def MultiBuildingAgent(config_path=None, **kwargs): '''Return agent object providing multi-building messaging. The configuration file, if given by config_path, may contain the declarations below. An initial configuration may be passed in as a dictionary via the config keyword argument. building-publish-address: A ØMQ address used to publish to the building's message bus. Defaults to 'tcp://'. building-subscribe-address: A ØMQ address used to subscribe to the building's message bus. Defaults to 'tcp://'. public-key, secret-key: Curve keypair (create with zmq.curve_keypair()) to use for authentication and encryption. If not provided, all communications will be unencrypted. cleanup-period: Frequency, in seconds, to check for and close stale connections. Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes). hosts: A mapping (dictionary) of building names to publish/subscribe addresses. Each entry is of the form: <BUILDING>: {'pub': <PUB_ADDRESS>, 'sub': <SUB_ADDRESS>, 'public-key': <PUBKEY>, 'allow': <PUB_OR_SUB>} where <BUILDING>, <PUB_ADDRESS, <SUB_ADDRESS>, <PUBKEY>, and <PUB_OR_SUB> are all strings specifying the building name as 'CAMPUS/BUILDING', the publish and subscribe addresses as ØMQ addresses, the curve public key, and either 'pub' or 'sub' to allow publish only or both publish and subscribe. uuid: A UUID to use in the Cookie header. If not given, one will be automatically generated. ''' config = kwargs.pop('config', {}) if config_path: config.update(utils.load_config(config_path)) cleanup_period = config.get('cleanup-period', 600) assert cleanup_period >= 1 class Proxy(PublishMixin, BaseAgent): '''Proxy messages between internal bus and other buildings. This class could be combined with the Agent class below rather than using it as a base class. Keeping the implementations separate, however, provides for a cleaner implementation and allows one to more easily track the agent logic. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Create and register the external sockets.''' super(Proxy, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Use separate context for these sockets to avoid # authentication conflicts with other sockets. ctx = zmq.Context() self.zap_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.REP) self.zap_sock.bind('inproc://zeromq.zap.01') self.reactor.register(self.zap_sock, self.handle_authentication) self.outgoing = messaging.Socket(zmq.XPUB, context=ctx) self._config_socket(self.outgoing) self.outgoing.zap_domain = 'building.outgoing' self.incoming = messaging.Socket(zmq.PULL, context=ctx) self._config_socket(self.incoming) self.incoming.zap_domain = 'building.incoming' key = config.get('secret-key') if key: self.outgoing.curve_secretkey = key self.outgoing.curve_server = 1 self.incoming.curve_secretkey = key self.incoming.curve_server = 1 self.hosts = config.get('hosts', {}) print "self.hosts " + str(self.hosts) self.allow_sub = set(key for host in self.hosts.itervalues() for key, allow in [(host.get('public-key'), host.get('allow', 'sub'))] if key and allow in ['pub', 'sub']) print "self.allow_sub " + str(self.allow_sub) self.allow_pub = set(key for host in self.hosts.itervalues() for key, allow in [(host.get('public-key'), host.get('allow', 'sub'))] if key and allow == 'pub') print "self.allow_pub " + str(self.allow_pub) def _config_socket(self, sock): sock.reconnect_ivl = 1000 sock.reconnect_ivl_max = 180000 sock.sndtimeo = 10000 sock.rcvtimeo = 10000 sock.linger = 10000 def setup(self): '''Bind the external ports.''' super(Proxy, self).setup() self.reactor.register(self.outgoing, self.handle_subscribe) self.outgoing.bind( config.get('building-subscribe-address', 'tcp://')) pub_addr = config.get('building-publish-address', 'tcp://') print "sub_addr " + config.get('building-subscribe-address') print "pub_addr " + pub_addr if pub_addr: self.reactor.register(self.incoming, self.handle_incoming) self.incoming.bind(pub_addr) def handle_incoming(self, sock): '''Receive incoming messages and publish to internal bus.''' try: topic, headers, message = self.incoming.recv_message(NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: return raise self.publish(topic, headers, *message) def handle_subscribe(self, sock): '''Manage external subscription messages.''' try: message = self.outgoing.recv(NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: return raise if message: add = bool(ord(message[0])) topic = message[1:] if add: self.subscribe(topic, self.on_outgoing) else: self.unsubscribe(topic) def handle_authentication(self, sock): '''Restrict connections to approved clients.''' allow = False auth = sock.recv_multipart() version, sequence, domain, address, identity, mechanism = auth[:6] assert version == '1.0' if mechanism == 'CURVE': creds = zmq.utils.z85.encode(auth[6]) if domain == 'building.outgoing': allow = creds in self.allow_sub elif domain == 'building.incoming': allow = creds in self.allow_pub elif mechanism == 'NULL': allow, creds = True, '' else: creds = '''{} {} at {} via {} {}'.format( 'allow' if allow else 'deny', address, domain, mechanism, creds)) if allow: reply = [version, sequence, "200", "OK", "", ""] else: reply = [version, sequence, "400", "Forbidden", "", ""] sock.send_multipart(reply) def on_outgoing(self, topic, headers, message, match): '''Forward messages to external subscribers.''' while True: try: self.outgoing.send_message(topic, headers, *message, flags=NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: continue if e.errno != EAGAIN: raise break class Agent(Proxy): '''Provide inter-building publish/subscribe service. Provides three topics for inter-building messaging: building/recv/<CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>/<TOPIC>: Agents can subscribe to this topic to receive messages sent to <TOPIC> ant the building specified by <CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>. building/send/<CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>/<TOPIC>: Agents can send messages to this topic to have them forwarded to <TOPIC> at the building specified by <CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>. building/error/<CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>/<TOPIC> Errors encountered during sending/receiving to/from the above two topics will be sent over this topic. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Agent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.uuid = config.get('uuid') or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.subs = {} self.rsubs = {} self.pubs = {} self.sequence = 0 def setup(self): '''Request list of current subscriptions.''' super(Agent, self).setup() # Check and connect existing subscriptions self.publish('subscriptions/list/building/recv/', {'Cookie': 'init ' + self.uuid}) @matching.match_regex( 'subscriptions/add/building/recv/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(.*)') def on_subscribe(self, full_topic, headers, message, match): print "full_topic " + str(full_topic) print "headers " + str(headers) print "message " + str(message) '''Handle new external building subscription requests.''' building, topic = match.groups() self.add_subscription(building, topic, cookie=headers.get('Cookie')) def add_subscription(self, building, topic, cookie=None): '''Add external building subscription.''' sock = self.subs.get(building) _launch_file = os.path.join( Agents_DIR + "MultiBuilding/multibuildingagent.launch.json") with open(_launch_file, 'r') as f: self.multi_node_data = json.load(f) self.hosts = self.multi_node_data['hosts'] if not sock: host = self.hosts.get(building) address = host.get('sub') if host else None print "address" + str(address) # Handle missing address if not address: headers = {'Cookie': cookie} if cookie else {} self.publish_error( building, topic, headers, errno.ENOENT, 'building subscription address not found') return sock = messaging.Socket(zmq.SUB) key = host.get('public-key') if key: sock.curve_serverkey = key sock.curve_secretkey = config.get('secret-key') sock.curve_publickey = config.get('public-key') self._config_socket(sock) sock.connect(address) self.subs[building] = sock self.rsubs[sock] = building self.reactor.register(sock, self.handle_republish) sock.subscribe = topic.encode('utf-8') def handle_republish(self, sock): '''Publish incoming messages on internal bus.''' print "handle_republish sock " + str(sock) building = self.rsubs[sock] try: orig_topic, headers, message = sock.recv_message(flags=NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: return self.reactor.unregister(sock) self.subs.pop(building, None) self.rsubs.pop(sock, None) sock.close() return topic = 'building/recv/{}/{}'.format(building, orig_topic) self.publish(topic, headers, *message) def publish_error(self, building, topic, headers, errnum, message): '''Publish errors to error topic.''' topic = 'building/error/{}/{}'.format(building, topic) self.publish(topic, headers, str(errnum), message) print "DONE publish error" @matching.match_regex( 'subscriptions/remove/building/recv/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(.*)') def on_unsubscribe(self, full_topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle external building unsubscribe requests.''' building, topic = match.groups() sock = self.subs.get(building) if sock: sock.unsubscribe = topic @matching.match_regex('building/send/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(.*)') def on_send(self, full_topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle external building publish requests.''' building, topic = match.groups() _launch_file = os.path.join( Agents_DIR + "MultiBuilding/multibuildingagent.launch.json") with open(_launch_file, 'r') as f: self.multi_node_data = json.load(f) # self.connected_nodes = list() # for k, v in self.multi_node_data['hosts'].items(): self.hosts = self.multi_node_data['hosts'] # pass # else: # self.connected_nodes.append(k) print "MultiBuilding Agent sending message to building: " + building print "MultiBuilding Agent sending message topic: " + topic sock, seq = self.pubs.get(building, (None, None)) # print "sock "+str(sock) # print "seq "+str(seq) if not sock: host = self.hosts.get(building) address = host.get('pub') if host else None print "host " + str(host) print "address " + str(address) # Handle missing address if not address: cookie = headers.get('Cookie') headers = {'Cookie': cookie} if cookie else {} self.publish_error(building, topic, headers, errno.ENOENT, 'building publish address not found') return sock = messaging.Socket(zmq.PUSH) key = host.get('public-key') if key: sock.curve_serverkey = key sock.curve_secretkey = config.get('secret-key') sock.curve_publickey = config.get('public-key') self._config_socket(sock) sock.connect(address) if seq != self.sequence: self.pubs[building] = sock, self.sequence while True: try: sock.send_message(topic, headers, *message, flags=NOBLOCK) print "MultiBuiding Agent sent message" except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: continue self.pubs.pop(building, None) sock.close() self.publish_error(building, topic, headers, errno.ECONNABORTED, 'message not sent; socket closed') break @periodic(cleanup_period) def on_cleanup(self): '''Periodically request subscription list for cleaning.''' self.publish('subscriptions/list/building/recv/', {'Cookie': 'clean ' + self.uuid}) for building, (sock, seq) in self.pubs.items(): if seq != self.sequence: del self.pubs[building] self.sequence += 1 @matching.match_exact('subscriptions/list/building/recv/') def on_subscription_list(self, topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle closing unused sockets.''' # print "on_subscription_init "+str(topic) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(headers) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(message) if headers.get('Cookie') != 'clean ' + self.uuid: return topics = set() for prefix in message: try: campus, building = prefix[33:].split('/', 2)[:2] except ValueError: continue topics.add('/'.join([campus, building])) for building, sock in self.subs.values(): if building not in topics: self.subs.pop(building, None) self.rsubs.pop(sock, None) try: self.reactor.unregister(sock) except KeyError: pass sock.close() @matching.match_exact('subscriptions/list/building/recv/') def on_subscription_init(self, topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle existing subscriptions to external buildings on start.''' # print "on_subscription_init "+str(topic) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(headers) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(message) if headers.get('Cookie') != 'init ' + self.uuid: return for prefix in message: try: ## len('building/recv/') == 14 campus, building, topic = prefix[14:].split('/', 2) except ValueError: continue building = '/'.join([campus, building]) self.add_subscription(building, topic) # Rename agent to match factory function. Agent.__name__ = 'MultiBuildingAgent' return Agent(**kwargs)
def MultiBuildingAgent(config_path=None, **kwargs): '''Return agent object providing multi-building messaging. The configuration file, if given by config_path, may contain the declarations below. An initial configuration may be passed in as a dictionary via the config keyword argument. building-publish-address: A ØMQ address used to publish to the building's message bus. Defaults to 'tcp://'. building-subscribe-address: A ØMQ address used to subscribe to the building's message bus. Defaults to 'tcp://'. public-key, secret-key: Curve keypair (create with zmq.curve_keypair()) to use for authentication and encryption. If not provided, all communications will be unencrypted. cleanup-period: Frequency, in seconds, to check for and close stale connections. Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes). hosts: A mapping (dictionary) of building names to publish/subscribe addresses. Each entry is of the form: <BUILDING>: {'pub': <PUB_ADDRESS>, 'sub': <SUB_ADDRESS>, 'public-key': <PUBKEY>, 'allow': <PUB_OR_SUB>} where <BUILDING>, <PUB_ADDRESS, <SUB_ADDRESS>, <PUBKEY>, and <PUB_OR_SUB> are all strings specifying the building name as 'CAMPUS/BUILDING', the publish and subscribe addresses as ØMQ addresses, the curve public key, and either 'pub' or 'sub' to allow publish only or both publish and subscribe. uuid: A UUID to use in the Cookie header. If not given, one will be automatically generated. ''' config = kwargs.pop('config', {}) if config_path: config.update(utils.load_config(config_path)) cleanup_period = config.get('cleanup-period', 600) assert cleanup_period >= 1 class Proxy(PublishMixin, BaseAgent): '''Proxy messages between internal bus and other buildings. This class could be combined with the Agent class below rather than using it as a base class. Keeping the implementations separate, however, provides for a cleaner implementation and allows one to more easily track the agent logic. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Create and register the external sockets.''' super(Proxy, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Use separate context for these sockets to avoid # authentication conflicts with other sockets. ctx = zmq.Context() self.zap_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.REP) self.zap_sock.bind('inproc://zeromq.zap.01') self.reactor.register(self.zap_sock, self.handle_authentication) self.outgoing = messaging.Socket(zmq.XPUB, context=ctx) self._config_socket(self.outgoing) self.outgoing.zap_domain = 'building.outgoing' self.incoming = messaging.Socket(zmq.PULL, context=ctx) self._config_socket(self.incoming) self.incoming.zap_domain = 'building.incoming' key = config.get('secret-key') if key: self.outgoing.curve_secretkey = key self.outgoing.curve_server = 1 self.incoming.curve_secretkey = key self.incoming.curve_server = 1 self.hosts = config.get('hosts', {}) print "self.hosts "+str(self.hosts) self.allow_sub = set(key for host in self.hosts.itervalues() for key, allow in [(host.get('public-key'), host.get('allow', 'sub'))] if key and allow in ['pub', 'sub']) print "self.allow_sub "+str(self.allow_sub) self.allow_pub = set(key for host in self.hosts.itervalues() for key, allow in [(host.get('public-key'), host.get('allow', 'sub'))] if key and allow == 'pub') print "self.allow_pub "+str(self.allow_pub) def _config_socket(self, sock): sock.reconnect_ivl = 1000 sock.reconnect_ivl_max = 180000 sock.sndtimeo = 10000 sock.rcvtimeo = 10000 sock.linger = 10000 def setup(self): '''Bind the external ports.''' super(Proxy, self).setup() self.reactor.register(self.outgoing, self.handle_subscribe) self.outgoing.bind(config.get( 'building-subscribe-address', 'tcp://')) pub_addr = config.get('building-publish-address', 'tcp://') print "sub_addr "+config.get('building-subscribe-address') print "pub_addr "+pub_addr if pub_addr: self.reactor.register(self.incoming, self.handle_incoming) self.incoming.bind(pub_addr) def handle_incoming(self, sock): '''Receive incoming messages and publish to internal bus.''' try: topic, headers, message = self.incoming.recv_message(NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: return raise self.publish(topic, headers, *message) def handle_subscribe(self, sock): '''Manage external subscription messages.''' try: message = self.outgoing.recv(NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: return raise if message: add = bool(ord(message[0])) topic = message[1:] if add: self.subscribe(topic, self.on_outgoing) else: self.unsubscribe(topic) def handle_authentication(self, sock): '''Restrict connections to approved clients.''' allow = False auth = sock.recv_multipart() version, sequence, domain, address, identity, mechanism = auth[:6] assert version == '1.0' if mechanism == 'CURVE': creds = zmq.utils.z85.encode(auth[6]) if domain == 'building.outgoing': allow = creds in self.allow_sub elif domain == 'building.incoming': allow = creds in self.allow_pub elif mechanism == 'NULL': allow, creds = True, '' else: creds = '''{} {} at {} via {} {}'.format( 'allow' if allow else 'deny', address, domain, mechanism, creds)) if allow: reply = [version, sequence, "200", "OK", "", ""] else: reply = [version, sequence, "400", "Forbidden", "", ""] sock.send_multipart(reply) def on_outgoing(self, topic, headers, message, match): '''Forward messages to external subscribers.''' while True: try: self.outgoing.send_message( topic, headers, *message, flags=NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: continue if e.errno != EAGAIN: raise break class Agent(Proxy): '''Provide inter-building publish/subscribe service. Provides three topics for inter-building messaging: building/recv/<CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>/<TOPIC>: Agents can subscribe to this topic to receive messages sent to <TOPIC> ant the building specified by <CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>. building/send/<CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>/<TOPIC>: Agents can send messages to this topic to have them forwarded to <TOPIC> at the building specified by <CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>. building/error/<CAMPUS>/<BUILDING>/<TOPIC> Errors encountered during sending/receiving to/from the above two topics will be sent over this topic. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Agent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.uuid = config.get('uuid') or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.subs = {} self.rsubs = {} self.pubs = {} self.sequence = 0 def setup(self): '''Request list of current subscriptions.''' super(Agent, self).setup() # Check and connect existing subscriptions self.publish('subscriptions/list/building/recv/', {'Cookie': 'init ' + self.uuid}) @matching.match_regex('subscriptions/add/building/recv/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(.*)') def on_subscribe(self, full_topic, headers, message, match): print "full_topic "+str(full_topic) print "headers "+str(headers) print "message "+str(message) '''Handle new external building subscription requests.''' building, topic = match.groups() self.add_subscription(building, topic, cookie=headers.get('Cookie')) def add_subscription(self, building, topic, cookie=None): '''Add external building subscription.''' sock = self.subs.get(building) _launch_file = os.path.join(Agents_DIR+"MultiBuilding/multibuildingagent.launch.json") with open(_launch_file, 'r') as f: self.multi_node_data = json.load(f) self.hosts = self.multi_node_data['hosts'] if not sock: host = self.hosts.get(building) address = host.get('sub') if host else None print "address"+str(address) # Handle missing address if not address: headers = {'Cookie': cookie} if cookie else {} self.publish_error(building, topic, headers, errno.ENOENT, 'building subscription address not found') return sock = messaging.Socket(zmq.SUB) key = host.get('public-key') if key: sock.curve_serverkey = key sock.curve_secretkey = config.get('secret-key') sock.curve_publickey = config.get('public-key') self._config_socket(sock) sock.connect(address) self.subs[building] = sock self.rsubs[sock] = building self.reactor.register(sock, self.handle_republish) sock.subscribe = topic.encode('utf-8') def handle_republish(self, sock): '''Publish incoming messages on internal bus.''' print "handle_republish sock "+str(sock) building = self.rsubs[sock] try: orig_topic, headers, message = sock.recv_message(flags=NOBLOCK) except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: return self.reactor.unregister(sock) self.subs.pop(building, None) self.rsubs.pop(sock, None) sock.close() return topic = 'building/recv/{}/{}'.format(building, orig_topic) self.publish(topic, headers, *message) def publish_error(self, building, topic, headers, errnum, message): '''Publish errors to error topic.''' topic = 'building/error/{}/{}'.format(building, topic) self.publish(topic, headers, str(errnum), message) print "DONE publish error" @matching.match_regex('subscriptions/remove/building/recv/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(.*)') def on_unsubscribe(self, full_topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle external building unsubscribe requests.''' building, topic = match.groups() sock = self.subs.get(building) if sock: sock.unsubscribe = topic @matching.match_regex('building/send/([^/]+/[^/]+)/(.*)') def on_send(self, full_topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle external building publish requests.''' building, topic = match.groups() _launch_file = os.path.join(Agents_DIR+"MultiBuilding/multibuildingagent.launch.json") with open(_launch_file, 'r') as f: self.multi_node_data = json.load(f) # self.connected_nodes = list() # for k, v in self.multi_node_data['hosts'].items(): self.hosts = self.multi_node_data['hosts'] # pass # else: # self.connected_nodes.append(k) print "MultiBuilding Agent sending message to building: "+building print "MultiBuilding Agent sending message topic: "+topic sock, seq = self.pubs.get(building, (None, None)) # print "sock "+str(sock) # print "seq "+str(seq) if not sock: host = self.hosts.get(building) address = host.get('pub') if host else None print "host "+str(host) print "address "+str(address) # Handle missing address if not address: cookie = headers.get('Cookie') headers = {'Cookie': cookie} if cookie else {} self.publish_error(building, topic, headers, errno.ENOENT, 'building publish address not found') return sock = messaging.Socket(zmq.PUSH) key = host.get('public-key') if key: sock.curve_serverkey = key sock.curve_secretkey = config.get('secret-key') sock.curve_publickey = config.get('public-key') self._config_socket(sock) sock.connect(address) if seq != self.sequence: self.pubs[building] = sock, self.sequence while True: try: sock.send_message(topic, headers, *message, flags=NOBLOCK) print "MultiBuiding Agent sent message" except ZMQError as e: if e.errno == EINTR: continue self.pubs.pop(building, None) sock.close() self.publish_error(building, topic, headers, errno.ECONNABORTED, 'message not sent; socket closed') break @periodic(cleanup_period) def on_cleanup(self): '''Periodically request subscription list for cleaning.''' self.publish('subscriptions/list/building/recv/', {'Cookie': 'clean ' + self.uuid}) for building, (sock, seq) in self.pubs.items(): if seq != self.sequence: del self.pubs[building] self.sequence += 1 @matching.match_exact('subscriptions/list/building/recv/') def on_subscription_list(self, topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle closing unused sockets.''' # print "on_subscription_init "+str(topic) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(headers) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(message) if headers.get('Cookie') != 'clean ' + self.uuid: return topics = set() for prefix in message: try: campus, building = prefix[33:].split('/', 2)[:2] except ValueError: continue topics.add('/'.join([campus, building])) for building, sock in self.subs.values(): if building not in topics: self.subs.pop(building, None) self.rsubs.pop(sock, None) try: self.reactor.unregister(sock) except KeyError: pass sock.close() @matching.match_exact('subscriptions/list/building/recv/') def on_subscription_init(self, topic, headers, message, match): '''Handle existing subscriptions to external buildings on start.''' # print "on_subscription_init "+str(topic) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(headers) # print "on_subscription_init "+str(message) if headers.get('Cookie') != 'init ' + self.uuid: return for prefix in message: try: ## len('building/recv/') == 14 campus, building, topic = prefix[14:].split('/', 2) except ValueError: continue building = '/'.join([campus, building]) self.add_subscription(building, topic) # Rename agent to match factory function. Agent.__name__ = 'MultiBuildingAgent' return Agent(**kwargs)