예제 #1
class ConfigureReportingResponse(t.List(ConfigureReportingResponseRecord)):
    def serialize(self):
        failed = [record for record in self if record.status != Status.SUCCESS]
        if failed:
            return b"".join([
                ConfigureReportingResponseRecord(i).serialize() for i in failed
        return Status.SUCCESS.serialize()
예제 #2
파일: test_zcl.py 프로젝트: sybohy/zigpy
async def test_write_attributes_cache_success(cluster, attributes, result):
    rsp_type = t.List(foundation.WriteAttributesStatusRecord)
    write_mock = CoroutineMock(return_value=[rsp_type.deserialize(result)[0]])
    with mock.patch.object(cluster, "_write_attributes", write_mock):
        await cluster.write_attributes(attributes)
        assert cluster._write_attributes.call_count == 1
        for attr_id in attributes:
            assert cluster._attr_cache[attr_id] == attributes[attr_id]
예제 #3
파일: general.py 프로젝트: rcloran/zigpy
class MultistateInput(Cluster):
    cluster_id = 0x0012
    ep_attribute = 'multistate_input'
    attributes = {
        0x000e: ('state_text', t.List(t.LVBytes)),
        0x001c: ('description', t.LVBytes),
        0x004a: ('number_of_states', t.uint16_t),
        0x0051: ('out_of_service', t.Bool),
        0x0055: ('present_value', t.Single),
        # 0x0057: ('priority_array', TODO.array),  # Array of 16 structures of (boolean, single precision)
        0x0067: ('reliability', t.uint8_t),  # enum8
        0x006f: ('status_flags', t.uint8_t),  # bitmap8
        0x0100: ('application_type', t.uint32_t),
    server_commands = {}
    client_commands = {}
예제 #4
파일: general.py 프로젝트: bdrydyk/zigpy
class MultistateInput(Cluster):
    cluster_id = 0x0012
    ep_attribute = "multistate_input"
    attributes = {
        0x000E: ("state_text", t.List(t.CharacterString)),
        0x001C: ("description", t.CharacterString),
        0x004A: ("number_of_states", t.uint16_t),
        0x0051: ("out_of_service", t.Bool),
        0x0055: ("present_value", t.Single),
        # 0x0057: ('priority_array', TODO.array),  # Array of 16 structures of (boolean,
        # single precision)
        0x0067: ("reliability", t.enum8),
        0x006F: ("status_flags", t.bitmap8),
        0x0100: ("application_type", t.uint32_t),
    server_commands = {}
    client_commands = {}
예제 #5
파일: foundation.py 프로젝트: rcloran/zigpy
    _fields = [
        ('direction', t.uint8_t),
        ('attrid', t.uint16_t),

class DiscoverAttributesResponseRecord(t.Struct):
    _fields = [
        ('attrid', t.uint16_t),
        ('datatype', t.uint8_t),

    # id: (name, params, is_response)
    0x00: ('Read attributes', (t.List(t.uint16_t), ), False),
    0x01: ('Read attributes response', (t.List(ReadAttributeRecord), ), True),
    0x02: ('Write attributes', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x03: ('Write attributes undivided', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x04: ('Write attributes response',
           (t.List(WriteAttributesStatusRecord), ), True),
    0x05: ('Write attributes no response', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x06: ('Configure reporting', (t.List(AttributeReportingConfig), ), False),
    0x07: ('Configure reporting response',
           (t.List(ConfigureReportingResponseRecord), ), True),
    0x08: ('Read reporting configuration',
           (t.List(ReadReportingConfigRecord), ), False),
    0x09: ('Read reporting configuration response',
           (t.List(AttributeReportingConfig), ), True),
    0x0a: ('Report attributes', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x0b: ('Default response', (t.uint8_t, Status), True),
예제 #6
파일: types.py 프로젝트: abmantis/zigpy
 ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Leave_req: (("DeviceAddress", t.EUI64), ("Options",
 ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req: (
     ("PermitDuration", t.uint8_t),
     ("TC_Significant", t.Bool),
 # ... TODO optional stuff ...
 # Responses
 # Device and Service Discovery Server Responses
 ZDOCmd.NWK_addr_rsp: (
     ("NumAssocDev", t.Optional(t.uint8_t)),
     ("StartIndex", t.Optional(t.uint8_t)),
     ("NWKAddressAssocDevList", t.Optional(t.List(t.NWK))),
 ZDOCmd.IEEE_addr_rsp: (
     ("NumAssocDev", t.Optional(t.uint8_t)),
     ("StartIndex", t.Optional(t.uint8_t)),
     ("NWKAddrAssocDevList", t.Optional(t.List(t.NWK))),
 ZDOCmd.Node_Desc_rsp: (
     ("NodeDescriptor", t.Optional(NodeDescriptor)),
 ZDOCmd.Power_Desc_rsp: (
예제 #7
파일: hvac.py 프로젝트: presslab-us/zigpy
class Thermostat(Cluster):
    """An interface for configuring and controlling the
    functionality of a thermostat."""
    cluster_id = 0x0201
    ep_attribute = 'thermostat'
    attributes = {
        # Thermostat Information
        0x0000: ('local_temp', t.int16s),
        0x0001: ('outdoor_temp', t.int16s),
        0x0002: ('occupancy', t.bitmap8),
        0x0003: ('abs_min_heat_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0004: ('abs_max_heat_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0005: ('abs_min_cool_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0006: ('abs_max_cool_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0007: ('pi_cooling_demand', t.uint8_t),
        0x0008: ('pi_heating_demand', t.uint8_t),
        0x0009: ('system_type_config', t.bitmap8),
        # Thermostat Settings
        0x0010: ('local_temperature_calibration', t.int8s),
        0x0011: ('occupied_cooling_setpoint', t.int16s),
        0x0012: ('occupied_heating_setpoint', t.int16s),
        0x0013: ('unoccupied_cooling_setpoint', t.int16s),
        0x0014: ('unoccupied_heating_setpoint', t.int16s),
        0x0015: ('min_heat_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0016: ('max_heat_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0017: ('min_cool_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0018: ('max_cool_setpoint_limit', t.int16s),
        0x0019: ('min_setpoint_dead_band', t.int8s),
        0x001a: ('remote_sensing', t.bitmap8),
        0x001b: ('ctrl_seqe_of_oper', t.enum8),
        0x001c: ('system_mode', t.enum8),
        0x001d: ('alarm_mask', t.bitmap8),
        0x001e: ('running_mode', t.enum8),
        # ...
        0x0020: ('start_of_week', t.enum8),
        0x0021: ('number_of_weekly_trans', t.uint8_t),
        0x0022: ('number_of_daily_trans', t.uint8_t),
        0x0023: ('temp_setpoint_hold', t.enum8),
        0x0024: ('temp_setpoint_hold_duration', t.uint16_t),
        0x0025: ('programing_oper_mode', t.bitmap8),
        0x0029: ('running_state', t.bitmap16),
        0x0030: ('setpoint_change_source', t.enum8),
        0x0031: ('setpoint_change_amount', t.int16s),
        0x0032: ('setpoint_change_source_time_stamp', t.uint32_t),
        0x0040: ('ac_type', t.enum8),
        0x0041: ('ac_capacity', t.uint16_t),
        0x0042: ('ac_refrigerant_type', t.enum8),
        0x0043: ('ac_compressor_type', t.enum8),
        0x0044: ('ac_error_code', t.bitmap32),
        0x0045: ('ac_louver_position', t.enum8),
        0x0046: ('ac_coll_temp', t.int16s),
        0x0047: ('ac_capacity_format', t.enum8),
    server_commands = {
        0x0000: ('setpoint_raise_lower', (t.enum8, t.int8s), False),
        0x0001: ('set_weekly_schedule', (t.enum8, t.bitmap8, t.bitmap8,
                                         t.List(t.int16s)), False),
        0x0002: ('get_weekly_schedule', (t.bitmap8, t.bitmap8), False),
        0x0003: ('clear_weekly_schedule', (), False),
        0x0004: ('get_relay_status_log', (), False),
    client_commands = {
        ('get_weekly_schedule_response', (t.enum8, t.bitmap8, t.bitmap8,
                                          t.List(t.int16s)), True),
        0x0001: ('get_relay_status_log_response',
                 (t.uint16_t, t.bitmap8, t.int16s, t.uint8_t, t.int16s,
                  t.uint16_t), True),
예제 #8
파일: types.py 프로젝트: puddly/zigpy
    #  Bind Management Server Services Responses
    0x0020: ('End_Device_Bind_req', (('BindingTarget', t.uint16_t), ('SrcAddress', t.EUI64), ('SrcEndpoint', t.uint8_t), ('ProfileID', t.uint8_t), ('InClusterList', t.LVList(t.uint8_t)), ('OutClusterList', t.LVList(t.uint8_t)))),
    0x0021: ('Bind_req', (('SrcAddress', t.EUI64), ('SrcEndpoint', t.uint8_t), ('ClusterID', t.uint16_t), ('DstAddress', MultiAddress))),
    0x0022: ('Unind_req', (('SrcAddress', t.EUI64), ('SrcEndpoint', t.uint8_t), ('ClusterID', t.uint16_t), ('DstAddress', MultiAddress))),
    # Network Management Server Services Requests
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...
    0x0031: ('Mgmt_Lqi_req', (('StartIndex', t.uint8_t), )),
    0x0032: ('Mgmt_Rtg_req', (('StartIndex', t.uint8_t), )),
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...
    0x0034: ('Mgmt_Leave_req', (('DeviceAddress', t.EUI64), ('Options', t.bitmap8))),
    0x0036: ('Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req', (('PermitDuration', t.uint8_t), ('TC_Significant', t.Bool))),
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...

    # Responses
    # Device and Service Discovery Server Responses
    0x8000: ('NWK_addr_rsp', (STATUS, IEEE, NWK, ('NumAssocDev', t.uint8_t), ('StartIndex', t.uint8_t), ('NWKAddressAssocDevList', t.List(t.uint16_t)))),
    0x8001: ('IEEE_addr_rsp', (STATUS, IEEE, NWK, ('NumAssocDev', t.uint8_t), ('StartIndex', t.uint8_t), ('NWKAddrAssocDevList', t.List(t.uint16_t)))),
    0x8002: ('Node_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('NodeDescriptor', NodeDescriptor))),
    0x8003: ('Power_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('PowerDescriptor', PowerDescriptor))),
    0x8004: ('Simple_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('SimpleDescriptor', SizePrefixedSimpleDescriptor))),
    0x8005: ('Active_EP_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('ActiveEPList', t.LVList(t.uint8_t)))),
    0x8006: ('Match_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('MatchList', t.LVList(t.uint8_t)))),
    # 0x8010: ('Complex_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('Length', t.uint8_t), ('ComplexDescriptor', ComplexDescriptor))),
    0x8011: ('User_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('Length', t.uint8_t), ('UserDescriptor', t.fixed_list(16, t.uint8_t)))),
    0x8012: ('Discovery_Cache_rsp', (STATUS, )),
    0x8014: ('User_Desc_conf', (STATUS, NWKI)),
    0x8015: ('System_Server_Discovery_rsp', (STATUS, ('ServerMask', t.uint16_t))),
    0x8016: ('Discovery_Store_rsp', (STATUS, )),
    0x8017: ('Node_Desc_store_rsp', (STATUS, )),
    0x8018: ('Power_Desc_store_rsp', (STATUS, IEEE, ('PowerDescriptor', PowerDescriptor))),
    0x8019: ('Active_EP_store_rsp', (STATUS, )),
예제 #9
    Discover_Commands_Generated = 0x13
    Discover_Commands_Generated_rsp = 0x14
    Discover_Attribute_Extended = 0x15
    Discover_Attribute_Extended_rsp = 0x16

    def deserialize(cls, data):
            return super().deserialize(data)
        except ValueError:
            return t.uint8_t.deserialize(data)

    # id: (params, is_response)
    Command.Configure_Reporting: ((t.List(AttributeReportingConfig), ), False),
    Command.Configure_Reporting_rsp: (
        (t.List(ConfigureReportingResponseRecord), ),
    Command.Default_Response: ((t.uint8_t, Status), True),
    Command.Discover_Attributes: ((t.uint16_t, t.uint8_t), False),
    Command.Discover_Attributes_rsp: (
        (t.Bool, t.List(DiscoverAttributesResponseRecord)),
    Command.Discover_Attribute_Extended: ((t.uint16_t, t.uint8_t), False),
    Command.Discover_Attribute_Extended_rsp: (
        (t.Bool, t.List(DiscoverAttributesExtendedResponseRecord)),
예제 #10
파일: hvac.py 프로젝트: qingzhang15/zigpy
class Thermostat(Cluster):
    """An interface for configuring and controlling the
    functionality of a thermostat."""

    class ACCapacityFormat(t.enum8):
        BTUh = 0x00

    class ACCompressorType(t.enum8):
        Reserved = 0x00
        T1_max_working_43C = 0x01
        T2_max_working_35C = 0x02
        T3_max_working_52C = 0x03

    class ACType(t.enum8):
        Reserved = 0x00
        Cooling_fixed_speed = 0x01
        Heat_Pump_fixed_speed = 0x02
        Cooling_Inverter = 0x03
        Heat_Pump_Inverter = 0x04

    class ACRefrigerantType(t.enum8):
        Reserved = 0x00
        R22 = 0x01
        R410a = 0x02
        R407c = 0x03

    class ACErrorCode(t.bitmap32):
        No_Errors = 0x00000000
        Commpressor_Failure = 0x00000001
        Room_Temperature_Sensor_Failure = 0x00000002
        Outdoor_Temperature_Sensor_Failure = 0x00000004
        Indoor_Coil_Temperature_Sensor_Failure = 0x00000008
        Fan_Failure = 0x00000010

    class ACLouverPosition(t.enum8):
        Closed = 0x01
        Open = 0x02
        Qurter_Open = 0x03
        Half_Open = 0x04
        Three_Quarters_Open = 0x05

    class AlarmMask(t.bitmap8):
        No_Alarms = 0x00
        Initialization_failure = 0x01
        Hardware_failure = 0x02
        Self_calibration_failure = 0x04

    class ControlSequenceOfOperation(t.enum8):
        Cooling_Only = 0x00
        Cooling_With_Reheat = 0x01
        Heating_Only = 0x02
        Heating_With_Reheat = 0x03
        Cooling_and_Heating = 0x04
        Cooling_and_Heating_with_Reheat = 0x08

    class SeqDayOfWeek(t.bitmap8):
        Sunday = 0x01
        Monday = 0x02
        Tuesday = 0x04
        Wednesday = 0x08
        Thursday = 0x10
        Friday = 0x20
        Saturday = 0x40
        Away = 0x80

    class SeqMode(t.bitmap8):
        Heat = 0x01
        Cool = 0x02

    class Occupancy(t.bitmap8):
        Unoccupied = 0x00
        Occupied = 0x01

    class ProgrammingOperationMode(t.bitmap8):
        Simple = 0x00
        Schedule_programming_mode = 0x01
        Auto_recovery_mode = 0x02
        Economy_mode = 0x04

    class RemoteSensing(t.bitmap8):
        all_local = 0x00
        local_temperature_sensed_remotely = 0x01
        outdoor_temperature_sensed_remotely = 0x02
        occupancy_sensed_remotely = 0x04

    class SetpointChangeSource(t.enum8):
        Manual = 0x00
        Schedule = 0x01
        External = 0x02

    class SetpointMode(t.enum8):
        Heat = 0x00
        Cool = 0x01
        Both = 0x02

    class StartOfWeek(t.enum8):
        Sunday = 0x00
        Monday = 0x01
        Tuesday = 0x02
        Wednesday = 0x03
        Thursday = 0x04
        Friday = 0x05
        Saturday = 0x06

    class SystemMode(t.enum8):
        Off = 0x00
        Auto = 0x01
        Cool = 0x03
        Heat = 0x04
        Emergency_Heating = 0x05
        Pre_cooling = 0x06
        Fan_only = 0x07
        Dry = 0x08
        Sleep = 0x09

    class SystemType(t.bitmap8):
        Heat_and_or_Cool_Stage_1 = 0x00
        Cool_Stage_1 = 0x01
        Cool_Stage_2 = 0x02
        Heat_Stage_1 = 0x04
        Heat_Stage_2 = 0x08
        Heat_Pump = 0x10
        Gas = 0x20

        def cooling_system_stage(self) -> CoolingSystemStage:
            return CoolingSystemStage(self & 0x03)

        def heating_system_stage(self) -> HeatingSystemStage:
            return HeatingSystemStage((self >> 2) & 0x03)

        def heating_system_type(self) -> HeatingSystemType:
            return HeatingSystemType((self >> 4) & 0x01)

        def heating_fuel_source(self) -> HeatingFuelSource:
            return HeatingFuelSource((self >> 5) & 0x01)

    class TemperatureSetpointHold(t.enum8):
        Setpoint_Hold_Off = 0x00
        Setpoint_Hold_On = 0x01

    class RunningMode(t.enum8):
        Off = 0x00
        Cool = 0x03
        Heat = 0x04

    class RunningState(t.bitmap16):
        Idle = 0x0000
        Heat_State_On = 0x0001
        Cool_State_On = 0x0002
        Fan_State_On = 0x0004
        Heat_2nd_Stage_On = 0x0008
        Cool_2nd_Stage_On = 0x0010
        Fan_2nd_Stage_On = 0x0020
        Fan_3rd_Stage_On = 0x0040

    cluster_id = 0x0201
    ep_attribute = "thermostat"
    attributes = {
        # Thermostat Information
        0x0000: ("local_temp", t.int16s),
        0x0001: ("outdoor_temp", t.int16s),
        0x0002: ("occupancy", Occupancy),
        0x0003: ("abs_min_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0004: ("abs_max_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0005: ("abs_min_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0006: ("abs_max_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0007: ("pi_cooling_demand", t.uint8_t),
        0x0008: ("pi_heating_demand", t.uint8_t),
        0x0009: ("system_type_config", SystemType),
        # Thermostat Settings
        0x0010: ("local_temperature_calibration", t.int8s),
        0x0011: ("occupied_cooling_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0012: ("occupied_heating_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0013: ("unoccupied_cooling_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0014: ("unoccupied_heating_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0015: ("min_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0016: ("max_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0017: ("min_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0018: ("max_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0019: ("min_setpoint_dead_band", t.int8s),
        0x001A: ("remote_sensing", RemoteSensing),
        0x001B: ("ctrl_seqe_of_oper", ControlSequenceOfOperation),
        0x001C: ("system_mode", SystemMode),
        0x001D: ("alarm_mask", AlarmMask),
        0x001E: ("running_mode", RunningMode),
        # ...
        0x0020: ("start_of_week", StartOfWeek),
        0x0021: ("number_of_weekly_trans", t.uint8_t),
        0x0022: ("number_of_daily_trans", t.uint8_t),
        0x0023: ("temp_setpoint_hold", TemperatureSetpointHold),
        0x0024: ("temp_setpoint_hold_duration", t.uint16_t),
        0x0025: ("programing_oper_mode", ProgrammingOperationMode),
        0x0029: ("running_state", RunningState),
        0x0030: ("setpoint_change_source", SetpointChangeSource),
        0x0031: ("setpoint_change_amount", t.int16s),
        0x0032: ("setpoint_change_source_time_stamp", t.uint32_t),
        0x0040: ("ac_type", ACType),
        0x0041: ("ac_capacity", t.uint16_t),
        0x0042: ("ac_refrigerant_type", ACRefrigerantType),
        0x0043: ("ac_compressor_type", ACCompressorType),
        0x0044: ("ac_error_code", ACErrorCode),
        0x0045: ("ac_louver_position", ACLouverPosition),
        0x0046: ("ac_coll_temp", t.int16s),
        0x0047: ("ac_capacity_format", ACCapacityFormat),
    server_commands = {
        0x0000: ("setpoint_raise_lower", (SetpointMode, t.int8s), False),
        0x0001: (
            (t.enum8, SeqDayOfWeek, SeqMode, t.List(t.int16s)),
        0x0002: ("get_weekly_schedule", (SeqDayOfWeek, SeqMode), False),
        0x0003: ("clear_weekly_schedule", (), False),
        0x0004: ("get_relay_status_log", (), False),
    client_commands = {
        0x0000: (
            (t.enum8, SeqDayOfWeek, SeqMode, t.List(t.int16s)),
        0x0001: (
            (t.uint16_t, t.bitmap8, t.int16s, t.uint8_t, t.int16s, t.uint16_t),
예제 #11
파일: security.py 프로젝트: zsyg/zigpy
class IasAce(Cluster):
    class AlarmStatus(t.enum8):
        """IAS ACE alarm status enum."""

        No_Alarm = 0x00
        Burglar = 0x01
        Fire = 0x02
        Emergency = 0x03
        Police_Panic = 0x04
        Fire_Panic = 0x05
        Emergency_Panic = 0x06

    class ArmMode(t.enum8):
        """IAS ACE arm mode enum."""

        Disarm = 0x00
        Arm_Day_Home_Only = 0x01
        Arm_Night_Sleep_Only = 0x02
        Arm_All_Zones = 0x03

    class ArmNotification(t.enum8):
        """IAS ACE arm notification enum."""

        All_Zones_Disarmed = 0x00
        Only_Day_Home_Zones_Armed = 0x01
        Only_Night_Sleep_Zones_Armed = 0x02
        All_Zones_Armed = 0x03
        Invalid_Arm_Disarm_Code = 0x04
        Not_Ready_To_Arm = 0x05
        Already_Disarmed = 0x06

    class AudibleNotification(
            t.enum_factory(t.uint8_t, "manufacturer_specific")):
        """IAS ACE audible notification enum."""

        Mute = 0x00
        Default_Sound = 0x01

    class BypassResponse(t.enum8):
        """Bypass result."""

        Zone_bypassed = 0x00
        Zone_not_bypassed = 0x01
        Not_allowed = 0x02
        Invalid_Zone_ID = 0x03
        Unknown_Zone_ID = 0x04
        Invalid_Code = 0x05

    class PanelStatus(t.enum8):
        """IAS ACE panel status enum."""

        Panel_Disarmed = 0x00
        Armed_Stay = 0x01
        Armed_Night = 0x02
        Armed_Away = 0x03
        Exit_Delay = 0x04
        Entry_Delay = 0x05
        Not_Ready_To_Arm = 0x06
        In_Alarm = 0x07
        Arming_Stay = 0x08
        Arming_Night = 0x09
        Arming_Away = 0x0A

    ZoneType = IasZone.ZoneType
    ZoneStatus = IasZone.ZoneStatus

    class ZoneStatusRsp(t.Struct):
        """Zone status response."""

        _fields = [("zone_id", t.uint8_t), ("zone_status", IasZone.ZoneStatus)]

    cluster_id = 0x0501
    name = "IAS Ancillary Control Equipment"
    ep_attribute = "ias_ace"
    attributes = {}
    server_commands = {
        0x0000: ("arm", (ArmMode, t.CharacterString, t.uint8_t), False),
        0x0001: ("bypass", (t.LVList(t.uint8_t), t.CharacterString), False),
        0x0002: ("emergency", (), False),
        0x0003: ("fire", (), False),
        0x0004: ("panic", (), False),
        0x0005: ("get_zone_id_map", (), False),
        0x0006: ("get_zone_info", (t.uint8_t, ), False),
        0x0007: ("get_panel_status", (), False),
        0x0008: ("get_bypassed_zone_list", (), False),
        ("get_zone_status", (t.uint8_t, t.uint8_t, t.Bool, ZoneStatus), False),
    client_commands = {
        0x0000: ("arm_response", (ArmNotification, ), True),
        0x0001: ("get_zone_id_map_response", (t.List(t.bitmap16), ), True),
        0x0002: (
            (t.uint8_t, ZoneType, t.EUI64, t.CharacterString),
        0x0003: (
            (t.uint8_t, ZoneStatus, AudibleNotification, t.CharacterString),
        0x0004: (
            (PanelStatus, t.uint8_t, AudibleNotification, AlarmStatus),
        0x0005: (
            (PanelStatus, t.uint8_t, AudibleNotification, AlarmStatus),
        0x0006: ("set_bypassed_zone_list", (t.LVList(t.uint8_t), ), False),
        0x0007: ("bypass_response", (t.LVList(BypassResponse), ), True),
        ("get_zone_status_response", (t.Bool, t.LVList(ZoneStatusRsp)), True),
예제 #12
class Thermostat(Cluster):
    """An interface for configuring and controlling the
    functionality of a thermostat."""

    cluster_id = 0x0201
    ep_attribute = "thermostat"
    attributes = {
        # Thermostat Information
        0x0000: ("local_temp", t.int16s),
        0x0001: ("outdoor_temp", t.int16s),
        0x0002: ("occupancy", t.bitmap8),
        0x0003: ("abs_min_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0004: ("abs_max_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0005: ("abs_min_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0006: ("abs_max_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0007: ("pi_cooling_demand", t.uint8_t),
        0x0008: ("pi_heating_demand", t.uint8_t),
        0x0009: ("system_type_config", t.bitmap8),
        # Thermostat Settings
        0x0010: ("local_temperature_calibration", t.int8s),
        0x0011: ("occupied_cooling_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0012: ("occupied_heating_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0013: ("unoccupied_cooling_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0014: ("unoccupied_heating_setpoint", t.int16s),
        0x0015: ("min_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0016: ("max_heat_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0017: ("min_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0018: ("max_cool_setpoint_limit", t.int16s),
        0x0019: ("min_setpoint_dead_band", t.int8s),
        0x001A: ("remote_sensing", t.bitmap8),
        0x001B: ("ctrl_seqe_of_oper", t.enum8),
        0x001C: ("system_mode", t.enum8),
        0x001D: ("alarm_mask", t.bitmap8),
        0x001E: ("running_mode", t.enum8),
        # ...
        0x0020: ("start_of_week", t.enum8),
        0x0021: ("number_of_weekly_trans", t.uint8_t),
        0x0022: ("number_of_daily_trans", t.uint8_t),
        0x0023: ("temp_setpoint_hold", t.enum8),
        0x0024: ("temp_setpoint_hold_duration", t.uint16_t),
        0x0025: ("programing_oper_mode", t.bitmap8),
        0x0029: ("running_state", t.bitmap16),
        0x0030: ("setpoint_change_source", t.enum8),
        0x0031: ("setpoint_change_amount", t.int16s),
        0x0032: ("setpoint_change_source_time_stamp", t.uint32_t),
        0x0040: ("ac_type", t.enum8),
        0x0041: ("ac_capacity", t.uint16_t),
        0x0042: ("ac_refrigerant_type", t.enum8),
        0x0043: ("ac_compressor_type", t.enum8),
        0x0044: ("ac_error_code", t.bitmap32),
        0x0045: ("ac_louver_position", t.enum8),
        0x0046: ("ac_coll_temp", t.int16s),
        0x0047: ("ac_capacity_format", t.enum8),
    server_commands = {
        0x0000: ("setpoint_raise_lower", (t.enum8, t.int8s), False),
        0x0001: (
            (t.enum8, t.bitmap8, t.bitmap8, t.List(t.int16s)),
        0x0002: ("get_weekly_schedule", (t.bitmap8, t.bitmap8), False),
        0x0003: ("clear_weekly_schedule", (), False),
        0x0004: ("get_relay_status_log", (), False),
    client_commands = {
        0x0000: (
            (t.enum8, t.bitmap8, t.bitmap8, t.List(t.int16s)),
        0x0001: (
            (t.uint16_t, t.bitmap8, t.int16s, t.uint8_t, t.int16s, t.uint16_t),
예제 #13
파일: types.py 프로젝트: presslab-us/zigpy
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...
    ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Lqi_req: (('StartIndex', t.uint8_t), ),
    ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Rtg_req: (('StartIndex', t.uint8_t), ),
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...
    ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Leave_req: (('DeviceAddress', t.EUI64), ('Options',
    ZDOCmd.Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req: (('PermitDuration', t.uint8_t),
                                     ('TC_Significant', t.Bool)),
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...

    # Responses
    # Device and Service Discovery Server Responses
    (STATUS, IEEE, NWK, ('NumAssocDev', t.Optional(t.uint8_t)),
     ('StartIndex', t.Optional(t.uint8_t)), ('NWKAddressAssocDevList',
    ZDOCmd.IEEE_addr_rsp: (STATUS, IEEE, NWK, ('NumAssocDev',
                           ('StartIndex', t.Optional(t.uint8_t)),
                           ('NWKAddrAssocDevList', t.Optional(t.List(t.NWK)))),
    ZDOCmd.Node_Desc_rsp: (STATUS, NWKI, ('NodeDescriptor',
    ZDOCmd.Power_Desc_rsp: (STATUS, NWKI, ('PowerDescriptor',
    ZDOCmd.Simple_Desc_rsp: (STATUS, NWKI,
    ZDOCmd.Active_EP_rsp: (STATUS, NWKI, ('ActiveEPList',
    ZDOCmd.Match_Desc_rsp: (STATUS, NWKI, ('MatchList', t.LVList(t.uint8_t))),
    # ZDO.Complex_Desc_rsp: (STATUS, NWKI, ('Length', t.uint8_t), ('ComplexDescriptor', t.Optional(ComplexDescriptor))),
예제 #14
def test_list():
    expected = list(map(ord, '\x0123'))
    assert t.List(t.uint8_t).deserialize(b'\x0123') == (expected, b'')
예제 #15
def test_list():
    expected = list(map(ord, "\x0123"))
    assert t.List(t.uint8_t).deserialize(b"\x0123") == (expected, b"")
예제 #16
    READ_REPORT = 0b101
    READ_WRITE = 0b110

class DiscoverAttributesExtendedResponseRecord(t.Struct):
    _fields = [
        ('attrid', t.uint16_t),
        ('datatype', t.uint8_t),
        ('acl', AttributeAccessControl),

    # id: (name, params, is_response)
    0x00: ('Read attributes', (t.List(t.uint16_t), ), False),
    0x01: ('Read attributes response', (t.List(ReadAttributeRecord), ), True),
    0x02: ('Write attributes', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x03: ('Write attributes undivided', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x04: ('Write attributes response',
           (t.List(WriteAttributesStatusRecord), ), True),
    0x05: ('Write attributes no response', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x06: ('Configure reporting', (t.List(AttributeReportingConfig), ), False),
    0x07: ('Configure reporting response',
           (t.List(ConfigureReportingResponseRecord), ), True),
    0x08: ('Read reporting configuration',
           (t.List(ReadReportingConfigRecord), ), False),
    0x09: ('Read reporting configuration response',
           (t.List(AttributeReportingConfig), ), True),
    0x0a: ('Report attributes', (t.List(Attribute), ), False),
    0x0b: ('Default response', (t.uint8_t, Status), True),
예제 #17
    ('Unind_req', (('SrcAddress', t.EUI64), ('SrcEndpoint', t.uint8_t),
                   ('ClusterID', t.uint16_t), ('DstAddress', MultiAddress))),
    # Network Management Server Services Requests
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...
    0x0034: ('Mgmt_Leave_req', (('DeviceAddress', t.EUI64),
                                ('Options', t.uint8_t))),  # bitmap8
    0x0036: ('Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req', (('PermitDuration', t.uint8_t),
                                         ('TC_Significant', t.Bool))),
    # ... TODO optional stuff ...

    # Responses
    # Device and Service Discovery Server Responses
    0x8000: ('NWK_addr_rsp', (STATUS, IEEE, NWK, ('NumAssocDev', t.uint8_t),
                              ('StartIndex', t.uint8_t),
                              ('NWKAddressAssocDevList', t.List(t.uint16_t)))),
    0x8001: ('IEEE_addr_rsp', (STATUS, IEEE, NWK, ('NumAssocDev', t.uint8_t),
                               ('StartIndex', t.uint8_t),
                               ('NWKAddrAssocDevList', t.List(t.uint16_t)))),
    0x8002: ('Node_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('NodeDescriptor',
    0x8003: ('Power_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('PowerDescriptor',
    0x8004: ('Simple_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI,
    0x8005: ('Active_EP_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('ActiveEPList',
    0x8006: ('Match_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('MatchList',
    # 0x8010: ('Complex_Desc_rsp', (STATUS, NWKI, ('Length', t.uint8_t), ('ComplexDescriptor', ComplexDescriptor))),