예제 #1
 def __init__(self, entry):
     self.header = entry.split('\n')[0]
     self.contents = entry.replace(self.header + '\n', '')
     #parsedate accepts YYYY MM without DD, avoid errors
         self.date = date(*parse_date(self.header))
     except ValueError as e:
         logging.warning('Skipping ValueError for date: %s', e)
예제 #2
    def _parse_task(self, text, open=True):
        level = self._depth
        if level > 0:
            level -= 1  # first list level should be same as level of line items in para

        parent_level, parent, parent_children = self._stack[-1]

        # Get prio
        prio = text.count('!')
        if prio == 0:
            prio = parent[2]  # default to parent prio

        # Get due date
        due = _NO_DATE
        datematch = _date_re.search(text)  # first match
        if datematch:
            date = parse_date(datematch.group(0))
            if date:
                due = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % date  # (y, m, d)

        if due == _NO_DATE:
            due = parent[3]  # default to parent date (or default for root)

        # Find tags
        tags = set(_tag_re.findall(text))
        if self._intasklist and self._tasklist_tags:
            tags |= self._tasklist_tags
        tags |= parent[4]  # add parent tags

        # Check actionable
        if not parent[1]:  # default parent not actionable
            actionable = False
        elif any(t.lower() in self.nonactionable_tags for t in tags):
            actionable = False
        elif self._matches_next_label(text) and parent_children:
            previous = parent_children[-1]
            actionable = not previous[0]  # previous task not open
            actionable = True

        # Parents are not closed if it has open child items
        if self._depth > 0 and open:
            for l, t, c in self._stack[1:]:
                t[0] = True

        # And finally add to stack
        task = [open, actionable, prio, due, tags, text]
        children = []
        parent_children.append((task, children))
        if self._depth > 0:  # (don't add paragraph level items to the stack)
            self._stack.append((level, task, children))
예제 #3
	def _parse_task(self, text, open=True):
		level = self._depth
		if level > 0:
			level -= 1 # first list level should be same as level of line items in para

		parent_level, parent, parent_children = self._stack[-1]

		# Get prio
		prio = text.count('!')
		if prio == 0:
			prio = parent[2] # default to parent prio

		# Get due date
		due = _NO_DATE
		datematch = _date_re.search(text) # first match
		if datematch:
			date = parse_date(datematch.group(0))
			if date:
 				due = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % date # (y, m, d)

		if due == _NO_DATE:
			due = parent[3] # default to parent date (or default for root)

		# Find tags
		tags = set(_tag_re.findall(text))
		if self._intasklist and self._tasklist_tags:
			tags |= self._tasklist_tags
		tags |= parent[4] # add parent tags

		# Check actionable
		if not parent[1]: # default parent not actionable
			actionable = False
		elif any(t.lower() in self.nonactionable_tags for t in tags):
			actionable = False
		elif self._matches_next_label(text) and parent_children:
			previous = parent_children[-1][0]
			actionable = not previous[0] # previous task not open
			actionable = True

		# Parents are not closed if it has open child items
		if self._depth > 0 and open:
			for l, t, c in self._stack[1:]:
				t[0] = True

		# And finally add to stack
		task = [open, actionable, prio, due, tags, text]
		children = []
		parent_children.append((task, children))
		if self._depth > 0: # (don't add paragraph level items to the stack)
			self._stack.append((level, task, children))
예제 #4
파일: tasklist.py 프로젝트: thorhans/zimt
    def testLabelledCheckboxes(self):
        mydate = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % parse_date('11/12')

        wanted = [
            (t('TODO: test heading with label'), []),
            (t('A'), []),
            (t('B'), []),
            (t('C'), []),
            (t('FIXME: dus'), []),

            # this time does not inherit due-date from non-task:
            (t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3), []),
            (t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
                (t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item',
               tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('A', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('B', tags='someday'), [
                (t('B-1', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('C', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('main task', tags='home'), [
                (t('do this', open=False, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Next: do that', tags='home'), []),
                (t('Next: do something else', tags='home'), []),

        tree = WikiParser().parse(WIKI_TEXT)
        tb = TokenBuilder()
        tokens = tb.tokens

        parser = TaskParser(all_checkboxes=False)
        with tests.LoggingFilter('zim.plugins.tasklist',
                                 'Invalid date format'):
            tasks = parser.parse(tokens)

        #~ import pprint; pprint.pprint(tasks)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)
예제 #5
파일: tasklist.py 프로젝트: DarioGT/Zim-QDA
    def _parse_task(self, text, open=True, tags=None, actionable=True, defaultdate=None, defaultprio=None, tasks=None):
        # # Note: do not modify text here, keep it as is, any cleanup is done by the widget

        prio = text.count('!')
        if defaultprio and prio == 0:
            prio = defaultprio

        if not tags:
            tags = []
            # ensure we don't mutate the parent's tags list
            tags = list(tags)
        tags += _tag_re.findall(text)

        datematch = _date_re.search(text)  # first match
        if datematch:
            mydate = parse_date(datematch.group(0))
            if mydate:
                date = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % mydate  # (y, m, d)
                date = _NO_DATE
            date = _NO_DATE

        if defaultdate and date == _NO_DATE:
            date = defaultdate

        if actionable:
            if any(t.lower().strip('@') in self.nonactionble_tags for t in tags):
                actionable = False
            elif self.next_label_re.match(text):
                if tasks and tasks[-1][0][0]:  # previous task still open
                    actionable = False
        # else parent was non-actionable already, so stay non-actionable

        tags = ','.join(t.strip('@') for t in tags)
        return [open, actionable, prio, date, tags, text]
예제 #6
	def testParsing(self):
		klass = PluginManager.get_plugin_class('tasklist')
		plugin = klass()

		notebook = tests.new_notebook()
		index_ext = plugin.get_extension(IndexExtension)

		# Test correctnest of parsing
		NO_DATE = '9999'

		def extract_tasks(text):
			# Returns a nested list of tuples, where each node is
			# like "(TASK, [CHILD, ...]) where each task (and child)
			# is a tuple like (open, actionable, prio, due, description)
			parser = zim.formats.get_format('wiki').Parser()
			tree = parser.parse(text)
			origtree = tree.tostring()
			#~ print 'TREE', origtree

			tasks = index_ext._extract_tasks(tree)
			self.assertEqual(tree.tostring(), origtree)
				# extract should not modify the tree
			return tasks

		def t(label, open=True, due=NO_DATE, prio=0, tags='', actionable=True):
			# Generate a task tuple
			# (open, actionable, prio, due, tags, description)
			if tags:
				tags = set(unicode(tags).split(','))
				tags = set()
			return [open, actionable, prio, due, tags, unicode(label)]

		# Note that this same text is in the test notebook
		# so it gets run through the index as well - keep in sync
		text = '''\
Try all kind of combos - see if the parser trips

[ ] A
[ ] B
[ ] C

[ ] D
[ ] E

FIXME: dus
~~FIXME:~~ foo

[ ] Simple
[ ] List

[ ] List with
	[ ] Nested items
	[*] Some are done
	[*] Done but with open child
		[x] Others not
		[ ] FOOOOO
[ ] Bar

[ ] And then there are @tags
[ ] Next: And due dates
[ ] Date [d: 11/12]
[ ] Date [d: 11/12/2012]
	[ ] TODO: BAR !!!

TODO @home:
[ ] Some more tasks !!!
	[ ] Foo !
		* some sub item
		* some other item
	[ ] Bar

TODO: dus
FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME
~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out

* TODO: dus - list item
* FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item
* ~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out - list item

* Bullet list
* With tasks as sub items
	[ ] Sub item bullets
* dus

1. Numbered list
2. With tasks as sub items
	[ ] Sub item numbered
3. dus

Test task inheritance:

[ ] Main @tag1 @tag2 !
	[*] Sub1
	[ ] Sub2 @tag3 !!!!
		[*] Sub2-1
		[*] Sub2-2 @tag4
		[ ] Sub2-3
	[ ] Sub3

TODO: @someday
[ ] A
[ ] B
	[ ] B-1
[ ] C

TODO @home
[ ] main task
	[x] do this
	[ ] Next: do that
	[ ] Next: do something else

		mydate = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % parse_date('11/12')

		wanted = [
			(t('A'), []),
			(t('B'), []),
			(t('C'), []),
			(t('D'), []),
			(t('E'), []),
			(t('FIXME: dus'), []),
			(t('Simple'), []),
			(t('List'), []),
			(t('List with'), [
				(t('Nested items'), []),
				(t('Some are done', open=False), []),
				(t('Done but with open child', open=True), [
					(t('Others not', open=False), []),
					(t('FOOOOO'), []),
			(t('Bar'), []),
			(t('And then there are @tags', tags='tags'), []),
			(t('Next: And due dates', actionable=False), []),
			(t('Date [d: 11/12]', due=mydate), []),
			(t('Date [d: 11/12/2012]', due='2012-12-11'), [
				(t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3, due='2012-12-11'), []),
				# due date is inherited
			# this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
			(t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
				(t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
				(t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('Sub item bullets'), []),
			(t('Sub item numbered'), []),
			(t('Main @tag1 @tag2 !', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), [
				(t('Sub1', prio=1, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
				(t('Sub2 @tag3 !!!!', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), [
					(t('Sub2-1', prio=4, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
					(t('Sub2-2 @tag4', prio=4, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4'), []),
					(t('Sub2-3', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
				(t('Sub3', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
			(t('A', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('B', tags='someday', actionable=False), [
				(t('B-1', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('C', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('main task', tags='home'), [
				(t('do this', open=False, tags='home'), []),
				(t('Next: do that', tags='home'), []),
				(t('Next: do something else', tags='home', actionable=False), []),

		plugin.preferences['nonactionable_tags'] = '@someday, @maybe'
		tasks = extract_tasks(text)
		self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)

		plugin.preferences['all_checkboxes'] = False
		wanted = [
			(t('A'), []),
			(t('B'), []),
			(t('C'), []),
			(t('FIXME: dus'), []),
			(t('Next: And due dates', actionable=False), []),
			(t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3), []),
			# this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
			(t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
				(t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
				(t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('A', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('B', tags='someday', actionable=False), [
				(t('B-1', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('C', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('main task', tags='home'), [
				(t('do this', open=False, tags='home'), []),
				(t('Next: do that', tags='home'), []),
				(t('Next: do something else', tags='home', actionable=False), []),

		tasks = extract_tasks(text)
		self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)
예제 #7
    def testLabelledCheckboxes(self):
        from zim.plugins.tasklist.indexer import TaskParser

        from zim.parsing import parse_date
        NO_DATE = '9999'

        def t(desc, open=True, start=0, due=NO_DATE, prio=0, tags=''):
            # Generate a task tuple
            # 0:open, 1:prio, 2:start, 3:due, 4:tags, 5:desc
            if tags:
                tags = set(str(tags).split(','))
                tags = set()
            return [open, prio, start, due, tags, str(desc)]

        mydate = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % parse_date('11/12')

        wanted = [
            (t('TODO: test heading with label'), []),
            (t('A'), []),
            (t('B'), []),
            (t('C'), []),
            (t('FIXME: dus'), []),

            # this time does not inherit due-date from non-task:
            (t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3), []),
            (t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
                (t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item',
               tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('A', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('B', tags='someday'), [
                (t('B-1', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('C', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('main task', tags='home'), [
                (t('do this', open=False, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Next: do that', tags='home'), []),
                (t('Next: do something else', tags='home'), []),

        tree = WikiParser().parse(WIKI_TEXT)
        tb = TokenBuilder()
        tokens = tb.tokens

        parser = TaskParser(all_checkboxes=False)
        with tests.LoggingFilter('zim.plugins.tasklist',
                                 'Invalid date format'):
            tasks = parser.parse(tokens)

        #~ import pprint; pprint.pprint(tasks)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)
예제 #8
    def testAllCheckboxes(self):
        from zim.plugins.tasklist.indexer import TaskParser

        from zim.parsing import parse_date
        NO_DATE = '9999'

        def t(desc, open=True, start=0, due=NO_DATE, prio=0, tags=''):
            # Generate a task tuple
            # 0:open, 1:prio, 2:start, 3:due, 4:tags, 5:desc
            if tags:
                tags = set(str(tags).split(','))
                tags = set()
            return [open, prio, start, due, tags, str(desc)]

        mydate = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % parse_date('11/12')

        wanted = [
            (t('TODO: test heading with label'), []),
            (t('A'), []),
            (t('B'), []),
            (t('C'), []),
            (t('D'), []),
            (t('E'), []),
            (t('FIXME: dus'), []),
            (t('Simple'), []),
            (t('List'), []),
            (t('List with'), [
                (t('Nested items'), []),
                (t('Some are done', open=False), []),
                (t('Done but with open child', open=True), [
                    (t('Others not', open=False), []),
                    (t('FOOOOO'), []),
            (t('Bar'), []),
            (t('And then there are @tags', tags='tags'), []),
            (t('Next: And due dates'), []),
            (t('Date [d: 11/12]', due=mydate), []),
                t('Date [d: 11/12/2012]', due='2012-12-11'),
                    (t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3, due='2012-12-11'), []),
                    # due date is inherited
            (t('Date <2012-03-27 >2012-03-01',
               start='2012-03-01'), []),
            (t('Date < wk1213.3', due='2012-03-28'), []),
            (t('Date < wk1213.3! with punctuation', due='2012-03-28',
               prio=1), []),
            (t('Not a date < wk1213.8'), []),
            (t('Not a date < wk1213foooooo'), []),

            # this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
            (t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
                (t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item',
               tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('Sub item bullets'), []),
            (t('Sub item numbered'), []),
            (t('Main @tag1 @tag2 !', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), [
                (t('Sub1', prio=1, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
                (t('Sub2 @tag3 !!!!', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), [
                    (t('Sub2-1', prio=4, open=False,
                       tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
                    (t('Sub2-2 @tag4',
                       tags='tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4'), []),
                    (t('Sub2-3', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
                (t('Sub3', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
            (t('A', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('B', tags='someday'), [
                (t('B-1', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('C', tags='someday'), []),
            (t('main task', tags='home'), [
                (t('do this', open=False, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Next: do that', tags='home'), []),
                (t('Next: do something else', tags='home'), []),
            (t('Closed parent task', open=True), [
                (t('With open child'), []),
                (t('Must be open as well to show up in list'), []),
            (t('Closed parent task', open=False), [
                (t('With closed children', open=False), []),
                (t('Should not', open=False), []),

        tree = WikiParser().parse(WIKI_TEXT)
        tb = TokenBuilder()
        tokens = tb.tokens

        parser = TaskParser()
        with tests.LoggingFilter('zim.plugins.tasklist',
                                 'Invalid date format'):
            tasks = parser.parse(tokens)

        #~ import pprint; pprint.pprint(tasks)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)
예제 #9
파일: tasklist.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/zim
    def testParsing(self):
        klass = zim.plugins.get_plugin_class('tasklist')
        plugin = klass()

        notebook = tests.new_notebook()
        index_ext = plugin.get_extension(IndexExtension)

        # Test correctnest of parsing
        NO_DATE = '9999'

        def extract_tasks(text):
            # Returns a nested list of tuples, where each node is
            # like "(TASK, [CHILD, ...]) where each task (and child)
            # is a tuple like (open, actionable, prio, due, description)
            parser = zim.formats.get_format('wiki').Parser()
            tree = parser.parse(text)
            origtree = tree.tostring()
            #~ print 'TREE', origtree

            tasks = index_ext._extract_tasks(tree)
            self.assertEqual(tree.tostring(), origtree)
            # extract should not modify the tree
            return tasks

        def t(label, open=True, due=NO_DATE, prio=0, tags='', actionable=True):
            # Generate a task tuple
            # (open, actionable, prio, due, tags, description)
            if tags:
                tags = set(unicode(tags).split(','))
                tags = set()
            return [open, actionable, prio, due, tags, unicode(label)]

        # Note that this same text is in the test notebook
        # so it gets run through the index as well - keep in sync
        text = '''\
Try all kind of combos - see if the parser trips

[ ] A
[ ] B
[ ] C

[ ] D
[ ] E

FIXME: dus
~~FIXME:~~ foo

[ ] Simple
[ ] List

[ ] List with
	[ ] Nested items
	[*] Some are done
	[*] Done but with open child
		[x] Others not
		[ ] FOOOOO
[ ] Bar

[ ] And then there are @tags
[ ] And due dates
[ ] Date [d: 11/12]
[ ] Date [d: 11/12/2012]
	[ ] TODO: BAR !!!

TODO @home:
[ ] Some more tasks !!!
	[ ] Foo !
		* some sub item
		* some other item
	[ ] Bar

TODO: dus
FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME
~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out

* TODO: dus - list item
* FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item
* ~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out - list item

* Bullet list
* With tasks as sub items
	[ ] Sub item bullets
* dus

1. Numbered list
2. With tasks as sub items
	[ ] Sub item numbered
3. dus

Test task inheritance:

[ ] Main @tag1 @tag2 !
	[*] Sub1
	[ ] Sub2 @tag3 !!!!
		[*] Sub2-1
		[*] Sub2-2 @tag4
		[ ] Sub2-3
	[ ] Sub3

TODO: @someday
[ ] A
[ ] B
	[ ] B-1
[ ] C

        mydate = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % parse_date('11/12')

        wanted = [
            (t('A'), []),
            (t('B'), []),
            (t('C'), []),
            (t('D'), []),
            (t('E'), []),
            (t('FIXME: dus'), []),
            (t('Simple'), []),
            (t('List'), []),
            (t('List with'), [
                (t('Nested items'), []),
                (t('Some are done', open=False), []),
                (t('Done but with open child', open=True), [
                    (t('Others not', open=False), []),
                    (t('FOOOOO'), []),
            (t('Bar'), []),
            (t('And then there are @tags', tags='tags'), []),
            (t('And due dates'), []),
            (t('Date [d: 11/12]', due=mydate), []),
                t('Date [d: 11/12/2012]', due='2012-12-11'),
                    (t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3, due='2012-12-11'), []),
                    # due date is inherited
            # this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
            (t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
                (t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item',
               tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('Sub item bullets'), []),
            (t('Sub item numbered'), []),
            (t('Main @tag1 @tag2 !', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), [
                (t('Sub1', prio=1, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
                (t('Sub2 @tag3 !!!!', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), [
                    (t('Sub2-1', prio=4, open=False,
                       tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
                    (t('Sub2-2 @tag4',
                       tags='tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4'), []),
                    (t('Sub2-3', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
                (t('Sub3', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
            (t('A', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
            (t('B', tags='someday', actionable=False), [
                (t('B-1', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
            (t('C', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),

        plugin.preferences['nonactionable_tags'] = '@someday, @maybe'
        tasks = extract_tasks(text)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)

        plugin.preferences['all_checkboxes'] = False
        wanted = [
            (t('A'), []),
            (t('B'), []),
            (t('C'), []),
            (t('FIXME: dus'), []),
            (t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3), []),
            # this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
            (t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
                (t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
                (t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
            (t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item',
               tags='FIXME'), []),
            (t('A', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
            (t('B', tags='someday', actionable=False), [
                (t('B-1', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
            (t('C', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),

        tasks = extract_tasks(text)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)
예제 #10
파일: tasklist.py 프로젝트: Jam71/Zim-QDA
	def testIndexing(self):
		'''Check indexing of tasklist plugin'''
		klass = zim.plugins.get_plugin('tasklist')
		ui = MockUI()
		plugin = klass(ui)

		# Test indexing based on index signals
		tasks = list(plugin.list_tasks())
		self.assertTrue(len(tasks) > 5)
		for task in tasks:
			path = plugin.get_path(task)
			self.assertTrue(not path is None)

		# Test correctnest of parsing
		NO_DATE = '9999'

		def extract_tasks(text):
			# Returns a nested list of tuples, where each node is
			# like "(TASK, [CHILD, ...]) where each task (and child)
			# is a tuple like (open, actionable, prio, due, description)
			parser = zim.formats.get_format('wiki').Parser()
			tree = parser.parse(text)
			origtree = tree.tostring()

			tasks = plugin._extract_tasks(tree)
			self.assertEqual(tree.tostring(), origtree)
				# extract should not modify the tree
			return tasks

		def t(label, open=True, due=NO_DATE, prio=0, tags='', actionable=True):
			# Generate a task tuple
			# (open, actionable, prio, due, tags, description)
			return [open, actionable, prio, due, tags, label]

		# Note that this same text is in the test notebook
		# so it gets run through the index as well - keep in sync
		text = '''\
Try all kind of combos - see if the parser trips

[ ] A
[ ] B
[ ] C

[ ] D
[ ] E

FIXME: dus
~~FIXME:~~ foo

[ ] Simple
[ ] List

[ ] List with
	[ ] Nested items
	[*] Some are done
	[*] Done but with open child
		[x] Others not
		[ ] FOOOOO
[ ] Bar

[ ] And then there are @tags
[ ] And due dates
[ ] Date [d: 11/12]
[ ] Date [d: 11/12/2012]
	[ ] TODO: BAR !!!

TODO @home:
[ ] Some more tasks !!!
	[ ] Foo !
		* some sub item
		* some other item
	[ ] Bar

TODO: dus
FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME
~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out

* TODO: dus - list item
* FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item
* ~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out - list item

* Bullet list
* With tasks as sub items
	[ ] Sub item bullets
* dus

1. Numbered list
2. With tasks as sub items
	[ ] Sub item numbered
3. dus

Test task inheritance:

[ ] Main @tag1 @tag2 !
	[*] Sub1
	[ ] Sub2 @tag3 !!!!
		[*] Sub2-1
		[*] Sub2-2 @tag4
		[ ] Sub2-3
	[ ] Sub3

TODO: @someday
[ ] A
[ ] B
	[ ] B-1
[ ] C

		mydate = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % parse_date('11/12')

		wanted = [
			(t('A'), []),
			(t('B'), []),
			(t('C'), []),
			(t('D'), []),
			(t('E'), []),
			(t('FIXME: dus'), []),
			(t('Simple'), []),
			(t('List'), []),
			(t('List with'), [
				(t('Nested items'), []),
				(t('Some are done', open=False), []),
				(t('Done but with open child', open=True), [
					(t('Others not', open=False), []),
					(t('FOOOOO'), []),
			(t('Bar'), []),
			(t('And then there are @tags', tags='tags'), []),
			(t('And due dates'), []),
			(t('Date [d: 11/12]', due=mydate), []),
			(t('Date [d: 11/12/2012]', due='2012-12-11'), [
				(t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3, due='2012-12-11'), []),
				# due date is inherited
			# this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
			(t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
				(t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
				(t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('Sub item bullets'), []),
			(t('Sub item numbered'), []),
			(t('Main @tag1 @tag2 !', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), [
				(t('Sub1', prio=1, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
				(t('Sub2 @tag3 !!!!', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), [
					(t('Sub2-1', prio=4, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
					(t('Sub2-2 @tag4', prio=4, open=False, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4'), []),
					(t('Sub2-3', prio=4, tags='tag1,tag2,tag3'), []),
				(t('Sub3', prio=1, tags='tag1,tag2'), []),
			(t('A', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('B', tags='someday', actionable=False), [
				(t('B-1', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('C', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),

		plugin.preferences['nonactionable_tags'] = '@someday, @maybe'
		tasks = extract_tasks(text)
		self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)

		plugin.preferences['all_checkboxes'] = False
		wanted = [
			(t('A'), []),
			(t('B'), []),
			(t('C'), []),
			(t('FIXME: dus'), []),
			(t('TODO: BAR !!!', prio=3), []),
			# this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
			(t('Some more tasks !!!', prio=3, tags='home'), [
				(t('Foo !', prio=1, tags='home'), []),
				(t('Bar', prio=3, tags='home'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('TODO: dus - list item'), []),
			(t('FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item', prio=2, tags='FIXME'), []),
			(t('A', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('B', tags='someday', actionable=False), [
				(t('B-1', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),
			(t('C', tags='someday', actionable=False), []),

		tasks = extract_tasks(text)
		self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)
예제 #11
파일: qdaTests.py 프로젝트: Jam71/Zim-QDA
    def testIndexing(self):
        """Check indexing of tasklist plugin"""
        klass = zim.plugins.get_plugin("tasklist")
        ui = MockUI()
        plugin = klass(ui)

        # Test indexing based on index signals
        tasks = list(plugin.list_tasks())
        self.assertTrue(len(tasks) > 5)
        for task in tasks:
            path = plugin.get_path(task)
            self.assertTrue(not path is None)

        # Test correctnest of parsing
        NO_DATE = "9999"

        def extract_tasks(text):
            # Returns a nested list of tuples, where each node is
            # like "(TASK, [CHILD, ...]) where each task (and child)
            # is a tuple like (open, actionable, prio, due, description)
            parser = zim.formats.get_format("wiki").Parser()
            tree = parser.parse(text)
            origtree = tree.tostring()

            tasks = plugin._extract_tasks(tree)
            self.assertEqual(tree.tostring(), origtree)
            # extract should not modify the tree
            return tasks

        def t(label, open=True, due=NO_DATE, prio=0, tags="", actionable=True):
            # Generate a task tuple
            # (open, actionable, prio, due, tags, description)
            return [open, actionable, prio, due, tags, label]

        # Note that this same text is in the test notebook
        # so it gets run through the index as well - keep in sync
        text = """\
Try all kind of combos - see if the parser trips

TODO: this is a test 

FIXME: now

~~FIXME:~~ Ignore this one - it is strike out

**FIXME**: now

**FIXME:** now

__FIXME:__ now

TODO @home:

TODO: dus
FIXME: jaja 

~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out

* TODO: dus - list item
* FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item
* ~~TODO~~: Ignore this one - it is strike out - list item


        mydate = "%04i-%02i-%02i" % parse_date("11/12")

        wanted = [
            (t("A"), []),
            (t("B"), []),
            (t("C"), []),
            (t("D"), []),
            (t("E"), []),
            (t("FIXME: dus"), []),
            (t("Simple"), []),
            (t("List"), []),
                t("List with"),
                    (t("Nested items"), []),
                    (t("Some are done", open=False), []),
                    (t("Done but with open child", open=True), [(t("Others not", open=False), []), (t("FOOOOO"), [])]),
            (t("Bar"), []),
            (t("And then there are @tags", tags="tags"), []),
            (t("And due dates"), []),
            (t("Date [d: 11/12]", due=mydate), []),
                t("Date [d: 11/12/2012]", due="2012-12-11"),
                    (t("TODO: BAR !!!", prio=3, due="2012-12-11"), []),
                    # due date is inherited
            # this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
                t("Some more tasks !!!", prio=3, tags="home"),
                [(t("Foo !", prio=1, tags="home"), []), (t("Bar", prio=3, tags="home"), [])],
            (t("TODO: dus"), []),
            (t("FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME", prio=2, tags="FIXME"), []),
            (t("TODO: dus - list item"), []),
            (t("FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item", prio=2, tags="FIXME"), []),
            (t("Sub item bullets"), []),
            (t("Sub item numbered"), []),
                t("Main @tag1 @tag2 !", prio=1, tags="tag1,tag2"),
                    (t("Sub1", prio=1, open=False, tags="tag1,tag2"), []),
                        t("Sub2 @tag3 !!!!", prio=4, tags="tag1,tag2,tag3"),
                            (t("Sub2-1", prio=4, open=False, tags="tag1,tag2,tag3"), []),
                            (t("Sub2-2 @tag4", prio=4, open=False, tags="tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4"), []),
                            (t("Sub2-3", prio=4, tags="tag1,tag2,tag3"), []),
                    (t("Sub3", prio=1, tags="tag1,tag2"), []),
            (t("A", tags="someday", actionable=False), []),
            (t("B", tags="someday", actionable=False), [(t("B-1", tags="someday", actionable=False), [])]),
            (t("C", tags="someday", actionable=False), []),

        plugin.preferences["nonactionable_tags"] = "@someday, @maybe"
        tasks = extract_tasks(text)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)

        plugin.preferences["all_checkboxes"] = False
        wanted = [
            (t("A"), []),
            (t("B"), []),
            (t("C"), []),
            (t("FIXME: dus"), []),
            (t("TODO: BAR !!!", prio=3), []),
            # this list inherits the @home tag - and inherits prio
                t("Some more tasks !!!", prio=3, tags="home"),
                [(t("Foo !", prio=1, tags="home"), []), (t("Bar", prio=3, tags="home"), [])],
            (t("TODO: dus"), []),
            (t("FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME", prio=2, tags="FIXME"), []),
            (t("TODO: dus - list item"), []),
            (t("FIXME: jaja - TODO !! @FIXME - list item", prio=2, tags="FIXME"), []),
            (t("A", tags="someday", actionable=False), []),
            (t("B", tags="someday", actionable=False), [(t("B-1", tags="someday", actionable=False), [])]),
            (t("C", tags="someday", actionable=False), []),

        tasks = extract_tasks(text)
        self.assertEqual(tasks, wanted)