예제 #1
def add_optimize_targets2(solver, int_dict, order_dict):
    # new optimize target
    # A*o1+(1-A)*o2
    # o1 = AVG[v'(pkg)/|V(pkg)|] if v'(pkg)!=|V(pkg)| ((not installed))
    # o2 = (|P|-|P'|)/|P| if p is installed, p belongs to P'
    A = 0.5
    o1 = Real("o1")
    o2 = Real("o2")
    sum_ins = Int("sum_ins")
    sum_all = Int("sum_all")
    count_ins = Int("count_ins")
    sum_ins, sum_all, count_ins = 0, 0, 0

    count_all = 0
    for pkg in int_dict:
        sum_ins = If(int_dict[pkg] != len(order_dict[pkg]),
                     sum_ins + int_dict[pkg], sum_ins)
        count_ins = If(int_dict[pkg] != len(order_dict[pkg]), count_ins + 1,
        sum_all = If(int_dict[pkg] != len(order_dict[pkg]),
                     sum_all + len(order_dict[pkg]), sum_all)
        count_all += 1

    o1 = ToReal(sum_ins) / ToReal(sum_all)
    o2 = 1 - (ToReal(count_ins) / count_all)
    target = A * o1 + (1 - A) * o2
    return solver
예제 #2
def search_rectangle(b1, e1, b2, e2, b3, e3, b4, e4):
    x1 = Real('x1')
    x2 = Real('x2')
    x3 = Real('x3')
    x4 = Real('x4')

    y1 = Real('y1')
    y2 = Real('y2')
    y3 = Real('y3')
    y4 = Real('y4')

    optimizer = Optimize()

    add_cond_on_segment(optimizer, b1, e1, x1, y1)
    add_cond_on_segment(optimizer, b2, e2, x2, y2)
    add_cond_on_segment(optimizer, b3, e3, x3, y3)
    add_cond_on_segment(optimizer, b4, e4, x4, y4)

    add_cond_orthogonal(optimizer, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    add_cond_orthogonal(optimizer, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
    add_cond_orthogonal(optimizer, x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1)
    add_cond_orthogonal(optimizer, x4, y4, x1, y1, x2, y2)

    # equal_distance


    result = optimizer.check()

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plotline(ax, b1, e1)
    plotline(ax, b2, e2)
    plotline(ax, b3, e3)
    plotline(ax, b4, e4)

    if result != z3.unsat:
        model = optimizer.model()
        x1 = convert_py_type(model[x1])
        x2 = convert_py_type(model[x2])
        x3 = convert_py_type(model[x3])
        x4 = convert_py_type(model[x4])
        y1 = convert_py_type(model[y1])
        y2 = convert_py_type(model[y2])
        y3 = convert_py_type(model[y3])
        y4 = convert_py_type(model[y4])

        plotline(ax, [x1, y1], [x2, y2], 'k')
        plotline(ax, [x2, y2], [x3, y3], 'k')
        plotline(ax, [x3, y3], [x4, y4], 'k')
        plotline(ax, [x4, y4], [x1, y1], 'k')

        print('no soltion')
    plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
예제 #3
def mk_var(name, vsort):
    Create a variable of type vsort.


    >>> from z3 import *
    >>> v = mk_var('real_v', Real('x').sort())
    >>> print v

    if vsort.kind() == Z3_INT_SORT:
        v = Int(name)
    elif vsort.kind() == Z3_REAL_SORT:
        v = Real(name)
    elif vsort.kind() == Z3_BOOL_SORT:
        v = Bool(name)
    elif vsort.kind() == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT:
        v = Const(name, vsort)

        raise AssertionError,\
            'Cannot handle this sort (s: {}, {})'\
            .format(vsort, vsort.kind())

    return v
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, id:int, gate:Gate, prev:OrderedDict[int,Instruction], qubit_map:Dict[int, Qubit], other_args:List=[]):

        # The instructions numerical identifier
        self.id : int = id

        # The gate of the instruction
        self.gate : Gate = gate

        # A name for the instruction
        self.name : str = str(self.gate.name) + "_" + str(self.id)

        # Previous instructions in the dependency graph: those instrs that this one depends on
        self.prev : OrderedDict[int,Instruction] = prev

        # Available Qubits, mapped from their indices
        self.qubit_map: Dict[int, Qubit] = qubit_map

        # Qubit indicies applied to:
        # This is intuitively the primary mapping from "logical" indices to real ones. 
        # The consistency over the entire graph is maintained by the constraints.
        self.on_indices: OrderedDict[int, Int] = OrderedDict([(edge,Int(self.name+".edge_"+str(edge))) for edge in prev.keys()])

        # Time slot to run this instruction in
        self.time: Int = Int(self.name + ".timeslot")

        # Reliability of this instruction: depends on the operation and which qubit it's assigned to
        self.reliability: Real = Real(self.name + ".reliability")

        # Other args like rotations: TODO
        self.other_args: List = other_args
예제 #5
def get_z3obj_type(d_type, name):
    from z3 import Bool, Int, Real

    if d_type.is_bool:
        return Bool(name)
    elif d_type.is_integer:
        return Int(name)
        return Real(name)
예제 #6
def run_code2inv_problem(problem_num):
    fname = str(problem_num) + '.c'
    csvname = str(problem_num) + '.csv'
    src_path = 'benchmarks/code2inv/c/'
    check_path = 'benchmarks/code2inv/smt2/'
    trace_path = 'benchmarks/code2inv/csv/'

    if problem_num in [26, 27, 31, 32, 61, 62, 72, 75, 106]:
        print(problem_num, 'theoretically unsolvable')
        return False, '', 0

    start_time = time.time()
    consts = load_consts(problem_num, 'benchmarks/code2inv/smt2/const.txt')

    templateGen = TemplateGen(src_path + fname, trace_path + csvname)
    trainer = CLNTrainer(trace_path + csvname)
    invariantChecker = InvariantChecker(fname, check_path)

    non_loop_invariant = None
    if problem_num in [110, 111, 112, 113]:
        # non_loop_invariant = And(Real('sn') == 0, Real('i') == 1, Real('n') < 0)
        non_loop_invariant = And(
            Real('sn') == 0,
            Real('i') == 1,
            Real('n') < 1)
    elif problem_num in [118, 119, 122, 123]:
        non_loop_invariant = And(
            Real('sn') == 0,
            Real('i') == 1,
            Real('size') < 1)

    solved, inv_str = False, ''
    for n_template in range(10_000):
        cln_template = templateGen.get_next_template()
        if cln_template is None:
        rerun = True
        max_epoch = 2000
        restarts = 0
        while not solved and rerun and restarts < 10:
            invariant, rerun = trainer.build_train_cln(

                solved, inv_str = invariantChecker.check_cln(invariant)
                # rerun if z3 throws an error
                rerun = True
            max_epoch += 1000
            restarts += 1

        if solved:
def dd_solve_(dd, vr1s1, vr1s2, vr2s1, vr2s2, wavelength):
    sol = Solver()
    r1s1, r1s2, r2s1, r2s2 = Ints('r1s1 r1s2 r2s1 r2s2')
    err = Real('err')
    err1, err1, err3, err4 = Reals('err1 err2 err3 err4')
#    sol.add(err > 0)

    sol.add(r1s1 - r1s2 - r2s1 + r2s2 == dd)

    sol.add(ToReal(r1s1)*wavelength + err1 > vr1s1)
    sol.add(ToReal(r1s1)*wavelength - err1 < vr1s1)

    sol.add(ToReal(r1s2)*wavelength + err2 > vr1s2)
    sol.add(ToReal(r1s2)*wavelength - err2 < vr1s2)

    sol.add(ToReal(r2s1)*wavelength + err3 > vr2s1)
    sol.add(ToReal(r2s1)*wavelength - err3 < vr2s1)

    sol.add(ToReal(r2s2)*wavelength + err4 > vr2s2)
    sol.add(ToReal(r2s2)*wavelength - err4 < vr2s2)

    if sol.check() != sat:
        return None
    def minimize():
        # try to push the error lower, if possible
        for mult in [0.5, 0.85]:
            while sol.check() == sat:
                err_bound = frac_to_float(sol.model()[err])
                if err_bound < 0.2:
                    # not gonna do better than that...
                sol.add(err < err_bound*mult)
    return (
        [sol.model()[r].as_long() for r in [r1s1, r1s2, r2s1, r2s2]],
def dd_solve_(dd, vr1s1, vr1s2, vr2s1, vr2s2, wavelength, ionosphere=False):
    sol = Optimize()
    r1s1, r1s2, r2s1, r2s2 = Ints('r1s1 r1s2 r2s1 r2s2')
#    err = Real('err')
    err1, err2, err3, err4 = Reals('err1 err2 err3 err4')
#    sol.add(err > 0)

    if ionosphere:
        ion = Real('ion')
        sol.add(ion > 0)
        sol.add(ion < 25)
        ion = 0

    sol.add(r1s1 - r1s2 - r2s1 + r2s2 == dd)

    sol.add(ToReal(r1s1)*wavelength + err1 > vr1s1 - ion)
    sol.add(ToReal(r1s1)*wavelength - err1 < vr1s1 - ion)

    sol.add(ToReal(r1s2)*wavelength + err2 > vr1s2 - ion)
    sol.add(ToReal(r1s2)*wavelength - err2 < vr1s2 - ion)

    sol.add(ToReal(r2s1)*wavelength + err3 > vr2s1 - ion)
    sol.add(ToReal(r2s1)*wavelength - err3 < vr2s1 - ion)

    sol.add(ToReal(r2s2)*wavelength + err4 > vr2s2 - ion)
    sol.add(ToReal(r2s2)*wavelength - err4 < vr2s2 - ion)

    objective = sol.minimize(err1 + err2 + err3 + err4)

    if sol.check() != sat:
        return None
    if sol.check() != sat:
        return None

    return (
        [sol.model()[r].as_long() for r in [r1s1, r1s2, r2s1, r2s2]],
        [frac_to_float(sol.model()[err]) for err in [err1, err2, err3, err4]],
        frac_to_float(sol.model()[ion]) if ionosphere else 0
    def create_z3_vars(self):
        Setup the variables required for Z3 optimization
        for gate in self.dag.gate_nodes():
            t_var_name = 't_' + str(self.gate_id[gate])
            d_var_name = 'd_' + str(self.gate_id[gate])
            f_var_name = 'f_' + str(self.gate_id[gate])
            self.gate_start_time[gate] = Real(t_var_name)
            self.gate_duration[gate] = Real(d_var_name)
            self.gate_fidelity[gate] = Real(f_var_name)
        for gate in self.xtalk_overlap_set:
            self.overlap_indicator[gate] = {}
            self.overlap_amounts[gate] = {}
        for g_1 in self.xtalk_overlap_set:
            for g_2 in self.xtalk_overlap_set[g_1]:
                if len(g_2.qargs) == 2 and g_1 in self.overlap_indicator[g_2]:
                    self.overlap_indicator[g_1][g_2] = self.overlap_indicator[
                    self.overlap_amounts[g_1][g_2] = self.overlap_amounts[g_2][
                    # Indicator variable for overlap of g_1 and g_2
                    var_name1 = 'olp_ind_' + str(
                        self.gate_id[g_1]) + '_' + str(self.gate_id[g_2])
                    self.overlap_indicator[g_1][g_2] = Bool(var_name1)
                    var_name2 = 'olp_amnt_' + str(
                        self.gate_id[g_1]) + '_' + str(self.gate_id[g_2])
                    self.overlap_amounts[g_1][g_2] = Real(var_name2)
        active_qubits_list = []
        for gate in self.dag.gate_nodes():
            for q in gate.qargs:
        for active_qubit in list(set(active_qubits_list)):
            q_var_name = 'l_' + str(active_qubit)
            self.qubit_lifetime[active_qubit] = Real(q_var_name)

        meas_q = []
        for node in self.dag.op_nodes():
            if isinstance(node.op, Measure):

        self.measured_qubits = list(
        self.measure_start = Real('meas_start')
예제 #10
def run_code2inv_problem(i):
    if i in [26, 27, 31, 32, 61, 62, 72, 75, 106]:
        print(i,'theoretically unsolvable')
        return True, 0

    start_time = time.time()
    attempts = 0
    first_time = True
    max_epoch = 2000
    I = None
    while (solved == False):
        attempts += 1
        if attempts > 10:
            # print('failed', i)
            # return False

        if first_time:
            solved, I = fast_checker(i)
        if solved:
            non_loop_invariant = None
            if i in [110, 111, 112, 113]:
                non_loop_invariant = And(Real('sn') == 0, Real('i') == 1, Real('n') < 0)
            elif i in [118, 119, 122, 123]:
                non_loop_invariant = And(Real('sn') == 0, Real('i') == 1, Real('size') < 0)

            solved, I = gcln_infer(i, max_epoch=max_epoch, 

            first_time = False
            max_epoch += 1000

    end_time = time.time()
    runtime = end_time - start_time

    print('Problem number:', i, 'solved?',solved, 'time:', runtime)
    if I is not None:
    return solved, runtime
예제 #11
def state_valuation_to_z3_check_args(state_valuation):
    Converts a state_valuation to a list of state args which is to be passed to a relative inductiveness check.
    :param state_valuation: The state valuation that is to be converted.
    :return: The list of args of the solver.
    return [
        eq_no_coerce(var.variable, val)
        for var, val in state_valuation.items()

compare_solver = Solver()

integer_div_res = Int("Div")
real_div_res = Real("RDiv")
eval_result = Real("result")

def z3_values_check_gt(val_1, val_2):
    return compare_solver.check(val_1 > val_2) == sat

def z3_values_check_lt(val_1, val_2):
    return compare_solver.check(val_1 < val_2) == sat

def z3_values_check_geq(val_1, val_2):
    return compare_solver.check(val_1 >= val_2) == sat

예제 #12
    def run(self, state_id, chosen_command, delta, states_with_fixed_probabilities = set()):

        :param state_id: 
        :param delta: 
        :return: (1) True iff it is possible to find probabilities for the successors of the given state_id and delta.
                 (2) If True, then it returns a dict form succ_ids to probabilities. This dict does not contain goal states.
        # TODO consider changing to None if not possible, and dict otherwise.

        # First check whether we have cached the corresponding obligation
        res = self._obligation_cache.get_cached(state_id, chosen_command, delta)

        if res != False:
            return (True, res)

        # If not, we have to ask the SMT-Solver
        succ_dist = self.state_graph.get_successors_filtered(state_id).by_command_index(chosen_command)

        succ_dist_without_target_states = [(state_id, prob)
                                           for (state_id, prob) in succ_dist
                                           if state_id != -1]

        # Check if there is at least one non-target state. Otherwise, repairing is not possible (smt solver would return unsat if we continued, so checking this is an optimization).
        if len(succ_dist_without_target_states) == 0:
            return (False, None)

        vars = {}

        # We need a variable for each successor
        for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist:
            if succ_id != -1:
                vars[succ_id] = Real("x_%s" % succ_id)

                # all results must of be probabilities
                self.opt_solver.add(vars[succ_id] >= self._realval_zero)
                self.opt_solver.add(vars[succ_id] <= self._realval_one)

        # \Phi(F)[s] = delta constraint
        # TODO: Type of porb is pycarl.gmp.gmp.Rational. Z3 magically deals with this
                (vars[succ_id] if succ_id != -1 else RealVal(1)) * prob
                # Note: Keep in mind that you need to check whether succ is a target state
                for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist
            ]) == delta)

        for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist:
            if succ_id in states_with_fixed_probabilities:
                self.opt_solver.add(vars[succ_id] == self.obligation_queue_class.smallest_probability_for_state[succ_id])

        # If we have more than one non-target successor, we have to optimize
        if len(succ_dist_without_target_states) > 1:

            # first check whether all oracle values are 0 (note that we do not have to do this if there is only one succ without target)

            if len(succ_dist_without_target_states) > 1 and sum([self.oracle.get_oracle_value(state_id).as_fraction() for state_id, prob in
                    succ_dist_without_target_states]) == 0:

                # In this case, we require that the probability mass is distributed equally
                for i in range(0, len(succ_dist_without_target_states) - 1):
                        vars[succ_dist_without_target_states[i][0]] == vars[succ_dist_without_target_states[i + 1][0]])


                # First Try to solve the eq system
                # TODO: Do not use opt_solver for this
                if self._get_probabilities_by_solving_eq_system(succ_dist_without_target_states, vars):

                    m = self.opt_solver.model()

                    result = {
                        succ_id: m[vars[succ_id]]
                        for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states

                    # Because get_probabilities_by_solving_eq_system pushes
                    # TODO: This is ugly
                    # TODO: Compare solve-eq-system-time with optimization-problem-time

                    self._obligation_cache.cache(state_id, chosen_command, delta, result)
                    return (True, result)


                    # for each non-target-succ, we need n opt-var
                    opt_vars = {}

                    # For every non-target successor, we need an optimization variable
                    for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states:
                        opt_vars[succ_id] = Real("opt_var_%s" % succ_id)

                    # Now assert that opt_var_i = |var_i \ (var_1 + ... + var_n)   -   oracle(s_i) \ ( oracle(s_1) + ... + oracle(s_n ) |
                    # for every opt_var_i
                    for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states:
                        # opt_var is the absolute value of the ratio
                            If(((vars[succ_id] * Sum([
                                self.oracle.get_oracle_value(succ_id_2) for
                                (succ_id_2, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states
                            ])) - ((self.oracle.get_oracle_value(succ_id) * Sum([
                                vars[succ_id_2] for
                                (succ_id_2, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states
                            ])))) < 0, opt_vars[succ_id] ==
                               (((self.oracle.get_oracle_value(succ_id) * Sum([
                                   vars[succ_id_2] for
                                   (succ_id_2, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states
                               ]))) - (vars[succ_id] * Sum([
                                   self.oracle.get_oracle_value(succ_id_2) for
                                   (succ_id_2, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states
                               ]))), opt_vars[succ_id] == ((vars[succ_id] * Sum([
                                self.oracle.get_oracle_value(succ_id_2) for
                                (succ_id_2, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states
                            ])) - ((self.oracle.get_oracle_value(succ_id) * Sum([
                                vars[succ_id_2] for
                                (succ_id_2, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states

                        # minimize sum of opt-vars
                        opt = self.opt_solver.minimize(
                                for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states

        if self.opt_solver.check() == sat:
            # We found probabilities or the successors
            m = self.opt_solver.model()

            result = {
                succ_id: m[vars[succ_id]]
                for (succ_id, prob) in succ_dist_without_target_states

            self._obligation_cache.cache(state_id, chosen_command, delta, result)


            return (True, result)

            # There are no such probabilities

            return (False, None)
예제 #13
from z3 import Real, Solver, Or, And

p0 = [0, 0]
p1 = [0, 1]
p2 = [2, 1]
p3 = [2, 0]
p4 = p0

t1 = Real('t1')
t2 = Real('t2')
t3 = Real('t3')
t4 = Real('t4')

q1x = p0[0] + t1 * (p1[0] - p0[0])
q1y = p0[1] + t1 * (p1[1] - p0[1])

q2x = p1[0] + t2 * (p2[0] - p1[0])
q2y = p1[1] + t2 * (p2[1] - p1[1])

q3x = p2[0] + t3 * (p3[0] - p2[0])
q3y = p2[1] + t3 * (p3[1] - p2[1])

q4x = p3[0] + t4 * (p4[0] - p3[0])
q4y = p3[1] + t4 * (p4[1] - p3[1])

solver = Solver()

solver.add(t1 >= 0, t2 >= 0, t3 >= 0, t4 >= 0)
solver.add(t1 <= 1, t2 <= 1, t3 <= 1, t4 <= 1)

예제 #14
파일: kip.py 프로젝트: ruricolist/dig
def example():
    A simple example to demonstrate how KIP works.
    The program has a single variable x, initialized with x = 2.
    Then it enters an infinite loop that updates the value of x as
    x = (2*x) - 1.
    We want to prove the property x > 0 from this program using KIP.
    from z3 import Real

    #Given this program
    x = Real('x')
    I = x == 2
    T = x == 2 * pre(x) - 1

    #We want to prove this property
    P = x > 0

    #First, we create a representation of the program

    prog = Prog(
        init_conds=[I],  #Initial condition
        defs={fhash(x): T},  #Definitions of variables being updated
        input_vars=[],  #Input variables

    #Now, we can call KIP to prove P
    max_k = 5  #this is the max k iteration

    logger.info("We can't prove {} here yet".format(P))
    r, m, k = prog.prove(P, k=max_k)
    logger.debug('proved: {}, k: {}'.format(r, k))
    logger.debug('cex: {}'.format(m))
    assert not r and not m, (r, m)

    P_stronger = x > 1
    logger.info("But we can prove a stronger property '{}'".\
    r, m, k = prog.prove(P_stronger, k=max_k)
    logger.debug('proved: {}, k: {}'.format(r, k))
    logger.debug('cex: {}'.format(m))
    assert r and not m, (r, m)

    logger.info("Adding the stronger prop '{}' as known inv "\
                "allows us to prove the orig prop '{}'"\
                .format(P_stronger, P))
    r, m, k = prog.prove(P, k=max_k)

    logger.debug('proved: {}, k: {}'.format(r, k))
    logger.debug('cex: {}'.format(m))
    assert r and not m, (r, m)

    logger.info("After removing the stronger prop '{}',"\
                "we can't prove the orig '{}' anymore"\
                .format(P_stronger, P))

    r, m, k = prog.prove(P, k=max_k)

    logger.debug('proved: {}, k: {}'.format(r, k))
    logger.debug('cex: {}'.format(m))
    assert not r and not m, (r, m)
예제 #15
 def evaluate(self):
     """Convert symbol to either a constant or a z3 Real type object."""
     if isinstance(self.value, (int, float)):
         return self.value
         return Real(self.show())
예제 #16
    def refine_oracle_mdp(self, visited_states: Set[StateId]) -> Set[StateId]:

        # First ensure progress
        if visited_states <= self.oracle_states:
            # Ensure progress by adding all non-target successors of states in oracle_states to the set (for every action)
            self.oracle_states = self.oracle_states.union({
                for state_id in self.oracle_states for choice in
                for succ in choice.distribution if succ[0] != -1

            self.oracle_states = self.oracle_states.union(visited_states)

        # TODO: A lot of optimization potential

        # We need a variable for every oracle state
        variables = {
            state_id: Real("x_%s" % state_id)
            for state_id in self.oracle_states

        # Set up EQ - System
        for state_id in self.oracle_states:
            for choice in self.state_graph.get_successors_filtered(
                self.solver_mdp.add(variables[state_id] >= Sum([
                    RealVal(1) *
                    prob if succ_id == -1 else  # Case succ_id target state
                        variables[succ_id] * prob if succ_id in
                        self.oracle_states else  # Case succ_id oracle state
                        self.get_oracle_value(succ_id) *
                        prob)  # Case sycc_id no target and no oracle state
                    for succ_id, prob in choice.distribution

            self.solver_mdp.add(variables[state_id] >= RealVal(0))

        # Minimize value for initial state

        if self.solver_mdp.check() == sat:

            m = self.solver_mdp.model()

            # update oracle
            for state_id in self.oracle_states:
                self.oracle[state_id] = m[variables[state_id]]

            logger.info("Refined oracle.")
            # logger.info(self.oracle)


            return self.oracle_states

            logger.error("Oracle solver unsat")
            raise RuntimeError("Oracle solver inconsistent.")
예제 #17
    def refine_oracle_mc(self, visited_states: Set[StateId]) -> Set[StateId]:

        # First ensure progress
        if visited_states <= self.oracle_states:
            # Ensure progress by adding all non-target successors of states in oracle_states to the set
            self.oracle_states = self.oracle_states.union({
                for state_id in self.oracle_states for succ_id, prob in
                if succ_id != -1

            self.oracle_states = self.oracle_states.union(visited_states)

        # TODO: A lot of optimization potential

        # We need a variable for every oracle state
        variables = {
            state_id: Real("x_%s" % state_id)
            for state_id in self.oracle_states

        # Set up EQ - System
        for state_id in self.oracle_states:
            self.solver.add(variables[state_id] == Sum([
                RealVal(1) *
                prob if succ_id == -1 else  # Case succ_id target state
                    variables[succ_id] * prob if succ_id in
                    self.oracle_states else  # Case succ_id oracle state
                    self.get_oracle_value(succ_id) *
                    prob)  # Case sycc_id no target and no oracle state
                for succ_id, prob in self.state_graph.get_filtered_successors(

            self.solver.add(variables[state_id] >= RealVal(0))


        if self.solver.check() == sat:

            m = self.solver.model()

            # update oracle
            for state_id in self.oracle_states:
                self.oracle[state_id] = m[variables[state_id]]

            logger.info("Refined oracle.")


            return self.oracle_states


            # The oracle solver is unsat. In this case, we solve the LP.

            self.statistics.refine_oracle_counter = self.statistics.refine_oracle_counter - 1

            return self.refine_oracle_mdp(visited_states)
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, name: str):
     self.name = name
     self.z3 = Real(name)
예제 #19
 def isReal(self, who):
     return Real(who)
예제 #20
def conv_safety_solve(layer2Consider,nfeatures,nfilters,filters,bias,input,activations,prevSpan,prevNumSpan,span,numSpan,pk):  

    # number of clauses
    c = 0
    # number of variables 
    d = 0

    # variables to be used for z3

    if nfeatures == 1: images = np.expand_dims(input, axis=0)
    else: images = input
    if len(activations.shape) == 3: 
        avg = np.sum(activations)/float(len(activations)*len(activations[0])*len(activations[0][0]))
    elif len(activations[0].shape) == 2:
        avg = np.sum(activations)/float(len(activations)*len(activations[0]))
    else: avg = 0

    s = Tactic('qflra').solver()
    toBeChanged = []
    if inverseFunction == "point": 
        if nfeatures == 1: 
            ks = [ (0,x,y) for (x,y) in prevSpan.keys() ]
        	ks = copy.deepcopy(prevSpan.keys())
        toBeChanged = toBeChanged + ks
    elif inverseFunction == "area": 
        for (k,x,y) in span.keys():
             toBeChanged = toBeChanged + [(l,x1,y1) for l in range(nfeatures) for x1 in range(x,x+cfg.filterSize) for y1 in range(y,y+cfg.filterSize) if x1 >= 0 and y1 >= 0 and x1 < images.shape[1] and y1 < images.shape[2]]
        toBeChanged = list(set(toBeChanged))

    for (l,x,y) in toBeChanged:
        variable[1,0,l+1,x,y] = Real('1_x_%s_%s_%s' % (l+1,x,y))
        d += 1    
        if not(cfg.boundOfPixelValue == [0,0]) and (layer2Consider == 0):
            pstr = eval("variable[1,0,%s,%s,%s] <= %s"%(l+1,x,y,cfg.boundOfPixelValue[1]))
            pstr = And(eval("variable[1,0,%s,%s,%s] >= %s"%(l+1,x,y,cfg.boundOfPixelValue[0])), pstr)
            pstr = And(eval("variable[1,0,%s,%s,%s] != %s"%(l+1,x,y,images[l][x][y])), pstr)
            c += 1       
    maxterms = ""
    for (k,x,y) in span.keys():
        variable[1,1,k+1,x,y] = Real('1_y_%s_%s_%s' % (k+1,x,y))
        d += 1
        string = "variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s] == "%(k+1,x,y)
        for l in range(nfeatures): 
           for x1 in range(cfg.filterSize):
                for y1 in range(cfg.filterSize):
                    if (l,x+x1,y+y1) in toBeChanged: 
                        newstr1 = " variable[1,0,%s,%s,%s] * %s + "%(l+1,x+x1,y+y1,filters[l,k][x1][y1])
                    elif x+x1 < images.shape[1] and y+y1 < images.shape[2] : 
                        newstr1 = " %s + "%(images[l][x+x1][y+y1] * filters[l,k][x1][y1])
                    string += newstr1
        string += str(bias[l,k])
        c += 1
        if cfg.enumerationMethod == "line":
            pstr = eval("variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s] < %s" %(k+1,x,y,activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] + cfg.epsilon))
            pstr = And(eval("variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s] > %s "%(k+1,x,y,activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] - cfg.epsilon)), pstr)
        elif cfg.enumerationMethod == "convex" or cfg.enumerationMethod == "point":
            if activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] >= 0: 
                upper = activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] + pk
                lower = -1 * (activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)]) - pk
                upper = -1 * (activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)]) + pk
                lower = activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] - pk
            #if span[(k,x,y)] > 0 : 
            #    upper = activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] + epsilon
            #    lower = activations[k][x][y] - span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] - epsilon
            #    upper = activations[k][x][y] - span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] + epsilon
            #    lower = activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] * numSpan[(k,x,y)] - epsilon 
            #if span[(k,x,y)] > 0 : 
            #    upper = activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)]  + epsilon
            #    lower = activations[k][x][y] - epsilon - span[(k,x,y)]
            #    upper = activations[k][x][y] + epsilon - span[(k,x,y)]
            #    lower = activations[k][x][y] + span[(k,x,y)] - epsilon 
            pstr = eval("variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s] < %s"%(k+1,x,y,upper))
            pstr = And(eval("variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s] > %s"%(k+1,x,y,lower)), pstr)
            pstr = And(eval("variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s] != %s"%(k+1,x,y,activations[k][x][y])), pstr)
        c += 1        
        if activations[k][x][y] > 0 : 
            maxterm = "- variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s]"%(k+1,x,y)
            maxterm = "variable[1,1,%s,%s,%s]"%(k+1,x,y)
        if maxterms == "": 
            maxterms = "(%s)"%maxterm
            maxterms = " %s + (%s) "%(maxterms, maxterm)

    nprint("Number of variables: " + str(d))
    nprint("Number of clauses: " + str(c))

    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=s.check)

    # Wait for timeout seconds or until process finishes

    # If thread is still active
    if p.is_alive():
        print "Solver running more than timeout seconds (default="+str(cfg.timeout)+"s)! Skip it"
        s_return = s.check()

    if 's_return' in locals():
        if s_return == sat:            
            inputVars = [ (l,x,y,eval("variable[1,0,"+ str(l+1) +"," + str(x) +"," + str(y)+ "]")) for (l,x,y) in toBeChanged ]
            cex = copy.deepcopy(images)
            for (l,x,y,v) in inputVars:
                #if cex[l][x][y] != v: print("different dimension spotted ... ")
                cex[l][x][y] = getDecimalValue(s.model()[v])
                #print("%s    %s"%(images[l][x][y],cex[l][x][y]))
            cex = np.squeeze(cex)
            #cex2 = copy.deepcopy(activations)
            #nextVars = [ (k,x,y,eval("variable[1,1,"+ str(k+1) +"," + str(x) +"," + str(y)+ "]")) for (k,x,y) in span.keys() ]
            #for (k,x,y,v) in nextVars:
                #if cex[l][x][y] != v: print("different dimension spotted ... ")
            #    cex2[k][x][y] = getDecimalValue(s.model()[v])
            #    print("%s       %s"%(activations[k][x][y],cex2[k][x][y]))
            return (True, cex)
            return (False, input)
        print "timeout! "
        return (False, input)
예제 #21
def _(varname):
    return Real(varname)
예제 #22
import sys
from z3 import Solver, Real, sat, And
import json
import re

x = [Real('x.%d' % i) for i in xrange(6)]
d = Real('d')

s = Solver()

def _(varname):
    return Real(varname)

def avg(exprs):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, exprs) / len(exprs)

def sqdists(exprs, mean):
    return map(lambda x: (x - mean)**2, exprs)

def constraint(text):
    expr = re.sub(r'\[(.*?)\]', lambda mo: "_('%s')" % mo.groups(1), text)
        return eval(expr)
    except Exception, e:
        raise Exception("error in expr '%s': %s" % (text, e))
예제 #23
 def real_var(self, expr):
     return Real(expr.id)
예제 #24
    def test_parse_model_values(self):
        # model = '[r_0 = 1/8, r_1 = 9/16, /0 = [(7/16, 7/8) -> 1/2, else -> 0]]'
        x = Real('x')
        y = Real('y')
        s = Solver()
        s.add(x > 0)
        s.add(x < 2)
        s.add(y > 0)
        s.add(y < 100)
        print("s.check()", s.check())
        model = s.model()
        print("s.model()", model)
        model_values = parse_model_values(model, "z3")
        self.assertEqual(model_values, [1, 1])

        # Model used as an example
        ## model (1) is below threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, False, 0, 2, "z3"),
                         ([model, None], [None, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, False, 1, 2, "z3"),
                         ([model, None], [None, None]))
        ## model (1) is above threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, False, 0, 0, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [model, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, False, 1, 0, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [model, None]))
        ## model (1) is equal to threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, False, 0, 1, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, False, 1, 1, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, None]))

        # Now as a counterexample
        ## model (1) is below threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(False, model, 0, 2, "z3"),
                         ([None, model], [None, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(False, model, 1, 2, "z3"),
                         ([None, model], [None, None]))
        ## model (1) is above threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(False, model, 0, 0, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, model]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(False, model, 1, 0, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, model]))
        ## model (1) is equal to threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(False, model, 0, 1, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(False, model, 1, 1, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, None]))

        # Now as both, example and counterexample
        ## model (1) is below threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, model, 0, 2, "z3"),
                         ([model, model], [None, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, model, 1, 2, "z3"),
                         ([model, model], [None, None]))
        ## model (1) is above threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, model, 0, 0, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [model, model]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, model, 1, 0, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [model, model]))
        ## model (1) is equal to threshold
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, model, 0, 1, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, None]))
        self.assertEqual(pass_models_to_sons(model, model, 1, 1, "z3"),
                         ([None, None], [None, None]))

        x = Real('x')
        y = Real('y')
        s = Solver()
        s.add(x > 0)
        s.add(x < 2)
        s.add(y > 0)
        s.add(y < 100)
                '((1/2)**y / (x + (1/2)**y))**2-2*((1/2)**y / (x + (1/2)**y))+1>=0.726166837943366'
        print("s.check()", s.check())
        model = s.model()
        print("s.model()", model)
        model_values = parse_model_values(model, "z3")
        self.assertEqual(model_values, [0, 0])

        r_1 = Real("r_1")
        r_0 = Real("r_0")
        s = Solver()
        s.add(r_0 > 0)
        s.add(r_0 < 1)
        s.add(r_1 > 0)
        s.add(r_1 < 1)

        a = [
            '(r_0 - 1)**2>=0.726166837943366',
            '(r_0 - 1)**2<=0.907166495456634',
            '2*r_0*(If(r_1 > r_0, (r_1 - r_0)/(1 - r_0), 0) - 1)*(r_0 - 1)>=0.0401642685583240',
            '2*r_0*(If(r_1 > r_0, (r_1 - r_0)/(1 - r_0), 0) - 1)*(r_0 - 1)<=0.193169064841676',
            '-r_0*(2*If(r_1 > r_0, (r_1 - r_0)/(1 - r_0), 0)*r_0 - 2*If(r_1 > r_0, (r_1 - r_0)/(1 - r_0), 0) - r_0)>=0.00536401422323720',
            '-r_0*(2*If(r_1 > r_0, (r_1 - r_0)/(1 - r_0), 0)*r_0 - 2*If(r_1 > r_0, (r_1 - r_0)/(1 - r_0), 0) - r_0)<=0.127969319116763'

        for item in a:

        print("s.check()", s.check())
        model = s.model()
        print("s.model()", model)
        model_values = parse_model_values(model, "z3")
        self.assertEqual(model_values, [1 / 8, 9 / 16])