예제 #1
    def check_manyRecs(self):
        """Do multiple records accidentally conflict with each other?"""
        import copy
        rec = zdc.Record(self.table)
        rec['fish'] = 'snagglefish' # whassat?
        firstID = copy.copy(rec['ID'])

        rec2 = zdc.Record(self.table)
        rec2['fish'] = 'babelfish'

        assert rec['ID'] == firstID, \
               "uh-oh! rec's ID changed!: %s, %s" % (rec['ID'], firstID)
예제 #2
    def check_isNew(self):
        rec = zdc.Record(self.table)
        assert rec.isNew, "New record doesn't have true .isNew"

        self.cur.execute("INSERT INTO test_fish (fish) VALUES ('silverfish [ugh!]')")
        rec = self.table.fetch(1)
        assert (not rec.isNew), "existing record is considered new!"
예제 #3
    def check_insert(self):
        #@TODO: make this read self.table.new()
        rec = zdc.Record(self.table)
        rec['fish'] = 'salmon'

        self.cur.execute('select count(*) from test_fish')
        assert self.cur.fetchone() == (1,), "didn't insert record!"
예제 #4
    def check_savetwice(self):
        # this used to give a DuplicateError

        rec = zdc.Record(self.table)
        rec["fish"] = "onefish"

        rec["fish"] = "twofish"
예제 #5
 def _new(self):
     Override this if you need to change behavior of new RecordObjects,
     for example, if a default value needs to be calculated rather than
     just assigned. BUT, make sure your new version calls this one or
     otherwise handles defaults.
     self.__dict__['_record'] = zdc.Record(self._table)
     for f in self._record.table.fields:
         self._data[f.name] = None
예제 #6
    def check_types(self):
        fInt = 5982374
        fString = "this\\'is'\na string"

        # text and blob are really the same, at least on MySQL,
        # but we'll test them both anyway..
        import string
        fText = string.join(map(chr, range(256)),'') # test all ASCII characters
        fBlob = fText + open('test/testRecord.pyc',"r").read() # our own bytecodes :)

        rec = zdc.Record(zdc.Table(zdc.test.dbc, "test_types"))
        rec["f_int"] = fInt
        rec["f_string"] = fString
        rec["f_text"] = fText
        rec["f_blob"] = fBlob

        # test that it WRITES them correctly:
            "SELECT f_int, f_string, f_text, f_blob from test_types where ID=1")

        row = self.cur.fetchone()
        assert row is not None, \
               "Record didn't write data at all!"
        assert row[0] == fInt, \
               "Record doesn't save ints correctly"
        assert row[1] == fString, \
               "Record doesn't save strings correctly"

        for i in range(len(fText)):
            assert row[2][i] == fText[i], \
                   "Record: saves chr(%s) wrong in text fields. (got: %s wanted: %s)" \
                   % (i, repr(row[2][i]), repr(fText[i]))

        assert row[2] == fText, \
               "Record doesn't save texts correctly"

        assert row[3] == fBlob, \
               "Record doesn't save blobs correctly"
        # also test that it READS them correctly:
        rec = zdc.Table(zdc.test.dbc, "test_types").fetch(1)
        assert rec["f_int"] == fInt, \
               "Record doesn't retrieve ints correctly."
        assert rec["f_string"] == fString, \
               "Record doesn't retrieve strings correctly."
        assert rec["f_text"] == fText, \
               "Record doesn't retrieve texts correctly."
        assert rec["f_blob"] == fBlob, \
               "Record doesn't retrieve blobs correctly."
예제 #7
    def select(self, where=None, **wdict):
        returns a list of record objects.. matching either a where
        clause (if supported) or dictionary
        ## get the matching records from the connection..
        rows = apply(self.dbc.select, (self.name, where), wdict)

        ## loop through and build record objects
        res = []
        for row in rows:
            rec = zdc.Record(self)
            rec.isNew = 0  #@TODO: should happen by default, if i pass data in
            for f in range(len(row)):
                # we do this to get rid of the L at the end of longs:
                if type(row[f]) == type(1L):
                    rec[self.fields[f].name] = int(row[f])
                    rec[self.fields[f].name] = row[f]
예제 #8
    def check_autonum(self):
        rec = zdc.Record(self.table)
        rec['fish'] = 'seahorse'

        assert rec['ID'] == 1, "didn't get an ID"
예제 #9
 def new(self):
     return zdc.Record(self)