예제 #1
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_user_list(req, page, num=10, keys=None):
    if page:
        page = int(page)
        page = 1
    index = (page - 1) * num

    if keys:
        where = ' and (username like "%%' + keys + '%%" or n.shoujihao="' + keys + '") '
        sql = '''select a.id, username, a.created, regip, a.status, a.utype
                from ww_member a, ww_member_normal n
                where (a.id=n.id) and a.site_id=%s %s order by a.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (
            fun.get_site_id(req), where, index, num)
        # print sql
        r = unio().fetchAll(sql)
        if r and len(r) > 0:
            return r

        where = ' and (username like "%%' + keys + '%%" or v.lianxifangshi="' + keys + '") '
        sql = '''select a.id, username, a.created, regip, a.status, a.utype
                from ww_member a, ww_member_vip v
                where (a.id=v.id) and a.site_id=%s %s order by a.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (
            fun.get_site_id(req), where, index, num)
        # print sql
        return unio().fetchAll(sql)
        where = ' and 1=1 '
        sql = '''select a.id, username, a.created, regip, a.status, a.utype
                from ww_member a
                where a.site_id=%s %s order by a.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (
            fun.get_site_id(req), where, index, num)
        # print sql
        return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #2
def get_comment_list(req, page=1, num=10):
    index = (int(page) - 1) * num
    sql = '''select id, comment, user_name, submit_date
            from django_comments
            where is_removed=0 and site_id=%s order by submit_date desc limit %s,%s''' % (
        fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #3
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_post_list(req, page=1, num=10):
    index = (int(page)-1)*num
    sql = '''select post.id, post.title, post.short_url, post.status, post.content, post.views, post.cate2, post.status,
            post.created, cate.title as cate
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories blog_cate, blog_blogcategory cate
            where post.site_id=%s and post.id=blog_cate.blogpost_id and blog_cate.blogcategory_id=cate.id
            order by post.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    # print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #4
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_post_list(req, page=1, num=10):
    index = (int(page) - 1) * num
    sql = '''select post.id, post.title, post.short_url, post.status, post.content, post.views, post.cate2, post.status,
            post.created, cate.title as cate
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories blog_cate, blog_blogcategory cate
            where post.site_id=%s and post.id=blog_cate.blogpost_id and blog_cate.blogcategory_id=cate.id
            order by post.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (fun.get_site_id(req),
                                                         index, num)
    # print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #5
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_gbook_list(req, page, num=10):
    if page:
        page = int(page)
        page = 1
    index = (page - 1) * num
    sql = '''select id, name, tel, created from ww_gbook where site_id=%s limit %s,%s''' % (
        fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    # print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #6
def save_post(req, data, uid, uname):
    print data
    id = data.get('id', 0)
    views = data.get('views', 0)
    if not views:
        views = 0
    featured_image = data.get('featured_image', '')
    if not featured_image.strip():
        featured_image = '/static/zhiyuw/cy_images/images/infor.jpg'

    desc = data.get('description', '')
    if not desc:
        result, number = re.subn(r'<.*?>|</.*?>', '', data.get('editorValue'))
        desc = len(result) > 20 and result[:20] or result
    if id:  ##update
        sql = '''update blog_blogpost set title='%s', content='%s', cate2='%s', featured_image='%s',
                description='%s',created='%s', views='%s', cate3='%s'
                where id=%s''' % (data.get('title'), data.get('editorValue'),
                                  data.get('cate2'), featured_image, desc,
                                  fun.now(), views, data.get('cate3', ''), id)
        # print sql
        r = unio().execute(sql)
        if r:
            sql = '''update blog_blogpost_categories set blogcategory_id=%s
                   where blogpost_id=%s''' % (data.get('cate'), id)
        return r
        short_url = '/zhiyuw/%s/show-%s.html' % ('xxx', 0)
        sql = '''insert into blog_blogpost (comments_count, site_id, title, slug, created, status, publish_date,
                short_url, content, user_id, user_name, allow_comments, views, cate2, cate3, featured_image, description)
                values (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')''' % \
                  (0, fun.get_site_id(req), data.get('title', 'no title'), data.get('title','no title'), fun.now(), 1,
                  fun.now(), short_url, data.get('editorValue'), uid, uname, 1, views, data.get('cate2'),data.get('cate3', ''),
                  featured_image, desc)
        # print sql
        lastid = unio().executeInsert(sql)
        if lastid:
            sql = '''insert blog_blogpost_categories (blogcategory_id, blogpost_id) values
                    ('%s', '%s')''' % (data.get('cate'), lastid)
            print sql
            r = unio().executeInsert(sql)
        if r:
            sql = '''update ww_member set credits=credits+10 where id=%s''' % uid

            sql = '''select slug from blog_blogcategory where id=%s''' % data.get(
            r = unio().fetchOne(sql)
            slug = r.get('slug')
            short_url = '/zhiyuw/%s/show-%s.html' % (slug, lastid)
            mobile_url = '/mobile/%s/show-%s.html' % (slug, lastid)
            sql = '''update blog_blogpost set short_url='%s', mobile_url='%s' where id=%s''' % (
                short_url, mobile_url, lastid)
            return unio().execute(sql)
예제 #7
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_user_pages(req, num=10):
    sql = '''select count(id) as pages from ww_member where site_id=%s''' % fun.get_site_id(req)
    print sql
    pages = unio().fetchOne(sql)
    if pages:
        count = pages['pages']
        if count % num==0:
            return count/num
            return count/num+1
        return 1
예제 #8
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_user_list(req, page, num=10, keys=None):
    if page:
        page = int(page)
        page = 1
    index = (page-1)*num
    where = ' and 1=1 '
    if keys:
        where = ' and username like "%%' + keys + '%%" '
    sql = '''select id, username, created, regip, status,utype from ww_member where site_id=%s %s order by created desc limit %s,%s''' % (
        fun.get_site_id(req), where, index, num)
    print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #9
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_user_pages(req, num=10):
    sql = '''select count(id) as pages from ww_member where site_id=%s''' % fun.get_site_id(
    print sql
    pages = unio().fetchOne(sql)
    if pages:
        count = pages['pages']
        if count % num == 0:
            return count / num
            return count / num + 1
        return 1
예제 #10
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_post_list(req, uid, cate=None, page=1, num=10):
    if page<1:
        return []
    if cate:
        condition = ' post.cate2="%s" and ' % cate
        condition = ''
    index = (int(page)-1)*num
    sql = '''select post.id, post.title, post.status, short_url, mobile_url, post.content, post.views,
            post.cate2, description, featured_image, post.created, cate.title as cate
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories blog_cate, blog_blogcategory cate
            where %s post.user_id=%s and post.site_id=%s and post.id=blog_cate.blogpost_id and blog_cate.blogcategory_id=cate.id
            order by post.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (condition, uid, fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    # print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #11
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_post_total(req, uid, cate=None):
    if cate:
        condition = ' post.cate2="%s" and ' % cate
        condition = ''
    sql = '''select count(post.title) as total
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories cate, blog_blogcategory blog_category
            where %s post.status>0 and post.site_id=%s and post.user_id=%s and cate.blogcategory_id=blog_category.id
            and cate.blogpost_id=post.id''' % (condition, fun.get_site_id(req), uid)
    # print sql
    rt = unio().fetchOne(sql)
    if rt:
        return rt['total']
        return 1
예제 #12
def get_cate3_list(req, uid, cate, page=1, num=10):
    if page < 1:
        return []
    if cate:
        condition = ' post.cate3="%s" and ' % cate
        condition = ''
    index = (int(page) - 1) * num
    sql = '''select post.id, post.title, post.status, short_url, mobile_url, post.content, post.views,
            post.cate2, description, featured_image, post.created, cate.title as cate
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories blog_cate, blog_blogcategory cate
            where %s post.user_id=%s and post.site_id=%s and post.id=blog_cate.blogpost_id and blog_cate.blogcategory_id=cate.id
            order by post.created desc limit %s,%s''' % (
        condition, uid, fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    # print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #13
def get_post_total(req, uid, cate=None):
    if cate:
        condition = ' post.cate2="%s" and ' % cate
        condition = ''
    sql = '''select count(post.title) as total
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories cate, blog_blogcategory blog_category
            where %s post.status>0 and post.site_id=%s and post.user_id=%s and cate.blogcategory_id=blog_category.id
            and cate.blogpost_id=post.id''' % (condition, fun.get_site_id(req),
    # print sql
    rt = unio().fetchOne(sql)
    if rt:
        return rt['total']
        return 1
예제 #14
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def save_post(req, data, uid, uname):
    id = data.get('id', 0)
    views = data.get('views')
    if not views:
        views = 0
    featured_image = data.get('featured_image', '')
    if not featured_image.strip():
        featured_image = '/static/zhiyuw/cy_images/images/infor.jpg'

    if id:  ##update
        sql = '''update blog_blogpost set title='%s', content='%s', cate2='%s', featured_image='%s',
                description='%s',created='%s', views='%s'
                where id=%s''' % (data.get('title'), data.get('editorValue'), data.get('cate2'),
                                  featured_image, data.get('description', ''), fun.now(), views, id)
        # print sql
        r = unio().execute(sql)
        if r:
            sql = '''update blog_blogpost_categories set blogcategory_id=%s
                   where blogpost_id=%s''' % (data.get('cate'), id)
        return r
        short_url = '/zhiyuw/%s/show-%s.html' % ('xxx',0)
        sql = '''insert into blog_blogpost (comments_count, site_id, title, slug, created, status, publish_date,
                short_url, content, user_id, user_name, allow_comments, views, cate2, featured_image, description)
                values (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')''' % \
                  (0, fun.get_site_id(req), data.get('title', 'no title'), data.get('title','no title'), fun.now(), 1,
                  fun.now(), short_url, data.get('editorValue'), uid, uname, 1, views, data.get('cate2'),
                  featured_image, data.get('description'))
        # print sql
        lastid = unio().executeInsert(sql)
        if lastid:
            sql = '''insert blog_blogpost_categories (blogcategory_id, blogpost_id) values
                    ('%s', '%s')''' % (data.get('cate'), lastid)
            # print sql
            r =unio().executeInsert(sql)
        if r:
            sql = '''update ww_member set credits=credits+10 where id=%s''' % uid

            sql = '''select slug from blog_blogcategory where id=%s''' % data.get('cate')
            r = unio().fetchOne(sql)
            slug = r.get('slug')
            short_url = '/zhiyuw/%s/show-%s.html' % (slug, lastid)
            mobile_url = '/mobile/%s/show-%s.html' % (slug, lastid)
            sql = '''update blog_blogpost set short_url='%s', mobile_url='%s' where id=%s''' %(short_url, mobile_url, lastid)
            return unio().execute(sql)
예제 #15
def get_post_total(req, uid, cate):
    if cate:
        condition = ' post.cate2="%s" and ' % cate
        condition = ''
    sql = '''select count(post.id) as c
            from blog_blogpost post, blog_blogpost_categories blog_cate, blog_blogcategory cate
            where %s post.user_id=%s and post.site_id=%s and
            post.id=blog_cate.blogpost_id and blog_cate.blogcategory_id=cate.id''' % (
        condition, uid, fun.get_site_id(req))
    # print sql
    r = unio().fetchOne(sql)
    if r:
        total = r['c']
        return total
        return 0
예제 #16
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_gbook_list(req, page, num=10):
    if page:
        page = int(page)
        page = 1
    index = (page-1)*num
    sql = '''select id, name, tel, created from ww_gbook where site_id=%s limit %s,%s''' % (fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    # print sql
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)
예제 #17
파일: controller.py 프로젝트: five3/zyw
def get_comment_list(req, page=1, num=10):
    index = (int(page)-1)*num
    sql = '''select id, comment, user_name, submit_date
            from django_comments
            where is_removed=0 and site_id=%s order by submit_date desc limit %s,%s''' % (fun.get_site_id(req), index, num)
    return unio().fetchAll(sql)