_of_projections: print(projections) V = np.eye(3) R = _random_special_ortho_matrix(3) Vprime = np.linalg.inv(R) @ V north_vector = Vprime[:, 1] viewing_vec = Vprime[:, 2] _extra_info = [ snapshot, projections, viewing_vec[0], viewing_vec[1], viewing_vec[2], north_vector[0], north_vector[1], north_vector[2], resolution, width ] #, field] proj_image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, center=[0, 0, 0], normal_vector=viewing_vec, north_vector=north_vector, item=field, width=width, resolution=resolution) proj_image = np.log10(np.where(proj_image < 1e-5, 1e-5, proj_image)) xyz = property_values[:, :3] # n 3 velocity_xyz = property_values[:, 3:6] # n 3 rotated_xyz = (R @ xyz.T).T rotated_velocity_xyz = (R @ velocity_xyz.T).T _properties = property_values.copy() # n f _properties[:, :3] = rotated_xyz # n f _properties[:, 3:6] = rotated_velocity_xyz # n f _properties[:, 6] = _properties[:, 6] # n f _positions = xyz # n 3 positions.append(_positions) properties.append(_properties) proj_images.append(proj_image) extra_info.append(_extra_info) projections += 1 generate_data(positions=positions, properties=properties, proj_images=proj_images, extra_info=extra_info, save_dir=save_dir, number_of_virtual_nodes=number_of_virtual_nodes, plotting=plotting, number_of_neighbours=number_of_neighbours) print('done, time: {}'.format(default_timer() - t_0))
hc = HaloCatalog(data_ds=ds, halos_ds=halos_ds) hc.load() halos = hc.halo_list fieldname = 'gas' fieldvalue = fields[fieldname] index = 0 halo = halos[index] # PROJECTION PLOT com = [halo.quantities['particle_position_x'], halo.quantities['particle_position_y'], halo.quantities['particle_position_z']] sp = ds.sphere(com, (30, 'kpc')) amv = sp.quantities.angular_momentum_vector() amv = amv / np.sqrt((amv**2).sum()) center = sp.quantities.center_of_mass() res = 1024 width = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, center, amv, width, res, fieldvalue) yt.write_image(np.log10(image), '%s_%d_%s_offaxis_projection.png' % (ds, index, fieldname)) # PROFILE PLOT com = [halo.quantities['particle_position_x'], halo.quantities['particle_position_y'], halo.quantities['particle_position_z']] sp = ds.sphere(com, (30, 'kpc')) profiles = yt.create_profile(sp, 'radius', fields.values()) for fieldname, field in fields.iteritems(): plt.loglog(profiles.x, profiles[field], label=fieldname) plt.xlim([profiles.x.min(), profiles.x.max()]) plt.xlabel('Radius $[kpc]$') plt.ylabel('$\\rho [M_{\odot} kpc^{-3}]$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig('%s_%d_profile.png' % (ds, index))
frame = 1 stepAlpha=np.pi/100 stepBeta=np.pi/100 frames=math.ceil(2*np.pi/stepAlpha) for i in np.arange(0, frames): L = yksikkovektori(alpha, beta) N = yksikkovektori(alpha+stepAlpha, beta+stepBeta) # Now we call the off_axis_projection function, which handles the rest. # Note that we set no_ghost equal to False, so that we *do* include ghost # zones in our data. This takes longer to calculate, but the results look # much cleaner than when you ignore the ghost zones. # Also note that we set the field which we want to project as "density", but # really we could use any arbitrary field like "temperature", "metallicity" # or whatever. image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, tiheysmaksimi, L, W, Npixels, "density", north_vector=N, no_ghost=False, steady_north=True) # Image is now an NxN array representing the intensities of the various pixels. # And now, we call our direct image saver. We save the log of the result. #yt.write_projection(image, "slice/kaanto/offaxis_projection_colorbar%04i.png" %frame, colorbar_label="Column Density (cm$^{-2}$)") yt.write_projection(image, "kuvat/%04i.png" %frame, cmap_name='hot') frame+=1 alpha+=stepAlpha beta+=stepBeta
def generate_ray_image_data(field_list, weight_list, model='P0', output=3195, ray_data_file='../../data/P0_z0.25_ray_data.dat', data_loc='.', ion_list='all', redshift=None): # load data set with yt, galaxy center, and the bulk velocity of the halo if model == 'P0': ds = yt.load('~/Work/galaxy/P0/P0.003195') ds.add_field(('gas', 'mass'), function=_mass2, units='g', sampling_type='particle') trident.add_ion_fields(ds, ions=ion_list) # for annoying reasons... need to convert ray positions to "code units" code_unit_conversion = ds.domain_right_edge.d / ds.domain_right_edge.in_units( 'kpc').d ray_id_list, impact, bvx, bvy, bvz, xi, yi, zi, xf, yf, zf, cx, cy, cz =\ np.loadtxt(ray_data_file, skiprows = 1, unpack = True) gcenter_kpc = [cx[0], cy[0], cz[0] ] # assuming galaxy center is the same for all sightlines gcenter = gcenter_kpc * code_unit_conversion bulk_velocity = YTArray([bvx[0], bvy[0], bvz[0]], 'km/s') # set field parameters so that trident knows to subtract off bulk velocity ad = ds.all_data() ad.set_field_parameter('bulk_velocity', bulk_velocity) ad.set_field_parameter('center', gcenter) width = np.array([300., 20., 20.]) # kpc width *= code_unit_conversion ray_start_list = np.ndarray(shape=(0, 3)) ray_end_list = np.ndarray(shape=(0, 3)) for i in range(len(xi)): ray_start_list = np.vstack( (ray_start_list, [xi[i], yi[i], zi[i]] * code_unit_conversion)) ray_end_list = np.vstack( (ray_end_list, [xf[i], yf[i], zf[i]] * code_unit_conversion)) for i in [0, 10]: # generate the coordinates of the random sightline # write ray id, impact parameter, bulk velocity, and start/end coordinates out to file h5file = h5.File( '%s/ray_image_data_%s_%i_%i.h5' % (data_loc, model, output, ray_id_list[i]), 'a') ray_center = ray_start_list[i] + 0.5 * (ray_end_list[i] - ray_start_list[i]) ray_direction = ray_end_list[i] - ray_start_list[i] print(ray_center, ray_direction, width) # ray_center = [-0.42299158, -0.30013312, 0.13297239] # ray_direction = [0.6779612, -0.68934122, -0.25529845] # image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, ray_center, ray_direction, width, # [1200, 80], ('gas', 'temperature'), weight = ('gas', 'density')) for field, weight in zip(field_list, weight_list): print(field) sys.stdout.flush() if weight is not None: weight = ('gas', weight) if field not in h5file.keys(): image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, ray_center, ray_direction, width, [1200, 80], ('gas', field), weight=weight) h5file.create_dataset(field, data=image) h5file.flush() h5file.close() print("saved sightline data %i\n" % (i))
ceny = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n].data['box_avg'][1] cenz = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n].data['box_avg'][2] cen = yt.YTArray([cenx, ceny, cenz], 'kpc') #vel_vec = array([anchor_vxs_box_avg, anchor_vys_box_avg, anchor_vzs_box_avg]) #L = vel_vec/np.linalg.norm(vel_vec) #L = [1*math.cos(pi*(DD)/100.),0, 1*math.sin(pi*(DD)/100.)] # vector normal to cutting plane fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10.8, 15)) for i in arange(3): L = Ls[i] image1 = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, cen, L, W1, N, ('gas', 'density'), north_vector=north_vector) image2 = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, cen, L, W2, N, ('gas', 'density'), north_vector=north_vector) image1 = image1.in_units('Msun * kpc**-2') image2 = image2.in_units('Msun * kpc**-2') im1 = axes[i, 0].imshow(np.log10(image1), vmin=4.5, vmax=9.5) im2 = axes[i, 1].imshow(np.log10(image2), vmin=4.5, vmax=9.5)
# dataset, we'll just choose an off-axis value at random. This gets normalized # automatically. L = [0.5, 0.4, 0.7] # Our "width" is the width of the image plane as well as the depth. # The first element is the left to right width, the second is the # top-bottom width, and the last element is the back-to-front width # (all in code units) W = [0.04, 0.04, 0.4] # The number of pixels along one side of the image. # The final image will have Npixel^2 pixels. Npixels = 512 # Now we call the off_axis_projection function, which handles the rest. # Note that we set no_ghost equal to False, so that we *do* include ghost # zones in our data. This takes longer to calculate, but the results look # much cleaner than when you ignore the ghost zones. # Also note that we set the field which we want to project as "density", but # really we could use any arbitrary field like "temperature", "metallicity" # or whatever. image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, c, L, W, Npixels, "density", no_ghost=False) # Image is now an NxN array representing the intensities of the various pixels. # And now, we call our direct image saver. We save the log of the result. yt.write_projection( image, "offaxis_projection_colorbar.png", colorbar_label="Column Density (cm$^{-2}$)", )
frames = math.ceil(2 * np.pi / stepAlpha) for i in np.arange(0, frames): L = yksikkovektori(alpha, beta) N = yksikkovektori(alpha + stepAlpha, beta + stepBeta) # Now we call the off_axis_projection function, which handles the rest. # Note that we set no_ghost equal to False, so that we *do* include ghost # zones in our data. This takes longer to calculate, but the results look # much cleaner than when you ignore the ghost zones. # Also note that we set the field which we want to project as "density", but # really we could use any arbitrary field like "temperature", "metallicity" # or whatever. image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, tiheysmaksimi, L, W, Npixels, "density", north_vector=N, no_ghost=False, steady_north=True) # Image is now an NxN array representing the intensities of the various pixels. # And now, we call our direct image saver. We save the log of the result. #yt.write_projection(image, "slice/kaanto/offaxis_projection_colorbar%04i.png" %frame, colorbar_label="Column Density (cm$^{-2}$)") yt.write_projection(image, "kuvat/%04i.png" % frame, cmap_name='hot') frame += 1 alpha += stepAlpha beta += stepBeta
index = 0 halo = halos[index] # PROJECTION PLOT com = [ halo.quantities['particle_position_x'], halo.quantities['particle_position_y'], halo.quantities['particle_position_z'] ] sp = ds.sphere(com, (30, 'kpc')) amv = sp.quantities.angular_momentum_vector() amv = amv / np.sqrt((amv**2).sum()) center = sp.quantities.center_of_mass() res = 1024 width = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, center, amv, width, res, fieldvalue) yt.write_image(np.log10(image), '%s_%d_%s_offaxis_projection.png' % (ds, index, fieldname)) # PROFILE PLOT com = [ halo.quantities['particle_position_x'], halo.quantities['particle_position_y'], halo.quantities['particle_position_z'] ] sp = ds.sphere(com, (30, 'kpc')) profiles = yt.create_profile(sp, 'radius', fields.values()) for fieldname, field in fields.iteritems(): plt.loglog(profiles.x, profiles[field], label=fieldname) plt.xlim([profiles.x.min(), profiles.x.max()]) plt.xlabel('Radius $[kpc]$')
def graph_img_plotting(plotting, virtual_properties, senders, receivers, xray_image, positions, hot_gas_positions, base_data_dir, center, vprime, dataset, sphere): max_pos = np.max(positions.T, axis=1) min_pos = np.min(positions.T, axis=1) box_size = max_pos - min_pos if plotting == 1: print('Plotting xray...') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6)) ax[0].scatter(center[0] + hot_gas_positions[:, 0], center[1] + hot_gas_positions[:, 1], s=10**(2.5 - np.log10(positions.shape[0]))) ax[0].set_xlim(center[0] - 0.5 * box_size[0], center[0] + 0.5 * box_size[0]) ax[0].set_ylim(center[1] - 0.5 * box_size[1], center[1] + 0.5 * box_size[1]) ax[0].set_title('Hot gas particles') ax[1].imshow(xray_image) # fig.colorbar(xray_plot, ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_title('Xray') ax[2].scatter(center[0] + positions.T[0], center[1] + positions.T[1], s=10**(2.5 - np.log10(positions.shape[0]))) ax[2].set_xlim(center[0] - 0.5 * box_size[0], center[0] + 0.5 * box_size[0]) ax[2].set_ylim(center[1] - 0.5 * box_size[1], center[1] + 0.5 * box_size[1]) ax[2].set_title('Gas particles') plt.savefig(os.path.join(base_data_dir, 'images/xray.png')) if plotting > 1: graph = nx.OrderedMultiDiGraph() n_nodes = virtual_properties.shape[ 0] # number of nodes is the number of positions virtual_box_size = (np.min(virtual_properties[:, :3]), np.max(virtual_properties[:, :3])) pos = dict() # for plotting node positions. edgelist = [] # Now put the data in the directed graph: first the nodes with their positions and properties # pos just takes the x and y coordinates of the position so a 2D plot can be made for node, feature, position in zip(np.arange(n_nodes), virtual_properties, virtual_properties[:, :3]): graph.add_node(node, features=feature) pos[node] = (position[:2] - virtual_box_size[0]) / ( virtual_box_size[1] - virtual_box_size[0]) # Next add the edges using the receivers and senders arrays we just created # Note that an edge is added for both directions # The features of the edge are dummy arrays at the moment # The edgelist is for the plotting # edges = np.stack([senders, receivers], axis=-1) + sibling_node_offset for u, v in zip(senders, receivers): graph.add_edge(u, v, features=np.array([1., 0.])) edgelist.append((u, v)) print(f'Particle graph nodes : {graph.number_of_nodes()}') print(f'Particle graph edges : {graph.number_of_edges()}') dens_list = [] for n in list('features')): dens_list.append(n[1][6]) if plotting == 2: # Plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) print('Plotting multiplot...') draw(graph, ax=ax[0, 0], pos=pos, edge_color='red', node_size=10**(4 - np.log10(len(dens_list))), width=0.1, arrowstyle='-', node_color=dens_list, cmap='viridis') # draw(graph, ax=ax[0, 0], pos=pos, node_color='blue', edge_color='red', node_size=10, width=0.1) ax[0, 1].scatter(center[0] + hot_gas_positions[:, 0], center[1] + hot_gas_positions[:, 1], s=10**(2.5 - np.log10(positions.shape[0]))) ax[0, 1].set_xlim(center[0] - 0.5 * box_size[0], center[0] + 0.5 * box_size[0]) ax[0, 1].set_ylim(center[1] - 0.5 * box_size[1], center[1] + 0.5 * box_size[1]) ax[0, 1].set_title('Hot gas particles') ax[1, 0].imshow(xray_image) # fig.colorbar(xray_plot, ax=ax[1]) # ax[1].set_title('Xray') ax[1, 1].scatter(center[0] + positions.T[0], center[1] + positions.T[1], s=10**(2.5 - np.log10(positions.shape[0]))) ax[1, 1].set_xlim(center[0] - 0.5 * box_size[0], center[0] + 0.5 * box_size[0]) ax[1, 1].set_ylim(center[1] - 0.5 * box_size[1], center[1] + 0.5 * box_size[1]) ax[1, 1].set_title('Gas particles') print('Multiplot done, showing...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(base_data_dir, 'images/multiplot.png')) if plotting == 3: interp_virtual_positions = virtual_properties[:, :3] / 1e4 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) _x = np.linspace(np.min(interp_virtual_positions[:, 0]), np.max(interp_virtual_positions[:, 0]), 300) _y = np.linspace(np.min(interp_virtual_positions[:, 1]), np.max(interp_virtual_positions[:, 1]), 300) _z = np.linspace(np.min(interp_virtual_positions[:, 2]), np.max(interp_virtual_positions[:, 2]), 300) x, y, z = np.meshgrid(_x, _y, _z, indexing='ij') interp = interpolate.griddata( (interp_virtual_positions[:, 0], interp_virtual_positions[:, 1], interp_virtual_positions[:, 2]), dens_list, xi=(x, y, z), fill_value=0.0) im = np.mean(interp, axis=2).T[::-1, ] im = np.log10( np.where(im / np.max(im) < 1e-3, 1e-3, im / np.max(im))) ax.imshow(im) plt.savefig(os.path.join(base_data_dir, 'images/interp.png')) if plotting == 4: print('Plotting off-axis projection...') east_vector = vprime[:, 0] north_vector = vprime[:, 1] viewing_vec = vprime[:, 2] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) off_axis_image = yt.off_axis_projection(data_source=dataset,, normal_vector=viewing_vec, width=0.01 * dataset.domain_width, item='Density', resolution=[400, 400], north_vector=east_vector) off_axis_image = np.log10( np.where(off_axis_image < 1e17, 1e17, off_axis_image)) # off_axis_image = off_axis_image.to_ndarray() / np.max(off_axis_image.to_ndarray()) # off_axis_image = np.log10(np.where(off_axis_image < 1e-5, 1e-5, off_axis_image)) # print(f'Maximum : {np.max(off_axis_image)}') off_axis_image = ax.imshow(off_axis_image) fig.colorbar(off_axis_image, ax=ax) plt.savefig(os.path.join(base_data_dir, 'images/off_axis_proj.png')) # yt.write_image(np.log10(off_axis_image), os.path.join(base_data_dir, 'images/off_axis_proj.png')) if plotting == 5: print('Plotting 3D image...') mlab.points3d(virtual_properties.T[0], virtual_properties.T[1], virtual_properties.T[2], dens_list, resolution=8, scale_factor=0.15, scale_mode='none', colormap='viridis') for u, v in zip(senders, receivers): mlab.plot3d( [virtual_properties[u][0], virtual_properties[v][0]], [virtual_properties[u][1], virtual_properties[v][1]], [virtual_properties[u][2], virtual_properties[v][2]], tube_radius=None, tube_sides=3, opacity=0.1)
""" Make simple off-axis plot using data """ from GL import * from cycler import cycler import queb3 from queb3 import powerlaw_fit as plfit import davetools as dt import h5py from matplotlib.pyplot import cm import yt reload(queb3) simdir = "half_half" frame = 30 plotdir = "/Users/Kye/512reruns/512rerunplots/offaxisplots" ds = yt.load("/Users/Kye/512reruns/frbs/half_half/DD%04d/data%04d" % (frame, frame)) L = [1, 1, 0] # vector normal to cutting plane north_vector = [-1, 1, 0] W = [0.02, 0.02, 0.02] c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] N = 512 image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, c, L, W, N, "density") yt.write_image( np.log10(image), "%s/%s/%04d_offaxis_density_projection.png" % (plotdir, simdir, frame))
width_kpc = radius * 2 le = center - radius re = center + radius box =, re) # temperature cut mask (same used for mock images 1e5 K) min_temperature = 1e5 box = box.cut_region('obj["temperature"] > %f' % min_temperature) for field in fields: print field # density weighted projection same normal vector as mock images proj = yt.off_axis_projection(box, center=center, normal_vector=[1, 1, 1], width=width_kpc, resolution=nside, item=field, weight='number_density') proj = proj.v.T # transpose to get same orientation as mock image residual = RadialProfile.residual_field(proj) group.create_dataset('residual_%s' % field, data=residual) # Make mask for large density fluctuations associated with small cold clumps if field == 'number_density': max_fluc = 5. mask = residual < max_fluc mask_group.attrs[ 'large_density_fluctuation_volume_fraction'] = mask[ mask == 0].size / float(mask.size) mask_group.attrs['max_dens_fluc'] = max_fluc
xs_box, ys_box, zs_box, vxs_box, vys_box, vzs_box, xs, ys, zs, vxs, vys, vzs = \ np.load('/Users/rsimons/Dropbox/rcs_foggie/outputs/nref11n_orig_%s_sat%i.npy'%(sname, sat_n))[()] cen = yt.YTArray([xs_box, ys_box, zs_box], 'kpc') L = yt.YTArray([vxs_box, vys_box, vzs_box], 'km/s') L_init = L.copy() L_init_mag = sqrt(sum(L_init**2)) L_mag = sqrt(sum(L**2)) L_n = L / L_mag x = 16 fig, ax = plt.subplots(8, x, figsize=((12 / 8.) * x, 12)) print 'gas density off-axis projection' sat_dens = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, cen, -L_n, W, N, ('gas', 'density'), north_vector=north_vector) print 'gas stellar density off-axis projection' sat_mstar_dens = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, cen, -L_n, W, N, ('deposit', 'io_density'), north_vector=north_vector) kern = Gaussian2DKernel(0.5 * (N / 15.)) sat_mstar_dens_c = yt.YTArray(convolve_fft(sat_mstar_dens, kern), sat_mstar_dens.units) for i in arange(x): cenS_i = cen + yt.YTArray([-x + 2 * i], 'kpc') * L_n
# Our image plane will be normal to some vector. For things like collapsing # objects, you could set it the way you would a cutting plane -- but for this # dataset, we'll just choose an off-axis value at random. This gets normalized # automatically. L = [0.5, 0.4, 0.7] # Our "width" is the width of the image plane as well as the depth. # The first element is the left to right width, the second is the # top-bottom width, and the last element is the back-to-front width # (all in code units) W = [0.04,0.04,0.4] # The number of pixels along one side of the image. # The final image will have Npixel^2 pixels. Npixels = 512 # Now we call the off_axis_projection function, which handles the rest. # Note that we set no_ghost equal to False, so that we *do* include ghost # zones in our data. This takes longer to calculate, but the results look # much cleaner than when you ignore the ghost zones. # Also note that we set the field which we want to project as "density", but # really we could use any arbitrary field like "temperature", "metallicity" # or whatever. image = yt.off_axis_projection(ds, c, L, W, Npixels, "density", no_ghost=False) # Image is now an NxN array representing the intensities of the various pixels. # And now, we call our direct image saver. We save the log of the result. yt.write_projection(image, "offaxis_projection_colorbar.png", colorbar_label="Column Density (cm$^{-2}$)")
ds.add_field(("gas", "Byz"), function=_Byz, units="G", force_override=True) #fig=plt.figure() ad=ds.all_data() #field = ["Byz"] #p=yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, "x", field, weight_field="density") #p.zoom(1) #p.annotate_contour("Byz") #p.annotate_magnetic_field() #get(annotate_timestamp) #p.run_callbacks() L=np.array([2,1,1]) oap=yt.off_axis_projection(ds, ds.domain_center, L, ds.domain_width, (800, 800), "density") #yt.write_oap() oapp=yt.OffAxisProjectionPlot(ds, L, "Byz", weight_field="density") oapp.annotate_contour(("gas", "density"), ncont=5, factor=4) #oapp.annotate_magnetic_field()'contours+vectors_density') #to save and include name use"%s_oapp.png" % ds) prj=ds.proj("Byz", "x", weight_field="density") print prj #prj.save_object("Byz","Byz_data") frb=prj.to_frb((4, "AU"), [10000,10000]) #plt.savefig("frb.png")