def test_update_zabbix_host(self): host = {"filter": { "host": "vsphere_uuid" }})[0] node = self.driver.list_nodes(ex_node_ids=["vsphere_uuid"])[0] = "vSphereVM_Updated" node.public_ips = ["", "", "localhost"] result = self.connector.update_zabbix_host("ESXi", "vsphere_uuid", node, host) self.assertTrue(result) self.assertEqual(host["name"], "ESXi_vSphereVM_Updated") = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) result = self.connector.update_zabbix_host("ESXi", "vsphere_uuid", node, host) self.assertFalse(result) self.connector.zabbix_api.hostinterface.update = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) host = {"filter": { "host": "dummy_uuid" }})[0] result = self.connector.update_zabbix_host("ESXi", "vsphere_uuid", node, host) self.assertFalse(result)
def _diff_interfaces(cls, obj, host, interface): params = {} # There should be one zabbix agent interface hi = None try: interfaces = cls._parse_host_interfaces(host) for i, iface in enumerate(interfaces): if int(iface['type']) == cls.HOSTINTERFACE_AGENT and int(iface['main']) == cls.YES: if hi: # noinspection PyProtectedMember raise ZabbixAPIException('Zabbix host ID "%s" for %s %s has multiple Zabbix Agent ' 'configurations' % (host['hostid'], obj._meta.verbose_name_raw, obj)) # Zabbix host interface found, let's check it out hi = iface if (iface['dns'] != interface['dns'] or iface['ip'] != interface['ip'] or str(iface['port']) != str(interface['port']) or str(iface['useip']) != str(interface['useip'])): # Host ip or dns changed -> update host interface interface['interfaceid'] = iface['interfaceid'] interfaces[i] = interface params['interfaces'] = interfaces except (IndexError, KeyError): pass if not hi: # noinspection PyProtectedMember raise ZabbixAPIException('Zabbix host ID "%s" for %s %s is missing a valid main ' 'Zabbix Agent configuration' % (host['hostid'], obj._meta.verbose_name_raw, obj)) return params
def test_create_zabbix_host(self): node = MockNode( **{ "id": "new_uuid", "name": "New Host", "state": 0, "public_ips": [], "private_ips": [], "driver": MockVSphereNodeDriver("key", "secret"), "extra": { "vmpath": "[datastore1] /hoge/hoge.vmx", "platform": "CentOS 4/5/6 (64bit)", } }) result = self.connector.create_zabbix_host("ESXi", "new_uuid", node) self.assertTrue(result) host = {"filter": { "host": }})[0] self.assertEqual(host["host"], = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) result = self.connector.create_zabbix_host("ESXi", "new_uuid", node) self.assertFalse(result) = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) result = self.connector.create_zabbix_host("ESXi", "new_uuid", node) self.assertFalse(result)
def _hostinterface_update(self, params): if "interfaceid" not in params: raise ZabbixAPIException("interfaceid does not specified") interfaces = [host["interfaces"] for host in self.mock_hosts] interfaces = reduce(lambda a, b: dict(a.items() + b.items()), interfaces) if params["interfaceid"] not in interfaces: raise ZabbixAPIException("interface '%s' does not exist" % params["interfaceid"]) interface = interfaces[params["interfaceid"]] for key, value in params.items(): interface[key] = value return {"interfaceids": [interface["interfaceid"]]}
def test_get_group_ids(self): test_data = [ { "params": { "owner_hostname": "AWS", "key": "{$VM_GROUPS}" }, "expect": [{ "groupid": 2 }] }, { "params": { "owner_hostname": "AWS", "key": "{$NOT_EXIST}" }, "expect": [] }, { "params": { "owner_hostname": "AWS", "key": "{$GLOBAL}" }, "expect": [{ "groupid": 3 }] }, ] for data in test_data: result = self.connector.get_group_ids(**data["params"]) self.assertEqual(result, data["expect"]) self.connector.zabbix_api.hostgroup.create = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) result = self.connector.get_group_ids("AWS", "{$GLOBAL2}") self.assertListEqual(result, [])
def _host_update(self, params): if "hostid" not in params: raise ZabbixAPIException("hostid does not specified") elif params["hostid"] not in [ host["hostid"] for host in self.mock_hosts ]: raise ZabbixAPIException("host '%s' does not exist" % params["hostid"]) host = [ host for host in self.mock_hosts if host["hostid"] == params["hostid"] ][0] for key, value in params.items(): if key == "interfaces": continue host[key] = value return {"hostids": [host["hostid"]]}
def get_history(self, hosts, items, history, since, until, items_search=None): """Return monitoring history for selected zabbix host, items and period""" res = {'history': [], 'items': []} now = int('%s')) max_period = self.settings.MON_ZABBIX_GRAPH_MAX_PERIOD max_history = now - self.settings.MON_ZABBIX_GRAPH_MAX_HISTORY period = until - since since_history = None until_history = None since_trend = None until_trend = None itemids = set() if until < max_history or period > max_period: # trends only until_trend = until since_trend = since else: # history only until_history = until since_history = since try: for host in hosts: host_items = self._zabbix_get_items(host, items, search_params=items_search) if not host_items: raise ZabbixAPIException('Cannot find items for host "%s" in Zabbix' % host) itemids.update(i['itemid'] for i in host_items) res['items'].extend(host_items) # noinspection PyTypeChecker params = { 'itemids': list(itemids), 'history': history, 'sortfield': 'clock', 'sortorder': 'ASC', 'output': 'extend', } if since_trend and until_trend: params['time_from'] = since_trend params['time_till'] = until_trend # Zabbix trend.get does not support sorting -> res['history'] = sorted(self.zapi.trend.get(params), key=itemgetter('clock')) if since_history and until_history: params['time_from'] = since_history params['time_till'] = until_history res['history'] += self.zapi.history.get(params) except ZabbixAPIException as exc: self.log(ERROR, 'Zabbix API Error in get_history(%s, %s): %s', hosts, items, exc) raise InternalMonitoringError('Zabbix API Error while retrieving history (%s)' % exc) else: return res
def test_create_zabbix_host(self): node = self.driver.list_nodes(ex_node_ids=["i-aaaaaaaa"])[0] node.extra["platform"] = None self.assertTrue( self.connector.create_zabbix_host(owner_hostname="AWS", hostname="i-aaaaaaaa", node=node)) = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) self.assertFalse( self.connector.create_zabbix_host(owner_hostname="AWS", hostname="i-aaaaaaaa", node=node)) = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) self.assertFalse( self.connector.create_zabbix_host(owner_hostname="AWS", hostname="i-aaaaaaaa", node=node))
def _hostinterface_delete(self, params): if not isinstance(params, list): raise ZabbixAPIException("invalid format") deleted = [] for host in self.mock_hosts: interfaces = host["interfaces"] for interfaceid in params: if interfaceid in interfaces: del interfaces[interfaceid] deleted.append(interfaceid) return {"interfaceids": deleted}
def _host_delete(self, params): if not isinstance(params, list): raise ZabbixAPIException("invalid format") deleted = [] for hostid in params: id = hostid["hostid"] if isinstance(hostid, dict) else hostid host = [host for host in self.mock_hosts if host["hostid"] == id][0] self.mock_hosts.remove(host) deleted.append(id) return {"hostids": deleted}
def _hostinterface_create(self, params): interface = params if interface["hostid"]: hosts = [ host for host in self.mock_hosts if host["hostid"] == interface["hostid"] ] if hosts: interface["interfaceid"] = self.interfaceid_seq index = self.interfaceid_seq self.interfaceid_seq += 1 hosts[0]["interfaces"][index] = interface return {"interfaceids": [interface["interfaceid"]]} raise ZabbixAPIException()
def test_init(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.connector.config, configobj.ConfigObj) self.assertIsInstance(self.connector.logger, logging.Logger) self.assertEqual(self.connector.zabbix_server, '') self.assertEqual(self.connector.zabbix_port, '10051') self.assertEqual(self.connector.zabbix_sender_path, '/usr/bin/zabbix_sender') self.assertIsInstance(self.connector.zabbix_api, MockZabbixAPI) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): connector = BaseConnector(config=configobj.ConfigObj("wrong_path")) with patch('hyclops.connector.base.ZabbixAPI.login') as m: m.side_effect = ZabbixAPIException() with self.assertRaises(ZabbixAPIException): connector = BaseConnector(config=self.config) m.side_effect = Exception() with self.assertRaises(Exception): connector = BaseConnector(config=self.config)
def test_update_zabbix_host(self): node = self.driver.list_nodes(ex_node_ids=["i-aaaaaaaa"])[0] = "a" * 62 host = {"filter": { "host": "i-aaaaaaaa" }})[0] self.assertTrue( self.connector.update_zabbix_host(owner_hostname="AWS", hostname="i-aaaaaaaa", node=node, host=host)) self.assertEqual( host["name"], "AWS_" + "a" * (64 - len("AWS_") - len(".._i-aaaaaaaa")) + ".._i-aaaaaaaa") host = {"filter": { "host": "i-aaaaaaaa" }})[0] self.assertEqual(len(host["interfaces"]), len(node.private_ips) * 2 + 2) node.public_ips = [] node.private_ips = [] self.assertTrue( self.connector.update_zabbix_host(owner_hostname="AWS", hostname="i-aaaaaaaa", node=node, host=host)) host = {"filter": { "host": "i-aaaaaaaa" }})[0] self.assertEqual(len(host["interfaces"]), len(node.private_ips) * 2 + 2) = Mock( side_effect=ZabbixAPIException()) self.assertFalse( self.connector.update_zabbix_host(owner_hostname="AWS", hostname="i-aaaaaaaa", node=node, host=host))
def login(self, user='', password='', save=True): if user == 'Admin' and password == 'zabbix': return True else: raise ZabbixAPIException()