예제 #1
def ensure_cached(uri, command = 'run', config = None):
	"""Ensure that an implementation of uri is cached.
	If not, it downloads one. It uses the GUI if a display is
	available, or the console otherwise.
	@param uri: the required interface
	@type uri: str
	@return: the selected implementations, or None if the user cancelled
	@rtype: L{zeroinstall.injector.selections.Selections}
	from zeroinstall.injector.driver import Driver

	if config is None:
		from zeroinstall.injector.config import load_config
		config = load_config()

	from zeroinstall.injector.requirements import Requirements
	requirements = Requirements(uri)
	requirements.command = command

	d = Driver(config, requirements)

	if d.need_download() or not d.solver.ready:
		sels = get_selections_gui(uri, ['--command', command], use_gui = None)
		if sels != DontUseGUI:
			return sels
		done = d.solve_and_download_impls()

	return d.solver.selections
예제 #2
def ensure_cached(uri, command = 'run', config = None):
	"""Ensure that an implementation of uri is cached.
	If not, it downloads one. It uses the GUI if a display is
	available, or the console otherwise.
	@param uri: the required interface
	@type uri: str
	@return: the selected implementations, or None if the user cancelled
	@rtype: L{zeroinstall.injector.selections.Selections}
	from zeroinstall.injector.driver import Driver

	if config is None:
		from zeroinstall.injector.config import load_config
		config = load_config()

	from zeroinstall.injector.requirements import Requirements
	requirements = Requirements(uri)
	requirements.command = command

	d = Driver(config, requirements)

	if d.need_download() or not d.solver.ready:
		sels = get_selections_gui(uri, ['--command', command], use_gui = None)
		if sels != DontUseGUI:
			return sels
		done = d.solve_and_download_impls()

	return d.solver.selections
예제 #3
    def testAbsMain(self):
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='test-', delete=False) as tmp:
            tmp.write(("""<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<interface last-modified="1110752708"
  <group main='/bin/sh'>
   <implementation id='.' version='1'/>
</interface>""" % foo_iface_uri).encode('utf-8'))

        driver = Driver(requirements=Requirements(tmp.name),
            downloaded = driver.solve_and_download_impls()
            if downloaded:
            run.execute_selections(driver.solver.selections, [],
            assert False
        except SafeException as ex:
            assert 'Command path must be relative' in str(ex), ex
예제 #4
	def testAbsMain(self):
		with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = 'test-', delete = False) as tmp:
"""<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<interface last-modified="1110752708"
  <group main='/bin/sh'>
   <implementation id='.' version='1'/>
</interface>""" % foo_iface_uri).encode('utf-8'))

		driver = Driver(requirements = Requirements(tmp.name), config = self.config)
			downloaded = driver.solve_and_download_impls()
			if downloaded:
			run.execute_selections(driver.solver.selections, [], stores = self.config.stores)
			assert False
		except SafeException as ex:
			assert 'Command path must be relative' in str(ex), ex
예제 #5
def get_selections_for(requirements, config, options, select_only, download_only, test_callback):
	"""Get selections for given requirements.
	@since: 1.9"""
	if options.offline:
		config.network_use = model.network_offline

	iface_cache = config.iface_cache

	driver = Driver(config = config, requirements = requirements)

	# Note that need_download() triggers a solve
	if options.refresh or options.gui:
		# We could run immediately, but the user asked us not to
		can_run_immediately = False
		if select_only:
			# --select-only: we only care that we've made a selection, not that we've cached the implementations
			can_run_immediately = driver.solver.ready
			can_run_immediately = not driver.need_download()

		stale_feeds = [feed for feed in driver.solver.feeds_used if
				not feed.startswith('distribution:') and	# Ignore (memory-only) PackageKit feeds
				iface_cache.is_stale(feed, config.freshness)]

		if download_only and stale_feeds:
			can_run_immediately = False

	if can_run_immediately:
		if stale_feeds:
			if config.network_use == model.network_offline:
				logger.debug(_("No doing background update because we are in off-line mode."))
				# There are feeds we should update, but we can run without them.
				# Do the update in the background while the program is running.
				from zeroinstall.injector import background
				background.spawn_background_update(driver, options.verbose)
		return driver.solver.selections

	# If we need to download anything, we might as well
	# refresh all the feeds first.
	options.refresh = True

	if options.gui != False:
		# If the user didn't say whether to use the GUI, choose for them.
		gui_args = driver.requirements.get_as_options()
		if download_only:
			# Just changes the button's label
		if options.refresh:
		if options.verbose:
			gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
			if options.verbose > 1:
				gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
		if options.with_store:
			for x in options.with_store:
				gui_args += ['--with-store', x]
		if select_only:

		from zeroinstall import helpers
		sels = helpers.get_selections_gui(requirements.interface_uri, gui_args, test_callback, use_gui = options.gui)

		if not sels:
			return None		# Aborted
		elif sels is helpers.DontUseGUI:
			sels = None
		sels = None

	if sels is None:
		# Note: --download-only also makes us stop and download stale feeds first.
		downloaded = driver.solve_and_download_impls(refresh = options.refresh or download_only or False,
							     select_only = select_only)
		if downloaded:
		sels = driver.solver.selections

	return sels
site_config = os.path.join(mydir, 'site-config.xml')
if not os.path.exists(site_config):
	print "Copy site-config.xml.template as site-config.xml and edit..."

drupal = "http://repo.roscidus.com/drupal/core"

config = load_config()

import local_config

requirements = Requirements(site_config)
requirements.command = None
driver = Driver(config, requirements)
tasks.wait_for_blocker(driver.solve_and_download_impls(refresh = refresh))
selections = driver.solver.selections.selections

drupal_impl = selections[drupal]
drupal_root = drupal_impl.local_path or config.stores.lookup_any(drupal_impl.digests)

config_impl = selections[site_config]

site_config_settings = {}
for binding in config_impl.bindings:
	site_config_settings[binding.name] = binding.value

doc_root = site_config_settings["doc_root"]
apache_user = pwd.getpwnam(site_config_settings["apache_user"])

print "Selected Drupal", drupal_impl.version, "(" + drupal_root+ ")"
예제 #7
def get_selections_for(requirements, config, options, select_only,
                       download_only, test_callback):
    """Get selections for given requirements.
	@since: 1.9"""
    if options.offline:
        config.network_use = model.network_offline

    iface_cache = config.iface_cache

    driver = Driver(config=config, requirements=requirements)

    # Note that need_download() triggers a solve
    if options.refresh or options.gui:
        # We could run immediately, but the user asked us not to
        can_run_immediately = False
        if select_only:
            # --select-only: we only care that we've made a selection, not that we've cached the implementations
            can_run_immediately = driver.solver.ready
            can_run_immediately = not driver.need_download()

        stale_feeds = [
            feed for feed in driver.solver.feeds_used
            if not feed.startswith('distribution:')
            and  # Ignore (memory-only) PackageKit feeds
            iface_cache.is_stale(feed, config.freshness)

        if download_only and stale_feeds:
            can_run_immediately = False

    if can_run_immediately:
        if stale_feeds:
            if config.network_use == model.network_offline:
                    _("No doing background update because we are in off-line mode."
                # There are feeds we should update, but we can run without them.
                # Do the update in the background while the program is running.
                from zeroinstall.injector import background
                background.spawn_background_update(driver, options.verbose)
        return driver.solver.selections

    # If we need to download anything, we might as well
    # refresh all the feeds first.
    options.refresh = True

    if options.gui != False:
        # If the user didn't say whether to use the GUI, choose for them.
        gui_args = driver.requirements.get_as_options()
        if download_only:
            # Just changes the button's label
        if options.refresh:
        if options.verbose:
            gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
            if options.verbose > 1:
                gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
        if options.with_store:
            for x in options.with_store:
                gui_args += ['--with-store', x]
        if select_only:

        from zeroinstall import helpers
        sels = helpers.get_selections_gui(requirements.interface_uri,

        if not sels:
            return None  # Aborted
        elif sels is helpers.DontUseGUI:
            sels = None
        sels = None

    if sels is None:
        # Note: --download-only also makes us stop and download stale feeds first.
        downloaded = driver.solve_and_download_impls(refresh=options.refresh
                                                     or download_only or False,
        if downloaded:
        sels = driver.solver.selections

    return sels
예제 #8
def get_selections(config, options, iface_uri, select_only, download_only, test_callback):
	"""Get selections for iface_uri, according to the options passed.
	Will switch to GUI mode if necessary.
	@param options: options from OptionParser
	@param iface_uri: canonical URI of the interface
	@param select_only: return immediately even if the selected versions aren't cached
	@param download_only: wait for stale feeds, and display GUI button as Download, not Run
	@return: the selected versions, or None if the user cancels
	@rtype: L{selections.Selections} | None
	if options.offline:
		config.network_use = model.network_offline

	iface_cache = config.iface_cache

	# Try to load it as a feed. If it is a feed, it'll get cached. If not, it's a
	# selections document and we return immediately.
	maybe_selections = iface_cache.get_feed(iface_uri, selections_ok = True)
	if isinstance(maybe_selections, selections.Selections):
		if not select_only:
			blocker = maybe_selections.download_missing(config)
			if blocker:
				logging.info(_("Waiting for selected implementations to be downloaded..."))
		return maybe_selections

	r = requirements.Requirements(iface_uri)

	driver = Driver(config = config, requirements = r)

	# Note that need_download() triggers a solve
	if options.refresh or options.gui:
		# We could run immediately, but the user asked us not to
		can_run_immediately = False
		if select_only:
			# --select-only: we only care that we've made a selection, not that we've cached the implementations
			can_run_immediately = driver.solver.ready
			can_run_immediately = not driver.need_download()

		stale_feeds = [feed for feed in driver.solver.feeds_used if
				not os.path.isabs(feed) and			# Ignore local feeds (note: file might be missing too)
				not feed.startswith('distribution:') and	# Ignore (memory-only) PackageKit feeds
				iface_cache.is_stale(iface_cache.get_feed(feed), config.freshness)]

		if download_only and stale_feeds:
			can_run_immediately = False

	if can_run_immediately:
		if stale_feeds:
			if config.network_use == model.network_offline:
				logging.debug(_("No doing background update because we are in off-line mode."))
				# There are feeds we should update, but we can run without them.
				# Do the update in the background while the program is running.
				from zeroinstall.injector import background
				background.spawn_background_update(driver, options.verbose > 0)
		return driver.solver.selections

	# If the user didn't say whether to use the GUI, choose for them.
	if options.gui is None and os.environ.get('DISPLAY', None):
		options.gui = True
		# If we need to download anything, we might as well
		# refresh all the feeds first.
		options.refresh = True
		logging.info(_("Switching to GUI mode... (use --console to disable)"))

	if options.gui:
		gui_args = driver.requirements.get_as_options()
		if download_only:
			# Just changes the button's label
		if options.refresh:
		if options.verbose:
			gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
			if options.verbose > 1:
				gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
		if options.with_store:
			for x in options.with_store:
				gui_args += ['--with-store', x]
		if select_only:

		from zeroinstall import helpers
		sels = helpers.get_selections_gui(iface_uri, gui_args, test_callback)

		if not sels:
			return None		# Aborted
		# Note: --download-only also makes us stop and download stale feeds first.
		downloaded = driver.solve_and_download_impls(refresh = options.refresh or download_only or False,
							     select_only = select_only)
		if downloaded:
		sels = driver.solver.selections

	return sels
예제 #9
def get_selections(config, options, iface_uri, select_only, download_only, test_callback):
	"""Get selections for iface_uri, according to the options passed.
	Will switch to GUI mode if necessary.
	@param options: options from OptionParser
	@param iface_uri: canonical URI of the interface
	@param select_only: return immediately even if the selected versions aren't cached
	@param download_only: wait for stale feeds, and display GUI button as Download, not Run
	@return: the selected versions, or None if the user cancels
	@rtype: L{selections.Selections} | None
	if options.offline:
		config.network_use = model.network_offline

	iface_cache = config.iface_cache

	# Try to load it as a feed. If it is a feed, it'll get cached. If not, it's a
	# selections document and we return immediately.
	maybe_selections = iface_cache.get_feed(iface_uri, selections_ok = True)
	if isinstance(maybe_selections, selections.Selections):
		if not select_only:
			blocker = maybe_selections.download_missing(config)
			if blocker:
				logging.info(_("Waiting for selected implementations to be downloaded..."))
		return maybe_selections

	r = requirements.Requirements(iface_uri)

	driver = Driver(config = config, requirements = r)

	# Note that need_download() triggers a solve
	if options.refresh or options.gui:
		# We could run immediately, but the user asked us not to
		can_run_immediately = False
		if select_only:
			# --select-only: we only care that we've made a selection, not that we've cached the implementations
			can_run_immediately = driver.solver.ready
			can_run_immediately = not driver.need_download()

		stale_feeds = [feed for feed in driver.solver.feeds_used if
				not feed.startswith('distribution:') and	# Ignore (memory-only) PackageKit feeds
				iface_cache.is_stale(feed, config.freshness)]

		if download_only and stale_feeds:
			can_run_immediately = False

	if can_run_immediately:
		if stale_feeds:
			if config.network_use == model.network_offline:
				logging.debug(_("No doing background update because we are in off-line mode."))
				# There are feeds we should update, but we can run without them.
				# Do the update in the background while the program is running.
				from zeroinstall.injector import background
				background.spawn_background_update(driver, options.verbose > 0)
		return driver.solver.selections

	# If the user didn't say whether to use the GUI, choose for them.
	if options.gui is None and os.environ.get('DISPLAY', None):
		options.gui = True
		# If we need to download anything, we might as well
		# refresh all the feeds first.
		options.refresh = True
		logging.info(_("Switching to GUI mode... (use --console to disable)"))

	if options.gui:
		gui_args = driver.requirements.get_as_options()
		if download_only:
			# Just changes the button's label
		if options.refresh:
		if options.verbose:
			gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
			if options.verbose > 1:
				gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
		if options.with_store:
			for x in options.with_store:
				gui_args += ['--with-store', x]
		if select_only:

		from zeroinstall import helpers
		sels = helpers.get_selections_gui(iface_uri, gui_args, test_callback)

		if not sels:
			return None		# Aborted
		# Note: --download-only also makes us stop and download stale feeds first.
		downloaded = driver.solve_and_download_impls(refresh = options.refresh or download_only or False,
							     select_only = select_only)
		if downloaded:
		sels = driver.solver.selections

	return sels