예제 #1
class QuestionsNewListHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('name', T_STR, True),
        Field('parent', T_INT, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}

        params = self.validator.data
        info, num = Questions.page(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        if info:
            for item in info:
                item['id'] = str(item['id'])
                item['parent'] = str(item['parent'])
                item['ctime'] = tools.trans_datetime(item['ctime'])
                item['utime'] = tools.trans_datetime(item['utime'])
                item['status_desc'] = define.QUESTION_STATUS[item['status']]
                item['category_desc'] = define.QUESTION_MAP[item['category']]
                if item['parent'] != -1:
                    question = Questions(item['id'])
                    parent_parent = question.find_parent_parent()
                    item['parent_parent'] = parent_parent
                    item['parent_parent'] = -1
        data['info'] = info
        return success(data=data)
예제 #2
class OrderCreateHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('box_id', T_INT, False),
        Field('goods_name', T_STR, False),
        Field('goods_price', T_INT, False),
        Field('goods_desc', T_STR, False),
        Field('goods_picture', T_STR, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        box_id = params.get('box_id')
        box = BoxList(box_id)
        if not box.data:
            return error(errcode=RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        # 检查名称
        # 只能创建一个先检查
        order = Order.load_by_box_id(box_id)
        if order.data:
            return error(errcode=RESP_CODE.DATAEXIST)
        ret = Order.create(params)
        log.debug('class=OrderCreateHandler|create ret=%s', ret)
        if ret != 1:
            return error(errcode=RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        return success(data={})
예제 #3
class BoxListHandler(BaseHandler):
    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('name', T_STR, True),
        Field('parent', T_INT, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}

        params = self.validator.data
        info, num = BoxList.page(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        if info:
            parents = [item['parent'] for item in info]
            parent_parent = find_parent_parent(parents)
            for item in info:
                item['id'] = str(item['id'])
                item['parent'] = str(item['parent'])
                icon_name = item['icon']
                item['icon'] = BASE_URL + icon_name
                item['icon_name'] = icon_name
                if item['parent'] != -1:
                    item['parent_parent'] = str(parent_parent[int(
                        item['parent'])]) if parent_parent else -1
                    item['parent_parent'] = -1
                base_tools.trans_time(item, BoxList.DATETIME_KEY)
        data['info'] = info
        return success(data=data)
예제 #4
class QuestionAddHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('name', T_STR, False),
        Field('category', T_STR, False),
        Field('parent', T_INT, False),
        Field('save_type', T_INT, False),
        Field('content', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        log.debug('class=QuestionAddHandler|params=%s', params)
        name = self.req.input()['name']
        save_type = params['save_type']
        category = params['category']
        content = self.req.input()['content']
        # 如果是答案且存储类型为富文本校验content
        if content:
            base64_str = base64.b64encode(content)
            params['content'] = base64_str

        params['name'] = name
            'utime': tools.gen_now_str(),
            'ctime': tools.gen_now_str(),
        ret = Questions.create(params)
        return success(data=data)
예제 #5
class LoginHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('mobile', T_REG, False, match=r'^(1\d{10})$'),
        Field('password', T_STR, False),

    @house_set_cookie(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        mobile = params['mobile']
        password = params["password"]
        # if mobile not in ALLOW_LOGIN_MOBILE:
        #     log.info('mobile=%s forbidden', mobile)
        #     return error(RESP_CODE.USERFORBIDDEN)
        user = User.load_user_by_mobile(mobile)
        if user.data and user.userid:
            if user.data['state'] != HOUSE_USER_STATE_OK:
                log.info('userid=%s|state=%s|forbidden login', user.userid, user.data['state'])
                return error(RESP_CODE.USERSTATEERR)
            if user.data['user_type'] != HOUSE_USER_TYPE_ADMIN:
                log.info('userid=%s|user_type=%s|forbidden login', user.userid, user.data['user_type'])
                return error(RESP_CODE.ROLEERR)
            flag = check_password(password, user.data.get('password'))
            if not flag:
                return error(RESP_CODE.PWDERR)
            return success(data={'userid': user.userid})
        return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
예제 #6
class RateViewHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('rate_id', T_INT, False),
        Field('rate', T_FLOAT, False)

    _get_handler_fields = [Field('rate_id', T_INT, False)]

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        rate_id = params.pop('rate_id')
        rate = RateInfo(rate_id)
        if not rate.data:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        ret = rate.update(params)
        if ret != 1:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        return success(data=data)

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        rate_id = params.get('rate_id')
        rate = RateInfo(rate_id)
        if not rate.data:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        return success(data=rate.data)
예제 #7
class OrderListHandler(BaseHandler):
    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('goods_name', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}

        params = self.validator.data
        info, num = Order.page(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        if info:
            boxs = BoxList.load_all(where={})
            box_name_map = {}
            for box in boxs:
                box_name_map[box['id']] = box['name']
            for item in info:
                item['id'] = str(item['id'])
                item['box_id'] = str(item['box_id'])
                item['box_name'] = box_name_map.get(item['box_id'], '')
                goods_picture = item['goods_picture']
                item['goods_picture'] = BASE_URL + goods_picture
                item['goods_picture_name'] = goods_picture
                base_tools.trans_time(item, BoxList.DATETIME_KEY)
        data['info'] = info
        return success(data=data)
예제 #8
class UserCreateHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('mobile', T_STR, False),
        Field('password', T_STR, False),
        Field('user_type', T_STR, False),
        Field('email', T_STR, False),
        Field('name', T_STR, False),
        Field('idnumber', T_STR, True),
        Field('province', T_STR, True),
        Field('city', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        # 先检查该用户是否有权限添加用户
        admin = self.user.userid
        if admin not in ALLOW_ADD_USER_ID:
            log.info('admin=%s|is denied', admin)
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR, resperr='该用户没有权限添加用户')
        # 是否已经注册
        mobile = params.get('mobile')
        user = User.load_user_by_mobile(mobile)
        if user.data:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAEXIST, resperr='手机号已存在')
        # 默认用用户名称和手机号一样
        params['username'] = params['mobile']
        params['nickname'] = params['name']
        flag, userid = tools.create_merchant(params)
        if flag:
            return success(data={'userid': userid})

        return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
예제 #9
class QuestionViewHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('question_id', T_INT, False),

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('name', T_STR, True),
        Field('status', T_INT, True),
        Field('content', T_STR, True),
        Field('question_id', T_INT, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        log.debug('class=QuestionViewHandler|params=%s', params)
        name = self.req.input()['name']
        params['name'] = name
        question_id = params.get('question_id')
        question = Questions(question_id)
        if question.data['content']:
            content = base64.decode(question.data['content'])
            params['content'] = content
        return success(data=question.data)

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        data = {}
        values = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        question_id = params.pop('question_id')
        status = params.pop('status')
        name = params.pop('name')
        content = self.req.input().get('content')
        if status:
            values['status'] = status
        if name:
            values['name'] = name
        if content:
            content_str = base64.b64encode(content)
            values['content'] = content_str
        values['utime'] = tools.gen_now_str()
        question = Questions(question_id)
        ret = question.update(values)
        return success(data=data)
예제 #10
class QuestionsLazyLoadHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [Field('parent', T_INT, False)]

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        ret = []
        params = self.validator.data
        parent = params.get('parent')
        if not parent:
            parent = -1
        data = Questions.load_current_children(parent=parent)
        if data:
            for record in data:
                if not record['content']:
                    content = base64.b64decode(record['content'])
                    record['content'] = content
        return json.dumps(ret)
예제 #11
class TradeOrderListHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('syssn', T_STR, True),
        Field('start_time', T_STR, True),
        Field('end_time', T_STR, True),
        Field('consumer_mobile', T_STR, True),
        Field('consumer_name', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data ={}
        params = self.validator.data
        info, num = TradeOrder.page(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        data['info'] = info
        if data['info']:
            for record in data['info']:

        return success(data=data)
예제 #12
class UserStateChangeHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('state', T_INT, False),
        Field('user_id', T_INT, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        user_state = params['state']
        user_id = params['user_id']
        user = User(user_id)
        ret = user.update(value={'state': user_state})
        if ret != 1:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DBERR)
        return success(data={})
예제 #13
class RefundHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('syssn', T_STR, False),
        Field('txamt', T_INT, False)

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        syssn = params['syssn']
        txamt = params['txamt']
        r = Refund(config.APPID, config.SECRET, config.MCH_ID, config.API_KEY)
        flag, msg = r.run(syssn, txamt)
        if not flag:
            return error(RESP_CODE.UNKOWNERR, respmsg=msg)
        return success(data=data)
예제 #14
class TextInfoListHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('name', T_STR, True),
        Field('box_name', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data

        info, num = TextInfo.page_new(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        if info:
            # boxs = BoxList.load_all(where={})
            # box_name_map = {}
            # for box in boxs:
            #     box_name_map[box['id']] = box['name']
            for item in info:
                text_id = item['id']
                item['id'] = str(item['id'])
                item['box_id'] = str(item['box_id'])
                # item['box_name'] = box_name_map.get(item['box_id'], '')
                icon_name = item['icon']
                item['icon'] = BASE_URL + icon_name
                item['icon_name'] = icon_name
                base_tools.trans_time(item, BoxList.DATETIME_KEY)
                detail = TextDetail.load_by_text_id(text_id)
                # item['content'] = detail.data.get('content') if detail.data else ''
                    content_str = detail.data.get(
                        'content') if detail.data else ''
                    content = base64.b64decode(content_str)
                except Exception:
                    content = detail.data.get('content') if detail.data else ''
                item['content'] = content
        data['info'] = info
        return success(data=data)
예제 #15
class TradeListHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [Field('openid', T_STR, False)]

    def _get_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        openid = params['openid']
        data = TradeOrder.load_by_openid(openid)
        return success(data=data)
예제 #16
class CarouselCreateHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('name', T_STR, False),
        Field('available', T_INT, False),
        Field('priority', T_INT, False),
        Field('icon', T_STR, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        # 检查名称
        ret = Carousel.create(params)
        log.debug("class=%s|create ret=%s", self.__class__.__name__, ret)
        if ret != 1:
            return error(errcode=RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        return success(data={})
예제 #17
class LoginHandler(core.Handler):
    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('mobile', T_REG, False, match=r'^(1\d{10})$'),
        Field('password', T_STR, False),

    def _get_div_type(self, userid):
        ret = self.db.select_one('stores', {"userid": userid})
        chan_id = ret["channel_id"]
        ret = self.db.select_one("channel", {"id": chan_id})
        is_prepayment = ret["is_prepayment"]

        return is_prepayment

    @uyu_set_cookie(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf, UYU_SYS_ROLE_STORE)
    def _post_handler(self, *args):
        params = self.validator.data
        mobile = params['mobile']
        password = params["password"]

        u_op = UUser()
        ret = u_op.call("check_userlogin", mobile, password,
        if not u_op.login or ret == UYU_OP_ERR:
            log.warn("mobile: %s login forbidden", mobile)
            return error(UAURET.USERERR)

        log.debug("get user data: %s", u_op.udata)
        log.debug("userid: %d login succ", u_op.udata["id"])

        is_prepayment = self._get_div_type(u_op.udata["id"])
        return success({
            "userid": u_op.udata["id"],
            "is_prepayment": is_prepayment

    def POST(self, *args):
        ret = self._post_handler(args)
        log.debug("ret: %s", ret)
        return ret
예제 #18
class QueryHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [Field('syssn', T_STR, False)]

    def _get_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        syssn = params['syssn']
        q = Query(config.APPID, config.SECRET, config.MCH_ID, config.API_KEY)
        result = q.run(syssn)
        return success(data=result)
예제 #19
class RateListHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('name', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        info, num = RateInfo.page(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        if info:
            data['info'] = info
            data['info'] = []
        return success(data=data)
예제 #20
class RateAddHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('name', T_STR, False),
        Field('rate', T_FLOAT, False)

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        # 先检查是否有同名的数据存在
        rate = RateInfo.load_by_name(params.get('name'))
        if rate.data:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAEXIST)
        ret = RateInfo.create(params)
        if ret != 1:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        return success(data=data)
예제 #21
class PrecreateHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('openid', T_STR, False),
        Field('consumer_name', T_STR, True),
        Field('consumer_mobile', T_STR, True),
        Field('order_name', T_STR, False),
        Field('order_desc', T_STR, True),
        Field('txamt', T_INT, False),

    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        # check txamt
        txamt = params['txamt']
        openid = params['openid']
        consumer_name = params['consumer_name']
        consumer_mobile = params['consumer_mobile']
        order_name = params['order_name']
        # order_desc是个json串带空格, validator返回的是个列表,存的有问题
        # order_desc = params['order_desc']
        order_desc = self.req.input().get('order_desc', '')
        p = Precreate(config.APPID, config.SECRET, config.MCH_ID,
        flag, msg, result = p.run(openid=openid,
        if not flag:
            return error(RESP_CODE.UNKOWNERR, resperr=msg, respmsg=msg)
        return success(data=result)
예제 #22
class UserPasswordChange(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('user_id', T_INT, False),
        Field('password', T_STR, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        values = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        user_id = params['user_id']
        password = params['password']
        h = hashlib.md5(password)
        md5_password = h.hexdigest()
        log.info('md5_password=%s', md5_password)
        values['password'] = gen_passwd(md5_password)
        user = User(user_id)
        ret = user.update(value=values)
        if ret != 1:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DBERR)
        return success(data={})
예제 #23
class CarouselListHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('page', T_INT, False),
        Field('maxnum', T_INT, False),
        Field('name', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        info, num = Carousel.page(**params)
        data['num'] = num
        if info:
            for item in info:
                item['id'] = str(item['id'])
                icon_name = item['icon']
                item['icon'] = BASE_URL + icon_name
                item['icon_name'] = icon_name
                base_tools.trans_time(item, Carousel.DATETIME_KEY)
        data['info'] = info
        return success(data=data)
예제 #24
class UserViewHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('user_id', T_INT, False),

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('user_id', T_INT, False),
        Field('mobile', T_STR, True),
        Field('user_type', T_STR, True),
        Field('email', T_STR, True),
        Field('name', T_STR, True),
        Field('idnumber', T_STR, True),
        Field('province', T_STR, True),
        Field('city', T_STR, True),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
            params = self.validator.data
            user_id = params.get('user_id')
            data = tools.get_merchant(user_id)
            return success(data=data)
        except Exception:
            return error(RESP_CODE.SERVERERR)

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
            params = self.validator.data
            user_id = params.pop('user_id')
            values = params
            tools.update_merchant(user_id, values)
            return success(data={})
        except Exception:
            return error(RESP_CODE.SERVERERR)
예제 #25
class TradeOrderViewHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('syssn', T_STR, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        syssn = params['syssn']
        trade = TradeOrder(syssn)
        if not trade.data:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        return success(data=trade.data) 
예제 #26
class GenOpenidHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [Field('js_code', T_STR, False)]

    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        js_code = params['js_code']
        g = GenOpenid(config.APPID, config.SECRET, config.MCH_ID,
        openid, msg = g.run(js_code)
        if not openid:
            return error(RESP_CODE.UNKOWNERR, respmsg=msg)
        data['openid'] = openid
        return success(data)
예제 #27
class BoxInfoHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('box_id', T_INT, False),

    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        box_id = params.get('box_id')
        box = BoxList(box_id)
        if not box.data:
            return error(errcode=RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        box_type = box.data.get('box_type')
        data['box_type'] = box_type
        if box_type == define.BOX_TYPE_ORDER:
            order = Order.load_by_box_id(box_id)
            if order.data:
                log.info('order data=%s', order.data)
                order.data['box_id'] = str(order.data['box_id'])
                order.data['goods_picture'] = config.BASE_URL + order.data[
            data['info'] = order.data if order.data else {}
        elif box_type == define.BOX_TYPE_TEXT:
            text_info = TextInfo.load_by_box_id(box_id)
            if text_info.data:
                log.info('text_info data=%s', text_info.data)
                for item in text_info.data:
                    item['box_id'] = str(item['box_id'])
                    item['icon'] = config.BASE_URL + item['icon']
                    # param_str = 'text_id=%s' % item['text_id']
                    # item['text_detail_url'] = config.TEXT_DETAIL_PREFIX_URL + '?' + param_str
                    item['text_detail_url'] = config.TEXT_DETAIL_PREFIX_URL
            data['info'] = text_info.data if text_info.data else []
            where = {'available': define.BOX_ENABLE, 'parent': box_id}
            box = BoxList.load_all(where=where)
            for item in box:
                icon_name = item['icon']
                item['icon'] = config.BASE_URL + icon_name
            data['info'] = box
        return success(data=data)
예제 #28
class QuestionSingleHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = [
        Field('parent', T_INT, False),

    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {}
        params = self.validator.data
        parent = params.get('parent')
        ret = Questions.load_by_parent_single(parent)
        if ret:
            for record in ret:
                if not record['content']:
                content = base64.b64decode(record['content'])
                record['content'] = content
        data['children'] = ret if ret else []
        return success(data=data)
예제 #29
class TextInfoDeleteHandler(BaseHandler):

    _post_handler_fields = [
        Field('text_id', T_INT, False),

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        text_id = params['text_id']
        text = TextInfo(text_id)
        if not text.data:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DATAERR)
        delete_values = {'available': define.TEXT_TITLE_DISABLE}
        ret = text.update(delete_values)
        if ret != 1:
            return error(RESP_CODE.DBERR)
        return success(data={})
예제 #30
class BannerViewHandler(BaseHandler):

    _get_handler_fields = []

    _post_handler_fields = [Field('content', T_STR, False)]

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _get_handler(self):
        data = {'content': ''}
        with open(BANNER_TEXT, 'rb') as f:
            content = f.read()
            data['content'] = content
        return success(data=data)

    @house_check_session(g_rt.redis_pool, cookie_conf)
    def _post_handler(self):
        params = self.validator.data
        content = params['content']
        with open(BANNER_TEXT, 'wb') as f:
        return success(data={})