예제 #1
def CheckConnection():
        zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=loglevel)
        zapi.login(username, password)
        print bold + "\nCould'n connect to zabbix. Please check if URL " + server + " is avaiable" + reset
예제 #2
def CheckConnection():	
		zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=loglevel)
		zapi.login (username,password)
		print bold+"\nCould'n connect to zabbix. Please check if URL " + server + " is avaiable"+reset
예제 #3
	def zabbixhostsearch(self, ip):

		zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=loglevel)
                zapi.login (username,password)

		hostids=zapi.host.get({"output":"extend", 'filter':{'ip':ip}})
		if len(hostids) == 1:
			return hostids[0]['hostid']
			print bold +"\nNothing founded. Please make sure you specified a correct IP \n"+reset
예제 #4
	def getlist(self, type):

		zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=loglevel)
                zapi.login (username,password)

		if type == 'host':
			ids = zapi.host.get({"output":output, 'search':{'groupids':pattern}})
		elif type == 'group':
			ids = zapi.hostgroup.get({"output":output, 'search':{"hostids":pattern}})
		elif type == 'template':
			ids = zapi.template.get({'output':output, "search":{"hostid":pattern}})
		return ids
예제 #5
def makehash():
    return collections.defaultdict( makehash )

def check_status( freep ):
    #print WARNING if free % less than 10
    if freep <= 10 and freep >=5: 
        return "WARNING"
    elif freep <= 5:
    # print CRITICAL if % less than 5
        return "CRITICAL"
    return "OK"

# Connect to Zabbix server
z.login(user=username, password=password)

# Get hosts in the hostgroup
get_hostgroup = z.hostgroup.get(
    'filter' : { 'name': hostgroup },
    'sortfield': 'name',

get_hosts = z.host.get(
            'groupids': get_hostgroup[0]['groupid'],
            'output': "extend"
예제 #6
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dns', help='DNS') 
parser.add_argument('-i', '--ip', help='ip address') 
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='port zabbix agent is listening on')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--useip', help='1 or 0. connect to host by IP(1) | DNS(0)') 
parser.add_argument('-g', '--groups', help='comma-separated groups id or names')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--templates', help='comma-separated template ids or names')
parser.add_argument('-m','--macros', help='Macroses list. For example: macro1=value1,...,macroN=valueN') 
#help = 'Actually creating host. Macro are optional parameters', nargs='?')
args = parser.parse_args()

if len(sys.argv)<2:

#print bold+'\nExample: ./zabbix_host_add.py hostname:test dns:hostname.com ip: port:10050 useip:1 groups:10011,Linux,"test servers" templates:10026,10027,"new template" macros:macro1=value1,newmacro=newvalue'+reset

zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=loglevel)


list = False
if args.listhosts:
	print 'Current log level is',str(loglevel)+',','you may increase it'
	ids = zmeth.getlist('host')
	ids = [ x['host'] for x in ids ]
	list = True
elif args.listgroups:
	ids = zmeth.getlist('group')
	ids = [ x['name'] for x in ids ]
	list = True
elif args.listtemplates:
예제 #7
    def trigger_list(self, server, username, password, listtype):
        zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=0)
        zapi.login(username, password)
        triggerlist = zapi.trigger.get({
            'active': True,
            'monitored': True,
            'sortfield': 'priority',
            'sortorder': 'DESC',
            #'sortfield': 'lastchange',
            'filter': {
                'value': 1
            'expandData': '1',
            #'expandDescription': '1',
            'output': 'extend',
            'skipDependent': False
        resulttext = u''
        if listtype == '1':
            nm = 0
            for x in triggerlist:
                ##################### Full  data example
                #                            print x
                if x['priority'] == '0':
                    message = u'NOT CLASSIFIED'
                    nm = nm + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '1':
                    message = u'INFORMATIONAL'
                    nm = nm + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '2':
                    message = u'WARNING'
                    nm = nm + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '3':
                    message = u'AVERAGE'
                    nm = nm + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '4':
                    message = u'HIGH'
                    nm = nm + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '5':
                    message = u'DISASTER'
                    nm = nm + 1
################ Internal information
################ priority 0 - not classified, 1 -informational, 2 - warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster

                resulttext = resulttext + u'\n' + message + u'::::' + x[
                    'hostname'] + u'::::' + x['description']

################ Code for Debug
#                    print u'Resulttext1' + resulttext
#                    print nm
#                    print "__________________________________________________"
#                    print len(hashmassive)
#                    print hashmassive[2]
#                    print "__________________________________________________"
#                    return str(nm)
            return resulttext
        elif listtype == '2':
            hashmassive = []
            nc = 0
            inf = 0
            warn = 0
            avg = 0
            high = 0
            dis = 0
            for x in triggerlist:
                if x['priority'] == '0':
                    message = u'NOT CLASSIFIED'
                    nc = nc + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '1':
                    message = u'INFORMATIONAL'
                    inf = inf + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '2':
                    message = u'WARNING'
                    warn = warn + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '3':
                    message = u'AVERAGE'
                    avg = avg + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '4':
                    message = u'HIGH'
                    high = high + 1
                elif x['priority'] == '5':
                    message = u'DISASTER'
                    dis = dis + 1
#priority 0 - not classified, 1 -informational, 2 - warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster
            resulttext = u''
            if nc > 0:
                resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'NOT CLASSIFIED:' + str(
                    nc) + u' '
                print u'NOT CLASSIFIED:' + str(nc)
            if inf > 0:
                resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'INFORMATIONAL:' + str(
                    inf) + u' '
                print u'INFORMATIONAL:' + str(inf)
            if warn > 0:
                resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'WARNING:' + str(warn) + u' '
                print u'WARNING:' + str(warn)
            if avg > 0:
                resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'AVERAGE:' + str(avg) + u' '
                print u'AVERAGE:' + str(avg)
            if high > 0:
                resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'HIGH:' + str(high) + u' '
                print u'HIGH:' + str(high)
            if dis > 0:
                resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'DISASTER:' + str(dis)
                print u'DISASTER:' + str(dis)
###### Old code
#                    resulttext = u'NOT CLASSIFIED:' + str(nc) + u' ' + u'INFORMATIONAL:' + str(inf) + u' ' + u'WARNING:' + str(warn) + u' ' + u'AVERAGE:' + str(avg) + u' ' + u'HIGH:' + str(high) + u' ' + u'DISASTER:' + str(dis)
#                    errcount = nc + inf + warn + avg + high + dis
#                    return (resulttext, errcount)

            return (resulttext, hashmassive)
예제 #8
def main():
    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict(
        password=dict(required=True, no_log=True),
        proto=dict(default="http", choices=["http", "https"]),
        validate_certs=dict(default=True, type="bool"),
        timeout=dict(default=120, type="int"),
        action=dict(required=True, choices=["get", "set"]),
        params=dict(default={}, type="dict"),
        filter=dict(default={}, type="dict"),
        zapi = ZabbixAPI("{}://{}/zabbix".format(module.params["proto"],
        zapi.login(module.params["username"], module.params["password"])
        conf_object = getattr(zapi, module.params["object"])
        msg = []

        # Firt handle objcects witout 'get' method

        # 'configuration'
        if module.params["object"] == "configuration":
            temp_ids = get_templateid_by_name(
                zapi, module.params['params']['source'])
            if len(temp_ids) > 0:
                result = "Template already exists in Zabbix config"
                module.exit_json(changed=False, result=result, msg=msg)
            method = getattr(conf_object, "import")
            result = method(module.params['params'])
            module.exit_json(changed=True, result=result, msg=msg)

        # passed params become filter if latter is not specified
        # we need to find a desired object somehow
        if module.params["filter"] == {}:
            query_filter = module.params["params"]
            query_filter = module.params["filter"]

        method = getattr(conf_object, "get")
        params = {}
        params["output"] = "extend"
        # add additional options for actions:
        if module.params["object"] == 'action':
                "selectOperations": "extend",
                "selectRecoveryOperations": "extend",
                "selectFilter": "extend",
        params["filter"] = query_filter
        result = method(params)

        # if 'get' was specified exit right here
        if module.params["action"] == "get":
            module.exit_json(changed=False, result=result, msg=msg)

        # 'set' was specified
        # 'mediatype', 'hostgroup' and 'action'
        # not all methods for hostgroup are supported
        if module.params["object"] not in ["action", "mediatype", "hostgroup"]:
            msg = ("Unable to operate with object '{}'").format(

        # No objects found. Need to create objects
        if len(result) == 0:
            method = getattr(conf_object, "create")
            result = method(module.params['params'])
            module.exit_json(changed=True, result=result, msg=msg)

        # One or more objects exist. Need to update them.
        method = getattr(conf_object, "update")

        # If more than 1 object found makes sense to warn user
        warnings = None
        if len(result) > 1:
            warnings = "Filter '{}' matches several items".format(query_filter)

        # Loop over found object if they match desired config
        need_to_change = False
        for elem in result:
            for k, v in module.params['params'].items():
                if k in elem and elem[k] == v:
                need_to_change = True

        return_obj = {"changed": False, "result": result, "msg": msg}
        if warnings is not None:
            return_obj["warnings"] = warnings

        # Nothing should be changed. Return.
        if not need_to_change:

        # Now we need to update objects
        # copy result to data and update fields from module.params['params']
        data = []
        for elem in result:
            obj_ids = {k: v for k, v in elem.items() if k.endswith("id")}

        result = method(data)

        return_obj["changed"] = True
        return_obj["result"] = data
    except ZabbixAPIException as e:
        module.fail_json(msg="Zabbix API exception:{}".format(e))
예제 #9
        def trigger_list(self, server, username, password, listtype):
                zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=server, path="", log_level=0)
                zapi.login(username, password)
                triggerlist = zapi.trigger.get(
                        {'active' : True,
                        'monitored': True,
                        'sortfield': 'priority',
                        'sortorder' : 'DESC',
                        #'sortfield': 'lastchange',
                        'filter': {'value': 1},
                        'expandData': '1', 
                        #'expandDescription': '1',
                        'output': 'extend',
                        'skipDependent': False})
                resulttext = u''
                if listtype == '1' :
                    nm = 0
                    for x in triggerlist :
##################### Full  data example
#                            print x
                            if x['priority'] == '0' :
                                    message = u'NOT CLASSIFIED'
                                    nm = nm + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '1' :
                                    message = u'INFORMATIONAL'
                                    nm = nm + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '2' :
                                    message = u'WARNING'
                                    nm = nm + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '3' :
                                    message = u'AVERAGE'
                                    nm = nm + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '4' :
                                    message = u'HIGH'
                                    nm = nm + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '5' :
                                    message = u'DISASTER'
                                    nm = nm + 1
################ Internal information
################ priority 0 - not classified, 1 -informational, 2 - warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster

                            resulttext = resulttext + u'\n' + message + u'::::' + x['hostname'] + u'::::' + x['description']

################ Code for Debug
#                    print u'Resulttext1' + resulttext
#                    print nm
#                    print "__________________________________________________"
#                    print len(hashmassive)
#                    print hashmassive[2]
#                    print "__________________________________________________"
#                    return str(nm)
                    return resulttext
                elif listtype == '2' :
                    hashmassive = []
                    nc = 0
                    inf = 0
                    warn = 0
                    avg = 0
                    high = 0
                    dis = 0
                    for x in triggerlist :
                            if x['priority'] == '0' :
                                    message = u'NOT CLASSIFIED'
                                    nc = nc + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '1' :
                                    message = u'INFORMATIONAL'
                                    inf = inf + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '2' :
                                    message = u'WARNING'
                                    warn = warn + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '3' :
                                    message = u'AVERAGE'
                                    avg = avg + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '4' :
                                    message = u'HIGH'
                                    high = high + 1
                            elif x['priority'] == '5' :
                                    message = u'DISASTER'
                                    dis = dis + 1
#priority 0 - not classified, 1 -informational, 2 - warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster
                    resulttext = u''
                    if nc > 0 : 
                        resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'NOT CLASSIFIED:' + str(nc) + u' '
                    else :
                        print u'NOT CLASSIFIED:' + str(nc)
                    if inf > 0 : 
                        resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'INFORMATIONAL:' + str(inf) + u' '
                    else :
                        print u'INFORMATIONAL:' + str(inf)
                    if warn > 0 : 
                        resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'WARNING:' + str(warn) + u' '
                    else :
                        print u'WARNING:' + str(warn)
                    if avg > 0 : 
                        resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'AVERAGE:' + str(avg) + u' '
                    else :
                        print u'AVERAGE:' + str(avg)
                    if high > 0 : 
                        resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'HIGH:' + str(high) + u' '
                    else :
                        print u'HIGH:' + str(high)
                    if dis > 0 : 
                        resulttext = str(resulttext) + u'DISASTER:' + str(dis)
                    else :
                        print u'DISASTER:' + str(dis)
###### Old code
#                    resulttext = u'NOT CLASSIFIED:' + str(nc) + u' ' + u'INFORMATIONAL:' + str(inf) + u' ' + u'WARNING:' + str(warn) + u' ' + u'AVERAGE:' + str(avg) + u' ' + u'HIGH:' + str(high) + u' ' + u'DISASTER:' + str(dis)
#                    errcount = nc + inf + warn + avg + high + dis
#                    return (resulttext, errcount)

                    return (resulttext, hashmassive)