예제 #1
def remote_run(unit, remote_cmd, timeout=None, fatal=None, model_name=None):
    """Run command on unit and return the output.

    NOTE: This function is pre-deprecated. As soon as libjuju unit.run is able
    to return output this functionality should move to model.run_on_unit.

    :param remote_cmd: Command to execute on unit
    :type remote_cmd: string
    :param timeout: Timeout value for the command
    :type arg: int
    :param fatal: Command failure condidered fatal or not
    :type fatal: bool
    :param model_name: Name of model to query.
    :type model_name: str
    :returns: Juju run output
    :rtype: string
    :raises: model.CommandRunFailed
    if fatal is None:
        fatal = True
    result = model.run_on_unit(unit,
    if result:
        if int(result.get("Code")) == 0:
            return result.get("Stdout")
            if fatal:
                raise model.CommandRunFailed(remote_cmd, result)
            return result.get("Stderr")
예제 #2
    def test_ceph_pool_creation_with_text_file(self):
        """Check the creation of a pool and a text file.

        Create a pool, add a text file to it and retrieve its content.
        Verify that the content matches the original file.
        issue = 'github.com/openstack-charmers/zaza-openstack-tests/issues/647'
        current_release = zaza_openstack.get_os_release()
        focal_victoria = zaza_openstack.get_os_release('focal_victoria')
        if current_release >= focal_victoria:
            logging.warn('Skipping test_ceph_pool_creation_with_text_file due'
                         ' to issue {}'.format(issue))

        unit_name = 'ceph-mon/0'
        cmd = 'sudo ceph osd pool create test 128; \
               echo 123456789 > /tmp/input.txt; \
               rados put -p test test_input /tmp/input.txt; \
               rados get -p test test_input /dev/stdout'
        logging.debug('Creating test pool and putting test file in pool...')
        result = zaza_model.run_on_unit(unit_name, cmd)
        code = result.get('Code')
        if code != '0':
            raise zaza_model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
        output = result.get('Stdout').strip()
        logging.debug('Output received: {}'.format(output))
        self.assertEqual(output, '123456789')
예제 #3
def get_ceph_pool_details(query_leader=True, unit_name=None, model_name=None):
    """Get ceph pool details.

    Return a list of ceph pools details dicts.

    :param query_leader: Whether to query the leader for pool details.
    :type query_leader: bool
    :param unit_name: Name of unit to get the pools on if query_leader is False
    :type unit_name: string
    :param model_name: Name of model to operate in
    :type model_name: str
    :returns: Dict of ceph pools
    :rtype: List[Dict,]
    :raise: zaza_model.CommandRunFailed
    cmd = 'sudo ceph osd pool ls detail -f json'
    if query_leader and unit_name:
        raise ValueError("Cannot set query_leader and unit_name")
    if query_leader:
        result = zaza_model.run_on_leader(
        result = zaza_model.run_on_unit(
    if int(result.get('Code')) != 0:
        raise zaza_model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
    return json.loads(result.get('Stdout'))
예제 #4
def get_relation_from_unit(entity, remote_entity, remote_interface_name):
    """Get relation data passed between two units.

    Get relation data for relation with `remote_interface_name` between
    `entity` and `remote_entity` from the perspective of `entity`.

    `entity` and `remote_entity` may refer to either a application or a
    specific unit. If application name is given first unit is found in model.

    :param entity: Application or unit to get relation data from
    :type entity: str
    :param remote_entity: Application or Unit in the other end of the relation
                          we want to query
    :type remote_entity: str
    :param remote_interface_name: Name of interface to query on remote end of
    :type remote_interface_name: str
    :returns: dict with relation data
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: model.CommandRunFailed
    application = entity.split('/')[0]
    remote_application = remote_entity.split('/')[0]
    rid = model.get_relation_id(application,
    (unit, remote_unit) = _get_unit_names([entity, remote_entity])
    cmd = 'relation-get --format=yaml -r "{}" - "{}"'.format(rid, remote_unit)
    result = model.run_on_unit(unit, cmd)
    if result and int(result.get('Code')) == 0:
        return yaml.safe_load(result.get('Stdout'))
        raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
예제 #5
    def test_01_nrpe_check(self):
        """Verify nrpe check exists."""
            "Verify the nrpe checks are created and have the required content..."

        check_mysql_content = (
            "command[check_mysql]=/usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/check_systemd.py mysql"
        machine = list(juju_utils.get_machines_for_application("mysql"))[0]
        machine_series = juju_utils.get_machine_series(machine)

        if machine_series == "trusty":
            check_mysql_content = (
                "command[check_mysql]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysql -u nagios"

        nrpe_checks = {
            "check_procs -c 1:1 -C mysqld",

        for nrpe_check in nrpe_checks:
                "Checking content of '{}' nrpe check".format(nrpe_check))
            cmd = "cat /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/" + nrpe_check
            result = model.run_on_unit(self.lead_unit_name, cmd)
            code = result.get("Code")
            if code != "0":
                    "Unable to find nrpe check {} at /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/".

                raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
            content = result.get("Stdout")
            self.assertTrue(nrpe_checks[nrpe_check] in content)
예제 #6
 def test_04_check_nagios_ip_is_allowed(self):
     """Verify nagios ip is allowed in nrpe.cfg."""
     nagios_ip = model.get_app_ips("nagios")[0]
     line = "allowed_hosts=,{}/32".format(nagios_ip)
     cmd = "cat /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg"
     result = model.run_on_unit(self.lead_unit_name, cmd)
     code = result.get("Code")
     if code != "0":
             "Unable to find nrpe config file at /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg")
         raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
     content = result.get("Stdout")
     self.assertTrue(line in content)
예제 #7
def leader_get(application, key=''):
    """Get leader settings from leader unit of named application.

    :param application: Application to get leader settings from.
    :type application: str
    :returns: dict with leader settings
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: model.CommandRunFailed
    cmd = 'leader-get --format=yaml {}'.format(key)
    result = model.run_on_leader(application, cmd)
    if result and int(result.get('Code')) == 0:
        return yaml.safe_load(result.get('Stdout'))
        raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
예제 #8
def get_ceph_df(unit_name, model_name=None):
    """Return dict of ceph df json output, including ceph pool state.

    :param unit_name: Name of the unit to get ceph df
    :type unit_name: string
    :param model_name: Name of model to operate in
    :type model_name: str
    :returns: Dict of ceph df output
    :rtype: dict
    :raise: zaza.model.CommandRunFailed
    cmd = 'sudo ceph df --format=json'
    result = zaza_model.run_on_unit(unit_name, cmd, model_name=model_name)
    if result.get('Code') != '0':
        raise zaza_model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
    return json.loads(result.get('Stdout'))
예제 #9
 def test_05_netlinks(self):
     """Check netlinks checks are applied."""
     netlinks = "- eth0 mtu:9000 speed:10000"
                                  {"netlinks": netlinks})
     cmd = "cat /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_netlinks_eth0.cfg"
     line = ("command[check_netlinks_eth0]=/usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/"
             "check_netlinks.py -i eth0 -m 9000 -s 1000")
     result = model.run_on_unit(self.lead_unit_name, cmd)
     code = result.get("Code")
     if code != "0":
         logging.warning("Unable to find nrpe check at "
         raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
     content = result.get("Stdout")
     self.assertTrue(line in content)
예제 #10
def leader_get(application, key='', model_name=None):
    """Get leader settings from leader unit of named application.

    :param application: Application to get leader settings from.
    :type application: str
    :param key: Key option requested
    :type key: string
    :param model_name: Name of model to query.
    :type model_name: str
    :returns: dict with leader settings
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: model.CommandRunFailed
    cmd = 'leader-get --format=yaml {}'.format(key)
    result = model.run_on_leader(application, cmd, model_name=model_name)
    if result and int(result.get('Code')) == 0:
        return yaml.safe_load(result.get('Stdout'))
        raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
예제 #11
    def test_ceph_pool_creation_with_text_file(self):
        """Check the creation of a pool and a text file.

        Create a pool, add a text file to it and retrieve its content.
        Verify that the content matches the original file.
        unit_name = 'ceph-mon/0'
        cmd = 'sudo ceph osd pool create test 128; \
               echo 123456789 > /tmp/input.txt; \
               rados put -p test test_input /tmp/input.txt; \
               rados get -p test test_input /dev/stdout'
        logging.debug('Creating test pool and putting test file in pool...')
        result = zaza_model.run_on_unit(unit_name, cmd)
        code = result.get('Code')
        if code != '0':
            raise zaza_model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
        output = result.get('Stdout').strip()
        logging.debug('Output received: {}'.format(output))
        self.assertEqual(output, '123456789')
예제 #12
def get_rbd_hash(unit_name, pool, image, model_name=None):
    """Get SHA512 hash of RBD image.

    :param unit_name: Name of unit to execute ``rbd`` command on
    :type unit_name: str
    :param pool: Name of pool to export image from
    :type pool: str
    :param image: Name of image to export and compute checksum on
    :type image: str
    :param model_name: Name of Juju model to operate on
    :type model_name: str
    :returns: SHA512 hash of RBD image
    :rtype: str
    :raises: zaza.model.CommandRunFailed
    cmd = ('sudo rbd -p {} export --no-progress {} - | sha512sum'
           .format(pool, image))
    result = zaza_model.run_on_unit(unit_name, cmd, model_name=model_name)
    if result.get('Code') != '0':
        raise zaza_model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
    return result.get('Stdout').rstrip()
예제 #13
def get_ceph_pools(unit_name, model_name=None):
    """Get ceph pools.

    Return a dict of ceph pools from a single ceph unit, with
    pool name as keys, pool id as vals.

    :param unit_name: Name of the unit to get the pools on
    :type unit_name: string
    :param model_name: Name of model to operate in
    :type model_name: str
    :returns: Dict of ceph pools
    :rtype: dict
    :raise: zaza_model.CommandRunFailed
    pools = {}
    cmd = 'sudo ceph osd lspools'
    result = zaza_model.run_on_unit(unit_name, cmd, model_name=model_name)
    output = result.get('Stdout').strip()
    code = int(result.get('Code'))
    if code != 0:
        raise zaza_model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)

    # Example output: 0 data,1 metadata,2 rbd,3 cinder,4 glance,
    # It can also be something link 0 data\n1 metadata

    # First split on new lines
    osd_pools = str(output).split('\n')
    # If we have a len of 1, no new lines found -> splitting on commas
    if len(osd_pools) == 1:
        osd_pools = osd_pools[0].split(',')
    for pool in osd_pools:
        pool_id_name = pool.split(' ')
        if len(pool_id_name) == 2:
            pool_id = pool_id_name[0]
            pool_name = pool_id_name[1]
            pools[pool_name] = int(pool_id)

    logging.debug('Pools on {}: {}'.format(unit_name, pools))
    return pools
예제 #14
    def test_03_user_monitor(self):
        """Verify user monitors are applied."""
        user_monitors = {
            "version": "0.3",
            "monitors": {
                "local": {
                    "procrunning": {
                        "rsync": {
                            "max": 1,
                            "executable": "rsync",
                            "name": "RSYNc Running",
                            "min": 1,
                        "jujud": {
                            "max": 1,
                            "executable": "jujud",
                            "name": "Juju Running",
                            "min": 1,
                "remote": {
                    "tcp": {
                        "ssh": {
                            "warning": 2,
                            "critical": 10,
                            "name": "SSH Running",
                            "timeout": 12,
                            "port": 22,
                            "string": "SSH.*",
                            "expect": None,
                                     {"monitors": yaml.dump(user_monitors)})

        local_nrpe_checks = {
            "check_procs -w 1 -c 1 -C jujud",
            "check_procs -w 1 -c 1 -C rsync",

        for nrpe_check in local_nrpe_checks:
                "Checking content of '{}' nrpe check".format(nrpe_check))
            cmd = "cat /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/" + nrpe_check
            result = model.run_on_unit(self.lead_unit_name, cmd)
            code = result.get("Code")
            if code != "0":
                    "Unable to find nrpe check {} at /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/".
                raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
            content = result.get("Stdout")
            self.assertTrue(local_nrpe_checks[nrpe_check] in content)

        remote_nrpe_checks = {
            "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ "
            "-E -p 22 -s 'SSH.*' -e None -w 2 -c 10 -t 12 -t 10"
        for nrpe_check in remote_nrpe_checks:
                "Checking content of '{}' nrpe command in nagios unit".format(
            cmd = "cat /etc/nagios3/conf.d/commands/" + nrpe_check
            nagios_lead_unit_name = model.get_lead_unit_name(
                "nagios", model_name=self.model_name)
            result = model.run_on_unit(nagios_lead_unit_name, cmd)
            code = result.get("Code")
            if code != "0":
                    "Unable to find nrpe command {} at "
                    "/etc/nagios3/conf.d/commands/ in nagios unit".format(
                raise model.CommandRunFailed(cmd, result)
            content = result.get("Stdout")
            self.assertTrue(remote_nrpe_checks[nrpe_check] in content)