예제 #1
def convert(request, webargs=None):
    ''' Form '''
    # request.session.clear() # NEW

    if (request.method == 'POST' and not webargs):
        form = ConvertForm(request.POST, request.FILES)  # instantiating form
        if form.is_valid():

            baseDir = os.path.join(
                settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp',
                strftime('formUpload%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/', localtime()))
            saveDir = os.path.join(
                baseDir, 'upload')  # Save location of original uploads
            convertFileSaveLoc = os.path.join(
                baseDir, 'converted')  # Save location of converted data

            if not (os.path.exists(convertFileSaveLoc)):

            savedFile = os.path.join(saveDir, request.FILES['fileObj'].name)

            saveFileToDisk(request.FILES['fileObj'], savedFile)

            # If zip is uploaded
            if os.path.splitext(
                    request.FILES['fileObj'].name)[1].strip() == '.zip':
                uploadedFiles = zipper.unzip(savedFile, saveDir)
                # Delete zip
                uploadedFiles = [savedFile]

            isCorrectFileFormat, isCorrectFileType = convertFiles(uploadedFiles, form.cleaned_data['Select_file_type'], \
                                                            form.cleaned_data['Select_conversion_format'], convertFileSaveLoc)

            if not (isCorrectFileFormat):
                err_msg = "You did not upload any files with the correct extension for conversion!"
                return render_to_response(
                    'convertupload.html', {
                        'convertForm': form,
                        'err_msg': err_msg

            baseurl = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
            host = request.META['wsgi.url_scheme']
            rooturl = host + '://' + baseurl  # Originally was: 'http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu' # Done for http & https

            dwnldLoc = rooturl + convertFileSaveLoc.replace(
                ' ', '%20')  # TODO: Verify this works
            return HttpResponseRedirect(dwnldLoc)

    # Programmtic API
    elif (request.method == 'POST' and webargs):
        # webargs is {fileType}/{toFormat}
        fileType = webargs.split('/')[0]  # E.g 'cc', 'deg', 'triangle'
        toFormat = (webargs.split('/')[1]).split(
            ',')  # E.g 'mat', 'npy' or 'mat,csv'

        toFormat = list(set(toFormat))  # Eliminate duplicates if any exist

        # Make sure filetype is valid before doing any work
        if (fileType not in settings.VALID_FILE_TYPES.keys()
                and fileType not in settings.VALID_FILE_TYPES.values()):
            return HttpResponse(
                'Invalid conversion type. Make sure toFormat is a valid type')

        # In case to format does not start with a '.'. Add if not
        for idx in range(len(toFormat)):
            if not toFormat[idx].startswith('.'):
                toFormat[idx] = '.' + toFormat[idx]

        baseDir = os.path.join(
            settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp',
            strftime('progUpload%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/', localtime()))
        saveDir = os.path.join(baseDir,
                               'upload')  # Save location of original uploads
        convertFileSaveLoc = os.path.join(
            baseDir, 'converted')  # Save location of converted data

        if not os.path.exists(saveDir):

        if not os.path.exists(convertFileSaveLoc):

        uploadedFiles = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, saveDir)

        isCorrectFileFormat, isCorrectFileType = convertFiles(
            uploadedFiles, fileType, toFormat, convertFileSaveLoc)

        if not (isCorrectFileType):
            # request.session.clear()
            return HttpResponse("[ERROR]: You did not enter a valid FileType.")
        if not (isCorrectFileFormat):
            # request.session.clear()
            return HttpResponse(
                "[ERROR]: You do not have any files with the correct extension for conversion"

        dwnldLoc = "http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu" + convertFileSaveLoc.replace(
            ' ', '%20')
        # request.session.clear()
        return HttpResponse(
            "Converted files available for download at " + dwnldLoc +
            " . The directory " +
            "may be empty if you try to convert to the same format the file is already in."
        )  # change to render of a page with a link to data result

        form = ConvertForm()  # An empty, unbound form

    # Render the form
    return render_to_response('convertupload.html', {'convertForm': form},
예제 #2
def graphLoadInv(request, webargs=None):
    ''' Form '''
    from glob import glob  # Move
    # request.session.clear() # NEW

    if request.method == 'POST' and not webargs:
        form = GraphUploadForm(request.POST,
                               request.FILES)  # instantiating form
        if form.is_valid():
            data = form.files['fileObj']  # get data
            request.session['invariants'] = form.cleaned_data[

            request.session['graphsize'] = form.cleaned_data[

            dataDir = os.path.join(
                settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp',
                strftime("projectStamp%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))
            request.session['graphInvariants'] = os.path.join(
                dataDir, 'graphInvariants')


            # We got a zip
            if os.path.splitext(data.name)[1] == '.zip':

                writeBodyToDisk(data.read(), dataDir)
                # Get all graphs in the directory
                graphs = glob(os.path.join(dataDir, '*_fiber.mat'))
                graphs.extend(glob(os.path.join(dataDir, '*_bggr.mat')))
                graphs.extend(glob(os.path.join(dataDir, '*_smgr.mat')))

            else:  # View only accepts .mat & zip as regulated by template
                graphs = [os.path.join(dataDir, data.name)]
                saveFileToDisk(data, graphs[0])

            for graph_fn in graphs:
                if request.session['graphsize'] == 'big':
                    request.session['bgGrfn'] = graph_fn
                    lcc_fn = graph_fn.split('_')[0] + '_concomp.mat'

                elif request.session['graphsize'] == 'small':
                    graph_fn = request.session['smGrfn'] = graph_fn
                    lcc_fn = None

                    runInvariants(request.session['invariants'], graph_fn,
                                  request.session['graphInvariants'], lcc_fn,
                    print 'Invariants for annoymous project %s complete...' % graph_fn

            return HttpResponseRedirect(
                "http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu" + dataDir.replace(
                    ' ', '%20'))  # All spaces are replaced with %20 for urls

    elif request.method == 'POST' and webargs:
        if (re.match(re.compile('(b|big)', re.IGNORECASE),
            request.session['graphsize'] = 'big'
        elif (re.match(re.compile('(s|small)', re.IGNORECASE),
            request.session['graphsize'] = 'small'
            return django.http.HttpResponseBadRequest(
                "The graph size is required as a web argument")

        dataDir = os.path.join(
            settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp',
            strftime("projectStamp%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))

        uploadedZip = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, dataDir)[0]

        zipper.unzip(uploadedZip, dataDir)  # Unzip the zip
        os.remove(uploadedZip)  # Delete the zip)

        request.session['invariants'] = webargs.split('/')[1].split(',')

        graphs = glob(os.path.join(dataDir, '*_fiber.mat'))
        graphs.extend(glob(os.path.join(dataDir, '*_bggr.mat')))
        graphs.extend(glob(os.path.join(dataDir, '*_smgr.mat')))

        request.session['graphInvariants'] = os.path.join(
            dataDir, 'graphInvariants')

        for graph_fn in graphs:
            if request.session['graphsize'] == 'big':
                request.session['bgGrfn'] = graph_fn
                lcc_fn = graph_fn.split('_')[0] + '_concomp.mat'

            elif request.session['graphsize'] == 'small':
                request.session['smGrfn'] = graph_fn
                lcc_fn = None

            runInvariants(request.session['invariants'], graph_fn,
                          request.session['graphInvariants'], lcc_fn,
            print 'Invariants for annoymous project %s complete...' % graph_fn

        # request.session.clear()
        dwnldLoc = "http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu" + dataDir.replace(' ', '%20')
        return HttpResponse("View Data at: " + dwnldLoc)

        form = GraphUploadForm()  # An empty, unbound form

    # Render the form
    return render_to_response(
        {'graphUploadForm': form},
        )  # Some failure to input data & returns a key signaling what is requested
예제 #3
def graphLoadInv(request, webargs=None):
  ''' Form '''
  from glob import glob # Move
  # request.session.clear() # NEW

  if request.method == 'POST' and not webargs:
    form = GraphUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # instantiating form
    if form.is_valid():
      data = form.files['fileObj'] # get data
      request.session['invariants'] = form.cleaned_data['Select_Invariants_you_want_computed']

      request.session['graphsize'] = form.cleaned_data['Select_graph_size']

      dataDir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp', strftime("projectStamp%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))
      request.session['graphInvariants'] = os.path.join(dataDir, 'graphInvariants')


      # We got a zip
      if os.path.splitext(data.name)[1] == '.zip':

        writeBodyToDisk(data.read(), dataDir)
        # Get all graphs in the directory
        graphs = glob(os.path.join(dataDir,'*_fiber.mat'))

      else: # View only accepts .mat & zip as regulated by template
        graphs = [os.path.join(dataDir, data.name)]
        saveFileToDisk(data, graphs[0])

      for graph_fn in graphs:
        if request.session['graphsize'] == 'big':
          request.session['bgGrfn'] = graph_fn
          lcc_fn = graph_fn.split('_')[0] + '_concomp.mat'

        elif request.session['graphsize'] == 'small':
          graph_fn = request.session['smGrfn'] = graph_fn
          lcc_fn = None

          runInvariants(request.session['invariants'], graph_fn,
                        request.session['graphInvariants'], lcc_fn,
          print 'Invariants for annoymous project %s complete...' % graph_fn

      return HttpResponseRedirect("http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu"+ dataDir.replace(' ','%20')) # All spaces are replaced with %20 for urls

  elif request.method == 'POST' and webargs:
    if (re.match(re.compile('(b|big)', re.IGNORECASE), webargs.split('/')[0])):
      request.session['graphsize'] = 'big'
    elif (re.match(re.compile('(s|small)', re.IGNORECASE), webargs.split('/')[0])):
       request.session['graphsize'] = 'small'
      return django.http.HttpResponseBadRequest("The graph size is required as a web argument")

    dataDir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp', strftime("projectStamp%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))

    uploadedZip = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, dataDir)[0]

    zipper.unzip(uploadedZip, dataDir) # Unzip the zip
    os.remove(uploadedZip) # Delete the zip)

    request.session['invariants'] = webargs.split('/')[1].split(',')

    graphs = glob(os.path.join(dataDir,'*_fiber.mat'))

    request.session['graphInvariants'] = os.path.join(dataDir, 'graphInvariants')

    for graph_fn in graphs:
      if request.session['graphsize'] == 'big':
        request.session['bgGrfn'] = graph_fn
        lcc_fn = graph_fn.split('_')[0] + '_concomp.mat'

      elif request.session['graphsize'] == 'small':
        request.session['smGrfn'] = graph_fn
        lcc_fn = None

      runInvariants(request.session['invariants'], graph_fn,
                        request.session['graphInvariants'], lcc_fn,
      print 'Invariants for annoymous project %s complete...' % graph_fn

    # request.session.clear()
    dwnldLoc = "http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu"+ dataDir.replace(' ','%20')
    return HttpResponse("View Data at: " + dwnldLoc)

    form = GraphUploadForm() # An empty, unbound form

  # Render the form
  return render_to_response(
      {'graphUploadForm': form},
      context_instance=RequestContext(request) # Some failure to input data & returns a key signaling what is requested
예제 #4
def convert(request, webargs=None):
  ''' Form '''
  # request.session.clear() # NEW

  if (request.method == 'POST' and not webargs):
    form = ConvertForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # instantiating form
    if form.is_valid():

      baseDir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp', strftime('formUpload%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/', localtime()))
      saveDir = os.path.join(baseDir,'upload') # Save location of original uploads
      convertFileSaveLoc = os.path.join(baseDir,'converted') # Save location of converted data

      if not (os.path.exists(convertFileSaveLoc)):

      savedFile = os.path.join(saveDir, request.FILES['fileObj'].name)

      saveFileToDisk(request.FILES['fileObj'], savedFile)

      # If zip is uploaded
      if os.path.splitext(request.FILES['fileObj'].name)[1].strip() == '.zip':
        uploadedFiles = zipper.unzip(savedFile, saveDir)
        # Delete zip
        uploadedFiles = [savedFile]

      isCorrectFileFormat, isCorrectFileType = convertFiles(uploadedFiles, form.cleaned_data['Select_file_type'], \
                                                      form.cleaned_data['Select_conversion_format'], convertFileSaveLoc)

      if not (isCorrectFileFormat):
        err_msg = "You did not upload any files with the correct extension for conversion!"
        return render_to_response(
        {'convertForm': form, 'err_msg': err_msg},

      baseurl = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
      host = request.META['wsgi.url_scheme']
      rooturl = host + '://' + baseurl # Originally was: 'http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu' # Done for http & https

      dwnldLoc = rooturl + convertFileSaveLoc.replace(' ','%20') # TODO: Verify this works
      return HttpResponseRedirect(dwnldLoc)

  # Programmtic API
  elif(request.method == 'POST' and webargs):
    # webargs is {fileType}/{toFormat}
    fileType = webargs.split('/')[0] # E.g 'cc', 'deg', 'triangle'
    toFormat =  (webargs.split('/')[1]).split(',')   # E.g 'mat', 'npy' or 'mat,csv'

    toFormat = list(set(toFormat)) # Eliminate duplicates if any exist

    # Make sure filetype is valid before doing any work
    if (fileType not in settings.VALID_FILE_TYPES.keys() and fileType not in settings.VALID_FILE_TYPES.values()):
      return HttpResponse('Invalid conversion type. Make sure toFormat is a valid type')

    # In case to format does not start with a '.'. Add if not
    for idx in range (len(toFormat)):
      if not toFormat[idx].startswith('.'):
        toFormat[idx] = '.'+toFormat[idx]

    baseDir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp', strftime('progUpload%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/', localtime()))
    saveDir = os.path.join(baseDir,'upload') # Save location of original uploads
    convertFileSaveLoc = os.path.join(baseDir,'converted') # Save location of converted data

    if not os.path.exists(saveDir):

    if not os.path.exists(convertFileSaveLoc):

    uploadedFiles = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, saveDir)

    isCorrectFileFormat, isCorrectFileType = convertFiles(uploadedFiles, fileType, toFormat, convertFileSaveLoc)

    if not (isCorrectFileType):
      # request.session.clear()
      return HttpResponse("[ERROR]: You did not enter a valid FileType.")
    if not (isCorrectFileFormat):
      # request.session.clear()
      return HttpResponse("[ERROR]: You do not have any files with the correct extension for conversion")

    dwnldLoc = "http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu"+ convertFileSaveLoc.replace(' ','%20')
    # request.session.clear()
    return HttpResponse ( "Converted files available for download at " + dwnldLoc + " . The directory " +
            "may be empty if you try to convert to the same format the file is already in.") # change to render of a page with a link to data result

    form = ConvertForm() # An empty, unbound form

  # Render the form
  return render_to_response(
      {'convertForm': form},
예제 #5
def graphLoadInv(request, webargs=None):
  ''' Form '''
  from glob import glob # Move

  if request.method == 'POST' and not webargs:
    form = GraphUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # instantiating form
    if form.is_valid():

      request.session['graphsize'] = form.cleaned_data['Select_graph_size']
      request.session['graphsize'] = 'small' if not request.session['graphsize'] else request.session['graphsize']

      data = form.files['fileObj'] # get data
      request.session['invariants'] = form.cleaned_data['Select_Invariants_you_want_computed']

      dataDir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp', strftime("projectStamp%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))
      request.session['graphInvariants'] = os.path.join(dataDir, 'graphInvariants')


      # We got a zip
      if os.path.splitext(data.name)[1] == '.zip':

        writeBodyToDisk(data.read(), dataDir)
        # Get all graphs in the directory
        graphs = glob(os.path.join(dataDir,'*_fiber.mat'))

      else: # View only accepts .mat & zip as regulated by template
        graphs = [os.path.join(dataDir, data.name)]
        saveFileToDisk(data, graphs[0])

      request.session['uploaded_graphs'] = graphs
      request.session['invConvertToFormats'] = form.cleaned_data['Convert_result']
      request.session['dataDir'] = dataDir

      if request.session['graphsize'] == 'big':
        # Launch thread for big graphs & email user
        request.session['email'] = form.cleaned_data['Email']
        sendJobBeginEmail(request.session['email'], request.session['invariants'], genGraph=False)

        thr = threading.Thread(target=asyncInvCompute, args=(request,))

        request.session['success_msg'] = "Your job was successfully launched. You should receive an email when your "
        request.session['success_msg'] += "job begins and another one when it completes. The process may take ~3hrs if you selected to compute all invariants"
        return HttpResponseRedirect(get_script_prefix()+'success')

        for graph_fn in graphs:
          graph_fn = request.session['smGrfn'] = graph_fn
          lcc_fn = None

          invariant_fns = runInvariants(request.session['invariants'], graph_fn,
                          request.session['graphInvariants'], lcc_fn,

          print 'Invariants for annoymous project %s complete...' % graph_fn

          invConvertToFormats =  form.cleaned_data['Convert_result']

          # TODO: Make function for this. Duplicate of buildgraph code
          for fileFormat in invConvertToFormats:
            # Conversion of all files
            for inv in invariant_fns.keys():
              if isinstance(invariant_fns[inv], list): # Case of eigs
                for fn in invariant_fns[inv]:
                  convertTo.convertAndSave(fn, fileFormat, os.path.dirname(fn), inv)
              else: # case of all other invariants
                convertTo.convertAndSave(invariant_fns[inv], fileFormat, \
                                    os.path.dirname(invariant_fns[inv]), inv)

      return HttpResponseRedirect("http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu"+ dataDir.replace(' ','%20')) # All spaces are replaced with %20 for urls

  elif request.method == 'POST' and webargs:
    if (re.match(re.compile('(b|big)', re.IGNORECASE), webargs.split('/')[0])):
      request.session['graphsize'] = 'big'
    elif (re.match(re.compile('(s|small)', re.IGNORECASE), webargs.split('/')[0])):
       request.session['graphsize'] = 'small'
      return django.http.HttpResponseBadRequest("The graph size is required as a web argument")

    dataDir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp', strftime("projectStamp%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))

    uploadedZip = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, dataDir)[0]

    zipper.unzip(uploadedZip, dataDir) # Unzip the zip
    os.remove(uploadedZip) # Delete the zip)

    request.session['invariants'] = webargs.split('/')[1].split(',')

    graphs = glob(os.path.join(dataDir,'*_fiber.mat'))

    request.session['graphInvariants'] = os.path.join(dataDir, 'graphInvariants')

    for graph_fn in graphs:
      if request.session['graphsize'] == 'big':
        request.session['bgGrfn'] = graph_fn
        lcc_fn = graph_fn.split('_')[0] + '_concomp.mat'

      elif request.session['graphsize'] == 'small':
        request.session['smGrfn'] = graph_fn
        lcc_fn = None

      runInvariants(request.session['invariants'], graph_fn,
                        request.session['graphInvariants'], lcc_fn,
      print 'Invariants for annoymous project %s complete...' % graph_fn

    # request.session.clear()
    dwnldLoc = "http://mrbrain.cs.jhu.edu"+ dataDir.replace(' ','%20')
    return HttpResponse("View Data at: " + dwnldLoc)

    form = GraphUploadForm() # An empty, unbound form

  # Render the form
  return render_to_response(
      {'graphUploadForm': form},
      context_instance=RequestContext(request) # Some failure to input data & returns a key signaling what is requested