예제 #1
def setUpModule():
    """Create database and tables."""
    global compmgr, userscomp, liccomp, attcomp, syscomp, projcomp, wikicomp, \
           tckcomp, revcomp, xicomp, cachemgr

    testdir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    testfile = os.path.basename(__file__)
    seed = config['seed'] and int(config['seed']) or genseed()
    log_mheader(log, testdir, testfile, seed)

    info = "   Creating models (module-level) ... "
    print info
    # Setup SQLAlchemy database engine
    engine = engine_from_config(config, 'sqlalchemy.')
    # init_model( engine )
    compmgr = config['compmgr']
    userscomp = config['userscomp']
    liccomp = LicenseComponent(compmgr)
    syscomp = SystemComponent(compmgr)
    attcomp = AttachComponent(compmgr)
    projcomp = ProjectComponent(compmgr)
    wikicomp = WikiComponent(compmgr)
    tckcomp = TicketComponent(compmgr)
    revcomp = ReviewComponent(compmgr)
    xicomp = XInterfaceComponent(compmgr)

    # Populate DataBase with sample entries
    print "   Populating permissions ..."
    print "   Populating users ( no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_users, no_of_relations )
    pop_user(no_of_users, no_of_relations, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating licenses ( no_of_tags=%s, no_of_attachs=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_tags, no_of_attachs )
    pop_licenses(no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating projects ( no_of_projects=%s ) ..." % no_of_projects
    pop_projects(no_of_projects, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating tickets ( no_of_tickets=%s ) ..." % no_of_tickets
    pop_tickets(no_of_tickets, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating vcs ( no_of_vcs=%s ) ..." % no_of_vcs
    pop_vcs(no_of_vcs=no_of_vcs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating wikis ( no_of_wikis=%s ) ..." % no_of_wikis
    pop_wikipages(no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating reviews ( no_of_reviews=%s ) ..." % no_of_reviews
    pop_reviews(no_of_reviews, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print ( "   no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s, no_of_tags=%s, " + \
            "no_of_attach=%s, no_of_projects=%s, no_of_reviews=%s" ) % \
          ( no_of_users, no_of_relations, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs,
            no_of_projects, no_of_reviews )

    # Setup cache manager
    isdir(cachedir) or os.makedirs(cachedir)
    cachemgr = cachemod.cachemanager(cachedir)
    config['cachemgr'] = cachemgr
예제 #2
def setUpModule() :
    """Create database and tables."""
    global compmgr, userscomp, tagcomp, attachcomp, projcomp, wikicomp, wikidata, \
           votcomp, zwparser, seed, cachemgr

    testdir  = os.path.basename( os.path.dirname( __file__ ))
    testfile = os.path.basename( __file__ )
    seed     = config['seed'] and int(config['seed']) or genseed()
    log_mheader( log, testdir, testfile, seed )
    random.seed( seed )
    info = "   Creating models (module-level) ... "
    log.info( info )
    print info
    # Setup SQLAlchemy database engine
    engine  = engine_from_config( config, 'sqlalchemy.' )
    # init_model( engine )
    create_models( engine, config, sysentries_cfg=meta.sysentries_cfg, 
                   permissions=permissions )
    compmgr    = config['compmgr']
    userscomp  = config['userscomp']
    tagcomp    = TagComponent( compmgr )
    attachcomp = AttachComponent( compmgr )
    projcomp   = ProjectComponent( compmgr )
    wikicomp   = WikiComponent( compmgr )
    votcomp    = VoteComponent( compmgr )
    # Populate DataBase with sample entries
    print "   Populating permissions ..."
    pop_permissions( seed=seed )
    print "   Populating users ( no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_users, no_of_relations )
    pop_user( no_of_users, no_of_relations, seed=seed )
    print "   Populating licenses ( no_of_tags=%s, no_of_attachs=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_tags, no_of_attachs )
    pop_licenses( no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed )
    print "   Populating projects ( no_of_projects=%s ) ..." % no_of_projects
    pop_projects( no_of_projects, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed )
    print "   Populating tickets ( no_of_tickets=%s ) ..." % no_of_tickets
    pop_tickets( no_of_tickets, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed )
    print "   Populating vcs ( no_of_vcs=%s ) ..." % no_of_vcs
    pop_vcs( no_of_vcs=no_of_vcs, seed=seed )
    print "   Populating reviews ( no_of_reviews=%s ) ..." % no_of_reviews
    pop_reviews( no_of_reviews, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed )
    # Collect the expected database objects.
    wikidata = gen_wiki( no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed )
    print ( "   no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s, no_of_tags=%s, " + \
            "no_of_attach=%s, no_of_projects=%s, no_of_wikis=%s" )   % \
          ( no_of_users, no_of_relations, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs,
            no_of_projects, no_of_wikis )

    zwparser = ZWParser( lex_optimize=True, yacc_debug=True,
                         yacc_optimize=False )

    # Setup cache manager
    isdir( cachedir ) or os.makedirs( cachedir )
    cachemgr = cachemod.cachemanager( cachedir )
    config['cachemgr'] = cachemgr
예제 #3
def setUpModule() :
    """Create database and tables."""
    global taglist, fnamelist, lines, compmgr, userscomp, filenames, \
           attachcomp, liccomp, projcomp, tckcomp, revcomp, wikicomp, \
           tagcomp, seed, cachemgr
    testdir  = os.path.basename( os.path.dirname( __file__ ))
    testfile = os.path.basename( __file__ )
    seed     = config['seed'] and int(config['seed']) or genseed()
    log_mheader( log, testdir, testfile, seed )
    random.seed( seed )
    info = "   Creating models (module-level) ... "
    log.info( info )
    print info

    # Setup SQLAlchemy database engine
    engine = engine_from_config( config, 'sqlalchemy.' )
    # init_model( engine )
    create_models( engine, config, sysentries_cfg=meta.sysentries_cfg, 
                   permissions=permissions )
    # prepare data for testing
    taglist   = [ unicode(h.randomname( randint(0,LEN_TAGNAME), alphanum))
                                for i in range(randint(0,500)) ]
    fnamelist = [ h.randomname( randint(1,128) ) + choice( extnames ) 
                                for i in range(1000) ]
    lines     = [ ''.join([ choice( alphanum )
                                for i in range(80) ]) for i in range(50) ]
    compmgr   = config['compmgr']
    userscomp = config['userscomp']
    attachcomp= AttachComponent( compmgr )
    tagcomp   = TagComponent( config['compmgr'] )
    liccomp   = LicenseComponent( compmgr )
    projcomp  = ProjectComponent( compmgr )
    tckcomp   = TicketComponent( compmgr )
    revcomp   = ReviewComponent( compmgr )
    wikicomp  = WikiComponent( compmgr )

    print "   Creating `%s` directory for generating attachments ..." % tmp_dir
    not os.path.isdir( tmp_dir ) and os.makedirs( tmp_dir )
    filenames = gen_localfiles(
                    [ fnamelist.pop( fnamelist.index(choice(fnamelist)) )
                                    for i in range( no_of_attach ) ]
    # Populate DataBase with sample entries
    print "   Populating permissions ..."
    pop_permissions( seed=seed )
    print "   Populating users ( no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_users, no_of_relations )
    pop_user( no_of_users, no_of_relations, seed=seed )
    print "   no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s, no_of_attach=%s" % \
          (no_of_users, no_of_relations, no_of_attach)

    # Setup cache manager
    isdir( cachedir ) or os.makedirs( cachedir )
    cachemgr = cachemod.cachemanager( cachedir )
    config['cachemgr'] = cachemgr
예제 #4
파일: test_gviz.py 프로젝트: prataprc/zeta
def setUpModule():
    """Create database and tables."""
    global compmgr, userscomp, attachcomp, tagcomp, projcomp, tckcomp, taglist,\
           seed, cachemgr

    isdir(dotdir) or os.makedirs(dotdir)

    testdir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    testfile = os.path.basename(__file__)
    seed = config['seed'] and int(config['seed']) or genseed()
    log_mheader(log, testdir, testfile, seed)
    info = "   Creating models (module-level) ... "
    print info
    # Setup SQLAlchemy database engine
    engine = engine_from_config(config, 'sqlalchemy.')
    # init_model( engine )
    compmgr = config['compmgr']
    userscomp = config['userscomp']
    attachcomp = AttachComponent(compmgr)
    tagcomp = TagComponent(compmgr)
    liccomp = LicenseComponent(compmgr)
    projcomp = ProjectComponent(compmgr)
    tckcomp = TicketComponent(compmgr)
    taglist = [
        unicode(h.randomname(randint(1, LEN_TAGNAME), tagchars))
        for i in range(randint(1, no_of_tags))
    # Populate DataBase with sample entries
    print "   Populating permissions ..."
    print "   Populating users ( no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_users, no_of_relations )
    pop_user(no_of_users, no_of_relations, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating licenses ( no_of_tags=%s, no_of_attachs=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_tags, no_of_attachs )
    pop_licenses(no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating projects ( no_of_projects=%s ) ..." % no_of_projects
    pop_projects(no_of_projects, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print "   Populating tickets ( no_of_tickets=%s ) ..." % no_of_tickets
    pop_tickets(no_of_tickets, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs, seed=seed)
    print ( "   no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s, no_of_tags=%s, " + \
            "no_of_attach=%s, no_of_projects=%s, no_of_tickets=%s" ) % \
          ( no_of_users, no_of_relations, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs,
            no_of_projects, no_of_tickets )

    # Setup cache manager
    isdir(cachedir) or os.makedirs(cachedir)
    cachemgr = cachemod.cachemanager(cachedir)
    config['cachemgr'] = cachemgr
예제 #5
def setUpModule():
    """Create database and tables."""
    global compmgr, userscomp, syscomp, attachcomp, seed, cachemgr

    testdir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    testfile = os.path.basename(__file__)
    seed = config['seed'] and int(config['seed']) or genseed()
    log_mheader(log, testdir, testfile, seed)
    info = "   Creating models (module-level) ... "
    print info
    # Setup SQLAlchemy database engine
    engine = engine_from_config(config, 'sqlalchemy.')
    # init_model( engine )
    userscomp = config['userscomp']
    compmgr = config['compmgr']
    syscomp = SystemComponent(compmgr)
    attachcomp = AttachComponent(compmgr)
    print "   Populating permissions ..."
    print "   Populating users ( no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_users, no_of_relations )
    pop_user(no_of_users, no_of_relations, seed=seed)

    # initialize the PMS system
    mapmod = eval_import(config['zeta.pmap.module'])
    permmod.init_pms = eval_import(config['zeta.pmap.mapfunc'])
    permmod.pms_root = permmod.init_pms(ctxt=ctxt)
    permmod.default_siteperms = mapmod.default_siteperms
    permmod.default_projperms = mapmod.default_projperms

    # Setup cache manager
    isdir(cachedir) or os.makedirs(cachedir)
    cachemgr = cachemod.cachemanager(cachedir)
    config['cachemgr'] = cachemgr
예제 #6
def loadcomponents(config, global_conf, app_conf):
    from zeta.auth.users import UserComponent
    from zeta.comp.system import SystemComponent
    from zeta.comp.attach import AttachComponent
    from zeta.comp.license import LicenseComponent
    from zeta.comp.project import ProjectComponent
    from zeta.comp.review import ReviewComponent
    from zeta.comp.tag import TagComponent
    from zeta.comp.ticket import TicketComponent
    from zeta.comp.timeline import TimelineComponent
    from zeta.comp.vcs import VcsComponent
    from zeta.comp.vote import VoteComponent
    from zeta.comp.wiki import WikiComponent
    from zeta.comp.xinterface import XInterfaceComponent
    from zeta.comp.xsearch import XSearchComponent
    from zeta.comp.zmail import ZMailComponent
    from zeta.comp.forms import VForm
    global userscomp, syscomp, attcomp, attachcomp, liccomp, projcomp, prjcomp,\
           revcomp, revwcomp, tagcomp, tckcomp, tlcomp, vcscomp, votecomp, \
           votcomp, wikicomp, xintcomp, xicomp, srchcomp, zmailcomp, mailcomp, \

    userscomp = config['userscomp'] = UserComponent(compmgr)
    syscomp = SystemComponent(compmgr)
    attcomp = attachcomp = AttachComponent(compmgr)
    liccomp = LicenseComponent(compmgr)
    projcomp = prjcomp = ProjectComponent(compmgr)
    revcomp = revwcomp = ReviewComponent(compmgr)
    tagcomp = TagComponent(compmgr)
    tckcomp = TicketComponent(compmgr)
    tlcomp = TimelineComponent(compmgr)
    vcscomp = VcsComponent(compmgr)
    votecomp = votcomp = VoteComponent(compmgr)
    wikicomp = WikiComponent(compmgr)
    xintcomp = xicomp = XInterfaceComponent(compmgr)
    srchcomp = XSearchComponent(compmgr)
    zmailcomp = mailcomp = ZMailComponent(compmgr, config=config)
    vfcomp = VForm(compmgr)
    return None
예제 #7
def setUpModule() :
    """Create database and tables."""
    global compmgr, liccomp, userscomp, attachcomp, licdata, zwparser, seed, \

    testdir  = os.path.basename( os.path.dirname( __file__ ))
    testfile = os.path.basename( __file__ )
    seed     = config['seed'] and int(config['seed']) or genseed()
    log_mheader( log, testdir, testfile, seed )
    random.seed( seed )
    info = "   Creating models (module-level) ... "
    log.info( info )
    print info
    # Setup SQLAlchemy database engine
    engine  = engine_from_config( config, 'sqlalchemy.' )
    # init_model( engine )
    create_models( engine, config, sysentries_cfg=meta.sysentries_cfg, 
                   permissions=permissions )
    compmgr    = config['compmgr']
    userscomp  = config['userscomp']
    liccomp    = LicenseComponent( compmgr )
    attachcomp = AttachComponent( compmgr )
    # Populate DataBase with sample entries
    print "   Populating permissions ..."
    pop_permissions( seed=seed )
    print "   Populating users ( no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s ) ..." % \
                ( no_of_users, no_of_relations )
    pop_user( no_of_users, no_of_relations, seed=seed )
    licdata    = gen_licenses( no_of_tags=no_of_tags, no_of_attachs=no_of_attachs )
    print "   no_of_users=%s, no_of_relations=%s, no_of_tags=%s, no_of_attach=%s" % \
          ( no_of_users, no_of_relations, no_of_tags, no_of_attachs )

    zwparser = ZWParser( lex_optimize=True, yacc_debug=True, yacc_optimize=False )

    # Setup cache manager
    isdir( cachedir ) or os.makedirs( cachedir )
    cachemgr = cachemod.cachemanager( cachedir )
    config['cachemgr'] = cachemgr
예제 #8
    def test_B_photoicon( self ) :
        """Testing user photo and icon methods"""
        log.info( "Testing user photo and icon methods ..." )
        c = ContextObject()
        config['c'] = c

        attachcomp = AttachComponent( config['compmgr'] )
        for username in userdata :
            d         = userdata[username]
            user      = userscomp.get_user( username.lower() )
            photofile = d['photofile']
            photo     = None

            # Photo file api
            c.rclose = h.ZResp()
            defer = choice([True, False])
            if photofile :
                photo = attachcomp.create_attach(
                            os.path.basename( photofile ),
                            fdfile=open( photofile, 'r' ),
                            choice([ user, user.username, user.id ]),
                            c=c, defer=defer
                        user, defer, c, 
                        lambda u : 'uploaded user photo' in u.logs[-1].log 

            # Icon file api
            c.rclose = h.ZResp()
            defer = choice([True, False])
            iconfile = d['iconfile']
            icon     = None
            if iconfile :
                icon  = attachcomp.create_attach(
                            os.path.basename( iconfile ),
                            fdfile=open( iconfile, 'r' ),
                            choice([ user, user.username, user.id ]),
                            c=c, defer=defer
                        user, defer, c, 
                        lambda u : 'uploaded user icon' in u.logs[-1].log,

            # Delete photo or icon
            c.rclose = h.ZResp()
            defer = choice([True, False])
            update = choice([ True, False ]) # Randomly update
            if update :
                userscomp.user_set_photo( user, photo=None, c=c, defer=defer )
                userscomp.user_set_icon( user, icon=None, c=c, defer=defer )
                d['photofile'] = photofile = None
                d['iconfile'] = iconfile = None

                # _validate_defer
                defer and c.rclose.close()
                user = userscomp.get_user( user.id, attrload=[ 'logs' ] )
                if iconfile :
                    assert_true( 'removed user icon' in user.logs[-1].log,
                                 'Mismatch in defer' )
                if photofile :
                    assert_true( 'removed user photo' in user.logs[-2].log,
                                 'Mismatch in defer' )

            if photofile :
                assert_equal( user.photofile.filename,
                              os.path.basename( photofile ),
                              'Mismatching photo file name'
                a, content = attachcomp.downloadattach(user.photofile)
                assert_equal( str(content), open( photofile, 'r' ).read(),
                              'Mismatch in user photo attachment'
            if iconfile :
                assert_equal( user.iconfile.filename,
                              os.path.basename( iconfile ),
                              'Mismatching icon file name'
                a, content = attachcomp.downloadattach(user.iconfile)
                assert_equal( str( content ), open( iconfile ).read(),
                              'Mismatch in user icon attachment'
        self._validate_user( userdata )