예제 #1
파일: model.py 프로젝트: dsqmoore/0install
def process_depends(item, local_feed_dir):
	# Note: also called from selections
	# Note: used by 0compile
	attrs = item.attrs
	dep_iface = item.getAttribute('interface')
	if not dep_iface:
		raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing 'interface' on <%s>") % item.name)
	if dep_iface.startswith('.'):
		if local_feed_dir:
			dep_iface = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_feed_dir, dep_iface))
			# (updates the element too, in case we write it out again)
			attrs['interface'] = dep_iface
			raise InvalidInterface(_('Relative interface URI "%s" in non-local feed') % dep_iface)

	if item.name == 'restricts':
		dependency = InterfaceRestriction(dep_iface, element = item)
		dependency = InterfaceDependency(dep_iface, element = item)

	version = item.getAttribute('version')
	if version:
			r = VersionExpressionRestriction(version)
		except SafeException as ex:
			msg = "Can't parse version restriction '{version}': {error}".format(version = version, error = ex)
			r = ImpossibleRestriction(msg)

	distro = item.getAttribute('distribution')
	if distro:

	for e in item.childNodes:
		if e.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue
		if e.name in binding_names:
		elif e.name == 'version':
				VersionRangeRestriction(not_before = parse_version(e.getAttribute('not-before')),
						        before = parse_version(e.getAttribute('before'))))
	return dependency
예제 #2
def process_depends(item, local_feed_dir):
	# Note: also called from selections
	# Note: used by 0compile
	attrs = item.attrs
	dep_iface = item.getAttribute('interface')
	if not dep_iface:
		raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing 'interface' on <%s>") % item.name)
	if dep_iface.startswith('.'):
		if local_feed_dir:
			dep_iface = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_feed_dir, dep_iface))
			# (updates the element too, in case we write it out again)
			attrs['interface'] = dep_iface
			raise InvalidInterface(_('Relative interface URI "%s" in non-local feed') % dep_iface)

	if item.name == 'restricts':
		dependency = InterfaceRestriction(dep_iface, element = item)
		dependency = InterfaceDependency(dep_iface, element = item)

	version = item.getAttribute('version')
	if version:
			r = VersionExpressionRestriction(version)
		except SafeException as ex:
			msg = "Can't parse version restriction '{version}': {error}".format(version = version, error = ex)
			r = ImpossibleRestriction(msg)

	for e in item.childNodes:
		if e.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue
		if e.name in binding_names:
		elif e.name == 'version':
				VersionRangeRestriction(not_before = parse_version(e.getAttribute('not-before')),
						        before = parse_version(e.getAttribute('before'))))
	return dependency
예제 #3
파일: model.py 프로젝트: turtledb/0install
	def __init__(self, feed_element, local_path = None):
		"""Create a feed object from a DOM.
		@param feed_element: the root element of a feed file
		@type feed_element: L{qdom.Element}
		@param local_path: the pathname of this local feed, or None for remote feeds
		@type local_path: str | None"""
		self.local_path = local_path
		self.implementations = {}
		self.name = None
		self.summaries = {}	# { lang: str }
		self.first_summary = None
		self.last_modified = None
		self.feeds = []
		self.metadata = []
		self.feed_element = feed_element

		if feed_element is None:
			return                  # XXX subclass?

		if feed_element.name not in ('interface', 'feed'):
			raise SafeException("Root element should be <interface>, not <%s>" % feed_element.name)
		assert feed_element.uri == XMLNS_IFACE, "Wrong namespace on root element: %s" % feed_element.uri

		if local_path:
			self.url = local_path
			assert local_path is None
			self.url = feed_element.getAttribute('uri')
			if not self.url:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("<interface> uri attribute missing"))

		min_injector_version = feed_element.getAttribute('min-injector-version')
		if min_injector_version:
			if parse_version(min_injector_version) > parse_version(version):
				raise InvalidInterface(_("This feed requires version %(min_version)s or later of "
							"Zero Install, but I am only version %(version)s. "
							"You can get a newer version from http://0install.net") %
							{'min_version': min_injector_version, 'version': version})

		for x in feed_element.childNodes:
			if x.uri != XMLNS_IFACE:
			if x.name == 'name':
				self.name = x.content
			elif x.name == 'description':
			elif x.name == 'summary':
				if self.first_summary == None:
					self.first_summary = x.content
				self.summaries[x.attrs.get("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace lang", 'en')] = x.content
			elif x.name == 'feed-for':
			elif x.name == 'feed':

		if not self.name:
			raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing <name> in feed"))
		if not self.summary:
			raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing <summary> in feed"))
예제 #4
	def __init__(self, feed_element, local_path = None, distro = None):
		"""Create a feed object from a DOM.
		@param feed_element: the root element of a feed file
		@type feed_element: L{qdom.Element}
		@param local_path: the pathname of this local feed, or None for remote feeds"""
		self.local_path = local_path
		self.implementations = {}
		self.name = None
		self.summaries = {}	# { lang: str }
		self.first_summary = None
		self.descriptions = {}	# { lang: str }
		self.first_description = None
		self.last_modified = None
		self.feeds = []
		self.feed_for = set()
		self.metadata = []
		self.last_checked = None
		self._package_implementations = []

		if distro is not None:
			import warnings
			warnings.warn("distro argument is now ignored", DeprecationWarning, 2)

		if feed_element is None:
			return			# XXX subclass?

		assert feed_element.name in ('interface', 'feed'), "Root element should be <interface>, not %s" % feed_element
		assert feed_element.uri == XMLNS_IFACE, "Wrong namespace on root element: %s" % feed_element.uri

		main = feed_element.getAttribute('main')
		#if main: warn("Setting 'main' on the root element is deprecated. Put it on a <group> instead")

		if local_path:
			self.url = local_path
			local_dir = os.path.dirname(local_path)
			assert local_path is None
			self.url = feed_element.getAttribute('uri')
			if not self.url:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("<interface> uri attribute missing"))
			local_dir = None	# Can't have relative paths

		min_injector_version = feed_element.getAttribute('min-injector-version')
		if min_injector_version:
			if parse_version(min_injector_version) > parse_version(version):
				raise InvalidInterface(_("This feed requires version %(min_version)s or later of "
							"Zero Install, but I am only version %(version)s. "
							"You can get a newer version from http://0install.net") %
							{'min_version': min_injector_version, 'version': version})

		for x in feed_element.childNodes:
			if x.uri != XMLNS_IFACE:
			if x.name == 'name':
				self.name = x.content
			elif x.name == 'description':
				if self.first_description == None:
					self.first_description = x.content
				self.descriptions[x.attrs.get("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace lang", 'en')] = x.content
			elif x.name == 'summary':
				if self.first_summary == None:
					self.first_summary = x.content
				self.summaries[x.attrs.get("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace lang", 'en')] = x.content
			elif x.name == 'feed-for':
				feed_iface = x.getAttribute('interface')
				if not feed_iface:
					raise InvalidInterface(_('Missing "interface" attribute in <feed-for>'))
				# Bug report from a Debian/stable user that --feed gets the wrong value.
				# Can't reproduce (even in a Debian/stable chroot), but add some logging here
				# in case it happens again.
				logger.debug(_("Is feed-for %s"), feed_iface)
			elif x.name == 'feed':
				feed_src = x.getAttribute('src')
				if not feed_src:
					raise InvalidInterface(_('Missing "src" attribute in <feed>'))
				if feed_src.startswith('http:') or feed_src.startswith('https:') or local_path:
					if feed_src.startswith('.'):
						feed_src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, feed_src))

					langs = x.getAttribute('langs')
					if langs: langs = langs.replace('_', '-')
					self.feeds.append(Feed(feed_src, x.getAttribute('arch'), False, langs = langs))
					raise InvalidInterface(_("Invalid feed URL '%s'") % feed_src)

		if not self.name:
			raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing <name> in feed"))
		if not self.summary:
			raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing <summary> in feed"))

		def process_group(group, group_attrs, base_depends, base_bindings, base_commands):
			for item in group.childNodes:
				if item.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue

				if item.name not in ('group', 'implementation', 'package-implementation'):

				# We've found a group or implementation. Scan for dependencies,
				# bindings and commands. Doing this here means that:
				# - We can share the code for groups and implementations here.
				# - The order doesn't matter, because these get processed first.
				# A side-effect is that the document root cannot contain
				# these.

				depends = base_depends[:]
				bindings = base_bindings[:]
				commands = base_commands.copy()

				for attr, command in [('main', 'run'),
						      ('self-test', 'test')]:
					value = item.attrs.get(attr, None)
					if value is not None:
						commands[command] = Command(qdom.Element(XMLNS_IFACE, 'command', {'name': command, 'path': value}), None)

				for child in item.childNodes:
					if child.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue
					if child.name in _dependency_names:
						dep = process_depends(child, local_dir)
					elif child.name == 'command':
						command_name = child.attrs.get('name', None)
						if not command_name:
							raise InvalidInterface('Missing name for <command>')
						commands[command_name] = Command(child, local_dir)
					elif child.name in binding_names:

				compile_command = item.attrs.get('http://zero-install.sourceforge.net/2006/namespaces/0compile command')
				if compile_command is not None:
					commands['compile'] = Command(qdom.Element(XMLNS_IFACE, 'command', {'name': 'compile', 'shell-command': compile_command}), None)

				item_attrs = _merge_attrs(group_attrs, item)

				if item.name == 'group':
					process_group(item, item_attrs, depends, bindings, commands)
				elif item.name == 'implementation':
					process_impl(item, item_attrs, depends, bindings, commands)
				elif item.name == 'package-implementation':
					self._package_implementations.append((item, item_attrs, depends))
					assert 0

		def process_impl(item, item_attrs, depends, bindings, commands):
			id = item.getAttribute('id')
			if id is None:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing 'id' attribute on %s") % item)
			local_path = item_attrs.get('local-path')
			if local_dir and local_path:
				abs_local_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, local_path))
				impl = ZeroInstallImplementation(self, id, abs_local_path)
			elif local_dir and (id.startswith('/') or id.startswith('.')):
				# For old feeds
				id = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, id))
				impl = ZeroInstallImplementation(self, id, id)
				impl = ZeroInstallImplementation(self, id, None)
				if '=' in id:
					# In older feeds, the ID was the (single) digest
			if id in self.implementations:
				logger.warn(_("Duplicate ID '%(id)s' in feed '%(feed)s'"), {'id': id, 'feed': self})
			self.implementations[id] = impl

			impl.metadata = item_attrs
				version_mod = item_attrs.get('version-modifier', None)
				if version_mod:
					item_attrs['version'] += version_mod
					del item_attrs['version-modifier']
				version = item_attrs['version']
			except KeyError:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing version attribute"))
			impl.version = parse_version(version)

			impl.commands = commands

			impl.released = item_attrs.get('released', None)
			impl.langs = item_attrs.get('langs', '').replace('_', '-')

			size = item.getAttribute('size')
			if size:
				impl.size = int(size)
			impl.arch = item_attrs.get('arch', None)
				stability = stability_levels[str(item_attrs['stability'])]
			except KeyError:
				stab = str(item_attrs['stability'])
				if stab != stab.lower():
					raise InvalidInterface(_('Stability "%s" invalid - use lower case!') % item_attrs.stability)
				raise InvalidInterface(_('Stability "%s" invalid') % item_attrs['stability'])
			if stability >= preferred:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("Upstream can't set stability to preferred!"))
			impl.upstream_stability = stability

			impl.bindings = bindings
			impl.requires = depends

			for elem in item.childNodes:
				if elem.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue
				if elem.name == 'archive':
					url = elem.getAttribute('href')
					if not url:
						raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing href attribute on <archive>"))
					size = elem.getAttribute('size')
					if not size:
						raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing size attribute on <archive>"))
					impl.add_download_source(url = url, size = int(size),
							extract = elem.getAttribute('extract'),
							start_offset = _get_long(elem, 'start-offset'),
							type = elem.getAttribute('type'))
				elif elem.name == 'manifest-digest':
					for aname, avalue in elem.attrs.items():
						if ' ' not in aname:
							impl.digests.append(zerostore.format_algorithm_digest_pair(aname, avalue))
				elif elem.name == 'recipe':
					recipe = Recipe()
					for recipe_step in elem.childNodes:
						if recipe_step.uri == XMLNS_IFACE and recipe_step.name == 'archive':
							url = recipe_step.getAttribute('href')
							if not url:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing href attribute on <archive>"))
							size = recipe_step.getAttribute('size')
							if not size:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing size attribute on <archive>"))
							recipe.steps.append(DownloadSource(None, url = url, size = int(size),
									extract = recipe_step.getAttribute('extract'),
									start_offset = _get_long(recipe_step, 'start-offset'),
									type = recipe_step.getAttribute('type')))
						elif recipe_step.uri == XMLNS_IFACE and recipe_step.name == 'rename':
							source = recipe_step.getAttribute('source')
							if not source:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing source attribute on <rename>"))
							dest = recipe_step.getAttribute('dest')
							if not dest:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing dest attribute on <rename>"))
							recipe.steps.append(RenameStep(source=source, dest=dest))
							logger.info(_("Unknown step '%s' in recipe; skipping recipe"), recipe_step.name)

		root_attrs = {'stability': 'testing'}
		root_commands = {}
		if main:
			logger.info("Note: @main on document element is deprecated in %s", self)
			root_commands['run'] = Command(qdom.Element(XMLNS_IFACE, 'command', {'path': main, 'name': 'run'}), None)
		process_group(feed_element, root_attrs, [], [], root_commands)
예제 #5
		def process_impl(item, item_attrs, depends, bindings, commands):
			id = item.getAttribute('id')
			if id is None:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing 'id' attribute on %s") % item)
			local_path = item_attrs.get('local-path')
			if local_dir and local_path:
				abs_local_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, local_path))
				impl = ZeroInstallImplementation(self, id, abs_local_path)
			elif local_dir and (id.startswith('/') or id.startswith('.')):
				# For old feeds
				id = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, id))
				impl = ZeroInstallImplementation(self, id, id)
				impl = ZeroInstallImplementation(self, id, None)
				if '=' in id:
					# In older feeds, the ID was the (single) digest
			if id in self.implementations:
				logger.warn(_("Duplicate ID '%(id)s' in feed '%(feed)s'"), {'id': id, 'feed': self})
			self.implementations[id] = impl

			impl.metadata = item_attrs
				version_mod = item_attrs.get('version-modifier', None)
				if version_mod:
					item_attrs['version'] += version_mod
					del item_attrs['version-modifier']
				version = item_attrs['version']
			except KeyError:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing version attribute"))
			impl.version = parse_version(version)

			impl.commands = commands

			impl.released = item_attrs.get('released', None)
			impl.langs = item_attrs.get('langs', '').replace('_', '-')

			size = item.getAttribute('size')
			if size:
				impl.size = int(size)
			impl.arch = item_attrs.get('arch', None)
				stability = stability_levels[str(item_attrs['stability'])]
			except KeyError:
				stab = str(item_attrs['stability'])
				if stab != stab.lower():
					raise InvalidInterface(_('Stability "%s" invalid - use lower case!') % item_attrs.stability)
				raise InvalidInterface(_('Stability "%s" invalid') % item_attrs['stability'])
			if stability >= preferred:
				raise InvalidInterface(_("Upstream can't set stability to preferred!"))
			impl.upstream_stability = stability

			impl.bindings = bindings
			impl.requires = depends

			for elem in item.childNodes:
				if elem.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue
				if elem.name == 'archive':
					url = elem.getAttribute('href')
					if not url:
						raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing href attribute on <archive>"))
					size = elem.getAttribute('size')
					if not size:
						raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing size attribute on <archive>"))
					impl.add_download_source(url = url, size = int(size),
							extract = elem.getAttribute('extract'),
							start_offset = _get_long(elem, 'start-offset'),
							type = elem.getAttribute('type'))
				elif elem.name == 'manifest-digest':
					for aname, avalue in elem.attrs.items():
						if ' ' not in aname:
							impl.digests.append(zerostore.format_algorithm_digest_pair(aname, avalue))
				elif elem.name == 'recipe':
					recipe = Recipe()
					for recipe_step in elem.childNodes:
						if recipe_step.uri == XMLNS_IFACE and recipe_step.name == 'archive':
							url = recipe_step.getAttribute('href')
							if not url:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing href attribute on <archive>"))
							size = recipe_step.getAttribute('size')
							if not size:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing size attribute on <archive>"))
							recipe.steps.append(DownloadSource(None, url = url, size = int(size),
									extract = recipe_step.getAttribute('extract'),
									start_offset = _get_long(recipe_step, 'start-offset'),
									type = recipe_step.getAttribute('type')))
						elif recipe_step.uri == XMLNS_IFACE and recipe_step.name == 'rename':
							source = recipe_step.getAttribute('source')
							if not source:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing source attribute on <rename>"))
							dest = recipe_step.getAttribute('dest')
							if not dest:
								raise InvalidInterface(_("Missing dest attribute on <rename>"))
							recipe.steps.append(RenameStep(source=source, dest=dest))
							logger.info(_("Unknown step '%s' in recipe; skipping recipe"), recipe_step.name)
예제 #6
파일: qdom.py 프로젝트: michel-slm/0install
"""A quick DOM implementation.

Python's xml.dom is very slow. The xml.sax module is also slow (as it imports urllib2).
This is our light-weight version.

# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.

from xml.parsers import expat

import zeroinstall
from zeroinstall.injector import versions

_parsed_version = versions.parse_version(zeroinstall.version)

class Element(object):
	"""An XML element.
	@ivar uri: the element's namespace
	@type uri: str
	@ivar name: the element's localName
	@type name: str
	@ivar attrs: the element's attributes (key is in the form [namespace " "] localName)
	@type attrs: {str: str}
	@ivar childNodes: children
	@type childNodes: [L{Element}]
	@ivar content: the text content
	@type content: str"""
	__slots__ = ['uri', 'name', 'attrs', 'childNodes', 'content']
	def __init__(self, uri, name, attrs):
		self.uri = uri
예제 #7
"""A quick DOM implementation.

Python's xml.dom is very slow. The xml.sax module is also slow (as it imports urllib2).
This is our light-weight version.

# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.

from xml.parsers import expat

import zeroinstall
from zeroinstall.injector import versions

_parsed_version = versions.parse_version(zeroinstall.version)

class Element(object):
    """An XML element.
	@ivar uri: the element's namespace
	@type uri: str
	@ivar name: the element's localName
	@type name: str
	@ivar attrs: the element's attributes (key is in the form [namespace " "] localName)
	@type attrs: {str: str}
	@ivar childNodes: children
	@type childNodes: [L{Element}]
	@ivar content: the text content
	@type content: str"""
    __slots__ = ['uri', 'name', 'attrs', 'childNodes', 'content']