예제 #1
파일: forms.py 프로젝트: peterhassapis/zeus
  def clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
      cleaned_data = super(ElectionForm, self).clean(*args, **kwargs)

      if 'name' in cleaned_data:
          slug = slughifi(cleaned_data['name'])

      dfrom = cleaned_data['voting_starts_at']
      dto = cleaned_data['voting_ends_at']

      dextend = None
      if 'voting_extended_until' in cleaned_data:
          dextend = cleaned_data['voting_extended_until']

      if dfrom >= dto and (self.election and not self.election.frozen_at):
          raise forms.ValidationError(_("Invalid voting dates"))

      if dextend and cleaned_data['voting_extended_until'] < dto:
          raise forms.ValidationError(_("Invalid voting extension date"))

      if not 'departments' in cleaned_data:
        cleaned_data['departments'] = ''

      return cleaned_data
예제 #2
파일: forms.py 프로젝트: peterhassapis/zeus
  def save(self, election, institution, params):
    is_new = not bool(election.pk)
    institution = self.institution

    data = self.cleaned_data
    data['slug'] = slughifi(data['name'])

    e = election

    if self.fixed_election_type:
        e.election_type = self.fixed_election_type

    if is_new or not election.frozen_at:
      e.name = data.get('name')
      e.use_voter_aliases = True
      e.workflow_type = 'mixnet'
      e.private_p = True
      e.institution = institution
      e.help_phone = data['help_phone']
      e.help_email = data['help_email']
      e.departments = [d.strip() for d in data['departments'].strip().split("\n")]

      if not self.fixed_election_type:
          prev_type = e.election_type
          e.election_type = data.get('election_type')
          if prev_type != e.election_type:

      if e.candidates:
        new_cands = []
        for cand in e.candidates:
          if cand['department'] in e.departments:

        #if len(new_cands) != len(e.candidates):
          #messages.warning(_("Election candidates changed due to election"
                             #" institution department changes"))
        e.candidates = new_cands

      if not e.uuid:
        e.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())

      if is_new or not election.frozen_at:
        e.cast_url = settings.SECURE_URL_HOST + \
            reverse('helios.views.one_election_cast', args=[e.uuid])

      e.short_name = data['slug']
      count = 0

      q = Q(short_name=e.short_name)
      if e.pk and self.election:
          q = ~Q(pk=e.pk) & Q(short_name=e.short_name)

      short_name = e.short_name
      while Election.objects.filter(q).count() > 0:
            count += 1
            e.short_name = short_name + "-" + str(count)
            q = Q(short_name=e.short_name)
            if e.pk:
                q = Q(short_name=e.short_name)
                if self.election:
                    q = q & ~Q(pk=self.election.pk)

      e.description = data['description']
      e.voting_starts_at = data['voting_starts_at']
      e.voting_ends_at = data['voting_ends_at']

    if 'voting_extended_until' in data:
      e.voting_extended_until = data['voting_extended_until']

    if is_new or not e.voting_ended_at:
      if data['remote_mix']:
        e.mix_key = ''

    if 'eligibles_count' in data:
      e.eligibles_count = data['eligibles_count']
    if 'has_department_limit' in data:
      e.has_department_limit = data['has_department_limit']


    if is_new:
      e.generate_helios_mixnet({"name":"zeus mixnet %d" % 1})

    if not e.get_helios_trustee():

    if is_new or not election.frozen_at:
      trustees = []
      if data['trustees']:
        trustees = [t.split(",") for t in data['trustees'].split("\n")]

      for t in trustees:
        name, email = t[0], t[1]
        trustee, created = Trustee.objects.get_or_create(election=e,
        trustee.name = name
        if created:
          trustee.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())


        if created:

    return e