def decompress(self, source, cursor, compressedbytes, uncompressedbytes=None): if self.algo == uproot.const.kZLIB: from zlib import decompress as zlib_decompress return zlib_decompress(cursor.bytes(source, compressedbytes)) elif self.algo == uproot.const.kLZMA: try: from lzma import decompress as lzma_decompress except ImportError: try: from backports.lzma import decompress as lzma_decompress except ImportError: raise ImportError("Install lzma package with:\n pip install backports.lzma\nor\n conda install -c conda-forge backports.lzma\n(or just use Python >= 3.3).") return lzma_decompress(cursor.bytes(source, compressedbytes)) elif self.algo == uproot.const.kOldCompressionAlgo: raise NotImplementedError("ROOT's \"old\" algorithm (fCompress 300) is not supported") elif self.algo == uproot.const.kLZ4: try: from lz4.block import decompress as lz4_decompress except ImportError: raise ImportError("Install lz4 package with:\n pip install lz4\nor\n conda install -c anaconda lz4") if uncompressedbytes is None: raise ValueError("lz4 needs to know the uncompressed number of bytes") return lz4_decompress(cursor.bytes(source, compressedbytes), uncompressed_size=uncompressedbytes) else: raise ValueError("unrecognized compression algorithm: {0}".format(self.algo))
def decode_row(self, row): if row is None: return None columns = row.cells[self.column_family] try: cell = columns[self.data_column][0] except KeyError: return None # Check if a TTL column exists # for this row. If there is, # we can use the `timestamp` property of the # cells to see if we should return the # row or not. if self.ttl_column in columns: # If we needed the actual value, we could unpack it. # ttl = struct.unpack('<I', columns[self.ttl_column][0].value)[0] if cell.timestamp < return None data = cell.value # Read our flags flags = 0 if self.flags_column in columns: flags = struct.unpack("B", columns[self.flags_column][0].value)[0] # Check for a compression flag on, if so # decompress the data. if flags & self._FLAG_COMPRESSED: data = zlib_decompress(data) return json_loads(data)
def on_message(self, client, userdata, message): try: usablePayload = message.payload.decode('utf-8') form = '' # Successfully decoded as utf8 except: try: # jMQTT will try automaticaly to decompress the payload (requested in issue #135) unzip = zlib_decompress(message.payload, wbits=-15) usablePayload = unzip.decode('utf-8') form = ' (decompressed)' except: # If payload cannot be decoded or decompressed it is returned in base64 usablePayload = b2a_base64(message.payload, newline=False).decode('utf-8') form = ' (bin in base64)' 'BrkId: % 4s : Message received (topic="%s", payload="%s"%s, QoS=%s, retain=%s)',, message.topic, usablePayload, form, message.qos, bool(message.retain)) self.q.put( json.dumps({ "cmd": "messageIn", "topic": message.topic, "payload": usablePayload, "qos": message.qos, "retain": bool(message.retain) }))
def decode_row(self, row): if row is None: return None columns = row.cells[self.column_family] try: cell = columns[self.data_column][0] except KeyError: return None # Check if a TTL column exists # for this row. If there is, # we can use the `timestamp` property of the # cells to see if we should return the # row or not. if self.ttl_column in columns: # If we needed the actual value, we could unpack it. # ttl = struct.unpack('<I', columns[self.ttl_column][0].value)[0] if cell.timestamp < return None data = cell.value # Read our flags flags = 0 if self.flags_column in columns: flags = struct.unpack('B', columns[self.flags_column][0].value)[0] # Check for a compression flag on, if so # decompress the data. if flags & self._FLAG_COMPRESSED: data = zlib_decompress(data) return json_loads(data)
def decompress(data, level):"decompress(%s bytes, %s) type=%s", len(data), get_compression_type(level)) if level & LZ4_FLAG: if not has_lz4: raise InvalidCompressionException("lz4 is not available") if not use_lz4: raise InvalidCompressionException("lz4 is not enabled") size = LZ4_HEADER.unpack_from(data[:4])[0] #it would be better to use the max_size we have in protocol, #but this hardcoded value will do for now if size > MAX_SIZE: sizemb = size // 1024 // 1024 maxmb = MAX_SIZE // 1024 // 1024 raise Exception( "uncompressed data is too large: %iMB, limit is %iMB" % (sizemb, maxmb)) return LZ4_uncompress(data) if level & LZO_FLAG: if not has_lzo: raise InvalidCompressionException("lzo is not available") if not use_lzo: raise InvalidCompressionException("lzo is not enabled") return LZO_decompress(data) if level & BROTLI_FLAG: if not has_brotli: raise InvalidCompressionException("brotli is not available") if not use_brotli: raise InvalidCompressionException("brotli is not enabled") return brotli_decompress(data) if not use_zlib: raise InvalidCompressionException("zlib is not enabled") if isinstance(data, memoryview): data = data.tobytes() return zlib_decompress(data)
def inline_array_events_s3(options, today_log, array_files_list, enc_key, connection): verbose = options.verbose to_sort = set() try: for index, filename in enumerate(array_files_list): # Format: ' # AWSAccessKeyId=keyid&Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # The objectid doesn't correspond to a database entry but it used for uniqueness and timestamp filename_cleaned = filename.split('?', 1)[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] event_objectid = filename_cleaned.split('.', 1)[0] timestamp = get_objectid_timestamp(event_objectid) formatted_timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(timestamp)) if verbose: log('Requesting events file ' + str(index + 1) + ' submitted at ' + formatted_timestamp) r = connection.request('GET', filename, redirect=False) # pylint: disable=E1103 if r.status != 200: error_msg = 'Couldn\'t download event %d.' % (index + 1) if'msg', None): error_msg += ' ' +['msg'] error(str(r.status) + error_msg) exit(-1) # pylint: enable=E1103 r_data = decrypt_data(, enc_key) r_data = json_loads(zlib_decompress(r_data)) if not isinstance(r_data, list): r_data = [r_data] for event in r_data: slug = event['slug'] del event['slug'] event['time'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(event['time'])) if slug not in today_log: today_log[slug] = {'playEvents': [], 'customEvents': []} today_log[slug]['customEvents'].append(event) # Maintaining a list of slugs to sort the customEvents by date for so that added array events appear in # order but we do not unneccesarily sort large lists if an array event wasn't added to it to_sort.add(slug) for slug in to_sort: today_log[slug]['customEvents'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return today_log except (HTTPError, SSLError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def _set_body(self, data): """Set body.""" if self.compressed == 'gzip': self.body += gzip_decompress(data) elif self.compressed == 'deflate': self.body += zlib_decompress(data) else: self.body += data
def inline_array_events_s3(options, today_log, array_files_list, enc_key, connection): verbose = options.verbose to_sort = set() try: for index, filename in enumerate(array_files_list): # Format: ' # AWSAccessKeyId=keyid&Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # The objectid doesn't correspond to a database entry but it used for uniqueness and timestamp filename_cleaned = filename.split("?", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1] event_objectid = filename_cleaned.split(".", 1)[0] timestamp = get_objectid_timestamp(event_objectid) formatted_timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(timestamp)) if verbose: log("Requesting events file " + str(index + 1) + " submitted at " + formatted_timestamp) r = connection.request("GET", filename, redirect=False) # pylint: disable=E1103 if r.status != 200: error_msg = "Couldn't download event %d." % (index + 1) if"msg", None): error_msg += " " +["msg"] error(str(r.status) + error_msg) exit(-1) # pylint: enable=E1103 r_data = decrypt_data(, enc_key) r_data = json_loads(zlib_decompress(r_data)) if not isinstance(r_data, list): r_data = [r_data] for event in r_data: slug = event["slug"] del event["slug"] event["time"] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(event["time"])) if slug not in today_log: today_log[slug] = {"playEvents": [], "customEvents": []} today_log[slug]["customEvents"].append(event) # Maintaining a list of slugs to sort the customEvents by date for so that added array events appear in # order but we do not unneccesarily sort large lists if an array event wasn't added to it to_sort.add(slug) for slug in to_sort: today_log[slug]["customEvents"].sort(key=lambda k: k["time"]) return today_log except (HTTPError, SSLError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def inline_array_events_local(options, today_log, array_files_list, enc_key): verbose = options.verbose to_sort = set() try: index = 0 for index, filename in enumerate(array_files_list): # Format: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/arrayevents/date(seconds)/objectid.bin' # The objectid doesn't correspond to a database entry but is used for uniqueness and timestamp filename = filename.replace('\\', '/') event_objectid = filename.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('.', 1)[0] timestamp = get_objectid_timestamp(event_objectid) formatted_timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(timestamp)) if verbose: log('Retrieving array events file ' + str(index + 1) + ' submitted at ' + formatted_timestamp) with open(filename, 'rb') as fin: file_content = file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) file_content = json_loads(zlib_decompress(file_content)) if not isinstance(file_content, list): file_content = [file_content] for event in file_content: slug = event['slug'] del event['slug'] # Some older files had no timestamp in the file data itself in which case we use the timestamp # on the filename if 'time' in event: event['time'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(event['time'])) else: event['time'] = formatted_timestamp if slug not in today_log: today_log[slug] = {'playEvents': [], 'customEvents': []} today_log[slug]['customEvents'].append(event) # Maintaining a list of slugs to sort the customEvents by date for so that added array events appear in # order but we do not unneccesarily sort large lists if an array event wasn't added to it to_sort.add(slug) for slug in to_sort: today_log[slug]['customEvents'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return today_log except (IOError, OSError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def inline_array_events_local(options, today_log, array_files_list, enc_key): verbose = options.verbose to_sort = set() try: index = 0 for index, filename in enumerate(array_files_list): # Format: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/arrayevents/date(seconds)/objectid.bin' # The objectid doesn't correspond to a database entry but is used for uniqueness and timestamp filename = filename.replace('\\', '/') event_objectid = filename.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('.', 1)[0] timestamp = get_objectid_timestamp(event_objectid) formatted_timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(timestamp)) if verbose: log('Retrieving array events file ' + str(index + 1) + ' submitted at ' + formatted_timestamp) with open(filename, 'rb') as fin: file_content = file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) file_content = json_loads(zlib_decompress(file_content)) if not isinstance(file_content, list): file_content = [file_content] for event in file_content: slug = event['slug'] del event['slug'] # Some older files had no timestamp in the file data itself in which case we use the timestamp # on the filename if 'time' in event: event['time'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(event['time'])) else: event['time'] = formatted_timestamp if slug not in today_log: today_log[slug] = { 'playEvents': [], 'customEvents': [] } today_log[slug]['customEvents'].append(event) # Maintaining a list of slugs to sort the customEvents by date for so that added array events appear in # order but we do not unneccesarily sort large lists if an array event wasn't added to it to_sort.add(slug) for slug in to_sort: today_log[slug]['customEvents'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return today_log except (IOError, OSError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def get_log_files_s3(options, files_list, enc_key, connection): verbose = options.verbose silent = options.silent overwrite = options.overwrite output_dir = options.outputdir filename_prefix = options.project + '-' try: for filename in files_list: # Format v1: ' # &Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # Format v2: ' # &Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # Convert to 'gameslug-events-yyyy-mm-dd.json' filename_cleaned = filename.split('?', 1)[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] filename_patched = filename_prefix + filename_cleaned.split( '.', 1)[0] + '.json' output_path = normpath(path_join(output_dir, filename_patched)) if not overwrite and path_exists(output_path): if not silent: warning('Skipping existing file: %s' % output_path) continue if verbose: log('Requesting file: %s' % filename_patched) r = connection.request('GET', filename, redirect=False) # pylint: disable=E1103 if r.status != 200: error_msg = 'Couldn\'t download %s.' % filename_patched if'msg', None): error_msg += ' ' +['msg'] error(str(r.status) + error_msg) exit(-1) # pylint: enable=E1103 r_data = decrypt_data(, enc_key) if filename_cleaned.endswith('.bin'): r_data = zlib_decompress(r_data) # Format v1 file gets uncompressed on download so we just decrypt it write_to_file(options, r_data, filename=filename_patched, output_path=output_path) except (HTTPError, SSLError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def inline_array_events_s3(options, today_log, array_files_list, enc_key, connection): verbose = options.verbose to_sort = set() try: for index, filename in enumerate(array_files_list): # Format: ' # AWSAccessKeyId=keyid&Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # The objectid doesn't correspond to a database entry but it used for uniqueness and timestamp filename_cleaned = filename.split('?', 1)[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] event_objectid = filename_cleaned.split('.', 1)[0] timestamp = get_objectid_timestamp(event_objectid) formatted_timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime(timestamp)) if verbose: log('Requesting array event ' + str(index + 1) + ' occuring at ' + formatted_timestamp) r = connection.request('GET', filename, redirect=False) # pylint: disable=E1103 if r.status != 200: error_msg = 'Couldn\'t download event %d.' % (index + 1) if'msg', None): error_msg += ' ' +['msg'] error(str(r.status) + error_msg) exit(-1) # pylint: enable=E1103 r_data = decrypt_data(, enc_key) r_data = json_loads(zlib_decompress(r_data)) slug = r_data['slug'] del r_data['slug'] r_data['time'] = formatted_timestamp if slug not in today_log: today_log[slug] = { 'playEvents': [], 'customEvents': [] } today_log[slug]['customEvents'].append(r_data) # Maintaining a list of slugs to sort the customEvents by date for so that added array events appear in # order but we do not unneccesarily sort large lists if an array event wasn't added to it to_sort.add(slug) for slug in to_sort: today_log[slug]['customEvents'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return today_log except (HTTPError, SSLError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def get_log_files_local(options, files_list, enc_key): verbose = options.verbose silent = options.silent overwrite = options.overwrite output_dir = options.outputdir filename_prefix = options.project + '-' try: for filename in files_list: if filename.startswith('http'): error('Unexpected file to retrieve') exit(-1) # Format v1: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/events-yyyy-mm-dd.json.gz' # Format v2: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/events-yyyy-mm-dd.bin' # Convert to 'gameslug-events-yyyy-mm-dd.json' filename_patched = filename_prefix + filename.rsplit( '/', 1)[-1].split('.', 1)[0] + '.json' output_path = normpath(path_join(output_dir, filename_patched)) if not overwrite and path_exists(output_path): if not silent: warning('Skipping existing file: %s' % output_path) continue if verbose: log('Retrieving file: %s' % filename_patched) if filename.endswith('.bin'): with open(filename, 'rb') as fin: file_content = file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) file_content = zlib_decompress(file_content) else: # if filename.endswith('.json.gz'): gzip_file = GzipFile(filename=filename, mode='rb') file_content = gzip_file.close() file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) write_to_file(options, file_content, filename=filename_patched, output_path=output_path) except (IOError, OSError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def get_log_files_s3(options, files_list, enc_key, connection): verbose = options.verbose silent = options.silent overwrite = options.overwrite output_dir = options.outputdir filename_prefix = options.project + "-" try: for filename in files_list: # Format v1: ' # &Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # Format v2: ' # &Expires=timestamp&Signature=signature' # Convert to 'gameslug-events-yyyy-mm-dd.json' filename_cleaned = filename.split("?", 1)[0].rsplit("/", 1)[-1] filename_patched = filename_prefix + filename_cleaned.split(".", 1)[0] + ".json" output_path = normpath(path_join(output_dir, filename_patched)) if not overwrite and path_exists(output_path): if not silent: warning("Skipping existing file: %s" % output_path) continue if verbose: log("Requesting file: %s" % filename_patched) r = connection.request("GET", filename, redirect=False) # pylint: disable=E1103 if r.status != 200: error_msg = "Couldn't download %s." % filename_patched if"msg", None): error_msg += " " +["msg"] error(str(r.status) + error_msg) exit(-1) # pylint: enable=E1103 r_data = decrypt_data(, enc_key) if filename_cleaned.endswith(".bin"): r_data = zlib_decompress(r_data) # Format v1 file gets uncompressed on download so we just decrypt it write_to_file(options, r_data, filename=filename_patched, output_path=output_path) except (HTTPError, SSLError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def inline_array_events_local(options, today_log, array_files_list, enc_key): verbose = options.verbose to_sort = set() try: index = 0 for index, filename in enumerate(array_files_list): # Format: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/arrayevents/date(seconds)/objectid.bin' # The objectid doesn't correspond to a database entry but is used for uniqueness and timestamp filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") event_objectid = filename.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].split(".", 1)[0] timestamp = get_objectid_timestamp(event_objectid) formatted_timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(timestamp)) if verbose: log("Retrieving events file " + str(index + 1) + " submitted at " + formatted_timestamp) with open(filename, "rb") as fin: file_content = file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) file_content = json_loads(zlib_decompress(file_content)) if not isinstance(file_content, list): file_content = [file_content] for event in file_content: slug = event["slug"] del event["slug"] event["time"] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(event["time"])) if slug not in today_log: today_log[slug] = {"playEvents": [], "customEvents": []} today_log[slug]["customEvents"].append(event) # Maintaining a list of slugs to sort the customEvents by date for so that added array events appear in # order but we do not unneccesarily sort large lists if an array event wasn't added to it to_sort.add(slug) for slug in to_sort: today_log[slug]["customEvents"].sort(key=lambda k: k["time"]) return today_log except (IOError, OSError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def _decompressfcn(compression, objlen, debug=False): algo, level = compression if algo == "zlib": # skip 9-byte header for ROOT's custom frame: # if debug: def out(x): print("decompressing {0} bytes".format(len(x) - 9)) return zlib_decompress(x[9:]) return out else: return lambda x: zlib_decompress(x[9:]) elif algo == "lzma": # skip 9-byte header for LZMA, too: # if debug: def out(x): print("decompressing {0} bytes".format(len(x) - 9)) return lzma_decompress(x[9:]) return out else: return lambda x: lzma_decompress(x[9:]) elif algo == "lz4": # skip 9-byte header plus 8-byte hash: are there any official ROOT versions without the hash? # if debug: def out(x): print("decompressing {0} bytes".format(len(x) - 9 - 8)) return lz4_decompress(x[9 + 8:], uncompressed_size=objlen) return out else: return lambda x: lz4_decompress(x[9 + 8:], uncompressed_size=objlen) else: raise NotImplementedError("cannot decompress \"{0}\"".format(algo))
def get_log_files_local(options, files_list, enc_key): verbose = options.verbose silent = options.silent overwrite = options.overwrite output_dir = options.outputdir filename_prefix = options.project + "-" try: for filename in files_list: if filename.startswith("http"): error("Unexpected file to retrieve") exit(-1) # Format v1: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/events-yyyy-mm-dd.json.gz' # Format v2: 'eventlogspath/gamefolder/events-yyyy-mm-dd.bin' # Convert to 'gameslug-events-yyyy-mm-dd.json' filename_patched = filename_prefix + filename.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].split(".", 1)[0] + ".json" output_path = normpath(path_join(output_dir, filename_patched)) if not overwrite and path_exists(output_path): if not silent: warning("Skipping existing file: %s" % output_path) continue if verbose: log("Retrieving file: %s" % filename_patched) if filename.endswith(".bin"): with open(filename, "rb") as fin: file_content = file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) file_content = zlib_decompress(file_content) else: # if filename.endswith('.json.gz'): gzip_file = GzipFile(filename=filename, mode="rb") file_content = gzip_file.close() file_content = decrypt_data(file_content, enc_key) write_to_file(options, file_content, filename=filename_patched, output_path=output_path) except (IOError, OSError) as e: error(e) exit(-1)
def get_url_content(url: str): try: req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) page_open = urlopen(req) except HTTPError as error: __print__( "Webpage({}) not found, Error code: {}" .format(url, error.code)) return b"" try: is_encoded =["Content-Encoding"] except: is_encoded = None if is_encoded == "gzip": return zlib_decompress(, 16 + MAX_WBITS) elif is_encoded is None: return else: print(is_encoded) exit(-1)
def extract_mod_data(mod_info, progress, skip_tes4=True, __unpacker=structs_cache[u'I'].unpack): """Reads the headers and EDIDs of every record in the specified mod, returning them as a dict, mapping record signature to a dict mapping FormIDs to a list of tuples containing the headers and EDIDs of every record with that signature. Note that the flags are not processed either - if you need that, manually call MreRecord.flags1_() on them. :rtype: defaultdict[bytes, defaultdict[int, tuple[RecHeader, unicode]]]""" # This method is *heavily* optimized for performance. Inlines and other # ugly code ahead progress = progress or bolt.Progress() # Store a bunch of repeatedly used constants/methods/etc. because # accessing via dot is slow wanted_encoding = bolt.pluginEncoding avoided_encodings = (u'utf8', u'utf-8') minf_size = mod_info.fsize minf_ci_key = mod_info.ci_key sh_unpack = Subrecord.sub_header_unpack sh_size = Subrecord.sub_header_size main_progress_msg = _(u'Loading: %s') % minf_ci_key # Where we'll store all the collected record data group_records = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(tuple)) # The current top GRUP label - starts out as TES4/TES3 tg_label = # The dict we'll use to store records from the current top GRUP records = group_records[tg_label] ##: Uncomment these variables and the block below that uses them once # all of FO4's record classes have been written # The record types that can even contain EDIDs #records_with_eids = MreRecord.subrec_sig_to_record_sig[b'EDID'] # Whether or not we can skip looking for EDIDs for the current record # type because it doesn't even have any #skip_eids = tg_label not in records_with_eids with'rb') as ins: initial_bytes = with FastModReader(minf_ci_key, initial_bytes) as ins: # More local methods to avoid repeated dot access ins_tell = ins.tell ins_seek = ins_read = ins_size = ins.size while ins_tell() != ins_size: # Unpack the headers - these can be either GRUPs or regular # records header = unpack_header(ins) _rsig = header.recType if _rsig == b'GRUP': # Nothing special to do for non-top GRUPs if not header.is_top_group_header: continue tg_label = header.label progress(ins_tell() / minf_size, u'%s\n%s' % ( main_progress_msg, tg_label.decode(u'ascii'))) records = group_records[tg_label] # skip_eids = tg_label not in records_with_eids # elif skip_eids: # # This record type has no EDIDs, skip directly to the next # # record (can't use skip_blob because that passes # # debug_strs to seek()...) # records[header.fid] = (header, u'') # ins_seek(ins_tell() + header.blob_size()) else: # This is a regular record, look for the EDID subrecord eid = u'' blob_siz = header.blob_size() next_record = ins_tell() + blob_siz if header.flags1 & 0x00040000: # 'compressed' flag size_check = __unpacker(ins_read(4))[0] try: new_rec_data = zlib_decompress(ins_read( blob_siz - 4)) except zlib_error: if minf_ci_key == u'FalloutNV.esm': # Yep, FalloutNV.esm has a record with broken # zlib data. Just skip it. ins_seek(next_record) continue raise if len(new_rec_data) != size_check: raise ModError(ins.inName, u'Mis-sized compressed data. Expected %d, got ' u'%d.' % (blob_siz, len(new_rec_data))) else: new_rec_data = ins_read(blob_siz) recs = FastModReader(minf_ci_key, new_rec_data) recs_seek = recs_read = recs_tell = recs.tell recs_size = recs.size recs_unpack = recs.unpack while recs_tell() != recs_size: # Inlined from unpackSubHeader & FastModReader.unpack read_data = recs_read(sh_size) if len(read_data) != sh_size: raise ModReadError( minf_ci_key, [_rsig, u'SUB_HEAD'], recs_tell() - len(read_data), recs_size) mel_sig, mel_size = sh_unpack(read_data) # Extended storage - very rare, so don't optimize # inlines etc. for it if mel_sig == b'XXXX': # Throw away size here (always == 0) mel_size = recs_unpack(__unpacker, 4, _rsig, u'XXXX.SIZE')[0] mel_sig = recs_unpack(sh_unpack, sh_size, _rsig, u'XXXX.TYPE')[0] if mel_sig == b'EDID': # No need to worry about newlines, these are Editor # IDs and so won't contain any eid = decoder(recs_read(mel_size).rstrip(null1), wanted_encoding, avoided_encodings) break else: recs_seek(mel_size, 1) records[header.fid] = (header, eid) ins_seek(next_record) # we may have break'd at EDID if skip_tes4: del group_records[] return group_records
def decompress(stream): """ Decompress stream using zlib. """ return zlib_decompress(stream)
def read_index(index_path: Path, rsa_priv_key_path: Path = None) -> dict: if index_path is None or not index_path.is_file(): raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to read non-existant index file \"{index_path}\"") encryption_flag = None compression_flag = None session_key = None data_size = None to_read_buffer = None with open(index_path, "rb") as index_stream: magic = str( if magic != "TINFOIL": raise RuntimeError( "Invalid tinfoil index magic.\n\nExpected Magic = " + f"\"TINFOIL\"\nMagic in index file = \"{magic}\"") flags =[0] encryption_flag = flags & 0xF0 key_available = rsa_priv_key_path is not None and \ rsa_priv_key_path.is_file() if encryption_flag == EncryptionFlag.ENCRYPT and not key_available: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to decrypt encrypted index without private key.") compression_flag = flags & 0x0F if compression_flag not in CompressionFlag: raise RuntimeError( "Unimplemented compression method encountered while reading " + "index header.") session_key = data_size = int.from_bytes(, byteorder="little") to_read_buffer = if encryption_flag == EncryptionFlag.ENCRYPT: rsa_priv_key = import_rsa_key(open(rsa_priv_key_path).read()) pkcs1_oaep_ctx = new_pkcs1_oaep_ctx(rsa_priv_key, hashAlgo=SHA256, label=b"") aes_key = pkcs1_oaep_ctx.decrypt(session_key) aes_ctx = new_aes_ctx(aes_key, MODE_ECB) to_read_buffer = aes_ctx.decrypt(to_read_buffer) if compression_flag == CompressionFlag.ZSTD_COMPRESSION: to_read_buffer = ZstdDecompressor().decompress( to_read_buffer[:data_size]) elif compression_flag == CompressionFlag.ZLIB_COMPRESSION: to_read_buffer = zlib_decompress(to_read_buffer[:data_size]) elif compression_flag == CompressionFlag.NO_COMPRESSION: to_read_buffer = to_read_buffer[:data_size] try: return json_deserialize(to_read_buffer) except JSONDecodeError: raise RuntimeError("Unable to deserialize index data.")
def out(x): print("decompressing {0} bytes".format(len(x) - 9)) return zlib_decompress(x[9:])
def test_get_head_object(client: flask.testing.FlaskClient): master_tree: shahex = _get_master_tree_hex(client) master_tree_loose = _get_object(client, master_tree) treedata: bytes = zlib_decompress(master_tree_loose) assert treedata.find(b"tree") != -1 and treedata.find(b"a.txt") != -1