예제 #1
def main():
    """Skyscraper solver example."""
    lattice = grilops.get_square_lattice(SIZE)
    directions = {d.name: d for d in lattice.edge_sharing_directions()}
    sg = grilops.SymbolGrid(lattice, SYM)

    # Each row and each column contains each building height exactly once.
    for y in range(SIZE):
        sg.solver.add(Distinct(*[sg.grid[Point(y, x)] for x in range(SIZE)]))
    for x in range(SIZE):
        sg.solver.add(Distinct(*[sg.grid[Point(y, x)] for y in range(SIZE)]))

    # We'll use the sightlines accumulator to keep track of a tuple storing:
    #   the tallest building we've seen so far
    #   the number of visible buildings we've encountered
    Acc = Datatype("Acc")  # pylint: disable=C0103
    Acc.declare("acc", ("tallest", IntSort()), ("num_visible", IntSort()))
    Acc = Acc.create()  # pylint: disable=C0103

    def accumulate(a, height):
        return Acc.acc(
            If(height > Acc.tallest(a), height, Acc.tallest(a)),
            If(height > Acc.tallest(a),
               Acc.num_visible(a) + 1, Acc.num_visible(a)))

    for x, c in enumerate(GIVEN_TOP):
        sg.solver.add(c == Acc.num_visible(
            grilops.sightlines.reduce_cells(sg, Point(0, x), directions["S"],
                                            Acc.acc(0, 0), accumulate)))
    for y, c in enumerate(GIVEN_LEFT):
        sg.solver.add(c == Acc.num_visible(
            grilops.sightlines.reduce_cells(sg, Point(y, 0), directions["E"],
                                            Acc.acc(0, 0), accumulate)))
    for y, c in enumerate(GIVEN_RIGHT):
        sg.solver.add(c == Acc.num_visible(
            grilops.sightlines.reduce_cells(sg, Point(
                y, SIZE - 1), directions["W"], Acc.acc(0, 0), accumulate)))
    for x, c in enumerate(GIVEN_BOTTOM):
        sg.solver.add(c == Acc.num_visible(
            grilops.sightlines.reduce_cells(sg, Point(
                SIZE - 1, x), directions["N"], Acc.acc(0, 0), accumulate)))

    if sg.solve():
        if sg.is_unique():
            print("Unique solution")
            print("Alternate solution")
        print("No solution")
예제 #2
def skyscraper(givens: Dict[Direction, List[int]]) -> str:
    """Solver for Skyscraper minipuzzles."""
    sym = grilops.make_number_range_symbol_set(1, SIZE)
    sg = grilops.SymbolGrid(LATTICE, sym)
    shifter = Shifter(sg.solver)

    # Each row and each column contains each building height exactly once.
    for y in range(SIZE):
        sg.solver.add(Distinct(*[sg.grid[Point(y, x)] for x in range(SIZE)]))
    for x in range(SIZE):
        sg.solver.add(Distinct(*[sg.grid[Point(y, x)] for y in range(SIZE)]))

    # We'll use the sightlines accumulator to keep track of a tuple storing:
    #   the tallest building we've seen so far
    #   the number of visible buildings we've encountered
    Acc = Datatype("Acc")  # pylint: disable=C0103
    Acc.declare("acc", ("tallest", IntSort()), ("num_visible", IntSort()))
    Acc = Acc.create()  # pylint: disable=C0103

    def accumulate(a, height):
        return Acc.acc(
            If(height > Acc.tallest(a), height, Acc.tallest(a)),
            If(height > Acc.tallest(a),
               Acc.num_visible(a) + 1, Acc.num_visible(a)))

    for d, gs in givens.items():
        for i, g in enumerate(gs):
            if d.vector.dy != 0:
                g = g - shifter.col_shifts.get(i, 0)
                p = Point(0 if d.vector.dy < 0 else SIZE - 1, i)
            elif d.vector.dx != 0:
                g = g - shifter.row_shifts.get(i, 0)
                p = Point(i, 0 if d.vector.dx < 0 else SIZE - 1)
            sg.solver.add(g == Acc.num_visible(  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                    Acc.acc(0, 0),  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

    assert sg.solve()
    return shifter.eval_binary()