예제 #1
    def _set_auth_api_choices(self):
        autorisatie_apis = Service.objects.filter(api_type=APITypes.ac)

        with parallel() as executor:
            applications = executor.map(_get_applications, autorisatie_apis)

        all_apps = sum(applications, [])
        all_apps = sorted(all_apps, key=lambda app: app["label"])

        # if there's no data, no point in showing the field at all
        if not all_apps:
            del self.fields["autorisaties_application"]

        self.fields["autorisaties_application"].choices = BLANK_CHOICE_DASH + [
            (application["url"], application["label"])
            for application in all_apps
        # the fields themselves are always required, but if an Autorisaties API app is
        # selected the user does not need to input them explicitly, we can derive them.
        # The ``def clean`` validation validates that these fields are filled out if
        # there's no Autorisaties API app selected.
        self.fields["label"].required = False
        self.fields["app_id"].required = False

        if self.instance.pk:
                "autorisaties_application"].initial = self.instance.app_id
예제 #2
    def get_client_response(self) -> List[dict]:
        variables = self.task.get_variables()
        email_notification_list = variables.get("emailNotificationList", {})
        usernames = []
        groupnames = []
        emails = []
            assignees = check_variable(variables, "usernames")
            for assignee in assignees:
                # To not change normal expected behavior:
                # if no emailNotificationList is found in variables everybody gets an email
                if email_notification_list.get(
                        assignee) or not email_notification_list:
                    group_or_user, name = assignee.split(":", 1)
                    if group_or_user.lower() == "group":

        except MissingVariable:
                emails = check_variable(variables, "emailaddresses")
            except MissingVariable:
                raise MissingVariable(
                    "Missing one of the required variables usernames or emailaddresses."

        users = []
        with get_client(self.task) as client:
            if usernames:
                username_assignees = client.get(
                    params={"include_username": usernames})
                for user in username_assignees["results"]:
                    user["assignee"] = f'user:{user["username"]}'
                users += username_assignees["results"]

            if groupnames:
                groups = {}

                def _get_group_users(group: str):
                    nonlocal groups, client
                    groups[group] = client.get(
                        params={"include_groups": [group]})

                with parallel() as executor:
                    list(executor.map(_get_group_users, groupnames))
                for group, groupusers in groups.items():
                    for user in groupusers["results"]:
                        user["assignee"] = f"group:{group}"

                    users += groupusers["results"]

            if emails:
                users += client.get("api/accounts/users",

        return users
def fetch_zaken(zaken_urls: List[str]) -> List[dict]:
    with parallel() as executor:
        _zaken = executor.map(fetch_zaak, zaken_urls)
    zaken = list(_zaken)

    fetched_zaaktypen = get_zaaktypen(dict_response=True)
    for zaak in zaken:
        zaak["zaaktype"] = fetched_zaaktypen[zaak["zaaktype"]]
    return zaken
def test_db_connection_cleaned_up_map(db: None):
    initial = get_num_connections()
    assert initial >= 1

    with parallel() as executor:
        executor.map(execute_query, [1, 2, 3])
        num_conns = get_num_connections()

    assert num_conns == initial
def test_db_connection_cleaned_up_submit(db: None):
    initial = get_num_connections()
    assert initial >= 1

    with parallel() as executor:
        num_conns = get_num_connections()

    assert num_conns == initial
예제 #6
    def get(self, request, list_id):
        config = ArchiveConfig.get_solo()

        destruction_list = DestructionList.objects.get(id=list_id)
        last_review = destruction_list.last_review()

        fetched_zaaktypen = {
            zaaktype["url"]: zaaktype
            for zaaktype in get_zaaktypen()

        zaak_urls = [item.zaak for item in destruction_list.items.all()]
        with parallel() as executor:
            zaken = list(executor.map(fetch_zaak, zaak_urls))

        zaken = {zaak["url"]: zaak for zaak in zaken}

        items = []
        for item in (destruction_list.items.exclude(
            # list item data
            list_item_data = {"id": item.id, "status": item.status}
            if (last_review and last_review.item_reviews.filter(
                item_review = last_review.item_reviews.get(

            # full zaak data
            zaak = zaken[item.zaak]
            zaaktype = fetched_zaaktypen[zaak["zaaktype"]]

            # return only general information
            zaak_data = {attr: zaak.get(attr) for attr in NO_DETAIL_ZAAK_ATTRS}
            # Add link to zaak in ZAC
            zaak_data["zac_link"] = get_zaak_link_for_zaakafhandelcomponent(
                zaak, config.link_to_zac)

            zaaktype_data = {
                attr: zaaktype.get(attr)
                for attr in NO_DETAIL_ZAAKTYPE_ATTRS
            zaak_data["zaaktype"] = zaaktype_data
            zaak_data = get_additional_zaak_info(zaak_data)

            if (not destruction_list.contains_sensitive_info or
                    self.request.user.role.type != RoleTypeChoices.archivist):
                zaak_data["omschrijving"] = zaak.get("omschrijving")

            items.append({"listItem": list_item_data, "zaak": zaak_data})

        return JsonResponse({"items": items})
예제 #7
    def get(self, request):
        zaken = get_zaken(request.GET)

        with parallel() as executor:
            zaken_with_extra_info = list(executor.map(get_additional_zaak_info, zaken))


        return JsonResponse({"zaken": zaken_with_extra_info})
예제 #8
    def perform(self) -> dict:
        variables = self.task.get_variables()

        # Retrieve io url
        zaak_url = check_variable(variables, "zaakUrl")
        zaak_informatieobjecten = self.get_zaak_informatieobjecten(zaak_url)
        zios = [zio["informatieobject"] for zio in zaak_informatieobjecten]

        # lock io and set data
        with parallel() as executor:
            responses = list(executor.map(self.lock_document, zios))

        # update io
        with parallel() as executor:
            list(executor.map(self.update_document, responses))

        # unlock io
        with parallel() as executor:
            list(executor.map(self.unlock_document, responses))

        return {}
예제 #9
    def get(self, request):
        zaak_url = request.GET.get("zaak_url")
        if not zaak_url:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("zaak_url query parameter must be specified")

        with parallel() as executor:
            resultaat = executor.submit(get_resultaat, zaak_url)
            documenten = executor.submit(get_documenten, zaak_url)
            besluiten = executor.submit(get_besluiten, zaak_url)

        result = {
            "resultaat": resultaat.result(),
            "documenten": documenten.result(),
            "besluiten": besluiten.result(),

        return JsonResponse(result)
예제 #10
    def fetch_zaken(startdatum, zaaktypen, bronorganisaties):
        config = ArchiveConfig.get_solo()
        current_date = config.archive_date or timezone.now().date()
        #  default params for archived zaken
        query = {
            "archiefnominatie": "vernietigen",
            "archiefactiedatum__lt": current_date.isoformat(),

        if startdatum:
            query["startdatum__gte"] = startdatum.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        queries = []
        if zaaktypen and bronorganisaties:
            for zaaktype in zaaktypen:
                for bronorganisatie in bronorganisaties:
                                "zaaktype": zaaktype,
                                "bronorganisatie": bronorganisatie,
        elif zaaktypen:
            queries = [
                dict(query, **{"zaaktype": zaaktype}) for zaaktype in zaaktypen
        elif bronorganisaties:
            queries = [
                dict(query, **{"bronorganisatie": bronorganisatie})
                for bronorganisatie in bronorganisaties

        if len(queries) > 0:
            with parallel() as executor:
                zaken = list(executor.map(get_zaken, queries))

            # flat the list
            zaken = list(itertools.chain(*zaken))

            zaken = get_zaken(query_params=query)

        return zaken